444 stacking wax - Universal Photonics

Stacking waxes are semi-hard temporary cements used for a variety of blocking and holding applications.
Stacking waxes are commonly used for blocking together a series of lenses or work pieces that are to be
edged or profiled. Other applications include thin film blocking, Blanchard wheel work, spot blocking,
surface protection and a variety of uses where semi-hard, high tack materials is desired.
Water or slurries do not affect stacking waxes, as long as their temperature is below the melting point of the
wax being used. Most coolants have little effect on the waxes, especially in relatively short duration
exposure (less than 2-3 hours). Other characteristics include a high dielectric constant, lack of porosity,
yielding efficient blocking results on a wide variety of substrates. Depending on the grade of wax, materials
that can be blocked include steel, all types of optical glasses, many of the harder plastics, brass, copper,
silicon wafers, quartz crystals and a host of other material. Stacking waxes can be used for a variety of
holding and blocking applications where strength of bond and easy removal are desired, and the hardness
of blocking material is not a critical factor. Due to the broad array of applications where stacking waxes
can be used, it is impossible to give specific usage instructions for all cases. Call Universal Photonics’
Application Lab for more specific application questions.
Test Name (Testing Method & Parameters)
Softening Point (ASTM D4419-00)
Melting Point (ASTM D4419-00)
Viscosity (200°F, RV-3, 20RPM) (ASTM
Penetration Test (70°F, 500g Weight, 1
Acid Number
120 -130 °F
130 -140 °F
250 -300 cps
0.007 – 0.012”
Light to dark yellow
It is usually best to elevate the temperature of both the blocking plate, or lap, and the work piece. This will
reduce the difference in temperature between the parts and the wax, which reduces distortion in the
finished product. The temperature will also dictate to some degree, the film thickness of the finished bond.
This is done by raising the temperature so that viscosity is lowered to a desired “thickness.” The wax can be
applied by "wiping" the wax across the heated blocking tool, or the wax can be heated into a liquid and
poured on the surfaces to be blocked. When heating the wax into a liquefied state, never exceed the
melting temperature by more than 25-30 degrees Fahrenheit, as temperatures above that level will cause
fundamental changes that will reduce performance levels. If you notice the wax beginning to smoke,
lower the temperature until it ceases. Burning the wax can lead to irreversible and adverse changes to the
products physical and chemical characteristics.
In general, removal of stacking wax can be accomplished by immersing the blocked assembly in hot water,
thereby bringing the wax to its melting temperature and affecting the physical detachment in the blocking
media. The temperature of the water should be above 130 -140 °F. The parts can be further cleaned with a
mild alkaline soap and warm water wash or in some cases a solvent will be necessary to further remove
residue. UNIVERSAL SOLVENT, The UNI-CLEAR SERIES of safety solvents, or other common cleaners will
clean residue of stacking wax from the work piece and blocking apparatus, after which a warm soapy water
wash should leave the parts clean. Further cleaning of optical glass can be accomplished through the use
of RHODES K89 cleaner using ultrasonics. In difficult applications, solvent may be used exclusively to deblock parts. The degree of cleaning a de-blocking effort required will vary greatly depending on the bond
line geometry, work piece characteristics and finished part requirements.
PB0049 - BARS – Sold per bar - 2 Bars to a Box - 1 bar = ~1/3 lb
PA0046 - BULK - Sold per lb - ~ 1 – 2 lbs per tray
SAMPLE SIZE – sold per each
See MSDS for more information.
The information and recommendations contained herein has been compiled from sources believed to be reliable and to represent the most
reasonable current opinion on the subject when this was prepared. No warranty, guaranty or representation is made as to the correctness or
sufficiency of the information. The user of this product must decide what safety measures are necessary to safely use this product, either alone or in
combination with other products, and determine its environmental regulatory compliance obligations under any applicable federal or state laws.