Du Pont Page 1 Material Safety Data Sheet ---------------------------------------------------------------------"VAMAC" ETHYLENE/ACRYLIC ELASTOMER ALL IN SYNONYM LIST VAM041 VAM041 Revised 12-MAR-2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Substance ID :130000036098 ---------------------------------------------------------------------CHEMICAL PRODUCT/COMPANY IDENTIFICATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------Material Identification "VAMAC" is a registered trademark of DuPont. Tradenames and Synonyms "VAMAC" "VAMAC" "VAMAC" "VAMAC" "VAMAC" "VAMAC" "VAMAC" "VAMAC" "VAMAC" GXF ULTRA IP VMX3037 VMX3038 VMX3040 VMX3040-1 VMX3040-2 VMX3040-3 VMX3110 # Company Identification MANUFACTURER/DISTRIBUTOR DuPont Packaging & Industrial Polymers 1007 Market Street Wilmington,DE 19898 PHONE NUMBERS Product Information Transport Emergency Medical Emergency : 1-(800)-441-7515 : 1-(800)-424-9300 : 1-(800)-441-3637 ---------------------------------------------------------------------COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------Components Material ETHYLENE/METHYL ACRYLATE COPOLYMER METHYL ACRYLATE METHYL ALCOHOL CAS Number 96-33-3 67-56-1 % >98 <0.5 <0.5 Components (Remarks) Material is not known to contain Toxic Chemicals under Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR part 372. ---------------------------------------------------------------------HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Printed on 12/17/2008 Du Pont VAM041 Page 2 Material Safety Data Sheet ---------------------------------------------------------------------Potential Health Effects ADDITIONAL HEALTH EFFECTS Refer to Bulletin VAM020504-1 'Toxicity Information Related To The Handling And Processing of "VAMAC"'. ACUTE OR IMMEDIATE EFFECTS: INGESTION ROUTES OF ENTRY AND SYMPTOMS Not a probable route of exposure. Low toxicity. SKIN Prolonged contact may cause irritation. Off gases may cause dermatitis (reddening of the skin). Methyl acrylate has been infrequently associated with skin sensitization in humans. Some reactants or additives in this polymer may be infrequently associated with allergic skin reactions in humans. EYE Not a probable route of exposure for the polymer. Methyl acrylate and off gases which can be released during enclosed storage or at processing temperatures may irritate eyes. Polymer may cause mechanical irritation. INHALATION Polymers not respirable. Methyl acrylate vapors, which can be released during enclosed storage or at processing temperatures, may irritate eyes, nose, throat, causing redness and itching. CHRONIC EFFECTS None known. Rats exposed to inhalation of methyl acrylate for 2 years at levels of 14, 45 or 135 ppm resulted in irritation of nasal mucosa and atrophy of olfactory mucosa, and dose related corneal opacity and vascularization of eyes. Carcinogenicity Information None of the components present in this material at concentrations equal to or greater than 0.1% are listed by IARC, NTP, OSHA or ACGIH as a carcinogen. ---------------------------------------------------------------------FIRST AID MEASURES ---------------------------------------------------------------------First Aid INHALATION If exposed to fumes from overheating or combustion, move to fresh air. Consult a physician if symptoms persist. SKIN CONTACT In case of contact, immediately wash skin with soap and water. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Printed on 12/17/2008 Du Pont VAM041 Page 3 Material Safety Data Sheet If molten material gets on skin, cool rapidly with cold water. Do not attempt to remove material from skin. Obtain medical treatment for thermal burn. EYE CONTACT In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician. INGESTION Not a probable route. call a physician. However, in case of accidental ingestion, ---------------------------------------------------------------------FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES ---------------------------------------------------------------------Flammable Properties Flash Point : Not Available Fire and Explosion Hazards: UNUSUAL FIRE, EXPLOSION HAZARDS hazards. HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS oxidation products. Combustible but no unusual Carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS Carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon oxidation products, including alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, acrolein, esters and carboxylic acids, oxides of phosphorous, phosphorous acids. Extinguishing Media Water, carbon dioxide, Foam, Dry Chemical. Fire Fighting Instructions Keep personnel removed and upwind of fire. Wear self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and full protective equipment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES ---------------------------------------------------------------------Safeguards (Personnel) NOTE: Review FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES and HANDLING (PERSONNEL) sections before proceeding with clean-up. Use appropriate PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT during clean-up. Spill Clean Up Shovel or sweep up. Recover undamaged and minimally contaminated Printed on 12/17/2008 Du Pont VAM041 Page 4 Material Safety Data Sheet material for reuse and reclamation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------HANDLING AND STORAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------Handling (Personnel) See FIRST AID and PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT SECTIONS. Storage Storage of multiple pallets in unventilated area may cause methyl acrylate concentration to exceed specified limits. Cool, well ventilated storage recommended. Keep container closed to prevent contamination. ---------------------------------------------------------------------EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------Engineering Controls Use sufficient ventilation to keep employee exposure below recommended limits. Personal Protective Equipment EYE/FACE PROTECTION: Wear coverall chemical splash goggles. Additionally, wear a face shield where the possibility exists for face contact due to splashing or spraying of material. RESPIRATOR: Where there is potential for airborne exposures in excess of applicable limits, wear NIOSH approved respiratory protection. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: Where there is potential for skin contact have available and wear as appropriate impervious gloves, apron, pants, jacket, hood and boots. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING If there is potential for contact with hot/molten material, wear heat resistant impervious clothing and footwear. Exposure Guidelines Applicable Exposure Limits METHYL ACRYLATE PEL (OSHA) : 10 ppm, 35 mg/m3, 8 Hr. TWA, Skin TLV (ACGIH) : 2 ppm, 8 Hr. TWA, Skin, A4 Sensitizer AEL * (DuPont) : 2 ppm, 8 & 12 Hr. TWA, Skin METHYL ALCOHOL PEL (OSHA) : 200 ppm, 260 mg/m3, 8 Hr. TWA Printed on 12/17/2008 Du Pont VAM041 Page 5 Material Safety Data Sheet TLV (ACGIH) AEL * (DuPont) : 200 ppm, 8 Hr. TWA, Skin STEL 250 ppm : 200 ppm, 8 & 12 Hr. TWA, Skin * AEL is DuPont's Acceptable Exposure Limit. Where governmentally imposed occupational exposure limits which are lower than the AEL are in effect, such limits shall take precedence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ---------------------------------------------------------------------Physical Data Melting Point % Volatiles Solubility in Water Odor Form Specific Gravity : : : : : : Not Available 3 % Insoluble Acrylate-like Bales. 1-1.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------STABILITY AND REACTIVITY ---------------------------------------------------------------------Conditions to Avoid Temperatures above 282 C (540 F) . Long hold up times. Incompatibility with Other Materials None reasonably foreseeable. Decomposition Decomposes with heat. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Above 316 deg C oxidative polymer cleavage occurs generating low molecular weight alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, acrolein, esters, and carboxylic acids, oxides of phosphorous, phosphorous acids. ---------------------------------------------------------------------ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------Ecotoxicological Information AQUATIC TOXICITY: No information is available. ---------------------------------------------------------------------DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------Waste Disposal Printed on 12/17/2008 VAM041 Du Pont Page 6 Material Safety Data Sheet Preferred options for disposal are (1) recycling, (2) incineration with energy recovery, and (3) landfill. The high fuel value of this product makes option 2 very desirable for material that cannot be recycled. Treatment, storage, transportation, and disposal must be in accordance with applicable federal, state/provincial, and local regulations. ---------------------------------------------------------------------TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------Shipping Information DOT Proper Shipping Name : Not regulated ---------------------------------------------------------------------REGULATORY INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------U.S. Federal Regulations TSCA Inventory Status : In compliance with TSCA Inventory requirements for commercial purposes. State Regulations (U.S.) STATE RIGHT-TO-KNOW LAWS No substances on the state hazardous substances list, for the states indicated below, are used in the manufacture of products on this Material Safety Data Sheet. SUBSTANCES ON THE PENNSYLVANIA HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES LIST PRESENT AT A CONCENTRATION OF 1% OR MORE (0.01% FOR SPECIAL HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES): None known. WARNING: SUBSTANCES KNOWN TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO CAUSE CANCER, BIRTH DEFECTS OR OTHER REPRODUCTIVE HARM: None known. SUBSTANCES ON THE NEW JERSEY WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE LIST PRESENT AT A CONCENTRATION OF 1 % OR MORE (0.1% FOR SUBSTANCES IDENTIFIED AS CARCINOGENS, MUTAGENS OR TERATOGENS): None known. ---------------------------------------------------------------------OTHER INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------Additional Information MEDICAL USE: CAUTION: Do not use in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body. For other medical applications see DuPont CAUTION Bulletin No. H-50102. ---------------------------------------------------------------------The data in this Material Safety Data Sheet relates only to the specific material designated herein and does not relate to use in Printed on 12/17/2008 VAM041 Du Pont Page 7 Material Safety Data Sheet combination with any other material or in any process. Responsibility for MSDS : T. P. PRICE DUPONT PACKAGING & INDUSTRIAL POLYMERS Address : CHESTNUT RUN PLAZA 713 WILMINGTON, DE 19880-0713 Telephone : 302-999-4664 Printed on 12/17/2008 DuPont™ Vamac® Safe Handling and Processing of Vamac® and Compounds made from Vamac® Technical Information — Rev. 3, February 2012 Read and understand the Material Safety Data Sheet (M/SDS) before using DuPont™ Vamac® ethylene acrylic elastomers. Toxicity Information Related to the Handling and Processing of Vamac® Vamac® ethylene acrylic elastomers are made from ethylene, methyl acrylate and a cure site monomer. Normally, they are blended with typical rubber ingredients and then processed and cured. There are many different compounds made from Vamac® elastomers, and they use various mixing and processing conditions and curing processes. This literature reviews the safe handling of Vamac® elastomers and gives a general overview of handling compounds based on Vamac® elastomers. Vamac® Polymer and Methyl Acrylate Monomer Vamac® elastomers or polymers fall into two general categories. The majority of them are terpolymers made from ethylene, methyl acrylate and a cure site monomer. These terpolymers are normally cured with diamines. The other category of Vamac® polymers is dipolymers which are made from ethylene and methyl acrylate. Dipolymers are normally cured with organic peroxides. All Vamac® elastomers contain some residual methyl acrylate monomer (CAS number 96-33-3). A typical level of residual methyl acrylate monomer is 0.15% by weight (1500 ppm). Most of this monomer is lost during the processing and curing steps and very little is found in the finished parts. Methyl acrylate exposure in the workplace where Vamac® elastomers are processed can be controlled within the desired limits by the use of proper ventilation (for example local exhaust ventilation). High vapor concentrations can cause irritation to eyes, nose, throat and lungs. Overexposure can lead to pulmonary edema and possible injury to liver and kidneys. Methyl acrylate can be absorbed through the skin. Methyl acrylate is regulated as an air contaminant in the United States under the Occupational Safety and Health Act per 29 CFR 1910.1000 Air Contaminants, with an 8-hour time weighted average (TWA) permissible exposure limit (PEL) of 10 ppm (skin)*. The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (2011 edition) sets an 8-hour TWA threshold limit value (TLV) of 2 ppm (skin). DuPont has established a 15-minute TWA of 5 ppm (skin) as an acceptable exposure limit (AEL). DuPont applies this limit to its manufacturing and laboratory operations for Vamac®. Other regions of the world may have different allowable occupational airborne levels of methyl acrylate monomer. Please consult the local regulations. *A skin notation indicates that dermal exposure can be a significant contributor to the overall exposure (i.e., in addition to inhalation exposure) and subsequent internal doses in the body. The odor threshold for methyl acrylate is approximately 14 parts per billion (ppb). Therefore, sense of smell is not a reliable indicator of the methyl acrylate airborne concentration in an area. Repeated exposure can desensitize the nose. Adequate control of exposure to methyl acrylate and other decomposition products from processing can be realized by proper ventilation. The ventilation requirements of each plant location and operation may differ sufficiently to warrant individual methyl acrylate monitoring of each area. Areas where DuPont™ Vamac® is stored should be assessed as well as the processing areas. Actual concentration of methyl acrylate in air can be determined by using a gas analyzer. The DuPont brochure on “Proper Use of Ventilation During Processing of Plastics” has some good suggestions on how to limit worker exposure to air borne chemicals. Please contact your local DuPont representative if you would like a copy. Compounds made from Vamac® – Handling Precautions while Processing There are many possible steps used to process compounds made from Vamac® including mixing, molding, de-molding, extrusion, curing, post curing, etc. During the processing steps, some gaseous byproducts will be vaporized into the air in the immediate work area. The composition of these vapors will depend on the compounding ingredients added to the compound along with the process conditions such as temperature and pressure. Many of the rubber compounding ingredients have a substantial vapor pressure at elevated temperatures and can contribute significantly to the amount of volatiles. Therefore, only general guidelines for handling precautions can be provided. As mentioned previously, most of the Vamac® polymers used today are based on terpolymers (i.e. Vamac® G and Vamac® GLS) and these are cured with diamines. The following discussion relates to terpolymers. Dipolymers are cured with peroxides and will have different volatiles. A typical compound made from a Vamac® terpolymer may have a formulation that has the ranges listed below: • 100 parts polymer • 50 to 80 parts carbon black • 0 to 20 parts of a plasticizer • 1 to 3 parts of a release package • 1 to 3 parts of an anti-oxidant • 1 to 2 parts of a curative – usually hexamethylene diamine carbamate (HMDC) • 1 to 5 parts of an accelerator – diorthotolyl guanidine (DOTG) or Diazobicyclo undecene (DBU) The compound will usually be mixed on an internal mixer at about 100 °C (212 °F) and then sheeted off on a roll mill. It will then either be extruded into a hose or molded. Typical process temperatures for extruding hoses are about 60 to 90°C (140 to 194°F). For molding, the temperature can be around 180°C (356°F). For most of the molding cycle the mold is closed and under pressure (limited volatiles) but at the end of the molding cycle the mold is open to atmospheric pressure and this is when the volatiles concentration will be the highest. In the final processing step a hose will be cured in an autoclave at about 175 °C (347 °F) under pressure. Molded parts are usually post cured for several hours at about 175 °C (347 °F) at ambient pressure. During the curing step the HMDC curative will break down to hexamethylene diamine (HMDA) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Also during the cure step the diamine/cure site reaction will generate water and ethanol. The weight loss from these volatiles for a compound with 1.5 phr of HMDC and a total of 200 parts will be: • 0.21% weight loss from CO2 produced when HMDC is converted to HMDA • 0.17% weight loss from water generated during cure • 0.43% weight loss from ethanol generated during cure The total volatiles from the cure system (CO2, water and ethanol) are about 0.8% by weight for a typical compound. The amount and nature of the other volatiles encountered during the vulcanization of an elastomer are difficult to assess since chemical side reactions can take place. These reactions and the volatiles 2 generated depend on the specific compound formulations and the type of curing system. The concentration of volatiles in a given area will depend on many factors including the length of the heating cycle, the size of the part, the access to the atmosphere, the size of the area and the degree of air circulation. The off-gases generated in the curing of a typical compound made from a Vamac® terpolymer are shown in Table 1. These values are shown for information only and should not be used to predict concentrations of off-gases in a given work area. If there are any questions, it is suggested that processors of compounds made from Vamac® monitor for possible off-gases and measure the actual concentrations in the workplace. Table 1 – Off-Gases Generated During Isothermal Heating – 20 minutes at 177 °C Off-Gas Concentrations are Given in Weight Percent of Compound Ingredient ® Vamac G ® Vanfre VAM ® Armeen 18D Stearic Acid ® PHR Function 100 Terpolymer 1 Release agent 0.5 Release agent 2 Release agent Naugard 445 2 Anti-oxidant N-550 Black 70 Carbon black ® Nycoflex ADB 30 20 Plasticizer DOTG 4 Accelerator Diak #1 (HMDC) 1.5 Curative Total phr 201 ™ Off-Gas Concentrations Wt. Percent Ethanol 0.1940 Acetone 0.0004 t-Butanol 0.0022 Benzene 0.0005 Aniline 0.0014 alpha Methyl Styrene 0.0081 o-Toluidine 0.0860 The allowable employee exposure level for these chemicals is different in the various regions throughout the world. Please consult local regulations in order to ensure compliance. Ortho-Toluidine (O-Toluidine) There are two possible sources of O-Toluidine for a compound that uses the accelerator DOTG. The O-Toluidine may be present at low levels in the DOTG itself. The O-Toluidine is also a decomposition product from the DOTG at temperatures typically used in the molding presses and post cure ovens. O-Toluidine (CAS 95-53-4) is classified as carcinogen by IARC, NTP, OSHA and ACGIH. Please consult the MSDS for DOTG and O-Toluidine to ensure proper handling of these materials. A qualitative study was run on a compound made from Vamac® that contained DOTG to observe O-Toluidine levels. Head Space-GC/MS (gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy) was run on samples after a simulated press cure (5 minutes at 177 °C) and after a simulated post cure (4 hours at 177 °C). Trace levels of O-Toluidine were measured after the press cure simulation and higher levels were observed after the post cure simulation. A biological monitoring study was conducted on workers at two rubber plants in Germany and the study observed levels of O-Toluidine in the air as well as in blood and urine samples of the workers [“Aromatic Amines in the Rubber Industry – Biological Monitoring and Biochemical Monitoring”, T. Weiss, G. Korinth, H. Drexler, J. Angerer, 2005]. The study suggests that skin is the primary route of incorporation of O-Toluidine for accelerators (e.g. DOTG) that may release O-Toluidine. Customers and processors using 3 accelerators that may release O-Toluidine should evaluate the study and refer to industrial hygiene regulatory standards applicable to their workplace and consider whether additional precautions may be necessary to protect workers handling accelerators against overexposure via skin. Some of the other accelerators used in compounds made from Vamac® are based on Diazobicyclo Undecene (DBU). A commercially available accelerator that uses DBU is Vulcofac® ACT 55. A compound containing Vulcofac® ACT 55 as the accelerator in place of the DOTG was included in the Headspace GC/MS study. No O-Toluidine was observed in the off gases from either the simulated press cure or simulated post cure steps. Thermal Decomposition Products at Elevated Temperatures If DuPont™ Vamac® polymers are subjected to abnormally high temperatures (about 316 °C or 600 °F and above), decomposition products derived from random cleavage and oxidation of the polymer can be obtained. Such temperatures can occur in a fire or during exposure to an unusual heat source. Some of the major decomposition products identified by gas chromatography – mass spectroscopy include: methanol, ethanol, acetone, dimethyl formal, ethyl acetate, the carboxylic acids: acrylic, propionic, methacrylic, butanoic, pentanoic, hexanoic, undecanoic and corresponding methyl esters. Compounding Ingredients For information and recommendations on the safe handling of curatives and other compounding ingredients used in formulations of Vamac®, contact the suppliers of those materials. Waste Disposal Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) describing proper waste disposal of DuPont materials are available on request. Proprietary Materials Sources of compounding ingredients mentioned in this bulletin are given below. Comparable materials from other suppliers may give equally satisfactory results. Physical Form Vamac® ethylene acrylic elastomers are supplied in the form of bales, wrapped in either EMA fluxible wrap or PE strippable wrap. The clear fluxible wrap need not be removed from the bale as it is intended to melt into the compound during mixing. The blue strippable wrap must be completely removed from the bale prior to processing to avoid potential contamination of the compound. It is important to ensure that no remaining fragments of blue strippable wrap remain adhered to or caught up in the folds of the polymer prior to mixing. Material Composition Supplier Ethylene/Acrylic Elastomer DuPont Wilmington, DE Hexamethylene Diamine Carbamate DuPont Wilmington, DE Di-o-Tolyl Guanidine Sovereign Chemical Akron, OH Armeen 18D Octadecyl Amine Akzo Nobel Chemicals Chicago, IL ® Complex Organic Phosphate Ester Acid R. T. Vanderbilt Co. Inc. Norwalk, CT 4,4-Bis-(,a,a’-Dimethylbenzyl) Diphenylamine Chemtura Middlebury, CT Carbon Black Engineered Carbons Borger, TX Nycoflex ADB 30 ® Plasticizer Safic-Alcan Paris, France ® Accelerator Safic-Alcan Paris, France Vamac ® ™ Diak No. 1 DOTG ® Vanfre VAM ® Naugard 445 N-550 Vulcofac ACT 55 4 This page intentionally left blank. 5 Visit us at vamac.dupont.com Contact DuPont at the following regional locations: North America +800-222-8377 Latin America +0800 17 17 15 Europe, Middle East, Africa +41 22 717 51 11 Greater China +86-400-8851-888 ASEAN +65-6586-3688 Japan +81-3-5521-8484 The information set forth herein is furnished free of charge and is based on technical data that DuPont believes to be reliable and falls within the normal range of properties. It is intended for use by persons having technical skill, at their own discretion and risk. This data should not be used to establish specification limits nor used alone as the basis of design. Handling precaution information is given with the understanding that those using it will satisfy themselves that their particular conditions of use present no health or safety hazards. Since conditions of product use and disposal are outside our control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. As with any product, evaluation under end-use conditions prior to specification is essential. Nothing herein is to be taken as a license to operate or a recommendation to infringe on patents. Caution: Do not use in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body. For other medical applications, discuss with your DuPont customer service representative and read Medical Caution Statement H-50103-3. Copyright © 2012 DuPont. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™, and Vamac® are trademarks or registered trademarks of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliates. All rights reserved. (11/06) Reference No. VME-A10628-00-D0212 6
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