Hold your breath it`s a record!

Gulf Daily News
Monday, 27th April 2009
■ Crowd flocking to see the Grand Prix. Right, a group of marshals ... it’s time for a break!
secured his third victory of the
season, fighting off the challenge
of Red Bull’s Sebastian Vettel in
second and Toyota’s Jarno Trulli
– whilst Lewis Hamilton finished fourth.
BIC chief executive officer
Martin Whitaker praised this
year’s race, declaring it the most
exciting ever.
“Last year’s race wasn’t that
great but this year’s race was
sensational,” he told the GDN
“I really do think it was a brilliant race and we’re delighted –
really delighted.”
Mr Whitaker revealed that
although sales for this year were
down by about 5,000 over the
weekend in comparison to last
year, they were still above
2007’s figures at around 93,682.
“I do feel this year’s race was
our best ever even if it may not
prove to be the best attended,”
Mr Whitaker said.
“We know the reasons for that and
we’ve got to appreciate that it reflects
the global situation – we weren’t
hugely down.”
Fun in fast lane– Pages 6-7 the numbers
Razia wins GP2 – Page 45
Button win – Pages 46-47 may have
Bravo Button – Back Page been slightly down on
last year’s figures, what the weekend
lacked in numbers, it made up for in
atmosphere and vibrancy, Mr
Whitaker added.
“It was about colour, flamboyancy,
friendliness and I think that came out
on the television screens.
“I’ve never seen a track looking that
attractive and I feel it just being here on
the track – whether it’s the spectators,
drivers or teams there is something
unique about this race.”
Bahrain’s entertainment for this year
was billed as streamlined and costeffective and Mr Whitaker believes this
sort of billing is the future of the BIC’s
vending area.
“F1 is about entertainment, there may
not always be spectators sitting in the
grandstand seats, but in this part of the
world, it’s a weekend and a cultural celebration,” he said.
“As long as people are here enjoying
themselves, that’s the main thing and
the funny thing was that there were still
thousands of people left in the F1 village.
“Even after the race, people were queuing up to
buy tickets just to get into the vending area – so
Hold your breath ... it’s a record!
David Merlini set a world-record
yesterday as part of the festivities
at the Grand Prix.
Mr Merlini held his breath for
21 minutes and 29 seconds,
breaking his own current worldrecord by over a minute.
Before, the world-record stood
at 20 minutes and 39 seconds,
which Mr Merlini set in Cannes,
France, last year, submerged in
a crystal clear water tank.
And in front of thousands of
fans – minutes before the
Formula One growled into
action – Mr Merlini wowed
spectators by breaking it once
Speaking to the GDN, Mr Merlini
revealed that he had been invited to
Bahrain by F1 supremo Bernie
Ecclestone and was looking forward to
meeting the crowd.
“I’ve never been to Bahrain before but
I’ve heard many wonderful things about
it and Ecclestone invited me over,” he
BIC chief executive officer Martin
Whitaker praised Mr Merlini’s achievement and hoped that similar attractions
will be a common-occurrence in future
Grand Prix.
“It’s definitely one of the more unusual things you’re going to see at the Grand
Prix and it’s another first for Bahrain –
it was absolutely extraordinary and it
just adds to the whole experience.”
Whitaker said this was
proof of how popular the
vending area.
“The bizarre thing is we
sold out the University
Stand and you can’t tell
me these people bought a
ticket and didn’t bother to
come,” he claimed.
KINGFISHER Airlines could one day be
“They came for the operating in Bahrain, United Breweries
spectacle and to be part of Group chairman Dr Vijay Mallya revealed
the show, in a way the yesterday.
Mr Mallya, who is also the
Formula One becomes a
backdrop to what’s owner and team principal of
going on around the Formula One team Force India, was
circuit – that’s the with his motor racing outfit at the
important thing about Grand Prix yesterday, during which
he said he held a meeting with Gulf
this race.”
Air chief executive Bjorn Naf and
In terms of the spoke about the possibility of future
future of F1 in investments in the region.
Bahrain, Mr Whitaker
“I was chatting with my friend,
believes the BIC’s the CEO of Gulf Air today, and we ■ Mr Mallya
goals are very simple were generally discussing the ecoand very clear – to get nomic environment, which is very challenging,”
Mallya told the GDN.
better and better.
“So, if there is enough economic justification,
“Having a long-term
contract is crucial, it’s we’ll try to fly to Bahrain. Otherwise, we’ll fly
when the economy gets better.”
very important to know
Kingfisher Airlines, based in Bangalore,
that we have a long-term is owned by UB Group. It has a network
contract,” he said.
of 77 destinations, including a few inter“That means using the
national routes to London Heathrow
creativity and ability and
Airport and to Colombo. Mallya
enthusiasm of the team at the
added that, in the region, he is
track and building on the relaalso looking to Dubai as a
tionships that we have with
possible destination.
Formula One – from team drivers all the way
through to the general public.”
Kingfisher plans
Bahrain flights
■ Mr Merlini ... extraordinary feat
we must be doing something right.”
Many of the seats at the arena’s University
Stand were left empty during the race, but Mr