Year 6 and Year 7 - The Essington Weekly Bulletin

YEAR 6 and 7
24th March 2017
Upcoming Events
Friday 7th April
End of Term 1
Tuesday 18th April
Term 2 Commences
Wednesday 19th &
Thursday 20th April
Middle School Parent
Teacher Discussions
From the Head of Middle
School: Year 6
Week 8 has come and gone in
a blur. The students have
been fully engrossed in their
Term 1 assessments,
ensuring their written
assessments are refined, their
drafts have been checked, and their editing
is polished. I cannot reinforce enough the
Congratulations to Angela Foley, Director of Sport, on
advantage of your child’s subject teacher
her Grand Final win with the Adelaide Crows National
checking over a ‘draft’ before the final
Women's AFL Team on the Gold Coast. Angela was
assessment is submitted. This is a valuable
one of the Vice-Captains of the Team.
learning step in the Assessment Writing
Process, and a skill that the students will
Who to Contact, and Actions to Take in an
require throughout their schooling.
The students from Year 6 had an extra
It has been nonstop in the classrooms. We
bonus this week with a visit from St John’s
have reached the end of Jesse and Leslie’s
First Aid who gave the students an
journey throughout Terabithia, and albeit a
informative presentation on First Aid
sad ending, it opened up the pathways for
Awareness. An interactive and open forum, reflections and discussion on friendship,
the presenter covered First Aid Procedures, family, grief, and healing. The Novel Study
The Middle School Student Representative Council organised an International Food Stall
at lunchtime to celebrate Harmony Day on Tuesday.
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. ~ Margaret Mead
Year 6 and 7 Report
has been a journey throughout the
wonderful world of imagination, which
we still try to reinforce in our students.
The best writing is ‘creative writing’,
where our imagination is let go, and
we flood our pages with stories and
adventures. To finish off our Novel
Study, the students will have an
opportunity to view the movie, ‘Bridge
to Terabithia’. This is a fun way to end
our English topic this term, with a
comparison study, looking at the
similarities and differences between
the movie and the novel.
In Mathematics, we have left fractions From the Head of Middle
behind and commenced a new focus,
School: Year 7
Decimals: how to round decimals,
what is a recurring decimal, even how
We have breezed
to ensure our columns are correct to
through Week 8 with
add and subtract decimals. The
ease, and the end of
students recognised that even though
term is now firmly set in
the concept was quite simple, it is very
our sights. This week, all
easy to make a mistake when
Year 7 classes have had
calculating amounts that include a
their first visit by St John’s Ambulance
during their Health lessons. Instructors
visit all classes from Years 6-8 every
In History, the students are working
two years to keep students up to date
through their first draft submission on
on First Aid procedures. This week
their Cyclone Tracy Analysis.
have focused on the DRSABCD Plan
Analysing sources is a long process
for emergency situations. Most classes
that we are working through, step by
have their second session next week,
step, to ensure all students are clear
and will try their hand at CPR, and see
on the process. The students have the
a demonstration Defibrillator in action.
opportunity to submit a draft, rework
their analysis, and submit a refined
In Year 7 English, students have
assessment. The students have
started to consolidate their
enjoyed using Cyclone Tracy as their
understanding of the Novel Study
first major source analysis as it is a
through watching the film, ‘Bend it like
subject that all students are aware of,
Beckham’. They have also just
have lots of background information
received the second English
on, and thanks to Mr Rob Masters, we
assignment for the term, and are busy
now also have a firsthand oral recount
focusing on how directors engage
of his experiences to draw upon.
viewers through different film
In light of how busy it has been in Year techniques and effects. The task
requires Year 7 to work collaboratively
6, it was lovely to see the students
In Science, we have teamed up with
from Class 6B taking a little time out to with peers to present a review news
Roald Dahl’s Volcanic Experiments,
visit the Library for some quiet reading panel presentation on similarities in
‘How to make a volcano with Greg
terms of themes and concepts. Year 7
time. Well deserved!
Foot and George's Marvellous
is thoroughly enjoying the watching of
Medicine’, as a ‘fun’ skew for our Term Today, several of our sport enthusiasts the movie!
joined Mrs Emily Rains for a Junior
1 Assessment Task. The students
School Rugby Gala Day. The students Further fun has been had in
created amazing volcanos at home,
and then following the method, created absolutely love these days, working
Mathematics lessons, learning how to
explosive lava in hands-on Science at together to represent our school in true multiply and divide with Integers. To
sportsmanship and skill against other
the Laboratory. The students then
the tune of ‘Dead Bones’, students
completed a structured scientific write schools in our community. Stay tuned have learnt that a negative times a
for the results in next week’s Bulletin.
up of their results and conclusions.
negative is a positive, and that if the
signs are different, you get a negative.
Sara Materazzo
Students have also investigated a real
Acting Head of Middle School: Year 6
Ethan, Lily, and Amy channelling their inner rock stars as they tackle playing the drums.
The Essington School Darwin
Year 6 and 7 Report
life application using negative numbers Ms Masters is always on hand to
in the game of golf. Our next exciting
answer them. This Award program is
unit is Fractions.
wonderful in recognising the
achievements of our students outside
In Year 7 History, classes have been
of the classroom, and I am always
exploring how over time, many Vikings blown away when I see just how much
assimilated into the various
they do.
communities that they had previously
raided, adopting their language,
Gemma Boyle
customs, and religion. Did you know
Acting Head of Middle School: Year 7
that the Vikings also introduced many
Birthdays This Week
words to the English language
including: ‘slaughter’, ‘ransack’, ‘saga’, A Happy Birthday to the following Year
‘thrift’, ‘scale’, ‘crawl’, ‘ugly’, and ‘cake’. 6/7 student who celebrated their
birthday this week:
This term in Music, all Year 7s were
Charlie Masters-Jones 6D
faced with the challenge of playing the
drum kit, not only coordinating two
Student Representative
things at once but five. There have
Council News
been some struggles and triumphs for
Harmony Day is a celebration of our
all of the classes, but so far they have
cultural diversity – a day of cultural
shown great determination and
respect for everyone who calls
persistence. Rock on the Year 7s!
Australia home. The Essington Middle
School came together on 21st March
I would like to acknowledge our Year 7
to enjoy an International Food Stall,
students who have already achieved
where our wonderful students and
Awards through the E-Program. Every
teachers brought in food from their
week, more and more students are
culture. We had amazing food from
logging their points and climbing
South Africa, China, Thailand,
through the Award Levels. Students
Lebanon, and more. Mr Ambrose and
are reminded to continue to log their EMrs Bakker joined us, and provided
Program points for all their extraentertainment with a Music Jam.
curricular activities, and to register for
Students representing Years 6 to 9
their next Award by filling in a purple
serenaded us throughout lunch,
slip and leaving it in the box in the
adding a festive vibe to our gathering.
Year 7 office. If they have any
A huge thank you to one and all who
questions regarding the E-Program,
donned their ‘orange’ to signify their
support of Harmony Day, and helped
us celebrate the vast array of cultural
diversity that makes our school as
special as it is.
In conjunction with this, the Homeroom
Challenge was a Paper Chain
Challenge. Every Homeroom
participated, and created metres and
metres of paper chains, signifying
friendship and inclusion of all. The
Homeroom winners will be announced
at the Middle School Assembly.
Our final Homeroom Challenge is in
celebration of National Crayon Day on
31st March. In 1903, Binney and Smith
created the Crayola Division, and
produced wax crayons for children for
the first time. Each Homeroom will
compete to create a joint piece of
artwork to be displayed in the
Homerooms. More to come on this
next week.
Sara Materazzo and Gemma Boyle
Student Representative Council
The Uniform Shop Needs Unwanted
Skirt/Trouser Coat Hangers
Please consider donating your unwanted
skirt/trouser hangers as we are in
short supply - just drop them in to the
Main Reception Desk.
Ashleigh practising CPR techniques and Sophie revisiting the DRSABCD Emergency Plan
during First Aid Training this week.
The Essington School Darwin
Principal/CEO Report
From the Assistant
Principal Middle School
There are only two
weeks left in Term 1.
Teachers are currently
finalising their reports,
and students are taking
part in a wide variety of
Sport activities (Rugby and Netball).
longest connecting paper chain they
could using recycled scrap paper,
symbolising connecting with each
other. Students have really involved
themselves. In the mornings they
‘protect’ their classrooms because they
are afraid other students might come
and ‘steel’ their chains.
This week we have had St John
Ambulance training every class in
Last week I wrote about Harmony Day Middle School, free of charge. Year 6
students received 60 minutes of
which was Tuesday 21st March. With
training, while Year 7 and Year 8
most countries in the world getting
students receive 90 minutes of
more and more diversified, Harmony
training. The 90 minute session was
Day celebrates cultural diversity. It is
divided into two 45 minute sessions,
about inclusiveness, respect, and a
sense of belonging for everyone. In the coinciding with Health lessons. We
appreciated St John’s willingness to
Middle School Homeroom Challenge
offer their program to Essington, and
this week, students had to create the
From the Principal/CEO
Computational and
Linguistics Olympiad
Congratulations to our
Year 9 students on their success in
the local round of the Australian
Computational and Linguistics
Olympiad. This contest for Year 9 to
12 students challenges students to
develop strategies for solving
problems in a number of different
languages. Our successful Year 9
students, Ting Yap, Liam Carpenter,
Zoe Smith, and Lily Sarib, will now
compete in the National Finals on 29th
March. If they are successful in this
round, they will represent Australia in
the Finals in Dublin, Ireland, in July.
Angela Foley and Adelaide Crows
Women’s AFL Team Win National
Our Director of Sport, Angela Foley,
was part of history on Saturday 25th
March when she played in the first
ever National Grand Final Women’s
AFL Competition on the Gold Coast –
and her team, the Adelaide Crows,
won. Angela has been Vice-Captain of
this team. We look forward to Angela
developing our own Essington Girls’
AFL Team over the next twelve
Nightcliff/Rapid Creek School
Traffic Alliance
The four schools in the Nightcliff and
Rapid Creek suburbs are working
keep students up to date on First Aid
While on the theme of First Aid, all
teachers received Asthma training a
few weeks ago. We have had students
spraying aerosol after Physical
Education lessons recently. Aerosol
spray cans are on the ‘banned items’
list in the Student Diary (page 9).
Students with Asthma react to the
spray and smell of these cans. We ask
support from parents/guardians not to
send students to school with these
cans because of the potential risk to
other students.
Johannes Erasmus
Assistant Principal Middle School
together to encourage safe travel to
school for our students, and to
develop traffic management
improvements that reflect the current
use of the streets around the schools.
Our area is unusual in having four
large schools and three child care
facilities all within a block of each
The Principals and parents of the four
schools are now meeting regularly to
work with the Darwin City Council and
the NT Government to review and
improve safe travel options in this area
of high density schooling.
Last Friday 17th March, we, along with
the other three schools (St. Pauls
Primary School, Nightcliff Primary
School, and Nightcliff Middle School)
had a Walk and Wheel Day as part of
national Ride2School Day. Each
Congratulations SOPHIE PALMER
Top Scorer for Essington Cannons
U14 Girls and U16 Girls Basketball
Team this week.
U14 Boys Essington Cannons Basketball Team.
The Essington School Darwin
Principal/CEO Report
month the schools will hold a Walk and
Wheel Day on the same day to
encourage our students to walk or ride/
scoot/skateboard to school. As many
of our students live out of this area and
are dropped at school, we encourage
our students to be dropped off one
block from school and walk this short
distance to school. We will be
identifying three points within a block
of the school that allow safe drop off a
short, one block distance from the
highlights of Tokyo (including Tokyo
Disneyland), and several days at
school at the Tamagawa University
School (including homestay with
Tokyo STEM Tour
While our Middle School students are
in Tokyo attending the Tokyo
Tamagawa Tour, a small group of our
Year 9 to 11 students will be
participating in a STEM Tour of the
Science Museums and Science
Institutes in Tokyo. This will be led by
It has been great to see the large
Dr Greg Clarke from Melbourne who is
increase in students riding to school,
our STEM Consultant. Our students
despite the inclement weather we have will see many innovative Science
had. We are spotting students doing
projects and robots.
the right thing when riding, including
Camps Coming Up
wearing helmets, and giving them
Canteen voucher awards. We have
You will notice on our School calendar
purchased and installed additional new that our first Camps for the year, the
bike racks for our students, and have
Year 4 and 5 Camps to Batchelor, are
extended the shade cover area over
now only two weeks away. Spencer
our students’ bikes.
Harvey, our Outdoor Education
Coordinator is busy organising these
Junior School Junior Ambassadors Camps. Our Year 4s are on Camp at
On Friday, the Lord Mayor Katrina
Batchelor from Monday 3rd to
Fong Lim attended our Junior School
Wednesday 5th April. Our Year 5s are
and Middle School Assemblies. At our on Camp at Batchelor from
Junior School Assembly, the Lord
Wednesday 5th to Friday 7th April.
Mayor presented our 2017 Junior
Ambassadors with their Ambassador
In the first week of Term 2, our Year 8s
Badges. Students applied to be the
have their Outdoor Education Camp
Junior Ambassador for a country in
from Wednesday 19th to Friday 21st
Asia or from where many Darwin
people are from. Eleven countries are
represented in this program. Our
Our Year 6 and Year 7 students also
Junior Ambassadors will highlight their have their Outdoor Education Camps
country’s national days as they occur
during the year. They will do a
presentation at Assembly, and
contribute a small article to the Bulletin
on their country’s national day. They
will also formally welcome any visitors
we may have to the school from their
country. Our Junior Ambassadors will
be received at the Lord Mayor’s office
and Parliament House next term as
part of their ambassadorial role. Thank
you to our Junior School leaders, and
Jaya Srinivas, Executive Assistant
Principal, for co-ordinating this
Tokyo and Tamagawa Middle
School Tour
We have had a very good response to
the Middle School Tokyo and
Tamagawa School Tour in late May,
and are now confirming travel
arrangements. Sara Materazzo, Head
of Middle School Year 6, will be
leading this Tour that will take in the
For information on cybersafety, prepared by
the Australian Federal Police through their
Think U Know program, see
This site provides information and tips for
parents. The CyberReport Team of the Office
of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner can
also assist and follow up concerns:
early in Term 4: Year 6s in two groups
from Wednesday 10th to Friday 12th
May, and Year 7s from the 29th May to
2nd June (at Lake Bennett).
Named Pavers
Please support our fundraising for our
Building Fund – and record your child
or families part in our school
community permanently – by
purchasing a named paver. We require
a large order of these pavers so we
only do them once every year or two.
We encourage families to collect an
order form from one of our Receptions
and place their order by the end of
April so we can order a new batch of
named pavers. This will allow us to
have this batch back and installed for
Term 3 this year.
David Cannon
Middle School students provided a Music Jam to entertain
the Harmony Day gathering.
The Essington School Darwin
General Notices
on EduKite or from the Junior School Reception Desk.
We have our first Showcase Rehearsal Please complete the notes and return as soon as possible
so we can clarify costuming requirements, and start the
and Workshop with guest
very massive task of logistical planning. Any parents
choreographer, Jinu Mathews, on
Sunday 26th March from 10.00-4.00pm. willing to help, please provide details on the returned
Permission notes for our Dance Camp, permission note where provided. A costume craft making
session is being held every Wednesday in the Staff Room
7-9th April, have been issued. It will
during Dance Fitness 3.00-4.30pm. Helpers are most
involve: a Stage Make-up Application
welcome to join in.
Workshop; an excursion to see the
Melbourne Ballet Company and
Upcoming Community Dance Performances: Melbourne
participate in workshops with them;
Ballet Company at Darwin Entertainment Centre 7th April.
Dance Choreography Workshops with our guest
choreographers, Elle Milne and Georgia Trier; Drama
Lisa Svara, Dance Teacher
Workshops with Noah Milne; and a range of social events
including the Wave Pool, King Pin, and an Urban
Adventure Challenge. Please return signed notes asap.
The Dance Department Needs Old Thongs
If you have old thongs/odd thongs/dog chewed thongs Permission notes have been emailed to all parents
any size, shape & colour. Please drop them into the basket
detailing all the rehearsal and show dates for the 2017
in the Sport Office (behind the Auditorium).
Dance Showcase, ‘Coming Home’. They are also available
Dance Notices
House Notices
Our annual House Cross Country event
at East Point is scheduled for Thursday
27th April (Term 2, Week 2) for Year 6,
and Wednesday 26th April (Term 2,
Week 2) for Year 7. Permission notes
for this event will be out shortly. Our
Year 6 and 7 students complete a 3km
Sport Notices
Essington Representative Teams
Essington Representative Teams
Middle School (Year 7-9) Soccer Gala
Last Tuesday, the Essington Middle
School Girls and Boys Soccer Teams
took part in the Interschool Sports
course around the far end of East Point. All students are
expected to participate. If there are parents who are able
to assist during the event, please contact me.
Spencer Harvey
House and Outdoor Education Coordinator
Competition at Bagot Road. As true sporting heroes, they
demonstrated team work and talent in order to take home
the coveted green flags. Both teams successfully won their
Finals and the Gala Day Tournament. Well done to both
teams. The Essington School Darwin are proud of you. A
big thank you to Mr. Spring for all his hard work training
and coaching our students.
Middle School (Year 7-8) BOYS ONLY Rugby Gala Day
Good luck to those boys involved in the Rugby Gala Day
on Tuesday. Please meet Mr Roth at the bus stop at 8am
Junior School (Year 4-6) Soccer Gala Day
Well done to those who participated in the Junior School
Soccer Gala Day last week. A ridiculously hot day! The
girls played amazingly well, lost one, drew one, and won
three to finish second. Great determination, and wonderful
The Essington School Darwin
General Notices
sportsmanship as usual. The boys won every game
comfortably to win the pennant. In three of the four games
they won, I took extra players off to try and keep the score
Junior School (Year 4-6) Rugby Gala Day
Congratulations to those students who attended the
Darwin Region Junior School Rugby Gala Day held on
Friday 24th. A full report will be in next week’s Bulletin.
Middle School Netball Gala Day
Congratulations to those girls selected to represent
Essington next week at the Middle School Darwin Region
Gala Day. Notes should now be back. Those attending,
please remember to meet Ms H at the bus stop at 8am on
Friday 31st March.
Year 6 Basketball Gala Day
The Essington Cannons Basketball players have been
selected to represent their club at the Darwin Region Gala
Day. Those students who received notes on Wednesday,
please remember to have them returned by Wednesday
29th. The Gala Day will be held at DBA in Week 10,
Wednesday 5th April.
students MUST attend 2 out of the 3 trial days, be the
correct age, and attend a Darwin Region School.
TRIALS - Netball
4th April
5th April
6th April
3.30 – 5.00pm
3.30 – 5.00pm
3.30 – 5.00pm
Marrara Netball
Pacific School Games – Swimming Nomination Forms
All those interested in nominating for the PSG 2017
Swimming Squad, nomination are due September 30th,
PLENTY OF TIME! Please see Ms Foley for a form ($10 to
Student Achievements in Sport
Nightcliff U14 Grand Final Winners!
School Sport NT Development Camps
If you are interested in any of the Camps below,
please collect forms from Ms Foley.
16 & Under Netball Development Camp
June 16th to 18th
School Sport NT in conjunction with Netball NT
and Interstate Team Officials
Venue: Darwin Basketball Stadium/YMCA Palmerston/
Marrara Indoor Stadium
Age of Participation: 16yrs and under at 31 December 2017 (born no
earlier than 2001). Minimum age is 13yrs (born no later than 2004).
Forms Due: 12th May.
15 & Under Touch Football Development Camp
June 23rd to 25th
School Sport NT in conjunction with Touch
Football NT and Interstate Team Officials
Venue: Fannie Bay Touch Grounds Darwin
Age of Participation: 15yrs and under at 31 December 2017 (born no
earlier than 2002). Minimum age is 13yrs (born no later than 2004).
Forms Due: 12th May.
Darwin Region Team Trials
If you are interested in any of the Trials below, please
collect forms from Ms Foley.
12 & Under Rugby League Trials
To be eligible for selection in the Darwin Region Team,
students MUST attend 2 out of the 3 trial days, be the
correct age, and attend a Darwin Region School. Darwin
Region will select 20 students. Darwin Region Team
members will compete at the School Sport NT 12 & Under
Rugby League Development Camp held in Darwin on 24th
-26th May.
Congratulations to: Gus Solomon, Matteo Materazzo,
Kye Bernard, Kaleb Tomkinson, Matthew Horder and
Sol McInerney who won their U14 Boys Grand Final at
the weekend. On Sunday at the presentation, Gus was
also awarded runner up Best and Fairest Award, and
Matteo received Most Consistent. Well done boys!
Congratulations also to Hudson Heinrich
who was on the weekend awarded the
U12 Division 1 Rising Star Award.
Student Achievements in Sport
If your child has any great sporting
achievements throughout the year, please
email [email protected]
and this will be acknowledged in the
Bulletin and on occasions at Assembly.
Photos are most welcome.
Angela Foley, Director of Sport
TRIALS - Rugby League
28th March
29th March
30th March
3.30 – 5.00pm
3.30 – 5.00pm
3.30 – 5.00pm
7th to 17 April
Foskey Pavilion
Darwin Showgrounds
Warren Park
(Souths), Marrara
12 & Under Netball Selection Trials
Players must be a minimum of 10 years, ie born no later than
2007, and a maximum of 12 years, ie born no earlier than 2005.
To be eligible for selection in the Darwin Region Team,
A temporary rink set up for the school holidays
with friendly staff on the rink to help skaters of all levels.
For session times and bookings: Facebook: search Darwin Ice
Skating, or, search Darwin Ice Skating.
Further information: [email protected] or Phone:
0431 053 968.
The Essington School Darwin
Students from 6A loving PE this week.
6B in the Science Lab comparing temperature of vinegar to see if it affects
the volcanoes’ explosion.
Class 6D conducting earthquake Science experiment.
Year 6 Harmony Day entertainers at the Harmony Day International Food Stall.