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Class Notes
married Troy D. Frost on October 15,
2005, at Moody Chapel in Hinckley,
Maine. The couple reside in Skowhegan.
Nola (Schinderle) Weston is the
new chief operations officer for the
Maine Veterans’ Homes. She previously
worked as a safety management
specialist with the Portland-based
Maine Employers’ Mutual Insurance
1985—Julie (Blodgett) Reidel and
1994—Tabor (Morrison) Badger and
husband, Scott, welcomed their second
child, Nolan Scott, on January 5, 2006.
Older brother, Jett, is 1½. Kendall C.
Bremner married Tisha Lee Kaufman
on January 14, 2006, at the Bethel Inn
and Country Club. The couple reside in
Turner. Kendall is employed at Ortho
McNeil. Paul Cooper was named
personnel manager for New Hampshire
School Administrative District Unit
29. Derrick Record and Summer
Stewart were married February 18,
2006. Derrick is employed by the
Maine Department of Public Safety,
and Summer is employed with School
Administrative District 49 as a school
counselor. Wesley Stevens ’92, ’94
has been promoted to vice president
in the TD Banknorth Maine branch on
Congress Street in Portland.
Jane (Bolduc) Osburn ’73 and
Lynne (Bagley) Duggan ’73 reunite
after more than 30 years.
DeCato and
Sarah Coolidge were married this
summer. Christopher is employed at
H.A. Mapes, a gasoline distributor
in Sanford; Sarah is completing her
nursing degree at the University of
Southern Maine and is currently
employed at School Administrative
District 43, as the director of the afterschool program. The couple reside in
Auburn. Joan (Towle) Vickery was
married to Benjamin Vickery of South
Portland on August 13, 2005.
Jerome Gerard ’77
Jerome Gerard ’77 has held
several positions in his 20 years
with Maine Revenue Services (MRS),
including director of the Income/Estate
Division, deputy executive director
and, since 2003, acting executive
director, overseeing the collection of
$3 billion in annual state revenues as
well as supervising 330 state employees
and approximately 150 contract
employees. He was president in 2004
of the Northeastern States Tax Officials
Association and is a member of Maine’s
serving as chair in 2005.
After Thomas, Gerard earned
the designation of certified public
accountant (CPA) and a master’s in
taxation from Bentley College. He
worked in the public-accounting
area for about 10 years and taught
accounting part-time at the University
of Maine, before joining MRS. Since
1990, Gerard has also served as coowner and president of Big G’s in
Winslow (“Maine’s Best Deli”).
He recently advised Thomas
entrepreneurship students to get to
know themselves and “have a passion
to win.” To compete, he said, they need
to find a “unique, creative niche” and
constantly reinvent themselves.
husband, Joost, welcomed their third
son, Jonas Herman Reidel, on March 15,
2006. The couple reside in Reno, Nev.
Vickie Veilleux ’85, ’88 has joined
the staff at Rangeley Lakes Regional
School as a science and math teacher;
she has been teaching for more than 15
years, most recently at Crown Regional 1995—Amy (DeWitt) Pelletier and
Christian School in South China, Evan Pelletier ’98 were married
on November 12, 2005. Amy works
in the business office at the Mount
1987—Tammy Guthrie lost her son, Desert Island Biological Laboratory
Ryan Quirion Guthrie, 9, on October 12, and Evan works as a manager of his
family’s motel. The couple reside in Bar
2005, in a tragic automobile accident.
1988—Brian Bernatchez, president
1997— Angela (Downing) Stinchfield
of Waterville-based Golden Pond
Stinchfield ’98
Wealth Management, was named one
welcomed their first child, Lara
of America’s top financial advisors
Christina, on July 3, 2006.
in the January 2006 issue of Londonbased Research Magazine. Bernatchez
1998—Jeff Chetkauskas and his
was one of five financial advisors from
wife, Linda Chetkauskas ’00, recently
Maine chosen from more than 7,000
welcomed their first child, Amethyst
nominations nationwide. Mark Drew
Rose. Evan Pelletier and Amy
Evan ’98 and Amy (DeWitt) ’95 Pelletier.
is president and owner of United
(DeWitt) Pelletier ’95 were married
Freight Group Company in Portland; 1996—Lindsay (Shepard) Harris on November 12, 2005. Evan works
the company deals in display freight, ’94, ’96 and husband, Nat, welcomed as a manager of his family’s motel,
computers, oversized and specialty their second child, Blake Shepard, on and Amy is employed in the business
freight. Mark and his wife, Susan, March 6, 2006. Older brother, Wyatt, is office at the Mount Desert Island
and daughters, Allison and Katherine, 3 years old.
Biological Laboratory. The couple
reside in Windham.
FALL 2006 - Thomas Magazine | 21
reside in Bar Harbor. Heidi Poland
and Raymond Bernier Jr. were married
in September 2006. Poland is Thomas’
athletic director, and her husband is a
self-employed carpenter, as well as a
basketball and baseball coach for the
Messalonskee School District. Michael
Stinchfield and Angela (Downing)
Stinchfield ’97 welcomed their first
child, Lara Christina, on July 3, 2006.
and promotions for the Big East
Conference. Ben works with College
Television Online, which
4, 2005. Ryan is employed as a route
the conference’s Internet
salesman by Portland Beverage. Terri
Mullen and Meaghan
was recently hired as the branch
married on September
manager of Mechanics Savings Bank
works at Bath
in Auburn. The couple reside in Minot.
works as a
Katie (Hamann) Greenlaw and
Ryan Greenlaw recently welcomed
their first child, Brayden Conner, April and Kristen Birt wed on July 15, 2006.
24, 2006. Katie works as the director Ryan is employed by Sam’s Club in
1999—Laurie Pelletier is engaged of alumni relations at Thomas, and Worcester, Mass., as a merchandise
to Jared Theberge; the couple plan to Ryan is a sales professional for Lee manager, and Kristen is currently
marry on October 7, 2007. Laurie is Auto Mall in Auburn. The couple reside employed as a registered nurse at Elliot
employed at Central Maine Medical in Lewiston. Melissa Ramsey and Hospital in Manchester, N.H. Corey
Center in the CAT-scan department; Travis Calkins welcomed their first child, Pelletier wed Jennifer (DeRoche)
Jared is employed with CMMC in the Cooper Jack, in January 2006. Michael Pelletier on June 10, 2006, in
radiology department.
Savage has been working at MBNA as Hinckley, Maine; they honeymooned
an account specialist since graduation. in Foxwoods, Conn. Corey is employed
He is currently building a house in at Thomas as an admissions counselor,
and Jen works as a tax examiner
Danielle (Bolduc) Richmond.
Marquis ’00 and
Matt Marquis ’99
with son, Mitchell.
2000—Linda Chetkauskas ’00 and
her husband, Jeff Chetkauskas ’98,
recently welcomed their first child,
Amethyst Rose. Bob Dube and Sarah
(Currier) Dube ’01 welcomed their
second child, Samuel Robert on July 11,
2006. Older sister, Kristen, is 3 years old.
Lt. James D. Wade has returned to
the United States after being deployed
to an overseas location in support of
Operation Iraqi Freedom.
2001—Terri (Gagnon) Cook and
Ryan Cook ’02 were married on
September 4, 2005. Terri was recently
hired as the branch manager of
Mechanics Savings Bank in Auburn;
Ryan is employed as a route salesman
by Portland Beverage. The couple
reside in Minot. Sarah (Currier)
Dube and Bob Dube ’00 welcomed
their second child, Samuel Robert, July
11, 2006. Older sister, Kristen, is 3 years
old. Nicholas Warner married Kelly
Riley on July 15, 2006.
Edward ’00 and Wanda
(Lapierre) ’97 Pillsbury’s
twin girls, Abbigail and
Angelina Pillsbury.
Colby Nadeau, son
of Nick and Devon
(Burnell) Nadeau ’02.
22 | Thomas Magazine - FALL 2006
(Gagnon) Cook ’01 wed on September
continued on next page
Brayden Conner
Greenlaw, son
of Ryan ’02 and
Katie (Hamann)
Greenlaw ’02.
2003—Eric Hamlin and Erica
(Joseph) Hamlin were married on
June 11, 2005, at Purity Springs Resort
in East Madison, N.H. The couple
reside in Southbridge, MA. After
extensive foreign travel, Mia Martino
has accepted a job in Philadelphia,
Penn., with Intelli-media Inc. as a
traffic manager/HR recruiter. Tiffany
(Nason) Prentice married Timothy
Prentice on June 10, 2006, in Mustang,
Okla. The newlyweds honeymooned
in Jamaica. Tiffany works as an assistant proposal manager for Chickasaw
Nation Industries Incorporated, and
Timothy works as a legal assistant for
Mee, Mee & Hoge PLLP. They reside in
Oklahoma City, Okla.
Michael Maroon ’36 and his beloved,
late wife, Dorothy.
Michael J. Maroon Sr. ’36
“It was September 1934 when I first
met John L. Thomas Sr., the principal of
Morgan-Thomas Business College, in
his third floor office on Main Street in
As a sole proprietor of a small
variety store, I applied to attend evening
classes at Thomas to learn how to keep
records. Mr. Thomas said the tuition
was $60 for a 13-week evening course.
I placed six $10 bills on his desk and
waited for his approval. Mr. Thomas
was an impressive man; he had wavy
Tiffany (Nason)
dark hair, a neat mustache, rimless
Prentice ’03 and
eyeglasses and dressed in a wellTimothy Prentice.
tailored dark suit.
He rose from his chair, walked to
the window while puffing a strongsmelling cigar, and alternated his gaze
from the street below to the money. Mr.
Thomas then turned and welcomed me
2004—David Alberico has accepted to the College.
I went on to work in federal service
the position of manager at CitiFinancial’s new branch that opened for 34 years—27 of them for the United
on April 10 in Presque Isle. Benjamin States Internal Revenue Service. And
for the last several years of my career,
Fairclough has been named the I owned a private tax practice in Cape
assistant director of Internet publicity Elizabeth, Maine.”
2006—Brandy Lynn (Bickford)
LaPorte was married on October
15, 2005, to Eric LaPorte. The couple
honeymooned in Myrtle Beach, S.C.,
and live in Fairfield. Matthew Smith
and Amanda (Dickey) Smith were
married on September 3, 2006. Nathan
Willigar and Desiree (Horton)
Willigar ’04 were married in August
2006. Nathan is employed by Maine
Revenue Services and is working on
his master’s in business administration
with a concentration in human
resources; Desiree works for Maine’s
Department of Audit and is currently
completing her master’s degree in
business administration at Thomas.
Irene W. Tibbetts ’40
Passed away February 9, 2005
Maroon Nemer ’47
Passed away March 31, 2005
Edward G. Sullivan ’48
Passed away February 22, 2006
Arthur D. Blaisdell ’56
Passed away February 15, 2006
A group of Beta Sigma Omega sisters got
together in April for a mini reunion at the
home of Julie (Parlin) Keim ’95.
Sitting, l-r: Wendy (Faulkingham) Dunlea ’94,
Tabor (Morrison) Badger’94, Julie
(Parlin) Keim ’95 and children.
Kneeling, l-r: Rachel (Pomerleau) Frost ’95,
Barbara Powers ’94, Denise (Carter) Greene
’97, Jennifer (Colford) Curtis ’94 and children.
Standing, l-r: Lindsay (Shepard) Harris ’94 ’96,
Robyn (Adams) Campbell ’95, Nicole (Boulette)
McCormack ’96 and children.
Virginia E. Young ’58
Passed away April 16, 2005
Brent A. Whitehouse ’68
Passed away December 22, 2005
John Wilson ’69
Passed away January 31, 2005
Reginald A. Rollins ’86
Passed away February 8, 2006
Lionel S. Tweed ’93
Passed away July 11, 2006
Harold R. Laws ’95
Passed away June 10, 2006
Thomas Alumni Cheer
Sea Dogs while
Raising Money for
Mitchell Scholars
’02 and
Andrew Whitten
rds ’02.
Elizabeth E. Chase ’40
Passed away June 3, 2006
Passed away July 19, 2005
2005—Stacia Buck and Paul Fowler
’05 and Mark Keene.
Walter B. Melvin ’35
Passed away December 26, 2005
Lela Jean (Bessey) McDougall ’48
Nathan Willigar ’06 and
Desiree (Horton) Willigar ’04.
married on July 8, 2006. The couple
reside in Gardiner. Jason Greene and
Karen (Finley) Greene were married
on August 19, 2005. The couple reside
in Brunswick. Victoria (Gordon)
Keene and Mark
Keene were married
on April 22, 2006.
Victoria is employed
by TDS Telecom in
North Anson, and
Mark is employed by
Investment Recovery
Inc. in Skowhegan.
The couple reside in
Victoria (Gordon)Keene
In Memoriam
for the state of Maine. They reside
in Winslow. Tristan Russell has
accepted a position with the Waterville
Police Department as a patrol officer.
Tristan was one of the first graduates
of Thomas’ criminal-justice program;
he also attended the Maine Criminal
Justice Academy. Desiree (Horton)
Willigar and Nathan Willigar ’06
were married in August 2006. Desiree
works for Maine’s Department of Audit
and is currently finishing her master’s
degree in business administration at
Thomas; Nathan is employed by Maine
Revenue Services and is working on
his master’s in business
administration with a
concentration in human
L-r: Eric
a (Ga
n ’03, C llant)
ci ’99 a
nn) Gre nd Katie
More than a dozen Thomas alumni joined Mitchell scholars at Hadlock
Field in Portland to watch the Portland Sea Dogs take on the Harrisburg
Senators in August. Jeff Boivin ’07, a Mitchell Scholar, threw the first pitch.
The Mitchell Scholar Night helped raise money for the Mitchell Institute’s
scholarship program, a program established by former United States Senator
George Mitchell. Alumni and friends enjoyed a pre-game gathering at the
sports bar, Rivalries, in Portland. The Sea Dogs lost, 4-3.
Donald B. Yando ’95
Passed away February 9, 2005
Donald J. Gagne ’99
Passed away May 16, 2006
Christie J. Jacobson ’02
Passed away July 2, 2005
Ralph Stanley Stephenson,
Thomas professor ’77-’95
Passed away July 28, 2006
FALL 2006 - Thomas Magazine | 23