GCSE English Language Revision Materials

There are eight possible ‘types’ of writing that you may be
asked to write.
A formal letter;
An informal letter;
An article;
A ‘lively’ essay (like an article);
A review;
A report;
A leaflet and
A speech.
You will only be asked to write two in the exam but make
sure you are confident with the layout and structure of all of them.
Layout/ Structure:
For every task follow this 6 step process:
1. Read the question carefully.
2. Identify TAP.
3. Plan your initial ideas and then add detail to your plan to ensure your ideas
are developed (if there are bullet points, use them!).
4. Remind yourself of the TYPE, AUDIENCE and PURPOSE.
5. Write your answer - remember to use the correct layout and follow the
structure below.
6. Check your answer (refer to the checklist).
Remember timings. Spend 30 minutes (only) per question!
Follow this structure for your piece of writing:
1. Introduction. Brief. 2 sentences max. Emphasis on stylistic devices.
Showcase ability.
2. First Developed and Detailed section.
3. Second Developed and Detailed section.
4. Third Developed and Detailed section.
5. Conclusion. Brief. 2 sentences max. Emphasis on stylistic devices.
Showcase ability.
Follow this structure for each of your sections:
1. Topic sentence – starting with an adverbial.
2. Add detail and make sure your ideas are developed.
Check that everything relates back to topic sentence = coherent.
Stylistic devices.
Give ideas.
Move on to next section, only if:
Formality is correct. Ideas are developed in detail.
You’ve used a Rhetorical question, facts, statistics and emotive language.
Structurally, you’ve used a 1 word or 1 sentence paragraph – for effect.
You will be assessed on the following criteria:
There is more credit for AO5
Communication and Organisation.
Show a basic awareness of the purpose and format of the task.
Use a limited range of sentence structures.
Show a basic awareness of the reader / intended audience.
Control sentence construction in a basic way.
Make basic attempts to adapt register to purpose / audience.
Attempt to use punctuation.
Include some relevant content despite uneven coverage of the topic.
Spell with some accuracy.
Provide basic and brief content.
Control tense and agreement in a limited way.
Show a simple sequencing of ideas.
Use a limited range of vocabulary.
Sometimes use paragraphs to show obvious divisions.
Show some basic clarity but communication of meaning is limited.
Show limited awareness of the purpose and format of the task.
Use a limited variety of sentence structures.
Show limited awareness of the reader / intended audience.
Control sentence construction in a limited way.
Make a limited attempt to adapt register to purpose / audience.
Show a limited control of punctuation.
Include limited reasons in support of opinions and ideas.
Spell with limited accuracy.
Show a limited development of ideas.
Control tense and agreement in a limited way.
Show a limited sequencing of ideas into paragraphs (structure /direction Use a limited range of vocabulary.
may be uncertain).
Show limited communication that has limited clarity and fluency.
Show some awareness of the purpose and format of the task.
Use some variety of sentence structures.
Show some awareness of the reader / intended audience.
Use some control of sentence construction.
Make a clear attempt to adapt register to purpose / audience.
Use some control of a range of punctuation.
Include some reasons in support of opinions and ideas.
Spell some words accurately.
Show some development of ideas.
Control tense and agreement generally securely.
Show some sequencing of ideas into paragraphs (structure / direction
may be uncertain).
Use some range of vocabulary.
Show some communication that has some clarity and fluency.
Show a mostly clear understanding of the purpose and format of the
Use a variety of sentence structures, most of the time.
Use sentence construction securely, most of the time.
Show a mostly clear awareness of the reader / intended audience.
Use a range of punctuation mostly accurately.
Mostly use an appropriate register adapted to purpose / audience.
Spell accurately, including irregular words, most of the time.
Develop content and provide mostly appropriate reasons in support of
opinions / ideas.
Organise ideas into mostly coherent arguments.
Control tense and agreement most of the time.
Use vocabulary that is beginning to be developed.
Provide some shape and structure in the writing.
Use paragraphs to give sequence and organisation.
Mostly communicate with clarity and fluency.
Show a clear understanding of the purpose and format of the task.
Use a variety of sentence structures.
Show a clear awareness of the reader / intended audience.
Use sentence construction securely.
Use an appropriate register adapted to purpose / audience.
Use a range of punctuation accurately.
Develop content and provide appropriate reasons in support of opinions Spell accurately, including irregular words.
/ ideas.
Control tense and agreement.
Organise ideas into coherent arguments.
Use vocabulary that is developed with some precision.
Provide some shape and structure in the writing.
Use paragraphs to give sequence and organisation.
Communicate with clarity and fluency.
Show a consistent understanding of the purpose and format of the task. Use a variety of sentence structure to achieve particular effects.
Show a secure awareness of the reader/intended audience.
Use sentence construction securely and appropriately.
Use a register that is appropriate and securely adapted to purpose /
Use a range of punctuation accurately.
Spell accurately, including irregular words.
Develop content that is secure and detailed.
Control tense and agreement securely.
Organise and coherently develop ideas with supporting detail.
Use vocabulary that is ambitious and used with precision.
Securely shape and structure writing.
Use paragraphs securely to sequence and organise.
Communicate securely with clarity and fluency.
Show a consistent understanding of the purpose and format of the task. Use a variety of sentence structure appropriately to achieve particular effects.
Show a secure awareness of the reader/intended audience.
Use sentence construction securely and appropriately.
Use a register that is appropriate and effectively adapted to purpose /
Use a range of punctuation accurately and effectively.
Spell accurately, including irregular words.
Develop content that is effective, well-judged and detailed.
Control tense and agreement securely.
Organise and coherently develop ideas with effective supporting detail.
Effectively shape and structure writing.
Use a wide range of vocabulary that is ambitious and used with precision.
Use paragraphs effectively to sequence and organise.
Communicate effectively with clarity, fluency and some ambition.
Show a confident understanding of the purpose and format of the task.
Use an appropriate and effective variation of sentence structures with
Show a confident awareness of the reader / intended audience.
Virtually all sentence construction is controlled and accurate.
Use a purposeful register that is confidently adapted to purpose /
Use a range of effective punctuation with confidence and accuracy.
Develop content that is ambitious, confident and purposeful.
Spell virtually all words, including complex irregular words, correctly.
Provide ideas that are convincingly developed and supported by a range Control tense and agreement with confidence.
of purposeful detail.
Use a wide range of appropriate, ambitious vocabulary, with confidence, to
Show confidence in the shape and structure of writing.
create effect or convey precise meaning.
Use paragraphs purposefully to sequence and organise.
Communicate effectively with ambition and purpose.
Show sophisticated understanding of the purpose and format of the
Use an appropriate and pertinent variation of sentence structures with
Show a purposeful and confident awareness of the reader / intended
All sentence construction is controlled, accurate and used in a sophisticated
Use a sophisticated register that is confidently adapted to purpose /
Use a range of effective punctuation with confidence and sophistication.
Spell all words, including complex irregular words, correctly.
Develop content that is ambitious, pertinent and sophisticated.
Control tense and agreement with sophistication.
Provide ideas that are convincingly developed and supported by a range
of sophisticated detail.
Use a sophisticated range of appropriate, pertinent vocabulary, with
confidence, to create deliberate effect or convey precise meaning.
Show a sophistication in the shape and structure of writing.
Use paragraphs, in a sophisticated way, to sequence and organise.
Communicate effectively with ambition and sophistication.
Practise Exam questions
Have a go at some of these tasks – give
yourself 30 minutes to write each answer.
1. Write a letter to your local newspaper either criticising or defending dog owners.
2. Imagine you have relatives abroad. You have not been in touch for some time but you
would like to visit them. Write a letter which would persuade your relatives to agree to your
3. A local hotel is advertising for part-time staff. Write a letter of application.
1. Write an article for a travel magazine that describes the attractions of a place of your
2. A teenage magazine has invited readers to write a lively article about a well-known
person they admire or dislike. You have decided to send in a contribution. Write your article.
3. Write a lively article for a newspaper or magazine on the subject of the eating habits of
the British.
1. Your town or city has received a grant to improve local facilities. Write a report to the
local council suggesting how this money could be spent to improve the community.
2. Your school is holding a charity event. Write a report for your head teacher outlining
worthwhile charities that should benefit from your fund-raising.
1. Write a leaflet for elderly people offering advice about safety in the home.
2. Write a leaflet for parents offering advice about recycling in the home.
1. A debate is being held in your class on lowering the age you can vote. You have to make a
speech either for or against. Write what you would say.
2. Write a speech for your fellow students in favour of raising the age limit for driving to 21.
Things to check your work for:
Have you used the correct tone and style for the audience and purpose?
Have you used a variety of connectives to begin your paragraphs/ sentences?
Have you used a variety of sentence types for effect?
Have you used a variety of accurate punctuation?
Have you varied the length of your paragraphs for effect?
Have you tried to use ambitious and appropriate words?
Have you checked your spellings carefully?
Yes / No: