Beverly`s Baby Journal Baby was born September 7

Beverly's Baby Journal
Baby was born September 7, 1919 at 11:45 p.m.
Sunday at 229 H St. Salt Lake City, a girl, blue
eyes, dark hair and weighed seven lbs. Gained a
pound the first two weeks.
Oct 7- Baby is a month old today. She weighs 9
lbs and measured 21 1/2 inches tall
At 2 1/2 months she weighed 13 lbs. First Christmas - two rattles
and a
teething ring.
Jan 7.1920 Baby was blessed Sunday Jan. 3 and named
Beverly. She is four months today and weighs 15 3/4 lbs. She laughs aloud and can hold
things in her hands.
March 16. Beverly can sit alone now and weighs 18 lbs. She is six months old.
July 7, Beverly is 10 months old today. She weighs 21 1bs. She had small pox
last month.
July 26. She came near losing the sight of her eye on the Th. Ray threw a sparkler
and it went in her eye.
She started to creep on the 23rd of July. 10 1/2 months.
September 7. Beverly is a year old today. She has four teeth, weighs 21 3/4 lbs
dressed and can say Baby,Papa, Mama, ta-too and ta ta. She walks around by things.
Oct. 13. Beverly started to stand alone about a week ago at 13 months. She also
had 6 teeth. at 13 months. Started to walk alone November I" a week before she was 14
months, Weaned her October 24 and she didn't make any fuss, weighed 21 lbs and 3
oz. ,stripped at 14 months.
January 13, 1921 Had measles. Refer to Ray's notes. {Some written there by
May 7 Beverly weighs 26 lbs and has three double teeth through. Has been ill
with bronchitis. Just got over that when she had canker very bad.
September 7 1921. Beverly is two years today. She can talk real well. Beginning
to put her sentences together. She says "Hoover milk a cow", in fact she can repeat
anything. She has just cut her eye teeth and has her stomach teeth to cut. She got the
following birthday presents: A Doll and Pongee dress from Mama
a nickel from Ray
a nickel from Daddy and
a nickel from Mrs Miller a neighbor.
September 7 1922. She is three years old today. Ray bought her a doll, Ruth a
hanky and Daddy ten cents. Has been sick with bowel trouble so she couldn't have
anything nice to eat. Mama gave her a tooth brush.