clergy convocation – 2010

Worship for All Souls
“How many clergy does it take to change a light bulb?”
“We don’t change them! We transform them!”
“No, we don’t transform them. We re-kindle them.”
For two and half days Clergy gathered at the Bishop Booth Conference Center in
Burlington. As we learned the people are fed spiritually in four primary ways, we
discovered in our diversity…
The Intellectual Types – for whom words are everything
The Experiential Types - whose emotions need to be touched
The Mystical Types – who seek to move beyond words
The Prophetic Types – who want to make a difference in God’s world
As we worked with the lectionary passages for World Wide Communion Sunday –
Lamentations 1:1-6
Lamentations 3:19-26
Psalm 137
2 Timothy 1:1-14
Luke 17:5-10
a rich variety of worship resources emerged. We share them here with you.
Call to Worship #1
Preparation: communion table covered in variety of cloths for world
communion, as well as variety of breads for communion. At varying heights (use
hymnals stacked under the fabric) to create platforms.
EITHERr: unlit candles that would be easy to hold and to carry – can be
different, in a candleholder, pillar candle, etc. placed on the table. Have as many
candles as you will have voices, plus regular table candles.
Need voices from the congregation – child’s voice, youth voice, adult
voice, elderly voice, perhaps different languages could be used.
Plus a candle lighter at table with unlit candles – have matches, tapers or
lighter available.
OR: Simultaneously with each voice, a lighted candle will be brought
forward (by the speaker or someone else) and placed on a platform.
The FINAL touch—if desired—is to have a sound (small bell, windchimes,
gong, rain stick, tambourine, etc.) with each candle presentation.
First voice stands in congregation and says: “Rekindle the gift of God that is
within you.” (2Tim 1:6a)
Candle lighter lights a candle on table or the speaker brings a candle
forward and places it on the table.
Second voice stands in congregation and says: “Rekindle the gift of God that is
within you.” (2Tim 1:6a)
Candle lighter lights a candle on table or speaker brings a candle forward.
Continues through all the recruited voices – here is where a foreign language can
be used effectively for world communion Sunday.
Light candle after each voice speaks or the speaker brings the candle
Commissioning & Benediction #1
Have same voices come forward one at a time to the table and say to the
congregation: “Remember to rekindle the gift of God that is within you for God did
not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love.” (2 Tim
Then takes the candle and exits.
Repeat with all the voices and have each individual exit down different aisles of
the church, or exits. They will wait at the church exits with lit candles and say as
a blessing to each person as they leave – “remember to rekindle the gift of God
that is within you.” ****
(adapted from Lamentations 3:21-26)
Sing the first and last line of the hymn chorus and have six voices read from six places
around the congregation)
ALL SING: Great is Your Faithfulness, O God, Creator
Great is your faithfulness, Lord unto me.
One: All this I call to mind and therefore I have hope.
Two: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.
Three: God’s mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning.
ALL SING: Great is Your Faithfulness, O God, Creator
Great is your faithfulness, Lord unto me.
Four: The Lord is al we have; therefore we have hope.
Five: The Lord is good to those who wait; and to those who seek, God is good.
Six: It is good to wait in patience and sigh for deliverance by the Lord.
ALL SING: Great is Your Faithfulness, O God, Creator
Great is your faithfulness, Lord unto me.
OPENING HYMN – Great is Thy Faithfulness
Gather 4-6 images of world situations of struggle, despair,
lamentation. Project these in power point – or copy images and distribute
one in each bulletin.
Invite people to ponder the images during the introit “On the
Willows” from Godspell. This can be done by a soloist, unison choir or a
CALL TO WORSHIP – Use “The Message” Lamentations 3:19-26
As a responsive/antiphonal reading
OPENING HYMN – Great is Thy Faithfulness
(Voices from around the sanctuary)
One: Rise up People of God.
ALL: Boldly pick up your harps!
Two: Do not restrain your tongues!
ALL: Joyfully sing the Lord’s song!
Three: Strive to build up God’s Holy Community,
ALL: Freeing all whose who are oppressed,
Four: For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but
Rather a spirit of power and of love.
ALL: Rise up People of God.
HYMN – Rise up, O Saints of God (from Chalice Hymnal)
(from Gifts of Many Cultures, United Church Press, Tirabassi/Eddy page 30)
O God:
Enlarge my heart, that it may be big enough to receive the greatness of
your love.
Stretch my heart, that it may take into it all those who, with me, around the
world, believe in Jesus Christ.
Stretch it, that it may take into it all those who do not know him, but who
are my responsibility because I know him.
And stretch it, that it may take in all those who are not lovely in my eyes,
and whose hands I do not want to touch; through Jesus Christ, my Savior. Amen
PRESENTATION OF THE WORD #1 Some ideas on this segment of worship—and others—that arose during our discussion: ‐‐“Listen to the Word inspired by God.” ‐‐Pastor sings, using a single tone: “Hear the Word inspired by God.” People respond—same tone: “I’m listening.” Pastor: “May these words inspire and refresh you.” Response: “I’m listening.” ‐‐Tape mustard seed to each bulletin and invite people to touch it during Gospel reading. [Luke 17:5‐10] ‐‐Check out monologues on Pamela Tinnin website ‐‐Use UCC pamphlets (acquired from Jim Thomas) that tackle topics such as “How Do I Talk about Money”, “7 Habits of Successful Churches”, etc. Dramatize them; different people read different parts. At least one congregation has responded energetically to this activity. PRESENTATION OF THE WORD #2
By the Waters of Babylon
(As Sung at VT UCC Minister’s Convocation, 9/22/10)
(I do not know exactly where this came from, so cannot properly credit,
other than to say, “This is not my work.” - AFP)
Sing three times in unison and twice through in a three-part round – each part ending by
repeating the last line until all are in unison again.
Introduction to the scripture
“By the waters of Babylon the people wept and remembered.”
The scripture for today is from the Book of Lamentations, chapter 3, verses 19-26. The
people are in exile. They have lost everything they couldn’t carry with them. Their
identity as a people, their ability to worship God in the Temple, their sacred treasures
were all lost to them. It was hard even to sing the Lord’s song in this strange land. Out of
their despair comes this lament, with a surprising turning point.
Let us be in prayer in preparation for receiving the Word.
Holy God, may this reading of the Holy Scriptures be for us, not words only, but your
living Word that takes root in our hearts and bears fruit in our lives, through the
inspiration of your Holy Spirit. Amen.
(Voices from around the sanctuary)
One: The thought of my affliction and my homelessness is wormwood and gall!
(A long pause)
Two: But this I call to mind and there I have hope.
Three: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.
Four: God’s mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning.
ALL SING: Great is Your Faithfulness, O God, Creator
Great is your faithfulness, Lord unto me.
Five: The Lord is al we have; therefore we have hope.
Six: The Lord is good to those who wait; and to those who seek, God is good.
Seven: It is good to wait in patience and sigh for deliverance by the Lord.
ALL SING: Great is Your Faithfulness, O God, Creator
Great is your faithfulness, Lord unto me.
Read verses 1-4 of Psalm 137. After “How could we sing the Lord’s
song in a foreign land?” have someone start an a capella “Alleluia” and
invite other voices to join in with varying tones, tunes and rhythms. [This
organically-growing “Alleluia” was also effective on its own as a response
to communion.] Congregational singers can be encouraged to sing
reflectively or exuberantly.
A Quote from “A meal by Any Other Name” by Dean McIntyre
For some this meal “is The Lord’s Supper” or “Last Supper”, reflecting
that it was Jesus who presided over it as his last meal with his disciples. For
Others, it is Holy Communion – Holy meaning “of God”, Sacred and
Communion meaning “Sharing or Fellowship” literally meaning “Shared
Fellowship”. It is the outward and visible means to our inward and spiritual
(The following is believed to be from UCC Worship Ways, World Wide
Communion Sunday, 2007, but it was unable to be verified at publication
Invitation to the Table
In India right now, the Christians are tearing naan,
In Mexico they are pulling apart pieces of tortilla.
In Ohio, they are drinking Welch’s,
In California they are pouring a Napa red wine.
But no matter how we break it, slice it, drink it or sip it, this bread and this
cup somehow make us one.
If we can’t see it, let us trust that Someone can.
If we don’t believe we are faithful or believing enough to take it, let us
trust that Someone is, and invites us along.
Let us not be broken any more, one from another.
For this is the feast of the reign of God where the broken are molded
into the beloved community and where the celebration of evils’ defeat has
already begun.
Communion Prayer
We give you thanks, God of majesty and mercy, for through your living
word you created all things and pronounced them good. You made human
beings in your own image, persons capable of entering into relationships both
with you and with each other.
From Abraham and his wives Sarah and Hagar you brought forth
nations of peoples. As Abraham opened his tent and shared hospitality, you
have shared of your grace with these people. Through prophets, rabbis and
teachers you have sought to be in loving relationship even when we have
sought to go our own ways. You have called us as sisters and brothers to be a
great family, we have brought others pain and heartache and yet you offer us
a way of reconciliation. So today we join with all your people on earth to
praise you with joy.
Words of Institution
Convocation had the presence of Rev. Zoltan Szucs to speak the words
of institution in Hungarian – are their ways to use other languages out of
your congregation in various ways through your worship service.
Statement after Communion – from the Reformed Church of Hungary
Beloved in Christ! We implore you, in the name of our Lord, do not
make the grace of God futile within you; do not let sin rule you any longer.
On the contrary, behave yourselves as God’s chosen children living together
in love and in peace. That nothing may separate you from the love of God,
which God so clearly manifested in our Lord, Jesus the Christ. Be
compassionate, humble and merciful. If you have grievances against one
another, forgive each other as Christ has forgiven all of us. Live in peace
with all, fulfilling your Christian destination. The peace of God reign in your
hearts for which you have been called – the one body of Christ,
--Shabbat Shalom—line dance in the pews, first to the right (4 beats), then
to the left (4 beats), singing: “Shabbat shalom (clap), Shabbat shalom (clap),
Shabbat Shabbat Shabbat Shabbat shalom (clap)”
Repeat. Then, lift arms and turn in place singing: “”Love your God and cling to
what is good.” Repeat, then resume “Shabbat shalom” sequence.
--“God cares for you, God loves you, God blesses you, no matter what.”
--“Go in peace to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.”
ALL SING: Great is Your Faithfulness, O God, Creator
Great is your faithfulness, Lord unto me.
One: All this I call to mind and therefore I have hope.
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.
God’s mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning.
ALL SING: Great is Your Faithfulness, O God, Creator
Great is your faithfulness, Lord unto me.
May God grant us peace and enable us to be a useful instrument for the
benefit of God’s holy community.
**** one additional idea was to have small bowls of balsam tree tips mixed with olive oil
and have someone mark each person’s forehead with the oil as the words “Remember to
rekindle the gift of God within you” is said.