“Macbeth” – Act IV Quote Assignment

“Macbeth” – Act 4 Assignment
Find the line(s) which best illustrate each of the following points.
NB – For each point, write out in full the corresponding lines, and include the scene and line
numbers. (i.e. 4.2.56)
Act 4
1. The witches greet Macbeth as an evil figure.
2. Macbeth is willing to destroy all of nature to satisfy his own needs and desires.
3. Macduff is identified as Macbeth’s enemy.
4. Macbeth vows to kill Macduff.
5. Macbeth sees an endless succession of Banquo’s offspring as heirs to the throne.
6. Macduff has fled to England.
7. Macbeth vows to act only on impulse from here on in.
8. Macbeth plans to kill Macduff’s family and anyone else at Fife.
9. Ross thinks very highly of Macduff.
10. Lady Macduff realizes that good is treated as evil sometimes.
11. Malcolm, testing Macduff’s loyalty, claims that although it is true that England is suffering
under Macbeth’s rule like a victim in battle, under Macduff’s rule she will suffer even more.
12. Malcolm charges that Macbeth is guilty of the seven deadly sins.
13. Malcolm proclaims to possess none of the “king-becoming” graces that he lists.
14. Malcolm proclaims his loyalty and devotion to Scotland.
15. Malcolm already has an army marching against Macbeth.
16. King Edward the Confessor’s powers seem almost miraculous.
17. Scotland has become a place of death, unhappiness, and sorrow.
18. Macduff vows to revenge the slaughter of his family through single combat with Macbeth.