`Intern`s Accommodation` Guide

‫عمان للخدمات التعليمية‬
‘Intern’s Accommodation’
Welcome to Oman Educational Services (OES) ‘Intern’s Accommodation’. We hope
you will soon realise our friendly atmosphere and discover your way around. The
accommodation management team are here to help you to settle in and to sort out any
queries you may have. This brochure will provide you with the basic information which
you need to know about the accommodation. Please take your time to read through the
information. If you have any questions before you arrive, please feel free to contact the
Accommodation Unit (contact details at the End).
First of all we will mention the convenience
of living in this accommodation and our
accommodation in a friendly environment.
There are a few Rules and regulations
which are very important to ensure the
smooth operation of your residence here
with us.
Accommodation General Information:
There are Four villas in our ‘Intern’s Accommodation’. We have given them the
names of four famous forts in Oman which called Al Jalali, Al Mirani, Hazam and Bahla.
Facilities & Services:
Rooms & Villas
These villas have three large bed-rooms in each villa which are fully furnished with good
quality furniture. Each villa includes 3 bed rooms, 1 shared living room and a large
Kitchen diner fitted with a cooker, refrigerator, microwave, kettle, toaster and water
dispenser. There is a living room for relaxing, sitting and chatting and sharing your day’s
experiences; a good place, where you can spend your time, in good company, listening to
music with your colleagues.
‫عمان للخدمات التعليمية‬
‘Intern’s Accommodation’
 Maintenance
Please report any technical issues to the Accommodation Unit who will notify the
university maintenance team to repair any issues that may arise in the Villas.
Please send an email addressed to Accommodation Unit:
[email protected]
Cc : Facilities and Support Services Department (FASS): [email protected]
 Internet access
Wi-Fi access is available in the residences. You can access internet in your room,
communal area and study halls. The Username and Password are as follows
Wi-Fi Network
 Shopping
Inside GUtech Campus there is a mini market where you can shop before returning
to your accommodation. This supplies almost all you will need for the home, form
toothbrushes to fresh fruit and frozen and fresh foods. Otherwise, there is a small
supermarket located near the accommodation at Oman Oil filling station on the
opposite service road called ‘HALA MARKET’ where you can buy basic necessities.
Also, there is a restaurant named ‘Indian Grill House’ which has variety of
international food on its menu. There are many chains for Super and Hyper
markets along the main routes nearby towards Seeb City and towards Barka City
too. You will find ‘City Center Shopping Center’ and ‘Al Bahja Shopping Mall’
within 15 minutes’ drive towards Muscat direction.
A washing machine is provided, and clothes will normally dry within few hours
when hanged out to dry. This is the greenest way to have clean clothes.
If you do not have time, or you have larger items to be washed, then you may
take them to the Laundry shop near the Oman Oil Filling Station, normally
trousers and blouses are about 200-300 Baizes for each peace; washed, ironed
and on a hanger.
‫عمان للخدمات التعليمية‬
‘Intern’s Accommodation’
All occupants should follow these rules:
Room s m ay only be occupied by the occupant(s) assigned to them . Room s m ust not be shared with
unauthorised occupants without a clear approv al from Accom m odation Unit.
Im portance of respecting roomm ates, neighbours, and considering the differing and v aried schedules of
individuals sleep or work patterns. Loud m usic, televisions, parties etc. m ust not be audible outside the v illas.
Im portance of respecting of Om ani traditions and Islamic culture by wearing m odest clothing around the
accom modation premises and in public view. When changing, blinds on the windows should be closed and
guests should not be uncov ered to public v iew at any tim e.
Care for the environment within the accommodation block is a m ust. GUtech is the first green cam pus in the
GCC. This includes sensible use of water, Air Conditioning and electricity and waste disposal.
The v illa & room cleanliness is the occupant’s responsibility. This includes the cleaning of their own bathroom,
including disposal of waste in the specified areas. (the waste disposal area is opposite the m ain entrance of the
accom m odation).
Maintain a clean and health environment in all shared quarters such as kitchen, showers, shower room s and
liv ing area. No littering is acceptable any where in the v illa or local area.
Occupant shall be responsible for their personal property at all times, and accommodation m anagement is not
responsible for any lost or stolen items. Furthermore, maintenance staffs are not permitted to enter and clean
liv ing areas. Keeping all personal possessions inside y our accom m odation & not in any public areas.
Occupants should regularly check their registered emails for any notices sent from the m anagement regarding
m aintenance schedules or any updates concerning the accom m odation.
Responsibility to subm it the room key to the accom m odation officer in charge before departure.
The Occupant is prohibit ed from t he following:
Sm oking in the internal spaces of the accommodation. Smoking is permitted only in outside in an agreed and
designated area.
Taking the accommodation property, equipment, fixtures or fittings outside the accommodation, this includes
bedding and all furnishings. Camping and picnic items can be purchased at the mini m arket on campus or can
be borrowed from others.
Possessing and use of all illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, flammable items, weapons or any other dangerous
item s inside the accom m odation property or in Cam pus.
Pets or any anim als a re not allowed into the accom m odation at any tim e.
Verbal abuse of any person, either by threatening behavior either verbally or physically, this will be reported
and term ination and expulsion procedures will be im plem ented.
Non-compliance with the above rules and regulations will result in disciplinary action
including penalties. Occupant(s) will be responsibility to fix / or to pay for any dam ages
We hope y ou enjoy staying in accommodation and wish y ou a pleasant and engaging stay.
 In case of Emergency 24/7:
‫عمان للخدمات التعليمية‬
‘Intern’s Accommodation’
Contact the main Security Guard Room: 9543 9907
For any other enquiries please contact:
 Accommodation Unit
Tel: 22061092
Email: [email protected]
Infra Unit - Mr. Jamal
Tel: 2206 1 09 / 9543 9383
Email: [email protected]