“Edible Books” Contest - Pillsbury Free Library

For The Pillsbury Free Library
“Edible Books” Contest
Saturday, May 13, 2017
9:30 a.m. –1:30 p.m. (set up 9 - 9:15)
During the annual Spring into Warner Festival
BOOK TITLE: _________________________________________
Title of Entry: __________________________________________
Entry must be something edible that is somehow book-related. For example, it can illustrate a
book title, setting, or character, be a food described in a book, or just look like a book.
Category (check below):
[ ] Youth (age 16 and under) Age: __________
[ ] Amateur (17 and older, not in food business)
[ ] Professional (chef, caterer, work in a food business, etc)
Visitors will be voting for favorite Edible Books for the categories of Professional, Amateur and
Youth. There will also be voting categories of “funniest”, “cutest”, and “most amazing”.
More info: Facebook.com/PillsburyFreeLibrary or www.warner.lib.nh.us
I agree my Edible Books Contest entry may…
[ ] Be displayed from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm on May 13, 2017
[ ] Have photos and my name posted on the Library Facebook page
[ ] Be listed in an article submitted to the InterTown Record
Full name: ________________________________________________
Contact phone/email: _____________________________________________________
If under 17, Parent signature for name/photo release ___________________________________