Industrial Crops and Products 26 (2007) 229–236 Chemical characterization of the lipophilic fraction of giant reed (Arundo donax) fibres used for pulp and paper manufacturing Dora Coelho a,b , Gisela Marques a , Ana Gutiérrez a , Armando J.D. Silvestre b , José C. del Rı́o a,∗ a Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologı́a de Sevilla, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas, P.O. Box 1052, 41080 Seville, Spain b CiCECO and Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal Received 7 February 2007; received in revised form 27 March 2007; accepted 2 April 2007 Abstract The chemical composition of lipophilic extractives from Arundo donax stems (including nodes and internodes), used for pulp and papermaking, was studied. The lipid fraction was extracted with acetone and redissolved in chloroform, and then fractionated by solid-phase extraction (SPE) on aminopropyl-phase cartridges into four different fractions of increasing polarity. The total lipid extract and the resulting fractions were analysed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, using shortand medium-length high-temperature capillary columns, respectively. The main compounds identified in the fibres included series of long-chain n-fatty acids, n-alkanes, n-aldehydes, n-alcohols, monoglycerides, free and esterified sterols and triterpenols, steryl glucosides, steroid hydrocarbons and steroid and triterpenoid ketones. Minor amounts of other compounds such as diglycerides, waxes and tocopherols were also identified among the lipids of A. donax. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Arundo donax; Lipophilic extractives; Pitch; Fatty acids; Sterols; Steryl glucosides; GC; GC/MS 1. Introduction In the last decades, fast growing plants have received particular attention as alternative sources of cellulose fibres (van Dam et al., 1994; Moore, 1996). These nonwood plants are the common fibre source for paper pulp production in developing countries where wood fibres are not available. In the developed world, although wood is still by far the main raw material for pulp and ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 95 462 4711; fax: +34 95 462 4002. E-mail address: [email protected] (J.C. del Rı́o). 0926-6690/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2007.04.001 paper manufacture, a market exists for high-value-added papers from these fibres. Arundo donax L. (giant reed) is a widely distributed naturally growing perennial rhizomatous grass with a segmented tubular structure like bamboo (Seca et al., 2000), which has been considered as one of the promising non-wood plants for pulp and paper industry (Shatalov and Pereira, 2002). The easy adaptability to different ecological conditions, the annual harvesting period and the high biomass productivity (32–37 t (year ha)−1 of dry biomass) reached by intensive cultivation (Vecchiet et al., 1996), combined with appropriate chemical composition (Shatalov et al., 2001), make A. donax very attractive as an alternative source of fibres (Shatalov and Pereira, 2005). 230 D. Coelho et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 26 (2007) 229–236 To improve the utilisation of A. donax fibres, it is necessary to broaden the knowledge of structural features of its components. Previous chemical research on A. donax includes chemical composition, general features of macromolecular components (Pascoal Neto et al., 1997) and structures of isolated hemicelluloses (Driss et al., 1973; Joseleau and Barnoud, 1974, 1975, 1976). A few studies on the lignin composition (Joseleau and Barnoud, 1976; Joseleau et al., 1976; Faix et al., 1989) showed that it is composed of guaiacyl- and syringyl-propane units with minor amounts of p-hydroxyphenylpropane units (Faix et al., 1989) and associated with phenolic acids (Tai et al., 1987). However, until now no studies about the composition of A. donax lipophilic fraction have been performed. The amount and composition of lipophilic extractives is an important parameter in wood processing for pulp and paper production and it is dependent on factors such as the plant species, age, and growth location. The different lipid classes have different chemical behaviour during pulping and bleaching (Gutiérrez and del Rı́o, 2003; Freire et al., 2005). The lipophilic extractives are also responsible for the formation of sticky deposits on the machinery, giving rise to dark spots in bleached pulp and paper, the so-called pitch, both with negative economic impact on pulp and paper industry (del Rı́o et al., 1998, 2000; Gutiérrez et al., 2004; Gutiérrez and del Rı́o, 2005; Silvestre et al., 1999). The accumulation of lipophilic compounds leads also to higher chemicals consumption during pulping and bleaching and therefore increasing production costs. On the other hand, extractives or their derivatives, might contribute to the toxicity of paper pulp effluents and products (McCubbin and Folke, 1995; Rigol et al., 2003). The detailed identification of such lipophilic components is therefore an important step in the study of the behaviour and fate of extractives during pulp and paper production and consequently in the search for new solutions to control pitch deposition as well as to decrease effluent toxicity. In the present paper, the chemical composition of the lipophilic extractives from A. donax fibres was studied. Gas chromatography (GC) and GC/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) using, respectively, short- and medium-length high-temperature capillary columns with thin films, that enable elution and separation of high-molecular-mass lipids such as waxes, steryl esters and triglycerides, are employed. For a more detailed characterization of the different homologous series and other minor compounds, the extract was fractionated by a simple solid-phase extraction (SPE) method using aminopropyl phase cartridges, as described previously (Gutiérrez et al., 1998, 2004). 2. Experimental 2.1. Samples Samples of A. donax L. reed stems (including nodes and internodes) were supplied by the University of Huelva, Spain. The samples were air-dried and milled using a knife mill (Janke and Kunkel, Analysenmühle). For the isolation of lipids, the milled samples were Soxhlet extracted with acetone for 8 h. The lipophilic extractives were obtained by redissolving the dried acetone extract in chloroform and evaporated to dryness under nitrogen. 2.2. Solid phase extraction (SPE) fractionation The chloroform extracts (5–20 mg) were fractionated by a SPE procedure in aminopropyl phase cartridges (500 mg) from Waters (Division of Millipore, Milford, MA, USA), as already described (Gutiérrez et al., 1998, 2004). Briefly, the dried extract was taken up in a minimal volume (<0.5 mL) of hexane:chloroform (4:1) and loaded into the cartridge column previously conditioned with hexane (4 mL). The cartridge was loaded and eluted by gravity. The column was first eluted with 8 mL of hexane and subsequently with 6 mL of hexane:chloroform (5:1), then with 10 mL of chloroform and finally with 10 mL of diethyl ether:acetic acid (98:2). Each isolated fraction was dried under nitrogen. 2.3. GC and GC/MS analyses For identification and quantification, the total extracts and the SPE fractions were analysed by GC and GC/MS. For GC analysis, a Hewlett-Packard HP 5890 gas chromatograph equipped with split–splitless injector and a flame ionization detector (FID) system was used (Hewlett-Packard, Hoofddorp, Netherlands). The injector and detector temperatures were set at 300 and 350 ◦ C, respectively. Duplicate samples (1 L) were injected in the splitless mode. Helium was used as the carrier gas. The capillary column used was a 5 m × 0.25 mm i.d., 0.1 m film thickness, high-temperature, polyimidecoated fused silica tubing DB-5HT from J&W Scientific (Folsom, CA), especially processed for use at 400 ◦ C. The oven was temperature programmed from 100 ◦ C (1 min) to 350 ◦ C (3 min) at 15 ◦ C min−1 . Peaks were quantified by area and a mixture of standards (tetracosane, hexadecanoic acid, -sitosterol, cholesteryl oleate and triheptadecanoin) was used for quantitation. The data from the two replicates was averaged. D. Coelho et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 26 (2007) 229–236 The GC/MS analysis were performed on a Varian Star 3400 gas chromatograph (Varian, Walnut Creek, CA) coupled with an ion-trap detector (Varian Saturn) equipped with a high-temperature capillary column (DB5HT, 15 m × 0.25 mm i.d., 0.1 m film thickness; J&W). Helium was used as carrier gas at a rate of 2 ml min−1 . The oven was heated from 120 ◦ C (1 min) to 380 ◦ C (5 min) at 10 ◦ C min−1 . The temperature of the injector during the injection was 120 ◦ C, and 0.1 min after injection was programmed to 380 ◦ C at a rate of 200 ◦ C/min and held for 10 min. The temperature of the transfer line was set at 300 ◦ C. Bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA) silylation was used when required. Compounds were identified by comparing their mass spectra with mass spectra in Wiley and NIST libraries, by mass fragmentography, and, when possible, by comparison with authentic standards. 3. Results and discussion The total acetone extract from A. donax fibres accounted for 1.56% of total fibre weight. The lipophilic – chloroform soluble – compounds represented 0.62%, while the remaining 0.94% corresponded to polar compounds non-soluble in chloroform. The lipid extracts were analyzed by GC and GC/MS according to the method previously described (Gutiérrez et al., 1998, 2004). The GC/MS chromatogram of the A. donax fibres extract, as trimethylsilyl (TMS) derivatives, is shown in Fig. 1. For a better characterization of the compounds present in the lipid extracts, these were sub- 231 sequently fractionated by SPE in aminopropyl-phase cartridges into four major fractions of increasing polarity. The chromatograms of the different SPE fractions are shown in Fig. 2. The first fraction (A), eluted with hexane, was enriched in steryl esters, waxes and hydrocarbons. The second fraction (B), eluted with hexane:chloroform (5:1), contained steroid ketones. The third fraction (C), eluted with chloroform, contained sterols, fatty alcohols and mono- and diglycerides. A final fraction (D) enriched in free fatty acids was eluted with diethyl ether–acetic acid (98:2). The identities and abundances of the main compounds identified are listed in Table 1. The most predominant lipid classes identified among the A. donax lipid extracts were series of n-fatty acids (41% of total lipids identified), sterols (19%), monoglycerides (13%), fatty alcohols (7%) and steryl glucosides (6%). Minor amounts of alkanes, aldehydes, tocopherols, steroid hydrocarbons, steroid and triterpenoid ketones and steryl/triterpenyl esters, were also present in these fibres. The structures of main and representative compounds are shown in Fig. 3. The series of free fatty acids were identified in A. donax fibres ranging from tetradecanoic (C14 ) to dotriacontanoic (C32 ) acids, with strong even-overodd carbon atom predominance. Hexadecanoic acid (palmitic acid, I) was the most abundant fatty acid, however a bimodal distribution, with a second maximum for octacosanoic acid (C28 ) was observed. The unsaturated 9-octadecenoic (oleic acid, II) and 9,12-octadecadienoic (linoleic acid, III) acids were also present in important amounts. The series of n-alkanes was also identified in Fig. 1. GC/MS chromatogram of the derivatized (TMS) chloroform extract of Arundo donax fibres. FA: fatty acids; MG: monoglycerides; CG: campesteryl 3-d-glucopyranoside; StG: stigmasteryl 3-d-glucopyranoside; SG: sitosteryl 3-d-glucopyranoside. 232 D. Coelho et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 26 (2007) 229–236 Fig. 2. GC/MS chromatograms of the different SPE fractions isolated from the A. donax fibres extracts. Fraction A, eluted with 8 mL of hexane; fraction B, eluted with 6 mL of hexane:chloroform (5:1); fraction C, eluted with 10 mL of chloroform; and fraction D, eluted with 10 mL diethyl ether:acetic acid (98:2). FA: fatty acids; AK: n-alkanes. the A. donax fibre ranging from docosane (C22 ) to tritriacontane (C33 ), with a strong odd-over-even carbon atom number predominance, and nonacosane (IV) being the most predominant homolog. n-Fatty alcohols ranging from hexacosanol (C26 ) to dotriacontanol (C32 ) were present in the A. donax extracts with the presence of only the even carbon atom number homologues, triacontanol (V) being the most abundant. Significant amounts of a series of n-aldehydes ranging from hexacosanal (C26 ) to triacontanal (C30 ) were identified in the A. donax fibres D. Coelho et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 26 (2007) 229–236 233 Table 1 Chemical composition of lipophilic extractives in Arundo donax reed (mg/kg of fibre) Compound Mass Fragments MW Amount n-Alkanes n-Docosane n-Tricosane n-Tetracosane n-Pentacosane n-Hexacosane n-Heptacosane n-Octacosane n-Nonacosane n-Triacontane n-Hentriacontane n-Dotriacontane n-Tritriacontane 57/71/85/310 57/71/85/324 57/71/85/338 57/71/85/352 57/71/85/366 57/71/85/380 57/71/85/394 57/71/85/408 57/71/85/422 57/71/85/436 57/71/85/450 57/71/85/464 310 324 338 352 366 380 394 408 422 436 450 464 77.9 0.5 0.2 0.6 6.3 3.9 15.8 6.7 37.0 0.8 5.4 0.3 0.4 Steroid hydrocarbons Ergostatriene Ergostadiene Estigmastadiene Estigmasta-3,5,22-triene Estigmasta-3,5-diene 135/143/380 81/147/367/382 81/147/381/396 135/143/394 81/147/381/396 380 382 396 394 396 127.4 14.5 9.3 8.4 49.2 46.0 Fatty acids n-Tetradecanoic acid n-Pentadecanoic acid n-Hexadecanoic acid n-Heptadecanoic acid 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid 9-Octadecanoic acid n-Octadecanoic acid n-Nonadecanoic acid n-Eicosanoic acid n-Heneicosanoic acid n-Docosanoic acid n-Tricosanoic acid n-Tetracosanoic acid n-Pentacosanoic acid n-Hexacosanoic acid n-Heptacosanoic acid n-Octacosanoic acid n-Nonacosanoic acid n-Triacontanoic acid n-Hentriacontanoic acid n-Dotriacontanoic acid 73/117/132/145/285/300a 73/117/132/145/299/314a 60/73/129/256 73/117/132/145/327/342a 67/81/280 55/69/264 60/73/129/284 73/117/132/145/355/370a 60/73/129/312 55/69/129/326 60/73/129/340 60/73/129/354 60/73/129/368 60/73/129/382 73/117/132/145/453/468a 73/117/132/145/467/482 73/117/132/145/482/496a 73/117/132/145/495/510a 73/117/132/145/509/525a 73/117/132/145/523/538 73/132/145/117/537/552a 300a 314a 256 342a 280 282 284 370a 312 326 340 354 368 382 468a 482a 496a 510a 525a 538a 552a 1137.7 3.5 1.8 276.3 10.0 30.0 55.7 73.6 3.1 50.0 3.3 35.7 25.3 55.7 33.5 144.1 14.3 134.9 53.9 109.9 6.2 16.9 Fatty alcohols n-Hexacosanol n-Octacosanol n-Triacontanol n-Dotriacontanol 75/103/439a 75/103/467a 75/103/495a 75/103/523a 454a 482a 510a 538a 194.3 33.4 54.9 57.7 48.3 Aldehydes n-Hexacosanal n-Octacosanal n-Triacontanal 82/96/362 82/96/390 82/96/418 380 408 436 81.6 10.4 22.9 48.3 Sterols/triterpenols Campesterol Stigmasterol -Sitosterol Stigmastanol 55/145/213/382/400 55/81/255/394/412 145/213/396/414 215/416 400 412 414 416 528.1 90.6 46.4 281.0 71.9 234 D. Coelho et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 26 (2007) 229–236 Table 1 (Continued ) Compound Mass Fragments MW Amount 7-oxo-Sitosterol -Amyrin ␣-Amyrin 135/161/187/396/428 189/203/218/409/426 189/203/218/409/426 428 426 426 6.5 8.2 23.5 Tocopherol -Tocopherol ␣-Tocopherol 151/416 165/430 416 430 17.7 6.8 10.9 Triterpenoid and steroid ketones -Amyrenone ␣-Amyrenone Cycloartenone Stigmasta-3,5-dien-7-one Stigmast-4-en-3-one Stigmast-4-en-3,6-dione Stigmastane-3,6-dione 189/203/218/409/424 189/203/218/409/424 189/205/313/409/424 174/269/410 124/229/412 137/398/408/411/426 245/287/428 424 424 424 410 412 426 428 43.9 10.2 5.9 14.2 3.2 4.6 3.6 2.5 Steryl/triterpenyl esters Sitosteryl ester -Amyrinyl ester ␣-Amyrinyl ester 147/381/397 189/203/218 189/203/218 – – – 68.1 16.1 14.0 38.0 Steryl glucosides Campesteryl 3--d-glucopyranoside Stigmasteryl 3--d-glucopyranoside Sitosteryl 3--d-glucopyranoside 204/217/361/383a 204/217/361/395a 204/217/361/397a 850a 862a 864a 151.6 30.6 8.0 113.0 Monoglyceride 2,3-Dihydroxypropyl tetradecanoate 2,3-Dihydroxypropyl hexadecanoate 2,3-Dihydroxypropyl octadecanoate 2,3-Dihydroxypropyl eicosanoate 2,3-Dihydroxypropyl docosanoate 2,3-Dihydroxypropyl tetracosanoate 2,3-Dihydroxypropyl hexacosanoate 73/103/129/147/343/431a 73/103/129/147/371/459a 73/103/129/147/399/487a 73/103/129/147/427/515a 73/103/129/147/455/543a 73/103/129/147/483/571a 73/103/129/147/511/599a 446a 474a 502a 530a 558a 586a 614a 367.5 5.5 94.2 86.6 35.1 43.0 46.9 56.2 Diglycerides Dipalmitin, 1,2-(P2) Dipalmitin, 1,3-(P2) Palmitoylstearin (PS) Distearin, 1,2- and 1,3-(S2) 57/129/313/386/625a 57/129/314/371/385/625a 57/129/314/372/399/579a 57/129/342/399/607a 640a 640a 668a 696a 47.6 7.8 12.1 16.8 10.9 Each value is the average of two extractions with variation coefficients within 0.1–4.5%. a As TMSi ether derivates; bold mass fragments indicate base peaks. with triacontanal (VI) predominating. Monoglycerides were also present in high amounts in A. donax fibres. The series of monoglycerides was identified in the range from C14 to C26 , with maximum for monopalmitin, C16 (VII). Steroids and triterpenoids, including free sterols, steryl esters, steryl glucosides, steroid ketones and hydrocarbons are among the most predominant compounds in the lipophilic extract of A. donax fibre. Free sterols were the major compound class among steroids and triterpenoids, sitosterol (VIII) being the main sterol present. Other sterols, such as campesterol (IX), stigmasterol (X), stigmastanol (XI) and the oxidized 7oxositosterol, were also present. Steryl esters were also present in A. donax extract, although in low amounts. The complete identification of the individual steryl esters by GC/MS was not possible since they only show fragments arising from the sterol moiety by electro-impact MS and rarely give detectable molecular ions (Lusby et al., 1984; Evershed et al., 1989). By monitoring the ions corresponding to the different sterol moieties in the SPE fraction enriched in steryl esters, it was possible to identify series of sitosterol as well as ␣- and -amyrin esters. Steryl glucosides, such as campesteryl, stigmasteryl and sitosteryl -d-glucopyranosides (XII), were identified in significant amounts, the latter being the most predominant. The identification of steryl glucosides was accomplished (after BSTFA derivatization of the lipid D. Coelho et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 26 (2007) 229–236 235 Fig. 3. Structures of the main lipophilic compounds present in A. donax fibres. (I) palmitic acid, (II) oleic acid, (III) linoleic acid, (IV) nonacosane, (V) triacontanol, (VI) triacontanal, (VII) monopalmitin, (VIII) -sitosterol, (IX) campesterol, (X) stigmasterol, (XI) stigmastanol, (XII) sitosteryl 3-d-glucopyranoside, (XIII) ␣-amyrin, (XIV) -amyrin, (XV) stigmasta-3,5-diene, (XVI) stigmasta-3,5,7-triene, (XVII) -amyrenone, (XVIII) ␣-amyrenone, (XIX) cycloartenone, (XX) stigmasta-3,5-dien-7-one, (XXI) stigmast-4-en-3-one and (XXII) stigmasta-3,6-dione. extract) by comparison with the mass spectra and relative retention times of authentic standards (Gutiérrez and del Rı́o, 2001). Among triterpenols, ␣-amyrin (XIII) and -amyrin (XIV) occurred in free and esterified form, with the latest being detected in low amounts. Finally, several steroid hydrocarbons, such as stigmasta- 3,5-diene (XV) and stigmasta-3,5,7-triene (XVI) and triterpenoid and steroid ketones, such as -amyrenone (XVII), ␣-amyrenone (XVIII), cycloartenone (XIX), stigmasta-3,5-dien-7-one (XX), stigmast-4-en-3-one (XXI) and stigmasta-3,6-dione (XXII), were also identified. 236 D. Coelho et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 26 (2007) 229–236 The different lipid classes present in A. donax fibres will have different behavior during pulping and bleaching and therefore the problematic of pitch will be different depending the type of pulping (i.e. mechanical and chemical) and bleaching (ECF and TCF) processes. The knowledge of the chemical composition of the lipophilic components of A. donax fibres shown here will assist to predict pitch problems during pulp and papermaking of this fibre and to establish appropriate methods for their control. Acknowledgements This study has been funded by the Spanish project AGL2005-01748. 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