Spell and [s]ound H Aspire List, with English Translation H Aspiré word English Translation La hache The axe hacher to mince (meat) la haie the sports hurdle les haillons the rags haine hatred hair to detest or hate hâlé tanned, sunburnt haleter to pant le hall the hall la halle (covered) markets la halte the break le hamac the hammock le hamburger the hamburger le hameau the hamlet le hamster the hamster 1 www.spellandsound.com Spell and [s]ound la hanche the hip le hand-ball the hand-ball handicapé handicapped le hanger the hanger le hanneton the cockchafer haunter to haunt la hauntise the obsessive fear harceler to harass hardi bold, daring le hareng the herring la hargne the aggressiveness le haricot the bean la harpe the harp le hazard the chance, fate la hâte the haste la hausse the increase, rise haut tall hautain haughty 2 www.spellandsound.com Spell and [s]ound le hautbois the oboe la hauteur the height le haut-parleur the loud speaker La Haye The Hague hien eh (expression) Hélas alas la hélice the propeller hennir neigh, whinny le hérisson the hedgehog la hernie the hernia le héron the heron le héro the hero le hêtre the beech le heurt the collision heurter to strike Le hibou the owl hideux hideous la hiérarchie the hierarchy 3 www.spellandsound.com Spell and [s]ound hisser to hoist, haul up le hit-parade the music charts le hobby the hobby hocher to nod le hockey the hockey le hold-up the hold-up Hollanais Dutch le homard the lobster La Hollande Holland Honk-Kong Hong-Kong Hongrie Hungary la honte the shame le hoquet the hiccups hormis save hors out of le houblon the hop (beer hops) La houille the coal la houle the swell 4 www.spellandsound.com Spell and [s]ound hourra hurrah (expression) la housse the cover le houx the holly le hublot the porthole la huche the (bread) bin huer to boo huit eight humer to inhale huppé posh le hurlement the howling hurler to howl la hutte the hut 5 www.spellandsound.com
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