All Men Are Created Equal? What About Women?

All Men Are Created Equal? What About Women?
As a rising senior in college, I hope to receive a job offer soon as graduation… the keyword being hope.
But as a future woman in the workplace, I am worried for the risks that it may bring. Women suffer from
discrimination in many situations, especially in the workplace.
The Problem
Considering that Longwood University is mainly consisted of females, as
is this course, I will not be the only woman suffering from discrimination.
According to an article from the Huffington Post, it states that “so many
women find themselves trapped in what’s been called “the marzipan
layer” in the corporate hierarchy — the group of jobs just below senior
management.” It states that men have negative views of women and that
they despise the fact that women are trying to succeed in “male-dominated
industries or corporations.” Due to these inquisitions about women, men
have begun to treat women differently in the workplace.
The Reasoning Behind the Problem
There are subtle forms of discrimination found in the workplace. One in
particular is microinequities. These can vary from either unconscious
Every $1 earned by men, women verbal or nonverbal cues from someone in a higher administration position.
receive 80 cents. How unfair!
Although these are subtle forms of discrimination, this does not violate laws
prohibiting discrimination. Microinequities occur when someone like a boss
does not call a woman by her name or when a boss makes a negative facial expression when a woman
speaks. Another example is when a man is asked to fill in a position when needed as opposed to asking a
woman who is just as qualified and capable. Based upon an article from the California Minority Counsel
Program, they have compiled a list of microinequities in the workplace. Some include:
People not introduced at meetings
Inside jokes
Use of phone when speaking with someone in person
Eye rolling
Greeting some but not others upon arrival
According Julia T. Wood, author of Gendered Lives, she expresses that
“although microinequities don’t cross the line of illegal actions, they have
negative impact on morale, job performance, and opportunities for
promotion and training.” Subtle forms of discrimination are an unfortunate
risk women may face in the workplace is inevitable due to our culture’s
Women are just as equal
and qualified as men.
The Solution
Discrimination is inevitable, especially for women. Although microinequities
may be a subtle form of discrimination and it does not violate any laws, it still
is discrimination nonetheless that can lower one’s job performance if continued. On a more positive note,
this is something that we all can work together to fix.