Writing A Document Based Question (DBQ)

A Document
Based Question
Steps to Writing a DBQ
1. Read the question. Circle ALL the
important words, dates, and phrases,
including the background information.
2. Read ALL the documents.
3. Group the documents into essay
a) Each subtopic should be a paragraph.
4. Write your thesis as an outline of your
5. Write your essay.
STEP #1 - Analysis
• Read all the documents
– Before reading each document carefully read the source line of
Who? Wrote it. Male/Female, Upper/Middle/Lower Class,
Religion, Occupation, Gov. Influence, etc.
Where? Was it written. Is it different or the same as other
When? How close is this date to other documents? Is there
change over time from first document to last? What else was
happening at this time?
What? Does the document say. Summarize the main idea
into a sentence or two. Circle important quotes.
Why? Why did/would someone write this? What is the
author’s purpose in writing it?
What is missing? What other information would help to
FULLY understand this doc? Is there a missing voice?
Step # 2 - Grouping
• Use both the source line and the document to
find documents that can be linked and grouped
(Compared, Contrasted, similar Origins, similar
time period, similar PERSIA themes, etc.) to
each other to form groups.
Any two documents can be used to make a group.
You must use every document in at least one group.
You must have 3 groups
NAME EACH Group – This is your topic sentence.
Your groups will become the topics for your
Step # 3 - Thesis
5 Sentence Format –
1. Restate the question
2-4. Tell the topics (groups) of
each body paragraph.
5. Summarize the 3 groups
and state what you will
Based on the following documents, analyze the responses
to the spread of Buddhism in China. What additional kind of
document(s) would you need to evaluate the extent of
Buddhism’s appeal in China?
Thesis Paragraph:
There was a wide variety of responses to the spread of
Buddhism in China. During the chaos that occurred after the
fall of the Han Dynasty, Buddhism was welcomed (doc 1&2).
Although as Confucian values were revived some began to
question Buddhism (doc 3&5). This eventually concluded
with the Tang Dynasty rejecting its teachings (doc 4&6).
According to the documents, Buddhism was originally
welcomed in China, over time Confucians began to question
it, and eventually outlawed its teaching.
Step # 4 – Writing Paragraphs
1. Re-Write a part of your thesis paragraph for
the topic sentence. This should clearly
• After the fall of the Han Dynasty, Buddhism was first
welcomed into China as seen in docs 1 & 2.
Step # 4 – Evidence
2. As you write your paragraph SUMMARIZE the
evidence from the documents into logical
paragraphs. Keep quotes BRIEF!
Buddhism originated in India during the 5th century
B.C.E. The Four Noble Truths, as taught by Buddha,
were a way of stopping sorrow in one’s life. (doc #1) As
Buddhism spread into China the Han Dynasty was
collapsing and the region was very unstable. Buddha’s
message of ending your sorrow must have been
encouraging during these difficult times. Those who
converted were content knowing that if they died they
would be granted enlightenment and admission into
Nirvana as a spiritual reward after their death. (doc #2)
Step # 4 – Point of View (POV)
3. Identify one P.O.V. for a specific document in
each paragraph. Why did the author write this
document at this time?
Due to the fact that doc #2 was written during a
time when northern China was being invaded the
author is most likely desperate. Desperate people
are more acceptable to radical change, such as
converting to a new religion. The invasion of
China possibly affected why this individual
converted to a non-traditional Chinese religion,
such as Buddhism.
Step # 4 – Additional Doc.
4. Every DBQ paragraph should include at least
one request for an additional document. You
have to tell BOTH what doc you want and why
you want it.
• An additional document that would help this
analysis would be from an individual in
southern China during the same time period.
Most likely his region would not have been as
greatly affected by the invasions. Therefore it
would be helpful to see if he would have been
as open to conversion as the author of doc #2.
After the fall of the Han Dynasty, Buddhism was first welcomed
into China as seen in docs 1 & 2. Buddhism originated in India during
the 5th century B.C.E. The Four Noble Truths, as taught by Buddha,
were a way of stopping sorrow in one’s life. (doc #1) As Buddhism
spread into China the Han Dynasty was collapsing and the region was
very unstable. Buddha’s message of ending your sorrow must have
been encouraging during these difficult times. Those who converted
were content knowing that if they died they would be granted
enlightenment and admission into Nirvana as a spiritual reward after
their death. (doc #2) Due to the fact that doc #2 was written during a
time when northern China was being invaded the author is most likely
desperate. Desperate people are more acceptable to radical change,
such as converting to a new religion. The invasion of China possibly
affected why this individual converted to a non-traditional Chinese
religion, such as Buddhism. An additional document that would help
this analysis would be from an individual in southern China during the
same time period. Most likely his region would not have been as
greatly affected by the invasions. Therefore it would be helpful to see
if he would have been as open to conversion as the author of doc #2.
Every Paragraph Should Have
1. A topic sentence / Part of the Thesis
2. What? – Evidence from at least two
docs – Two sentences for every doc
– 1st summarizes and the 2nd gives
evidence to support
3. Why? Analysis through author’s
4. One Additional Doc
However, as the Confucian gentry’s power and
influence grew the Tang Dynasty initiated policies that
culminated with the rejection of Buddhism as seen in
docs 4&6. Chinese scholars used multiple tactics to instill
fear into other Chinese officials. Han Yu refers to
Buddhism as an “evil that needs to be rooted out” (doc 4).
However, the author may be exaggerating. Earlier he
mentioned how Buddhists would cut off their arms in a
procession (doc 4). Han Yu has this opinion based on
the fact that he hopes to influence the emperor and make
him fearful of Buddhism. In order to confirm Han Yu’s
account a member of the crowd who saw the procession
would be helpful. This document could be used to refute
or support Han Yu’s statements. …
… The emperor apparently was influenced by Han
Yu and began to see Buddhism as a threat to his
power. Emperor Wu issued an edict that outlawed
Buddhism and referred to it as a “poisonous vine” that
needed to be “eradicated” (doc 6). The emperor has
this opinion because he has become fearful of the
wealth and status of the Buddhist temples. The
emperor claims that Buddhist temples are becoming
“more lofty and numerous” than his imperial palace
(doc 6). As these temples gained status he must have
feared that he would begin to lose power. In order to
verify the emperors concerns it would be beneficial to
have an image of the imperial palace and a Buddhist
temple from this period. Being able to compare these
images would provide a way to verify whether or not
the emperor’s suspicions were valid.
DBQ Grade Sheet
Acceptable Thesis
Understands/Uses ALL Documents
Supports Thesis with Evidence
from ALL Documents
Supports Thesis w/ Ev. from ALL
BUT 1 Document
Analyzes POV in 3 Docs
3 Groups of Documents
3 Additional Documents
8) Expanded Core +1
9) Expanded Core +1
Grading Scale
9 = 108
8 = 102
7 = 95
6 = 85
5 = 75
4 = 65
3 = 55
2 = 45
1 = 35
• This essay is missing the “middle” paragraph.
• As it is now, this essay is a 3 = 55%
– Thesis
– 3 POVs
– 3 Additional Docs
• It is missing:
– Understands/Uses ALL Documents
– Supports thesis with evidence from ALL Documents
– Three groups of documents
– Extra POVs and additional documents for expanded
• Your assignment is to write the missing “middle”
paragraph and turn in a COMPLETE ESSAY on
Tuesday, November 10th.