Why this brochure? This brochure provides information on the

Information for clients 2017
Why this brochure?
This brochure provides information on the treatment from Faas Psychologie. In it
you will find what to expect. For example, find out how reimbursement is handled
and what the mutual rights and obligations are.
What does a BIG-registration mean?
Clinical Psychologists, psychotherapists, and healthcare psychologists are registered by the
government in the so called BIG-register (www.bigregister.nl). This registration means that
the psychologist meets the educational and professional requirements set by the government.
What comes within the insured health care?
In 2014 diagnoses that fall in the curative GGZ (mental healthcare) will be compensated by
your health insurance. The curative care entails primary psychological healthcare, including
diagnostics. This concerns light to medium psychiatric disorders (singular, not complex) or
chronic problems with low risks. It also entails indicated prevention of depression, panic
disorders and alcohol abuse. For problems that do not come within the curative GGZ no
referral is needed. Then the treatment will be charged according to our standard price list.
How is psychological care reimbursed in the self-employed practice?
Basic Insurance
In 2013 five primary healthcare consults were reimbursed from your Basic Insurance. This
limitation has expired in 2014. Since the mental healthcare will be refunded from the basic
insurance the coverage from the supplementary insurance is cancelled from 2014 onwards.
The personal contribution for mental healthcare is also cancelled. To be able to distinguish
between light and severe psychological care it is divided in four categories. These four
categories make up the new “Generalistische Basis GGZ”, the generalistic basic GGZ. This
means that clients with light psychological problems do not need to be referred to the secondline medical care. In the basic GGZ the demand of care from the client is the base of the care
that will be offered. The demand of care is formulated with the aid of five criteria:
The suspicion of a DSM disorder, the gravity of the issues, risk, complexity and the course of
the complaints, and the four care products: short, medium, intensive, chronic. An account of
the entire treatment in the form of a DBC (Diagnosis Treatment Combination) must be
submitted to the insurance company.
Personal risk
The basic insurance comes with a compulsory personal risk. From January 1 2017 onwards
this risk is €385,-. This means that for all treatments you receive in your basic insurance the
first €385,- have to be paid by you personally. Personal risk is always settled through your
health care provider.
Standardized Price List
The rates for uninsured healthcare in 2017 are:
 Intake (45 minutes): 95 Euros
 Individual consult (45 minutes): 95 Euros
 Double individual consult (90 minutes): 190 Euros
 Short individual consult (25 minutes): 47,50 Euros
 Group therapy 4-8 people (2 hours): 47,50 Euros
 Group therapy 4-8 people (1 hour): 23,75Euros
 Telephonic consult: 23,75 Euros
 E-mail consult: 23,75 Euros
Information for clients 2017
Up to 24 hours preceding the appointment, appointments can be cancelled free of
charge. After this time the you will be charged according to the standard price list
without considering your reason of absence.
General Terms and Conditions
Article 1
Quoted prices shall be applicable to all treatment agreements between Faas Psychology and
the client.
Article 2
In case of absence appointments have to be cancelled or rescheduled by phone up to 24 hours
in advance (a clear voicemail including your name, telephone number, and the date and time
of your appointment will suffice). To cancel evening appointments be sure to call at the latest
at 5 pm the day before the scheduled appointment. Appointments on Monday have to be
cancelled at the latest the previous Friday. When you do not cancel your appointment, the
appointment will be charged in accordance with the Standard price list. This also applies to
cancellations that were not made by telephone, or appointments that were cancelled too late.
Article 3
The bill of charges for treatment made by Faas Psychology to a client must be paid in 30 days
after the invoice date.
Confidentiality of records
The psychologist does not need permission to consult on treatments with colleagues that are
directly involved in the execution of the treatment agreement or for supplying data to
colleagues that act as replacement. Providing these records has to be indispensible to perform
the required duties.
These colleagues also have the duty of confidentiality. During the interview on admission you
will be asked for permission to report to your general practitioner. This means that after your
interview of admission and when you have finished your treatment we will inform your
general practitioner. You will also be asked for permission to report your diagnosis to the
Article 4
The by Faas Psychology presented costs to the client have to be paid within 30 days after
receiving the invoice.
Article 5
When the client has not paid the owed money in 30 days after the date of invoice, the client is
in neglect, without further notice. Faas Psychology charges interest at 1% per month or part
of a month over the total amount as long as the client fails to meet his requirements.
Article 6
Faas Psychology will send a payment reminder when the client has not paid the owed money
in 30 days after receiving the invoice. To send this reminder the client will be charged 5
Article 7
When the client has not settled the account within 14 days of receiving the payment reminder,
Faas Psychology is without further notice entitled to take collection measures, or have a third
party handle this.
Article 8
Information for clients 2017
All out-of-court debt collection pertaining the recovery of declared amounts shall be
borne by the client. The out-of-court debt collection costs are fixed at a maximum of
15% of the principal sum with a minimum of 40 euros.
Article 9
Delays in the payment entitles Faas Psychology – unless the treatment opposes this – to
suspend further treatment until the client has met his payment commitments.
Rights and obligations of the psychologist and the client
Private psychologists are required to keep to certain rules when practicing psychology. For
gz-psychologists these are in the Code of Professional Standards 2007 (www.psynip.nl).
Also, the government has created laws like the BIG Law (Law on Professions in the
Individual Health Care), the WGBO (Law on the Medical Treatment Contract) and the
WKCZ (Law on Klachtrecht Cliënten Zorgsector) that record the rights and obligations of
health care providers and clients. The most important points are illustrated below.
The treatment relationship
Psychologists are obligated to work carefully and treat the client with respect; they cannot
abuse their position. There is only professional contact. As long as the client is in treatment
psychologists cannot make any deals with the client that could benefit them.
Confidentiality of information
Confidentiality of records
Psychologists have a duty of confidentiality towards third parties. Clients have to give
permission to pass on any information. Only in case of emergency, for example when people
could be in danger, this confidentiality can be broken.
The psychologist does not need permission to consult on treatments with colleagues that are
directly involved in the execution of the treatment agreement or for supplying data to
colleagues that act as replacement. Providing these records has to be indispensible to perform
the required duties.
These colleagues also have the duty of confidentiality. During the interview on admission you
will be asked for permission to report to your general practitioner. This means that after your
interview of admission and when you have finished your treatment we will inform your
general practitioner. You will also be asked for permission to report your diagnosis to the
The treatment plan
Psychologists are obligated to inform the client on what they think the clients diagnosis is.
They have to consult with their client on the goal of the treatment, on the way that goal will
be achieved and how long the treatment will take. On the bases of this information the client
gives permission for the treatment. The psychologist will keep consulting the client on the
progress of the treatment. The psychologist can only withhold information when it will cause
serious harm to the client. This has to be discussed with a colleague first.
The file
The psychologist keeps all information on clients in a file. This information consists of
assessments, letters from and about the client, and notes on the progress of the treatment. The
psychologist has to manage the file and the database so that confidentiality of content and
personal privacy are maintained. The client can look through his own file and take copies. The
client has no right on confidential information that was handed over by others that were
involved in the treatment of the client. Nor does the client have right to see the personal notes
Information for clients 2017
of the psychologist. The client can add to the file but cannot take anything out. For
instance, the client can add any comments about the treatment or offer criticism
about the depiction of a certain situation. After the termination of the professional
relationship the psychologist will archive the personal file in accordance with the
statutory retention after which it will be destroyed. The client has the right to have the file
destroyed prematurely and to this end has to submit a request in writing.
What to do when you have complaints about your psychologist
When you have complaints about the psychologist or the treatment the best thing you can do
is discuss these with the psychologist. KWOS-forms to report your complaints are available in
the practice. Possibly the complaint concerns misunderstandings that can be solved in a
conversation. When the problems cannot be solved directly with the psychologist you can file
a complaint with the College van Toezicht van het NIP (College of Trustees),
Disciplinary Law
On the grounds of the Law BIG gz-psychologists come under Disciplinary Law. On the
grounds of this law you can file a complaint with the Disciplinary board for health care. You
can find information on what kind of complaints are taken into consideration at
Centraal Tuchtcollege voor de Gezondheidszorg
Postbus 20302
2500 EH Den Haag
Telephone number: 070 3405417
Complaints about superfluous or complicated forms
Complaints about superfluous or unnecessary complicated forms from your health insurance
provider or the psychologist can be filed with the Dutch Care authorities (NZa) under article
23 of the Health Care Market Organisations Act (WMG). Afterwards, the NZa can issue a
binding recommendation. You can find information on where and how a complaint about
forms can be filed at www.nza.nl. It is also possible that a report is made without an attached
binding recommendation from the NZa
Regionaal Tuchtcollege Den Haag
Postbus 97831
2509 CE Den Haag
Telephone number: 070 3500973
Availibility and accessibility
The secretary’s office of Faas Psychology is available from Monday to Friday from 09:30 to
13:30. Outside of these hours a message may be left on our voicemail and you will be
contacted in twenty-four hours.
In case of absence or illness of a psychologist there will be another psychologist from the
practice to act as a replacement. This replacement will be made known in a timely fashion. In
case of emergency please contact your general practitioner.