Supplement B o . 2 to t&e Palestine aa^ette ©xtraorlimarp B o . u u of aoiij S^ap, .946. CUSTOMS TARIFF A N D EXEMPTION O R D E R BY T H E H I G H COMMISSIONER ORDINANCE, I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 5 of the Customs Tariff and Exemption Ordinance, 1937, hereinafter referred to as "the Ordinance", the High Commissioner in Council, with the approval of the Secretary of State, has ordered and it is hereby ordered as follows: — 1. This Order may be cited as the Customs Tariff and Exemption (Amendment of Schedule) Order (No. 7), 1946. 2. The Schedule to the Ordinance shall be amended as follows: — A . By the substitution of the following items for items 88, 89, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 197, 198, 201, 202, 203, 204 and 605 appearing in Part I thereof : — Serial No. 88 89 93 94 95 96 Description of A H i d e Unit Alcohol, Undenatured Ale, Beer, Porter and Stout ( a ) in containers not exceeding 40 centilitres (&) in containers exceeding 40 centilitres and not exceeding 80 centilitres (c) in containers exceeding 80 centilitres and not exceeding 160 centilitres ( d ) in containers exceeding 160 centilitres Arak litre litre litre same as item 60 48 98 98 same as item Whisky 98 Other Liqueurs, Cordials, Mixtures, and other preparations containing spirits: — ( a ) In bottles not exceeding 25 centilitres ( b ) In bottles exceeding 25 centilitres and not exceeding 40 centilitres of Mils 48 same as item 97 Rate container 98 Rum Amendment of Schedule to the Ordinance. 24 same as item Gin Citation. container same as item Brandy and Cognac No. 24 of 1937. Duty 780 98 98 — 709 — 1937. I N C O U N C I L UNDER SECTION 5. same as item 98 same as item 98 same as item 98 same as item 98 same as item 98 bottle . 180 bottle 300 710 THE Serial No. 100 101 102 197 198 201 202 203 204 605 PALESTINE GAZETTE N O . 1494—SUPPLEMENT No. Description of A r t i c l e Unit 2. 20th May, 1946 Rate of D u t y Mils (c) In bottles exceeding 40 centilitres and not 600 exceeding 80 centilitres bottle 780 litre ( d ) In bottles exceeding 80 centilitres 780 litre (e) In containers other than bottles Champagne : — 90 bottle ( a ) In bottles not exceeding 25 centilitres ( b ) In bottles exceeding 25 centilitres and 180 bottle not exceeding 40 centilitres (c) In bottles exceeding 40 centilitres and 360 not exceeding 80 centilitres bottle 480 litre ( d ) In bottles exceeding 80 centilitres Sparkling Wine, Other : — bottle ( a ) In bottles not exceeding 25 centilitres 60 ( b ) In bottles exceeding 25 centilitres and bottle not exceeding 40 centilitres 90 (c) In bottles exceeding 40 centilitres and not exceeding 80 centilitres bottle 180 litre 240 ( d ) In bottles exceeding 80 centilitres Other Wine, Including Ginger Wine and Vermouth : — ( a ) In bottles not exceeding 40 centilitres bottle 72 ( b ) In bottles exceeding 40 centilitres and not exceeding 80 centilitres bottle 144 (c) In bottles exceeding 80 centilitres and not exceeding 120 centilitres bottle 216 litre ( d ) In bottles exceeding 120 centilitres 180 ( e ) In wood, demijohns or containers other litre than bottles 90 Cigarettes, including weight of cigarette kilogramme 3500 paper, mouth pieces and cotton kilogramme 5000 Cigars, including bands and tubes Tobacco : — kilogramme 1100 Unmanufactured kilogramme 350Ö Manufactured, not elsewhere specified Tombac : — kilogramme 220 Unmanufactured kilogramme 1200 Manufactured, not elsewhere specified litre 22 Motor Spirits B By the substitution of the words "fifteen per centum" for the words "ten per centum" appearing in paragraph (1) and in sub-paragraph ( a ) of paragraph (3) of Part II thereof. C. By the substitution of the words "eight per centum" for the words "five per centum" appearing in paragraph (2) and subparagraph ( b ) of paragraph (3) of Part II thereof. 20th May, 1946. Or. Or. G E I M W O O D ׳ C l e r k to the Executive Council. 20th May, 1946. ?11 T H E ' P A L E S T I N E GAZETTE N O 1 4 9 4 .—׳SUPPLEMENT No. 2. INTOXICATING LIQUORS ( M A N U F A C T U R E A N D S A L E ) . O R D I N A N C E . ORDER BY T H E H I G H COMMISSIONER I N COUNCIL UNDER SECTION ?.3. I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 33 of the In? toxicating Liquors (Manufacture and Sale) Ordinance, the High Com missioner in Council has ordered, and it is hereby ordered, as fol lows : — Cap. 71. 1. This Order may be cited-as the Intoxicating Liquors (Manufacture and Sale) (Variation of Excise Duty) Order in Council, 1946. Citation, 2. The excise duties prescribed in the Second Schedule to the Ordinance shall be varied by the substitution for those duties of the duties set out in the Schedule to this Order. ׳ Variation of excise duties. THE SCHEDULE Excise duty in respect of intoxicating liquors manufactured and issued for home con sumption in Palestine. Duty D e s c r i p t i o n of l i q u o r Beer Mils For each litre not exceeding 1 5 degrees of alcohol 36: Provided that beer drawn by the Navy, Army and A i r Force Institutes shall be exempt from excise duty to a monthly amount of so much beer as together with •the monthly amount of beer imported free from import duty under item 775(h) of the Schedule to the Customs Tariff and Exemption Ordi nance, 1937, does not exceed 34 litres for each member of His Majesty's Forces, or any Forces of any of H i s Majesty's Allies, in Palestine from time to time: s No. 24 of 1937. Provided also that beer supplied to the United Nations Relief and Rehabilita tion Administration shall be exempt from excise duty on production of satis factory proof to •the Director that the beer is intended solely for the purposes of the Administration. Cider and Perry Wine and Citrus Wine Arak Cognac For each litre not exceeding 15 degrees of alcohol 6 For each litre not exceeding 1 5 degrees of alcohol 12 For each litre not exceeding 1 5 degrees of alcohol rendered sparkling or effervescent. 36 For each litre exceeding 15 degrees but not exceed ing 2 5 degrees of alcohol. 30 For each litre exceeding 15 degrees but not exceed ing 2 5 degrees of alcohol rendered sparkling or effervescent. 54 P m>re ° f alcohol. Per l i ° * alcohol. e r t r e 480 540 712 THE PALESTINE G A Z E T T E N O . 1494—SUPPLEMENT N O . 2. 20th May, 1946. Mils Duty D e s c r i p t i o n of l i q u o r Spirits made from molasses or grain and other spirituous mixtures and preparations containing spirits No. 24 of 1937. Per litre of alcohol. 540: Provided that alcohol may be delivered free of excise duty from the premises of a licensed manufacturer to any person, firm or institution entitled under the Customs Tariff and Exemption Ordi- . nance, 1937, to import alcohol free, of import duty ;'the Director shall fix the quantity and shall prescribe the conditions under which such alcohol may be delivered. Revocation. 3. The following Orders are hereby revoked : — Gaz: (1) The Intoxicating Liquors (Manufacture and Sale) (Variation of Excise Duty) Order in Council, 1944. p. Gaz: p. Gaz: p. 16.3.44, 275. 22.2.45, 153. 2.4.45. 297. (2) The Intoxicating Liquors (Manufacture and Sale) (Variation of Excise Duty) (Amendment) Order in Council, 1945. (3) The Intoxicating Liquors (Manufacture and Sale) (Variation of Excise Duty) (Amendment) Order in Council (No. 2), 1945. G. 20th May, 1946. G. GEIMWOOD C l e r k to the Executive Council.
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