DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 Compound and Digenic Heterozygosity Predicts Life-Time Arrhythmic Outcome and Sudden Cardiac Death in Desmosomal Gene-Related Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy Running title: Rigato et al.; Genetic determinants of arrhythmic outcome in ARVC Ilaria Rigato, MD, PhD1; Barbara Bauce, MD, PhD1; Alessandra Rampazzo, BSc, PhD2; Alessandro Zorzi, MD1; Kalliopi Pilichou, PhD1; Elisa Mazzotti, MD, PhD1; Federico Migliore, Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 MD, PhD1; Martina Perazzolo Marra, MD, PhD1; Alessandra Lorenzon,, BSc,, PhD2; Andr An drea dr ea N Nava, ava, av a, M MD D1; Marzia De Bortoli, BSc, PhD2; Martina Calore, BSc, PhD2; Andrea Luciano Daliento, MD1; Dario Gregori, MA, PhD1; Sabino Iliceto, MD D1; Gaetano Gaet Ga etan et anoo Th an Thie Thiene, iene ie n , MD1; ne Cristina Cri ristin in na Basso, MD, PhD1; Domenico Dom men co Corrado, MD meni MD, D, PhD1 1 Department p rtme par ment nt ooff Ca Card Cardiac, dia iac, c, T Thoracic, hooraaci cic, c aand n V nd Vascular ascu as culaar Sc cu Scie Sciences; ienc ie nces nc e ; 2De es Department D part pa r me rt ment ntt ooff Bi Biol Biology, olog ol o y, og University U iv Un iversity y of Padua, a, Padua, Paduaa, Italy I al It ay Correspondence: Domenico Corrado, MD, PhD Inherited Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy Unit Department of Cardiac Thoracic and Vascular Sciences University of Padova, Italy Via N. Giustiniani 2 35121 Padova Italy Tel +39 049 8212458 Fax +39 049 8212309 E-mail: [email protected] Journal Subject Codes: [109] Clinical genetics 1 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 Abstract: Background - Mutations in genes encoding for desmosomal (DS) proteins are the most common cause of ARVC. We assessed the value of genotype for prediction of life-time major arrhythmic events and sudden cardiac death (SCD) in DS-gene related ARVC. Methods and Results - The overall study population included 134 DS-gene mutation carriers [68 males; median age 36 years (22-52)] from 44 consecutive ARVC families undergoing comprehensive genetic screening. The probability of experiencing a first major arrhythmic event or SCD during life-time was determined by using date of birth as start point for the time to event Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 analysis and was stratified by gender, DS-genes, mutation types and genotype yp complexity p y ((single versus multiple mutations). One-hundred-thirteen patients (84%) carried ed a single sin ingl glee DS-gene gl DS--gene DS n mutation in DSP (n=44;39%); PKP-2 (n=38;34%); DSG-2 (n=30;26%) DSC-2 %) andd DS DSC C-22 (n=1;1%),while compound w le 221 while 1 ppatients att ntts (16%) had a complex ggenotype atient enotype with comp en mpoound heterozygosity in 7 mp and digenicc he heterozygosity median observation years, eterozygosi sity si ty inn 14. 14 Over Ov a m ed diaan obse servat ati tionn pe pperiod r odd ooff 399 ((22-52) ri 2 -52 22 52)) ye earrs, 222 patients (16%) families 6%) 6%) % fr ffrom om 20 20 ddifferent iffferen en nt fa amilies es had had arrhythmic arrrhhythm hmic icc events eveents such suuch as as SCD S D (n=1), SC (n= (n =1),, aborted ab borrtee SCD due too ventricular fibr fibrillation briillaation br onn ((n=6), n=6), ) ssustained ), u ta us tained ventricular ventricu ve ula l r ta ttachycardia ach c yc y ar ardi d a (n=14) ( =14) and (n appropriatee defibrillator interventi intervention Multiple DS-gene mutations were ion ((n=1). n=1)). Mu M ltip i le D S-ggene muta tions i andd male ge ggender nder w independent life-time Ratio (95%CI=1.54ntt predictors pred pr edic ed icto ic tors rs ooff li life fe-ti fe time ti me arrhythmic arr rrhy hyth hy hmi micc events even ev ents ts wi with th h a Hazard H za Ha zard rdd Ra R tioo off 3. ti 3.71 7 (95%CI= 71 (95 95%C %CI= %C I I= 8.92;p=0.003) and 2.76 (95%CI=1.19-6.41;p=0.02), respectively. Conclusions - Compound/digenic heterozygosity was identified in 16% of ARVC-causing DSgene mutation carriers and was a powerful risk factor for life-time major arrhythmic events and SCD. These results support the use of comprehensive genetic screening of DS-genes for arrhythmic risk stratification in ARVC. Key words: cardiomyopathy, genetics, risk stratification, sudden cardiac death, ventricular arrhythmia 2 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 Introduction Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is an inheritable heart muscle disease characterized by fibrofatty replacement of the right ventricular (RV) myocardium1,2. The natural history of ARVC is predominantly related to RV electrical instability with ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF) leading to sudden cardiac death (SCD)3-6. Studies of molecular genetics have provided significant insights in our understanding of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of ARVC, showing that in its pure form it is a genetic Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 disorder of intercellular junctions resulting from mutations of genes which encode for desmosomal (DS) proteins such as plakoglobin (JUP), desmoplakin (DSP), DSP), ) pplakophilin-2 lakkoph phhil ilin-22 ((PKPP 77-14 14 l n-2 (D lein (DSG SG SG-2 G 2), desmocollin-2 (DSC-2))7A few additiona additional nal causative mutations na mutationn have 2), desmoglein-2 (DSG-2), also been identified dent de entified in no non-desmosomal on-deesm mossom o all genes gen nes8,155. The Th he di discovery isccov o eryy ooff DS DS-gene S-g gen ne mu m mutations t tioons involved ta in nv a pa ase ath thog hog o enes esiis is hhas as ooffered ffered ed d tthe he ppotential oten ot ten nti tial all of of a mole m ole leccula larr ge la gene netic di dia agnoosi sis is off A R in the disease pathogenesis molecular genetic diagnosis ARVC in the clinical c settingg16. cal For some genetic etiic heart h rt diseases dis such s chh as LQT LQT syndrome s nd ndrome d molecular molec oll llar genetic etiic testing t tii has hha been shown to allow prediction of arrhythmic risk and genotype-based optimization of therapy17. At present, the prognostic impact of genotype in ARVC patients remains poorly understood and the arrhythmic risk stratification relies on phenotypic predictors including the young age at the time of diagnosis, previous cardiac arrest or syncope, VT, severe RV or left ventricular (LV) dysfunction and inducibility at programmed ventricular stimulation18. Previous genotypephenotype correlation studies failed to identify specific genes and/or mutations distinctively associated with an unfavourable arrhythmic outcome and so far there is little evidence to support the use of genetic screening for prognostic assessment19. More recent studies, based on comprehensive analysis of ARVC causative DS-genes, reported that compound heterozygosity 3 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 (co-inheritance of different disease alleles of a single gene) and digenic heterozygosity (coinheritance of disease alleles for two different genes) is not uncommon and may contribute significantly to varying ARVC penetrance and expression20-24. However, a systematic evaluation of the genetic predictors of life-time arrhythmic outcome and SCD has not been previously performed. Such information would be useful in making decision about treatment, particularly for asymptomatic individuals7. Thus, the present study was designed to evaluate the impact of genotype, with particular Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 reference to a complex genetic status with multiple DS-gene mutations, s, to pr ppredict edict the pprobability roba ro b of experiencing a first major arrhythmic event including SCD, since birth consecutive irth in in a consecut tiv ivee series s of ARVC DS-gene D ge DS-ge gene ne mutation mut u attio ion carriers. The evaluation on of a “gene-dose” “gene-dosee” effect of compound/digenic status on was made possible digenic ig g on the th he life-time liife fe--time me arrhythmic arrrhhytthmicc rrisk iskk w as mad ade pos ssib iblle byy tthe ib he comprehensive s ge sive genetic ene neti tic an ti analysis alys al lys ysiis is of of al all ll known kn n ARVC-causing ARVC AR VC-ca VC caus usin us ingg DS-genes. in D -ggennes DS nes. Methods Study sample The patients’ cohort of this single-institution study was drawn from the Inherited Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy Unit of the Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Sciences of the University of Padua (Padua, Italy), which is a national referral centre for the diagnosis and the management of ARVC patients. The initial cohort comprised 90 unrelated living probands with a clinical diagnosis of ARVC based on the 2010 International Task Force (ITF) criteria25, who underwent comprehensive molecular screening of DS-genes. One or more causative mutations of DS-genes were found in 44 (49%) ARVC probands. Mutation screening of living family members (N=217) of the 44 genotype-positive probands identified other 90 (41%) DS-gene mutation carriers. 4 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 Overall, the population of the present study included 134 DS-gene mutation carriers (44 probands and 90 family members) from 44 consecutively genotyped ARVC families. Of these 44 families, 16 were reported in an earlier investigation with different study design and endpoint20. The study was approved by the institutional review board, and all subjects gave their informed consent. Clinical evaluation Clinical evaluation including detailed personal and family histories, physical examination, 12Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 lead-electrocardiogram (ECG) recording, and chest x-ray, signal-averaged ag ged ECG; 24-hou 24-hour ur H Holter monitoring, exercise testing, 2-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography. raphy y. Sixty-three Sixtty-th Si threee ppatients th at e wen erw entt ad addi diti di t on onal a imaging studies such aass ccontrast-enhanced ontrast-enhanceed cardiac magnetic (46%) underwent additional resonance an aand/or ndd//or cardiac cath catheterization hetterizzationn iincluding ncl cludin ing RV and nd LV LV cineangiography; cinnean ngioggraphhy; 38 38 (28%) (28% 8% 8%) %) re st tud udie die iedd byy intracardiac int ntra traca card rddiac el electroph phys ph hys y iolo iolo l giic study stud st udyy including ud incl clud cl udin ud i g programmed in prog ogra og ramm ra med d ventricular ven entr tr patients were studied electrophysiologic stimulation.. According cording di tto th the h 20 2010 10 IT ITF F criteria it ia25, th the h diagnosis di sii off ddefinite finite i ARVC ARV RVC C was as ffulfilled lfilled lfil lf illledd in i the presence of two major criteria or one major criterion plus two major criteria or 4 minor criteria from different categories. The ARVC diagnosis was considered borderline when 1 major and 1 minor or 3 minor criteria from different categories were fulfilled. Mutation screening A comprehensive open reading frame/splice site mutational analysis of all amino acid coding exons and intron boundaries of the 5 ARVC-susceptibility DS-genes has been carried out as previously described20. According to the 2010 ITF criteria25, a pathogenetic mutation was defined as a DNA alteration previously associated with ARVC that was unobserved or rare in a large non-ARVC, 5 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 ethnically matched control population and was predicted to alter the structure or the function of the encoded protein or cosegregated with disease phenotype in the family. All other sequence variants were classified as polymorphisms26. All DNA-identified variants were compared with a control group of more than 300 unrelated, healthy individuals (600 alleles) from the Caucasian population. Type of mutations were divided into missense and non-missense (i.e. nonsense, frame shift, and splice mutations). Multiple mutations were coded as a binary variable (either single or multiple mutations). Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 All subjects had given written informed consent after counselling ng in accordance w with i the it ethical standards of the Declaration of Helsinki (2001) and with recommendations mmenddattions given given n by by the a Et al thi h ca call Co C omm mmittee. mm Institutional Ethical Committee. Life-time arrhythmic rrh hyt y hmic out outcome tcom me andd endpoints enddpo p ints V D VC S-ggen e e mu mut tati tati tion on carriers carrie ieers rs are ex expo p seed to po to the thee genetic gen enetticc ri iskk ooff li life fe threeat fe-t aten tenin i g in Since ARVC DS-gene mutation exposed risk life-threatening y hmias andd SC CD ffrom rom bbirth, irth h, the th he ge ggenotype-related noty type ty p -rellatedd ar rhhyt ythhmic risk assessme e ventricular arrhyt arrhythmias SCD arrhythmic assessment was based on th the he ccumulative m llati atii e probabilit probability obbabil biliit off experiencing e periencing ie in a fi firstt arrh arrhythmic rhh th thmic hmiic event e ent nt or SCD SCD during d life-time using date of birth as start point for the time to event analysis17. The medical history of each subject was obtained by review of medical records, clinical evaluation and patients’ interview during regular outpatient visits (at 6 to 12-months intervals). For each subject, the follow-up period extended to the most recent evaluation or censoring event up to June 2012. The endpoint for the survival analysis was composite and included first major arrhythmic events occurring during follow-up such as SCD, aborted SCD due to VF, sustained VT, and appropriate intervention of implantable defibrillator (ICD). Sudden cardiac death was defined as any natural death occurring instantaneously or within one hour from symptoms onset. Aborted 6 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 SCD was defined as successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation/defibrillation for cardiac arrest due to VF. Appropriate ICD intervention was defined as an ICD shock delivered in response to VT or VF and documented by stored intracardiac ECG data, as previously reported6. Statistical analysis Results are summarized as mean or n (%) for continuous and categorical variables, respectively. &DWHJRULFDOGLIIHUHQFHVEHWZHHQJURXSVZHUHHYDOXDWHGE\WKHȤWHVW of the Fisher exact test as appropriate. Continuous variables were expressed as median (25%-75%iles) and compared with Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 Wilcoxon rank-sum test or Kruskal-Wallis test. The cumulative probability bility of experienc experiencing cin ing a first arrhythmic event during life-time was determined by using date off birth birtth as st start tartt ppoint oint oi nt ffor the nt analysis. anal an allys ysis iss. Subjects Suubj b ects were censored at the th he time t me of their first ti firsst event or the time of their time to event last clinicall ffollow-up. ollow-up. Sur Survival urrvivvall di dist distributions s ribuuti st tionns du during uriing li life-time ife-ti time ti m off the me th he composite comp mpoosite arrhythmic mp arrhhythm ar mic end e eestimated ated at ed using ng Kaplan-Meier Kap apllan lan-Me Meie Me ier curves. ie curv rves rv es. es point was estimat e of covariates on ti ect ime to the h comp posiite arrhythmic arrhyt hy hm h ic i end d-ppoiint was investiga g tedd using Effect time composite end-point investigated a Cox proportional ortional tii all hazard ha h ard d model model. dell H Hazard Ha ard d ratio tii (H (HR) R) and ndd 995% 5% C Confidential fiddentiiall Intervals fi IInter nte al als l (CI) (CI) were always presented. Inflation in standard error due to familiar correlation of subjects was taken into account using a Huber-White (sandwich) estimator implemented in the RMS Libraries of the R System27 as described by Harrell 28. Proportionality of hazards was assessed visually using Shoenfeld residuals plots. Due to the small sample size, multivariable model was built using a forward approach and adopting AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) as selection criterion. A significance of 0.10 was required to variables for being candidates for the model. Model validation was performed using bootstrap (1000 resamples) and Somer’s Dxy as measure of fitting adequacy. A value of 7 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 P<0.05 was taken as a threshold for statistical significance. All analyses have been performed using SPSS version 17 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, III) and the R system. Results The study population included 134 DS-gene mutation carriers [68 males; median age 36 years (22-52)], whose clinical characteristics at the time of the last evaluation are reported in Table 1. Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 Four patients had been involved in competitive sports activity before diagnosis of ARVC and/or g genotyping. Prophylactic antiarrhythmic drug/beta-blocker therapy forr prima primary mary ma ry pprevention reve re vent ve ntio nt io on of life-threatening ning arrhythmias arrrhhyt arrh y hm hmia iaas was prescribed in 47 (35%) (355%) % patients; 25 (19%) (19 1 %) patients were implanted with secondary (N=22) primary (N=3) w h an ICD, either wi eitther ei er for for sec se econd n arry (N nd N= =2 22)) oorr pr prim im mar ary (N N=3) 3 pprevention. rev ev venti tiion on. DS-gene mutations m ta muta ati t on ns Mutations identified by comprehensive i co ompre mpre mp r heens n iv ve sequencing sequ se quen qu en nci c ngg of of DS-genes DS-ggen e es are aree ssummarized umma um mari ma r zed in Table 22. A ri total of 48 DS DS-gene mutations absent them, D DS-ge g ne mu gene muta tati tion ti onss ab abse sent nt iin n at lleast east ea stt 6600 00 reference reffer eren ence ce aalleles llel ll eles es we were re ffound. ound ou ndd. Am Amon Among ongg tth h 16 were non-missense mutations. A single pathogenetic mutation was identified in 113 patients (84%) with the following gene distribution: DSP, n=44 (39%); PKP-2, n=38 (34%), DSG-2, n=30 (26%) and DSC-2, n=1 (1%). No one carried JUP mutations. Of the 113 patients, 62 carried missense mutations and 51 non-missense mutations. A complex genetic phenotype with multiple DS-gene mutations was detected in 21 carriers (16%): compound heterozygosity in 7 and digenic heterozygosity in 14 (for details on multiple DS-gene mutations see Table 3). Disease penetrance Of the 134 DS-gene mutations carriers, 78 (58%) fulfilled the 2010 Task Force Criteria for 8 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 definite or borderline ARVC (Table 4). The disease penetrance was higher in patients with multiple mutations than in those with single mutations (17/21 vs. 61/113, p=0.03); the difference remained statistically significant after adjustment for age and gender (OR 3.1; 95%CI 1.29.1,p=0.03). Among patients with single mutation the disease penetrance did not differ according to specific DS-genes or to the presence of missense vs. non-missense mutations. Phenotypic expression Among the 78 patients with a borderline or definite disease, males significantly more often Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 showed low QRS voltages in limb leads (42% vs. 26%, p=0.04) and LV with V dysfunction wit th ejection fraction <55% (28% vs. 8%, p=0.02). The presence of multiple mutations le DS-gene DS S-gene m utat t tio ions was associated with with: ECG abnormalities waves (39% vs vs. w h: 1)) more m re frequent mo fr abnormalitie ies in the form of eepsilon ie ps psilon s 8%, p=0.001), right precordial T-waves extending beyond lead (56% ight ig ght precordia al nnegative ega gaativee T -wa wavees ext tenndiingg be beyo yond yo nd lea ead V3 (56 566% vvs. s. 26% % p= pp=0.02), =0. and late potentials SAECG p=0.04); and echocardiographic t ial tenti alss on o SAE AECG AE CG (89% CG (89 8 % vs. vss 64%, % p=0 = .004) =0 4);; an nd 2) mo more ree ssevere eveere ec ev echo h caarddiogr ho iograp aphh alterations as a shown byy a lower mean RV RV fractional fractiionall area change g [[21 21 ((17-29) 17-29) 29) vs 29 ((24-31) 24-31)) p=0.001] and higher prevalence ndd a hi gh h pre alence le off multiple m lltiple tiiplle RV wall all ll motion otiio abnormalities ab b ali litiie UHJLRQV72% UHJLRQV JLL V 77 vs 39%, p=0.01), In the subgroup of 61 patients with single mutation who fulfilled the ITF criteria for either borderline or definite ARVC, carriers of single non-missense mutations significantly more often had right precordial T-wave inversion extending beyond lead V3 (45% vs. 13%, p=0.006) and showed a trend towards a lower mean RV fractional area change [27 (20-30) vs. 30 (27-32), p=0.06], compared with carriers of single missense mutations. No statistically significant differences in the clinical phenotype were attributable to specific DS-genes, with the exception of DSP-gene mutations carriers who distinctively had more frequent negative T-waves confined to leads V4-V6 (DSP=9% vs. PKP-2 DSG-2, and DSC-2 =0%; p=0.02), low QRS voltages in 9 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 limb leads (DSP=57% vs. PKP-2=18%, DSG-2=17% and DSC-2 =0%; p=0.02) and LV dysfunction with ejection fraction <55% (DSP=38%, DSG-2=10%, PKP-2=6% and DSC-2 =0%; p=0.01). Life-time arrhythmic outcome During a median observation period (from birth to last clinical follow-up) of 39 (22-52) years, 22 (16%) subjects from 20 different families reached the composite arrhythmic end-point: 1 died suddenly, 6 experienced aborted SCD due to FV, 14 had sustained VT and 1 received an Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 appropriate ICD discharge. The age at the time of first arrhythmic event was 35 (27-40) years, events ars, with wit ithh no event it ntss nt occurring befo bbefore ore tthe he aage g ooff 15 (Figure 1-4). ge There were events (27%) and events among the family re w re ere 12 even en nts aamong mong n thee 444 ng 4 pprobands robbandss (27% 7%)) an 7% nd 10 eve veentts amon ongg th on he 990 0 fa a members (11%). subjects 1 %) 11%) %). No sub bje j ct cts ts who whh experienced ex xpe perience e cedd ar ce aarrhythmic rh hyt ythhm hmic events eve ventss had ve had been be ppreviously reviou re ousl sly l in iinvolved vo vo in competitive activity. Subjects followt sports tive spo p rts activi ity ty. S ubbjjeects with h and andd without wiithhout major majo jor arrhythmic arrhhyt ythm h ic events duringg fo o up did not differ which diff di ff with iith thh regard rdd to t prophylactic proph h llactic actiic antiarrhythmic antiarrh ntiia h th thmic hmii drug/beta-blocker ddrr g/beta /beta bblocker /b lock k therapy th therap he hic had hi been prescribed for primary prevention of life-threatening arrhythmias (8/22, 36% vs. 39/112, 35%; p=0.89). Kaplan-Meier analysis of freedom from major arrhythmic events from date of birth stratified by gender, genetic locus, type of mutation, and number of DS gene-mutations is reported in Figures 1 to 4. On multivariable Cox-regression analysis, multiple gene mutations and male gender remained independent risk factors for life-time occurrence of major arrhythmic events, with hazard ratios of 3.71 (95% CI: 1.54-8.92) and 2.76 (95% CI:1.19 to 6.41), respectively (Table 5), showing a good model adequacy (Somer’s Dxy = 0.71). 10 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 Male patients carrying multiple mutations were at the highest risk (63% life-time rate of events), followed by females with multiple mutations (27%), males with single mutation (13%) and females with single mutation (7%) (Figure 5). The median observation period was similar in the 4 subgroups [44 years (32-51); 45 years (32-60); 35 years (26-44); 40 years (22-56)]. Family history of premature SCD In the history of the 44 families, premature SCD (<35 years) had occurred in 12 subjects (10 males). Of 12 SCD victims, 9 (75%) belonged to families with a complex genotype (Table 6). Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 Discussion This is the first study stud st udyy designed ud d siign de g ed to assess the value of genotype g notype to pred ge predict dic ict the cumulative probability ooff eexperiencing major event life-time DS-gene xperienccin ingg a ffirst irrst rst ma m jo or ar aarrhythmic r ythm rh h ic ev hm vent ntt dduring uringg li ur life fee-tiimee in DS DS-g gene ne rrelated e att el ARVC. Thee ma majo major jo or study s ud st u y results reesu s lts were were re tthat h t co ha comp compound/digenic mpou mp ound ou nd/d nd dig gen nic hheterozygosity e erroz et ozyg yg gos o itty wa wass id identified den enti tiifieed in tif 16% of our cohort of ARVC DS-gene mutation This genetic VC D S-ge gene nee m uttat atio io on carriers. car a ri rier errss.. Th his i ccomplex ompl om ompl plex ex ge ex gene neti ne t c status was a ti powerful and risk malignant during nd independent nd ind ndep epen ende dent ntt ri iskk ffactor acto ac torr off m alligna alig gnant ntt aarrhythmic rrhy rr hythm hy hmic i eevents ic vent ve ntts an andd su sudd sudden dden en ddeath eath ea th dduri ur life-time. The study results support the use of comprehensive molecular screening of DS-genes in ARVC not only for early diagnosis but also for arrhythmic risk stratification and optimization of therapeutic interventions aimed to prevent SCD, particularly in individuals who are asymptomatic. Genotype-phenotype correlations Molecular genetic diagnosis of ARVC by screening for mutations in DS-genes is successful in up to 45% of patients16,19. Diagnostic genetic testing is applied to probands with a clinical suspicion of ARVC with the aim of establishing a definitive diagnosis. Identification of a pathogenetic DS-gene mutation in the proband enables cascade family screening which offers the 11 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 potential of a preclinical diagnosis among relatives and allows to target resources to proven ARVC mutation carriers 20-24,29. The value of underlying molecular genetic etiology for risk stratification of ARVC patients remains poorly understood and current management guidelines for patients with ARVC give little consideration to the prognostic impact of molecular genotyping19. Most of previous genotype-phenotype correlations studies were based on a few families, separately addressed mutations in different DS- genes and compared clinical manifestations of ARVC mutation Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 carriers vs non carriers30,31. Although some differences have been reported orted with regard tto o a series of clinical, ECG and morpho-functional RV abnormalities variables between etween AR ARVC VC ge gene genenene positive andd ggene-negative enee-ne en e-ne nega gative ga ve patients, detection of ARVC ARV DS-gene mutations mut uta tations was not associ associated with an enhanced hancced suscept ha susceptibility tibbility ty y to li llife-threatening fe-th thrreat th ateninng arrhythmias arrrhhytthm hmiias and and di did id not id ot predi predict dict di c ar arrhythmic rrhy ythm outcome compared o ar ompar ared ed w with ithh an unk unknown nkkno n wnn ggenotype. enotyp ypee. Th yp The he few fe av avai available vai aila lablle st la stud studies tuddies ie correlating co orr rrelattin i g the th he phenotype to t the underlying underly yingg genotype g noty ge type ty p provided proviided contradictory contradi d ctoryy fi di findings ndi dings g withh regard reg gard to the association between bbet et een specific ifiic DS if D DS-genes S genes and/or d/ mutation m ta tation tii and ndd clinical linii l ffeat features. eat res A specific ifiic tren if ttrend towards more prevalent LV involvement was attributed to DSP mutations by Quarta et al.23 and to DSG-2 mutations by Fressart et al.22, whereas no association was reported by others21. In our study we found that DSP mutation carriers distinctively exhibited a more prevalent LV involvement. However, in accordance with previous studies, neither non-missense mutations nor mutations in a particular DS-gene were able to predict an unfavourable arrhythmic outcome of ARVC patients. Genotype complexity Recent reports indicate that a sizeable proportion of ARVC patients carry more than one gene mutation (i.e., compound and digenic heterozygosity) which may contribute to varying ARVC 12 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 penetrance and expression 20-24. Xu et al.24 reported that missense mutations of DS-genes, mostly the PKP-2, although relatively common in ARVC probands, may be not enough for the disease phenotype to be overt and require additional mutation(s). In this study subjects harbouring more than 1 variant in PKP2 or PKP2 plus other DS- gene variants had a more penetrant and expressed disease with an earlier onset. Quarta el al.23 reported that ARVC probands were significantly more likely than first-degree relatives to harbour >1 rare genetic variant; within families, diallelic individuals Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 more often developed disease expression and became the first family member to receivee a diagnosis, while among relatives, the presence of >1 rare genetic variant associated with ant was asso ciiated t dw it a significant (5-fold) increase expression. (5-fo fold fo ld d) in incr c eaase in risk of disease expres essi es s on. Likewise, in n the study by Bauce et al.20, multiple-mutation utat tation carriers carrierrs showed show ow wed d a sign significantly gnifiicaantlly high gn higher gherr pprevalence reva re v leence of va of ECG CG G rep repolarization polariizattio on changes and d LV V iinvolvement, nvol nv olveeme ment ntt, but bu noo a worse se arrhythmic arr rrhhyth hyth thmi m c outcome outc ou tcom tc omee du om dduring uri ring ing a sshort-term hort-te ho t rm ffollow-up. te ollo ol llo Hence, the ppresent resent studyy was spe specifically p ciifi ficallly de ddesigned siign g ed d to assess as pprimary riimary y end endpoint dpo p int the value of genotype to arrhythmic o predict edi dict th the h ccumulative m llati atii e probability probabilit babi bili lit off eexperiencing periencing rii cii a ffirst irst major ajj arrh h th thmic h ic eevent e and SCD since birth in DS-gene related ARVC. Compound/digenic heterozygosity was identified as the most important genetic determinant of malignant arrhythmic outcome since birth. We found that compound and digenic heterozygosity was present in 16% of cases. This overall rate for multiple mutations was greater than in previous studies from other countries where the reported prevalence of multiple mutations did not exceed 10% of cases21-24. In agreement with previous studies, carriers of multiple mutations showed a more penetrant disease and more severe phenotypic expression. However, our study results extended previous observation by showing a “gene-dose” arrhythmic effect, given than multiple DS-gene mutations were the most powerful genetic predictor of composite arrhythmic end point. Complex genotype 13 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 identified ARVC patients at increased risk of life-time major arrhythmic events/SCD and remained an independent determinant of malignant arrhythmic outcome during life-time at multivariable analysis. According to the study design, our study population was limited to living probands or relatives who underwent a comprehensive screening of DS-genes implicated in the ARVC etiology. Subjects who experienced SCD at young age (<35 years) before undergoing genetic analysis were unavoidably not included in the analysis of genetic predisposition to life-time Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 arrhythmic events and SCD. However, it is noteworthy that the majority young ty y (75%) of these yo you SCD victims belonged to families with multiple mutations, which further her suggests sugg g estts an association assso soc between complex genotype events. mp ple lexx ge geno noty no ype and increased risk of fatal fata fa tal arrhythmic eve ta ents. The pprecise mechanism more malignant recise mechan an nism m underlying unde d rlyiing a mo de oree ma malign nan nt arrhythmic arrhhythm mic ccourse oursee iinn ppatients atieents carrying multiple DS-gene Whether worse ventricular electrical u le D ultiple S-geene mutations muttati mu tat onss is speculative. specu cula cu lati la t vee. Wh ti Whet ethe et herr wo he wors rss ve rse ntricu nt t cu ula lar el lec ecttric tric i all instability iss secondary y to a ge ggenetically-determined netiicall lly ll y-de d termin i ed d greater greater extent off ventricular ventriicular fibrofattyy myocardial scar32 or iitt results res llts t directly di directl ctll ffrom molec molecular le llar a ddefects effect off ddesmosomess and/or d/ abnor abnormal bn gap junction/sodium channel interactions3,33,34 remains to be elucidated by further studies. Gender Previous studies on ARVC index cases consistently demonstrated a male predominance, suggesting that males develop a more severe disease phenotype which make them more likely to come to medical attention21,30,35,36. Although in the present study multiple mutations had the single most important role in predicting arrhythmic events, this factor was importantly modulated by male gender. Arrhythmic prognosis was worse in male DS-gene mutation carriers and males with multiple mutations exhibited the highest cumulative risk (63%) of experiencing a malignant arrhythmic event. In addition, Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that DS-gene carriers 14 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 remained arrhythmia-free for a long period of time, with events occurring after the pubertal development. This finding is in agreement with a previous study showing that the majority of familial cases are not diagnosed in infancy and both ARVC clinical onset and arrhythmic events are characteristically delayed to adolescence and young adulthood, with a peak at the age interval of 15 to 35 years35,37. All these findings suggest a direct influence of sex-hormones on the disease pathobiology and development of the arrhythmogenic myocardial substrate. In this regard, estrogens, such as 17-beta-extradiol, at physiologic concentration exert an inhibitory Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 effect on myocardial cell apoptosis38, which has been shown to play a role in myocyte myo y cyte ddeath eath and ea subsequent fibrofatty myocardial replacement in ARVC39. This protective tive eff effect ffectt off estrog estrogens ogen og expl plai pl ainn wh ai hy fe fem males with DS-gene muta tati ta tions tend to develop deveelo lop a less severe disease dise may partly explain why females mutations phenotype an aand nd fewer arrh arrhythmic hythm mic complications com o pllic om i attio ons com compared ompaareed with w th wi hm males. ales. Study limitations a ns ation Sequence alterations a were ddivided iviide d d iinto nto ppathogenic athhoge g niic mutations andd polymorphisms p ly po lymorpphisms according g to generally accepted ccepted pted d criteria rite i rii 25. Recent Re nt st studies t di dies on the th h presence off DS DS-gene gene variants ariants iant iin n th the he gen general population, demonstrated that while non-missense DS-gene variants are high-probability ARVCcausing mutations, the pathogenetic potential of rare missense mutations should be interpreted with greater caution and in the context of race and ethnicity, mutation location, and sequence conservation 26,40. In vitro functional analysis or animal studies would have been required to conclusively proof the causative nature of the missense variants, which we lack. However, it is important to stress that these limitations are exactly the same present in all previous genotypephenotype studies in ARVC. Although genetic and sex-linked hormonal factors may play a primary role, greater risk of developing life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias may be related to environmental factors, such 15 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 as prolonged and intense physical activity that may influence the disease phenotype and outcome. It is believed that the incorporation of genetically defective proteins into cardiac desmosomes may provoke detachment of myocytes at the intercalated discs41, particularly under mechanical stress conditions, such that occurring during regular and vigorous sports training/competition8. Therefore, one may expect that the more intensively a given subject is involved in physical activity in the teen years, the more severe the ventricular fibrofatty scar lesion and the more malignant the arrhythmic disease manifestations. However, in our study the Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 poorer arrhythmic outcome in multiple-mutation than in single-mutation on carriers cannott be b related to sports performance, because none of the former group was involved nvollvedd iin n compe competitive peeti tittiv ti sports. mp pliccations andd conc ncclusi siion Clinical implications conclusion t the he rresults he esultss of es of th tthee pr presen nt sstudy, tudy, compound/digenic com ompo poun po und/ d/di d/ diige dige geni nic ni i heterozygosity het he etero terozygoosity sity off ARVCsi ARVC AR ARVC VCAccording to present S g ne mutations predicts S-ge p edicts pr d hyt ythmiic outcome because because of a “doub b causing DS-gene a more severe arrh arrhythmic “double t Th Thi This is highlights highl hliighht the th h importance im rt off screening in the th h entire tii panel ell off DS genes eeven en after dose” effect. DS-genes a single gene mutation has been identified. Moreover, the occurrence of double and compound mutations and the increased chances of inheriting the gene defect have significant implications for genetic counselling. If a subject is a double heterozygote with a mutation on two different DS-genes inherited independently, the risk that a child will receive at least one gene mutation is 75%, while the chance of inheriting both gene mutations is 25%. In subjects with a compound heterozygosis, there is a 50% risk of passing on the multiple gene defect if the two mutations are both on the same allele (cis), and a 100% risk of transmitting one of the two mutations if they are on different alleles (trans). Cardiologists and clinical/medical geneticists dealing with ARVC families should be skilled in offering an appropriate genetic counselling, aimed to elucidate and 16 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 discuss the patterns of inheritance and clinical consequences of multiple mutations which may assist couples in making a more informed decision about prenatal genetic testing and management of the pregnancy. In addition, our study provides insights on pre-symptomatic arrhythmic risk stratification for SCD in ARVC. Clinical manifestations of ARVC usually develop during adolescence or young adulthood and are preceded by a long preclinical phase7,8,35. Cardiac arrest may occur as the first manifestation of disease in previously asymptomatic adolescents and young adults1,2. Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 The most important aim of genotyping families with ARVC is to diagnose nose ggenetically enetically aff affected ffeec ff relatives before a malignant clinical phenotype occur. According to our results, of ur result lts, ddemonstration lt emonst strra st ra rat multiple DS-gene S ge S-ge gene ne mu muta mutations tation ta ons on genotyping may bee a m on major ajor factor pred predicting ed dicting life-threatenin life-threatening n arrhythmias. Preclinical young individual multiple DS-gene mutations s. P s. reclinical identification identiifi ficati tiion of of yo oung in ndivi viduual ccarrying a ryin ar ing mu ultip ip ple D S-gen ene mu en m utaa may lead too establish estab abli ab lish li s a focused sh foc ocus used ed d prevention preven en nti tion strategy str traateg tr e y wi eg with ith t a ccloser lo oser cl cli clinical linic inic i all follow-up fol ollo ol low-upp an low andd a m more aggressive treatment. t It is reasonably reasonab bly l to assume,, on the h bbasis asis off our fi ffindings, nddings g , that lifestyle lifesty yle modifications, such h as restriction t i tii ffrom competitive ti titi itii sport, t and d prophylactic h l tii th therapy h with iith th hb betablockers are indicated in carriers of multiple DS-gene mutations, particularly male individuals who have the highest arrhythmic risk. By contrast, the decision to institute prophylactic therapy in single mutation carriers, particularly females, at lower risk of events is not justified and should be individualized. Whether a lower threshold for ICD therapy should be used among asymptomatic carries of multiple DS-gene mutations remains to be established by larger cohort studies. Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge Drs. Alice Niero and Kim Nguyen for their contributions in collecting clinical information. Founding Sources: This study was supported by the Ministry of Health, Rome, Italy; 17 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 Fondazione Cariparo, Padova and Rovigo, Italy; Italian Telethon Foundation, Rome GGP09293; and Registry of Cardio-Cerebro-Vascular Pathology, Veneto Region, Venice, Italy. Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None. References: 1. Thiene G, Nava A, Corrado D, Rossi L, Pennelli N. Right ventricular cardiomyopathy and sudden death in young people. N Engl J Med. 1988;318:129-133. 2. 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Eur H J. 2006;27:1847-1854. 1847-18554. 4. 21 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 Table 1 – Clinical characteristics of the study population at the time of the last evaluation Overall N=134 Median age, years (range) 36 (22-52) Males, n (%) 68 (51) Symptoms Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 Palpitations, n (%) 37 (28) Chest pain,, n (%) 11 (8) Syncope, n (%) ( (5 7 (5) ECG findings Low QRS-voltage in limb leads , n (%) 30 (22) (2 Epsilon waves w ve wave vess , n (%) (% %) 12 (9) (99 Negative T-wave T-w wave in le leads eads V V1-V2/V3 1-V -V -V2/ V2/ 2/V3 V oonly V3 nlyy , n (%) nl (% %) 15 (11) (1 Negative T-wave T-w -wav a e be beyond eyo y ndd leadd V33 , n ((%) %)) 28 (21) (22 ds V4-V6 V4-V V4 V6 on only ly y , n (%) (%)) Negative T-wave in lead leads Late-potentials n ntials on SAECG , n (% ((%)) 8 (6) (66 55 (41) (4 Morpho-functional unctional u ncti nc tion ti onal al abnormalities abn bnor orma mali liiti ties es RV dilation , n (%) 75 (56) RV dysfunction, n (%) 47 (35) RV regional WMA, n (%) 52 (39) LV dilation, n (%) 26 (19) LV dysfunction, n (%) 18 (13) 5 (4) LV regional WMA , n (%) Therapy Beta-blockers, n (%) 24 (18) Anti-arrhythmic, n (%) 39 (29) ICD, n (%) 25 (19) ECG=electrocardiogram; ICD=implantable cardiac defibrillator; LV=left ventricle; RV=right ventricle; SAECG=signal-averaged electrocardiogram; WMA=wall motion abnormalities 22 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 Table 2 – Mutation screening results Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 Locus Exon NT AA Functional meaning N. of patients PKP2 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 7 10 10 12 12 148_151delACAG c.175C>T c.184C>A c.184_185delCA c.227A>G c.336G>T c.627C>G c.631C>T c.663C>A c.1643delG c.2009delC; c.2119C>T c.2333T>C c.2447_2448delCC T50SfsX61 Q59X Q62K Q62DfsX23 N76S K112N S209R Q211X Y221X G548VfsX15 K672RfsX12 Q707X I778T T816RfsX10 Frameshift Nonsense Missense Frameshift Missense Missense Missense Nonsense Nonsense Frameshift Frameshift Nonsense Missense sense Frameshift eshi es hift hi ft 9+2* 1 2* 2 2 2 1* 1* 1* 4 7 7+7* 1+1* 1+1 3+1* 3+ 1* DSP 1 Intron2 Intron3 tron3 7 7 9 111 11 23 23 23 2233 23 23 23 24 24 c.88 G>A c.273+5G>A c.423-1G>A c 423-1G>A cc.817C>T .817C>T cc.897C>G c. 89 97C 7C>G >G G c.1124A>T c.112 24A A>T T c.1372A>T c.13772A A>T T c.1408A>G c.14 14008A> 14 A G c.3337C>T c.33 c. 3337C>T T c.3764G>A c.37 3764 644G> G>A A c.3774C>A c.4803G>A c.48 c. 4803 48 033G> 03G> G>A A c.4961T>C c 49 4961 4961T>C 61T> T>C C c. 4973C>T c.3203_3204delAG c.7622G>A c.7039A>G V30M Missense sense Splicing cing Splicing Nonsense Nons nssense Missense Miss Mi ssen ss e se Missense Missseense s se Missense Missseense se Missense M ssen Mi ensee Nonsense Nons sen ense Missense Miss Mi s en ss e se Missense Missense Misssen Mi Miss ense se Missense Miss Mi ssen ense se Missense Frameshift Missense Missense 7+1* 7+1* 3 3 4 10 1 1** 3 2 4 2* 2 4 6 6* 1* 2* 2+1* 1* 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 9 9 Intron12 13 14 15 15 15 c.260A>G c.298G>C c.437G>A c.689A>G c.797A>G c.880A>G c.890A>G c.991G>A c.1174G>A c.1250_1253dupATGA c.1880-2G>A c.1912G>A c.2033G>C c.2491C>T c.2990delG c.2773C>T G638R G678A L831F G997VfsX20 P925S Missense Missense Missense Missense Missense Missense Missense Missense Missense Frameshift Splicing Missense Missense Missense Frameshift Missense 1 2 1* 1+1* 4 3 1* 1+2* 5 2+1* 2* 1* 4 5+2* 2+1* 2* 8 c.1034T>C I345T Missense 1 DSG2 DSC2 Q273X Q273 73 3X S299R S S2 99 9R N375I N 3755I N458Y N 458 8Y K470E K470 K4 70E 70 E R1113X R111 13X 3 R1255K R R1 2 5K 25 K D1258E M1601I M160 M1 601I 60 1II L1654P L165 L1 654P 4P S1658F p.E1068VfsX19 R2541K I2347V Y87C G100R R146H E230G N266S K294E D297G E331K V392I D419X *Indicates the number of patients with the mutation in compound or double heterozygotes . 23 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 Table 3 – Complex genotypes with multiple DS-gene mutations Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 Age at last FU Gender (yrs) Gene/exon mutation1 Gene/exon mutation2 Gene/exon mutation3 Task Force Criteria Arrhythmic events (age) 54 M PKP2/ex3 S209R PKP2/ex12 T816RfsX10 DSG2/ex5 R146H Definite 48 M PKP2/ex3 Q211X PKP2/ex12 I778T DSP/ex23 R1255K Definite 77 49 F F PKP2/ex3 Y211X PKP2/ex1 Q62K DSP/ex23 R1255K PKP2/ex10 Q707X DSP/ex23 L1654P Borderline Definite 56 M PKP2/ex1 Q62K PKP2/ex10 Q707X Definite 59 F DSP/ex23 L1654P PKP2/ex10 Q707X Definite Aborted SCD (42) Aborted SCD (39) Aborted SCD (36) - 21 F DSP/ex23 L1654P PKP2/ex10 Q707X P Phenotype negative - 67 40 M M DSP/ex23 L L1654P L1 16554P DSP/ex23 L1 L1654P L 1654P PKP2/ex10 PK KP2 P2/eex1 x 0 Q707X Q 07 Q7 07X PKP2/ex10 P PK P22/ex1 x 0 Q707X Q707 07X Definite Definite - 18 F DSP/ex23 L1654P L 65 L165 654P 4P PKP2/ex10 PKP2 PK P /ex1 P2 x10 x1 0 Q707X Q707 Q7 0 X 07 Phenotype negative P - 48 F DSG2/ex6 E230G E DSG2/ex8 DS SG2 G2/e / x88 D297G D297 D2 97G 97 G Definite 50 F DSP/ex9 N375I DSG2/ex13 G638A Definite 42 F DSP/ex23 S1658F DSP/ex24 I2347V Definite Sustained VT (40) Sustained VT (45) - 23 F DSP/ex1 V30M DSP/ex24 R2541K Definite - 26 M DSG2/ex9 D419X DSG2/ex15 G997VfsX40 Definite - 63 F DSG2/ex8 E331K DSG2/int12 c.1881-2G>A Definite 62 F DSG2/ex8 E331K DSG2/int12 c.1881-2G>A Phenotype negative 61 M PKP2/ex1 T50SfsX61 DSG2/ex9 V392I Definite 60 F PKP2/ex1 T50SfsX61 DSG2/ex9 V392I Definite Sustained VT (56) Sustained VT (32) - 23 F DSP/ex23 p.Glu1068ValfsX19 DSG2/ex15 p.Pro925Ser Phenotype negative - 32 M DSP/ex23 p.Glu1068ValfsX19 DSG2/ex15 p.Pro925Ser Definite Sustained VT (17) CH=compound heterozygosis; DH=digenic heterozygosis; F=female; M=male; FU=follow up; SD=sudden death; VT=ventricular tachycardia. 24 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 Table 4 – Disease penetrance in the population of DS-gene carriers (2010 ITF Criteria). Overall N=134 Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 Morpho-functional criteria Major 43 (32) Right ventricular regional wall motion abnormalities + LAX RVOT >32 mm and/or SAX RVOT 36 mm > and/or FAC <33% Minor 8 (6) Right ventricular regional wall motion abnormalities + LAX RVOT 29-32mm and/or SAX RVOT 32-36 mm and/or FAC 33-40% Electrocardiographic Criteria Major 42 (31) TWI in V1-V3 in the absence of complete right bundle branch block 12 (9) Epsilon waves in the right precordial leads Minor 13 (9) jeects wi w th TWI in V1-V2 only or right precordial TWI extending beyond lead V3 in subjects with complete bundle branch block 68 (51) 68 Post-potentials on SAECG or terminal QRS activation time > 50 msec Arrhythmic criteria Major 111 (8) a ned or susta ain tained VT with a left ta lefft bundle branchh block/left block/left f axi is deviation Non-sustained sustained axis morphology ogy ogy Minor Non-sustained bundle a need or aine o sustained sus usta sta tained ed d VT T with with a left lef eftt bu bund n le nd l branch bra ranc n h block/right bloock/ k/ri righ ri g t axis gh axis is ddeviation eviatiion or unknown morphology 24-hour Holter monitoring morpho h logy and/or and d/o or >500 premature premature ectopic bbeats eats on 24 4-hhour H ollter moni itoring 41 (31) Diagnosis: d Established ccausing ausing mutation muta ta tati ati tion on ((major majo ma majo jor criteria) crrit crit iter eria ia)) + at lleast east ea st oone st ne oother ther th er m ajor aj orr criteria criite teri ria or ria or ttwo wo m inor in or Disease ca major minor 599 (44) criteria Borderline Disease causing mutation (major criteria) + one minor criteria 19 (14) FAC=fractional area change; LAX=long axis view; RVOT=right ventricular outflow tract; SAECG=signal averaged electrocardiogram; SAX=short axis view; TWI=T-wave inversion; VT=ventricular tachycardia. Table 5. Genetic determinants of arrhythmic events since birth. Univariate analysis HR 95% CI P 2.24 0.92-5.46 0.07 3.01 1.42-6.37 0.004 1.53 0.53-4.42 0.4321 Gender (male) Multiple mutations Non-missense mutations* DS genes*,# PKP2 1 DSP 1.41 0.28-3.05 0.89 DSG 1.53 0.38-6.15 0.38 * among patients with single mutation. # The single carrier of DSC-2 gene mutation was excluded from the analysis. 25 Multivariable analysis HR 95% CI P 2.76 1.19- 6.41 0.02 3.71 1.54-8.92 0.003 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 Table 6. Non genotyped relatives with premature (<35 years of age) sudden cardiac death Age (years) 34 15 15 Sex M M M Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 Mutation(s) in Family PKP2 DSP DSP Exon 10 7 23 NT 2009delC 897C>G 3774C>A AA N670TfsX14 S299R D1258E 34 M PKP2 PKP2 DSG2 12 3 5 2447_2448delCC 625C>G 437G>A T816RfsX10 S209R R146H 30 M PKP2 PKP2 DSP 3 12 23 631C>T 2333T>C 3764G>A Q211X I778T R1255K 22 24 M M PKP2 PKP2 10 1 2119C>T 184C>A Q707X Q62K Q62K 30 M DSP DSP 1 24 88G>A 7622G>A M V30M R254 R2 541K 54 1K R2541K 26 M 21 F DSP DSG DS G DSG PKP2 P22 PKP2 23 9 1 4961T>C 1174G>A 11 174 74G> G>A A 145-148del 145-1448d 14 8dell CGA CGA L1654P V3921 V392 V3 9211 92 T50SfsX10 T5 50SfsX X100 15 M DSP D P DS DSP D P DS 233 24 c.4973 c 49 c. 4 73 C>T C>T > c.7039A>G c.70 7 399A> A G S1658F S165 658F 8 I2347F 24 F DSG D G DS DSG DSG DS G 6 6 689A>G 689A A>G G 890A>G 890A 89 0A>G 0A >G G E230G D297G D297G D2 F=female; M=male M= =ma male le Figure Legends: Figure 1: Kaplan-Meier analysis of survival from the composite arrhythmic end-point in the study population according to sex. Figure 2: Kaplan-Meier analysis of survival from the composite arrhythmic end-point in the study population according to the presence of multiple mutations 26 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000288 Figure 3: Kaplan-Meier analysis of survival from the composite arrhythmic end-point in the subgroup with single mutation according to the defective DS-gene. The single carrier of DSC-2 gene mutation was excluded from the analysis. Figure 4: Kaplan-Meier analysis of survival from the composite arrhythmic end-point in the subgroup with single mutation according to the functional meaning of the mutation. Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 Figure 5: Kaplan-Meier analysis of survival from the composite arrhythmic ythmic end-point in n the th entire study population according to gender and the presence of multiple mutations. ple mut tattions. SM=single mutation; mu uta tati tiion on;; MM=multiple MM= MM =multiple mutations 27 Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 Downloaded from by guest on June 17, 2017 Compound and Digenic Heterozygosity Predicts Life-Time Arrhythmic Outcome and Sudden Cardiac Death in Desmosomal Gene-Related Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy Ilaria Rigato, Barbara Bauce, Alessandra Rampazzo, Alessandro Zorzi, Kalliopi Pilichou, Elisa Mazzotti, Federico Migliore, Martina Perazzolo Marra, Alessandra Lorenzon, Marzia De Bortoli, Martina Calore, Andrea Nava, Luciano Daliento, Dario Gregori, Sabino Iliceto, Gaetano Thiene, Cristina Basso and Domenico Corrado Circ Cardiovasc Genet. published online September 26, 2013; Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231 Copyright © 2013 American Heart Association, Inc. 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