A Flash from Our Week

Miss Kornblau’s
“Superhero” Update
September 27, 2015
Melissa Kornblau
[email protected]
Shady Grove E.S.
A Flash from Our Week
Reading: Reading Story & MAPs
Students started reading the first story in our Basil this week. It is called
The Gardener by Sarah Stewart. We will continue it next week as we did
not get to finish due to the bike race and MAPs testing. We will be reading
stories out of our Basil for whole group instruction in order to make sure
that every skill is being taught. We also took our Reading MAPs test. I will
be working through this data to determine my reading groups.
Writing/Language Arts: New Program
Students took on Daily Dazzle themselves this week. I will usually give
them one week to complete a Daily Dazzle assignment; however, since
this is our first one, I have decided to extend it to two weeks. We are also
starting our “Words of the Week” vocabulary program! Each week,
students will either study five interesting words or a set of Greek/Latin
roots. We will alternate between both programs. Students will be
assessed on Friday after working with synonyms, antonyms, and usage
through the week. Please be on the lookout for a parent letter, sample
test, and five words for the week of September 28th with your child on
Math: Place Value
Students continued to review place value this week. We will wrap up the
unit with a posttest on Thursday. Anyone who did not receive a 100% on
the pretest is welcome to retake the test (the students should know their
scores). If not, please do not hesitate to ask! We will be starting our
Decimal unit on Monday with a short pretest. This being said, please
remember to constantly go back throughout the year and review previous
units (i.e. place value). A good way to do this would be to visit my
Soar to These Events
October 1 – Place Value Posttest (see info. section)
October 2 – Class Guidance Lesson (this is a change)
October 2 – VA Studies Geography Test (VS.2);
Word of the Week Vocabulary Test
Gifted Identification Information
Parent referrals for gifted identification will
be accepted in October and January for the
following grade levels:
*Students in grades 3, 4, & 5 can be
referred beginning October 1 to
October 30, 2015.
*Students in Kindergarten and grades 1
& 2 can be referred beginning January 4
to January 22, 2016.
Please submit referrals in writing (email accepted)
to the Associate Principal, Nicky Gil, during the
appropriate referral period.
Enrichment Information
Students were given an extra week to complete
week 2 of Sunshine Math. Mrs. Koprowski (gifted
resource teacher) began working with our class
(students who are identified in math) this past
Science: Scientific Investigation
Students continued their study of scientific investigation. They also began
studying variables in experiments (independent, dependent, and
Social Studies: Geography
Students continued to review Virginia’s geography. The class took a quiz
on Friday. We be wrapping up this unit on Friday with a test. Please
make sure that your child is studying nightly for the test. The students
have glued a study guide into their ISN.
Homework/Graded Papers:
Please check out the blog each night for our class homework assignments!
Be on the lookout Monday for your child’s graded papers folder. If your
child’s folder does not come home tomorrow, then that means I never
received it last week. Please remember to follow the instructions on the
inside cover of the folder.
Read Theory
We are starting our online weekly reading program on
Monday! For at-home reading, students will read four
online passages at ReadTheory.com each week and
provide a brief summary of what they were about. Using
ReadTheory, students will be able to keep track of their
reading levels, comprehension, and minutes within the
program. Fourth grade is really excited about how
individualized it is and how it allows children to monitor
their reading progress as well! I am sending home a
parent letter on Monday that gives more information
about ReadTheory.
John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
The Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth is accepting applications for its annual Talent
Search for academically talented students in grades two through eight. CTY offers testing
through the Talent Search, and a wide array of services for academically talented students,
including summer and online courses and family academic programs. For more information,
visit cty.jhu.edu or call CTY at 410-735-6278.