Much of what we do at the AOPA Foundation happens
Pilots are taking courses, attending seminars, and watching videos, but does it help?
incrementally—thousands of small wins that, taken together,
Well, in the past six decades, the accident rate per flight hour for general aviation
generate big results. Every time a pilot completes an online
has dropped by 90 percent. This is not just a number. It represents real pilots and
course from the Air Safety Institute, it’s a small win for safety.
real lives. And that’s a victory worth celebrating.
Every time a student earns a pilot certificate, it’s a small victory
for building the GA community. And every time pilots band
together to protect their home field, it’s a small win for airports everywhere.
Victories like these are possible solely because of the generosity and commitment of philanthropists like you. Dues alone cannot help us tackle the harder
challenges facing general aviation now. Only your donations to the AOPA
These individual victories are important, but they are rarely celebrated. Now, as
Foundation enable us to do so.
we look back on the past year, we can see how these wins add up and take a moment to recognize what we have achieved together.
When you support the AOPA Foundation, you make it possible for us to continue creating new safety programs, offering live seminars, working to protect
In 2012, the AOPA Foundation supported AOPA’s efforts to grow the pilot
airports, and seeking innovative ways to grow the pilot population. I hope you
population by launching the new Center to Advance the Pilot Community. We
take pride, as I do, in the victories we’ve achieved thus far, and I look forward to
helped protect airports; educated decision makers, pilots, and the public about
working with you as we find new ways to strengthen general aviation’s future.
the value of GA; and, of course, provided a wide range of safety programs
through the Air Safety Institute.
Safe skies,
To give you an idea of just how far these efforts reach, in 2012 online safety
courses and quizzes from the Air Safety Institute were taken more than
550,000 times, and more than 25,000 pilots attended free safety seminars in
Bruce Landsberg
person. Real Pilot Stories and Ask ATC videos were viewed more than 300,000
President, AOPA Foundation
times. And over 45,000 new instrument and private pilots received a free
“Decision Making” course on CD.
All of us at AOPA are committed to
aviation, the AOPA Foundation provides support for many of the initiatives
one thing—preserving our freedom
that preserve the freedom to fly for us and for our grandchildren.
to fly. That was the mission AOPA’s
William C. Trimble III
founders established in 1939, and it’s
Your commitment to general aviation and your willingness to get involved
the mission we still pursue today.
are essential. If you are among the thousands of pilots who believe that the
Craig L. Fuller
future of general aviation depends on each of us, we hope you’ll join us in
The idea is simple enough, but in practice, protecting our freedom is no
donating to the AOPA Foundation. If you are already a contributor, thank
easy task. From user fees to airport noise issues, from safety education
you for doing your part to make our skies safer, keep our airports open, and
to finding ways to help student pilots be successful, AOPA is working
help general aviation grow stronger. We look forward to continuing to work
on multiple fronts to create an environment where general aviation can
with you in the coming year as we face the challenges and celebrate the
grow and thrive.
victories that will create a brighter future for the entire GA community.
We couldn’t accomplish even a fraction of what we do, without the
financial support of the AOPA Foundation and the thousands of pilots
who donate to the foundation each year.
With its focus on safety, protecting airports, growing the pilot population,
William C. Trimble III
Craig L. Fuller
and spreading the word about the good things being done through general
Chairman, AOPA Board of Trustees
President and CEO, AOPA
2012 AOPA
Ned Bennett
Jerry Gregoire
Chris Malachowsky
Harold “Hal” Shevers
Thomas W. Haas
David L. McKay
Robert H. Showalter
Paul C. Heintz
Edward W. McNeil
Lessing S. Stern
Russell W. Meyer, Jr.
James R. Thompson
Charles J. Ahearn
David R. Albin
J. Jeffrey Brausch
David R. Hinson
Chair Emeritus
Marilyn E. Thompson
Chair Emeritus
William M. Dallas
William V. Ott
J. Lloyd Huck (1922-2012)
Matthew J. Desch
Dr. Ian Blair Fries
Alan L. Klapmeier
P. Prentice Gilbert
Gregory A. Kozmetsky
Michael Goulian
Michael J. Lazar
George “Pat” Waters
James W. Robins
Richard Wells
Jeffrey M. Rubenstein
Bruce Landsberg
David N. Shaffer
Craig L. Fuller
Bruce Landsberg
President, AOPA Foundation
Stephanie Kenyon
Vice President, Strategic Philanthropy
Kathleen Vasconcelos
Vice President, Operations & Education
Harvey Cohen
Chief Development Officer
Susan Rossman
Director of Development, Central Region
Sandi Terkelsen
Director of Development, Eastern Region
2012 AOPA
William C. Trimble III
Darrell W. Crate
Paul C. Heintz
Matthew J. Desch
R. Anderson Pew
Treasurer & Assistant Secretary
Amanda C. Farnsworth
James G. Tuthill Jr.
John S. Yodice
Burgess H. Hamlet III
Craig L. Fuller
H. Neel Hipp
Lawrence D. Buhl III
President & CEO, AOPA
James N. Hauslein
The phrase “safety first” has become so common that, in some contexts, it has
advantage of these offerings, with an average of more than 30,000 Air
almost lost its meaning. But that’s not true in the general aviation community.
Safety Institute courses completed every month in 2012.
All pilots want to fly safely—after all, the lives we save could be our own.
Last year, your contributions enabled the Air Safety Institute to offer
With the help of sponsorships and your donations, the Air Safety In-
new resources, including the Public Benefit Flying: Balancing Safety and
stitute was able to touch aviators more than one million times in 2012
Compassion interactive course, which highlights the charitable side of
through live seminars, online courses, webinars, newsletters, videos, and
GA, and most recently, the Accident Case Study: In Too Deep online video
more. In the rapidly changing flying environment, your support enables
that provides analysis of an accident stemming from VFR flight into
us to produce innovative new programs that reflect the complexities
instrument meteorological conditions (IMC). Going forward, your dona-
of emerging technologies, changing airspace, air traffic modernization,
tions will make it possible to produce new safety seminars, quizzes, and
and new regulations. And we are proud to say that pilots are taking full
interactive programs.
Ensuring the long-term health of general aviation means ensuring that
also hosted the first-ever Flight Training Excellence Awards, designed
there will be pilots to fly for generations to come. By helping newcom-
to encourage best practices and recognize schools and instructors that
ers achieve their aviation dreams while making it possible for today’s
“get it right.”
pilots to fly more, the Center to Advance the Pilot Community was
launched in 2012 and is taking the lead on critical issues related to
And the Center is hard at work finding ways to help today’s pilots get
growing the pilot population.
the most from their flying. Working with a panel of successful flying club
leaders, the Center is working to expand the reach of clubs and make
Your contributions to the AOPA Foundation in 2012 enabled us to sup-
these special environments available to more people. The Center is also
port the Center to Advance the Pilot Community in its efforts to improve
seeking ways to help lapsed pilots return to the skies.
the flight training experience, help more students earn a certificate, build
a supportive GA community, and make GA accessible to more people.
Recovering from a decades-long decline in the pilot population won’t
be easy, and it won’t happen overnight. Your support of the AOPA
In 2012, the Center created the Flight Training Field Guides, a set of
Foundation makes it possible for the Center to make a long-term com-
booklets for students, flight schools, and instructors based on extensive
mitment to finding solutions for some of the most daunting challenges
research into what makes an effective training experience. The Center
facing general aviation today.
The deep federal and state budget cuts of the past few years may be just
general aviation airports can deliver. By demonstrating the economic
the beginning, and general aviation airports are suffering. The nation’s
and social benefits of general aviation airports, the Foundation is helping
small airports are closing at an alarming rate, and many communities
communities appreciate and preserve these irreplaceable assets.
are no longer willing or able to supply the matching funds needed to
receive federal improvement grants.
Among the projects funded through your contributions in 2012 were
an energetic effort to define the economic benefits of general aviation
At the same time, states, counties, and towns are looking for new
airports, a revamped Airport Watch program, and new tools for the
sources of revenue, and redeveloping airport property or creating new
nation’s 2,500 AOPA Airport Support Network volunteers. Only with
fees and taxes can seem like a good way to find that extra money.
your support can we continue to protect GA’s most fundamental
assets—our community airports.
But the AOPA Foundation is hard at work protecting airports by
educating decision makers and local citizens about the true value
As pilots, aircraft owners, and aviation enthusiasts, we understand
books, safety articles, and more, the AOPA Foundation is supporting
the many ways general aviation serves us, our communities, and our
efforts to counter misinformation and inaccurate stereotypes about
country. But for those who have little or no exposure to personal and
GA and the people who use it.
business aviation, it’s easy to forget all that GA does to serve America.
When you give to the AOPA Foundation, you are also giving back to
In 2012, the AOPA Foundation continued working to change the way
GA. By striving to create an environment where general aviation is
the public views GA. With educational outreach and a range of media
better understood and appreciated, we are working to ensure that it
communications that includes video programming, newsletters,
will still be around for future generations to enjoy.
We are grateful to our generous donors whose contributions have
of the Leadership Society receive all of the benefits accorded to members
supported the AOPA Foundation. Through their generosity, they
of the Founder’s Society plus:
support an array of AOPA-driven programs aimed at providing safety
education, protecting community airports, growing the pilot population,
and spotlighting the good work done through general aviation.
- Invitations to meetings of the International Council of Aircraft
Owner and Pilot Associations.
- Other opportunities to travel with AOPA.
- Special recognition at the annual Congressional reception.
New Horizon Society
Donors at this level have made the profoundly generous commitment to
Founders’ Society
give or raise $1 million or more to support the AOPA Foundation. In addi-
Generous donors at this level make a philanthropic commitment to give
tion to all of the benefits accorded to members of the Leadership Society,
or raise $100,000 to $499,999. Members of the Founders’ Society receive
members of the New Horizon Society receive recognition as part of the
all of the benefits accorded to President’s Ambassadors, plus:
New Horizon Society Gallery at AOPA Headquarters.
- An invitation to an annual dinner in Washington, D.C., held
Leadership Society
- Invitations to attend a special guest speaker series.
Leadership Society donors selflessly support the AOPA Foundation
- VIP status at AOPA’s Aviation Summit.
in conjunction with AOPA Board of Trustees meeting.
through a commitment to give or raise $500,000 to $999,999. Members
Continued from page 17
President’s Ambassadors
major aviation events, including AOPA’s Aviation Summit, Sun ‘N
President’s Ambassadors are an exceptionally committed group of
Fun, EAA AirVenture, and more.
pilots, aircraft owners, and aviation enthusiasts who want to extend
- An invitation to the Congressional meeting, reception, and dinner
their impact beyond the initial five-year commitment to the President’s
held in Washington, DC, in conjunction with an AOPA Board of
Council by donating an additional $50,000 over 5 years. In addition to
Trustees meeting.
the benefits of President’s Council membership, they receive:
- Special invitations to accompany AOPA’s CEO and the AOPA
Foundation President to speaking engagements and meetings
- Public recognition of their generosity and leadership in
the AOPA Foundation annual report to donors, website, and
promotional materials.
with potential donors.
Legacy Society
President’s Council
Members of the Legacy Society are pilots, aircraft owners, and aviation enthu-
By committing to give or raise $50,000 over five years, the AOPA President’s
siasts who act to protect general aviation for future generations by including
Council represents a high level of commitment to aviation philanthropy.
the AOPA Foundation in their wills, retirement plans, or life insurance policies.
Chaired by John N. Nordstrom, this exclusive group is comprised of pilots,
They may also choose to establish a charitable gift annuity or trust to benefit
aircraft owners, and aviation enthusiasts who want to make an impact that is
the AOPA Foundation. Legacy Society benefits include:
both broad and deep. All President’s Council members receive:
- Invitations to special events at locations nationwide throughout
the year, including private gatherings held in conjunction with
- An attractive, personalized certificate of membership.
- A special AOPA Legacy Society lapel pin.
- Invitations to special VIP events.
Hat in the Ring Society
Named after Eddie Rickenbacker’s 94th AeroSquadron, the Hat in
the Ring Society members help shape and build a stronger future for
general aviation so that those who fly today can do so safely, and those
who dream of learning to fly will always have an opportunity to make
that dream come alive. Hat in the Ring Society members receive special
benefits and event invitations to honor their generosity, leadership,
and service. Membership begins at $1,000 per year, while Bronze Level
members support the AOPA Foundation at $2,500 per year, and Silver
Level membership begins at $5,000 per year. Gold Hat in the Ring
members donate $10,000 per year.
Friends of GA
Donor Events
Friends of GA help protect our freedom to fly by making secure, automatic
AOPA Foundation contributors are special individuals who have turned
contributions to the AOPA Foundation. Charged to a credit card each
their desire to protect general aviation into action. While Foundation
month, these contributions are tax deductible and can be made in any
donors come from every imaginable profession and walk of life, they all
amount. Participants can change or cancel their contributions at any time.
share a passion for aviation. Throughout the year, we create opportunities
Participants receive a first look at new safety education products before
for AOPA Foundation contributors to meet, interact, and share ideas with
they are released and recognition in the annual report to donors.
one another and with Foundation leadership. We hope you’ll join us at as
many of these gatherings as possible. It’s a great way to stay connected
with the work of the AOPA Foundation and your fellow pilots, aircraft
Creating an endowment to provide an ongoing source of funding for the
owners, and aviation enthusiasts. We have hosted donor gatherings at the
AOPA Foundation’s work is an exceptional way to honor a loved one,
AOPA Aviation Summit, as well as at Sun ‘N Fun, EAA AirVenture, and
demonstrate your passion for aviation, and ensure that efforts to improve
other places where pilots gather. We hope you’ll join us to learn more
safety, protect airports, grow the pilot population, and improve GA’s image
about how your contribution is protecting the future of general aviation.
continue long into the future.
Creating a Donor Named Fund begins with cumulative endowment
gifts totaling $10,000 or more. The Silver Endowment Fund level starts
at $50, 000. The Platinum Endowment Fund is attained in recognition
of a gift of $100,000 or greater.
Thanks to generous donors like you, in 2012 the AOPA Foundation raised more than
$6,000,000 to fund projects in the key initiative areas of improving safety – through the
Cash & Investments
Air Safety Institute, growing the pilot population, preserving airports, and improving the
General Accounts Receivable
image of general aviation. Over 86% of those contributions were used for programs that
Contributions Receivable, Net
keep pilots safe and safeguard the future of GA. The figures below represent the financial
Other Assets
activities of the AOPA Foundation for the calendar year ended December 31, 2012.
Property & Equipment, Net
Total assets
Revenue, Gains, & Other Support
Course Income
Return on Investments & Other Income
Total revenue
Management & General
Total expenses
Change in net assets
Accounts Payable & Accrued Liabilities
Deferred Revenue
Long-Term Obligations
Total liabilities
Net Assets
Education & Safety Programs
Liabilities & net assets
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Total net assets
total liabilities & net assets
I cannot close without extending my sincere thanks to the
Thank you for all you do and for your continuing commitment
thousands of pilots who contribute to the AOPA Foundation
to the AOPA Foundation and GA. I look forward to working with
each year. Every gift is significant and every contribution,
you in the coming years as we continue to build our strength and
regardless of size, helps us fulfill our mission.
fight to protect our freedom to fly.
Your donations to the AOPA Foundation help us tackle the
hard things, the seemingly impossible challenges that AOPA
membership dues alone cannot cover.
We can see the challenges ahead. Only with your help, can we
Bruce Landsberg,
be prepared to tackle them head-on, always acting with integrity
President, AOPA Foundation
and the conviction that general aviation provides real and unique
benefits we simply can’t afford to lose.
The AOPA Foundation Mission: The AOPA Foundation Inc.
is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable, educational, and scientific
Your support has made it possible for us to accomplish a great
organization that focuses on educating the public about the value of
deal in the past year and we have equally ambitious plans for the
general aviation. The AOPA Foundation works to improve aviation
years ahead.
safety through the Air Safety Institute, preserve community airports,
and encourage learning to fly for career and personal benefit—all in the
interest of ensuring the future of general aviation in the United States.
David R. Albin
Ned W. Bennett
Thomas W. Haas Foundation
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Harold “Hal” Shevers
Lessing S. Stern
Angela Thompson
James R. Thompson
Marilyn E. Thompson
Sandra G. Zane
Gregory A. Kozmetsky
Aviation Education Foundation
The August A. Busch III Charitable Trust
Tom Davis Fund
William H. Donner Foundation
Walter J. Gatti
Edmund W. Dumke
John Nils Nordstrom
Alan H. Lund
Thomas Fearn Frist III
Rodolfo Paiz
Rodolfo Paiz
William R. Frist
Robert W. Pittman
Robert A. Wilson
Walter J. Gatti
James C. Ray
Jon S. Gilbert
Bernard I. Robertson
Kenneth E. Glass
John A. Rolls
William C. Griffith III
Jeffrey M. Rubenstein
Thomas W. Haas
William Scully
James Hagedorn
Lessing S. Stern
David R. Albin
Barron Hilton
Edward Barrington Stott
Foster Bachschmidt
J. Lloyd Huck *
Ronald E. Tarrson
William J. Bachschmidt
Gregory A. Kozmetsky
James R. Thompson
Michael C. Baldwin
C. Kevin Landry
Marilyn E. Thompson
Ned W. Bennett
Michael J. Lazar
McHenry Tichenor Jr.
Carolyn L. Bomberger
Alan H. Lund
James G. Tuthill Jr.
George Bumb Jr.
Chris Malachowsky
George P. Waters
August A. Busch III
Bruce R. McCaw
Lindsay Weaver Jr.
Steven A. Busch
Craig O. McCaw
Louisa M. Wiener
William Dallas
Edward W. McNeil
Donald M. Wilson
Thomas H. Davis Jr.
L. T. Mumford III
Robert A. Wilson
Matthew J. Desch
Welles Murphey Jr.
Sarah E. Wilson
Bennett Dorrance
Nathaniel Nolt
Steven A. Busch
Tracy Forrest
John Nils Nordstrom, Chairman
John P. Calamos
William H. Freeman
David R. Albin
Hans L. Carstensen III
Dr. Ian Blair Fries
William P. Anderson
Marshall N. Carter
Thomas Fearn Frist III
Uri Argov
Darryl K. Christen
William R. Frist
John M. Arnold
George W. N. Clay
Elizabeth B. Frost
Edward K. Asplundh
Douglas Coors
James C. Frost
Foster Bachschmidt
Jacie Ann Crowell
Harvey C. Fruehauf Jr.
William J. Bachschmidt
Molly M. Crowley
Marcy Garriott
Michael C. Baldwin
William H. Crown
Robert K. Garriott
Wallace Barnes
Paul T. Cullman
Walter J. Gatti
John A. Beck
Brian S. Curpier
William K. Gayden
Pamela Benda
Dr. Winthrop G. Dale
Jon S. Gilbert
Robert J. Benda II
William M. Dallas
P. Prentice Gilbert
Ned W. Bennett
William S. Daugherty
Kenneth E. Glass
John Bradley Berry
Bill Davidson
Jeffrey M. Goldberg
Duane H. Bluemke
Cindy O. Davidson
Jerry T. Gonsoulin
Mark Jon Bluth
Thomas H. Davis Jr.
Stanley J. Gordon
Carolyn L. Bomberger
Régis de Ramel
Charles W. Gregg Sr.
Michael E. Borner
Matthew J. Desch
Jerome N. Gregoire
J. Jeffrey Brausch
John K. Desmond Jr.
William C. Griffith III
Robert L. Brooks
Richard Marvin DeVos Jr.
Thomas W. Haas
Suzanne J. Brooks
Scott Donnelly
James Hagedorn
John S. Broome
Bennett Dorrance
Hayden Hammer
William D. Budinger
Edmund W. Dumke
Steven Hardie
William M. Budinger
John L. Dunham
Walter E. Hartman
Jerry Buesing
Carl F. Dyess
Pat Hartness
George Bumb Jr.
Ernest P. Epps
Edward A. Hasler
August A. Busch III
Phillip W. Fisher
Todd W. Herrick
Barron Hilton
Peter Paul Luce
Arnold D. Palmer
H. Neel Hipp
Alan H. Lund
H. Ross Perot Jr.
Scott Timmons Hipp
Robert G. MacLean
Wayne M. Perry
Karl K. Hoffman
Cynthia S. Magidson
Esper A. Petersen
Frederick Howe
Steven R. Magidson
Robert W. Pittman
Stanley S. Hubbard
Chris Malachowsky
Thomas L. Polgreen
David H. Hughes
Jeffrey L. Mark
Nick Popovich
James R. Huntington
Douglas G. Matthews
Thierry Pouille
Robert F. Huntington
Anthony Mayer
Kenneth N. Pyatt
Jim Irwin
B. Andrew McCarthy
Mike Quayle
Nanci Irwin
Bruce R. McCaw
Edward B. Rasmuson
W. R. Jackson Jr.
Craig O. McCaw
James C. Ray
Russell D. Jeter
Michael J. McGraw
Phares Risser III
Jim A. Kilduff
Stewart McMillan
Andrea E. Robertson
Jay I. Kislak
Edward W. McNeil
Bernard I. Robertson
Philip T. Kislak
Russell W. Meyer Jr.
David L. Robertson
Alan L. Klapmeier
Robert G. Mikkelson
James W. Robins
David L. Kleine
Mike Montgomery
John A. Rolls
David C. Klementik
Welles Murphey Jr.
Jeffrey M. Rubenstein
Chaim Kolodny
Richard Muth
Melvin A. Rushton
Michael E. Kolowich
David Nagler
Kirk R. Samuelson
Gregory A. Kozmetsky
David W. Nelms
Brady Sanders
Keith H. Kretschmer
Lloyd Noble II
Lowell L. Sando
Clay Lacy
Nathaniel Nolt
Dr. Gina Bakiares Santori
C. Kevin Landry
Zoe Dell Nutter
Richard L. Schmidt
Michael J. Lazar
Walter R. Obermeyer
Charles W. Schnatter
David A. Lenz
Anthony Allen O’Brien
Scott Schneider
Jeff Lenz
Gary Pace
William H. Scripps
Jeff Lippencott
Rodolfo Paiz
William Scully
David N. Shaffer
Richard Wells
Philip Boyer
Harold “Hal” Shevers
Jerry A. Wenger
Stephen P. Brodie
Sam Singer
Louisa M. Wiener
Curtis W. Brown
Sherif I. Sirageldin
Donald M. Wilson
Edward I. Brown
Stockton N. Smith
Robert A. Wilson
Dr. Jack M. Cantrell
John Springthorpe III
Sarah E. Wilson
Richard E. Carlson
Robert L. Stallings III
Robert L. Zemeckis
Harvey W. Cohen
Lessing S. Stern
John P. Collins
Edward Barrington Stott
Douglas J. Conciatu
Dennis F. Strigl
Paul T. Cullman
Jim Abercrombie
Dr. Winthrop G. Dale *
Mayo S. Stuntz Jr.
Albert C. Ackerman
Donald F. Davidson
Ronald E. Tarrson
Deborah Ackerman
Thomas L. Davis
Tom S. Teetor
David R. Albin
Lee Delp
Frederick W. Telling
Dennis J. Allen
George Dodson
James R. Thompson
Robert J. Alters
Allan S. Eckmann
Marilyn E. Thompson
Robert R. Anderson
Jill D. Eckmann
McHenry Tichenor Jr.
Kathy Audra
Carol Emory
Lou Torres
Daly R. Bales Jr.
John N. Eustis
Robert Edward Turner
Paris Ball-Miller
Benjamin C. Evans
James G. Tuthill Jr.
Rebecca L. Ball-Miller
Gordon E. Evans
Horacio Valeiras
Larry L. Barnhart
Gordon A. Ewald
Richard Voit
Pamela Benda
Craig Fleming
George P. Waters
Robert J. Benda II
J. A. Foster Jr. *
Michael L. Watts
Barbara Bentley
Kenneth J. Fransen
Lindsay Weaver Jr.
Martin Berg Jr.
CarolAnn Garratt
Anthony Richard Weber
Don Berman
Peter Garrison *
Cynthia Weber
Carey B. Birmingham
James Gero
Peter J. Weidhorn
Mark Jon Bluth
Elliot Gindi *
Jeffrey C. Weiss
Gregory W. Bonner
Conrad L. Greene *
Will Stroud
Kenneth Hahn
Terry E. McFadin
Sam Singer
Albert Halluin *
Henry C. McNeese
Paul S. Soulé CLU ChFC
Jeffrey B. Harris
Edward W. McNeil
Scott Stuart
Matthew J. Hayduk
Ruth Miles *
Harris M. Sullivan *
Trent S. Heidtke
Charles M. Moon III
Karl B. Summers
Paul C. Heintz
Dr. Robert E. Morris
William C. Talen
John C. Hilton
Robert Muggia
Craig S. Tangeman
David J. Jablon
Craig A. Neuhardt
James Rodney Tarter Jr. *
Rudolf F. Jandera
Scott W. Newman
Angela Thompson
Susan Kennedy
Steven W. Oxman
James R. Thompson
Nikolas Alkiviadis Keramidas
Rodolfo Paiz
Marilyn E. Thompson
Mark Key
Carol Paradowski
Ernest N. Thorp
Jack A. Klenik
Susan Parson
Lou Torres
D. C. Krimendahl *
Robin Perry *
Guy Turner
John Morgan Lane *
R. Anderson Pew
Eugene L. Vickery
Fred D. Lark
John Phelps
Ronald K. Vickrey
Allan Lewis
Robert A. Polich
Charles Wacker Jr.
Dr. Paul H. Lilly
Glenn D. Prestwich
Curt Weil
Ralph Love
Robert L. Read
Jeffrey C. Weiss
Katherine B. Macario
Bernard I. Robertson
William M. West
Dale R. Machalleck
James W. Robins
Joe Williams
Manuel S. Maciel *
Louis Robins
Meryl K. Winans *
Cynthia S. Magidson
Robert A. Rooman *
Robert D. Wirth
Steven R. Magidson
Michael K. Samp
Marlon V. Young
James William Mahoney
Dr. Joshua Samuels
David S. Zarko
Alfred Manheim *
Dr. Gina Bakiares Santori
Gary J. Martin
Martin L. Shapiro *
Sara A. Maurer
Harold “Hal” Shevers
Bruce R. McCaw
Sandy Shevers
Naomi McDowell *
L. Crispin Simmons
George Bumb Jr.
Robert L. Read
Morton M. Bass *
Kevin Carr *
Wiley R. Reynolds III
Ned W. Bennett
Hans Carstensen III
Timothy N. Rhyne
Mark Jon Bluth
Marshall Carter
William D. Roosevelt *
Paul F. Burger
Tristram C. Colket Jr.
Jeffrey Rubenstein
Elliot Gindi *
Thomas H. Davis *
Ignatius Sargent
Barron Hilton
Carl F. Dyess
David N. Shaffer
Michael Lazar
John E. Gauch
Hal Shevers
Manuel S. Maciel *
Richard Gleason *
Marilyn E. Thompson
Minnesota Life
Gregory Gund *
David M. Timm
Erral Lea Plymate Memorial Endowment
Thomas W. Haas
Jean K. Tinsley
James W. Robins
Penny R. Hamilton
Michael Turner *
John J. Serrell
William A. Hamilton
Joseph E. Usibelli
Lessing S. Stern
Hager Stett Harrison
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Scott William Hudelson
Frank L. Varsolona
Jeffrey C. Weiss
Memorial Endowment
Richard L. Hunt
Colonel Jim Wesley Memorial Endowment
L. R. Fountain
Arthur T. Keefe
Dennis Wolter
H. Neel Hipp
Dr. Stephen M. Kirkland
Fitzgerald S. Hudson *
Dr. Paul H. Lilly
Lou Torres
Dale R. Machalleck
Ronald K. Vickrey
Edward W. McNeil
Steve Miller
Jay D. Montfort
Alton Brown
Dave Coulier
Harrison Ford
L. T. Mumford III
Morgan Freeman
William P. Anderson
William Penn Foundation
Michael Goulian
Raymond J. Bailey
R. Anderson Pew
Stuart Woods
Michael C. Baldwin
Robert J. Pond *
John S. Broome *
James C. Ray
Peter S. Welles
Joe Clark
Samuel D. Long
Eduardo Alarcon
The Sandra & Steven Hardie Fund with the
Gary J. Daniel
Dwight W. Davis
Gwendolyn S. Meyer
Timothy Delaney
Clayton Aafedt
James J. Mulva
Timothy J. Donnelly
Alan Abel
Dudley S. Taft
C. D. Filer
Thomas J. Abood
James Hauslein
Park T. Adikes
Charles W. Hillman
Robert Adler
Lathrop G. Hoffman
Edward W. Akeyson
W. R. Jackson Jr.
Ronald R. Alexander
Alan S. Kane
Andrew C. Alson
Karen Kaylor
Dr. Arthur M. Anderson
Dr. Peter S. Bing
Dr. Kenneth L. Kaylor
Joseph Anderson
Harold R. Brown
John C. Leppien
Robert A. Anderson
Dr. Jack M. Cantrell
Michael Madigan
William P. Anderson
Stewart M. Dall Jr.
Edward W. McNeil
Carol Andrews
Neil B. Feldman
David Morphy
John M. Arnold
Robert W. Geyer
James Noble Jr.
Mikel Atkins
Irving McNair Jr.
Walter Palmer
David Austin
Dr. James M. Read
Martin Prakken
Dr. W. Kenneth Austin
Richard W. Schwartz
Phillip Stacy
Aviation Supplies Academics Inc.
Tushar Shembekar
Harper Trammell
Ronald Baade
Mary Shortridge
Kelley Trammell
Allan Badrow
Robert Wright
Louis Waters Jr.
Thomas Baisden
Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation
Jay Zuckerman
Gary Baker
Tony Brown
Carl J. Conti
Pasquale Baldi
Broyhill Family Foundation
Dr. Kelvin J. Contreary
Paris Ball-Miller
Vincent Broze
Greg Cook
Rebecca Ball-Miller
Betty P. Bucci
Lisa Corsetti
Brent Barbour
Joseph R. Budd
Mario Corti
Lynn E. Barr Jr.
William Burdette
Dr. Andrew H. Cragg
Paul B. Barringer
Paul F. Burger
John H. Culbertson Jr.
Dr. Peter Bartlett
Curtis Dale Burton
Donald Dahlen
Fred G. Bashara
Kim Caldwell
Murray Danforth
Kennis R. Baskin
Zack Caldwell
James Daugherty
Martin Baum
Brian Cameron
Robert F. Davey
Susan Beall
Martin Capriles
Edward DeCastro
Harold Becker
Robert L. Carmean
James Defrancesco
Don Berman
Charles W. Carr
Laura DelFavero
Donald R. Bernard
John S. Carr
Kyn Dellinger
Fred F. Berry Jr.
Adam S. Carroll
Kenneth K. Denio
Donald Betts
Hans L. Carstensen III
Jeff Derossette
Fred Bird
Donna M. Carter
Donald L. Deubler Sr.
Gerald Fred Bishop
Joseph J. Carter Jr.
Richard Doleshek
Jeffrey Black
Marshall Carter
Leonard J. Doton
Jim Black
Raymond Chester
Teresa Drag
James M. Blackburn
Michael Christmann
Nathaniel Drourr
Ric Blamer
Michael Cirillo
Tony Dubose
Mark Jon Bluth
Julie Clark
Patrick Andrew Dunigan
Joel Bonda
Kenneth Clausen
Stanley H. Durlacher
Elbert M. Boyd Jr.
George W. N. Clay
Dr. Calvin B. Early
Mark Bretz
Scott Coatsworth
James Eberle
Will E. Brewer III
Tristram C. Colket Jr.
Raphael A. Echemann
Jacob Brombach IV
Dr. Lawrence Joseph Colvin
John Ehlenbach
Fred G. Eidson
Robert Gingell Jr.
David Herrell II
Dr. Charles C. Emery Jr.
Ray Gircys
Dr. John Phenis Hey
John Everson
Stephen J. Goebel
Richard B. Higgins
Amanda Cunningham Farnsworth
Narciso Gomez
Barron Hilton
Joseph A. Ferens
Kirby Gonyer
H. Neel Hipp
Earl G. Fiscalini
James C. Gorman
Scott Timmons Hipp
Robert C. Fisk
Charles Gould
Bruce Hoffberger
Brendan Fitzpatrick
George J. Gratton
Michael Hogan
Ronald R. Fletcher
Alan J. Green
Bruce Holmes
Kathleen Flynn
Paul Green
Nathan T. Houser
Daniel K. Fordice III
David W. Greene
Robert Howe
Donald C. Forslund
Alex Gronberger
Richard S. Howell
Tim Fortune
Kenneth Guthrie
Allen G. Hoyt
L. R. Fountain
Leslee Hackenson
Peter Hricak
Michael W Frank
Thomas Haines
Calvin C. Hunziker Jr.
Marc B. Franklin
Michael L. Hall
Stephen M. Huse
William T. Frantz
Penny R. Hamilton
Ilene Jacobs
Herbert B. Freer Jr.
Robert Hamilton
Richard B. Jacobs
F. Elizabeth Fuhrman
Phillip Colby Harper
David L. James
Charles R. Fuller
Thomas W. Haas
John Jobe
Craig Fuller
Derek Hawkins
A. D. Johnson Jr.
Lara Zook Gaerte
The James & Karen Hayman Family Fund
Julia R. Jones
Tony Gaerte
of the Lutheran Community Foundation
John Jorgensen Sr.
Anthony Galioto
James F. Heekin Jr.
Karen M. Kahn
Chris Galusha
James F. Hefelfinger
Steven M. Kaplan
John Gauch
Paul C. Heintz
Dr. Bruce A. Kaufman
Alan M. Gaudenti
Tina Herington
Dr. Neil Kaye
Eric Gaynor
Michael Herman
Joel Patrick Kelley
Joseph Gilpin
Charles Heron
Gary Kelson
Denise Mary Kenna
Gareth Long
Mike Mueller
David Kent
Dr. Herbert Louis
L. T. Mumford III
Stephanie Kenyon
Ignacio Lozano Jr.
National Air Traffic Controllers Association
Walter Kenyon
Katherine B. Macario
Paul Naz
Mehmood Khan
Dale R. Machalleck
Jerry Nicefield
Edward Killebrew
Walter M. MacKinlay
Tyghe Nielsen
Todd Kimmes
Bob Mames
Zoe Dell Nutter
William Todd King
Roland Mansfield
David Oreck
Richard G. Kissinger
Carl B. Marbach
Ramon Ortiz
Robert Klein
James Martin
William V. Ott
Jeffrey L. Kodosky
Russell Mathews
Vincent Panvini Jr.
Barbara A. Koehler
Sara A. Maurer
Susan Parson
John Kolosky
John P. McBride
Lee Partyka
Charles A. Krasne
Kelly McBride
Mark Patterson
Morrie Krasner
J. Sturgeon McCartney
Lester Patton Jr.
Jeffrey B. Kratz
Gary McCoy
Craig N. Pedersen
Ron Krohn
Edward W. McNeil
Patrick Perrott
Chris Kuhlman
Kenneth Mead
Jay Petkov
John A. LaBonte
John Mergen
R. Anderson Pew
Bruce S. Landsberg
Kenneth V. Merrill
Dona Douglas Pope
Stephen La Neve
Lonnie L. Messenger
Gene Pope
Michael Lazar
Jerold A. Meyer
Jeffrey Poplin
George Lebeau
Bob Miller
David P. Popplewell
Michael Lepore
Garald L. Mitchell
Thomas Powers
Woody K. Lesikar
Robert Mittelstaedt
James W. Pratt
Eric Leuty
Brian Moffet
Katie Pribyl
Dr. Joseph P. Leverone Jr.
James F. Moore
David Pride
Lincoln Lewis Jr.
Raymond W. Moran
Len Quiat
Brenda Long
Kenneth R. Morris
Gregory G. Rains
Beth A. Raphael
Timothy Saltonstall
Lessing S. Stern
Bruce Ray
John Schevers
Shepard Stone
James C. Ray
Phillip Schneider
Bradley Storch
Dr. Morris W. Ray
Schneider Family Fund at The
Dr. Jeffrey Storey
Dawn Reall
San Diego Foundation
Ryan Stovall
George Reall
Dr. Craig Schwartz
David Strassman
Paul Resch
John Seeler
William Stuehr
Wiley R. Reynolds III
Bridget Sexton
Shawn S. Sullivan
David Richmond
James Payton Sexton
Lawrence C. Switaj
Gregory Ricker
Tushar Shembekar
William C. Talen
Andrew Ritchie
Harold “Hal” Shevers
Tom S. Teetor
James W. Robins
Ronald H. Short
Sandi Terkelsen
David Robinson
Robert H. Showalter
Joseph H. Thibodeau
Frank Leslie Robinson III
Stephen Earl Simpson
Dr. Rees D. Thomas
Gordon L. Rock
Anil Singh
Dr. Diane Thompson
David Rogers
Jag Siram
Marilyn E. Thompson
Dr. Michael P. Rogers
Peter Smale
Robert B. Thompson
Richard Rogers
Adam Smith
Dr. Todd Thompson
William J. Romig
Kirby Smith III
Jack Threadgill
Ron Rose
Robert Smith
Eleanor Todd
Warren E. Rose
Linda E. Snowden
R. Tonkinson
Dr. Joel Rosenlicht
Jochen Spengler
Lou Torres
Herbert A. Rosenthal
Billie A. Sposeto
William G. Totty
Jeffrey M. Rubenstein
Lawrence Stalla
Dr. Brian Turrisi
Melissa K. Rudinger
Dr. Michael Stanton-Hicks
Twin Oaks Aircraft Maintenance LLC
John Rutter
William J. Stefan Jr.
Joseph E. Usibelli
Robert Ryker
Conrad Stegner
C. Loren Vandiver
Robert Sabota
C. Austin Stephens
Kathleen Vasconcelos
Robert J. Salerno
Stephanie Stephens
Paul Vesely
Frederic O. Vicik
Frank Yates Jr.
William Collins
Ronald K. Vickrey
Marty Zachrich
Terry Cunningham
Greg Viola
Guillermo Zuloga
Donald Dahlen
Karl E. Voigt
Michael Davidson
Henry Kit Wakeman III
Anne Davis
Matthew Wallace
Mark Dewire
John Albers
Robert Dewitt
Robert D. Warren
John Allen
Pamela Doddridge
Michael L. Watts
John Amneus
Adam Dungey
Fredrick A. Wegis
Bruce K. Anthony
Bruce Eckenberg
Jeffrey C. Weiss
Matthew Arpano
Alfred Evans
Dr. Timothy Welter
Timothy Atkinson
Daniel Faoro
Jerry W. Wharton
Franklin Beglin
Michael Feiner
Marc Wheeler
John Belniak
Adam Fern
Edward Wiese
Kenneth Benner
Robert Fields
Cary Wilson
Edwin Berniard III
Mattia Filiaci
Peter Winik
Robert Bernstein
James Fouts
Jerry Wiseman
William Bohannan
Jerry Fouts
Brent M. Wogahn
Camilo Bonilla
Harry Francis
Marvin Vincent Woidyla
Michael Burke
Margery Gans
Ralph E. Wolstenholme
John Campbell
David Garringer
Alvin C. Wood
Fred Carlotti
Walter Gezari
Dorothy Wood
Jack Cassada
Scott Godino
Scott Woodland
Ellen Cavenagh
David W. Greene
Michael J. Woodley
Nanjundiah Chandrasekhar
Syd Griffiths
Dr. Richard N. Woodruff
Jerry Chaon
Dustin Gross
Jim Wooldridge
Wes Chapman
Alex Guruprasad
Ange Workman
John Clark
Karl Gustafson
Dr. Bruce Worster
Bennett Cohen
Brooke Harding
Robert L. Wallick
Andrew Harrell
Melvin Machado
Wayne Riser
Christopher Harris
George Maisch
Jesse Roberts
Regina Harris
Calixto Manriquez
Graeme Robinson
Josh Harrison
Mario Manzano
Edward Rogalin
Dale Harvey
Scott McCartt
Earl Rogers
Mark Harvey
Carol McCloud
William Rogers
Dean Hill
Ethan Michaels
Ray Sanchezpescador
Justin Hodges
Glenn Moore
Harolde Savoy
Pamela Huber
Michael Moore
Stephen Schofield
Jack Irons
Deborah M. Moran
Phillip Secker Jr.
J. Jackson
Richard J. Nelson
Juan Serrano
Robert Johansen
Eric Nilsson
John Sharatz
Brian Johnson
Gerd Ofenleger
Jonathan Sharkey
Jeff Jones
David Owen
Jon Shawl
Jack Jordan
Vernon Pahnke
Frank Shumer
Matthew Jordan
Robert Parmenter
Jerry Sica
Robert E. Kinne
Jeffrey Pene
Sandra Simmons
Roger Klein
Dr. Stanley Perkins
Clarence Slinn III
Terrance Klotz
Dru Peterson
Amy Smith
Jack Knudson
Leroy Peugh
Daniel Smith
Steven Krause
Ronald Piracci
Judi Smith
Gerald Lafont
Dwain Pittenger
Marco Soto
Dr. William Lanman
David Podger
Donald Spencer
James Latimer
Cordulo Quiambao
Douglas Stamper
Robert Leonard
Jeffrey Rapp
Loren Starcher
Ronald Leuthardt
Scott Rau
Ronald Stuntzner
Jeffrey Lewis
George Reaves IV
Thomas Swanson
Al Lofton
Thomas Reid
Paul Tassinari
Arthur Loring Jr.
Michael Reilly
Justin Teasley
Larry Timmer
Ball Corporation
FairPoint Communications
Thomas Towne
Bank of America
Denis Tucker
FirstEnergy Foundation
Robert Tymczyszyn
BP Foundation
FM Global Foundation
Thomas Velie
Freddie Mac Foundation
David Von Rump
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Gannett Foundation
Randy Walls
Calvert Social Investment Foundation
GE Foundation
Kenneth Walter
CarMax Foundation
General Mills Foundation
Lynn Walton
General Reinsurance Corporation
Jamey Welch
Gewalt-Hamilton Associates
Sean Welliver
Charitable Gift Trust
Global Impact
Bruce Whittig
Goodrich Foundation
Randall Widell
Citigroup Foundation
Greater Houston Community Foundation
Citizens Charitable Foundation
Greg & Mary Jo Corrado Charitable Foundation
Adobe Inc.
Community Foundation
Halliburton Giving Choices
The Charitable Giving Card Program
Hewlett-Packard Company Foundation
Allstate Insurance Company
of The Community Foundation of
High Temperature Technologies Inc.
Middle Tennessee
America’s Charities
American Express
American International Group Inc. (AIG)
Delta Airlines
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
APCO Worldwide
Dominion Foundation
Just Give
Apex Foundation
East Bay Community Foundation
Kanaly Trust
Apple Computers
Edison International
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
AT&T Services Inc.
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
Kraft Foundation
AXA Foundation
Expedia Inc.
KT Foundation
AYCO Charitable Services Group
Exxon Mobile
Levi Strauss
Macy’s West G.I.F.T.
Schwab Charitable Fund
McMaster-Carr Supply Company
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Medco Heath Solutions
Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation
Mente LLC
T. Rowe Price
Gifts of $500-$999
Morgan Stanley
Tektronix Foundation
John Ahern
Motorola Foundation
TE Connectivity
Charles E. Anderson
National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation
Tennant Foundation
Eric Anderson
Textron Inc.
Robert A. Anderson
Network for Good
The Giving Program Center
Bruce Angevine CPA
Nike Foundation
Thermo Fisher
Richmond Apaka
Thrivent Financial for
Stan Askren
Novellus Systems Inc.
Lutherans® Foundation
Bill Austin
Grant W. Avery
Tyco Electronics
Mickey Bailey
Pfizer Foundation
Freddie Baker
United Health Group
Tim Bayse
Philip Morris USA
United Technologies
David Belo
Pitney Bowes
United Way
Eric W. Berg III
Portland General Electric Company
Vanguard Charitable
Patrick W. Bergmann
Proctor and Gamble
Endowment Program
Allen D. Black
Prudential Foundation
Robert Bloom
Wachovia Foundation
Thomas Bohannon
R. J. Reynolds Foundation
Wells Fargo
Alyn Brannon
The Williams Companies Inc.
Barry D. Brannon
Reynolds American Foundation
Xcel Energy
Roy Brown
Xilinx Community Fund
William Harris Browning
The Sallie Mae Fund
Charles Bures
Schneider Electric
Dr. Robert C. Byrd
Thomas Cartier
Charity Fechter
Kenneth Kalbfell
Barent Cater
Donald R. Finkell
John A. Kazickas
Louis Chenevert
Joe Finn
Robert Kean Jr.
Geneva Dawn Christensen
Paul W. Finnegan
Jan M. Klinck
Ronald A. Cizzon
Dennis W. Firestone
Paul Koch
Alan Clark
James A. Frank
Arthur H. Kudner III
Benjamin Clark
Todd Freeman
Chris Kuebler
Max E. Clark
Shawn Gab
Dr. Michael Lasalle
John Thomas Coe
Charles Gallaway
Thomas Lessor
Louis C. Cogliani
Pedro Garcia
R. Lightstone
Bill Cohen *
David G. Gibbs
Donna Linn
Richard Collier Jr.
Dr. Richard B. Goetze Jr.
Kim Loanidis
Howard Cooper
Robert W. Gray
Mauricio A. Machado
James Courtney
Michael Griffin
Linda S. Maloney
William L. Cowart
Richard Groves
Bradford Malt Jr.
David Cox
Van Gurley
Harold G. McAvenia
L Thomas Cox
Dennis Harn
Patrick McClure
Dr. William J. Crowley
Joseph Heagerty
William McCulloch
William R. Curtis
Stephen M. Hebda
James McGrath
Richard S. Dagostino
Paul Herrington
Leslie Megyeri
Larrie Dahl
John Hiatt
Walter Tim Miller
Kenneth W. Defontes Jr.
Kevin Hughes
Wayne Moon
Christopher J. Denney
John Huss
Joseph C. Morris
Peter Diebold
John Isaacs
Richard W. Morse
Debi Dreyfuss
Ronald Janis
Ronald L. Nelson
Marc Dulude
Lynn P. Jenkins
John Nielsen
Peter Duniho
David Johnson
Joanne Nissen
Robert Ehrhard
David Johnson
Todd Palin
John Engelbrecht
George W. Jones III
Todd Parker
Paul Patnoad
Walter Stafford III
Geoff Abbate
Jeff Perich
Pauline Stern
Armin Abusaidi
Keith Peterman
James W. Styring
Derek Adams
Marvin Peters
John Sulyma Sr.
George B. Adams III
Wolfgang H. Polak
Steve Brinker Taylor
R Kevin Adams
E. Stuart Quarngesser
Roland Toutant
Richard Ahearn
Michael R. Reagan
A. E. Travnicek
Joseph Alexander Jr.
James Revie
J. Eric Treland
Paul Alexander
Phillip Richmond
Robert Trull
Paul Alleman
Michael R. Rigolizzo
James Tuley III
Keith Anderson
Allen Roark
William Van Nostrand
Daniel Archibald
Marc Rodstein
Christopher Waterbury
Edward Arobio
Terry J. Ross
Joel S. Webster
John E. Arthur
Andrew Sambell
William Whearty
Joseph Artone
Joseph Sampson Jr.
Jim R. Whittington
Jeffrey Austin
Curtis Sanford
Joan L. Wilner
John Ausura
John Savel
Christopher W. Wilson
Gerald Awadzi
Carl R. Schramm
Darrell Wilson
David Babineau
Bill Schumacher
James Burton Winner
Kurt Baden
Mack D. Secord
Mark L. Winter
Paul Bailey
Jose Setka
Kevin Woodside
Keith Baird
Anup Sharma
Frank X. Woolard
David Baker
Mark Shashek
Charles E. Wright
Vincent R. Bakke
Scott Shepherd
Michael Wright
Donald E. Balderson
Lyle Simpson
Robert Young
Lester Bale
Robert J. Skalka
Craig D. Zauner
Daly R. Bales, Jr.
John Sklar
A. Earl Ziegler
Gary Banker
David Spence
Wendell C. Sproul
Dr. Eileen Bardolph
Gifts of $250-$499
Edward S. Barili
Roger Barnes
Steven Beyer
Bruce H. Callander
Robert Barnwell III
James E. Bigley
Frank E. Callander
Dr. Norman Baron
Remy Blanchaert Jr.
John M. Campbell Jr.
Ronald Barron
Jason Blanke
John Cane
Theodore E. Barron
Donald Bliss
Roger Cannell
James F. Barton Jr.
Christopher Bloch
Scott Carleton
Robert Bass
Ralph E. Boger
Ron Carlson
Hobart Bates
Mark J. Boguski
M. Boyd Carpenter Jr.
Ronald L. Bauman
Dr. Jeffrey Bond
Rob Cashman
Sigrid M. Baumann
Richard A. Booth
John Casper
Paul Baumer
Carter H. Boswell Jr.
Robert Castro
Robert J. Bausman
C. Bowers
Corbett D. Caudill
Michael Bays
Donald Boyd
Randall J. Chenevey
John Beall
Dr. Glenn Boyd
D. V. Chinshue
Richard J. Beaton Jr.
Steven Brannan
Peter Chmelir
Arthur Beckwith
Dr. James E. Breisch
Thomas Chopp
Dr. James Bell
Peter Flynn Brester
Michael Christie
Lyle Bell
Richard Broderick
Dr. Douglas Chyatte
John Beneat
Alan Brown
Dr. Caesar E. Ciaglia
Frank Bennett
James Brown III
Jean F. Clark
Harry Curtis Benson
Jeffrey Brown
L. A. Clark
John Berg
Frank W. Browning
Stanley E. Clark
Morton A. Berger
Jon Buck
William Clark
Dr. Paul Bergman
Bruce Richard Buhr
William E. Clay
Dale Berkbigler
Roy Burke
Brian Cleveland
Bernard F. Bernheim
John Brian Burtt
Doug Clibourn
Thomas A. Berry
Robert Butler
John Clough
Robert Berti
Dean Byrne
Byron L. Cobb
Donald Betzold
Neil Cahoon
Robert D. Cohen
Sydney B. Cohen
David Bradley Ditzler
Dale J. Filkins
Dr. Carl R. Coleman
Kyle Donnelly
Chuck Fiske
Paul Collins
Jerry Donselman
Charles Fitzenrider
Frank Compton III
Horace B. Drever
Steve Flannery
Gary Conger
Dennis Drew
Kelly Eugene Fletcher
Patricia Connell
Daryl Dubbs
Michael Fletcher
Keith L. Cooper
Mack Dubose
J. F. Florey
Jonathan Corcoran
H. R. Dunlap
Robert Fort
Glenn Corso
Laura Jolene Dunlap
Dr. Robert Douglas Foster
Dr. Kenneth R. Courington
Michael Dunleavy
James Bryan Fraley
John P. Cowan
Bernard Joseph Durante
Dr. Cornelius S. Franckle
Al Cox
Charles Durham
David L. Frank *
Jerry Crawford
Manfred Dyck
David French
Joseph Cross
John F. Dyer
Gregory Frenzel
Richard Crouse Jr.
John Dyer
James Freston
John Crow
Larry K. Ebert
Richard Frette
Jackie B. Crusor
David Edell
Ada K. Friedman
Brian Curtis
Ederic Foundation Inc.
Dr. Robert E. Froelich
Vincent Dagostino
Jimmy C. Elliott
Dr. Herbert Fuchs
George Daneker Jr.
Robert Elliott
William Gallea
John F. Darst
Thomas Elmore
Thomas Garritano
Richard Davis Jr.
Fredrick Richard Emmons
David Garvis
Michael DeJong
Trudi M. Enge
Rudolph Gaytan
John DeJoris
Bruce William Evans
Dr. Ronald J. Gelzunas
Eric Decker
David Evans
Fred George
Diana Dee
Stephen Feldman
Surojeet Ghatak
Dick Deguerin
Randall Field
Surojeet Ghatak
Michael Demarchi
William F. Fields
George R. Gibson III
Joseph Denigris
Michael Fierman
Jeffrey Gidley
Judy Gintz
Herb Hall
James Hillhouse
William Girard Jr.
Howard F. Hall
Stuart Hirsch
Donald E. Glaser
Thomas J. Hall
Dr. Mark Hirschhorn
Thomas C. Goad
James E. Hamann
Steven Hogge
Jay Gober
Burgess Hamlet III
James D. Hogue
Peter Gockerman
Leonard Hamm
Joe Holbird
Frank Godchaux III
John Hancock
William J. Holm
Gene Goetz
William Handley
Michael Holten
Lisa K. Goetz
Duane C. Hanson
Dana Hones
Len Goldberg
George G. Hardie
Jerry Hooper
Willard Golightly
Tom D. Harmon
Lois Horne
Manuel S. Gonsalves
Jason K. Harper
Paul Horney
Arthur R. Goodwin Jr.
D. Martin Harrell
Gerald D. Hosier, Sr.
William E. Goodwin
Kevin Harthoorn
Jon Hudson
Gregory Gordon
Robert B. Haserot
Terrence Hudson
John Grant
Duane A. Haukebo
William B. Hulteng
Jesse Gray
Roger W. Hawkins
Robert W. Hummel
Douglas M. Greene
Joe Hecker
Phillips C. Hurd
H. Greenleaf
Lionel Hector
Samuel Hurt
Mark Groce
A. C. Held
Matthew Inman
Jeffrey Groen
Earl C. Helder
Tim Jackson
Kazimierz Grzeslak
Patrick Herbert
Thomas Janssen
Gregorio Guillen
Rodney L. Hess
Jim Jensen
William L. Guy
Mark A. Heule
Embraer Executive Jet Services
Eugene Gwaltney
George E. Hewitt
Julie Ann Jetzer
Donald C. Hack
Robert A. Hewson
Eric Johnson
Daryl Hadden
Ross Hieb
Joseph Johnson
Richard Alan Haddock
James D. Higgs
Lorraine Ursula Johnson
Dr. Jack Hagewood
Robert G. Hill
Herbert H. Jolliff
David W. Jordan
Richard B. Kvach
Alexey S. Lopukhin
Richard R. Joyce
Richard Lachenmayr
Randall Low
Lynsey Justice
Mike Laddon
Howard Luce
Kurt Kallman
Jeffrey Lake
Doug Luckett
Paul Kaupp
Donald Landess
Douglas S. Lucy
I. Keeler Jr.
John L. Larsen
Peter Lynn
George D. Kelce
Susan Larson
Richard C. Lyon
Gary Kelson
John M. Lawless Jr.
Gerald Lyons Jr.
Dr. Gardner Kenny
John Lea
Malcolm Maccoll
Charles E. Kerr
Michael Leathers
John D. Maclay Jr.
Daniel Keys
Robert LeClerc
Russell Madsen Jr.
Morten Henrik Kielland
Jerome F. Lederer *
Maynard J. Mansfield
Jon King
George Lee
Jesus Manteca
Robert B. King
Allen A. Lefkovitz
Philip Margolis III
Jefferson W. Kirby
John T. Lehman
Michael P. Marquard
Joe Kirby
Samuel P. Leinbach Jr.
Adrienne B. Mars
Erik Klavon
Joan Catherine Leroux
Terry L. Marshall
Michael R. Klein Jr.
Leroy Thom Jean Thom T L Fnd Inc
Ramsey Martin
David C. Kloss
Christopher S. Lewis
E. Mason
Bradley Koch
Donald Lewis
Peter Mast
Andy L. Koehn
Dr Paul J. Lewis
Fred Matter
Dennis Koehn
Michael Lewis
Michael Mayes
Christian G. Kourkoumelis
Nate Lewis
Russ Mazda
Richard Kraemer
Rudolph H. Light
Robert C. Mazer
Sarah Krein
Barry Lightner
Josh McAllister
Steven Kress
Elizabeth Linde Lindeburg
Mike McCormick
Richard Kreuzburg
Cheryl V. Liss
Ronald McCormick
Lynn M. Krogh
Fred Lobel
James McCoy
Karl A. Kuersteiner
Dale Evonne Long
Jimmie Michael McFarland
Dr. Orval McFarland
Barrett M. Morris
Gregory Pape
John C. McGill
Robert F. Morse
Gary D. Parsons
William McGlynn
Robert C. Mueller
Joseph Pastore
James Thomas McGrath
Daniel Eric Munson
Wayne Pastuszenski
Paul R. McGuirk
Dr. William Murray
Herbert Patten
Thomas F. McKim
David Muschalek
Cameron Patterson
Robert T. McMillan Jr.
Thomas D. Myers
Christopher Pawlak
Rory Alan McMinn
Jeffrey M. Nash
John Peck
Keith E. McNinch Jr.
Winfred Nash
Antonio F. Pelletier
Thomas McPherson
David Naylor
Cham Percer
Rick McWhorter
Harry Nelson III
Joel Perlmutter
Kris Mehling
Laurence D. Nelson
Alan J. Phillips
Ross Meredith
Leonard Nelson
Richard Phillips
Sam A. Merrill
David Allen Newberry
Dr. Pablo A. Pinzon
Robert Scott Merritts
Richard J. Newlon
David Brian Pocock
Joann Meyer
Paul Newton
Thomas J. Posatko
George B. Meyrick
Albert Newyear
S. Guru Prasad
David W. Miles
John Nocera
James T. Prucha Jr.
Gary Milhous
Warren Noll
Purdy Charitable Fund
Walter F. Miner
Douglas Novellano
Roger Putnam
Alfred F. Mistr Jr.
Dennis F. O’Connell
Daniel A. Radke
Donnie G. Mitchell
Dennis R. Oedewaldt
David Randall
George Mitchell Jr.
Godehard Oepen
John K. Randall
Warren Mitchell
William F. O’Keeffe Jr.
William C. Rands III
Roger P. Mollman
Richard Y. Okita
Manuel Ravize
Brian Moore
William Oliver
Marshall W. Ray
Dennis W. Moore
David B. O’Maley
Michael L. Raymond
Neville Roy Morcom
Geoffrey Orlandi
Dale Read
Dr. Billy R. Morgan
Michael Ouimette
Michael Reed
Bart E. Reid
Jason Sager
James Skurski
Mark Reineck
Richard B. Sanders
Michael Gerard Slone
Robert Renner
Marion R. Scanio
Stephen Smart
James Reyner
Jerome Scanlan
Stephen Smestad
Don E. Reynolds
James Schaad
Wayne Smith
Reynolds American
Carroll Schaal Jr.
Anthony Snow
James L. Rice
Gabriel Scherzer
Charles E. Snyder
John L. Rich
Clay Schile
Jerome Solar
Stanley I. Richards
Kenneth E. Schmetter
Jonathan C. Sommers
Barry Richardson Sr.
Michael A. Schmidt
John Sorensen
Craig Rieben
Jeffrey Schreiber
Wayne Spears
James Riley
Joel Sears
Joseph H. Spence
Warnie E. Roark
William Seligman
Mark Spiegelman
Dr. Jane F. Robens
Chandranath Sen
Thomas Srachta
Donald Roberts Jr.
Ennio S. Senia
John H. Steel and Ms. Bunny Freidus
Kevin Roberts
Robert Sterling Sergent
David Stefko
Dr. Richard L. Robinette
Donald Shapansky
Timothy P. Stehle
David Roeberg
Dr. William Shea
Joseph T. Steuer
John Rogers
Richard W. Sheppe
Dr. David Stevens
Ronald B. Rooney
Neil Sherman
Jeffrey B. Stieglitz
Michael E. Ropp
Wayne David Sherwood
Britt Stitt
Andrew Rosenau
Robert D. Siedle
Lawrence Stone
Ronald Rowley
Jeffrey Siegal
Robert R. Stone
William Runyon Jr.
Alicia Sikes
Francis L. Strahler
Charles A. Russell, Jr.
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Lon A. Stratton
Carl Rutberg
Robert L. Silva
Ray Wilbert Strong
Neil Ruther
Sheldon K. Simonovich
Charles R. Summerford
Keith Rutherford
Richard A. Sjogren
Kay M. Sweeney
Hugh Ryan
Paul K. Skoglund
Mike Sweeney
Ron Tatum
Louis Vandermolen
Robert Wild
Joseph L. Taylor
Edward V. Vath Jr.
James Williams
Kent Taylor
Timothy Vreeman
Richard Allen Williams
Wayne Taylor
Richard Wakefield
Dr. B Wilson
Raymond W. Tedford *
Jeffrey Ward
Robert W. Wilson
Dennis Telles
Dr. Roger D. Warren
Walter L. Wilson
Robyne M. Teslich
William Watkins
Arthur B. Wolover
James P. Theobald
David Watson
Steve Womack
Jean Thietard
Stephen Watson
Glenn Woolsey
Dr. Patrick Thistlethwaite
Gary T. Weaver
David Yegge
Ronald Thom
Larry R. Webb
Howard Baker Young
William Thomas
Daniel Wegman
Jan Young
Lowell Thomas Jr.
James W. Wehrman
Jon Zagrodzky
Marshall Scott Thompson
Claus Weisemann
Oscar Zamudio
Richard Thum
Mark Weiss
Michael Zeltkevic
Daniel V. Titcomb
Robert Weiss
Kenneth Zemel
David Tottino
Sharon R. Weiss
Bruce A. Ziegler
Robert Tucker
Jonathan Weitzmann
Dr. Greg Zorman
Gene Tuohy
Thomas R. Welch
Mark R. Zukowski
Gary Tuovinen
Dr. William Welch
George L. Zumbro
Donald Tyler
Thomas Wengerd
Robert O. Tyler
Scott Wertel
Gifts of $100- $249
Tom J. Ubelhour
Nickolas Westman
Allan L. Abati
Louis L. Valbusa
J. Helene Wherry
Bruce E. Abbott
Jimmie L. Valentine
Jon Whisler
Abbas Abdallah
Edward Van Romer
Ken Reynolds Whittallscherfee
Silas J. Abersold
John Vanbladeren
Marty Whitton
Harmik Abkarian
Robert H. Vance
Brian Wickersham
Manuel Abraham
Dirk Vanderlaan
Steve Wierenga
Robert E. Abraham
Roland Abrahamsson
Houston Wiley Allen
Brent W. Anderson
Frank Acevedo
Larry Allen
Dale Anderson
Gordon Ackland
Michael G. Allen
Dana Anderson
Craig Adams
Robert Allen
Dennis L. Anderson
Eldon M. Adams
Steve Allen
Jack Anderson
Dr. Erik Adams
William H. Allen Jr.
Jerry Anderson
Ladd M. Adams
Richard Allio
John E. Anderson
Thomas D. Adams
Hal D. Allman Sr.
Joseph B. Anderson
Todd Adams
David L. Allshouse
Ken Anderson
George Edward Adcock
Roger M. Allyn
Marcus A. Anderson
Ravi Agarwal
Hareif M. Almuhairi
Pat Anderson *
Dr. Essam M. Aghel
Carl Alongis
Paul Richard Anderson
Dan Agre
William W. Alsman
Stanley Joseph Anderson Jr.
Martha Ainsworth
Arthur T. Alter
Terrance V. Anderson
Omeed Alaverdi
Risa Altman
Terry L. Anderson
Robert Alberhasky
Nathan Altshuler
Babette Andre
Dr. Stephen W. Albers
Dr. Gustavo Alvarez Paiva
Charles Adam Andre III
Duane Taylor Albrecht Jr.
Thomas Am Rhein
Bradley Andreae
Joe Aldendifer
Julia R. Amaral
Brian R. Andrews
Charles Aldrian
Robert E. Amarel Jr.
Gary Andrews
Clifton Aldridge
James P. Amble
George R. Andrews
Donald Alexander
Alan Amdahl
Glen Andrews
John W. Alexander
John Amdor
Jeffrey M. Andrews
Stephen Alexander
Rami Amer
Sean Andrews
Thomas Alexander
F. M. Amicangioli
Ralph Andrus
John Alger
William A. Amis
Dr. Willem A. Anemaat
Sylvain Andre Allard
Jeff Anders
Viktor Angurov
Charles L. Allen
Richard L. Andersen
Steve W. Annis *
Eric Blaine Allen
Alva Anderson Jr.
David Ansley
Shelton J. Anthony
Daniel Scott Atkinson
Stephen D. Baksa
Robert Apa
Marc Aubertin
Joaquin Balaguer
Wesley Arakaki
Vincent Audiffred
Buddy B. Baldridge
Alan Archer
Thomas Auerbach
Tony Baldus
Thomas E. Archer
Stephen Claburn Ausband
David Baldwin
Richard A. Arensberg
David Austin
William E. Baldwin
John M. Argabright
William D. Auxier
Nathan Daniel Ballintyn
Kent Arkes
Barry Avent
Robert B. Ballou
Jack Armbruster
Robert Ayers
Dr. Nitin S. Banwar
Norman Armour
Ronald H. Baas
Hezy Bar
Allan R. Armstrong
Michael Babb
Arvydas Barauskas
Linda Armstrong
Anthony Bacarella
Joe D. Barbee
Jerome Arneson
William H. Bach
Mike Barbee
Mark W. Arnold
Otis B. Bacon
Nick Barber Jr.
Richard W. Arnold
Charles W. Baden
Stephen J. Bard
James E. Arrington Jr.
Henry Bader Jr.
Victor Bardonner
Frank Arrison
Robert Bailes
Thomas Barger
Steve Arthur
David E. Bailey
David Barnes
Florence Jean Artman
Edwin Bailey
Harris H. Barnes III
H. Alexander Arts
Harold Bailey
Dr. James Barnes
Andrew W. Arvanitis
David E. Baines
Matt Barnes
John Ash
Dr. Andy B. Baker
David Barnett
Richard Ashbach
Carl Baker
Gary C. Barnett
James A. Asher
F. Gregory Baker
Mark R. Barnett
Sarah Ashmore
Murray Baker
Raymond M. Barnett
Larry A. Askew
Nevin Baker
Steve Barnett
A Aslanian Jr.
Willard Baker
Joe Barnhart
Robert Asselstine
William L. Baker
Roger D. Barnhart
Brad Atkinson
John M. Bakosh
Franklyn R. Barrena
Edward Barrett
Donald M. Beal Jr.
Josh Beiler
Dr. Rolin F. Barrett
Dr. James Beall
Tim Belchak
Steve Barsh
Larry N. Beardsley
Bruce D. Belgum
Fred C. Barth
Robert P. Bearer
Eugene A. Beliveau
Richard Bartlettmay
Jonathan Beasley
Arthur D. Bell
David Barton
S. W. Beasley
Carolyn Bell
Douglas Barton
Jim Beattie
Dwight Bell
Jeremy Barton
David William Beauclair
George Bell II
Kenneth A. Barton
David A. Beaulieu
Kash Bell
Rikki Barton
Kenneth Beaulieu
Phillip Bell
Gerald Bartosh
Peter Becher
John Bellopatrick
Sylwester Barwinski
Charles M. Bechtel
Joe Belson
Trig George Baski
Achim Beck
James Bender
Donald N. Basler
George W. Beck
Jim Bendure
Clyde E. Bassett Jr.
R. David Beck
William Gordon Benn
Ray L. Bassett
Marc R. Beckel
Calvin R. Bennett
Chris Bates
Don Beckenhauer
Gregory K. Bennett
James O. Bates
James A. Becker
Hugh Malcolm Bennett
Jesse Bates Jr.
Lee Becker
James G. Bennett
Ignazio Battaglia
Michael J. Becker
Robert D. Bennett
Jeannie Batto
Richard L. Beckerman
Roger Bennett
Frank H. Bauer
Richard Beckert
Ronald William Bennett
Robert J. Bauer
James Beckley
William C. Bennett III
Gregory Vance Baugher
Steven J. Beckman
Steve Benoit
William Baumer
Daniel Bedford
Benny Benson
James R. Baur
Lori A. Bednarik
Bryan Benson
Ross F. Bausone
Robert L. Beechinor
Gregory L. Benson
Marlin P. Bavery
Doug Beery
Dr. Merrill D. Benson
Alric Beach
Karl Beier
Dr. Geoffrey D. Bentley
George H. Bentley
Gary W. Biggers
Richard Blakeslee
Victoria Benzing
Ergun Bilir
Shawn Blakeslee
John Benzon
Julian N. Bills
Norman H. Blanchard
Frances S. Bera
George Bimler
Dr. Robert E. Blanchard
William M. Berger
Carl D. Bingham Jr.
Dirk Blansfield
Odell Bergheim
James A. Binneboese
Joe Blanton
Jack M. Bergin
David G. Binns
Michael Blasdel
Eric Y. Bergman
Roy Birdsong
Roger Blew
William R. Berkness
Allen Bishop
Robert J. Blocker
Paul Bernabucci
Edwin V. Bishop
Jotham Blodgett
Steve Berner
Elizabeth P. Bishop
Jorge Blohm
James R. Berns
Gail Bishop
Jim Blum
Lee Bertman
Samuel E. Bishop
D. L. Blumenthal
Roy Bertossi
Theresa Bisluk
Al Blyman
Roy A. Berube
Philip Bisner
Charles C. Bock Jr.
Paul Bess
Terry Bittner
Richard Bocock
Russell Betcher
Donald Bizzell
Geza S. Bodor
David Bettner
R. A. Bizzigotti
Richard P. Boehmer
Clinton Beyerle
David Bjorsness
Dwight Boesiger
Annette Beyer-Mears
Duane S. Black
Michael J. Bogdan
Peter Bianco
Richard F. Black Jr.
Wayne Boggs
Barry L. Bickle
Robert Matthew Black
Craig Bogli
Melvin T. Bickling
Stephen Blackman
Jim Bohannon
Claude Biddle Jr.
Jack Blackshear
Roger Bohl
Scott Biddle
Bishop Blackwell
Andre P. Bohy
Bob Biel
Mark E. Blackwell
Christopher C. Boley
Robert Bieler
Isaac R. Blair III
Paul Boling
Gerhard Bier
John S. Blair
Shirley Boling
James D. Bigelow
Kenton Blair
Everett Bolton
Francis Bomher
Jeffrey Bowne
Jeff Brennan
Richard Bond
Allen W. Boyce
Stephen Brenneke
Vernon L. Bonn Jr.
John Boyd
Sheldon O. Bresin
Brad Bonnell
T. K. Boyd
Ray W. Breslau
Robert Bonner
John R. Boyer
Sherwood A. Bresler
Bob Booth
Kevin L. Boyer
Albert Bresnik
Vincent Alan Boothe
John Boyle
Randall P. Brett
Leon D. Borden
Ray Brach
Elbridge Harmon Brewer
Brian R. Borecky
James Bracken
Hershel L. Brewer
Bjarne Borg
Maurine Ann Braddock
Dr. Schiele A. Brewer
David Borgeson
Stephen Bradish
Marlon K. Brinegar
John Robert Borgo
Stephen Lamarr Bradley
Kenneth Brinsko
Peter H. Boronkay
Steven Dale Brady
Hubert A. Briscoe
John J. Borrell
Mike Brainerd
Michael Bristow
Paul Borys
Paul E. Braisted
Thomas W. Broadbent
Paul Bosanac
Steve Bramer
Dr. Kennon E. Broadhurst
Donald Bosart
John D. Bramsen
Robert Broadston
Willis M. Boshears Jr.
Craig Brandenburg
Richard Broberg
Richard Bosshardt
Donald Brandon
Roger Brock
Bill Bostick
James Brannan
Verlyn Broek
Harry L. Botkin
Jeffrey B. Brannock
Peter C. Broen
David R. Botto
Charles Brasher
Anni T. Brogan
Donald J. Boucher
Gordon W. Braudaway
Richard J. Brohl
Lawrence T. Bouchez
Joseph Robert Braun
John J. Bromback
Andrew M. Bourland
Joy Braun
Lucian Bronner
Harold O. Bourne
Michael Bray
Gerald J. Broock
Joy R. Bowden
Joseph Brazy
Rick Brook
Richard A. Bowen
Dr. C Breitsprecher
R. P. Brooks
Barbara Bowman
Gary Brengle
Robert M. Brooks
Pierre Brossard
Steve A. Bruno
Robert W. Burke
Gary Brossett
Phillip Bruns
Robert Burke Jr.
Richard G. Brough
Sharon Brunzlick
Thomas F. Burkey
Daniel Brousseau
Steve Brutscher
Dan Burkhard
Dale Brown
D. Bryant
Kirk Burmeister
David Brown
Joseph D. Bryant
Derek Burney
Derrick Brown
Paul J. Brzozowski
David Burnham
Douglas K. Brown
Glenn Buberl
Glenn R. Burns
Eddie Na Brown
Thomas S. Bucci
Kenneth B. Burns
Gregory Brown
Oscar Buchmann
Stan Burnstein
Gregory Brown
Robert O. Buck
Peter M. Burrous
Harvey Brown
Susan C. Buck
Chris Burrows
James Brown
Kenneth Budd
James B. Burrows Jr.
Jeoffrey Taliaferro Brown
Gerard P. Budzien
David Burry
Robert L. Brown
Thomas Buechel
Christopher Burt
Robert Brown
Francis Bullock
Brian Burton
Ronald Brown
James Bunn
Paul David Burton
Wilson J. Brown
Dr. Gordon Bunting
Brett Busch
Charles H. Browning, Jr.
Marc Bunting
Darrell Busch
Mr. Melvin J. Brownold
Michael Buoy
Dawn M Busch
William Browns
Fred Burbank
Richard W. Busch
Clifford Brubaker
Joseph Burch
Michael William Bush
David A. Brubaker
Alvin B. Burel
William John Busse
Ben Bruce
Charles G. Burgar
Robert Bussing
R. Bruce
James F. Burger
Steven Buster
Robert C. Bruce
Richard Burgess
Alan Butki
Arnold Bruckner
John E. Burke
Jim Butler
Grant H. Brundage
Kent Burke
Robert Butler
Paul Bruneau
Leonard F. Burke
Stephen M. Butler
Thomas F. Butler
James Campbell III
Jim Caroll
Douglas Butzier
Stephen Campbell
Amy Carpenter
Jeff Byard
Thomas Campbell
Ed Lee Carpenter
R. J. Byers Jr.
William Campbell
Walter A. Carpenter
Kelly Byram
Paul Campobasso
Albert J. Carr
Gary Byrd
Mark Campolong
Timothy Fitzsimmons Carr
Donald L. Byrne Jr.
Ralph W. Canaday
Dennis F. Carroll
Richard Byrne
Steven Cannon
Larry Carroll
Thomas Byrum
Gustavo Cano
Patrick Carroll
William Cable
Frederick M. Canova
Roderick Carroll
Dr. Agustin Cabrera
Henry D. Canterbury
Thomas Carroll
Arthur B. Caggiano
Rocky Capozzi
Don Carruth
Michael Cagley
Paul Cappa
Benjamin R. Carter
David Cairns
Julio Carbonel
Robert Carter
Dr. Charles Calabrese
Dr. T. Cardello
William Carter
Patrick C. Caldwell
Dennis S. Cardwell
Larry D. Case
Marshall M. Calef
Nicholas P. Cardwell
William F. Case
Les Calger
Robert P. Carichner
Ronald R. Casey
Leland W. Calhoun
Lewis Carl
Paul D. Cash
Antonio Calimano
Vincent Carlesimo
Richard Caso
Ron Calvert
Doug Carlo
James B. Casper
Bruce Cameron
Carl E. Carlson
Allen R. Cassens
Thomas M. Camman
Douglas Carlson
Pierre G. Cassigneul
Donald Camp
Peter Carlson *
Jaime C. Castanon
R. Camp
Todd Carmosino
Ralph V. Casteel
Aldon B. Campbell
Brad Carnegie
Salvatore Catanzaro
Brian P. Campbell
Dr. James Carney
Hubert Cates
Curtis Campbell
Richard Carney
Louise Cather
Gerald R. Campbell
Thomas Q. Carney
Bruce Catlin
Dale L. Cavin
Clifford F. Chetwin
John F. Clark
Gary F. Cebrian
Michael L. Chetwin
John Clark III
Lauren Centioli
Chevron Humankind
Leonard Clark Jr.
Holly Jean Cerpovicz
Marc A. Chiffert
Paul D. Clark
David L. Chadwick
Lamar Anthony Childs
Randy Clark
Craig Chaffee
John Chlopek
Robert E. Clark
George E. Chaffey
Anisur Chowdhury
Russell Devrick Clark
Burgess Chambers
Alan B. Chowning
Stanley Clark II
Susan H. Chambers
John Chrisman
Thomas Gordon Clark
Vincent J. Chambers
Richard Christensen
William D. Clark
Stan Chambliss
Glenn Flemming Christiansen
Frederic T. Clarke
Mike Chancey
David Christy
Robert E. Clarkson
Michael Chapa
Edward Chromczak
Frederick Clary
Gary L. Chapin
Joseph Alan Chronic
Thomas Claudon
Christopher Chapman
Paul Chrzanowski
Dr. Adrian Clausell
David Chapman
Yip-Wah Chung
James Clausing
Frank M. Chapman
Gerald E. Church VP
Ben Clawson
EAA Chapter 919
Charles B. Cianchette
Craig Clawson
Jack Charlesworth
A. J. Cichocki Jr.
Larry Clayton
Stephen N. Chase
Monte Cicino
Lawrence A. Clayton
Stillman C. Chase Jr.
James Cieplak
Dr. Charles R. Clem
Yun Chase
Linda Cioffi
Robert Clem Sr.
Seth Louis Chazanoff
James Clack
Todd L. Clemens
Robert S. Cheek
John A. Clancy Jr.
Dr. William H. Clewell
Richard D. Chenausky Sr.
Charles R. Clark
William Clifton
A. I. Chenoweth Jr.
Charles Clark
Thomas D. Cloonan
Dr. A Chervenak
David W. Clark
Robert C. Clothier
Rodney Chess
Giles R. Clark
Frank R. Clugage
Robert Chester
Jerry Clark
Jim Clutter
Timothy D. Coalwell
Robert Composto
Katherine Corbin
Mark S. Coberly
William H. Compton
Anthony Corbo
Michael Reed Cochran
Thomas H. Concaugh
Dr. John M. Corboy
William C. Cockerell
Kevin Condroski
Tim Cordle
Adam Coffey
Walter Cone
Alan Core
James Coffield
Peter V. Conlan
Durwood E. Corley
Daniel Coffman Jr.
Timothy Connolly Jr.
Neil Cormia
Paul Cohagan
Larry Connor
Patricia Cormia
William I. Cohen
Christopher A. Conte
Jorge Cornejo
Patrick Cohenour
Lloyd Coogler
Gregg Cornell
Gary Cohn
Colin Cook
James Corr
Nancy Z. Cohrs
David Cook
Thomas Corrado
Charles E. Cole
Gene Cook
Vincent M. Corrado
George D. Cole
James Bus Cook
Marvin D. Coryell
Jamie Cole
Michael Cook
Anthony W. Cossa
Jack Coleman
Roy M. Cook Jr.
John J. Costabile
John A. Coleman
Carl Cooke
Tim Costello
Michael Coleman
James B. Cooke
William Cotton
Stuart Coleman
John C. Cooke
Brian D. Cottrell
John Colgate Jr.
Peter F. Cooke
Jon D. Coughlin
David E. Collier
Richard H. Cooke
Andrew Coull
Dr. Lester Backshear Collins III
Jeff Cooley
Peter A. Counsell
Robert E. Collins
Dr. Daniel F. Coonce
L. J. Courtnage
Mark Wesley Collmer
Rusty Adam Coonfield
David P. Courtney
John P. Colman
Douglas Coons
Jose N. Couso
Robert Colquitt
Arthur Cooper
Geoffrey C. Couture
Daniel Coman
Stephen Cooper
Tim Covell
Jake Combs
Tim Cooper
Alfred V. Covello
Jared R. Combs
Lawrence Copp
Dr. Rena E. Cowan
Mike Cowger
Patrick M. Cronin
Dean R. Cuthbertson
Robert W. Cowgill Jr.
Edward Croswell
Robert E. Cutler
Edson M. Cox
Oren C. Crothers
Robert E. Cutting
Gerald W. Cox
W. E. Crouch Jr.
George Czarnecki
Howard Cox
W. Crouse
Marc P. Daetwyler
Richard R. Cox
Steven Crovatto
Bill Daggett
Ricky Cox
Brian Crow
Jeffery Eugene Dagle
Steven B. Cox
Michael Crowell
Peter Dahl
Cory Crabtree
Michael Crowley
Dr. Alan M. Dahms
Allan O. Cragg
John Cruzen
Peggy Dall
Kenyon M. Craig
Joanne Stemple Cuadra
Dr. Bruce Dalton Jr. *
Mark Craig
Richard A. Cuda
Dan Damaren
Melvin G. Craig
William B. Cude
Daniel Dameo
Charles Crain
Mark Culmo
Rocque D. Dameo
James H. Cramer
Donald Culver
Floyd Damron
Don Crawford
R. David Culver
Grayson Daniels
James F. Crawford
Bonnie Cunningham
David E. Danielson
Kent Crawford
Glen A. Cunningham
Mark Danielson
Albert Crews
James M. Cunningham
Charles Dann
James W. Crews Jr.
Cecil W. Cupp III
Peter W. Danna
Antonio J. Cristiani B
Dennis Cupp
David Dannemiller
Iris C. Critchell
Gail Currey
Alex Darian
Robert M. Critchlow
A. M. Curry
Daniel A. Darkenwald
Don R. Crocker
Charles B. Curtis
John Darnell
Ryan Duane Crockett
Lee Lindsay Curtis
Michael G. Dau
Eric M. Cron
William Curtis
William Russell Daugherty
Barry Cronic
Mark Preston Curtiss
Lowell Glenn Daun
John Cronin
John Cushing
Paul Thomas David
Kevin F. Davidson
Norman Dean
Mary Denham
Langford Davidson
Robert Dean
John Dennis
Ricky Davidson
Dr. Mark Deatherage
Thomas E. Dent
Mark Davies
Thomas Debrey
David Denton
Barry M. Davis
Jeanne Decker
Thomas Denton
Carl Davis
Malcolm Decker
John T. Depalma
Chris Davis
Kenneth Deeble
Dr. Sarkis S. Derderian
Clyde W. Davis
Edward Deeds
James E. Dering
Jack Davis
Larry C. Deener
Ronald G. Derr
Jeffrey Davis
Michael Defeo
David H. Deruiter
Lewayne J. Davis
Thomas Degeorge
Anant Desai
Mark Davis
Teresa M. Degraaff
Ron Desantis
Michael Davis
Susan M. Degraff
Donald Desfosse
Reginald E. Davis
Paul Deherrera
Peter Desoto
Richard S. Davis
Kenneth Fred Deken
Robert Detert
Ellison L. Davison
Michel Delafontaine
Darrell C. Dethlefs
Pere Davison
Fredric Arden Delein
Michael Detraglia
William Dawes Jr.
Miguel A. Delgado
Gregory Detweiler
Patrick Dawson
Roy Deliger
David Detwiler
Delbert E. Day
Herbert E. Delker
Gustavo A. Deutsch
James Dayton
Harry Deloian
Michael Devito
Elliott De Graff
Thomas Delp
John R. Dewane
Dr. Warren V. DeHaan
William A. Demand
Nathan Dewitt
James DeMatteis
James Dematteis
William Dewoskin
Paul W. DeVore
Joe Demers
Eric Dey
James H. DeVries
David Demoulpied
Florence L. Di Benedetto
Dr. Donald Lee DeWitt
Miles Demster
Marc Di Cocco
Dr. Dale Deahn
Stephen M. Denes
Dr. Alphonse Di Giovanni
John Charles Diaz
Don W. Dixon
Rodney Doss
Dr. Cynthia Dibble
Lawrence C. Dixon
George C. Dostal
Scott A. Dickson
William Dixon
Michael J. Doudoroff
Marc Dicocco
Richard Lee Dobben
Thomas A. Dougher
Allison Len Didden
Michael Wayne Dobbins
Frank Edward Dougherty
Chip C. Didden
William H. Dobson
Joseph P. Dougherty
Dr. Renan A. Dieppa
Ricky Dockins
James Doughtie
Benjamin Diesbach
Loren A. Doddroe
Mark Doughty
Joanne Dieter
Michael Doerge
Stephen H. Douglass
Richard Dietman
Michael W. Doherty
Bryan Douros
Douglas P. Dietzen
Jeffrey Dohrenwend
Bert Dow
Leroy A. Dike
Robert Doile
Darin Dowd
Chuck Dill
Elgene Doinidis
Richard Dowen
John G. Dillard
Patrick Dolin
George Dowidchuk
Kenneth Price Dillon Jr.
Roy C. Dolley
Keith Dowling
Joel Dimarco
Vincent Dombrosky
Sean Doyle
Dan Dimond
Eileen Dombrow
William Doyle
Richard Gerry Dingman
Donald Dombrowski
Charles M. Drackett
Jeffrey Dinsmore
Michael Dominick
Dennis Drager
John N. Dionisio
Dominion Foundation
George Drake
Joseph Dipaola
Chase Donaldson
Robert Drake
James C. Disbrow
Aurelio J. Donato
Harry D. Drane
Stephen Dishman
John Donnay
Robert M. Draughon
Robert P. Disse Jr.
Walter Donovan
William C. Drawbaugh
Martin A. Ditmore
Cheryl A. Dooley
Michael Dreger
Ronald D. Dittmann Jr.
Ralph Gary Dooley
Howard J. Dreskin
Douglas H. Dittrick
James W. Doolittle
Martin Drewes
David Dix
Dr. Johannes Dorfling
Paul Druckenmiller
Charles J. Dixon
Robert Dorris Jr.
Curtis W. Drumm
Juan O. Duarte
Don W. Dykstra
Dr. Michael Steven Edwards
Steven C. Dubler
Don Dykstra
P. Thomas Edwards
Michael Duc
Dan Dyre
Robert John Edwards
Herbert L. Dudley
William Dyrstad
William R. Edwards
Bill Duerig
Jeffrey L. Eakin
Douglas L. Ege
Michael D. Duffy
Thomas Earl
James Egert
Phillip Duffy
James Early
Larry D. Eggleton
Thomas J. Duffy
Betty Easley
Wesley Ehrenzeller Jr.
Angus Duggan
David Easmunt
Philip J. Ehrhart
Carolyn Dugger
Phil Eason
Pete Eischen
Ervin Dukatz Jr.
Anna Easterday
William L. Eischens
Michael B. Duncan
Noel F. Easton
Bradley Eisenmann
David L. Dunkelburg
Daniel Eberl
Dr. Thomas John Eiser
Brian Dunn
Gerald F. Eberl Jr.
Dwight R. Eiserer
Harrison David Dunn
Dr. Gareth Eberle
Claude B. Eison III
James R. Dunn
Dale D. Ebling
Jeffery Ekberg
James Dunn
Dr. Charles Eby
Lindell H. Elfrink
Karl L. Dunn
Michael Echevarria
Jose Eliascalles
Leslie L. Dunning
Donald B. Eck Jr.
Dr. Cathy Ellett
Ericson Dunstan
Stuart T. Ecker
John E. Ellington
Dru Dunwoody
Freddie L. Edelman
David A. Elliot
Mark E. Dupont
Paul R. Edlich
David G. Elliott
Sam Dupont
James S. Edmonds
James F. Elliott
James Durling
Timothy L. Edmonds
Dr. Norman Elliott
Dr. Joseph Y. Dwoskin
Tucker K. Edmonds
Dale Ellis
Kenneth A. Dye
Dave Edwards
Greg Ellis
Richard G. Dyer
Gregory Edwards
Mark Ellis
Robert A. Dyer
James Gibson Edwards
Theodore Ellis
Randell Dykes
John F. Edwards Jr.
Nancy Ellis Ford
Hubert Elsen
Roger L. Ewing
Michael Feland
Timothy A. Emhoff
Stuart L. Eyler
Marvin J. Feldman
Gary Eng
Delmar Fadden
Lynda Feldstein
James W. Engdahl
Joseph P. Faherty
Ramon Feliciano
Don England
Eugene K. Fahy Jr.
Ronald Felstead
Elaine English
Barbara Faimon
Jeffrey N. Felton
Floyd L. English
William Fairchild
J. Fenger
William English
William Fairchild
Claudia P. Fennell
Eric Engstrom
Adam Fairhall
Alan A. Fennema
Manuel H. Enriquez
Sam Fallang
Ray Fenner
Kathleen Erins
Dr. Heath Fallin
Robert Fenton
Lloyd V. Erlandson
Timothy Fallon
Mario Feola
William Ernstes
David A. Fanelli
John C. Fergus Jr.
Gary Ertel
Tim Fannin
Donald Ferguson
Tim A. Eschmann
Glen C. Farber
Frederick Ferguson
Robert J. Eskin
Kenneth Fardie
John Ferguson
Stephen Espe
Mikhail Farikh
Lyle W. Ferguson
Isaac Espinosa
Roger D. Farr
Scott Ferguson
Klaus Esser
Larry Farrar
Douglas A. Fernow
Kim Essler
Dan Farrell
Matthew Fescenmeyer
Jesus Esteller
Robert Farris
David J. Fetzner
Bradley H. Estes
Mark Farver
Kim Fichera
Rosa Estrada Y Martin
Chris Faulhaber
Dr. Thomas Ficho
Charles Evans
Kermit G. Faulkner Jr.
Eric H. Fields
George W. Evans Jr.
Christine Fay
Edmond Finizie
Ian Evans
Zbigniew Fedorowicz
Raymond Fink
Michael R. Evans
Nicholas L. Fedoruk
Richard T. Fink
William E. Everson
Richard Feeman
Marc J. Finlen
Richard Ewbank
Bruce A. Feinstein
James O. Finley
William Clifford Finley
Howard L. Flood
Steven I. Frahm
Edward J. Finnegan
Charles Christopher Flynn
Dr. Lynn Frame
Stephen Finney
Morehead Foard
Dwight France
L. C. Firth
James D. Fogarty
Lee K. Francis
Greg Fischer
Ori B. Fogel
Martha A. Frank
Lindsay E. Fischer
Beverly D. Fogle
Allie E. Franke
Paul L. Fischer
Richard Fogle
Herman H. Frankel
Fred D. Fishback
Kenneth Fohringer
Gordon W. Franklin
Dr. Brian Fisher
Dennis Folwer
Lanier Frantz
Carl D. Fisher
Felipe J. Fons
Steve Franzoy
Carl M. Fisher
Vivian Foote
Dennis Fraser
Curtis R. Fisher
Bernard Ford
Andrew C. Frechtling
David C. Fisher
Doug Ford
Kurt Frederick
David Fisher
Fernando P. Forest
Michael A. Frederick
David Fisher
Andrew Formella
Leland Freeman
Jane S. Fisher
Walter Joseph Formus
Waldo Freeman
Mark Fisher
Erik I. Forsberg
Robert W. Freese
Terry C. Fitch
Larry Forster
Robert Freese
David A. Fitzgerald
Ildiko Fortier
William Freestone
Dr. Ryan Fitzgerald
Ralph T. Fossett
Karl Freienmuth
Don J. Fitzpatrick
Carl Foster
Wayne H. Freiesleben
Terry Flaishans
George Foster Jr.
Joseph L. Freire
Brian Flanagan
Gerald Foster
John Kingsley French
Fred J. Flanders
Kevin Foster
Frank Freshwater
Thomas Flath
Lincoln Foster
Dennis Frett
Glenn Fleming
Tom Fouts III
Lawrence Frey
Janice L. Fleming
Thomas Fowler
Samuel J. Friedberg
Pamela Fleming
Hobart Fowlkes
Terry Friedman
Tod E. Fleming
Dale Fox
Gary Friesen
Thomas Fritz
Paul Alec Galluzzo
Joseph Gelinger
David C. Frost
W. Anthony Gamron
Brett Gelsomino
William Frost
Eddie Dean Gann
Rodney George
Kevin Fry
Duane M. Garbe
Eric Gerber
Richard Frye
James F. Garber III
Miles C. Gerberding
Robert M. Frye
Jeffrey George Garber
Walter Gerhardt
Dr. Eric Frykberg
Gary Gardiner
Rick Gering
Michael K. Fujimoto
Fred Gardner
John L. Gerstenberg
Douglas Fulkerson
Raymond W. Garland
James Gesell
David Fuller
Douglas Garretson
John Getsy
Kenneth D. Fullett
A. Earle Garrett III
Homayoun Ghaderi
Mauricio Funes
Al Garrido
Kenneth J. Giacin
Ab Fuoss
T. Michael Garrison
Darwin Gibbs
Floyd Fuqua
Douglas M. Garrou
Ian Gibbs
Bartley W. Furey
Ronald Garsteig
Richard L. Gibbs
Mark Furfari
Dennis Gartner
Richard Gibbs
Vincent Fusco
Brandon Gary
Russell Gibbs
Randy Fuss
Thomas Gary
Donald L. Gibson Jr.
Pete Gabrail
James Garza
Michael R. Gibson
Donald O. Gaddis
Dr. George F. Gates
Dr. Robert A. Giere
Edwin Gage
Van M. Gates
Loran Gierhart
Gerald E. Gaige
Heath O. Gatlin
David C. Gigowski
Richard I. Galamba
Charles W. Gatschet
David O. Gilbert
Sam J. Galanis
Arthur Gaudet
George M. Gilbert III
Dr. Edwin N. Galkin
Dr. Thomas Gautier III
William Gilbert
Arthur Gallagher
Kurt Gearhart
William Gilbirds
Michael Harris Gallagher
Heinz G. Gehlhaar
John Gilchrist
William Gallo
Edward Gehret
William R. Gildersleeve Jr.
Dr. Shelley Gallup
David Gehring
Dr. Forrest D. Giles
John R. Gill
Felipe Gonzalez
Donald E. Grant
Michael Gill
Tom Gonzalez
Brian Grass
Rick Gilligan
John Good
Peter Grass
Clinton R. Gilliland
Joseph E. Goodin III
Paolo S. Grassi
Sandra Gilliland
Dr. Jack Goodman
Charles R. Grassie
Charles James Gillman
Glenn A. Goodwin
David Lee Grassman
Carl Gilmore
Gary G. Goolsby
William Clarence Gratriex
Roger Gilmore
Gregory G. Gorak
Richard Graumann
Mark J. Gingerich
Kenneth J. Gordon
Thomas Graumlich
Leonard L. Ginther
Robert Gordon
Anthony Graves
Pedro P. Giralt
Paul D. Gorley
Dan W. Graves
Dr. Charles M. Girard
Donald Gorowsky
William Greager
Dan Girard
Jose Gorrin
William J. Greany
Carl F. Gitschier
Michael Ira Gottdenker
Rhonda Greeling
Donald Louis Glenum III
Elad Gottlib
David B. Green
David J. Gless
Paul A. Goubeaud
J. Green
Michael T. Gobeli
Joseph T. Gould
John Green
David Goddard
Claron H. Gove
John Green
Brian T. Godfrey
George Govednik
L. Green
Bruce C. Goding
James Grabill *
Paul Green
Timothy Joseph Godwin
Bill Graettinger
William E. Green
Mark A. Goetting
Scott Graeves
Gary R. Greenbaum
George Goff
David S. Graf
Jerry M. Greenbaum
William J. Golden
Dr. Werner M. Graf
Thomas Greene
Samuel S. Goldman
Bobby R. Graham
Stacey J. Greenhill
Peter Goldschmidt
Doug Graham
Patrick Greenlee
Andrew Goldstein
Nancy M. Graham
Michael E. Greenstein
Gregory Goldstein
Steven R. Graham
Michael Greenup
Robert Gontarek
Berl J. Grant
Florence H. Greenwood
Steven M. Greever
Larry Gruber
Robert Hacker Jr.
Robert E. Gregg Jr.
Paul Gruca
Perry Hacking
Gary W. Gregory
Bernard Grundl
Robert Eugene Hackman
Janet Gregory
Dominick Guarna
Deborah Hadler
Joseph W. Gregory
Richard Hillegass Guenther
Howard Hadley
Richard A. Greisman
Riccardo Guglielmetti
Glenn Haefner
Alexandr Gretchenkov
Edward Guida
Welton Haer
David Griffin
James Ronald Guida
Roger Hagans
Michael Griffin
Andrew L. Guinn
Dana Haglin
Richard Griffin
John Guinn
Dr. Delbert H. Hahn
Royal E. Griffin
Curtis C. Gunn Jr.
Terance Haid
Terry R. Griffin
William Gurley
Richard Haile
William C. Griffin
Henry Gurshman
Kenneth Hair
Mary L. Griffith
Leonard C. Gurule
Damian Hajduk
Roger D. Griggs
William Gust
Billy J. Halcomb
Cliff Grimes
Gary Gustafson
Adrian Hale Jr.
Kim Grimes
Roger C. Gustafson
Wendell Haley
D. Paul Grindall
Michael Guthrie
Charles Andrew Hall
Lee Grisham
Christopher P. Gutmann
Gerald W. Hall
Nickie Grissom
Dr. Paul Henry Guttman
Joel R. Hall
Leslie Grodi
Philip J. Gutwein
Kenneth Hall
Robert Grogan
William Guyette
Kenneth Hall
Christine Rosenbauer Grontkowski
Robert Gwinn Sr.
Robert Hall
Johannes Grosen
John H. Gwynne Jr.
Sean Halligan
Scott A. Gross
Ronald J. Gyure
William W. Halpin
William R. Gross
Lucien Haag
Dale Edwin Halter
Steve Grossman
Douglas Haan
Robert E. Hamer
Douglas Grote
Madeleine L. Haase
Bill D. Hamilton
Dr. Walter L. Grubb Jr.
Glenn A. Habrial
David Hamilton
Gewalt Hamilton
Edward W. Harding
John P. Harris
Gordon Hamilton
John A. Harding
John Harris
Harold E. Hamilton
Roland Hardt
Larry H. Harris
Paul Hamilton
Stephen Hardwick
Lee Harris
Robert C. Hamilton
John Hardy
Michael Harris
Edward G. Hammer
Jerroll Harewood
Peter Harris
Robert E. Hammer
Mike Harger
Robert J. Harris
Vernon Hammersley
Frank E. Hargett
Ward Harris
Daniel R. Hammond
John Harkey
Albert Harrison Jr.
Austin C. Hamre
Heath Harkins
David Harrison
Maura Hancock
Robert Harkness
Lawrence Michael Harrison *
Lester Hands
Joe H. Harman
T Harrison
Max Hanes
Stephen M. Harmon
Terry Harrison
James P. Hanks
David Harmony
Thomas Harrison
James Hanna
William Harms
W Allen Harrison
Gary Hannah
Stuart B. Harnden
Thomas C. Harry
Curtis R. Hannay
Dr. Alfred David Harper
Steve Jon Hart
Todd Hannula
James Harper
William W. Hart Jr.
Marc N. Hanover
James Harper
Frederick A. Hartel
Blaine S. Hansen
Thad Harper
Coleman Hartigan
John Hansen
Wayne Harral
John Hartman
Steven Hansen
James A. Harrell III
Robert A. Harway
Donald Hanson
William E. Harrington
Anthony Harwood
Kenneth J. Hanson
Bryan Harris
Hannsjoerg Hasche-Kluender
Nolan Hanson
Eric W. Harris Jr.
Charles Thomas Haskell Jr.
James W. Hantschel
Frederick A. Harris
Monty Hasley USA
Peter Harbeck
Gary E. Harris
Margaret Hastedt
Rodney Harbin
George Harris
Donald Hattersley
Gavin Harbison
Hayden H. Harris
John Haug III
Erik G. Haupt
Christopher Heinl
Conrad R. Hernandez
David Haushalter
Carl Heinrich
Axel Emilio Hernandez-Rodriquez
Flint Hawes
Gordon L. Heinrich
Alex Herold
Kenneth E. Hawken
Christian Heinz
Alberto P. Herrera
David E. Hawkins
Vaughn Heiple
Peggy Herrera
Bob Hawley Jr.
Dennis W. Heiserman
Paul Herrick
Richard Hawley
Richard Heller
Robert V. Herrick
James H. Hawse
Stephen H. Hellus
William Herrick
James M. Hawthorne
Frank George Hellwig
Bobby L. Herrington
William Hayden *
James T. Helsper
M Hershberger
David M. Hayes
Robert Hemme
Mike Herzog
James Hayes
Colin Henderson
Eric Hespenheide
Rhett S. Hayes
Rex M. Henderson
Edwin J. Hess
Ron Hayes
Sam Henderson
Gary Hess
Steven Hayes
Ian Hendon
Michael J. Hess
David Hayford
Jeff H. Hendrick
Henry Hession
Paul Haynes
Craig Hengen
Steven E. Hesterman
Robert J. Haynie III
John D. Henion
William R. Hettinger
Ronald Hays
Richard Henkle
William Hetzel
Don Hazle
Robert N. Hennigan
James Hewes
Richard Heady
Christian K. G. Henrichsen
Robert J. Hewitt
Jack B. Healan
Douglas J. Henry
Robert Hewlett
Lucas Heartsill
Russ Henry
Deward D. Hext
Scott Heck
H. A. Henschel
John H. Hiatt
William Carey Hedgpeth Jr.
James Hensley
Robert Hickerson
William Hegarty
Eoin Herlihy
David Hickman
Allen Hegelein
Bruce G. Herlin
Douglas Hickman
Kenneth J. Heidorn
Harvey Herman
William Tyler Hickman
Don Heidrich
Dr. Dane K. Hermansen
Norman Hickmore
Jonathan Hicks
Tim Hockenbury
Dave Holmes
Robert Hicks
Lawson Hockman
Marion Lee Holmes
Steven L. Higgins
Walt L. Hodges
Daniel Holsonback
Joyce L. Hilchie
John L. Hodgkins III
Kurt E. Holstein
Erik Peter Hilke
Timothy D. Hodgkins
Dave Holt
Brent Hill
Elaine Hodgson
Robert Homiller
Carl David Hill
Donald Raymond Hodina
Bruce F. Hone
Gerald Hill
Susan Hoeltkeward
Dr. Johnathan D. Hone
John Jensen Hill Jr.
Earl Hoffman
Frederick T. Honore
Robert G. Hill
Fred R. Hoffman
Gary Hood
Susan Hillman
Peter C. Hoffman
Harold Hoodwin
David L. Hilton
Peter L. Hoffman
Albert S. Hook
John C. Hilton
Dr. David M. Hoffmann
Steven Richard Hooley
James Himes
Daniel Hogan
Charles Hoover Jr.
George Hinde
Daniel Hogan
David A. Hoover
Byron Hines
Robert D. Hogan
Tim Hopkins
Roger Hines
Robert Hogan
James M. Horan
Anthony G. Hinkle
John C. Hohensee
John Paul Horkowitz
Leon B. Hinkle
Wade Holbrook
Kent A. Hornor
Robert Brenton Hinkle
Andy Holder
Brian Horsley
Foster D. Hinshaw
Richard Holdredge
Paul Horst
Eric S. Hinz
Dennis L. Holeman
Joseph A. Horton
Thomas S. Hirsch
Mark Holliday
Paul M. Horton
Jon Hitchcock
William M. Holloway
Peter Horvat
Robert E. Hite Jr.
Robert Holm
Alex A. Horvath Jr.
Robin Hoag
Daniel L. Holman
James Horwitz
Carri Hoagland
Michael G. Holmberg
Kenneth D. Horwitz
Russell L. Hobbs
Albert K. Holmes
Christian Hosford
George A. Hobson
Betty S. Holmes
Ralph Hotton
Albert C. Hough
Romulo E. Huezo
Dirk Huybrechts
Catherine Houghton *
Douglas Huff
Randall N. Hyer
Keith W. Houghton
David G. Huffman
David K. Hylbert
William Hounshell
Eddy Huffman
Geno Iafrate
David House
Edward C. Hughes, Jr.
Mario Oscar Ibanez
William Houst
Larry Hughes
Bernard Ibarra
Christopher Todd Houston
Matthew Hughes
Samuel Coleman Ice
Fred Houston
David W. Huiskens
Juli A. Ierardi
Warren Hovland
A. D. Hulen
Donald Ihlefeld
C. Howard
Dwayne E. Hull
Rolf Illsley
E. Howard
John Hull
Donald Imhoff
John Randolph Howard Jr.
Henry Hulse
Donald H. Ingalls
W E Howard
John Hults
Donald S. Ingraham
Michael Howe
Jerry Humble
Dr Leonard Ingram Jr.
Terrence M. Howe
Dr. Frank Humbles
Suzanne Inkley
James Cary Howell
Scott Hume
Nick Ioannou
James Howell
Jeff Hundley
Harry D. Ioder
John Howell
Bernard Hung
Jim Irvin
Thomas R. Howie
Roger Hunt
Ladd Irvine
Luis F. Hoyos
Philip S. Hunter
Donnie Isaac
Alice Huang
Kim Bryan Huntington
Kevin Iverson
Robert D. Hubbard
Fred Huppert
James G. Ivey
David Huber
Nikola Hure
Paul Jachman
Joseph V. Huber
J. D. Huss
Don Jack
Robert E. Huber
Barry Huston
Andrew Jackson
Jay D. Huckabay
Robert J. Huston
Bruce Jackson
Carol Hudak
H. L. Hutchings
Charles H. Jackson
Raymond Hudson Jr.
Lee Hutchins
Debbie Jackson
Ron Huebel
Rich Hutchison
Russell Jackson
William Jackson
Alan Jaslow
Dr. Clark C. Johnson
Durward Jackson II
Dr. Buford Jean
Clifford L. Johnson
Jeffrey Lynn Jacober
Jon Jefferies
Clyde Johnson
Larry D. Jacobi
John Jenkins Sr.
David Dale Johnson
Brian John Jacobs
Richard G. Jenkins
Donald Johnson
Kenneth Jacobs
Scott Jenkins
Edward J. Johnson
Michael L. Jacobs
Dr. Lawrence Richard Jenkyn
George H. Johnson
Jim Jacobsen
Carl Jennings
George Johnson
Dr. Gilbert Jacobson
Dr. James H. Jennings
Gordon M. Johnson
Jamie Jacobson
John M. Jennings
Herbert Johnson Jr.
John R. Jacobson
Roger Jennings
Howard Johnson
Stanley Jacobson
David W. Jensen
James Johnson
Stephen E. Jacobson
Nancy K. Jensen
Jay M. Johnson
Joel D. Jaffe
Dr. William Jepsen
Jeffrey S. Johnson
Richard Jaffe
Steven Jepson
Jerome Johnson
Michael Jager
Jerry M. Jernigan
John Johnson
Lawrence Jagmin
Mark J. Jerpbak
Julian S. Johnson III
Lionel Jahnke
Ray Jeske
Karl H. Johnson
Ronald Jakubas
Robert A. Jetmundsen
Lary Johnson
Joseph J. Janas
Henry Jevne
M Johnson
Dave Janko
Will A. Jewett
Markal J. Johnson
Marty Jansen
Michael Jobusch
Marvin B. Johnson
Carl Jantz
Ralph H. Johns
Michael H. Johnson
Hiram Jaqua
Allan Johnson
Reid L. Johnson
John Jarnagin
Bert G. Johnson
Renee Johnson
Victor Jaro
Bradley F. Johnson
Richard D. Johnson
James William Jarvis Jr.
Brian P. Johnson
Robert H. Johnson
Paul Jarvis
Bruce Johnson
Roy M. Johnson
Ronald Jarvis
Christopher Johnson
Samuel R. Johnson
Steven Johnson
Alfred Joyal
F. C. Karins
Steven Johnson
Douglas A. Joyce
Dr. Charles A. Karlin
Verdell A. Johnson
Timothy L. Joyce
Robert M. Karp
Virgil Lee Johnson
Jean-Luc Jubin
Dr. James Kase
Daniel Richard Johnston
Ronald Lee Judy
Willard Kassel
L. Johnston Jr.
John Jung
Frederick J. Katai
William Jokerst
David Junker
Eric Kaufman
Alfred C. Jones III
Michael Junod
Francis Joseph Kaufman
Bruce Jones
Jack Juraco
Mary Ann Kawakami
David W. Jones
Mark Jurash
Max J. Kay
Dean Jones
Donald R. Just
Stan Kay
Diana Jones
Dr. E. J. Justis Jr.
Donald Kaye
Donald Jay Jones
Debi Kaczynski
Jim Kazal
Gary A. Jones
George Kadziolka
Kareem Kazkaz
Dr. James Jones
Vaughn M. Kailian
Kevin M. Keefer
Jonathan B. Jones
Vaughn Kailian
David Keen
Philip D. Jones
Martha Kaldenbaugh
Edward P. Keenan
Russell V. Jones
Peter J. Kalisky
William Keene
Scott J. Jones
Joseph Richard Kalister Jr.
Kenneth W. Keeton
Thomas Jones
Henry Kallal
Randy Keiser
Thomas Jones
Geza A. Kalman
William Riley Keith
Tristan Jones
Roger Lee Kammerer
Warren Kelleher
William E. Jones
Gordon W. Kanan
Robert Keller
William Michael Jones
Lewis Kanter
William H. Keller Jr.
Arthur J. Jordan
Leo Kaplan
William Keller
Thomas Jordan
Paul Kaplan
Johnnie Kelley
Michael Josi
Guy D. Kaplowitz
William Kelley
David Josselyn
Matthew J. Kappel
Ken Kellner
Philip E. Jossi
Peter H. Karalus
Robert J. Kellogg
Harry Kelly
Manning M. Kimmel IV
John Klein
Neil Kempt
Dr. Charles E. King
Larry J. Klein
Roderick W. Kenaston
Dennis King
Richard Klein
John J. Kennedy Jr.
Henry King
Dr. Walter Kleinfelder
John Kennedy
Jeff King
Dale R. Klevgard
John Kennedy
Levon G. King
Dr. Michael Kligfeld
Kelsey Kennon
Lynn Harrison King
F. W. Klimcheck *
David Kenny
Randy King
Gerald Klimek
John Kerber
Robert K. King
Frederick R. Kling *
Rose Marie Kerns
Richard J. Kinnear
William Klotz
Bruce Kerr
Norman Kinney
Dr. Jerry Kluft
Margitta Kerr Stover
Alan Kinsel
Jerome V. Klukosky
Gloria Kershaw
Sabrina Kipp
Dr. Ronald H. Knapp
Dr. J. R. Kersten
Steven Kipp
Walter Kniaz
Andreas Kerstens
John A. Kirick
James J. Knight
John M. Kessinger
Robert Kirkpatrick
Leonard R. Knight
Edward E. Kessler
Paul Kirsch
William Joseph Knight
Fred D. Kessler
Joseph Kirschner
Robert Knollenberg
David L. Ketchpel
Andras G. Kiss
Harold R. Knowles
Charles W. Kettering
Thomas Kissling
Lawrence Knowles
Larry L. Ketterling
H. J. Kitchin
Gary D. Kobes
Donal Key
Gary W. Kiteley
Christopher Koc
Riley Keys
Charles R. Kittle
Mark Koch
Khalid Khan
K. Kladiva
Dieter Koehler
Kenneth Kiesel
Frederick Klarmeyer
Karen S. Koenig
Edward Joseph Kikta
Kenneth Klaus
Scott Koestler
Harold Kilburn Jr.
Earl M. Klebs
Robert Kolodji
Mark Kimble
Dale Klein
Douglas S. Komen
James Kimmel
Elmer Klein
Israel Komet
Kurt Kooyer
Reid Kuder
Erich K. Laetsch
Delbert Kopp
Garth H. Kuhagen
Michael Lafferty
Yhor Hul Korol
Herman Kuhl Jr.
Peter Lafferty
Matthew Koschak
Jerry Kuhl
John Lafond
Mark E. Kossler
Franklin Kuhn
Paul LaHoud
Dr. N. P. Kovacevich
John M. Kuhn
Robert K. Laird
Carl Kovamees
Kelin J. Kuhn
Dr. Richard A. Lallmang
Craig Kozak
George Kuhrts
Dr. James Lally
Gary Kozan
Jimmy D. Kulbeth
Jack R. Lamb
John D. Koziarski
Samir Kuliev
Daniel Lambalot
Michael Kraft
John R. Kulmann
Allen Lambert
John Krakowski
Piyush Kumar
Reggie Lambert
Craig Kramer
Nicholas V. Kunkel
Dale Lamberton
John Kramer
Robert D. Kunsak
Marlene K. Lambiaso
William L. Kramer
Thomas E. Kupferer
Andrew U. Lamborn
Bill Kraus
Richard Kurkowski
John Lancione
Michael Kraus
Rob Kurrus *
Richard Land
Donald Krause
Andrew Kurtz
Charles Lester Landes
Hans J. Krause
Stephen Kurtz
Jonnie Landis
James Kreutzfeld
Steven Kurtz
William Landis
Edward Krielow
Tom Kurtz
Joan B. Landrey
William Krisovitch
Steven Kyle
Bill Laney
Steven L. Krog
Jeff Kyllo
Albert Langen
Gerry Kroll
Perry L. Kyser
John A. Langenheim
Timothy Krone
Brad Laatsch
Wendell Lantz
Mary W. Kronwall
James LaBagnara Jr.
Michael Lapierre
Richard Krouskop
John Lacey
Harold L. LaRock
Edwin Kubin
William Lackey III
Raymond Larocque
Murray Stephen Kucherawy
Gary R. Ladwig
Gwen Larrett
Hugh Larsen
Thomas LeClaire
Donald A. Leonard
Chuck Larson
James Ledenbach
Nicolas Leonard
Donald C. Larson
Adrian Lee
Robert J. Leonard
Nels Larson
Charles C. Lee
Robert T. Leonard
Peter Larson
H. Fred Lee
Fred Leonetti
Robert Allen Larson
Dr. Jeremy S. Lee
Martha Edwards Leong
Victor LaSala
Phillip M. Lee
Sherif Lepi
Paul Lascari
Randy Lee
Cary Leptuck
Joseph J. Lascola
Robert B. Lee
Keith Lequire
David C. Lau
Robert C. Lee
Mark Arnaud LeRoy
Ronald Lauer
Valerie A. Lee
Ben Lesser
Chuck Laughlin
Ben Leeds
Lory LeStulken
John R. Laux
Paul Leeke
Leon Levan
William Laux Jr.
Peter Franklin Lefcort
Baruch Levavi
Bernard Lavene
Michael Lefever
Paul Leveque
Van Lawless Jr.
Ray Leggio
Richard C. LeVeque
Peter Lawrason
Maurice J. Lehmann
Levi Strauss Foundation
Bradley Lawrence
Matthew Lehrer
Dr. Donald Levine
Larry Rex Lawrence
Thomas A. Lehrke
Larry A. Levine
David M. Lawson
Josef Leicht
Adam Levy
Roy Lawson
George Leighton
Benjamin Levy
Ted Lawson
Don Leist
Peter Levy
James Lay
Roderick Lelental
Brandon Lewis
Craig Layson
Robert Lemm
Jacob S. Lewis
Keith L. Leafdale
L. P. Lemmerbrock
Laverne Lewis Jr.
James K. Leason
Paul Lenky
Mark Lewis
Dr. Erin Leavitt
Kim Lennard
Richard J. Lewis
Steven C. Leavitt
W. Casey Lenox
Scott M. Lewis
Joseph Lechtanski
Juan J. Leon
Ted W. Lewis
Walter J. Lewis
Gregory Lively
Elden A. Lorah
William J. Lewis
Wallace B. Livesay III
James V. Loranger
Dr. Michael Leymaster
Henry H. Livingston III
Mark Joseph Loranger
Eric Li
Charles D. Llano
David Lord
Zibang David Li
Dr. Amado Llizo
Stephen Lord
Zuolei Liao
Stuart J. Loberg
Stephen H. Loring
Todd Libke
Gregory Lobzhanidze
Michael Lorino
Max L. Liby
Ronald Lockard
Dan Losee
Kris Lichter
John Lockhart
Matias Losen
Michael John Lichtman
George U. Loffert Jr.
Albert E. Losvar
George J. Liebner
Philip L. Loftin
William Edgar Loudy
Harold Lightsey
David J. Logan
Michael Loughney
Thomas N. Lightsey Jr.
Robert E. Logan
Thomas A. Lovas
Clarence Lildharrie
Edward Lohman
Ghyrn Loveness
Dan Lilja
Jack R. Lohmann
John Weinert Lovett
Eric Lin
Dan Loikits
Luke Loveys
Dr. Edward J. Lind
John Lollar *
William Loving
Peter S. Lindauer
Clinton P. Lombard
Richard Harold Low
Lawrence T. Lindgren
Joseph Lombardo
Bruce T. Lowerre
Robert Fulton Lindgren
Barbara Long
Richard Lowman
Craig C. Lindwall
George S. Long
Phillip Lowrance Sr.
Mary T. Linton
Gregory Long
Steven S. Lowry
Peter Linzmaier
Jerral A. Long
John Lowther
Barry Lippert
John D. Long
W. H. Lowther Jr.
Gregory Lipscomb
Michael M. Long
Edward Loxterkamp
Tom A. Liras
James Looloian
Glenn Lubbe
Joshua C. Lisle
Donald W. Loomer
Gregg E. Lubbe
Mark Litteken
Carl Loomis
Thomas Lubeck
Debbie Jean Little
George R. Loose
Kary Lucas
Jeffrey Littmann
Dalton R. Lorah
Daniel K. Luciano
John Ludwig
Cecil MacGregor
Joanne Maloy
Glen Luedke
Edward Maciariello
Roland Renato Manarin
Carl Lueking
Michael K. MacIntosh
Gary L. Manchester
J. Luening
Arthur R. Mack
Dr. John Manchin II
Erik Lugo-Escobar
Michael MacKay
Donald R. Mancuso
Robert G. Luhrs
Pamela L. Mackey
Richard G. Mancuso
Alan Lukas
John M. Macksamie
Mark Manes
James T. Lukasavage
Donald H. MacLeod
Dario P. Manfredi
Jahn A. Luke
John Madden
Matthew M. Manganello
Arthur E. Luman
Jaswant Madhavan
Mel Manley
Thomas R. Luna
Robert J. Madigan
Ronald Mann
Christian John Lund
Carlo Vincent Madonia Jr.
Dr. William Mann
Chuck Lund
Richard Magnan
Esko Mannisto
Edgar E. Lundeen Jr.
Allen W. Magnone
Mark C. Mannix
Bill Lundgren
Robert M. Magrady
Lealon J. Mantooth
Peter Lundquist
Joseph Magyary
John Todd Manuel
Henry Luten
James P. Mahoney
Steven J. Manzari
Robert H. Luten
James William Mahoney
Salvatore E. Maranto
Fred L. Lutz
Robert G. Mahoney
Dr. E. R. March Jr.
Lynn Lykins
Jeff Maier
John E. Marden
Gale Lyle
Richard Franklin Maier
Michael Margaros
Stephen Lynch
Andrew Maitland
James L. Margason
David Lynn
Michael S. Major
David G. Margolis
Dr. Steven Lynn
Charles Malek
William Marinangel
Michael E. Lyon
Paul Malgee
Dr. William P. Marineau
Michael J. Lyons
Walter Malinowski
Don Maring Jr.
David M. Mabry
Arthur M. Malinski
David Mark
Steve Macanga
Keith Malkemes
Edmund L. Markey
John MacDonald
David Mallach
Edmund Markey III
Paul A. Macdonald
James T. Maloney Jr.
Ian Marks
Richard Markwell
James M. Matarese
Meir Mazala
Jerry D. Marley
Harry Mathis
Aldon G. Mazzoni
Walter Marrs
Jimmie Mathis
Richard A. McAdoo
Nicholas Marsh
Gary Matson
Thomas McAllister
Gregory Thomas Marshall
Curtis Matteson
Howell McBrayer
Robert Marshall
Bernd Matthes
Billy L. McBryde
Erin Marston
Heike Matthes
Gurney G. McCabe
James S. Marston
Chester L. Matthews
Robert McCaffery
Joseph V. Martemucci
David Matthews
Ronald W. McCaffrey
Arthur I. Martin
John Matthews
John D. McCain
Brian Martin
James B. Mattly
Dennis L. McCallum
Bryan Martin
Ray Matuszak
Richard McCann
Christian Martin
Russell Casper Mauch
Bill Mccann
Christopher John Martin
Martin Mauersberg
Stephen McCann
Kerry Martin
Brett Maurer
Dr. Gird McCarty
Louis Martin
Charles L. Maurer
Neal Scott McCarty
Paul Martin
Dr. David R. Mauritson
Brent McCasland
Richard F. Martin
Thomas Mauss
Dale Mccaslin
Richard Martin
Joseph J. Maust
Michael G. McCauley
Stephen Martin
Gary A. Maxner
Peter Mccaw
Robert T. Martineau
Robert Maxson Jr.
H. B. McClaren
Oscar H. Martinez
John H. May
Thomas R. McCleary
David J. Marvin
Glen Maybee
J. S. McClelland
Doris Marx
Randall Paul Maydew
Danny Mcclendon
Christophe Masiero
Ronald Mayer
Francis McClernon
David Maskel
Stephen Mayer
Thomas J. McClinton
Christine Mason
Michael Mayfield
Mark Garner McClone
William H. Massay
Dr. William E. Mayher III
Bruce W. McClymond
Henry P. Massey Jr.
Robert Maynor
James R. McCollum
Matthew J. Massiano
Mike Mayo
William B. McCollum
H. K. McComas III
Richard Benn McFarland
Teresa McMaster
Gregg McCorkle
David A. McFarlane
George T. McMillin
Gary McCormick
Dr. James McGaha
John T. McMillion
Patrick D. McCornack
David C. McGiffin
Patrick McNabb
Martin R. McCoy Jr.
Lincoln McGinnis
Mike McNamee
James F. McCrackin
Sherman McGlothlin
Andrew E. McNear
Richard McCrady
Tim D. McGowan
Judy McNeil
Dr. Michael McCrae
Ronald McGrew
James McNeill
Mike McCraken
Christopher G. McHarg
Michael McVeigh
Dan McCrary
Guy McIlroy
G. E. McWilliams
K. R. McCuistion
Robert S. McIlroy
Bradford Mead
Allen McCulloch
Gary W. McKaughan
Donald Mead
J. E. McCullough
Curtis Mckee
Greg Mead
Kenton G. McCullough
Blake Patterson McKeever
Dorothy M. Meadows
Robert McCune
Ain McKendrick
Jonathan E. Meakim
Bruce McCurdy
Michael J. McKenny
Laurence J. Meal
Joe Hamilton Mccutchen
Harry D. McKenzie
Russell A. Mears
Gene McDermott
William C. McKinley
Richard Measel
William T. McDermott
Phillip Stanley McKinney
Rafael Medina Vera
Alex Craig McDonald
Floyd McKinnon
Dr. David Meece
Bert McDonald
Robert McKinzie
William L. Mega
Charles McDonald
Robert McKool
Kim Meganigal
John McDonald
Clarence McLean
Robert C. Meier
Jolene McDonald
Clarence D. McLean
Elliott Meisel
Doug McDougall
Bruce A. McLellan
Kenneth G. Melhado
Roger M. McDowell
F. W. McLeskey Jr. *
Delano Melikian
W. R. McDowell
Michael McLoad
George Melnyk
James F. McEachern
Keith McMahan
Ronnie Menard
Phillip D. McEndree
Dr. J. Mcmahon
Thomas Alan Mendenhall
Terry E. McFadin
Jack D. McMaken
John Mendes Jr.
Jerry Vdba Menefee
Timothy Meyer
Ken Miller
Ron Mengarelli
Jess H. Meyers
Nancy Miller
Rex A. Menke
Charles Micheal
Paul Miller
Ken Menzie
Georgios Michelogiannakis
Andrew J. Milligan
Marcel Mercier
Michael W. Michl *
Paul A. Millner
Michael Mercier
Rod Mickels
Ralph B. Mills III
John W. Meredith
Karl Mickelson
Marshall Millsap
Todd Meredith
Andy Middione
Joseph C. Mincher
John Merrell
David Middleton
Lon Minier
Craig Merrick
Frank F. Middleton
Paul Minne
Richard O. Merrill
Ronald W. Mielke
Jay Minor
Thomas Merriman
Steven R. Mierau
Dr. Russell F. Minton Jr.
Michael Merritt
Joseph Mikhail
Jerry L. Miratsky
Susan Langreth Merryman
Alexei Mikhailov
Frederick Misakian
Daniel Mertens
Gabriel Mikol
Andrew Misener
Justin Meschler
Douglas Milam
Sharon Misgen
Michael G. Mesich
Marek Milbar
Larry Mistichelli
Dr. Andy Messenger
Don Milbrandt
Ronald Mitchell
Dominique Messerli
Chris Miles
F. A. Mittelsdorf
Peter Messina
Vincent F. Mileto
Daniel H Moellering
Sid Metcalf
Chester M. Miller
Burnham Moffat
James A. Metcalfe
Daryl Robert Miller
Michael McKendra Moffitt
Peyton Metzel
David B. Miller
Charles E. Moggia
Bradley Metzler
David Miller
Fredy Molina USA
Charles Meyer
Edward Miller
Robert Monaghan Jr.
Dave Meyer
Fred Miller
Nahum Monosov
Edgar B. Meyer
James Miller
Bruce Monroe
John Meyer
Jeffrey Miller
David K. Monroe
Raymond Meyer
John R. Miller
Floyd Jay Monroe III
Steven Meyer
Katharine Tyler Miller
James Montague
Antonio Monteiro
Jason Morgan
Charles S. Motz
J. Montgomery
Philip H. Morgan
James Moyer
Mark Montgomery
Ralph A. Morgen
Mark Moyle
Mark Montgomery
Stanley Mork
Patrick J. Moynihan
Robert S. Montgomery IV
Rick Morlen
Philip I. Moynihan
Dr. David Monti
Jean Morow
Greg Mudd Jr.
John Montmorency
Dorinda Morpeth
David Mueller
John Moody Jr.
Scott Morrill
Thomas R. Muenks
Stephen Mooney
Dr. Jerry L. Morris
Robert A. Muhlbach
Archie Moore
John Morris
Scott J. Muir
David Wayne Moore
Tim Morris
Darrel L. Mullins
Frank Avery Moore
Alfred L. Morrison
John E. Mullins
Garrett Moore
Brian Morrison
Tim Mulvaney
John Moore III
Peter G. Morros
Gary W. Mumma
Kent Moore
Danny E. Morrow
Sri Mummaneni
Kevin Brett Moore
Glenn F. Morse
Tim Mundie
Kevin W. Moore
John H. Morse Sr.
Dr. Joseph Munning
Michael Moore
Mark H. Morse
Stanley M. Munsat
Stacy L. Moore
Shawn B. Morten
Mary Munster
Terry Moore
Brad Morton
Dr. James Murdocco
Chris Moorman
Derrick Page Morton
Michael Murphree
Dr. Richard L. Moors
James M. Morton
Arthur Murphy
Manuel D. Morales
Peter Morton
Edward Murphy
Daniel Morasch
Roger Morton
Pat D. Murphy
Ronald Morcom
Steve Morton
Stephen Patrick Murphy
Claude Moreau
Zvi Mosery
Pat Murray
Gerald Moret
Fredric E. Moskol
Richard C. Murray Jr.
Joseph Moreth
David Moss
Verne Murray III
Dennis E. Morgan
James L. Mostrom
L Musat
Elwood H. Morgan
William R. Mott
Edgar R. Musser
Melissa R. Muth
Elizabeth M. Neff
Ryan Nicholas
Robert Muth
John B. Neff
Charles A. Nicholls
Stephen Muza Jr.
Alan Negrin
Barry L. Nichols
Arvine H. Myers Jr.
Lance A. Neibauer
Dr. David B. Nichols
Aubrey R. Myers
Albert L. C. Nelson II
Neal C. Nichols
Brad Myers
James R. Nelson
Kent Nicholson
Dan Myers
James Nelson
David W. Nickerson
Kip Myers
John Nelson II
Joseph F. Nickle Jr.
Lorraine B. Myers
Kyler D. Nelson
Anthony Nicodemo
R. Myers
Marlene D. Nelson
Gary Nicola
Dr. Richard B. Myers
Norwood G. Nelson
David Nieglos
Russell Myers
Odell L. Nelson
Don Nielsen
Thomas Myers
Robert W. Nelson
William J. Nielsen Jr.
Yisraela Myers
Lisa Gaye Nerkowski
Bruce L. Niemeyer
Kim Myerwold
Tom Nesmith
Andrew S. Niemyer
Dave Nadler
Leopold Nessing
Donald N. Nientker
Bruce J. Nagasaka
David Neuman
Robert J. Nitschke
Dan Nagel
Dr. Robert Neuwirth
Terry Nitz
Dr. Roger A. Nahas
A. J. New
Larry S. Nixon
Nikhilanand Nair
Randall Newberry
Marcia Noell
Peter Naman
Clint Newell
Kevin Nolan
Sriram Narayan
Kenneth Newell
Marty Noonan
Lewis M. Nashner
Don Newman
Mike Noonan
Timothy Naugler
H. R. Newman
Robert Noone
Robert Navarre
Scott W. Newman
Thomas Noone
Stephen Naymick
Harold Newton
Dr. Lyle J. Noordhoek
Mark M. Neal
Ronald Newton
Gary L. Nordyke
Robert Nebgen
Lawrence Niazy
Rodney W. Nowakowski
Joseph Needham
Joseph Nichelson
Joseph Noyes
Dave Nuckolls
Patricia A. Ohlsson
Dr. David Osher
Patrick Nugent
James Ohnstad
Stuart J. Oster
William G. Nussbaum
James O’Keeffe
Jeffrey D. O’Tool
David Nye
Noel Olebos
Michael Ottenweller
Scott Nyland
Bohdan Olesnicky
Alfred D. Ouellette
Raymond Nymeyer
Carl Erik Olsen
Steven M. Ourada
Norbert O Connell
Harold Olsen
Dr. Bruce Ourieff
Donald Oaks
Ray Olsen
Arnold J. Overland
Paul Obagy
Richard Olsen
Dr. John W. Overton Jr.
John Obradovich
Victor L. Olsen
Craig Owen
Dr. Randall O’Brien
Bart Olson
Robert D. Owen
Terrance M. O’Brien
Daniel E. Olson
Robert L. Owen Jr.
William P. O’Brien
James N. Olson
Melvin Owens
Daniel Obrien
Dr. Steven P. Olson
Stephen H. Paavola
William J. Ochalek Jr.
Joe Olthafer
Thomas H. Pacer
Thomas Ocheltree Jr.
David M. Omdahl
Floyd Packard Jr.
Charles Oconnell
Shirley Onacilla
Hewlett Packard
Brian O’Connor
Robert J. O’Neill
James Page
Dallas O’Connor
Reinhard A. Oneill
Elmer Gordon Pahre
Brian Oconnor
Su-Min Oon
Madan Paidhungat
Neil Oconnor
David M. Orchard
Mark Palajac
Richard Odell
Kevin J. O’Reilly
Joe R. Palermo Jr.
William Odom
William Orellana
Dale E. Palka
John F. O’Donnell
John Orr
David Palm
Robert H. Oetjen
Ted Orris
Bob Palmer Jr.
Ross D. Oetjen
Jose Guadalupe Ortiz Celestino
Gary Palmer
Raymond Offenbacker
Dennis Orton
Jack Palmer Jr.
Mark Ogden
William Osborn III
Sydney W. Palmer
Robert Ogrady
John M. O’Shaughnessy
William Palmerton
Brett Palmiero
Robert R. Pastusek
Dr. Max Peralta
Lester J. Palmisano
Thomas Paszkiewicz
Frederick Perfect
Ralph Paquette Jr.
Raj Patcha
D.W. Perkins
Richard Paradise
Farhad Patel
Dr. David Ervin Perkins
Jackson E. Parham
Daniel L. Paternoster
Frank Perkins
George Paris Jr.
Murray S. Patkin
Herbert Albert Perkins
John Paris
Joe N. Patrick
Dino Peros
Stephen W. Paris
Amy E. Patterson
Dr. R. L. Perpall
Preston S. Parish
Bruce D. Patterson
Robert D. Perrill
Robert I. Park
Marla Patterson
Dr. Lee Perrin
Harold L. Parker
Dr. Phillip L. Patterson Sr.
J. F. Perry
J. Parker
Richard L. Patterson
Mark Perry
James Parker
Frank E. Patton
Sharon Perry
John Parker
Antonio Payero
Steve Perry
Dr. John Parker
David W. Payne
Herman R. Person
Mary C. Parker
Gary E. Payton
Robert M. Person
William Marshall Parker
David Pease
John Peruzzi
Dr. Fritz M. Parkins
Dr. Tiron C. Pechet
Bruce L. Peters
Michael Parks
Louis Gregory Pecoraro
Gerald E. Peters
Ronald K. Parks
Paul M. Peindl
Jerrod Paul Peters
William G. Parrillo
David Pelham
Mark M. Peters
Doug Parrish
Gregory Pellar
Michael Peters
John L. Parron
John L. Pellouchoud
Paul E. Peters
Dana H. Parry
Victor J. Penacho
Ronald Peters
Joe Carl Parsons
Robert A. Pendley
Carl E. Petersen
Paul V. Partington II
Scott R. Penfield Jr.
Robert Petersen
David D. Partlow Jr.
Jim Penn
Alan Peterson
John F. Partridge
Gregory H. Penner
Brian Peterson
Jolanta Partyka
James Pensinger
Dale Peterson
Daniel B. Peterson
Robert Piccoli
Mark Pollman
David A. Peterson
Clinton Pickett
Andrew Pomerantz
Evan Peterson
Frederick Picut
Edward Pompa
Gary Peterson
Jeff Pierce
Nathan G. Pond
Jeffrey Peterson
Sheila Pierskalla
Edward L. Ponder
Mark W. Peterson
Daniel Pietras
Didier Ponteziere
Philip L. Peterson
Chris Piety
John Pope
Dr. Russell Peterson
John Pieza
Mark Pope
S. C. Peterson Jr.
William Piggott
Ronald P. Pope
Russell Petrie
William Pike
T. L. Popejoy
Larry D. Petro
Larry Pilgrim
Brent Porlier
George Petty
Kent Pinkerton
Arthur Porreca
Jesse T. Peurifoy Jr.
Sally Pinkerton
Donald G. Porter
Donald C. Pfiester
Michael Pinto
Herbert Porter
Michael Pfleger
Ronald Pinzker
Jeffrey Porter
Kevin D. Phelps
Anthony Pio Costa
Louisa Porter
Scott O. Phelps
Alfred G. Piranian
Ralph Portnoy
Kerrick Philleo
Philip H. Pitts
Allan Posner
Ross Phillippi
Stan Pitts
William Poston
Anthony Phillips
Robert Pizana Jr
Richard Potrafka
Christopher Phillips
Teresa Pizzuti
James R. Potter
Harry Phillips
Jerry Plante
James Potter
John Phillips
David M. Plisco
Jean-Luc Pous
Ralph Phillips
Preston Plous
Chris T. Powell
Robert Phillips
Andrew Plunkett
George Alan Powell
Ted Phillips
Janet K. Ply
Nigel C. Powell
Laurent Philonenko
Donald Pointer
Greg Powroznik
James Phy
Fred O. Poitevent Jr.
Chris Prangley
Catherine Piccoli
Peter Poland
Matt Prather
Chris Pratt *
Keith Pugh
Gregory Ratliff
Douglas Mclain Pratt
Thomas Samuel Pugh
Curt Rausch
James W. Pratt
John Pultan
Kenneth P. Raver Jr.
Grant Prellwitz
Robert Taylor Purcell IV
Alexander John Rawling
Barnard Prenner
James Purifoy
Raymond Rawson
John Prescott
Dr. Joseph Murray Pyle III
Georgianne G. Ray
Dr. Ronald W. Prestage
Robert G. Quesenberry
Luiz Razera
Wayne H. Preston
Margaret Quigg
John Razmus
Glenn D. Prestwich
Charles J. Quilter II
Ronald Reagan
Larry Preuss
Thomas J. Quinci
Maurice Andre Recanati
George Prewitt
William Quinlan
James A. Redfield
Anthony James Price
Juan Quintana Jr.
Michael J. Redig
Archie Ben Price
Louis A. Quirch
Roger Christopher Redwood
David Price
Tim Rabbitt
Derek Reed
J. Price
Peter Rach
Lawrence Reed
James Price
Michael Racine
Michael D. Reed
Christopher Priebe
Dr. John Michael Raimondo
Ralph C. Reed Jr.
Jeffrey Priest
Douglas S. Rajski
Mitchell Reese
Philip Prieur
Lee Ramsdell
Carl G. Reeves
Rich Prillinger
Dr. Jack Ramsey
Dr. William George Reeves
Carol B. Prince
Jerry D. Ramsey
Jon Rehnberg
Robert E. Prince
David C. Randall
Curtis D. Reiber *
Robert J. Prodinger
Vernon E. Randel
Eugene Reich
Mary Proko
Sharon D. Raney
Robert Reid
Joel Prosser
Dr. David Alan Rankin
Sam J. Reid
Dr. Robert S. Prus
David Rapinz
Beth Reifsnyder
Jerry Pryor
Craig E. Rappe
Galen M. Reimer
John Pryor
Kurt Rasmussen
Senter Reinhardt
Thomas Przedwojewski
Grove A. Rathbun Jr.
David S. Reinhart
Gregory Reinhart
James and Cynth Richardson
Hugo A. Ritzenthaler
Charles Reinninger
John Edward Richardson
Sean M. Rivard
Robert F. Reinoehl
John G. Richardson
Edwin M. Rivera
Marvin Reitz
Kenneth Richardson
Leandro Alberto Rivera
Ned Remavege
Kevin H. Richardson
Gerald L. Rix
David J. Remondini
Roger E. Richardson
Carlton Rizer
John C. Rendall
William B. Richardson
Robert Rizzo
Thomas J. Renfro
Thomas S. Richter
William Roark
Daniel Renfroe
S. J. Rickenbacher
Eugene Roarty
Anthony Renner
James W. Ricketts
Ward H. Robbins
John Renslow Jr.
Marvin C. Ricklefs
Dr. Virgil O. Roberson
Randy P. Renz
Clyde W. Ricks
Arthur G. Roberts
Jack L. Repass
Dennis Ricotta
Bruce T. Roberts
Alan D. Resnicke
Thomas D. Ridderbush
David Roberts
Paul J. Reukauf
Kenneth R. Rider
John J. Roberts
Linda Rever
Herbert A. Riebeling
Leon Roberts
Klaus W. Rexroth
Lynn R. Riedesel
Martin Roberts
Jose Reyes
Wilson Riggan Jr.
William M. Roberts
Matthew Reyne
John H. Riggs
Dr. Charles Robertson Jr.
John Reynolds
Charles Riley
Fred T. Robertson
Dr. Kenneth J. Reynolds
Michael Riley
Roy Robertson
Benjamin A. Rhodes
Christopher Rimer
Joseph Rector Robinette
Jim Rhodes
Philipp M. Rimmler
Alan H. Robinson
James E. Rhude
Dr. Frank E. Rinaldo
David Robinson
Dr. Harlan R. Ribnik
Gerald J. Ring
Donald A. Robinson Jr.
David A. Rice
Ralph Rios
James T. Robinson
James Rice
Thomas Rishovd
John C. Robinson
Gary Richards
Joseph Carlton Ritchie Jr.
John Patrick Robinson
Craig Richardson
Edwin W. Ritter
Kenneth Robinson
Michael Briard Robinson
Sid Rohnscheib
Jack C. Rosenau
Ralph T. Robinson
John Rohrer
Adam Rosenberg
Ray Robinson
Alan E. Rohrs
Stephen Rosenberg
William E. Robinson
Felipe Rojas
Mary Rosenblum
Joseph S. Robison
Dr. Thomas E. Rojewski
David Roslund
Philip Roby
Stephen Rokicki
Benny Ross
Joseph Rocchietti
Joseph E. Roland
John Rosso
David A. Rock III
Kevin E. Rolf
James Roth
John U. Rockcastle
Randolph Rolf
Mitchell G. Roth
Robert Rockhill
Rick Roller
Joseph G. Rothman
James W. Roddy
Nicholas Harvey Romah Jr.
John W. Rothrock Jr.
Thomas J. Rodell
Ulrich Werner Romahn
Karyn Rothstein
Dr. T. Rodenhouse
Peter A. Roman
Christopher Rothwell
Thomas Gerard Rodenhouse
Peter Paul Romanos
Richard E. Rotramel
Cliff Roderiques
Leon Romero
Pavel Roubal
James A. Rodrian
Pedro A. Romero
Richard J. Rouse
Leo Rodriguez
Kurt E. Rommel
Ray Roussett Jr.
Reynaldo Rodriguez
Geoff Rood
Dr. Alan Routman
Rodolfo P. Rodriguez
David Rooker
Edward Routon
Patricia Joan Roebuck
Stephen M. Rosario
Miguel Rovira
Charles Roell Jr.
Hermann Roschen
Steven Rowe
Kurt W. Roeloffs
Renato Roscher
Michael Rowles
Steven H. Roesing
Bill Rose
Bob Roy
Mitch Roether
Bobby Rose
Gilles Roy
Donald R. Rogers
Hugh Rose
Paul Rozman
Halbert J. Rogers
James Rose
Richard Rubin
William Rogers
Joseph H. Rose
Erik Michael Ruch
David C. Rogerson
Ken Rose
Roger Rucker
Diane Rohman
Thomas E. Rosellini
Michael Rudder
Jonathan Rudolf
Neilan Salisbury
Robert Saulters
Jane L. Ruehle
John Fredrick Sallstrom
Michael P. Saunders
Russell R. Ruggieri
Alexander Salons
Morton T. Saunders
Stephen Ruks
Rayson Salt
Dr. Michael Sauri
M William Rummer
Stanley Salter
Jimmie C. Savage
James C. Runk
Kevin D. Saltsman
Warren Sawyer
Dewan Rupram
Leighton Samms
Ralph H. Scargall
Gregory W. Rush
Robert Sample
Roland J. Schable
E. Russell
Walter Randolph Samples
David Schaefer
Randy R. Russell
James E. Samuel
Werner Georg Schaefer
Rodney O. Russell
James F. Samuel
Frank Schambra
William Russell
Dr. John T. Samuels II
Bernard M. Scharf
Dr. Michael Russin
Edward F. San Juan
Rene Schaub
Joseph Ruth
Glenn Sanders
Brian Schaulis
Jack L. Ruttle
John David Sanders
William Brian Schaulis
Jan Ryan
Bill Sanderson
Jack Scheidel
Kevin Ryan
Jeannie C. Sandidge
Jon Scheiding
Patrick Ryan
William Christopher Sands IV
Tom Schiff
Robert H. Ryder
Michael Sanem
David C. Schiffman
John Rynearson
Jeanne B. Sanger
Owen Schipplein
Thomas Saarie
Ralph P. Santosuosso
Philip T. Schiro
Jeffrey Sacks
Ronald Saporita
Leonard J. Schisano
Bayard F. Sadler
Russell G Sardina
Jason Schlabach
Carl R. Sahi
John Sargent
Bill B. Schlak
Ralph K. Sahm
Maurice Sargent
David L. Schlosser
John F. Saidy
Hovannes Sarkissian
Lee J. Schmalz
Hamed Sajjadi
Dean Sather
Peter Schmeelk
Jessie Salazar
Gary G. Satterfield
Kurt M. Schmeltzer
John A. Salewski
Dana Saucier Jr.
G. Schmidt III
Haywood K. Schmidt
Michael A. Schwager
Eric Selter
Jay Schmidt
Dr. Ronald Schwartz
Dr. Mylappan Selvaraj
John W. Schmidt
Jack Schweizer
Christopher Selzer
Noel Schmidt
Robert Schwoerer
David Sendlenski
Herwig I. Schmidts
Dr. Geoffrey Scott
Carl V. Senter
Berndt Schmit
Gil Scott
William M. Serazio
Dr. David Schmitt
John Scott
Andrey Serbinenko
Frank C. Schneider
Kenneth C. Scott
Ottavio Serena
George Schneider
Larry R. Scott
Mark Serenko
Wayne Schneider
Susan S. Scott
Michael Serrano
Burton Schnur III
Michael Scranton
Scott Kenyon Serven
James C. Schock
Michael Fitzpatrick Scruggs
Dr. Hubert T. Servis
Tracy A. Schoenrock
Larry J. Scurlock
Edward A. Sesso
Rolf H. Scholz
Steve Seaboyer
David K. Setzer
David Schorlemer
Daniel Seagraves
Gary R. Seubert
Joseph Schrade II
John B. Seal
George M. Sewell
A Schrautemyer Jr.
Rick A. Seaman
Joyce Seyferth
Gene A. Schripsema
Robert J. Secord
Norwood Seymour Jr.
John Schrock
Norman H. Sedgley III
Joseph Shaber
David Schroeder
Charles Seeber
Robert O. Shackelford Jr.
Deon E. Schroeder
Donald P. Seelinger
Miles Shadley
Merry S. Schroeder
Ferdinand Seemann
Mark H. Shanahan
Paul K. Schroeder
William Segel
John P. Shannon
Ronald L. Schuen
John R. Seibold
William E. Shannon
Douglas Schuler
Erin Seidemann
Ronald W. Sharer
Herbert Schulke III
Jack Seidman
Ralph Sharma
Bruce Schulman
Michael Seidman
Gary L. Sharp
Charles C. Schultz
Thomas D. Sellers
Jack Sharp
John S. Schwab III *
John R. Sellmer
Michael Sharp
Brewster Shaw
Mark Shields
Charles Simica
John Walter Shaw
H. Marty Shingler
Dan J. Simkins
Judy Shaw
James P. Shipley
Douglas J. Simmons
Paul Shaw
Ralph V. Shipton Jr.
Gene Simmons
Roger Shaw
Andrew Albin Shirk
Gregory G. Simmons
Rose G. Shaw
Joseph Shirtz
Guy H. Simmons
Christopher Lynn Shedd
William Shivers
Melinda K. Simmons
Robert Shedlin
Eric Shobe
Susan M. Simmons
John Sheehan
Brad Shoebridge
William M. Simmons
Raymond Sheehan
Joseph Shoemaker
Tex D. Simoneaux Jr.
William Sheehan
Keith M. Shonnard
Carl Simons
Albert Sheehy
Kenneth E. Shores
Dwight D. Simpson
Joseph Sheffield
Wayne M. Short
Matthew Simpson III
Richard Sheffield
Douglas Shows
William H. Simpson
Robert Shelby
Cherie Shreck
Barry Don Sims
Scott H. Sheldon
Minchun Shu
Karl R. Singer
Richard Shelley
George R. Shuler
Thomas J. Singer
William F. Shelley
Terence Shumaker
Dennis W. Singleton Sr.
George Shelling
Darrel G. Shumard
John H. Singleton Jr.
F. Shelton III
Daniel Shumeyko Jr.
Bonita Singlevich
Ronald Shemenski
Norman F. Siboloski
Thomas Sippel
Ralph S. Shepherd
Riaz Siddiqi
Vincent J. Siren
Pete Shepley
Ronald T. Siddoway
Ronald D. Sisemore
Charles Sherman
Robert Siegfried II
Kevin Sisson
Doug Sherman
Didier Siffer
Michael Sisto
Dr. Randolph Sherman
Lanny Sigler
Witold Siwanowicz
Tom Sherony
Thomas W. Sigmon
John R. Skaggs
Robert Avery Sherwin
Robert H. Silvers
John Skain
John Shields
Michael Duane Silvey
Michaela Skalniak
Earl T. Skelly
Dennis Smith
Charles Songer
Dr. Thomas Skelton
Dr. Gerald A. Smith
John Neal Soreide
Larry Skerker
Grant M. Smith
Rodger L. Sorensen
Tom Skoro
James S. Smith *
Randall D. Sosnick
Eugene Michael Skrabut
James T. Smith
Gregory W. Sotebeer
Jeff Slepian
Jeffrey Smith
Robert South
Lester Slifkin
Joe R. Smith
Brent Southwell
Richard Sloan
Larry T. Smith
Dr. Sal Souza
James Slocum
Marc D. Smith
Jack C. Sowder
David Slodki
Dr. Roland Smith
Vincent C. Sowers
John Sly
Ronal William Smith
Dan Spagnoli
James Small Jr.
Ronald Smith
Robert A. Sparks III
Lynn Small
Ryan David Smith
Steward A. Sparks III
Murray J. Small Jr.
Scott Allan Smith
Rich Spatz
Charles Albert Smedley
Scott Smith
Dane Spearing
Mark Smerak
Stephen P. Smith
Harold T. Spears Jr.
Arthur W. Smith
Tona R. Smith
Gordon R. Speer
Barry J. Smith
Tracy Smith
Donald C. Spence
Brion Guy Smith
Vernon Smith
Nicholas Spence
Carl E. Smith
Dr. Gerald Smyser
L. D. Spencer
Dr. Carl Smith
Darrell Sneed
Mark Spencer
Cecil Smith
Staley L. Snook Jr.
Raymond Spencer
Charles A. Smith
Denny Snyder
Herb Spenner
Charles Smith
Jeffrey L. Snyder
Robert G. Spidell
Charles Smith
Gerard Socha
Jeffery Lynn Spiegelhauer Sr.
Charles Smith
Johannes F. Soehn
Harvey Spieker
Colin Smith
Richard P. Solana
Jerry L. Spiller
David P. Smith
Miguel Solis
Tom A. Spina
Dennis A. Smith
Claus Sondermann
Dr. Daniel Evan Spitzer
Dennis Smith
John H. Sondgeroth
Charles E. Spratt
Jerry L. Sprayberry
S. Stealey Jr.
Dr. Michael Stewart
Glenn Sprenzel
Ronald Stearman
Dr. Pamela E. Stewart
Karen Spring
Craig Steele
John Stewman
Wayne Springsteen
Jerry Steele
Anthony G. Stieber
James A. Spudich
Scott Steele
Bill Stiles
James Spurgeon
Joe Stefanini
Robert W. Stimming
Billy C. Spurlock
Anthony Stein
Brad L. Stinebring
Aristotle Spyropoulos
C Harris Stein
Leslie Wayne Stipe
Dr. Ravi Kumar Sreerama
Irving N. Stein
Leon Stock
Matthew St. Louis
John H. Stein Jr.
Marilyn Stocker
Andre Ernest St. Onge
George L. Steinberg
Henry P. Stoebenau
Stephen J. St. Onge
Richard A. Steinberg
Martin V. Stoesser
Landon Ben Stableford
Richard Steinberger
Sharon D. Stone
Randy Stabler
Paul Steindorf
Terry Stone
Richard M. Stadel
Rainer Stellrecht
Kent Stones
Stefan Stadler
Paul William Stemmler
Elaine Stook
Daryl Staehle
Laurie A. Stephens
Jere D. Stouffer
Ervin Stahel
Mark Stephens
Charles R. Stout
Mark Stahl
Robert Stephens
Guy Stout
Craig Stair
Larry Stephenson
Guy F. Stovall Jr.
Dan J. Stallbaumer
Randy Stephenson
Harry W. Stowers Jr.
Bruce F. Stallings
John W. Stevens
David J. Strain
Pat Stallings
William M. Stevens
Jeffrey Strand
Michael E Stanko
Robert Stevenson
Theodore Jere Stransky
Frank M. Stanyard Jr.
William Stevenson
Aaron Strasburg
Gary Staples
Alan Stewart
Walter W. Strash III
Joey Staples
Debbie Stewart
Cecelia Stratford
Robert P. Starck
Delbert Garfield Stewart
Dr. Gregg M. Strathy
David Harold Starks
Jerry Stewart
Dr. Tom Straughan
David Starnes
Larry Stewart
William Strawn
Stanley Douglas Strebel
John Supik
Ali Talebpour
Megann Streeter
Ronald J. Surbuts
Michael Taleff *
Rick Streng
Stephanus Surjaputra
Richard Taliaferro
Scott Strickler
Robert Suro
Perry Tallman
Timothy Stringfellow
Alan G. Surratt
Paul Talmey
Jim Stringfield
Donald Sutherland
Vincent K. Tanner
Eric S. Stroud
Donald Sutherland
Walter Tarakanoff
Ross Stryker
Robert J. Sutherlin
Roger Taranto
John T. Stubbs
Jeremy Sutton
Todd L. Taricco
Scott Stuewe
Edward Swakon
Russell Tartock
George M. Stuhr
Arlo Swalve
Richard Tasker
Dr. Paul Stumb IV
Donald P. Swanson
William Tassic
Dr. David Lee Stump
Matthew Swanson
Paul Tate
Robert Stump
Rockwell Swanson
John Tatko Jr.
Bernard Stumpf
James Michael Swartwood
H. Taveau
Konstantinos Leonidas Stylianopoulos
Tom Swartz
Brian Taylor
Roger Styskal
Charles Swartzle
David E. Taylor
Michael Styzen
Nancy Sweazey
David W. Taylor
Andrew Suarez
Kenneth Sweet
David Taylor
John Suchil
Karl Swenson
Dennis L. Taylor
Janet M. Sudor
Ladell Swiden
Fred R. Taylor
Robert Sugar
Jay B. Swindle
James Whitney Taylor
George W. Sugden
Kenneth Swingle
John G. Taylor
Palmer Sullins Jr.
James Swinler Jr.
John T. Taylor
Jack Sullivan
Peter L. Sword
Joseph L. Taylor
Melba Sullivan
Elaine Syrek
Richard W. Taylor
Thomas Sullivan
James J. Szalankiewicz
Thomas W. Taylor
Eric Sullwold
Francis Szymanski
Thomas Taylor III
John Summers
Dr. Matt Takallu
Wilford Taylor
Leonard Summers
Kenneth S. Talbot
Leslie T. Teaff
John A. Teipen
Eric Thompson
Lawrence D. Timte
Torkel M. Tellefsen
Frederick Thompson
Nathan Tinkle
Christopher Templeton
Fredric A. Thompson
Roderic Ellis Tinney
Mark Tennison
John L. Thompson
Spencer R. Titley
Christopher Terenzi
Mark K. Thompson
Michael Tobin
Bruce E. Terkelsen
Norman D. Thompson
Frank Todd
Terrence O. Terrill
Robert W. Thompson
N. W. Todd Jr.
Robert C. Tesmer
Tommy Thompson
Stanley A. Tolson
Ron Tessens
Victor C. Thompson
June Tomlinson
James Tessmer
Walter O. Thompson
Thomas Tonden
Gary Test
Dr. William F. Thompson
Dr. Charles Toner
Fred Teufel
Don Thomsen
Kari Thompson Torgerhagen
Joseph Tevaarwerk
Brian C. Thomson
Dan Torgerson
Terry W. Theken
Edward Thomson III
Dr. Felix R. Tormes
Chandramohan Thekkath
Jason James Thomson
James V. Torpey
Eberhard Thieme
Randall Thomure
Miguel Torrado
Christopher Michael Thom
Willard F. Thorn
Timothy W. Toso
Allen Thomas
Nelson I. Thorp
John L. Touchett
David Thomas
Robert Thrailkill
Courtland C. Tower
Erik M. Thomas
Ben Thurston
Kenneth Towl
Richard L. Thomas
Tim Thurston
Patrick F. Tracy
Richard Thomas
James John Tiampo
Thomas L. Tracy
Shirley Thomas
Gregory Tice
Christopher Trainor
Timothy Thomas
Leonard E. Tichausky
John Trautschold
Carson E. Thompson
John J. Tierney
Bud Travaille
Conward Thompson
Steven Tighe
Francis E. Traxler
Dan Thompson
Judy S. Tillman
Tanya Trejo
Darron D Thompson
Terry Tilton
James Tresner
Deborah Thompson
James C. Timlin
James L. Tribble
Denzle C. Thompson
Jeanne Timmons
A. D. Trifunac
Dr. Tedd Tripp
Michael W. Untermeyer
Thomas G. Van Thiel
Jana Trofimchuck
Steven M. Uphoff
Jack A. Van Voast
Margo Trotter
Walter Urbach Jr.
Vincent Van Vorst
Clarence Trout Jr.
Anthony P. Urbanek
Beverly Van Wingerden
Thomas Troxel
Christopher Shane Ushman Sr.
Michael Vance
Ivan Truyaert Jr.
Alessandro Vagata
Rick A. Vanderkam
Leonard Tucker
William R. Vail
James C. Vanderpoel
Guy Tufo
Jacques Vaillancourt
Peter Vanroermund
John Tullio
Dr. Bruce Valentine
Robert Varga Jr.
Paul B. Tully
Dr. James E. Valentine
Wilfredo Vargas
Daniel Tupper
Donald P. Valestin
Franz Vasold
David Lee Turfler
Susan Ray Valett
Jeffrey Vasold
Tom Turnbull
Jorgen Valkaer
James Fredrick Vaughan
Bob Turner
Gregory Valvo
David H. Vaught
John J. Turner Jr.
Jana M. Van Amburg
James Vauter
Lyle C. Turner
Richard Van Blarcom
John Veak
Michael D. Turner
Dr. Eric Van Cappellen
Alan Veeck
Oral Turner
Dr. James Powell Van Cleave
Dan Veith
Percy Turner
Don C. Van Cura Sr.
Jorge Veizaga
Thomas K. Turner
Daniel Van Dyke
Andre Velez
Robert Tutland
Marty Van Engelen
David Velez
Dennis Tuttle
Klaas Van Esselstyn
Jorge I. Velez
Stanley Tutton
John W. Van Etten
Roger Venables
Dr. Scott D. Tweten
James Tricia Van Kirk
Michael Venturino
David Twining
Richard Van Lehn
Alexandre Verbitski
Warren L. Tyler
Dwight Van Meerveld
Richard H. Verdier
Sven Uellendahl
Jerry E. Van Nuil
Phil Verghese
Gregory Uhl
Donald C. Van Pelt Jr.
John Vesey
Walter Ullrich
Wilbur F. Van Pelt
Mark Veteto
Michel R. Vetsuypens
Robert M. Wadsworth
Steve Walsh
Ernst Viehweger
Bob Wagner
Steve Walsh
Lawrence Vieira
Eric Wagner
Thomas Walsh
Luiz Eduardo Vieira
John Wagner
Timothy Walsh
Bret Viets
Ron Wagner
David Nichols Walter
Robert M. Villiger
Donald D. Wahlin
Erik Walter
Donald Vinik
Jennifer Waite
Aaron Walters
Robert Violette
William M. Waite
Glenn Walters
Commonwealth of Virginia
Hisashi Wakamatsu
Sandra Walther
Christine M. Visco
Don Walcheski
Dr. Lonnie L. Waltner
Timothy Viser
Robert P. Walcutt
S. R. Walton
Philip Visser
Stephen Waldorf
Teresa Walton
Dr. Victor Vogel
Alan Walker
Dr. Todd Waltrip
Scott Vogler
Blair Walker
Robert Walwyn
James Vogt
Dale Walker Jr.
Warren W. Walz
Gayle Vollmer
Gregory L. Walker
Randall Wang
Earnest Volpe
John Walker
Robert L. Wantland
Richard Von Hatten
Philip Walker
Barbara G. Ward
H. J. Von Weller
Scott Walker
Craig Ward
Brandon Vore
W. Walker
Daniel H. Ward
Mark Votaw
Ken Walkerly
James E. Ward
Robert D. Wachter
Robert Wayne Walkowiak
Jeffrey Ward
William R. Wachtler
Doug Wall
John A. Ward
Mark Waddell
James R. Wall
Lance Ward
Bobby G. Waddle
James R. Wallace
Lisa Ward
Susan Wade
Jerome Wallace
Kirk Warden
Deborah L. Wadhams
William A. Waller
Jack Wardlaw
Daniel Wadowski
Robert Wallin Jr.
Byron Wardropper
Naomi W. Wadsworth
Richard S. Wallis
Nabil Wareh
Dr. Randall W. Waring
James Watson Jr.
Coleman Weidenbusch
Paul Warman
Janet Watson
Norman E. Weill
Gene Warne
Dr. John Andrew Watson
Dr. Herbert M. Weinman
David Warner
John G. Watson
Nathan A. Weinsaft
Douglas Warner
Dr. Richard Watson
Steve Weishaar
Vernon C. Warner
Thomas D. Watson
Avram S. Weiss
Byron Warnken
Thomas Mitchell Watson III
Christopher Welch
Michael T. Waro
Laura Watson Krieble
Elvin C. Welch
Geoffrey Warr
Britton Watts Jr.
James D. Welch
Donald Warren
Douglas Watts
Keith Welch
James D. Warren
Jeffrey Waybright
Larry Weldon
Robert Bruce Warren
Clyde Wayman
Thomas Weldon
Robert Warwick
Rodger H. Ways
Ronald E. Wellman
Paul Waschak
John Wazney
Steven Wellman
Jenny Lee Washburn
Byron Wear
Richard F. Wells
Dennis Wassmann
Joe C. Weaver
David G. Welsh
Brian Waters
Maurice Weaver
Gary W. Wendel
Dr. Gary Waters
Dr. Michael T. Weaver
Jennifer Wenk
Paul A. Waters
F. W. Weber Jr.
Greg Wentz
Steve R. Waters
Gary Weber
Thomas C. Wernecke
Steve Wathen
Gary Weber
Jeffrey S. Werner
Steven P. Wathen
Dr. Peter Weber III
Dr. Gary Merle Wernick
Thomas W. Wathen
Ronald Weber
Mark Werth
William W. Watkin III
Dean C. Webster
Donald J. Wesolowski
Mark Watkins
Robert R. Webster
Henry J. Wessel
William Benton Watkins
William Webster
James West
Angus Watson
Gerald Wedemeyer
Dorothy C. Westby
Anthony A. Watson
Christopher L. Wehinger
Russell Westerberg
David A. Watson
Frederick Weicker
Jim Westmoreland
Richard R. Wetherald
Scott D. Wickman
Ty Williams
Dr. Stephen Wheat
Guy T. Wicks
Frances A. Williamson
Dr. Paul Whippo
Michael Widmayer
Steven H. Williamson
Charles White
Dwight L. Wilcox
Tom Williamson
James White
Gerald Wilcox
Dave Williford
John H. White Jr.
Paul M. Wild
Arthur W. Willis
Joseph R. White
Dan Wilde
Ben Willis
Mike White
Carl T. Wilder
Donald E. Willis
Paul White
Harry Wildgen
Roy Willis
Robert White Jr.
Everett L. Wildman
William Willis
Roger S. White
Richard Wildonger
James Willits
Timothy White
James S. Wilhelm
Joe B. Wills
Victor White
Tom Wilhelm
Carlton Wilson
Jan Whitefield
Barrie Wilkes
Gale Wilson
Kenneth Whitehurst
Robert Wilkie
Geoff Wilson
Steve Whitfield
Vincent Wilkins
Hasso W. Wilson
Matt Whitis
Jack Will
James L. Wilson
Edward G. Whitman
Rittner E. Will
Dr. Joseph Felton Wilson Jr.
Michael Whitman
Henry A. Willard
Kenn L. Wilson
David Whitney
Edward Williams
Kenneth Wilson
Ralph Whitney
Floyd Williams
Ralph Wilson
William Whitney Jr.
Hayden G. Williams
Rex L. Wilson
Mark Whittaker
James Russell Williams
Richard V. Wilson
Robert Whittall
John D. Williams
Seth H. Wilson
Ken Whittemore Jr.
Mason Williams
Wayne D. Wilson
Buck Wi Kimbriel
R. Williams Jr.
Daniel O. Windham
Gregory Scott Wichmann
Richard Williams
David Winegarden
Ronald D. Wick
Robert James Williams
John M. Winesette
Sandy J. Wickham
Rodney Williams
Gerald Winfield
Mervin E. Wingard
Herschel J. Wood
Dr. Robert C. Wubben
Ralph W. Wingert
Larry Wood
William Wuertz
Jeffery L. Winkler
Robert R. Wood
Elisabeth Wuethrich
Robert A. Winner
Tyson F. Wood
Jon T. Wyatt
Brian R. Winningham
Dr. William Wood
Daniel M. Wyckoff
William F. Winston
Bill Woodman
George Thomas Wyckoff
John Winter
Tommy Woodruff
Kenneth K. Wyckoff
Todd Winter
Arthur Woods
Delane Wycoff
Eugene Paul Wise
Edwin N. Woods Jr.
Brien Singleton Wygle
Dan Harvey Wishnietsky
J. Woods
Dr. Philip Wylie Jr.
Krisan Wismer
Michael Woods
Philip Wylie Jr.
Hilton M. Withers
Bertram John Woodside
Thomas J. Wyszomirski
Robert P. Witherspoon
Michael Woolbert
Paul Yakimovich
Phillips C. Witter
Ellen Wooten
James A. Yakligian
Robert I. Wittig Jr.
Valdeen C. Wooton
Joseph Yamamoto
Rocky Wittkop
Gary L. Worcester
Charles Yanke
Paul Russell Woche
Byron Work
Daniel Yeager
Geldard H. Woerner
Dr. Mike Worthen
Richard Yeager
Lloyd Wofford
Herbert H. Worthley
Dr. Alexander James Yeats Jr.
Aaron Wohl
Daniel X. Wray
James K. Yoder
Lawrence F. Wojdac
Steven E. Wray
James Yonts
Robert Wolf
Charles Wright
Gregory York
Scott Wolfe
J. H. Wright
Lawrence Youhanaian
Victor J. Wolfe
James Wright
James L. Youmans
William L. Wolfe
Dr. Peter Wright
Gordon Younce
Robert F. Wolff
Sidney J. Wright
Dent Young II
Howard W. Wolvington
William B. Wright Jr.
Howard Young
Briggs Wood
William E. Wright III
James Young
Douglas K. Wood
Ruth A. Wright-Piros
Kenneth Young
Phil Young
Philip A. Young
Raymond Young
Dr. Reginald S. Young
Richard C. Young
Robert Zachowski
Dr Richard Zahn
Peter Zajkowski
Charles J. Zarriello Jr.
George Zaryk
Dmitry Zaslavsky
Paul Zavracky
William Zeh
Carl Zeiger
Michael Zeltkevic
Dr. Arthur Zerbey III
Joseph Zibelli
Robert Ziegler
Vern Ziegler
Charles Zigelman
Stephen C. Zimmer
Leroy Zimmerman
Dr. Rodney Zimmerman
Clarence R. Zink
Michael Zsilavetz
David R. Zugale