Gifted and Talented Unit World Biomes 2014-2015.docx

Gifted and Talented Unit Topic: World Biomes Objectives: Grade Level Content Connection:
Grades 3‐5 SWBAT obtain and combine information to describe climates in different regions of the world. Grades 6‐8 SWBAT develop and use a model to describe how unequal heating and rotation of the Earth cause patterns of atmospheric and oceanic circulation that determine regional climates. 3rd: Obtain and combine information to describe climates in different regions of the world. 4th: Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two different texts on the same topic. 5th: Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a real‐world or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number, or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set. 6th‐8th: Develop and use a model to describe how unequal heating and rotation of the Earth cause patterns of atmospheric and oceanic circulation that determine regional climates. Examples of models can be diagrams, maps and globes, or digital representations Standards: 3‐ESS2‐2., RI.3.9, 6.EE.B.6, MS‐ESS2‐6., Teaching Strategy
Introduction Discuss with students what a biome is and Student Activity
Students will participate in discussion on biomes and watch videos to further their learning. Resources YouTube videos view videos on biomes. Activity 1 Activity 2 A biome is a large geographical area of distinctive plant and animal groups, which are adapted to that particular environment. The climate and geography of a region determines what type of biome can exist in that region. Major biomes include deserts, forests, grasslands, tundra, and several types of aquatic environments. Each biome consists of many ecosystems whose communities have adapted to the small differences in climate and the environment inside the biome. Explain to students how to research and define climate vocabulary. Students will read to learn: What is climate? What are climate systems? What are weather patterns and seasons? Students will read to learn how climates have changed over time.
Students will answer questions and complete worksheets on continent s and oceans. Students will work with a partner to look up undefined words in Climate Glossary and write out definitions to complete the Glossary which can be used as a resource. Read and discuss World Students will read about and Biomes study sheet#2 discuss the three basic climate with the students. Show groups. Students will locate the students how to use equator, latitude, and longitude WORLD BIOMES (What is climate?) STUDYSHEET#1 Ancient Climates of the Earth Reading Sheet Maps: World map Map of seven continents World Continents “Find the Continents” worksheet Answer Sheet Extra: (Seven continents memory song) CLIMATE GLOSSARY with some defined words/concepts; Internet: Dictionary WORLD BIOMES (Climate Groups) STUDY SHEET #2 World Map with longitude & latitude worksheets “Climates: Charting the Statistics” Venn Diagram:“Comparing Climates” maps to identify the equator, latitude, and longitude. Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 Teacher will lead students in discovering facts about Earth’s complex patterns of biomes, plants, animals, and how climates ultimately determine the biomes of our planet, with focus on Rainforests. Teacher will lead students in discovering facts about our planet’s complex patterns of biomes, plants, animals, and how climates determine the biomes of our Earth with focus on continental, mountain, polar, desert. Teacher will assist students in researching different attributes of major climate regions (biomes). Teacher will explain how students lines on world map. Students will complete worksheets: 1. “Climates: Charting the Statistics” 2.Venn Diagram: “Comparing Climates” 3. “Climate Map” use web to get information about climates visit
s.html Students will work with a partner and use the above website to research and complete activity sheets on Rainforests. “Climate Map” Worksheets & Answer Keys 1. The Layers of the Rainforest 2.The Rainforest Ecosystem (Matching) 3. The Rainforest Ecosystem (Labeling) 4. Temperate Rainforests Students will work with a partner and use the above website to research and complete activity sheets on Continental Climate; Mountain Climate; Polar Climate; and Desert Climate Worksheets & Answer Keys 1.Continental Climate 2.Mountain Climate 3.Polar Climate 4.Desert Climate Students will read “What is a Biome? Students will use Biomes Zones Chart to help choose a biome to research and create a final project on. Students will form groups to complete the WORLD BIOMES StudySheet#3 BIOMES ZONES CHART (World Climate Zones) “World Biomes”‐ Activity 6 (Choose one webquest to complete) Closure will choose a biome to research and create a final project on. Teacher will explain and guide students through webquests on the topics of biomes and climates. Teacher will explain to students how to research, design and showcase a biome. On their mural they must include animals, plants, climate, and other specific biome characteristics. They will complete the project on a large sheet of bulletin board paper and display the completed projects around the school if possible. Explain to students how they will present their projects according to one of the rubrics provided. projects. Students can choose one webquest to complete on the topics of biomes and climates. ‐“Climate Zones of the World” “Climate Zones‐Trip Around the World‐Grades 5‐8”; ‐“DESTINATION; CLIMATE ZONES” (Hardcopy outlines of above three WebQuest activities attached.) Students will research, design Bulletin board paper and showcase a biome. On their Poster boards mural they will include animals, Art supplies plants, climate, and other specific Internet and print resources biome characteristics. They will complete the project on a large Presentation Rubric: (See attachment) sheet of bulletin board paper and
display the completed projects esson416/OralRubric.pdf around the school if possible. Students will present their‐rubric/ projects according to one of the rubrics provided.