m'HI GE TWO IT’S FOOD FOR VICTORY! th e c a r o u Ua Dr. J. Henry Highsmith Makes Address To Shaw Suimn^ School Graduating Class Numbdng 54 liA LEIQ H — Speaking a t th.i 1943 Shaw University Summer School Commencement exercise'i August 20, Dr. J. H enry H ighsmith told th e fifty -fo u r gradu ates and a capacity sadienpe in the Shaw Q reenleaf Metaorift* Chapel t h a t the /'c o n q u e st o f br^ad, th e cultivation of brqin aud th e building o f charaetcr arc am ong th e moat aignilficant {>rohl«*iiiS o f th e present and po3t war world." Dr. Highsiuith wa« introducol by Robert D. Daniel as director o£ the division of instruction of North Carolina State Depart m ent of Public Instruction and an outstanding figure in the conucils o f State and national educators. “ Ne«roM throughout the Third Farm Credit d ittrict—Georgia, Florida, and the two Carolinas—are rfranc their purt in the Food-for-Victory eonaervatio* program ,” aays H arry L. Brown, form er aisistant WCT(rt«ry oi IJricultnre and now general agent of the Farm Credit Administration of Columbia which there it much enthuaiaim in hom e canning and utilization of facilitiea in community jctnneriica among the Negro members of our national farm loan astociations and production credit asUoci«tion»," M r Brown aaid. “They have recognized the necessity of food preservation more than ever history of th ii country and are going about thi« job of storing up food for future us« with zeal and tim e s Saturday, August 28, 1943 TAN TOPICS ( y C H A M ft A U fN Dean F oster P. P ay n e preisanted the candidates for de grees to President Robert P. Daniel who conferred degrees as follow s: Bachelor O f Arts D egree: Miss Theltna Leigh Albritton, K inston; M iss Edna Naomi Aldridge, Ln Orange; Miss Camelia Nand Alston, FranklintOJi; Mrs. Anniedelle Battle Armstrong, Roeky Mount; Mr*Annie Wimberly Battle, fioeky Mftunt; Mrs. Cora Alberta Battle, Rocky Mount; Mrs. H at tie Boykin Bell, R aleigh; Misa Wyomia Brewington, ' Dunn; Mrs. Mary Eliehbeth Brown, New Bern; Miss Eula Mae Bry an, New B ern; Mrs. Julia Law The graduation exercises were rence Bynum, New B ern; Mrs. th e final event o f the, Summer Christine Martin Carter, Miami, School Commencement which iA*> ;Fki(fida; S y lv e s t e r , Freeman eluded on Thursday, August 1*J. Clark, Raleigh; Mrs. Grace class day exerciaes at ivhich a Ja<*kson Cooke, New Bern; Mrs. , se t o f collection plates were Lovie Merritt Davis, R aleigh ;! EXCUSE, ME LADY, presented by th e class to th e Mrs. Mabel Jones Davis, N or-| MEAN FOR YOU TO U niversity; and on Thursday lina; Miss Susie Elizabeth Ford lAL. evening a U n iv ersity banquet in Enfit'ld; Mrs. Carmelia W’ftlch honor o f th e graduation can(Jid- Graham, Vaux Hall, N. J.; Mrs. ates which made a contnbutiou Rich„rdsOn G uess, Golds to th e U n iversity library^ fund j -Maudeste Sim ons Playboy Hercules Makes Second Jump Into Marimony Sea ROCK HILL, s . C. — in a ceremony marked with sim pli city and held at th e home of her parents la st Tuesday at noon, M iss Annie Sue Murdock, youngest daughter o f Presiding Elder and Mrs. John Thomas M urjock, o f the AME Zion Church, became th e bride o f Erie E. L. H ereulis o f Durham, and Trinidad, British W est Indies. The couple, prom inent in social circles throughout the Carolinas was united in matirmony by Dr. J. S. Nathaniel Tross, Division Secretary o f th e American Bible Society o f Charlotte, N. V. BUT THE GOTEBNMENT D I D N ’T CON-^ERVE TH A T MUCH M ATEE- I.IL CREEN TINY •T .i^\L •Mtt 't»u ■ iry The brido was given in marri age by her fa th er and attended '•y Miss N e ttie 7^. Sitgraves o f Winston Salem, Ni C. A June graduate of Barber Scotie Junior College, sh e is expected to concinue her stu dies at the North Carolina College. Serving the bridegroom as Beatman w a^s President Jam es H. Qoudlock o f Friendship College. * Mrs. Dorothy B. Hamiltoi^ Former Greensboro Resident Arrives In England For Service In, Red Cross Thirty N. C. Negro Men Enter Navy Training At ‘Lakes’ Mr. Hercules is the son of Mx’s. M illicent B. H ercules of San Fernando, Trinidad. A I Harvey, Jacksonville, Florida; l i ^ / T ^ c a T M a m p l e of the work N egroei are doing in food preservation is illustrated above. This scene graduate of th e H arris Street additional books in th e Shaw Mrs. KatiP Magnolia Haywood, ^ tate n from the cannery c l tb« Brooks County Training achool at Dixie, Qeoreia. Training College in his native education depurtmeiU. Raleigh; MiBs Thelma Carolyn i'. home, he attended W'ilberforce M iss Nezza Poverty induced by low in Heartley, Clayton; and McGill U niversities. A ctive B 7 A . A . M O B ISE T come was cited by Dr. H ig h Maud 3^ackson, Carthage; Miss in the field o f journalism , he is sm ith as being responsible for W illie M «bel, J effries, Raleighj GREENSBORO — The sa fe at present a stWudent in t h c M iss Ethel Johnson, R aleigh; the fpod problem which has been arrival in England o f Mrs. School o f Law o f th e N orth faced throughout the years. He Miss Dorothy Smith liane, Ra- Dorothy B. H am ilton, American Carolina College. Immediately in sisted th a t “ these problems loigh: M iss Charlotte M athilda Red Cross ^S ta ff assistant, was following a reception at t h e i ^ m ust be settled by edn- Lee, Bayboro; M iss Thelma Wil- itnnounced la st week from headbride's home, the couple left fo>^ X l b S U R Y — Dr. W illiam j cntors w h o will teach proper lia Lewis; Norlin; Mrs. Mildred f]uarters of the American Red an undisclosetl destination to McElrath, D u rh am ; Cross. I J. T ren t, PresfHent' of Living- j production, transportation and Dunston spend their ht)neymoon, after Mrs. Mary Jones Marable ston e college, outstanding AME i consumption and by th o se who g r e a t /.AlCES, 111. — Into Mrs. H am ilton is a former B T CHABOBS G. G R E E N Marrow; Raleigh; Mrs. Bessie resident o f Greensboro, and is a the jTttftka Wft 'Negro meh who which th e y will assume resid Jfter having a m<tet interest- iceived the title o f Major during? ^ ^ u r i r f ’t h l t ' o k T T ^ ^ ence in Durham. T e '^ ^ p le in : , j Trr._ -I baturddv th a t plans art u n d or-| th the -Walker Moore, R a leigh ; Mrs. graduate of Bennfett College. She ore helpini^ Uncle Sam's Nuvy I Baecalaareste Sermon de- ■ W orld War 1. Tathenia Rowe Morgan, Smith- i(Meivj0d Ijef#' m aster o f social ^win th e war, went thirty North j way f o r the formal reopening o f j | This ia the second juaa-ri^^o Ted to them by Dean A. D. ; Theresa |H<)gAn8 irork degrW jfrom A ^ an ta Univer iC^pcil'ina, men, men la st week as o f Mr< liercul«^, who 'lis W e a v e .-, th e school for the 1943-4^ «ca>« jV^Usin^ Catolinii aff'^ an •tifcld, Mr*. ttal o f ‘ College, tkc j C'aptwa raining Cen- '^emic ycit-. Dr. Trent sai , il}iiatration'*”6ff' the low Hjcomw Pittmaii, Rocky Motjiit;. sity -School of Social Work. Sh» they reported to the U. S. Naval sidered by many as being a man 4©r c la s s o f summer achool I A. and T College received jter No^ 10, g n te "the Invocation from all indications, the enroll^' o f the pcopl6 o f the Soitlth &r» Bernice Annelle Reid, Pjainfield was form erly dean o f freshm en Training Station h ere to begm am ong men with th(‘ ladies, an intinerant colh'ge stu dent and ir d e g r ^ s a t t;00 p. m. Fri-I^^^*^*' t h e degree.s wen> m ent will exceed that of l a s t , u jg h sm ith stat-?d - th a t ,‘ in N .‘ J.; M iss Mary- KHaabeth Ho- j jjjjjj instructor o f mathematics at recruit training. Prior to her overseas nieiit in th e Richard B j by President F. D. despite th e induction of Xorth Carolina, one o f th e modt berts, Raleigh; Charles ^’"dward | Recruit- training,- or- “ boot playboy. H is f ir s t wedding in T h e su m m er seho i! m any y outh s of c o lk g e are into [ progyeggiye southern sta te s, the Sanders, Apopka, F la.; M iss ^appointm ent she was Girl Re- camp,” indoctrinates the mon the United States was to a well, rrisson Au^torium. F orty *' ' Bliiford. o^ the Armed forces. A large num , average income i s slig h tly more Rl^bie Lucie Lucial S«undera, j ggj,yg Secretary, Atlanta, Ga. in naval procedure, seamanship, known and prom inent young lady fat itn d en ts received th e B. choir, under th e direction three hundred dollars per Selma; Mrs. ^ Vi^Jtoria Ligon o th e r Bennett graduates an.l and m ilitary drill. H ere"lh ty arc o f Charlotte. It lasted less than liegree, mad one stu d en t r^ Charles Colman, sang, “ T h *j ber of yOung women who have whereas the average infSannderS, R aleigh ; Mrs. i former students are engaged ia given a series o f aptitude test.s three m onths .when liei-cules de ^ed the M aster .of Science d«- ■Weil Beloved” and “ K in g Je- htrotofore been denied the opsus is a L isten in g.” Barnard portujiity to study have availed , tjjg N ation is six hun- Burns Sharper, R aleigh ; Miss large number o f activities re- t o determine w hether th ey will cided to Ihrow o f f the responsi Ivee Mason, director of nnisic at | thcnisolves o f th e many opporr ; dollars per year for each M argaret Smith, M id d lesex, | gffgj-t th u s jbe g iven further advanced train bilities o f married life ani Jilajor L. P. McLendon, Greens th e College, w hose violin playinc tunties for em ployment thl-^ individual." Mr*. V irg ie Hicks Speed, Fu -1 their contribution to ing in one of the N a v y ’s Scr- 'alivant some nioi’e. if "0 attorney, gave th e com- has long been admired by all summer with a view to studying “ T h e r e m u s t be a l s o , ” . he con- quny Springs; M isSy | hastening th e day of fin al v ic- vice Schools, or assigned to ac C.; W’illie Porter, 19, Batin St.; oeement address. H is theme who listen, plnyed “ Canto th is fall. And according to tlirt . Lillian Turner, Sanford; tive duty at seaj Or Some na.'a' I Clarence Hooper, 20, E a st St.; 8, T h e R esponsibility of Amoroso” by G. Sarainartini. j .— --------- — ------------------ ' th e children o f all of j Ijouise Wade, R a le ig h ,, ,Some o f th e se include: sh o re station. They will be grant and Andrew' W iley, 17, E, Mar - i ^ e men and W om en.’* The Processional went to th^‘ will offer many opportunitie.? ' th e p eople in th e State and N a - | Julia A n ^ in e tte W a sh -. j£isg Texie W illis o f th e class ed a nine-day leave upon com ket St., all three are from, f h e s p e ^ a r , hif|Lly qnalified tune o f the T*riest March, play- for both men and womeh s t u ij t 'o n . N orth Carolina h a s »«de ^Mrs. '37 who is secretary to tha p letin g recruit training. Greensboro, N. C .; Edward Forp o in t th e way for college men ed by Mrs. Julia Irvin H'nll 't dents to receive training e sse n considerable progress in th is j W ilk ins, E nfield ; Mrs. guppiy o ffice r, Station bgs, 18, Jam es City, N. C .; k p women, practiced law in the organ. E lk a te lh B «rri» Willia™,, I H ospital, T uskceee A r a y • . Some men, h w l n s had . u f l i tia l for w ar industries. proper direction by raising i Napoleon Moore, W, Kiirston, cient experience in any one of U fh a iB , N . C. .for several years A fte r ha v in g closed n moat The fall quarter aatt A and T teachers’ salaries, increasing ^ 1 ’*'^' Sampson Wil-^ the trades used by th e Navy, N. C.; W illiam D. McKinley, IS, • ifore eoming to Greensboro in successful summer session, th e (’ollcge will open on September ^the length o f school term s, and | Laura H ar-j Miss Dorethea Taylor, '40 o f '"".T, wv, both are from New Bern; H e i» a member per^Qncll of A _and T CoIlet;e is 34, applications indicate th a t | ijj em phasizing the need , rison W illiam s; R a leigh ; Mrs. ! pj„gjjyygt, N. C. who is hostes.^ ® 8*^®^ f i ^ iiu*d o f Trustees o f A and T now looking forward to the fall many girls as well as J^uu? Ivocational educatloiT’ -MarjLjQavii— Wifliams, Macon; ^t th e P erson Street USO, F ay t ' lie g e and also o f the Univer- o f th e year and an accelerat“il men will be on hand for regi.s-j R eferrin g to p h y sical and B e ssie Lce^ W ilso n ,^ | etteville, N. C. opportunity o f earning a ratin;,' o£ N orth Carolina. H e re- program o f college work which tratrion. Second Officer Mary L. Lewis health education Dr. H ig h sm ith leiph; and M iss A iley Mae Young upon successful completion of Wake Forest. ’32, Company Commander WA(j declared th a t “a democratic ' theii: course. Moines, s ociety m ust— perpetuate it s e lf 'Bachelor o f Science D egree: Training Center^ Des I m ra.--------------—-----------------—-----— T h e new racruita from tllfl. through intelligence which MiSs H e ttie Louise Raines, Mrs. H elen H inton Campbell, sta te (jf North Carolina are: ((Hires better teaching o f t h e i Apex, '39, USO h o stess at H in eiville, J e s s e L. Hednick, 18, Greens principles of oiental and ph y si Ga. boro St., Asheboro, N. C .; Ar cal hygiene. iii" . thur Cannady, 18, Gaston Street, Opening and closing prayers A sheville, N» C.; W alter Cope?, were o f f e i‘ed by Deah John L. 18, Pollock Street, Beaufort, T illey o f th e Shaw University N. -C.; W alter R* Copes, 18, Ran School o f Religion. Music was dall 6t., Buford, N . Luther rendered by a women’s Chorus Taylor, 17, H ill Top Avenue; of the Sum m er School under the W illiam Robinson, Lincoln St.; speciad direction o f M iss Doris ■and George Brown, Jr., Lincoln Davis, a Shaw alumnus. St., all three are fr o m Concord, large number of registrants in N. 0 . ; W alter Johnson, 19, W. th e R e g istr a r ’s offica, t h f stud Peterson St., Edenton, N . C.; e n t body will be g r e a tly in Grover C. Hargrove, Wayne creased t h i s y e a r.” Avenue, Charles Gunter, 19, and Commencing w!th th e fa il TINY BRADSHAW maior«<i H u g h Scott, 17, Brazil St., all in iIm South Sid*«f in psychokjgy M Wilbarterm w h ich begins on W ed n es th ree arc from ftoldsboro, N. weifcing. in a force Univaruty. Hs wmw day, September 15th, .ntudents M^bng .racth# h r g e i t r'lHg in ih« Other inelude; M iss Alic? enrolled i n ’ th e cqljege o f libCi^ by Im^n^ hit wngt. country, a gift from lh« Patterson, ’ 40, W ilkes-Barre, al arts and sciences w ill parsae Maharaja of India. Pa.; M iss Rosa Lomax, ’43, couraas o f study in th e racently Lynqhburg, Va.; Miss Annie dedicated Price lCetn»rial Hall, ■ • dvAxh thoir. A tliMtrical agent m Valentine, ’43, Weldon, N . C. TINY hej the most complete wardfobe irt th« band a buildiTig estimated a t many 502 D O W D ST R E E T M iss Helen Cobb, >43, Buffalo. h f bacMM o f'lm diUinetive fcu»in«*. Over 200 Suits, every on* a differenf thousands o f dollars and named N . Y .; and M iss Elizabeth A l .^ ifMr* lo f«p«n( hir tins, mad* in honor o f th e -in stitu tio n ’! shade. He is c<Msidered the best dressed band sto n , *40, i h r GAt£ AG6NCY. fir s t prfisident. Complete in every leader in the courthy. ; ' ' detail witb its up to dote science rooms and adequate equipment, the assiduous student will h a r s available every p ossible meaus for scien tific work. T h e Hood TheoHgical Semin ary, which is an integral part o f th e college, and fo r many years th e centre for th e preparai t i o n o f young m en f o r th a Christian ministry, w ill be ho u s ed in th e bpildlag whfcn has COfitV MCMil, 4iig of the iifferbugs, TINY BRADSHAW and flio.Quoen'of Blues, been occupied recently fo r adhfc songs that diyrodiet«d tha famous Benny Goodmart ttlinistrative purposes. A. remode "Why Don t You Do Right" and her sensational reeordifig was lin g program o f th e dormitories Continental Features is now underway, and in addivocalis*. T in /i tune, ‘V erity Bounce" was akp jrty-Eight Graduates At A & T Liviigstone College School Hear Major McLendon Expects Increased idiver Commencement Address Enrollment In’43-’44 iccalanreate Sengbn Mncl| Enjoyed ■ ft , , BRADSHAW ELUS D. JONES AND CO. Funeral Directors Ambulance Service Fireside Mutual Burial Ass*n Phone N-5571 I m \ YOUR PERSONAL APPEARANCE Don’t be slack with your personal ap pearance whether you are looking for a job or already on one. We are special ists in all kinds of barberlng and beauty culture. FRIENDLY CITY BARBER SHOP AND BEAUTY PARLOR A. ARTIST, Prop. ‘• I I I IK ** t » •«f »r •MO I ' .V
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