Postgraduate Awards - Workspace

Postgraduate Awards
Wednesday 4 May 2011
Royal Albert Hall • London
The Rector’s
On behalf of
everyone at
Imperial, I am
delighted to
welcome our
graduands and
their guests to
Imperial for this day of celebration.
Unauthorised photography is not allowed in the Royal Albert Hall.
(Official photographers receive special permission beforehand.)
Please switch off your mobile phone.
Today we host some 2,140 graduates and
around 4,500 guests at our two annual
Postgraduate Award Ceremonies held in
the splendour of the Royal Albert Hall.
As the bells of the Queen’s Tower ring to
mark this milestone in the academic life
of the College, your return to Imperial
creates a wonderful sense of occasion.
It inspires us, reminds us of the goals
we are striving to reach, and refreshes
our commitment to education and the
opportunities it provides.
After crossing the stage of the Royal
Albert Hall, graduands officially become
graduates, and join a community of over
157,000 Imperial alumni spread across the
globe. Many countries and regions have
their own associations and they will be
delighted to welcome you as the newest
members of the worldwide Imperial family.
All study at Imperial is demanding, but
a postgraduate degree in particular
requires sustained hard work, and the
clear demonstration of critical and creative
thinking. Thank you for choosing to bring
these talents to us at Imperial. I also want
to thank the family members and friends
present, who have provided invaluable
support over many years of study and
who I know will take great pride in the
achievements we celebrate today.
Warm regards,
Today is all about your hard efforts and
high achievements. Well done on your own
personal achievement. Whatever your next
destination, our best wishes go with you.
Sir Keith O’Nions
thought and its
creation is the
common and shared
heritage of mankind.”
Abdus Salam FRS, Nobel
laureate and Professor of
Theoretical Physics at Imperial
from 1957–94
past and present
A new chapter in the
College’s history began with
the celebration of Imperial’s
100th birthday in 2007 and its new
status as an independent university.
Today’s ceremonies recognise the
continuing high achievement of
Imperial’s postgraduate students.
Imperial currently attracts 14,000
students and 6,000 staff of the
highest international quality and has
a reputation worldwide for excellence
in teaching and research. The College
began its journey towards its current
position as third in Europe and ninth in
the world, as rated by the THE World
University Rankings, a century ago with
just 600 students and 12 professors.
The College was founded in July
1907 from the merger of three great
nineteenth century institutions — the
Royal College of Science, the City and
Guilds College and the Royal School of
Mines. Mergers in the late twentieth
century with St Mary’s Hospital Medical
School, the National Heart and Lung
Institute, the Charing Cross and
Westminster Medical School, the Royal
Postgraduate Medical School, Wye
College and the Kennedy Institute of
Rheumatology completed the formation
of the present Imperial College London.
Imperial’s founding charter created
an institution “…to give the highest
specialised instruction and to provide
the fullest equipment for the most
advanced training and research in
various branches of science especially
in its application to industry”. This
commitment to apply Imperial’s
research for the benefit of all has
been a constant theme throughout
the College’s history, and holds strong
today with current focuses including
interdisciplinary collaborations
to tackle climate change, and
mathematical modelling to predict
and control the spread of infectious
diseases, such as avian flu.
last century has been immense.
Inventions and innovations include the
discovery of penicillin, the development
of holography and the foundations of
fibre optics.
Famous names associated with Imperial
include T.H. Huxley, one of the greatest
scientists of the nineteenth century;
the author H.G. Wells; joint Nobel Prize
winners, Sir Alexander Fleming and Sir
Ernst Chain, discoverers of penicillin;
W.E. Dalby, the internationally
renowned railway engineer; W.H.
Perkin, inventor of mauveine, the first
aniline dye that led to the development
of the synthetic chemical industry;
Sir Almroth Wright, a pioneer of
vaccination; Eric Laithwaite, known
for his development of magnetically
levitated (maglev) high-speed trains;
and George Finch who, in 1922, was
able to climb higher than any previous
mountaineer due to his pioneering work
on oxygen and breathing apparatus.
Since the College’s creation, over
167,000 of the brightest students in
the world have been educated by such
authorities in their subjects. Today, the
College attracts students from over 150
countries across the globe, and has
a network of international links and
collaborations with many of the world’s
top universities.
The College crest
The College coat of arms, which
incorporates the royal coat of arms,
was assigned by royal warrant dated
6 June 1908. The motto was devised
by Imperial’s Governing Body with
the name as well as the purpose of
the College in mind and perhaps
drawing ‘decus et tutamen’ from line
262 of Book V of Virgil’s Aeneid. The
translation appropriate to the spirit
of the age and the intentions of the
founders is “scientific knowledge, the
crowning glory and the safeguard of
the empire”.
With 68 Fellows of the Royal Society
among our current academic staff, and
distinguished past members of the
College including 14 Nobel laureates
and two Fields Medallists, Imperial’s
contribution to society during its
Imperial College London Postgraduate Awards Ceremony
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
Imperial’s graduation ceremonies
Until 1955, Imperial’s graduation
ceremonies took place in the Great Hall
of the University of London, which was
then located in the Imperial Institute
at the heart of the South Kensington
Campus. Before each ceremony, a
formal College procession filed from
Prince Consort Road to the Great Hall
of the Institute. All that remains of the
Imperial Institute today is the Queen’s
Tower, saved from demolition in the
late 1960s.
The first College graduation ceremony
in the Royal Albert Hall was held on
26 October 1955. The day’s events
commemorated the 1945 centenary
of the Royal College of Science; the
oldest forerunner of Imperial. The
RCS centenary was attended by King
George VI and Queen Elizabeth and
its anniversary became known as
Commemoration Day in honour of
their visit.
Imperial undergraduates and
postgraduates were all presented at the
same ceremony in the Royal Albert Hall
on Commemoration Day each October
until 1996, when a new postgraduate
ceremony was added in May. In 2007,
as part of the College’s Centenary
celebrations, a special graduation
ceremony was held in Singapore to
reflect the large number of students
coming to Imperial from Asia.
The Imperial mace
Imperial’s graduation ceremonies see
the procession of the Imperial mace,
a generous gift from the Goldsmiths’
Company which marked Imperial
becoming a university in its own right
and the award of its new charter by
Her Majesty The Queen in 2007. First
used in 2009, the mace is made of
silver and gilt, and its intricate workings
incorporate the College crest and
motto. It weighs 7.1 kg.
The history of our academic dress
The robes our graduates wear today have
their origin in the everyday dress of the
Middle Ages which consisted of a tunic
and cloak and, to protect the head and
shoulders, a hood. The ancient universities
in Europe began as communities of scholars
and teachers in religious schools around
great cathedrals or monasteries. Students
there were clerics, who would have worn
clothing similar to that of everyone else at
the time. As fashions in the world changed,
the church and universities retained their
cloaks which became the main item of
academic dress.
For centuries, the shape of a university
robe’s sleeve denoted the degree attained
by its wearer. However, the advent of
many new universities, each requiring an
individual system of robes, brought changes
that continue being made to the present
day. Imperial College London graduates
wore University of London academic
dress until 2007. To reflect its status as
an independent university, new robes
were designed and today’s graduation
ceremonies have graduates wearing both
Imperial and University of London robes.
See page 5 for more details of the robes
being worn.
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
May every young scientist
remember... and not fail to keep his eyes open
for the possibility that an irritating failure of
his apparatus to give consistent results may
once or twice in a lifetime conceal an important
— P.M.S. Blackett FRS, Nobel laureate
and Head of the Department of Physics at Imperial from 1953–63
recent imperial
Service to science recognised
Materials in global top three
Equality benchmark success
Her Majesty The Queen’s New Year
Honours 2011 recognised both past and
present staff of Imperial. The following
staff were made Members of the Order
of the British Empire (MBE): Miss Linda
Jones, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Projects Manager and Operations
Manager for the Department of Physics;
Mr Lindsay Green, Administrative
Director at the Medical Research
Council’s Clinical Sciences Centre,
which is part of the Faculty of Medicine;
and Mr David Gentry, formerly Safety
Manager in the Faculty of Natural
Sciences, who left recently after 40
years’ service.
In February 2011, a global review of
materials science researchers with
the highest citation impact scores for
papers published since January 2000
ranked Imperial joint second in the
world with Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT). Imperial had four
entries in the list of 100 – half the UK
entries. The review, undertaken by
Thompson Reuters, placed scientists
from Imperial’s Centre for Plastic
Electronics first, second, fourth and
sixth in the UK.
In January 2011, it was announced that,
for the second year running, Imperial
has gained a position in the top 100
employers for lesbian, gay and bisexual
people. The ranking, in Stonewall’s
2011 Workplace Equality Index, makes
the College one of only five universities
in the top 100. The index is published
annually to showcase the UK’s best
employers for LGB people, based on
the steps being taken to create a work
environment in which all staff feel
secure and valued.
Closing in on dark matter
New health app
In January 2011, Imperial physicists
working on the Compact Muon Solenoid
particle detector, part of the Large
Hadron Collider experiment, said they
had had a better than expected year at
CERN in Geneva. They have now carried
out the first full run of experiments to
smash protons together at almost the
speed of light to recreate conditions
similar to those of the Big Bang, when
the universe was formed, some 13.7
million years ago. The scientists are
optimistic that their rapid steps forward
will enable them to prove the existence
of supersymmetric particles, thought to
be natural candidates for dark matter,
in the next few years.
An iPhone app that empowers patients
to make more informed decisions
and better manage their health was
launched in November 2010. Wellnote
by Dr Darzi is the first smartphone
health portal that allows people to
maintain their own health records,
set medication and appointment
reminders, and anonymously rate
the healthcare services they use. The
application, developed by Professor
Lord Darzi and his team at the College
and Imperial College Healthcare
NHS Trust is free to download and is
available from the Apple Store.
Antarctic first
In December 2010, a team of explorers
and scientists completed the first ‘point
to same point’ crossing of Antarctica
in wheeled vehicles. Travelling in a
one-man biofuelled ice vehicle on
skis and two six-wheel-drive science
support vehicles, the Moon-Regan
Transantarctic Expedition set a record
time for crossing the continent and
returning to the starting point and
covered a total distance of 4,000
kilometres. The Winston Wong Centre
for Bio-Inspired Technology in Imperial’s
Institute of Biomedical Engineering was
the scientific partner in the expedition,
monitoring the environment, the
vehicles and the explorers’ own bodies
using wireless sensor technology.
Bringing invisibility a step closer
Imperial scientists have developed a
method of manipulating the speed of
light as it passes over an object, making
it theoretically possible to ‘cloak’ its
movement, so that it is not noticed
by an observer. A team of physicists
led by Professor Sir John Pendry has
already demonstrated that a new class
of materials called metamaterials can
be artificially engineered to distort light
or sound waves to create undetectable
blind spots that render an object
‘invisible’. Now Department of Physics
researchers, led by Professor Martin
McCall, have mathematically extended
that idea to manipulating light rays.
Some are speeded up and others
slowed down, resulting in brief periods
where an event, such as the movement
of an object, is not illuminated and
appears not to be happening.
Your genome in minutes
Research published in December 2010
by Imperial scientists has demonstrated
the development of technology that
they hope could ultimately sequence
a person’s genome in minutes at
a fraction of the cost of current
commercial techniques. Researchers
from the Department of Chemistry
have patented an early prototype
technology that can rapidly sequence
DNA propelled through tiny holes called
nanopores. This suggests that an entire
genome could eventually be sequenced
in a single lab procedure. At present,
a genome has to be broken down via
a highly complex and time-consuming
process. Fast, inexpensive and accurate
genome sequencing could allow rapid
DNA testing, as well as provide huge
benefits for police and security work.
Imperial College London Postgraduate Awards Ceremony
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
z Stay in touch
Keep in touch with Imperial after
you graduate through Facebook and
the College’s two Twitter feeds. You
can also listen to news and views
from researchers and students on
our podcast or via iTunes U.
• Follow Imperial on Twitter:
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• Imperial on Facebook:
• Download the podcast from
iTunes or from:
• Imperial on iTunes U for lectures,
podcasts and much, much more
on life at the College:
Imperial College LONDON
Academic dress
Imperial College London
PhD, DEng
and MD
Most of the student graduates at today’s ceremonies are wearing
Imperial College London academic dress following the College’s receipt
of its charter of independence in July 2007. The unifying theme of the
academic dress is the colour purple, inspired by W.H. Perkin’s invention
of the first synthetic purple dye, mauveine, in 1856.
Master’s degrees
MSc and MRes
Business School:
MSc, MBA and
Postgraduate Masters
MSc(Science) and MRes(Science)
Design agreed July 2007
MSc and MRes
MSc, MEd,
MRes and MPH
Postgraduate Masters
MSc(Humanities) and MRes(Humanities)
Postgraduate Masters
MSc(Engineering) and MRes(Engineering)
Design agreed July 2007
Design agreed July 2007
MSc and MRes
PG certificates
and diplomas
Postgraduate Masters
MRes(Medicine) and MPH
Postgraduate Masters
MBA and MSc(Business)
and MRes(Business)
Design agreed July 2007
Design agreed July 2007
MPhil hood
PhD hood
University of London
MD hood
DSc hood
Until 2007 Imperial College London used the system of academic dress
prescribed by the University of London except for its own hoods for the
Associateships of the College and the Diploma of the Imperial College
(DIC). Some student graduates at today’s ceremonies will have chosen to
graduate in the robes of the University of London, of which Imperial was
a part when they began their studies.
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
Imperial College London Postgraduate Awards Ceremony
Order of
The company rises when the Procession enters the hall and remains standing until the
Chairman of the Court and of the Council is seated.
First g ro u p
• Student Presidents
• Dean of Students,
Professor Denis Wright
S e con d g ro u p
• Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
Professor Robin Leatherbarrow
• Senior Assistant Registrar,
Ms Rebecca Penny
• Head of the Department of Physics,
Professor Joanna Haigh
• Wardens, College Tutors, Readers,
Senior Lecturers and Lecturers
• Head of the Department of Materials,
Professor Neil Alford
• Winner of the Rector’s Medal
for Research Supervision
• Dean, Faculty of Engineering,
Professor Richard Vinter
• Research Excellence Awardees
• Campus Dean, Faculty of Medicine,
Professor Desmond Johnston
T h ir d g ro u p
• Dean, Faculty of Medicine,
Professor Nigel Gooderham
• Academic Registrar, Mr Nigel Wheatley
• Professors
• Principal of Imperial College Business
School and Pro Rector (Research),
Professor David Begg
• Deputy Rector,
Professor Stephen Richardson
• Director of the Department of
Humanities and the Centre for the
History of Science, Technology and
Medicine, Professor Andrew Warwick
• Principal Teaching Fellow, Centre
for Educational Development,
Dr Martyn Kingsbury
• Pro Rector (Education and Academic
Services), Professor Julia Buckingham
• Newly-Elected Fellows and Honorary
• Recipients of the Imperial College Medal
F o u rth g ro u p
• Principal of the Faculty of Natural
Sciences, Professor Maggie Dallman
• College Secretary and Clerk to the Court
and to the Council, Dr Rodney Eastwood
• Principal of the Faculty of Engineering,
Professor Jeff Magee
• Lay and Non-Academic Members
of the Court
• Deputy Principal of the Faculty of
Medicine, Professor Jenny Higham
Fi f t h g ro u p
• Director of the Graduate School
of Life Sciences and Medicine,
Professor Andrew George
• Deputy Principal of Imperial College
Business School,
Professor Dorothy Griffiths
• The Rector, Sir Keith O’Nions
• Deputy Chairman of the Court
and of the Council,
Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller
• Pro Rector (International),
Professor Mary Ritter
The future cannot be
predicted, but futures can be
— Dennis Gabor FRS,
Professor of Electron Physics at Imperial,
inventor of holography and Nobel laureate
Conductor of the Orchestra Richard Dickins (Director of Music) Organist Andrew Lucas
Imperial College London Postgraduate Awards Ceremony
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
Programme of
11.15 • Wednesday 4 May
15.30 • Wednesday 4 May
Student Orator
Student Orator
The Rector, Sir Keith O’Nions
The Rector, Sir Keith O’Nions
Presentation of Postgraduates
Presentation of postgraduates of the Imperial College
Business School to whom the degrees of Master of
Business Administration, Master of Science, Master of
Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy have been awarded.
Presentation 0f Postgraduates
Presentation of the postgraduates from the Faculty
of Engineering to whom the degrees of Master of Science,
Master of Research, Master of Philosophy, Doctor of
Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy have been awarded.
Presentation of the Fellow and the recipient of the
Imperial College Medal
The College Secretary and Clerk to the Court and
to the Council requests the Rector to receive the
Fellow of Imperial College London
• Sir Peter Gershon
Musical Interlude
Mike Sammes Three Piece Suite Movement
The Principal of the Faculty of Natural Sciences requests
the Rector to award the Imperial College Medal to
• Professor Robin Smith
Musical Interlude
Mike Sammes Three Piece Suite Movement
Presentation of Postgraduates
Presentation of postgraduates from the Department
of Humanities to whom the degrees of Master of Science,
Master of Research, Master of Philosophy and Doctor
of Philosophy have been awarded.
Presentation of postgraduates from the Faculty of Natural
Sciences to whom the degrees of Master of Science, Master
of Research, Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy
have been awarded.
Presentation of the Rector’s Medal for Research Supervision
• Professor Michael Stumpf
Deputy Chairman of the Court and of the Council,
Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller
God Save The Queen
Presentation of the the Honorary Graduate, the Felllow and
the recipient of the Imperial College Medal
The Deputy Principal of the Faculty of Medicine requests
the Rector to confer the degree of Doctor of Science
honoris causa of Imperial College London on
• Professor Sir Liam Donaldson
The Principal of the Faculty of Engineering requests the
Rector to receive the Fellow of Imperial College London
• Mr Alan Howard
The Deputy Principal of the Faculty of Medicine requests
the Rector to award the Imperial College Medal to
• Mr Philip Blissett
Presentation of Postgraduates
Presentation of postgraduates from the Faculty of Medicine
to whom the degrees of Master of Science, Master of Public
Health, Master of Research, Master of Education, Master of
Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Medicine
and Master of Surgery have been awarded.
Director of Graduate School of Life Sciences and Medicine
requests the Chairman of the Court and of the Council to
receive those to whom have met the requirements for
the award of the Certificate of Advanced Study in Learning
and Teaching.
Presentation of the Outstanding Achievement Award
• Mr Tayyib Hayat
• Mr Oliver Mahony
Presentation of the Research Excellence Awards
The Principal of the Faculty of Engineering presents the
winners of the award for Research Excellence
• Professor Christopher Pain
• Dr Julia Gorelik
Deputy Chairman of the Court and of the Council,
Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller
God Save The Queen
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
Imperial College London Postgraduate Awards Ceremony
Election as a Fellow of Imperial College London is the highest honour awarded by the College.
It recognises persons of outstanding distinction in their own fields who have rendered exceptional
service to the College.
Sir Peter Gershon
Mr Alan Howard
Sir Peter Gershon has led a distinguished career in industry
and the Civil Service, and has served as one of the most
valued and well-respected members of the Council of Imperial
College London from 2002–10.
Mr Alan Howard, an alumnus of the College, has been
awarded a Fellowship in recognition of his philanthropic work
and the support that he has given to the College.
After graduating from the University of Cambridge with a
degree in mathematics, Sir Peter worked in the computer and
telecommunications industries, where he held several senior
management posts. In 1994 he moved across into the defence
industry, becoming the main board director in GEC plc with
responsibility for its worldwide defence business. In 2000 he
was awarded the CBE for services for industry.
Sir Peter Gershon
In April 2000, Sir Peter joined the Civil Service as the first Chief
Executive of the Office of Government Commerce, with a remit
to reform the way in which UK central government agencies
handled over £13 billion a year of public procurement. In
August 2003 he began leading a major review of efficiency
across the whole UK public sector which, by July 2004, had
developed initial plans for the delivery of a programme
leading to over £20 billion of savings in 2007–08. Sir Peter
was knighted for his services to public procurement in 2004.
Sir Peter returned to the private sector in 2004 and is currently
Chairman of Tate and Lyle plc, Premier Farnell plc, General
Healthcare Group and Vertex Ltd. He is also an external
member of the coalition government’s Efficiency Board and a
member of the UK Defence Academy Advisory Board. He is a
Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and an Honorary
Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology.
In addition to serving on Imperial’s Council, Sir Peter was
a member of the College’s Audit Committee, Nominations
Committee and Remunerations Committee. From July 2009 to
September 2010 he also served as Deputy Chairman of
the Council.
Imperial College London Postgraduate Awards Ceremony
After graduating from Imperial in 1986 with an MEng in
Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, Mr Howard
joined the investment bank Salomon Brothers, where he
became Head of Interest Rate Trading. He moved to Tokai
Bank Europe in 1995 and in 1997 he joined Credit Suisse First
Boston (CSFB) as a Managing Director. In 1998 he became
Head of Proprietary Trading (Europe) in the Developed Market
Rates Cluster of Fixed Income Trading within CSFB, and then
Global Head of Proprietary Trading in 2001.
In 2002, Mr Howard left CSFB to launch his fixed-income
focused hedge fund Brevan Howard, which was one of
the most successful start-ups in the business. It made
£76 million in its first year of operation and is now one of
the most successful hedge funds in Europe. The firm employs
over 300 people and manages in excess of $32 billion of
assets for more than 500 institutional investors in over
30 countries.
Mr Howard has extensive contacts in the hedge fund industry
and in political circles on both sides of the Atlantic. He is on
the investor advisory panel of the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York and was on the Board of Trustees of the American
Enterprise Institute (AEI), a prominent US-based think tank.
In 2004 he established the Alan Howard Charitable Trust with
the aim of advancing education and the Jewish religion for the
benefit of the public. He is also a member of the Chairman’s
Circle at the Royal Opera House, London.
Mr Howard is one of Imperial’s major donors, having donated
£1.5 million to a scholarship fund for Israeli students in the
Energy Futures Lab and £1 million to establish a Chair in the
Business of Sustainable Energy at Imperial College Business
School. His wife, Sabine, is a member of the College’s
Scholarships Campaign Board.
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
Honorary degree
An Imperial College London
honorary degree is conferred
on persons of conspicuous
merit, who are outstanding in
their field.
The Imperial College Medal is awarded to persons, whether members of
the College or not, who have rendered exceptional or outstanding service
to Imperial or have otherwise acted over a period of time to enhance its
reputation, mission and/or objectives.
Professor Sir Liam Donaldson
Mr Philip Blissett
Professor Robin Smith
Sir Liam Donaldson, Chair of the
National Patient Safety Agency, Chair
of the WHO Patient Safety Programme
and Chancellor of Newcastle University,
has pioneered many changes, both in
British public healthcare and in global
health, during his long career.
Mr Philip Blissett, formerly the Faculty
of Medicine’s Operating Officer, worked
for the College for 35 years and was
responsible for ensuring the highest
standards of planning and control
within the Faculty.
For over four decades Professor Robin
Smith has made huge contributions
to the teaching, research, and
administrative work of Imperial’s
Department of Physics.
Sir Liam began his career as a clinician,
earning his doctorate in medicine from
the University of Leicester. He then
served for a decade at the Northern and
Yorkshire Regional Health Authority,
rising to Regional General Manager
and Regional Director of Public Health
in 1994.
As Chief Medical Officer of the
Department of Health from 1998–2010,
Sir Liam led revolutionary changes in
the patient safety and quality agendas
in the National Health Service (NHS)
and was the author of a series of
groundbreaking reports which aimed
to transform many different areas
of healthcare. He produced the UK’s
first comprehensive health protection
strategy, proposed new legislation
to allow carefully regulated stem cell
research, addressed poor clinical
performance, and empowered selfmanagement of chronic diseases by
patients. He also created the concept
of clinical governance, a clinically led
approach to assuring high standards
of care, which is now an internationally
recognised approach in healthcare.
In 2002, Sir Liam published An
Organisation with a Memory, a
revolutionary analysis of patient safety
in the NHS which led to the creation
of the National Patient Safety Agency.
He brought this onto the global stage
in 2004 when he launched the World
Health Organisation (WHO) World
Alliance for Patient Safety. Later he
established the innovative WHO Safe
Surgery Checklist, estimated to have
saved thousands of lives in both the
developed and the developing world.
Sir Liam was knighted for his services
to public health in 2002 and, in 2009,
took on the role of Chancellor of
Newcastle University.
Mr Blissett joined St Mary’s Hospital
Medical School as Deputy Finance
Officer in 1974 and was appointed
Director of Finance there in 1980.
In this role he led activity to
accommodate a funding cut of
20 per cent and introduced the concept
of business units to deliver academic
services. In 1988 St Mary’s Hospital
Medical School merged with Imperial
and Mr Blissett took on the position of
Director of Finance and Administration
for the medical school, a role in
which he was responsible for staff
across Finance, Purchasing, HR and
Research Services.
In 1997, the Imperial College School of
Medicine (as the Faculty of Medicine
was then known) merged with three
other London medical schools, and
Mr Blissett was appointed Head of
Finance for the enlarged Faculty. In
this position he established a resource
allocation model which provided
greater transparency to the Faculty’s
finances and also undertook a process
review into research administration for
the College (RAMP). In 2008 Mr Blissett
was appointed the Faculty’s Operating
Officer, and oversaw the development
and implementation of the new
organisational structure before retiring
from the College in May 2010.
Mr Blissett has been Secretary and
Treasurer to St Mary’s Development
Trust and the Liver Research Trust for
the last 20 years. He is also a Trustee
of the Genesis Trust and the St Mary’s
Renal Trust. He has recently been
appointed one of the Trustees of the
Imperial College Trust, having held the
position of Treasurer for 10 years.
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
Professor Smith joined the Department
in 1964 on a BBC Engineering Research
Scholarship. In 1968, after gaining his
PhD, he was appointed to a lectureship
in the Applied Optics Group, rising to
become Professor of Physics in 1996.
He was the Department’s Senior Tutor
(1974–80), College Tutor (1980–84),
Head of the Applied Optics Group
(1987–92), Director of Undergraduate
Studies (1992–94), Director of Studies,
incorporating both undergraduate and
postgraduate teaching management
(1994–98), and Associate Head of
Department (1998–2005). He also
undertook the role of Acting Head of
Department when Sir Peter Knight
became Faculty Principal in 2005.
In addition, Professor Smith has
pursued a broad range of research
interests in the field of applied optics.
His expertise in these fields is widely
recognised and he has been extensively
employed as a consultant on optical
system design by industry in the UK
and in the USA.
Professor Smith has also shown an
immense dedication to teaching.
While working full-time at the College,
he taught an undergraduate course
almost every year and also many of
the components of the MSc course
in Applied Optics and Photonics. In
1991–92 he was voted best lecturer of
the year by the first year Physics class
and, in 1994, he won a College Award
for Excellence in Teaching. Keen to
broaden the experience gained by
Master’s students, he was responsible
for the introduction of an ERASMUS
exchange scheme with three
universities in Europe.
Sir Liam Donaldson
Mr Philip Blissett
Professor Robin Smith
Since October 2005, when Professor
Smith formally retired, he has continued
his research activity in the Department
part-time and still teaches part of the
MSc in Applied Optics and Photonics.
Imperial College London Postgraduate Awards Ceremony
Graduate Prizewinners 2011
The following awards and prizes are given to students with
a record of exceptional achievement in scholarship.
Imperial College
Business School
Imperial College Business School Prize
(Executive MBA)
Isha Clarice Cole
Andreas Kyriakides Memorial Prize
Chang Chen
Joan Woodward Postgraduate Memorial Prize
James Daniel Cotton
Charis Hewitt
Applied Finance Prize
Pierre Boutros Bou Abboud
Best Application Module Performance (MSc
Health Management)
Yu-Hsin Lin
Erin Jing Zheng
Joan Sin Wai Tse
Best Application Module Performance (MSc
Joyce Chan
Best Individual Research Report Performance
Kristoffer Pettersen
Best Individual Report Performance (MSc
International Health Management)
Thittirat Vechamamontien
Best Overall Performance (Executive MBA)
Yuelin Liang
Best Overall Performance (MBA)
Richard Hardyment
Best Overall Performance (MSc International
Health Management)
Helena Posnett
Best Overall Performance
(MSc Management)
Burak Çeliktas
Best Overall Performance (MSc Actuarial
Nicholas Self
Best Performance on the Executive Pathway
Burak Çeliktas
Yipei Zhang
MBA Finance Prize
Peter Jayawardena
Joana Ortiz De Zarate
MSc Finance Dissertation Prize
Alberto Alaria
MSc Finance Outstanding Student Prize
Anthony Sim Soon Leng
MSc Risk Management and Financial
Engineering Dissertation Prize
Jan Erich Reents
MSc Risk Management and Financial
Engineering Outstanding Student Prize
Li Yu
Numerical Finance Prize
Anselm Snitil
Principal’s Award for the Most Outstanding
Doctoral Thesis
Pantelis Koutroumpis
Faculty of Engineering
ABS Consulting Prize in Earthquake
Despoina Pavlogianni
AES Laboratories Prize
Jacqueline Fitzgerald
Ash Prize
Michael Schaub
Dudley Newitt Prize for Experimental
Fausto Ciotta
Dudley Newitt Prize for Theoretical/
Computational Excellence
Francesco Coletti
Elaine Austin Centenary Memorial Prize
Fabien Juillet
Energy Institute Prize in Petroleum
Susan Moloney
Wenbin Nah
Energy Institute Prize in Petroleum
Nicholas Brook
ERM Prize for Civil Engineering and
Sustainable Development
Ruth Salmon
Eryl Cadwaladr Davies Prize
Alexander Casson
Faculty of Engineering Graduate Teaching
Assistant of the Year
Aliki Mavromoustaki
Frank Hodgson Memorial Prize
Matthieu Roure
Geoff Hewitt Prize
Jose Varghese Parambil
Gyebi Kufuor Memorial Prize
Alejandro Barero Bilbao
Hertha Ayrton Centenary Prize
Christophe Le Lann
Hilfred Chau Prize
Ognjen Rudovic
Anton Stefanek
Best Performing Teaching Assistant
Akindynos-Nikolaos Baltas
Farouk Jivraj
Atkins Prize for Soil Dynamics and
Engineering Seismology
Kwok Chi (Thomas) Wong
Ivor Tupper Prize for Excellence in Signal
Processing, Broadcasting and Video
Ming Xuan Wang
Best Project Performance (MSc Actuarial
Joseph Moore
Black and Veatch Prize in Environmental
Mathilde Chleq
Elisa Jimenez Grant
Janet Watson Centenary Memorial Prize
Russell Garwood
Gareth Morris
Corporate Finance Prize
Ting Wai Ben Luk
CSC Prize for the Best Performance on the
Innovation and Design Pathway
Daniel Hall
Full-Time MBA Project Prize
Max Mueller
IBM Innovation, Entrepreneurship and
Design Project Prize
Arshian Ali
Edith Boakye-Adjei
Andrew Clarke
Obiajulu Tochukwu Ezenwa
Kanwarpreet Gill
Yoko Morimoto
Nishitha Abdul Rahman
Emily Sturge
Mathematical Finance Prize
Pierre Boutros Bou Abboud
DSTL Prize in Composite Materials
Nicolas Krumenacker
BP Prize
Ian Mallinson
Anastasia Sidorova
Buro Happold Award
Thomas Christopher Shire
Chevron Fieldwork Prize
Claudia Carter-Pike
ChevronTexaco All Round Contribution Prize
Eric Tawlie
Constance Fligg Tipper Centenary Memorial
Neil Simrick
Don Pashley Memorial Prize
Stuart Lowe
Imperial College London Postgraduate Awards Ceremony
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
Journal of Petroleum Geology Prize
Andrew Lightfoot
Julia Higgins Centenary Prize
Paul Edward Brumby
Katopodis Prize
Nikolaos Soulopolous
Lapworth Medal
Robyn Alexis Shaw
Larry Hench Prize for Best PhD in
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
Oliver Mahony
Letitia Chitty Centenary Memorial Prize
Tarun Sharma
Chris Walker
Try to learn something about everything and everything
about something.” —
T.H. Huxley FRS, nineteenth century biologist known as ‘Darwin’s Bulldog’
and Professor at the Royal School of Mines, now part of Imperial
London Petrophysical Society Prize
Drew Annand
Hui Juan Ma
Matthey Prize
John Druce
Maurice Hanson Prize
Ruth Salmon
McLean Medal
Lang Yuan
MSc Analogue and Digital Integrated
Circuit Design Outstanding
Achievement Prize
Mohammadreza Sohbati
MSc Communications and
Signal Processing Outstanding
Achievement Prize
Zohair Abu Shaban
MSc Control Systems Outstanding
Achievement Prize
Cyril Marechal
OPC Ltd Well Test Analysis Prize
Carlos Mata
Patrick J. Dowling Prize in Advanced
Structural Engineering
Pasquale Carotenuto
Tarun Sharma
Peter Vaughan Memorial Medal
Pasquale Carotenuto
Philips Group Project Prize in
Computing Science
Chris Bowden
Matthew Cottingham
Clare Daly
Kacper Duda
Alexandra Douglass-Bonner
Simon Edwards-Parton
Mark Hensel
Oliver Gaymond
Jibran Saithi
Jennifer Steele
Geng Tian
Petroleum Geological Society Prize
Yu Jun Katherine Kho
RBS Global Markets Prize for
Academic Excellence
Vlad-Alexandru Albulescu
Angel Dzhigarov
Slim Foudhaili
Rosa Gutierrez Escudero
Mark Hensel
Shafeen Tejani
Gareth Williams
Robert Bird Group Award
Fabien Juillet
Florent Nobelen
Stella Bagrit Centenary Memorial
Michael Schaub
Konstantinos Papadimitriou
Tony Evans Memorial Prize
Heather Jackson
Director’s Prize
Joseph Fallon
Paul Westacott
Jay Stowe
Townend Prize
Nicolas Speigl
ENVIRON Student Excellence Prize
Fergus Rae
Michelle Tucker
Unwin Postgraduate Prize in Civil
Abdel Hamid Beshara
Fan Zheng
Environmental Resources
Management Prize
Thomas Quick
Jay Stowe
Unwin Postgraduate Prize in
Mechanical Engineering
Alessandro Buffa
Gerald Durrell Prize
Yangchen Lin
Victor Appleby Prize in Engineering
David Rebello
James Simpson
Weinberg Prize
Yiyun Zeng
Winton Capital Applied Computing
MSc Prize
Ioannis Ilkos
Mohamed Zraiaa
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Abdus Salam Postgraduate Prize
Christiana Pantellidou
Achilleas Passias
Bernard Schmitzer
A.D. Lees Prize
Alexandra Crampton-Platt
Anne Thorne Thesis Prize
Kelly Morrison
Arcadis Water Management Prize
Akomeno Omu
Mital Pindoria
BP Prize in Strategic Thinking
Tim Barrow Williams
Centenary Prize for MRes in
Biochemical Research
Rhiannon Holmes
Centenary Prize for Outstanding PhD
Student in Science Communication in
Cell and Molecular Biology
Alexandra Ling
Centenary Prize for Postgraduate
Research in Molecular Biosciences
Paul Kirk
Tina Toni
Ronald Stewart Jenkins Memorial
Adam Ayinla
Charlotte Rich Memorial Prize for
Water and Waste Management
Douglas Burgess
Maria Vlachopoulou
Soil Mechanics Prize
Kenneth Carter
Iman Roshanzamir
Dennis Anderson Memorial Prize
Tony Chappel
Guy Newey
Faculty of Medicine
AstraZeneca Poster Prize
Victoria Jones
Brenda Ryman Centenary Memorial
Renee Schalks
MSc Modern Epidemiology Prize
Helen Green
Richard Batchelor Prize in
Nazanin Farhadi
Attia Ishaque
Gladys Locke Prize in Applied Optics
Rishabh Mahendra Jain
Sheila Adam Centenary Prize for
Public Health and Epidemiology
Florian Gehre
Gordon Conway Rockefeller
Foundation Prize
Jillian Pennington
Student Award for Outstanding
John Stonehouse Malaria Memorial
Jack Rhodes
Faculty of Engineering
Oliver Mahony
Joseph Hooker Prize
Wouter van Broekhoven
Faculty of Medicine
Tayyib Hayat
Lord Porter Prize
William Yu
Michael Way Prize
Matthew Upson
Rees Rawlings CASLAT Prize
Kim Midwood
Nanomaterials Prize
Cecile Bouet
Ross Makuch Memorial Law Prize
Jillian Pennington
Scott Wilson Prize
Andrea Quek (First prize)
Thomas Quick (First prize)
Anthony Chappel (Runner-up)
Sir Alan Fersht Prize
Sean Warren
Southwood Prize
Tommaso Jucker
Martin Sullivan
Susan Pritchard Memorial Prize
Lucy Holmes
T.H. Huxley Prize
Adam Phillipson
Winton Capital Prize for the Best PhD
Thesis in Physics
Stefan Kneip
Chris Race
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
Next-Generation Computational
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
(Faculty of Engineering)
Team Leader
Professor Christopher Pain
New Nanoscale Technique to Study
cAMP/cGMP Localisation
in Cardiovascular Tissue
(Faculty of Medicine)
Team Leader
Dr Julia Gorelik
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Professor Michael Stumpf
Imperial College London Postgraduate Awards Ceremony
Postgraduates and Diplomates 2011
note that
this list of
names is provided
for the information
and interest of
those attending
the ceremony. It
represents a list of
postgraduates and
diplomates at the
time of going to
press, not all of whom
are attending the
Faculty of Engineering,
Diploma of the
Imperial College,
Master of Science and
Master of Research
Muhammad Ali
Sri Ambaty
Emelie Barman
Stephane Bostetter
Marco Calabrese
Caroline Yi Cao
Chan Wook Choi
Christopher Cieslak
Christopher Cripps
Yuefeng Cui
Shuo Dai
Rene Devaradja
Hele Diao
Soheil Farahmand
Edward Grant
Thibaut Jehn
Luxiao Jia
Fabien Juillet
Charilaos Kazakos
Simon Kelly
Ali Khalid
Nabeel Khan
Nicolas Krumenacker
Riccy Kurniawan
Nicolas Kutrowski
Aromal Lal
Yuen Fung Lam
Katherine Lawrence
Guillaume Lecore
Ching Yao Calvin Lin
Xuke Luan
Jose Llamas Gutierrez
Ines Michel-Leitao
Vinoo Mohan
Nuno Monteiro Cruz
Dua Nadeem
Kazi Newaz
Florent Nobelen
Yun Pan
Nikolaos Papadopoulos
Huan Peng
Servane Perrot
Richard Pidd
Tobias Plaumann
Anne-Lise Potriquet
Khalid Saeedullah
Hisham Shehata
Freddie Sizer
Nikolaos Sogias
Jessie Tan
Athavan Thirunavukarasu
Milad Toolabi
Ahmed Tukur
Ciaran Turner
Jeroen van Den Eynde
Andrew Vekinis
Bernard Vercruyssen
Francois Vergnet
Jiong Wang
Yinan Wang
Di Zhang
Lei Zhang
Chen Zheng
Haoliang Zhou
Jinqiu Zhou
Colin Auclair
Aditi Augustine
Linda Birgisdóttir
Gaetan Botella
Marta Bozzini
Karthik Budidha
Yin-Hao Chang
Spyros Charonis
Maria Chatzidaki
Along Chen
Stefano Cosentino
Zoltan Cseh
Yohan Farouz
Tara Fitzgerald
Slim Ghorbal
Peter Gyring
Richard Keller
Karan Korgaonkar
Leonidas Kourkoutis
Robert Learney
Boon Heng Lee
Lili Lin
Ruth Moel
Susan Mulcahy
Tomaso Muzzu
Jimmy Nathan
Bhaskar Neel
Sin Hwee Ng
Palak Parikh
Alice Petitguillaume
Lovoni Rahman
Aya Rebet
Marilena Rega
Michael Schaub
Fabien Schmitt
Valerie Sounthakith
Zenna Tavares
Vinod Tek
Georgios Theocharidis
Maria Theodorou
Tatiana Trantidou
Chloé Vaniet
Maria Venianaki
Coralie Villa
Yangzhuo Wu
Jing Xu
Nisrine Zogaib
Chemical Engineering
and Chemical
Aly Ahmed El Mawardy
Shermin Akhtar
David Alabi
Hilal Aljabri
Andrew Amenaghawon
Pedro Arcelus Arrilaga
Sirikasame Aromsook
Christopher Aruma
Ali Baloch
Lucy Boit
Anat Chanapai
Dongping Chen
Imperial College London Postgraduate Awards Ceremony
Giovanni Di Geronimo Gill
Renyao Dong
Huixian Gao
Andreas Georgiou
Aminu Hamisu
Bo Hong
Chung-Hsien Hou
Demetris Iacovides
Suraj Iyer
Ahmad Jalaludin
Carolyn Joko
Chrysa Kousera
Sarantos Kyriakopoulos
Philip Lewis
Shuqiu Lu
Yassar Malik
God’spower Njoku
Babatope Olajide
Omotayo Oloworere
Lyn Ong
Panagiotis Papadopoulos
Jose Parambil
Arnaud Schalk
Ismail Seedat
Binchu Shi
Manish Sudershan
Cheng Yang Tan
Samyuktha Thyagarajan
Usoro Udoetuk
Chonlatep Usaku
Giulia Verri
Zhongjie Wang
Xuejiao Xu
Jing Yan
Chong Yeo
Ning Kong Nicole Yeung
Oluwayemi Zaccheus
Davide Zaganelli
Minyu Zeng
Runtong Zhang
Jie Zhao
Chao Zhou
Civil and
Aneeka Ahmed
Rekel Ahmed
Ping Ai
Ridha Al Hasani
Maram Al Sabbagh
Sarwar Alam
Beste Arslan
Adam Ayinla
Dana Bagadayeva
Christina Bakopoulou
Mathieu Balian
Sabine Bardaune
Elizabeth Bardsley
Alejandro Barrero Bilbao
Jonathan Basell
David Battershill
Joanne Beale
Younes Belahnech
Clément Beraud
Augustin Bertossa
Eleanor Blackwell
Vincent Blanchet
Erica Blennerhassett
Lydia Boylan
Matthias Burn
Shane Canavan
Ana Carneiro
Pasquale Carotenuto
Owen Carroll
Kenneth Carter
Kai Yeung Oliver Chau
Juan Chen
Ran Chen
Zhiwei Cheng
Yuzhu Chi
Mathilde Chleq
Ki Man Chu
Bryony Clifford
Vivienne Cocciarelli
Sinead Coffey
Bruno Coïc
Ashley Cooper
Leanne Cottle
Yann Coulaud
Sarah-Jane Court
John Cox
Shu Cruikshank
David Cunliffe
Amiryousef Dariany
Arsinoi Daskalantonaki
Gabriel Davis
Agostino de Giuseppe
Benoit de Combaud
Herve Desprets
Siyuan Dong
Sean Dunne
Helen Dyer
Victor Effiom
Dimitrios Efthymiou
Mireille El Hajj
Fatma Elkassas
Stamatia Evangelidou
Xixi Feng
Jacqueline Fitzgerald
Ben Fitzsimons
Magdalini Fliska
Claudia Franco Sallnas
Helge Frandsen
Etienne Frémont
Zoi Gaitanarou
Fiona Gamble
Ankur Ghosh
Juan Gonzalez
Christopher Goodman
Amy Gribble
Alexis Grosskopf
Yang Guo
Paul Gyergyay
Adrian Hanrahan
Essam Hassan
Thomas Hickson
Matthias Hoffmann
Sophie Hoggard
Zhen Huang
George Hutchful
Alex Huyn
Syed Ijlal Hussain
Ian James
Laura Jarvis
Poppo Jan Hofsteenge
Tousif Javed
Shuijing Jiang
Xiaoxiang Jiang
Elisa Jimenez Grant
Kizito Jjingo
Shirin Jowhari Moghadam
Panagiotis Kadinopoulos
Panagiotis Kalafatis
Aspasia Kanaki
Ianthi Karachaliou
Nausheen Khan
Charis Kondyli
Michail Kopelos
Sofia Kousidi
Sofia Kyropoulou
Tsun Lam
Sarah-Jayne Larmouth
David Lawrence
David Leonard
Nga Ting Leung
Fangliang Li
Chi Kit Lin
Lin Lin
Kristina Lisauskaite
Huan Liu
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
Aina Lopes
Felicity Luckett
Elizabeth Lyth
Gi Han Ma
Jonathan Mackay
Ange-Lili Magerand
Dan Mandrut
Arthur Martiano
Pedro Martins
Patrick McCann
Patrick McCormack
Andrew McDonald
Ian McGookin
Adrian McMullan
Joseph Mercieca
Eyal Miller
Preeti Mistry
Maria Mita
Muhammad Moin
Dewayne Monrose
Patrick Moran
Barbara Mueller
Kenneth Murphy
Christos Mylonas
Bahar Namaki Araghi
Manjesh Narayana
Thomas Nee
Shin Huey Linda Neo
George Neophytides
Gani Nessipbekov
Elisavet Nikolopoulou
James O’ Brien
Eoin O Murchu
Eoghan Ó Scanaill
Paula Ojea Fdez-Colmeiro
Franklin Oliha
Olubukola Olose
Ilze Paeglite
Chee Hoe Howard Pak
Mathieu Pascal
Despoina Pavlogianni
Jacek Pawlak
Tao Peng
Esther Petit
Dimitris Pidias
Evgeni Pirianov
Adrian Power
Edward Preedy
Catherine Raptis
Daniel Reader
David Rebollo
Emmanuelle Rolland
Iman Roshanzamir
Matthieu Roure
Guillaume Ruop
Ruth Salmon
Georgios Samios
Juan Sanclemente Llanos
Christina Santos
Colleen Scales
Harshil Shah
Mohammad Shaharir
Tarun Sharma
Robyn Shaw
Junyan Shen
Thomas Shire
Yangwen Si
Marie-Hélène Sibille
Noamaan Siddiqi
James Simpson
Danielle Skilton
Victoria Smith
Chrysoula Sofra
Dong Kyu Song
Martial Soulie
Anastasia Sousanoglou
Ya Su
Michael Tarrega
Nevzat Tekin
Athanasios Theofilatos
Rachel Thomas
Adam Tsouhnikas
Anna Ulanowska
Anthony Velazquez
Kari Vestergaard
Orestis Vlamoulis
Moira Walsh
Hongzhe Wang
Ning Wang
Rong Wang
Michael Ward
Charles Wark
David Williams
Kwok Chi Wong
Cormac Woods
Annabelle Woods
Jiekai Xia
Ke Xiao
Yihong Xu
Ermao Xu
Fang Xu
Chung He Yang
Yama Yari
Chensi Yu
Constantinos Zarvos
Yu Zhang
Yi Zhang
Hanqian Zhang
Weihua Zhang
Ilya Nikolay Zheludev
Ding Zhou
Thalis Zis
Aylin Albayrak
Vlad-Alexandru Albulescu
Napat Amphaiphan
Anthony Bagwell
Caroline Baroukh
Jevon Beckles
Kedar Bedekar
Benoit Bottineau
Anas Boubas
Chris Bowden
Michael Boyd
Dragos Carmaciu
Xingjie Chen
Christos Christodoulou
Christos Christoforides
Matthew Cottingham
Chao Cui
Pedro da Rocha Pinto
Luciano Del Corro
Matthieu Demaugre
Etienne Denis
Rouslan Dimitrov
Jing Dong
Petros Dracos
Kacper Duda
Andrew Durnin
Andrei-Iulian Dvornic
Angel Dzhigarov
Nolita Ebama-Mpeta
Simon Edwards-Parton
Rosa Escudero
Slim Foudhaili
Chloe Fouquet
Ioannis Frezoulis
Dillan Ganesh
Oliver Gaymond
Alexandra Gherghina
Dimitrios Giannarakis
Konstantinos Giannaros
Rowan Gilmore
Agnes Girardot
Konstantinos Gkerpinis
Pavel Gonzalez
Rosa Gutierrez Escudero
Gaurav Grover
Adil Hafiz
David Hammond
Dong Han
Mark Hensel
Ioannis Ilkos
Khawaja Jan
Yingxin Jia
Bihan Jiang
Jun Jiao
Olivier Jolit
Anastasios Karavanis
Spyridon Karavanis
Przemyslaw Korzeniowski
Elena Kostova
Chia-Liang Kuo
Antonios Lampadaridis
David Landsberg
Yang Li
Cheng Li
Dennis Low Seo Chin
Siyou Lu
Michail Makaronidis
Xavier Maurin
Ioannis Mavrantonakis
James McInerney
Fotis Menemenis
Jennifer Munroe
Axel Navick
Kwan Ng
Gian Ntzik
James Ounsley
Matthieu Oviedo
Panayiotis Papakyriakou
Martin Papanek
Thomas Payne
Feifei Pei
Charlotte Philippe
Remi Quillien
Georgios Rokos
Jibran Nadir Saithi
Georgia Sandbach
Léo Sei
Ida Selvaraj
Mohamed Sharaf
Zohirul Sharif
Brian Sharkey
Maksym Shostak
Elvin Sindrilaru
Manawat Sithiyavanich
William Snell
Spyridon Stamou
Jennifer Steele
Jeremy Sule
Kai Sun
Christian Sutter
Shafeen Tejani
Geng Tian
Qian Wang
Yuan Wang
Benjamin White
Gareth Williams
Yu Xia
Jie Xia
Jialong Xiao
Wen Xu
Shu Lin Yan
Shuhan Yang
Sheheryar Zakaria
Georgios Zargiannakis
Qiu Ting Zhang
Donghua Zhang
Huan Zhao
Mohamed Zraiaa
Earth Science and
Adetoro Adeniji
Stephen Adeniran
Ammar Ahmad
Olufemi Aiki
Temitope Aina
Temitope Ajetunmobi
Beibit Akbayev
Karl Akueson-Gannyi
Nayef Al-Ansi
Sophie Alderman
Ahmad Alghamdi
Ronnie Ameerali
Nnenna Amobi
Drew Annand
Elizabeth Aquilina
Babatunde Arenrin
Giri Aridita
Celal Atilgan
Olatoyosi Awe
Zhadyra Azimova
Waleed Badr
Shaun Bambridge
Oluchukwu Banye
Claire Barrowman
Raushan Bayetova
Serik Bekzhigitov
Noorhelda Binti Haji Bahrom
Eva Bjerrum Lundsteen
David Bloomer
Steven Blythe
Matthew Bolton
Solene Bonnevialle
Nicholas Botham
Ayana Breheret
Mark Briggs
Dumo Briggs
Jennifer Bromley
Nicholas Brook
Ololade Bukola
Christopher Cargill
Claudia Carter-Pike
Jean-Romain Cavaillez
Nalinee Chamwudhiprecha
Shaun Chande
Shari Channa
Colin Clarke
James Cooper
Justine Daboer
Sarah Davis
Neil Deeney
Emilie Deon
Ian Drage
Isobel Drury
Mohammed El Gindy
Uchenna Eze
Edgar Fernandez
Richard Ford
Raphaelle Gac
Stanislas Gendreau
Iordanis Giovanidis
Christopher Harris
Thomas Harris
Nicolas Hawie
Thibaut Herens
Philip Horsfall
Andrew Hughson
Michael Hutagalung
Anatoli Isaak
Chioma Izugbokwe
Finbar Jarrett
Kristian Jensen
Shila Jeshani
Gemma Jones
Fotios Kafandaris
Nurzhan Kairbayev
Dias Kaliyev
Aristide Kamga Latalle
Alibek Kassenov
Adnan Khalid
Yu Jun Katherine Kho
Elizabeth Kimburi
Kasama Kitthaworn
Amanzhol Kubeyev
Edward Kwiecinski
Hui Juan Ma
Jean-Nicolas La Marre
Hazim Lee
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
Michael Lee
Andrew Lightfoot
Cheeguang Lim
Christian Lumsden
Hui Juan Ma
Eric Male
Adnan Malik
Ian Mallinson
Marina Malykh
Carlos Mata Velasquez
Moise M’Baye
Ruairi McDonald
Aine McGarry
Susan Moloney
Wenbin Nah
Reine Quen Li Ng
Chukwueke Njoku
Chinedu Nwosu
Lucy Nyamaah
Onochie Obidi
Oluwarotimi Ogundiran
Ifeanyi Ojukwu
Ijeoma Okoye
Babatunde Olimene
Bolade Olu-Adeyanju
Mauricio Ortiz Jara
Osarimwian Osawaru
Stephen Ozanne
Kevin Parmassar
Simon Patterson
Ross Pelling
Giuseppina Pezza
Dayangku Pg Hj Daud
Benjamin Pignot
John Power
Mark Prempeh
Alexander Raguz
Nurgul Rayeva
Edward Robinson
Jeannette Rodriguez
Christine Roumeas
Muhammad Saeed
Hendrik Schroeder
Bibigul Shamshatova
Ei Sheen Lau
Anastasia Sidorova
Tobias Smellie
Laura Smith
Weerayut Sopitkamol
Solomon Soyemi
Virginia Stacey
Christos Stachtiaris
Nathanai Suphabanpot
Baasir Tasleem
Eric Tawile
Gareth Taylor
Hugo Testard
Dauir Toguzov
Nicolas Tournaud
Otuka Umahi
Samatbek Uteuliyev
David Valente
Yoann Vaysse
Ana Victoriano Sumbula
Artit Visatemongkolchai
Siriwat Vitoonkijvanich
Dat Vu
Lukman Wahab
Xiaoyu Wang
Hsin-Kuei Wang
Robin Warner
Jeremy Watt
Thomas Whittington
Katha Wuthicharn
Nursultan Yakhiyayev
Abdul Zainee
Elchaikh Zaki
Yulai Zhang
Aibat Zhaxylykov
Kai Zhong
Electrical and Electronic
Hesham Alsada
Zohair Abu Shaban
Jaime Arrazola
Farah Awan
Filotheos Bezerianos
Han Bolt
Marc Calandro
Chen Cao
Yuqiao Chen
Ji Chen
Mingxing Chen
Chuan Cheng
Harkanwal Deep
Jingchao Deng
Apostolos Destounis
Arnaud Ducheron
Chloe Dunouvion-Magnier
Samuel Enwenede
Jingrun Fan
Zhe Feng
Craig Finlinson
Clement Guitton
Yuanqi Hu
Zhen Huang
Zi Jie Huo
Nnaneme Iloeje
Ankit Jain
Syed Javaid
Joseph Jorda
Young Kim
Christophe Le Lann
Marie Le Dorner
Tanguy Le Gall
Jinchao Li
Yuyang Li
Xiaoyun Liang
Konstantinos Liatakis
Nikolaos Lioulis
Jianxiong Liu
Shen Liu
Shengming Liu
Hanchao Lu
Song Luan
Manouk-Vartan Manoukian
Xinyan Mao
Cyril Marechal
Jing Ming
Afaaq Mohamed Batcha
Sun Joo Moon
Hao Mu
Kushwant Mussai
Kameswarie Nunna
Adaora Ojukwu
Oghenevworhe Omeru
Venkata Pamula
Petros Petrou
Hassaan Raza
Joseph Rushton
Romuald Rollin
Shatabda Saha
Yusuf Sha’Aban
Yiting Shen
Bertrand Signoret
Mohammadreza Sohbati
Wenshan Song
Rui Sun
Yu Sun
Fei Teng
Veena Thankachan
Ye Tian
Xin Tong
Ankit Toshniwal
Florian Vallee
Baolin Wang
Chen Wang
Haofeng Wang
Hui Wang
Ke Wang
Wenjun Wang
Xiaoyu Wang
Imperial College London Postgraduate Awards Ceremony
Postgraduates and Diplomates 2011
Yadong Wang
Yu Wang
Yuqiao Wang
Mingfei Wu
Ming Xuan Wang
Bin Xu
Boning Yang
Jiwei Yang
Xin Yang
Fangying Yu
Hongliang Zhang
Ying Zhou
Qinxia Zhu
Xiaoqian Zong
Ruben Abbas Camara
Zaki Al Nahari
Efstratia Androu
Markos Asimakopoulos
Moulay Belkebir Mrani
Loukas Botsis
Jessica Brewer
Franz-Alexandre Canivet
Romina Castro
Lucas Chancel
Eugene Chang
Anne-Lise Chaput
Fabian D’Avola
Manish Dhungel
Anthon Dixon
Henry Donaghy
Claire Encely
Mabel Fulford
Ruslan Galimov
Rémi Gigoux
Jane Glynn
William Griffiths
Gauthier Harant
Gonzague Hétier
Stephanie Hoarau
Angeliki Koulouri
Alexandros Lagakos
Adrien Lebrun-Lambeau
Robert Macnamara
Gearoid Maher
Sarah Martin
Patrick McMullen
Santiago Morales
Aled Moses
Vassilis Paschopoulos
Ivan Pineda
Paolo Prada
Julien Renaud
Jonas Rooze
Ruba Saleh
Pedro Santiago
James Schofield
Martin Schroecker
Patricia Sidat
Isaac Solomon
Kieron Stopforth
Eduardo Teixeira de Abreu
Mathew Toll
Sean Tooze
Daniel Walker
Dongxu Xu
Sunday Ajayi
Aymeric Alandry
Anastasia Athanasiou
Juliette Aubertin
Katrin Baumgarten
Christina Biliouri
Christopher Black
Simon Bond
Marlene Bouquemont
Alessandro Buffa
Michael Buffington
Arnaud Ceccaldi
Sunil Chavda
Huanchen Chen
Ting-Chung Cheng
Jean-Dominique Conde
Rajarsi Dabholkar
Florence Dumoulin
Elena Figus
Fabien Gaillard
Richard Gilbert
Susan Golton
Clement Grouthier
Laurent Heirendt
Salman Hussain
Wei Jin
Chrysoula Konstaninidou
Matthew Laws
Miles Lindsey Clark
Chin Yik Lee
Lawence Lee
Kai-Neng Lin
Chengyuan Liu
Longfei Luo
Damon Millar
Clement Miraton
Dejan Mitrovic
Damian Palin
Adam Paterson
John Pennefather
Mahyar Peysepar
Becky Pilditch
Hehan Qiu
Khalil Rhazaoui
Maximo Riadigos
Edward Rose
Sivaprakash Shanmugam
Zhibin Shi
Tom Siddall
Shivendra Singh
Yu Sun
Anirudha Surabhi Venkata
Santi Tonsukha
Tiyaporn Vanagosoom
Xin Weng
Yee Lee Wong
Thian Woon
Yanlin Wu
Zhixu Xing
Yongqiang Zhang
Fan Zhao
Xiaonan Zhao
Faculty of Engineering,
Diploma of the
Imperial College,
Master of Philosophy
and Doctor of
Cristian Biotto
Alessandro Brancati
Richard Craven
Vassilios Dallas
Mazdak Ghajari
Renaud Gutkin
Xiyong Huang
Xuerui Mao
Richard McSherry
Simon Moodie
Duncan Murray
Rushen Patel
Ana Plata Garcia
Rajendran Rajasekar
Charlotte Rogers
Mohamed Shaikh Dawood
Mark Starnes
Imperial College London Postgraduate Awards Ceremony
Peter Vos
Hengliang Wang
Joanna Whelan
Martin Wood
Walid Al-Atabany
Daniel Cleather
Kathryn Cooper
Nicholas Foin
Christina Hood
Yoko Kikuchi
Jindrich Kodl
Sevil Payvandi
Kristopher Peterson
Natalja Strelkowa
Eileen Su
Angelo Tardugno
Raphael Trouillon
Mark van Doormaal
Baojun Wang
Che Fai Yeong
YangYang Zhang
Chemical Engineering
and Chemical
Rashid Al-Hajri
Paul Brumby
Renato Campos
Jae Min Cha
Fausto Ciotta
Francesco Coletti
Andrew Crane
Fadimatu Dabai
Uttam Doraswami
Noha Elkhider
Ejirooghene Gbenedio
Kanjanee Gunvachai
Matthew Hartley
Nur Hashim
Seyed Hosseini
Udennaka Igboanusi
Vivian Ikem
Tanveer Iqbal
Toshiko Izumi
Hsien-Hsi Kao
Ji Yi Khoo
Benjamin Kingsbury
Emilia Kot
Steven Lamoriniere
Fui Wen Lim
Dan Liu
Guanhua Liu
Niall Mac Dowell
Aliki Mavromoustaki
Joshua Mermelstein
Ana Narvaez Dinamarca
Candice Palmer
Jin Pan
Frances Pereira
Javier Rodriguez Perez
Felicia Tan Peck Poh
Alaaeldin Salih
Jose Sampayo-Hernandez
Sheung Wang Jerry So
Boon Seng Soh
Giulia Soloperto
Panthot Suwanapal
Pasant Suwanapal
Charnwit Tridech
Silvia Venditti
Yiyun Zeng
Barbara Zydorczak
Civil and
Angeliki Aisopou
Giovanni Barletta
Abdel Beshara
Po Boonsiri
Lok Cheung
Jonathan Cooper
Ronald Davies
Jin Huang
Kebuang Kenabatho
Timothy King
Ioanna Kourti
Giuliana Larice
Kwan Ho Law
Patricia Melo
Babak Mirshahi
Babagana Mohammed
Myrto-Ioanna Papaspiliou
Felipe Perez Viana
Elwaleed Salih
Reinhard Schuetz
Xin Shi
Barbara Shipton
Johannes Spinneken
David Taborda
Christina Vollmecke
Facheng Wang
Yang Yang
Stylianos Yiatros
Ioana Boureanu
Ashley Brown
John Charnley
Andrew Cheadle
Jay Cornwall
David Cunningham
Luke Dickens
Lee Howes
Adil Hussain
Kevin Rongsheng Koh
Abigail Lebrecht
Paul-Amaury Matt
Douglas Mcilwraith
Dimitris Mostrous
Peter Mountney
Mohammad Raza
Nikolaos Rizopoulos
Jose Santos
Donny Soh
Simon Spacey
Daniel Sykes
Sze Kai Then
Salman Valibeik
Daniel Wagner
Chi Wai Yu
Wolfram Wiesemann
Dong Ping Zhang
Steve Zymler
Earth Science and
Ernesto Addiego-Guevara
Lateef Akanji
Nasher Albinhassan
Naser Al-Hajri
Faisal Alqahtani
Meor Amir Hassan
Negah Ardjmandpour
Donald Besong
Fabrice Bidault
Pablo Brito Parada
Kathryn Cole
Patrick Farrell
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
Xavier Garcia Teijeiro
Russell Garwood
Sarah Gordon
Christian Haselwimmer
Mohd Jaafar
Xiaolin Lu
Hamidreza Maghami Nick
Mardit Matian
Andrew McAndrew
Thomas McEntire Davison
Bryan Miles
Andrew Mitchell
Gareth Morgan
Gareth Morris
Christopher Pentland
Paula Ramirez Munoz
Samantha Taggart
Brendan Tollit
Sebastian Turner
Victoria Vry
Abdullah Zakaria
Feng Zhang
Abdu Zubairu
Electrical and
Electronic Engineering
Salvador Acha
Eduardo Aguilar Pelaez
Ali Ahmadi
Muhammad Asim
Derek Bowers
Tom Carlson
Alexander Casson
Varit Chaisinthop
Wai Pan Chan
Ian Couchman
Vera da Silva
Amir Eftekhar
Leila Favaedi
Jiebin Gu
Zhenfeng He
Cairan He
Kai Herbertz
Suan Hui Pu
Mohammad Jahangiri
Soroush Javidi
Beth Jelfs
Bryn Jones
Ling Li
Chi Liu
Antonio Roldao Lopes
Terrence Mak
Rehman Shaikh
Chalermpol Saiprasert
Yasaman Shadrokh
Amir Shahzad
Amrit Sharma
Nikoletta Sofra
Ian Symonds
Suttipong Thajchayapong
Mark Thomas
Stelios Timotheou
Tzern Toh
Mark Tuckwell
Kumaara Velan
Justin Wong
Winston Wong
Mai Xu
Wancheng Zhang
Chongxian Zhu
Konstantinos Alevizos
Ying An
Stefano Angioletti-Uberti
Nicholas Ashley
Miloslav Beres
James Coakley
John Druce
Yann Fredholm
James Ghadiali
Heather Jackson
Alexander Jasper
Sotirios Kotsantonis
Hiroko Kusumoto
Libing Li
Sen Lin
JingJing Liu
Oliver Mahony
Philip Mason
Soumaya Mauthoor
Darmawati Mohamad
Alessandro Mottura
Rafael Sa
Ruth Sayers
Panpailin Seeharaj
Steven Shih-Yu Feng
Deborah Silva
Neil Simrick
Christopher Smith
Peter Smith
Liam Spillane
Farid Tariq
Sally Watts
Lang Yuan
Zoe Yunxie Wu
Rong Zhu
Christos Argyrakis
Francesco Bottone
Despoina Chatzikyriakou
Zheng Fan
Alexander Fergusson
Mark Flower
Maria Gomes Zoby
Koji Hoshino
Soo Il Jeon
Muhammad Ilyas
Marc Ingram
Agnieszka Karpinska
Bharat Lad
Emmanuel Laine
Claudio Lettieri
Jia Li
Mathieu Lucquiaud
Sgouria Lyra
Valentini Markaki
Pablo Martinez Gonzalez
Kunal Masania
Sanjay Mata
Soleman Maudarbocus
Mohamed Mohamed
Marco Montini
Connor Myant
Yewande Olomolehin
Amit Puri
Marc Rea
Matthew Read
Saverio Reina
Alessandro Romagnoli
Sandeep Saha
Joseph Sanders
Yaroslav Tenzer
Mark Thommyppillai
Tomasz Tkaczyk
Andrew Turner
Inam Ul Haq
Qi Wen
Koucheng Zuo
Faculty of Engineering,
Diploma of the
Imperial College,
Doctor of Engineering
Katherine Milne
Jonathan Russell
Imperial College
Business School,
Diploma of the
Imperial College,
Master of Science and
Master of Business
Kathrine McAleenan
Amine Abdelkader
Aliya Abdrakhmanova
Hadi Abdul Khalek
Nishitha Abdul Rahman
Lama Abou Char
Adejoke Adeniji
Adefolahan Adeoti
Chirag Agarwal
Tolga Ahiska
Ali Ahmad
Oluwatope Ajiborisha
Aleem Akhtar
Mojisola Akindele
Toluwalope Akomolede
Alberto Alaria
Arshian Ali
Muhammed Ali
Afnan Aljaffary
Sumaiah Alrawiai
Yaser Altandi
Jose Alvarez Garcia
Farzad Amidi
Gregoire Amiot
Ran An
Saravanagiri Ananda
Ram Ananthapadmanaban
Mardon Anvarov
Andrea Araman
Zafeirios Argyropoulos
Christos Arvanitis
Narissara Asavathongkul
Francesco Assettati
Reem Assi
Ceren Atalay
Jude Awani
Timur Ayurov
Nik Nik Abdul Aziz
Bikram Bajaj
Kavan Bakhda
Martin Balestra Diaz
Bhimalrao Bapoo
Jerome Barois
Abdul Bashir
Meena Bassily
Ricardo Bastos
Seda Baycan
Salim Baz
Abidha Begum
Andrew Bell
Joao Belo
Mehdi Benjelloun
Thomas Bentz
Vladimir Besprozvany
Mohammad Bin Razif
Faisal Bin Jamil
Edith Boakye-Adjei
Marten Bosch
Vedran Bostandzic
Pierre Bou Abboud
Mirko Brinker
Christopher Brittain
Shamsutdin Bulekbayev
Elena Busetto
Yener Buyuknalbant
Myles Carey
Adele Casamassima
Mark Casey
Burak Çeliktas
Yasemin Cerit
David Chadwick
Fady Chammas
Cais Champsi
Joyce Wing Sze Chan
Tsz Haang Chan
Wing-Lee Chan
Hui-Kiat Chan
Jennifer Mei Ki Chan
Andrew Guo Chan
Albert Chang
Yan Neng Chan
Pongrit Chanprasert
Maithreye Chavala
Chang Chen
Chao Chen
Guizhen Chen
Jieyi Chen
Jinyu Chen
Feng Chen
Qizhou Chen
Xu Chen
Yiqing Chen
Zhaocong Chen
Peng Cheng
Stephanie Hoi Shan
Vladimir Chernyshev
Wing Hymn Cheung
Marat Chinaliyev
Michael Chinwuba
Iunia Chisacof
Ronakorn Chitratsenee
Nutsa Chkuaseli
Daniel King Hey Chu
Sunny Chuang
Watanyu Chumpathet
Kin Chung Chan
Shu Yun Chua
Andrew Clarke
Isha Cole
James Cotton
Andrew Cowen
Ana da Silva Castro
Sebastian da Cunha
Adeshola Dada
Lauren Danon
Manjula Das
Siddhanth Das
Fredrik Daun
Thissa de Silva
Ruth De Souza
Lars Deckert
Fabio Del Bo
Rachel Demosthenous
Nicolas Desjardins
Hugues Desportes
Carlos Díaz Madero
Andreas Dimitriou
Pan Dong
Aidan Doyle
Renjie Du
Parikshit Dubey
Saad Duraiz
Dominic Ehrismann
Barbara Ehrnsperger
Laya El Beainy
Fadi Eldibs
Mohamed Ellouze
Vandana Eswarapragada
Alecos Eteocleous
Sagie Evbenata
Obiajulu Ezenwa
Liam Fearnley
Svetlana Fedko
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
Rui Feng
Su Feng
Marc Fineman
Raffaele Fiorelli
Michael Fischer
Lai Lai Fok
Kok Foo
Michael Freeman
Andrew Fryer
Aaish Fuad
Ting Fung Timothy Chu
Tamara Fustok
Pia Gabel
Utkarsh Gadodia
Ludovic Gallen
Georgia Galouzidi
Tharidu Gamwara
Dillan Gandhi
Raoul Gandhi
Wenjing Gao
Yang Gao
Carlos Garcia Gomez
Ahmet Genc
Felix Germann
Rohit Ghosh
Konstantinos Giannoulis
Kanwarpreet Gill
Evgeny Gokhberg
Ricardo Gomez-Ulmke
Tingting Gong
Darlington Gono
Geraldine Gono
Sidharth Gopakumar
Anna Gorina
James Gray
Francesca Greco
Peter Griffin
Aristidis Grigoriou
Xing Fang Gu
Glenn Gubbay
Cristina Guembe Iglesias
Natasha Guerra
Suchika Gupta
Vidur Gupta
Jeebran Hajwani
Daniel Hall
Emma Halley
Nicholas Handel
Georg Hansis
Richard Hardyment
Andrew Harrison
Charlotte Harrison
Robert Hart
Shaleeza Hasham
Syed Hasnain
Zisi Hatsobai-Porat
Thomas Haynes
Miranda Hayward
Sanyogita Hazarnis
Bruce Hellman
Charis Hewitt
Gregory Hill
Krupa Hirani
Adrian Ho
Tak Chung Ho
Wing Ki Wendy Ho
Lo Ho Chan
Hubert Hoang
Oliver Hofmann
Philip Howard
Jingchuan Hu
Su-Qi Huang
Chun Wei Hui
Falk Hügle
Ho Yin Hung
Andrii Iamshanov
Iulia Iarici
Umair Idrees
Rami Idriss
Amanda Ifie
Janne Illman
Caroline Iramina
David Isaacs
Madina Ismailova
Nausheen Jacob
Philippe Jacobs
Orkhan Jafarov
Prashant Jain
Clementine James
Luc Jammes
Donatas Jatautis
Peter Jayawardena
Jialu Jiang
Suwen Jiang
Xin Qi David Jiang
Yang Jiang
Jun Jie Ng
Shiheng Jing
Wan Jing Lee
Kristoffer Johansson
Amiirah Joommun
Oluwapelumi Joseph
Shen Ju Tsai
Zhandos Jumabekov
Alex Kabahizi
Hani Kamel
Gun Kanjanapokin
Antoun Karam
Yuka Kasahara
Wafa Kashif
Priya Kaura
Anupum Kaushal
Valery Kazak
Franca Kemmerer
Tobechukwu Kene
Wassim Kesrouani
Salima Kettani
Hadi Khalek
Shweta Khetan
Resani Kikava
Eun Jung Kim
Olena Kirova
Chi Kit Roy Kan
Donya Kitkungvan
Jeremy Klar
Caroline Knight
Seong Ko
Nike Kojakovic
Iliana Koleva
Fanjiao Kong
Nikolaos Konstantinidis
Benjamin Korin
Konstantinos Kostopoulos
Vibha Kothari
Antreas Koualis
Dimitrios Koumpis
Alexander Kretzler
Constantinos Kridiotis
Volker Kroetzsch
Yvonne Ho Ming Kuk
Nai Chi Kuo
Nuengnuch Kuvijitsuwan
Cheuk Chi Kwong
Debalina Lahiri
Karim Lahoud
Oscar Lai
Ari Laine
Szu-Yu Lai
Yu Hei Lam
Michael Larsson
Mark Leary
Nathalie Leclef
Cheuk Kuen Sebastian
Oi Ying Lee
Tat Men Lee
Tsz Yeung Lee
Sunju Lee
Anthony Sim Soon Leng
An Li
Edwin Chun Yeung Li
Imperial College London Postgraduate Awards Ceremony
Postgraduates and Diplomates 2011
Huihui Li
Jason Li
Shuyang Li
Xiang Li
Yin Li
Oliver Power
Jinxue Priscilla Li
Yuelin Liang
Niklas Lilius
Keong Loui Lim
Su Phei Lim
Tiin-Sit Lim
Jianzhang Lin
Jing Lin
Weizhi Lin
Xiangfeng Lin
Yu-Hsin Lin
Chia Hsiun Jason Liu
Dun Liu
Guzi Liu
Ping Liu
Ruiwen Liu
Shuhang Liu
Eva-Lucia Llewellyn
Ho Yan Connie Lo
Emma Loades
Cheng-Han Lu
Yingni Lu
Ian Lui
Ting Wai Luk
Siyu Ma
Emma Maddison
Adekunle Majiyagbe
Sonia Mak
Joanna Malecka
Lawrence Ting Fung Man
Kyriakos Manolis
Vasileios Mantzoukas
Miramgul Maralova
Emmanuel Mariotte
Graham Martindale
Barak Marx
Pavel Maslakov
Shashank Mathur
Victor Matta
Waleed Mazen
Nur Mazlan
Nnamdi Mbanugo
Kathrine McAleenan
Andrew McCormick
Alexander McCrea
Thomas McMullen
Chizoba Menkiti
Alvaro Merino
Maciej Mikolajczak
Lily Miller
Naomi Minegishi
Yousif Mohammed
Divyaa Mohan
Varun Mohapatra
Dannial Mohd Yusoff
Mohammad Monnoo
Etienne Montagut
Joseph Moore
Christopher Moore
Yoko Morimoto
Paresh Morjaria
Max Mueller
Akmaral Mussakulova
Nishant Nagar
Niyati Nagar
Svetlana Nazarova
Nebojsa Nedeljkovic
Kay Neumann
Benjamin Newton
Panuwat Nivedmarintre
David O’Connor
Carl Odqvist
Keiichiro Ohnishi
Chibuzor Ojum
Páll Olafsson
Jacob Olatujoye
Olatunji Oluyide
Olufunke Onamusi
Ogheneruno Onosode
Nikzad Oraee-Mirzamani
Tai Tzui Oron
Joana Ortiz De Zarate
Alaa Osman
Gareth Owen
Olutobi Oyebanjo
Cihan Ozcan
Galip Ozhan
Yongxuan Pan
Hong Pan
Alan Pang
Christina Papathanasiou
Franck Pascault
Marios Pastellopoulos
Kamal Patel
Marta Paúl
Yu Pei
Memet Pekacar
Max Pengsa
Simon Percival
Kristoffer Pettersen
Nicolas Philippe
Natalie Philippou
Mark Pihlens
Ibismaria Pimentel De
Dmitriy Pinskiy
Darunrat Piyayodilokchai
Sinisha Ponzio
Helena Posnett
Vorapat Pruecksamars
Gareth Pullan
Jie Qian
Wen Qian
Wenying Qiu
Alberto Quintana
Zhanadiar Raissova
Kanate Ratapipat
Jan Reents
Stephan Reichenberger
Simone Reid
Justin Roberts
Manuel Rojas Ramirez
Xiaochang Rong
Marie Roualle De Rouville
Keeratiya Rujimora
Gloria Ruto
Iban Salaber
Maria Salamanca Mejia
Adnan Salkic
Elmer Santos
Sirichol Satitsatian
Angad Sawhney
Leonie Schell
Marcel Schneier
Adam Sebba
Monica Segoviano
Nicholas Self
Richard Senger
Raden Setjodiningrat
William Shadbolt
Ashini Shah
Krupa Shah
Mihir Shah
Ronak Shah
Diqi Shao
Shuai Shao
Sunil Sharma
Vikas Sharma
Dan Shen
Yue Shen
Omar Sherif
Yining Shi
Sami Siddik
Stephanie Wei Ling Siew
Eloi Simons
Imperial College London Postgraduate Awards Ceremony
Dhruv Singh
Yuvraj Singh
James Singleton
Yuthaluk Siripornleart
Jingyi Situ
Yuxiang Situ
Vignaesh Sivakumar
Michael Siviter
Timothy Smith
Adam Smith
Anselm Snitil
Alykhan Somani
Anirudh Sompalli
Kunal Sood
Sara Spadoni
Anastasios Spiliadis
Baradwaj Srinivasan
Christina Stampfli
Natalia Stavskaya
Nikolas Stefanou
Andrew Stewart
Nicolas Stobbe
Patrick Stock
Philipp Stokinger
Emily Sturge
Robert Stravens
Yue Sui
Sushija Sukumaran
Zheyun Sun
Stacey Sunderland
Claire Suo-Cockerton
Carole Swan
Anahita Taghi-Ganji
Mohamad Taha
Mitesh Tailor
Talgat Takiyev
Aaron Chun Yin Tam
Hsieh Tan
Daniel Tanner
Alice Taylor
Omolola Teidi
Simanjeet Thind
Po Shan Tsang
Wing Ting Tsang
Joan Sin Wai Tse
Lee Jenny Tse
Darren Sheung Ming Tse
Joel Tomlinson
Apicha Traichakpranee
Chuti Tricandha
Dariu Trueb
Dimitrios Tsimplis
Hing Yan Tsin
Evangelos Tsioumas
Joseph Tsou
Abubakar Tukur
Marco Tuninetti
Naser Turabi
Caroline Turk
Ruth Turnock
Matthew Turzo
Panagiota Tychalaki
Tal Tzvi Oron
Dilyana Valcheva
Andrey Valuev
Saumya Vardhan
Sundara Vasudevan
Thittirat Vechamamontien
Lavanya Veeravanallur
Zannis Veniamis
Shray Verma
Nattavut Vichiankavee
Ankit Vij
Platon Vogiatzoglou
Thomas Voutsilas
Sittisak Wachirakaphan
James Waddington
Nicola Walsby
Elizabeth Walton
Guangsheng Wang
Jing Wang
Qingzhi Wang
Yue Wang
Yun Wang
Zheng Wang
James Weatherill
Hannes Weckmann
Shaoyong Wei
Danyuan Wen
Chongguang Wen
Udi Wickrema
Michael Williams
Martin Willoughby
Wa Fai Wong
Weihan Wong
David Wright
Lan Wu
Hao Wu
Qianni Xiang
Runbo Wu
Shan Wu
Wei Xiang
Yi Wu
Gladys Xiaowei Lee
Linna Xie
Zhijue Xing
Chenyin Xu
Huachao Xu
Qi Xu
Tinglu Xu
Yingzhi Xu
Chen Xue
Saurabh Yadav
Kotaro Yamada
Chun-Yung Yang
Lisha Yang
Wei Yang
Xiaoyu Yang
Xiya Yang
Yen-Ching Yang
Le Suen Yap
Khalid Yassin
Yen Chong Yeoh
Yoko Yoshida
Yi You
Ji Youn Kim
Guangda Yu
Kwun Po Anson Yu
Li Yu
Yixing Yu
Feng Yue
Kam Wa Yuen
Marcin Zaba
Salma Zahran
Jia Zhai
Zhanna Zhanarbekkyzy
Jing Zhang
Yipei Zhang
Zhice Zhang
Haiyue Zhao
Yue Zhao
Erin Jing Zheng Xiaoye
Hong Zheng
Yiquan Zhou
Yi Zhou
Chunlu Zhu
Yakub Zolynski
Luca Zorzino
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
Imperial College
Business School,
Diploma of the
Imperial College,
Master of Philosophy,
Doctor of Philosophy
Angus Armstrong
Adam Bock
Paul Edge
Adam Golinski
Ioannis Kechagioglou
Alexander Klat-Smith
Xianghe Kong
Ioannis Kyratsis
William Lau
Rohaya Mohd Nor
Georgia Papadaki
Marta Renzetti
Omid Rezania
Ross Richardson
Zheng Ruan
Shi Wu
Tamim Zamrik
Department of
Diploma of the
Imperial College,
Master of Science
Jose Abad Alberola
Sarah Barker
Viviane Bernardo
Philip Bird
Elizabeth Bolton
Gemma Bramley
Fiona Brewer
Gaëlle Chartier
Carolyn Cobbold
Anne Coleman
Seil Collins
Jamie Condliffe
Caroline Connell
Paul Cooke
Holly Cumbers
Saameendra Das
Shupaula Dass
Caroline de Verteuil
Katarzyna Debko
Ioanna Delatola
Christine Douglass
Hala Elhaj
Miriam Frankel
Adrian Giordani
Ailbhe Goodbody
Elizabeth Gray
Laura Greenhalgh
Boshuo Guo
Qian Guo
Sha Guo
Elizabeth Haines
Lesley Heather
David Hirst
Tom Horner
Philippa Hough
Sonia Jankowiak
Benjamin Kolb
Shunsuke Komamiya
Zoi Konstantinou
Agata Krupa
Henry Lau
Victoria Leyva
Chia-Chen Lin
Veronica Martinez-Estrada
Maria Massa
David McLoughlin
Andrea Melendez
Natalie Mills
Qurat Munir
Victoria Moreno Leyva
Kelly Neaves
Christopher Noble
Cian O’Luanaigh
Catherine O’Sullivan
Alessandra Paganelli
Matthew Paskins
Aurelie Perthuison
Elizabeth Pilliere
Ana Pires Teles
Jonathan Primmer
Claire Primrose
Alexander Ranken
Caroline Rees
Dominic Rees-Roberts
Felix Rietmann
Ana Rosen Ferlini
Trilce Sandoval Similä
Tonia Santoro
Jack Sellen
Arthur Shaw
Galina Shyndriayeva
Rhiannon Smith
Alesja Starodubtseva
Greg Szulgit
Louise Thorn
Harriet Vickers
Ian Ware
Victoria Weaver
Jenny Wilson
Kon Witoonchart
Helen Wollner
Hon Foong Wong
Tessa Worgan
Kuang-Yu Yao
Artur Zak
Xue Zhou
Ying Zhou
Peichen Zou
Faculty of Natural
Diploma of the Imperial
College, Master of Science
and Master of Research
Duncan Allen
Silvia Antonelli
Ioanna Antoniadi
Damian Armstrong
Natalie Ashford-Hodges
Amr Aswad
Susan Augustyniak
Thomas Aveling
Sebastian Bailey
Philip Bowles
Adam Britton
Matthew Brown
Elizabeth Bryce
Katherine Cameron
Camilo Castañeda Bustos
Tarryn Castle
Victoria Chadfield
Lo Hong Cheong
Gary Clewley
Brendan Costelloe
Alexandra Crampton-Platt
Emma Critchley
Nicholas Crouch
Louise Cuttiford
Fabio Da Silva
Bronwen Daniel
Victoria Dauncey
Erika Dawson
Borame Dickens
Robin Dimbleby
Yesim Dodanli
Philip Donkersley
Hilda Dooley
Matthew Dray
Philippa Dyson
Harry Earle-Mundil
Thomas Ensom
Tracie Evans
Samantha Farrell
Cristina Fernández Secades
Anna Ferraroni
Hannah Froy
Arash Ghoddousi
David Gill
Robert Goodall
Matthew Gregory
Joanna Griffin
Michael Gwilliam
Sophie Hanley
Stefan Harrison
Sarah Hearne
Andrew Henry-Moore
Sarah Victoria Hearne
James Hourston
James Howie
David Hughes
Charles Ikediashi
Soteroulla Ioannou
Tona Isibo
Natalie Jaworska
Tommaso Jucker
Jonathan Kennedy
Lisa Knight
Andrew Ladle
Stephanie Landymore
Joseph Laws
Edward Lawton
Soizic Le Courtois
Alexander Lee
Yangchen Lin
Chantal Lipscombe
Alessandro Lizzul
Samuel Lloyd
Chuan Lu
Hirzi Luqman
Agnese Marino Taussig De
Elena Martínez-Klimova
Samantha-Jane McCandless
Rebecca McIlhiney
Kirsten McMillan
Alison Mollon
John Moran
Matilda Mwale Phiri
Alison Nicholls
Naiara O’Mahony
Danielle Parks
Rebecca Pearson
Claire Peart
Sebastien Perceau-Wells
Adam Phillipson
Sasha La-Verne Pratt
Alexandra Prebble
Henrietta Pringle
James Rainford
Christina Ravinet
Paul Renshaw
Jack Rhodes
Matthew Richards
Alison Richardson
Sophie Robinson
Merja Rossi
Aurora Sampson
Lindsay Seed
Matthew Smith
Benjamin Sobkowiak
Georgios Spyrou
Sandra Stalhandske
Shelley Stevens
Joanne Stonehouse
Kathryn Sullivan
Martin Sullivan
Chloe Swart
Eniko Szucs
Shuyuan Tao
Richard Thompson
Naomi Thorne
Anna Tolfree
Gregory Tomlinson
Eric Topham
Rachel Tucker
Ayako Uozumi
Matthew Upson
Wouter van Broekhoven
Jessica Walters
Lowri Watkins
Charlotte Wevill
Simon Wheeler
Rhian Wilson
Hayley Wiswell
Melanie Wright
Katharine Yexley
James Sudlow
Michelle Sue Yee Cheung
Adrian Tan
Vladimir Turek
Nikolay Vaklev
Sean Warren
Kim Williams
Honglin Xu
Muhammad Yusuf
Centre for Environmental
Cell and Molecular
Cécile Bouet
Adrian Buckroyd
Sorcha Cassidy
Anna Cauldwell
Charlie Chao
Su Chuen Chew
Anthony Davidson
Marcin Dembek
Siobhan Durran
António Ferreira
Alexandra Himiceva
Claudia Ho
Rhiannon Holmes
Tanya Kapoor
Daniela Muhl
Chandrika Nair
Abigail Newe
Ayodele Omisore
Dk Pg Hj Mumin
Fränze Progatzky
Ioanna Stefani
Katie Twigger
Stelios Tzellos
Wenyi Wang
Stephanie Willing
Puja Bharadia
Matthew Boot-Handford
Cecile Bouet
Rodrigo Braga
Daniel Byrom
Duygu Celebi
Callum Dickson
Christopher Douse
Muge Gulesci
Robert Hanley
Anna Haslop
Felix Hermerschmidt
Amy Hippard
Chung Ho Lau
Fairuzeta Ja’Afar
Julian Janna Olmos
Askhat Jumabekov
Romi Kaur
Douglas Kelly
Kevin Beng Chin Khaw
Mattaka Khongkow
Yoojin Kim
Sarah Kirchhecker
Beata Klejevskaja
Bartosz Koprowski
Tanja Litke
Yiqi Liu
Fatima Malik
Jonathan Marshall
Sarah Percival
Ira Posen
Frederico Sanches
Farnaz Saremi-Yarahmadi
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
David Addison
Aida Al-Awar
Malek Al-Chalabi
Joshua Allen
Hanna Amin Rasip
Typhaine Amzallag
Michael Ashcroft
William Ashworth
Ian Ayres
Helen Baker
Jonathan Baker
Jennifer Ball
Timothy Barrow-Williams
Sarah Bonham
David Boyce
Harry Brainch
Geraldine Brennan
Benedict Buckley
Douglas Burgess
David Boyce
Khuong Liêm Cao Thai
Anthony Chappel
Tak Yan Ching
Philip Churchill
Emma Craig
Jason Dassyne
Alison Davies
Claire de Bouteiller
Natasha D’Silva
Holly Edwards
Lydia Elliott
Clifford Elwell
Ifeoma Eni-Kalu
Lara Jin Qiu-Ting Esser
James Evans
Samantha Eyre
David Fairchild
Benedict Faria
Eleanor Farnworth
Cormac Farrell
Benjamin Finney
Marleen Franke
Nomsa Fulbrook-Bhembe
Juan Gamarra Von Preussen
Eleonora Gatti
Syazarina Haji Alias
Rachel Harris
Hannah Hatherly
Arthur Henriot
Alexander Hill
Jenny Hill
Kinga Holda
Lucy Holmes
Ioanna-Maria Ioannou
Israel Jaja
Ibukun Jegede
Thomas Jennings
Wen Jin
Guy Jonathan Newey
Peter Joyce
Yurie Kawada
Tiffany Key
Kyung Kim
Ho Kin Robert Tang
Yosuke Kitagawa
Christopher Knowland
Aliki Kriekouki
Laura Kropiunigg
Yui Ku
Leen Labeeuw
Young Suk Lee
Justine Leigh-Bell
Kaisa Leinonen
Thibaud Lemercier
Tessa Lennartz-Walker
Felicia Line
Jonathan Lott
Stephane Lumueno
Eleonore MacAire
Thomas MacLean
Irene Maffini
Mehibe Mehmet
Thomas Mills
Francis Mimmack
Inga Muller
William Mullins
Renee Murray
Elnara Nasirli
Nicholas Oakes
Patrick Oliver
David O’Shea
Sanaa Osmani
Annabelle Pagan
Dimitra Papadopoulou
Jillian Pennington
Mital Pindoria
Sarah Prowitt
Andrea Quek
Thomas Quick
Pietro Radoia
Fergus Rae
Chad Raube
Alan Richards
Catherine Rolph
Yasmin Sahin
Neil Salmond
Petra Sarapatkova
Robert Saunders
Lamia Sbiti
Jonathan Scott-Webb
Kirsty Shaw
Anna Maria Skartsila
Richard Smith
Christopher Sperling
Jay Stow
Hidetoshi Tahara
Nicholas Tatrallyay
Jonathan Terry
Dominik Tichar
Davide Triacca
Michelle Tucker
Meraj Unnisa
Maria Vlachopoulou
Thomas Wallace
Shiyan Wang
John Ward
Maud Warner
Katherine Weinberg
Marc Williams
Katy Wilson
Helena Wright
Igal Yahya
Kayla Yost
Yuan Yu
Ishan Batra
Shanil Bhatt
Alonso Castillo Ramirez
Alexandre Couquet
Raphaël Dahan
Paul Dambricourt
Reem El-Turk
Murat Erkurt
Tao Gao
Samuel Garcia Vega
Oliver Goodbourn
Jean Baptiste Guyader
Duncan Hawthorne
David Hayes
Imperial College London Postgraduate Awards Ceremony
Postgraduates and Diplomates 2011
Yue He
Guillaume Joubert
Philippe-Antoine Jussiaux
Anna Kalogirou
Antoine Kerneis
Pierre-Henri Leblanc
Zhiming Li
Cuiyu Lin
Jingwen Liu
Flora Lucet
Alexandre Ma Fat
Keith McCabe
Sigita Medonyte
Ho Ming Roger Lee
Lucy Morrison
Joel Nagloo
Viktor Nasonov
Roisin Norton
Steven Paget
Yi Pan
Nathan Prabhu-Naik
Jonathan Prout
Daniel Randall
Florent Robert
Zisis Sakellaris
Panagiotis Samartzis
Laurent Samsam Bakhtiari
Faisal Shahid Sayood
Ning Shen
Xiang Shi
Francisco Simkievich
Thomas Snowden
Blandine Stehlé
Jelena Strbac
Ian Thom
Marlen Triantafyllides
Petros Tsichlakis
Dipti Karsan Valji
Liufeng Wang
Peng Wang
Xiaoxiao Wei
Xinyi Wei
Nicholas Williams
Alexander Wray
Hau Sze Wun
Yilun Xiao
Qisheng Xie
Anthony Young
Meng Yu
Fan Zhang
Jing Zhang
Yi Zhang
Danrong Zheng
Xingyu Zhou
Xiu Zhou
Yizi Zhou
Molecular Biosciences
Rhys Algar
Christian Ametz
Evangelos Bellos
Sneha Bhat
Lynn Burchell
Arturo Casini
Alessia David
Elisa Domínguez
Michael Epstein
James Field
Zena Hira
Myrsini Kaforou
Dineka Khurmi
Sang Lee
Novandy Lim
Adam MacLean
Jonathan Moody
Marie-Laure Parsy
Zabeen Patel
Maryam Qurashi
Nuri Ramchandani
David Roche
Rui Rodrigues
Jennifer Samson
Thomas Schwarzmayr
Yoli Shavit
Jonathan Smith
Parvathy Subramaniam
Carmen Suriel-Melchor
Geraldine Wei-Ling Toh
Marios Tomazou
Luke Tweedy
Royah Vaezi
Zara Abdelrahman
Spyros Agrafiotis
Giuseppe Antonacci
Emma Arbabzadah
Ajay Arunachalam
Charubutr Asavaroengchai
Setrak Balian
George Barnes
David Barry
David Beesley
Adam Billing
Yael Birenbaum Haligua
Florian Borchers
Richard Broadbent
Benjamin Brown
João Caldeira
Ben Chapman
Wei-Da Chen
Kai-Yuan Chi
Ren Chong Lim
Arnaud Colaitis
Patrick Cooke
Samuel Cunliffe
John Davenport
Tanapat Deesuwan
Efstratios Dermitziotis
Maria Dimou
Ross Dorner
Quentin Du Moulinet
David Edmunds
Joseph Fallon
Philipp Fleig
Pierre Franck
Fatma Gerriu
Joseph Goodwin
Andrew Granger
Tadas Gutauskas
Krystallo Hadjicosti
Naghmeh Haj Hosseini
Brian Hall
Trevor Hardcastle
Graham Hesketh
James Holloway
Robert Horton
Naghmeh Hosseini
Nicholas Houston
Noel Hustler
Georgios Itsios
Rishabh Jain
David James
Sania Jevtic
Dafydd Johns
Mindaugas Juozapavicius
Aisha Kaushik
Matthew Kenzie
Mohammad Khalili
Nitsa Kindyni
George Knee
Irina Koptyug
Stephen Kyriacou
Peter Lewis
Wenjia Liu
Stephen Logan
Lijian Mai
Jassel Majevadia
Imperial College London Postgraduate Awards Ceremony
Mark Manders
Aki Matsushima
Calum McAndrew
Raffaello Morales
Ramil Nigmatullin
William Okell
Olakunle Olalere
Christiana Pantelidou
Achilleas Passias
Athena Paz
Marko Petrov
Martin Pichler
Roland Piper
Mischa Prebin Woods
Josefine Proll
Matthew Pusey
Raquel Queiroz
Philipp Roser
David Sánchez De La Peña
Daniel Santos Canelles
Bernhard Schmitzer
Joseph Shaw
Philip Shusharov
Samuel Stafford
Charlotte Strege
Hassan Tahini
Sara Tavares
Andrew Thomson
Wahiba Toubal
Sebastiaan Ummels
Nicolas Underwood
Joske van Gils
Paul Westacott
Jonathan White
Aeneas Wiener
Ross Winter
Man Wong
Yan Woon Chong
Hao Wu
Diana Youziel
Valentina Zhelyazkova
Faculty of Natural
Diploma of the
Imperial College,
Master of Philosophy
and Doctor of
Sarah Al-Beidh
Asad Ali
Anjum Aqueel
Gudbjorg Aradottir
Irka Bargielowski
Eligiusz Baumgart
Richard Black
Elroy Charles
Hui-Yin Cheng
Filipa Cox
Kathleen Davies
Natalia Dinischiotu
Michael Endicott
Christoph Engl
Assam Gulzar
Miao Guo
Eleanor Harrison
Tom Hart
Gwendolen Hitchcock
Eriko Hoshino
Atif Jamal
Alan Jones
Elizabeth Jones
Ki Jung Nam
Yael Kisel
Lena Lorenz
Karim Magh Iaoui
Sara Navarro
Despina Philippou
Ana Santos
Jan Schnitzler
Maija Sierla
Matthew Sommerville
Muhammad Tariq
Andrej Trauner
Nan Zhang
Cell and Molecular
Petros Andrikopoulos
Matthew Bailey
Cecilia Bebeacua
Pallavi Bhatta
Laura Bonney
Richard Bulgin
Kevin Canis
Marta Carroni
Anna Dart
Victoria Deacon
Kamil Ergular
James Evans
Sara Fidalgo
Madeleine Gentle
Tamaswati Ghosh
Ayse Grippon
Ching-Cheng Huang
Mohd Nazri Ismail
Paul Kirk
King Yau Rex Kwok
Bing Liu
Kalle Magnusson
Eric Martinez
Rustem Onkal
Poh-Choo Pang
Rohini Rana
Tina Toni
Shweta Singh
Ioanna Stamati
Trevor Sweeney
Arthur Talman
Fanny Turlure
Joanna Waldock
Simone Wiesler
Assaf Anderson
Roberta Bomparola
Kate Bowman
Frederick Calo
Giulia Carlotta De Fusco
Omer Casher
James Collins
Christopher Conifer
Samuel Cooper
Timur Coskun
Kiyohiko Funai
Samuel Furse
Elizabeth Gardner
Ian German
Richard Gunn
Lucy Jennings
Michael Kember
Colin Keyworth
Simon King
Jessica Knott
Soumia Kolli
Sebastian Kroll
Andrea Laine
Xinzhu Liu
Andrea Maurano
Karen McCague
Guillermo Menendez
Adrian Nightingale
James Nobbs
Stephane Oddos
Kok Haw Ong
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
Victoria Paddock
Cecile Pichon-Bouveret
Hui Sherry Qian
Michela Quaranta
Safa Shoai
Alexander Smith
Sung Soo Kim
Monpichar Srisa-Art
Andrew Surman
Tsing-Young Tang
Niels Tholen
Nurlan Tokmoldin
Sing Yuen Eric Tse
Nimisha Walji
Ming Wang
Matthew Webber
Thomas Wells
Christopher Whiteoak
Richard Winchester
Peerada Yingyuad
Centre for
Environmental Policy
Foivos Anastasiadis
Adebisi Araba
Alexandre Beaudet
Simon Bennett
Chiara Candelise
Matteo Di Castelnuovo
Alexander Estrin
Nestor Fylaktos
Nighat Hasnain
Aidan Keane
Rolando Oros Martinez
Kerry Waylen
James Bentham
Heather Harrington
Anthony Hoyle
James Inglis
Antoine Jacquier
Marc Jean-Claude Jeannin
Owen Jones
Ruian Ke
Marcelo Labre
Hung Yen Kevin Lu
Olasunkanmi Obanubi
Adel Osseiran
James Otterson
Ioannis Papageorgiou
Rafael Pena-Miller
Vimal Raval
Richard Russell
Ophir Samson
Irfan Sheikh
David Stewart
Theodoros Tsagaris
Guoping Xu
Zi Hua Yang
Cong Yi
Fanyin Zhou
Molecular Biosciences
Cecilia Bebeacua
Kevin Canis
Kamil Erguler
Tamaswati Ghosh
Sarah Graham
Ayse Grippon
Isabel Holmquist
Mohd Ismail
Paul Kirk
Aris Krikelis
King Kwok
Bing Liu
Paola Panicco
Rohini Rana
Shweta Singh
Tina Toni
Robert Yan
Oi Yee Heidi Yeung
Georgina Apostoli
Christopher Arrell
James Ballin
David Bartram
Leron Borsten
Murray Brightman
Benjamin Browne
Alexander Chambers
Simon Chard
Christopher Hean Kin
E. Cheung Cora Cheung
John Crosse
Duminda Dahanayake
Angela Demetriadou
Christopher Eames
Aron Fish
Oliver Ford
Matthew Foreman
Markus Fuhrer
Adam Harvey-Thompson
Edmund Henley
Nicola Howe
Minh-Duc Hua
Steven Johnston
Joanna Kenner
Stefan Kneip
David Lee
Emma Lewis
Carlos Macias-Romero
Payal Mehta
Luis Melo Dos Santos
Martina Mohr
Kelly Morrison
Matthew Ng
Andrew Norfolk
Liam O’Brien
Nicolas Osman
Mitesh Patel
Mark Pesaresi
Samuel Pollock
Christopher Race
William Reece
Nikolaos Rompotis
Andrew Rose
Indrani Roy
Neel Savani
Peter Shardlow
Jeremy Smith
Fabian Spill
Manuel Succo
Muhammad Tahir
Mark Tibbetts
Joseph Walding
Thomas Wall
Thomas Wellinger
Benjamin Withers
Huang Tao Zeng
Tassilo Zimmerman
Faculty of Medicine,
Diploma of the
Imperial College,
Certificate of
Advanced Study,
Master of Education,
Master of Public
Health, Master
of Research and
Master of Science
Sara Abou Al-Saud
Mohammad Abou Salhab
James Adam
Mayowa Adebiyi
Rebecca Adlington
Adewale Akintunde
Wedyan Al-Darrab
David Alderson
Zahra Al-Hubeshy
Abrar Alhussaini
Salwa Almayouf
Fahdah Alshaikh
Federica Amati
Punam Amratia
Imran Anjum
Georgina Apostoli
Danielle Ashworth
Oyun Avirmed
Hannah Azizi
Saadia Basharat
Charles Bedford
Shaima Begom
Sandra Jane Beil
Despoina Besi
Nicola Boddington
Zdenka Boskova
Zoe Brame
Vassiliki Bravis
Bethany Bray
Andrew Brooks
Susann Bruche
Serena Brusamento
Lena Brüstle
Bianca Bulmer-Thomas
Maria Bunakova
Joseph Cairns
Paul Cardenas Aldaz
James Cartledge
Adam Cartwright
Sara Caxaria
Mohssen Chabok
Allen Chung Nam Chan
Lai Yi Chan
Rakhee Chauhan
Poh Yue Cheong
Jonathan Yu Cheung
Pui Man Choy
Andrea Christofides
Ka Man Jennifer Chu
Jeroen Claus
Yasmin Clinch
David Cornell
Oliver Crawley
Helen Cunliffe
Aleksandra Dabrowska
Kamilla Dack
Fani Daldogianni
Bashar Darwish
Sayed Daud
Kelly Davies
Sabrina Daw
Amalia de Luca
Sarah Deacon
Samer Deeba
Antoine Delmotte
Elizabeth Dimitrova
Sanjeeva Dissanayake
Lang Dou
Matthew Doyle
Matthew Dudson-Green
Stephanie Dyball
Layla Eitoufaili
Matthew Elder
Hoda Elmoniry
Mariam Elremeli
Sahar Emran
Lucy Esteve
Xiaojing Fan
Smaragda Fanourgakis
Nazanin Farhadi
Deacon Farrell
Susan Farrell
Anne Feltes
Andrew Field
Nigel Field
Jason Fleming
Fung Joon Foo
Rebecca Ford
Irene Fox-Hiley
Toshifumi Fujimori
Maria Fundano
I Ka Fung
Thomas Fysh
Benjamin Garfield
Ruben Gennero Riganti
Christos Geogiadis
Andrea Georgiou
Sergio German
Iman Ghavami
Marianela Gil Curto
Scarlett Gillespie
Susan Gilmour
Davina Glah
Claire Glenister
Pelagia Gkotsi
Amynah Goawalla
Louis Grandjean
Charlotte Grant
Isobelle Grant
Helen Green
Hajar Habibi
Maryam Habibzay
Samia Hamid
Sacha Hannah
Alexander Harris
Lyndsey Harris
Eleanor Harrison
Ian Harrison
Adam Haycock
Vernon Heazlewood
Harry Hebert
Josephine Higgins
Matthew Hill
Phillip Hoddinott
James Hollingshead
Arthur Hor Wai Si
James Horwood
Colette How
Liangshu Huang
Jae Yeon Hwang
Emma Hunte
Nino Iakobachvili
Rubina Iqbal
Luc Ironmonger
Attia Ishaque
Daniel Jafari
Rizniya Jaffarulla
Fabian Jakubczik
Sahar Jalali Farahani
Anthony Jefferis
Anna Jensen
Peter Jones
Victoria Jones
Yun Jung Lee
Yusuke Kabeya
Mai Kadi
Eliza Kalk
Amir Kambal
Damla Kanliada
Kanesh Kanthagnani
Sedigeh Kareemaghay
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
Alexandra Kareh
Eleanna Kazana
Sofia Khan
Eun Kim
Amal Kokandi
Sofia Konisti
Aristos Kyriakou
Clare Labiran
Cheryl Chuk-ke Lai
Isabel Lane
Katharine Langford
Sheung-Yee Kathy Lau
Matthew Leeman
Giannoulis Legakis
Yuan Li
Wenjia Liao
Jeremy Pin Chau Liew
Lauren Lior-Liechtenstein
Achilleas Livieratos
Jonathan Lo
Whitney Long
Tak Loon Khong
Naomi Low-Beer
Rebecca Lucas
Joanna Lukawska
Martin Lupton Chieh-Ju Lu
James Lwanga
William Lyons
Chi Ma
Gael MacLean
Temitayo Magbagbeola
Ian Maheswaran
Manzoor Mahmood
Iwona Majkowska
Melina Makatsori
Rumbidzai Manzou
Supatra Marsh
Marie Mayer
James McHugh
Anthony McKay
Laura McLaughlin
Simon McLaughlin
Blathnaid McPolin
Arianna Menazzi Moretti
Konstantinos Mengrelis
Theodora Michael
Yashraj Mihdidin
Gemma Milman
Fatimah Mohamied
Noor Mohd Naim
Calypso Montouchet
Dayal Mukherjee
Daniel Munblit
Jane Murphy
Omar Najim
Margaret Mutumba
Abdulsalam Nasir
Rooshi Nathwani
Katerina Neou-North
Kay Neumann
Ting Ting Ng
Michelle Ngai
John-Poul Ng-Blichfeldt
Jack Nicholson
Yuliya Nigmatullina
Carmel Nolan
Harriet North
Marusa Novak
Thomas Nyoni
Daniel Obaseki
Sam O’Boy
Liam O’Donohue
Sinead O’Driscoll
Hilda Osafo Hounkpatin
Erdal Ozdemir
Lorraine Ozerovitch
Maya Pankhania
Vasiliki Papadaki
Joseph Papanikitas
Jungdae Park
Christopher Parker
Hameeda Patel
Pareeta Patel
Seema Patel
Maria Patsia
Stelios Pavlou
Bhavinder Kaur Pawar
Kathleen Payne
Nawagamuwage Perera
Harpreet Phull
David Pinato
Deepa Pindolia
Tommaso Poggioli
Yotsawat Pomyen
Zia Popal
Diane Pople
Juliet Price
Hannah Prince
Alastair Proudfoot
Kathryn Quigley
Sayda Raffiq
Sruthi Raghavan
Syed Rahman
Niharica Raizada
Sujeeva Rajakulasingham
Kurrun Ramkhelawon
Tanya Rapoz D’Silva
Sabiha Ravat
Parisa Razaz
James Read
Daniel Reed
Allan Reid
Zahra Riaz
Paul Rinne
Reem Riwayeh
Rafik Rizkallah
Alison Roberts
Deborah Robinson
Paula Robson-Ansley
Kamini Rowland
Zeynep Sabah
Mathura Sandrasegaram
Aditya Sankar
Sajini Sasthri-Rajaputrage
Beverley Saunders
Renee Schalks
Mark Schaverien
Torben Schiffner
Bogdan Sculeanu
Anysia Semertzidou
Anusha Seneviratne
Niovi Setta-Kaffetzi
Azar Sharif
Khalil Shariff
Yi-Chun Shen
Natalie Shenker
Shweta Shetty
Rajvinder Sidhu
Christopher Sim
Malcolm Sim
Ashish Sinha
Mikaela Smit
Benjamin Smith
Naoki Sono
Maria João Sousa Leitao
Labosshy Sriskandarajah
Rachel Stanway
Chara Stavraka
Anastasios Stavrou
Emily Stock
Natasha Strydom
Neophytos Stylianou
Imaduddin Suhaimi
Apurva Suresh
Marta Swirski
Matthew Taila
Seniye Targen
Imperial College London Postgraduate Awards Ceremony
Postgraduates and Diplomates 2011
Faculty of Medicine,
Diploma of the
Imperial College,
Master of Philosophy
and Doctor of
Ayesha Akbar
Olivia Alder
Omar Ali
Rachel Allen
Jelena Anastasovska
Helena Andersson
Edward Andress
Sonal Arora
Damien Ashby
Sarah Atkin
Omer Aziz
Sonya Babu-Narayan
Alexandra Backshall
Basma Bahsoun
Lucy Bailey
James Ballantyne
Paul Banks
Hiba Bargawi
Attia Bataveljic
Rajaram Bathula
Ana Batlle
Iacopo Baussano
Paul Beavis
Elisa Bellomo
Nicole Bilek
Aristea Binia
Matthew Bishop
Isobel Blake
Aidan Bolger
David Bonsall
Piers Boshier
Charlotte Boughton
Alexandra Bowden
Andrew Broadbent
Emily Brookes
Katrina Brown
Annika Burleigh
Nicholas Buss
Daniel Campbell
Catarina Carmo
Mary Cavanagh
Subarna Chakravorty
Hugh Hiu Nam Chan
Shang-Hung Chang
Hera Chaudhury
Han-Jou Chen
Michelle Chen
Beak-San Choi
Pai-Chien Chou
Mario Cibelli
Thomas Colley
Thomas Connor
Valentina Covarelli
Ide Cremin
Simon Cuhlmann
Josu de la Fuente Pereda
Adam De Smith
Sarah Deeny
Fiona Denison
Paramdeep Dhillon
Perminder Dhillon
Tamara Djuretic
Justina Dokpesi
Debora Dominici
Anthony Dorr
Elodie Du Potet
Sai Duraisingham
Ruth Elderfield
Christoph Emmerich
Sarah Essilfie-Quaye
Morkos Fakhry Gamil
Amira Fayad
Eduardo Fernandes
Michelle Fernando
Pedro Ferreira
Anne Fox
Bahaa Francis
Louise Full
Robert George
Samar Ghourab
Nicholas Glanville
Graeme Glass
Leila Godfrey
Luke Gompels
Ian Grieve
Katharina Grikscheit
Katie Groom
Vijay Grover
Nearchos Hadjiloizou
Stephan Haehling Von
Mohammed Hankir
Natasha Hava
Tayyib Hayat
Taigang He
Silke Heinzmann
Cheryl Hemingway
Hsueh-Lui Ho
Verity Hockey
Kuo Hsuan Chang
Siobhan Hughes
Hazem Ibrahim
Ehi Idahosa-Taylor
Farhad Iranpour Boroujeni
Karolina Janczar
Szymon Janczar
Helen Jenkins
Caroline Johnson
Ulrich Kadolsky
Yiannis Kallis
Imperial College London Postgraduate Awards Ceremony
Sara Kazempour Ardebili
Shiva Keihaninejad
Sophia Kelaini
Gavin Kenny
John Kershaw
Shirin Khanjani
Michael Koa-Wing
Antonios Konitsiotis
Sanjay Kumar
Jimmy Kwok
Romain Lara
Hanna Larner-Svensson
Mia Larsen
Andrea Layyous
Emma Leavy
Li-Wen Lee
Adeline Lesay
Myles Lewis
Sheri Lim
Chi Che Lin
Jenifer Loudon
Niall MacCallum
Aidan Macnamara
Aalya Malik
Szymon Manka
Filipe Maximiano
Erik Mayer
Evangelos Mazaris
Alexandra McAleenan
Laura McCoy
Andrew McDonagh
Ellen McDonagh
Nora McFadden
Ursula McGovern
Azhar Merican
Kevin Monahan
Tatiana Munera Huertas
Elisabet Nadal-Melsio
Nachiket Nadkarni
Sophie New
Tamara Nicolson
Parinya Noisa
Muna Noori
Adele Norman
Georgios Nteliopoulos
Kieran O’Donnell
Imoh Okon
Ioannis Papaioannou
Kerstin Papenfuss
Cleoper Paule
Jake Pearce
Barrie Peck
Kirsty Pegram
Veronique Peters
Marios Politis
Alison Pope
Nikolay Popov
Bethan Psaila
Kristof Raemdonck
Alejandro Ramirez
Oliver Ratmann
Katrina Ray
Gabor Reder
Eliana Reyes Torres
Jillian Riley
Laura Robertson
Emma Robinson
Guglielmo Rosignoli
Debabrata Roy
Jon Rundle
Maximilian Prinz zu
Gurjinder Sandhu
Alasdair Scott
Mohamed Shamji
Siti Sheikh Abdul Kadir
Joana Silva Martins
Eva Sharpe
Angelos Skodras
Timothy Smallie
Rachel Smith
Jamshid Sorouri
Ulla Sovio
Thomas Spruce
Paul Stokes
Madeline Stone
Fiona Strouts
Liaquat Suleman-Verjee
Beata Surmacz
Annemarie Sykes
Joanna Szram
Paul Thiruchelvam
Jessica Thompson
Emma Thomson
Anne Trewick
Oliver Tunstall-Pedoe
Marta Varela
Charlotte Vignal
Caroline Vipond
Benjamin Robert
Alison Waldram
Martin Walker
Samantha Westrop
Philip Wise
Rashmi Yadav
Yuko Yamaguchi
Wai Yee Lam
Mustafa Zakkar
Jennifer Zobel
Faculty of Medicine,
Diploma of the
Imperial College,
Doctor of Medicine
Fabiola Aghakhan
Zandjani Martin
Nabeel Ahmed
Cornelius Ani
Ameet Bakhai
Dler Besarani
Benjamin Colin Caesar
Owais Dar
Gary Davies
Samer Deeba
Louise Fleming
Akram George Hanna
Gopal Ghimire
Adam Haycock
Tak Loon Khong
Richard Lovegrove
Nikolai Manassiev
Jose Martins
Simon McLaughlin
Caro Minasian
Hesham Morsey
Nelly Ninis
Cinzia Papadia
Beverley Saunders
Amir Majid Sheikh
Dominic Simon
Ashish Sinha
Jonathan Spiro
En En Hazel Wong
Summia Zaher
Faculty of Medicine,
Diploma of the
Imperial College,
Doctor of Science
Anthony Edwards
Wednesday 4 May 2011 • Royal Albert Hall
Staff Awards,
Certificate of
Advanced Study in
Learning and
Sonya Abraham
Pedro Baiz Villafranca
Laura Barter
Robert Bottle
Concetta Bubici
Simon Butt
Paolo Cascini
Frederic Cegla
Owais Chaudhri
Mark Christian
Muireann Coen
Paola Criscuolo
Fiona Culley
Moez Draief
Christopher Dunsby
Michael Edwards
Andreas Eisingerich
Mario Falchi
Victoria Fernandez Garcia
de las Heras
Lars Frederiksen
Matthew Fuchter
Paul Goulart
Angelika Grundling
Amin Hajitou
Jason Hallett
Aylin Hanyaloglu
Sandrine Heutz
Derek Huntley
Ajay Jasra
Daniel Kuhn
Tara La Force
Anooj Majithia
Barbara McGowan
Kim Midwood
Aleksandar Mijatovic
Aimee Morgans
Arash Mostofi
Sandra Newton
Nikolay Nikolov
Christopher Orme
Rafael Palacios Nieto
Carl Paterson
Peter Pietzuch
Karen Polizzi
Alexandra Porter
Gunnar Pruessner
Marco Purbhoo
Daniel Reuman
John Reynolds
Matthew Santer
Magdalena Sastre
Vahid Shahrezaei
Egle Solito
Christopher Stevenson
Paul Tangney
Andrew Thorley
Elizabeth Tovey
Roberto Trotta
Irina Udalova
Tina van De Flierdt
Maarten van Reeuwijk
Elizabeth Want
Katie-Jane Wynne
Ernesto Yague
Liming Ying
©2011 Designed and edited by Communications and Development, Imperial College London
Suzanne Taylor
Miriam Tecle
Jonathan Tee
Thilipan Thaventhiran
Johanna Thomas
Signe Thorlaksen
Danielle Tindall
Sebastian Trousil
Anthony Tse
Hugo Turner
Shahab Uddin
Oghenetega Umukoro
Krishna Vadher
Nicole van Tongeren
Borislav Vangelov
Stella Vasiliou
Andri Vasou
Rogério Ventura
Christis Vevis
Mariana Vieira
Sabine Vuik
Emily Waiyaiya
Shikha Walia
Yukai Wang
Sarah Warsi
Andrew Watson
Catherine Williamson
Christopher Wood
Suzanne Wood
Bernadette Woods
Sasha Woods
Peter Wright
William Wright
Qianxin Wu
Heather Wyman
Kinda Yaghi
Xin Yang
Basil Yannakoudakis
Amina Yasmin
Teerapong Yata
Sum Yee Jasmine Yung
Summia Zaher
Syeda Zara
Guo Zhang
Yanxiang Zhou
Pawel Zmarz
A message for
new alumni
Congratulations! Today is special. You are
graduating from Imperial and this is a cause
for celebration.
Unless you are following Brian May’s (Physics 1968, PhD 2007)
example, chances are that you won’t be on the stage of the
Albert Hall again. So enjoy that moment! Revel in it. Smile for the
cameras. High five your Principal. Salute your supervisor. Be as
emotional as you like. Just don’t embarrass the relatives, please.
Yes, today is your day to smile, swagger and glow in your
general magnificence upon receiving your postgraduate degree
from Imperial.
Now comes the cool bit, thankfully, after the hot bit. Two hours in the hall in robes can leave
us all a bit warm. So you’ll need a drink at the reception afterwards, but that’s not the cool bit
I mean. Your days as a postgraduate are just the beginning of a lifelong relationship
with Imperial.
Now that you have completed your studies, you have become an alumnus of the College,
and on behalf of them all, I am delighted to welcome you into our community of over 157,000
Imperial alumni in 190 countries. There are 54 international alumni associations around the
world but the Alumni Office, both at South Kensington Campus and online, serves as your
welcome sign back to the College.
As an Imperial alumnus, the College continues to look after you. You have access to the
Careers Advisory Service and Central Library, as well as a professional networking directory,
a dedicated alumni jobs board, and opportunities to meet other alumni at professional
networking events.
zRelive your special day
Watch footage of your graduation online from 9 May
at and
There are social events throughout the year in the UK and
overseas and you will hear about them all as long as you
register yourself as an alumnus at
alumni – membership is lifelong and free, so please keep
us updated with your latest contact details.
Alumni are also proud supporters of the College. In the
last year alone, the generosity of alumni raised almost
£500,000 from small, individual annual contributions,
which go directly towards keeping the College open to the
brightest students and providing a world class education.
We hope that, in time, you’ll be able to give something
back. Together the smallest gifts can make an enormous
difference to lives. Just as an example, if everyone
graduating today pledged to give £20 each for the next
three years we could provide a full scholarship to any of
our courses.
Finally, please keep in touch and share your news via the
Alumni Office, and look out for the next edition of the
Imperial magazine, which will be in the mail shortly.
I hope you and your family enjoy the Postgraduate
Awards Ceremony and you enjoy your first official alumni
event, the reception that follows this ceremony. Many
congratulations once again, and welcome to the
Imperial family.
Tom Miller (Biology 1995)
Director of Communications and Development
Consistently rated amongst the world’s best
universities, Imperial College London is a
science-based institution with a reputation for
excellence in teaching and research that attracts
14,000 students and 6,000 staff of the highest
international quality.
Innovative research at the College explores the
interface between science, medicine, engineering
and business, delivering practical solutions that
improve quality of life and the environment —
underpinned by a dynamic enterprise culture.
Since its foundation in 1907, Imperial’s contributions
to society have included the discovery of penicillin,
the development of holography and the foundations
of fibre optics. This commitment to the application
of research for the benefit of all continues today,
with current focuses including interdisciplinary
collaborations to improve health in the UK and
globally, tackle climate change and develop clean
and sustainable sources of energy.