MR. W. li1IT'IEN ON Tli~ OENtJS .A.l'll808TICDIU:r.t. 119 On Ani8oBticltium, a proposed new Genus of MU8ci. ny WrLLu..:r.t Ur'I'l'EN, .A..L.s. [Road June 18, 1863.] ANtSOSTIODIUM, gen. nov. l~oliis inroquo.libus, di vcraifonnibus, uno late re mnjoribus distichi;:,, o.ltero minoribua stipul.iformibua; florcscentia. tcrminnli fructuque Weberte. 1. A. Foliis tristichis, majoribus patulis verticalitcr subplnniM, minoribus subc rcdis lanceolatis ovato-lauceolatisve. Bryum Tozm, Greville, Scot. Crrpt. J?J. v. t. 285. H ab. In Britannia Gslliaque aLU~trali, India orientali temperata, et in ins ulis Sardinia:, M auc irre, et J a vre. Fig. 3. A sterile stem, magnified. T o?.RRI . .b'ig. 1 (A. pictum). Fig. a (A. Toto.ri) . F ig. 2 (A. pictum). 2. A. PICTUM, sp. nov. Caulibus elongati«, foliis majoribus patentibus vcrticalitcr complnnntis \ate obovatis apiee a.piculatis &ubmarginatis integerrimis ncrvo infrn R.picem evnnido, minoribns uisticbis erectis · nvato-lanceolatis nen·o brcviorc ccllulis !axis elongatis pellucidis. Hah. I n J am!Li<'A(Hb. Hooker. ), Vcraguas (Dr. Seemann.), ctinAmerieo. fredcrata austra1iore. Fig. 1. Stems, of the natut·ol sir.e. Fig. 2. A portion magnified. Leavea pale green, the older onea as well as the stems becoming b<lautifully tinged with red. B.ud.iments of inflorescence are alone observable on the specimens from Jnma.ica, nnd these occur on stems having the same arrangement of leaves as in those which ru-e barren. In A. Toze~·i t hr. lcnvca of t.he fertile stems show bnt 120 DR. W. JAMESON ON TH.E nnr-PL.A.NT OF NEW ORANA.UA. indistinctly the tristichous arrangement sufficiently evident in the sterile. This genus occupies a place in the group of Mosses which correspond in areolation and frnctifieation with Bryum, and constitute the tribe Bryace<E; it is closely allieil to JVebet·a, with which its fruit agrees; but it difters from all other genera yet known to belong to that group in tl1e same manner as Calom1zion does from I£gmenotl01~ and other :il1nitw1re. If the arrangement of the leaves alone wa:,~ a sullidc11t character to form a genu!", Anisostickium To:ct•i woulcl <Jxnctly correspond with Oalomnion; but the areolation of the latter i~ composed of rounded l1exagonal cells, an~l it! precisely _that of Rlti.::ogoniu-m, whid1 so closely simulates the forms of .liFnium, tlutt they must all be referred to the same natural group-JJ-Iniacete. The analogy of form is cn-rri('d still furtl1er in Mniopsis, which hns barren and fertile ~tems with their leaves dit;posed as in corresponding stems of Rchistostega; but the areolation. is distinctly MnioiJ, whih;t Sckislostl'!Ja ha::; the areolation observable in A.nisosticldum n.nd JVehcra, and thus i:,~ more nearly allied to them, and bcimgs to the B1'!JaCetZ,-thero being no connecting link between it "nd the 8placlmacc<E, to which Schimpcr, although instituting for its reception his family &histostcgete, is inclined to refer it. On the Ink-plant of New Granadn (Coj·ia1·ia tll!Jmifolia). Ry Dr. "\VILLIAM. J.&.:ltl!:SON, of Quito; in a J,ctter tu I. A. HENRY, E:~q. (Communicated by J. D. llooxxn, :Vl.D., .F.U. & L.S.) [Read ,Jwtc 18, 18Ga.] "Quito, .Aprilll, 1AG3. " I AM anxious to have Dr. Hooker's opinion of the ' Ink-pl:mt.' There is a tradition here respecting this vegetable juice that merits attention. lt happened, during the. Spanish Administrntion, tl1a.t a number of ·w1itten documents, destined to the mother country, were embarked in a vessel, and trant:lmittell l'Ound the Cape. 'l1he voyage was unusually tempestuous, and the docllments got wetted with salt water. Those written with common ink became nearly illegible, whereas those written with' Chauchi' (the name of the juice) remained unaltered. A decree was thereupon is::;ued that the Government communications ~hould in future be written with the vegetable juice.... ! do not vouch for the corroctneM of this statement, but I have constantly hear•l it repeatl~d ft·om different sourcea. I generally use this ink in preference io
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