“de donde eres” and the verb “Ser t

Monday, August 29th
Due to meeting with the counselors and students wanting and needing more practice
with “de donde eres” and the verb “Ser” there were more activities added to practice
their mastery.
I can… Identify classroom objects in Spanish and identify the verb “tener.”
Standards (linked or just codes):
Total Physical Response (TPR), Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS)
4 competencies of a Foreign Language- Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing (LSRW)
National Standards: 1.2 Understand language, 1.3 Present information, 2.1 Practices and perspectives, 2.2
Products and perspectives, 4.2 Compare cultures
WHY: It is important to understand the meaning of these vocabulary words and how to explain that a student
has an item (using TENER) in the classroom because the teacher will be using these vocab words throughout
the class.
La mochila: backpack
El bolígrafo: pen
El papel: paper
La mesa: table/desk
La computadora: computer
El libro: book
El pizzara: blackboard
El cuaderno: notebook
La goma- eraser
La puerta- door
El reloj: clock
Key Point #1: identify the classroom objects that are around them. Helps them identify their surroundings.
ACT Prep: Grammatical strides of using definite and indefinite articles in Spanish
Do Now/Anticipatory Set (Hook): Work in the journals 5min
Work in the journals 5min
Bienvenidos clase! Buenos Dias. Estoy excitado para nuestra lección hoy y ha tenido un gran tiempo hasta
ahora con ustedes.
What should be on your tables right now so that we are in the ready to learn position?
Pencil and notebook
Phones away
Eyes on me (ojos aqui)
Hand out exit tickets from last class ask for questions. (other examples of false cognates are globo, means
balloon not globe ESFERA, and pie means foot not pie TARTA)
Todays lesson intro: classroom objects (los objetos de la sala de clase)
Miran la clase y comenzar a desarrollar una idea de algunos de los objetos de la clase
Direct Instruction (I Do):
Classroom picture that we label as a class on the board. (have some students spell it out loud for
pronunciation) Repeat the words once completed as a class to practice pronunciation.
School Clues (on doc cam)
Fill in the blank with the word in Spanish that fits the description given.
1. ___________It is black and we use “tiza” to write on it.
2. ___________Your “libros” go inside of this. You usually wear it on your “espalda.”
3. ___________It’s usually #2. Most of these are “Amarillo.”
4. ___________ I help you to write but usually can’t be erased.
5. ___________I am blank until you put thoughts onto me. I may have lines.
6. ___________I’m all bound up. I come in many colors and hold notes.
7. ___________I am flat and am sturdy. I usually am made of wood.
8. ___________You read these. They can tell poems, stories and more.
9. ___________ I can be very helpful when you make mistakes. Mi major amigo es el lápiz.
10. ___________You enter and exit through this every day.
11. ___________I’m always on time.
12. ___________The internet es mi mejor amigo.
Guided Practice (We Do):
----The teacher creates in advance 2 sets of identical classroom items.
The teacher divides the students in half and instructs them to form 2 lines by saying,
“Formen dos filas, por favor.”
In front of each line leader, the teacher places a set of different classroom items of different colors on a chair or
The teacher whispers the classroom object and color (i.e. la regla roja) to the student who is last in line.
That student in turn whispers to the next student and so on until the message reaches the line leader.
The line leader picks up the classroom item of the color that was “telephoned” (whispered down the line) to
The person at the front of
the line moves to the back of the line so that each student gets a chance to choose the
correct item.
Independent Practice (You Do) (Differentiation/Accommodation Strategies linked):
Have the students label the classroom objects around the room with sticky notes. They will each have two
sticky notes to label with. They need a pencil or pen to write with.
There should be no talking. SILENCIO
*push yourself to label all the possible objects you know in the room
The cue to start will be the start of the music.
I will walk to each label and make sure that they are correct and get class input by means of thumbs up thumbs
Closure/Exit Ticket:
Follow the directions below and answer the questions to the best of your ability. Please raise your hand if you
have any questions.
Match the following pictures with their proper term (drawing lines to connect the word and the picture):
1.) El bolígrafo
2.) El lápiz
3.) El libro
4.) La puerta
5.) La pizarra
6.) El cuaderno
2.) Which is not shown above:
a. El papel
b. La mochila
c. La computadora
d. La mesa
3.) According to the photos what is FALSE:
a. Hay un libro
b. Hay una computadora
c. Hay una goma
d. Hay una mochila
4.) Please translate the following into Spanish:
There is a pen on the table.
5) ¿Qué tienes en su mochila?
Tuesday, August 22nd
I can… identify the days of the week, and months
Standards (linked or just codes):
Total Physical Response (TPR), Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS)
4 competencies of a Foreign Language- Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing (LSRW)
National Standards: 1.2 Understand language, 1.3 Present information, 2.1 Practices and perspectives, 2.2
Products and perspectives, 4.2 Compare cultures
WHY: Weeks, months and seasons are very important to in order to be able to work with time frames. As in any other
language, weeks, seasons and months are basic conversation starters and will be essential in talking about class schedules,
pass times, holidays etc. This is also important for dates, and a good use for numbers
WHAT Weeks:
Lunes: Monday
Martes: Tuesday
Miércoles: Wednesday
Jueves: Thursday
Viernes: Friday
Sábado: Saturday
Domingo: Sunday
La semana: The week
Fin de semana: Week-end
Hoy es.. Today is
¿Qué día es hoy?: what day is today
WHAT Months:
Enero: January
Febrero: February
Marzo: March
Abril: April
Mayo: May
Junio: June
Julio: July
Agosto: August
Septiembre: September
Octubre: October
Noviembre: November
Diciembre: December
Weeks HOW
Key Point #1:
Use a definite article instead of using “on” in English
Ex: Los lunes voy al cine (On Monday I go to the movies)
Nos vemos el lunes (See you on Monday)
Key Point #2:
Los Lunes is for a habit, recurring theme
El lunes is when talking about a very specific Monday
Key Point #3:
All of these nouns are masculine so when you do noun adjective agreement always use the masculine
Months HOW
Key #1: To write the date use this formula
Day of the week, Number DE month DEL year
Ex: tres de Junio del 2014
Key #2: When we write it in abbreviated form we use
When we do abbreviated dates in the US we use
Key #3: Cual es la fecha de hoy? Cuando es tu cumpleaños?
To answer this:
La fecha es….
Mi cumpleaños es….
Weather HOW
Key #1: Que tiempo hace?
Key #2: To answer this use either hace…. Or esta….
Key #3: choose correctly to use either hace or esta (with four with “hace” and 3 with “esta”)
Key Point #4: In the US we use Fahrenheit scale, in most other parts of the world they use Celsius scale
These are ranges of temperatures just as if you were to convert money, you have to convert weather
- Ex: today’s weather: 27 degres celcius and 81 degres farenheit
ACT Prep: Knowing the days of the week is essential for communicating in Spanish and making our way to
being glocal citizens.
Because the days of the week is so commonly used in everyday conversations, knowing these will help students
feel more confident which is a big part of our vision and goals.
Do Now/Anticipatory Set (Hook): Weeks, months and seasons are very important to in order to be able to
work with time frames. As in any other language, weeks, seasons and months are basic conversation starters
and will be essential in talking about class schedules, pass times, holidays etc.
In order to introduce date – three celebrities mentioned by the students
Say three birthdays see if they can match.
I am going to show you six celebrities and three different birthdays. I want you to guess who’s birthday
corresponds to which celebrities by raising your hand.
Tyler the Creator
6 de Marzo 1991
Kevin Durant
29 de Septiembre, 1988
24 de Octubre, 1986
Michael Jordan
17 de febrero, 1963
Ariana Grande
26 de Junio 1993
Direct Instruction (I Do):
I will guide students to learn the days of the week based on the week song.
“Lunes martes, lunes martes, miercoleees, miercoleeees, jueves viernes, jueves viernes, saaaabado domingo,
saaabado domingo”
Now, copy the days of the week into your chart and stick it in your vocab book, you have three minutes. GO!
Key Point #1:
How do we use the days of the week in a sentence?
Use a definite article instead of using “on” in English
Ex: Los lunes voy al cine (On Monday I go to the movies)
Nos vemos el lunes (See you on Monday)
En ingles we say
“on Wednesday” but en español we say “the Wednesday” or “los miercoles”
If we are talking about a specific Monday we say el lunes.
But if you want to talk about something that happens every Monday you use Los
Los Lunes is for a habit, recurring theme
El lunes is when talking about a very specific Monday.
SLIDE **********
Here Kevin Durant says “I play basketball on Mondays”
Because it is plural we say LOS
How would we translate this?
Next week Kevin Durant can’t make it to practice on Monday because he was to go to the doctors!
“Monday of next week I have to go to the doctors”
How would you translate this?
SLIDE *********
First, let’s review the months
Have them repeat all of the months. What does this month correspond to?
Can anyone tell me where I can find may…?
Turn to the work sheet and write down the month that corresponds in English and Spanish
Now that you know the months and the numbers we are going to talk about your birthday. How do you write a
Do you remember how we said the birthdays of the celebrities we talked about?
***** SLIDE
Key #1: To write the date use this formula
Day of the week, Number DE month DEL year
Ex: tres de Junio del 2014
Key #2: When we write it in abbreviated form we use
When we do abbreviated dates in the US we use
Turn to your right elbow partner and discuss how you would write the dates on your worksheet. You have one
minute. Go!
Key #3: Cual es la fecha de hoy? Cuando es tu cumpleaños?
To answer this:
La fecha es….
Mi cumpleaños es….
Silently and at your desk, make a card with your birthday written out and abbreviated.
Write a goal (write this in Spanish and ask words in Spanish) about a goal that you would like to accomplish
before your next birthday.
I will send you your birthday card on your birthday!
Guided Practice (We Do): We will be reviewing the “Lunes-Domingo” song.
Together we will be reviewing the month’s songs. Students will be instructed afterwards instructed to continue
writing in their guided notes. We will be lining up according the month of birthdays but in Spanish.
Independent Practice (You Do) (Differentiation/Accommodation Strategies linked):
Students will practice writing the date of their birthday and their family members in order. Students will then
practice with a partner and share pair. Students will be given a worksheet to change the dates into Spanish.
Closure/Exit Ticket:
EXIT TICKET – 06/13/2014
Put the days of the week in order:
Miercoles, Sabado, Lunes, Jueves, Martes, Domingo Viernes
5. Write this date in abbreviated form: June 10th 2014
( ____/ ____/ ____)
6. Write this date in sentence form in Spanish: 13/06/2014
7. What article do you use to mention an activity you do every Wednesday? El miercoles / Los miercoles
Students needed extra practice with the supplies, days of the weeks and months.
Wednesday, August 31st, 2016
I can… use numbers 1-100 to answer simple math problems and will practice ordinal numbers
Standards (linked or just codes):
Total Physical Response (TPR), Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS)
4 competencies of a Foreign Language- Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing (LSRW)
National Standards: 1.2 Understand language, 1.3 Present information, 2.1 Practices and perspectives, 2.2
Products and perspectives, 4.2 Compare cultures
ACT Prep: - Reinforces fundamental Spanish concepts and knowledge.
We want our students to be successful in life - numbers are a part of nearly every aspect of life –
sporting events, telling time, prices, etc. If you want to be able to understand these things in Spanish – we need
to make sure we know our numbers!
Do Now/Anticipatory Set (Hook):
Write down all the numbers you know in Spanish?
Direct Instruction (I Do):
WHY: Numbers are in everything that we do. Mastering numbers 1-100 will allow you to read a menu, page
numbers, tell time, read signage, etc.
+ más
- menos
Key Point #1: In Spanish numbers are formed in different ways based on the number.
#s 1-15 have no pattern but are used to form larger numbers
Key Point #2: To form numbers 16-19, you say diez + the ones digit.
but sound the same.
Example: To form the number 16 you say “diez” + “seis”, but to form the word we say “dieciséis.”
Key Point #3: To form numbers 21-29, you say the word for twenty (veinte) + the ones digit
In forming these numbers, change “veinte” Once again, these are spelled differently, but sound the
Example: To form the number 24 you say “veinte” and add “cuatro”, but to form the word we say
Key Point #4: To form numbers 30-99, you take the “tens group” + the “ones digit.” Add a “Y” in the middle
which means “and”
Example: To form the number 36, we take “treinta” and add “seis” joining the words together with “y”
to get “treinta y seis”
Key Point #5: To solve simple math problems use the same mathematical signs/procedures that you do in
For example, “15 + 4 = diecinueve” or “doce – dos = diez”
WHY: Ordinal numbers indicates position or order in relation to other numbers. Ordinal numbers tell the order of things
in a set; por ejemplo; primer, segundo y tercero. Ordinal numbers also serve as the purpose to describe class periods, such
as first period, which is one of the best ways to describe class periods in high school. Students will be able to use ordinal
numbers to indicate which classroom attend or will be attending.
Números ordinales:
Primer (o/a)First
Segundo (o/a)Second
Tercer (o/a)Third
Key # 1: The ordinal numbers between 1 and 5
Key #2: Agreement: Ordinal numbers are adjectives and agree in gender and number with the noun they
modify. In the singular, primero and tercero are shortened before a masculine noun.
 Por ejemplo:
1. la segunda chica vs. el segundo chico
2. el tercer ( NOT el tercero) puesto the third position (drop o)
Guided Practice (We Do):
----[Incorporated into introduction of student material.
How would you write 18? Write it on your whiteboard and hold it up for us to check!
How would you write 27? Write it on your whiteboard and hold it up for us to check!
How would you write 36? Write it on your whiteboard and hold it up for us to check!
How would you write 58? Write it on your whiteboard and hold it up for us to check!]
Okay, clase, vamos a usar los números para resolver problemas de matemáticas. So we are going to do simple
math problems and give the answer in Spanish. I will write a question on the board, and then I want you to
silently write your answer on your board and then when I say vamonos, we will show the answers to the class!
1 + 3 = cuatro
8 + 4 = doce
15 + 4 = diecinueve
17 + 7 = veinticuatro
50 – 25 = veinticinco
74-11 = sesenta y tres
Independent Practice (You Do) (Differentiation/Accommodation Strategies linked):
Students will be working on their math worksheet to check for understanding.
Closure/Exit Ticket:
Write the following numbers in Spanish.
12 doce
8 ocho
3 tres
56 cincuenta y seis
For numbers 2 and 3 below, write down the number spoken aloud in numerical form and written out in
Teacher says “52” in Spanish. Students write “52” and “cincuenta y dos”
Teacher says “84” in Spanish. Students write “84” and “ochenta y cuatro”
What answer correctly solves the math problem: treinta y dos – trece =
diez y nueve
What answer correctly solves the math problem: quince + veinte =
treinta y cinco
cuarenta y nueve
treinta y seis
Write the solution to the following problem in Spanish: cincuenta y cinco + veintidos =
Setenta y siete
once – venticinco = __________
– quince
– catorce
Create and solve a math problem using numbers 16-19 by writing it out in Spanish.
dieciséis + deicinueve = treinta y cinco
Create and solve a math problem using numbers 20-29 by writing it out in Spanish.
veinticuatro + veintiséis = cincuenta
Create and solve a math problem using numbers 30-100 by writing it out in Spanish.
cuarenta y dos + treinta y tres = setenta y cinco
Thursday, September 1st, 2016
I can… distinguish the use of “ser” and “estar” to indicate weather.
Standards (linked or just codes):
Total Physical Response (TPR), Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS)
4 competencies of a Foreign Language- Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing (LSRW)
National Standards: 1.2 Understand language, 1.3 Present information, 2.1 Practices and perspectives,
2.2 Products and perspectives, 4.2 Compare cultures
WHAT Weather:
Estación: Season
La primavera: spring
El verano: summer
El otoño: autumn
El invierno: winter
Hace sol:
Hace frio:
Hace calor:
Hace viento:
Esta soleado: Sunny
Esta nublado: Cloudy
Esta lluvioso: Rainy
Weeks HOW
Key Point #1:
Use a definite article instead of using “on” in English
Ex: Los lunes voy al cine (On Monday I go to the movies)
Nos vemos el lunes (See you on Monday)
Key Point #2:
Los Lunes is for a habit, recurring theme
El lunes is when talking about a very specific Monday
Key Point #3:
All of these nouns are masculine so when you do noun adjective agreement always use the masculine
Months HOW
Key #1: To write the date use this formula
Day of the week, Number DE month DEL year
Ex: tres de Junio del 2014
Key #2: When we write it in abbreviated form we use
When we do abbreviated dates in the US we use
Key #3: Cual es la fecha de hoy? Cuando es tu cumpleaños?
To answer this:
La fecha es….
Mi cumpleaños es….
Weather HOW
Key #1: Que tiempo hace?
Key #2: To answer this use either hace…. Or esta….
Key #3: choose correctly to use either hace or esta (with four with “hace” and 3 with “esta”)
Key Point #4: In the US we use Fahrenheit scale, in most other parts of the world they use Celsius scale
These are ranges of temperatures just as if you were to convert money, you have to convert weather
- Ex: today’s weather: 27 degres celcius and 81 degres farenheit
ACT Prep: Knowing the days of the week is essential for communicating in Spanish and making our way
to being glocal citizens.
Because the days of the week is so commonly used in everyday conversations, knowing these will help
students feel more confident which is a big part of our vision and goals.
Do Now/Anticipatory Set (Hook):
Let’s talk about the weather! What is your favorite season? Have you ever seen snow before? I will show
pictures of winter in Chicago!
Direct Instruction (I Do): Now we’re are going to talk about weather
Key #1: Que tiempo hace?
Key #2: To answer this use either hace…. Or esta…. INTRODUCE VOCAB
**** SLIDE
Key #3: choose correctly to use either hace or esta (with four with “hace” and 3 with “esta”)
Hace is with a noun
**** SLIDE
Esta is with an adjective
***** SLIDE
****** SLIDE
Key Point #4: In the US we use Fahrenheit scale, in most other parts of the world they use Celsius scale
These are ranges of temperatures just as if you were to convert money, you have to convert weather
Ex: today’s weather: 27 degres celcius and 81 degres farenheit
Please circle today’s weather
I will give each group a forecast of a Spanish speaking for 5 days forecast in spanish speaking country.
Create a visual depicting weather in a country, using your 12 inch voice and then present a weather
forecast verbally in Spanish in class.
You must translate the days of the week on the top part
And draw the weather according to the instructions, you can use the example of drawings on your chart +
write the temperature
. You have 7 minutes to draw and will present for 1 minute each.
Guided Practice (We Do)
I will give each group a forecast of a Spanish speaking for 5 days forecast in spanish speaking country.
Create a visual depicting weather in a country, using your 12 inch voice and then present a weather
forecast verbally in Spanish in class.
Independent Practice (You Do) (Differentiation/Accommodation Strategies linked):
I will give each group a forecast of a Spanish speaking for 5 days forecast in spanish speaking country.
Create a visual depicting weather in a country, using your 12 inch voice and then present a weather
forecast verbally in Spanish in class.
You must translate the days of the week on the top part
And draw the weather according to the instructions, you can use the example of drawings on your chart +
write the temperature
You will say “el lunes hace… con una temperatura de…”
. You have 7 minutes to draw and will present for 1 minute each.
Students will hang up their weather forecast in designated board.
Closure/Exit Ticket:
Use the weather forecast below to answer the following questions:
What month is it?
a. April
b. March
c. November
d. May
2. What day will it be Mostly Sunny (with some clouds) and a high of 25 degrees
a. Sunday
b. Monday
c. Saturday
d. Tuesday
What is the weather like on Friday?
a. Hace lluvia
b. Hace sol
c. Hace viento
Friday, September 2nd, 2016
I can… demonstrate mastery of the week’s learning objectives with 85% accuracy.
Standards (linked or just codes):
Total Physical Response (TPR), Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS)
4 competencies of a Foreign Language- Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing (LSRW)
National Standards: 1.2 Understand language, 1.3 Present information, 2.1 Practices and perspectives, 2.2
Products and perspectives, 4.2 Compare cultures
ACT Prep: Students are participating to take an overall comprehension quiz on what they have learned over
the week in an environment that is timed.
Do Now/Anticipatory Set (Hook): The students will discuss supplies and indicate the day, month and
weather with their Spanish lab partner.
Direct Instruction (I Do): Provide students with the purpose and expectations of taking the quiz. Review
questions with white boards.
Guided Practice (We Do): Students will continue to practice and review their grammar structure with
Independent Practice (You Do) (Differentiation/Accommodation Strategies linked):
Students will be given their weekly quiz with differentiation and accommodation given to the students with
Closure/Exit Ticket:
1.) Where do you feel as though you need extra support on?
What question on the quiz did you want to review?