The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph La Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia 27 de Diciembre 2015 Next Sunday’s Readings Lecturas para el próximo domingo First Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6 Second Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3a,5-6 Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 Mass Intentions Intenciones para las Misas Saturday-Sábado, 4:00pm Harold, Gertrude, George, John, Laura,Peter, & baby John Schaefgen+ Saturday-Sábado, 6:30pm Eladio Gonzalez + Sunday-Domingo, 8:00am People of St. Michael Sunday-Domingo, 9:15am Robert Gonsoulin, Jr. + Sunday-Domingo, 11:00am Eladio Gonzalez + Sunday-Domingo, 1:30pm Eva Vargas Mora + Monday-Lunes, 8:15am Eladio Gonzalez + Monday-Lunes, 5:30pm Intentions of Manual Vieyra Vargas Tuesday-Martes, 8:15am Eladio Gonzalez + Tuesday-Martes, 5:30pm Intentions of Manual Vieyra Vargas Wednesday-Miércoles, 8:15am Louis & Mary Zucconi + Wednesday-Miércoles, 5:30pm Maria de la luz Mora Perez + Thursday-Jueves, 8:15am Eladio Gonzalez + Thursday-Jueves, 4:00pm Jasper Scola + Thursday-Jueves, 12:00am People of St. Michael Friday-Viernes, 8:00am Menna Scola + Friday-Viernes, 11:00am Intentions of Alan Adelman Saturday-Sábado, 7:00am Eladio Gonzalez + Saturday-Sábado, 8:15am Frances D. Scola + Saturday-Sábado, 4:00pm Francisca Correo Luper + Saturday-Sábado, 6:30pm Eladio Gonzalez + Sunday, December20, 2015 : English Masses…………………………………….….$ Misas en Español..……………..…………..…..….$ TOTAL..……….……………..…………………………$ Facilities Improvement Fund/ Fondos para mejora de Inmuebles.…..$ December 27, 2015 4,825.00 4,097.12 8,922.12 196.00 Donations has been made to St. Michael Altar Society in memory of Mary Lou Thompson by Bill & Betty Sampson and to St. Michael Church in memory of Mary Lou by Sharon Herbers. Please pray for the sick/por favor oremos por los enfermos: María Dayana Acosta, Rose Ann Annaratone, Arturo Arellano, Chiquinquira Benítez, Kay Brannon, Claire Coleman, Rafael Coronado, Clarence Crawford, Rose Marie Cross, Michael Elam, Susan Elam, Erika Espinoza, Guadalupe Nava Elizalde, Maria de la Luz Reyes Espinoza, Clara Flores, Nell Fundo, Mohan Gehi, Mildred Gilmore, Adriana Gonzalez, Imelda Gonzalez, Judd Grisanti, Allison Guzman, Ursula Hannaford, Dot & Leo Hartweck, Maria del Rosario Hernandez, Conner Heros, Clifford Hill, David Hill, Teresa Howell, Anastasio Lopez, Ann Lunt, Joann Mangan, Ruth Marcella, Zachary Marcella, John Michael Martinez, Marissabel Mazon, Bobby McKinney, Myrna Méndez, Gene Michalski, Enrique Montiel, Judy Nabors, Frank Nobel, Magally & Marshal Ohman, Sandra Parker, Melanie L. Reyes, Leobardo Robledo, Aura Esperanza Rodas, Barbara Rutschman, Mary Ruiz, Mary Sammons, Bill Sampson, Rosemarie Scola, Patricia Sitter, Doris Sonneborn, Linda Theriot, Troxclair Family, Polo Venzor, Zulema Vergaray, Lynn Walker, & Joyce R. West BAUTIZOS Los bautizos en San Miguel son los sábados. Si usted está interesado en bautizar, venga a la oficina a registrarse como miembro de la parroquia. Se requiere tres meses de anticipación para apartar la fecha del bautismo. Debe ser miembro activo para cualquier trámite en la parroquia. PLEASE NOTE: Wednesday noon Mass is suspended until Candlemas, February 2. The Christmas crèche will be at the Blessed Mother’s altar. The Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God is Friday, January 1, 2016 and is a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass will be said as follows: Thursday, December 31, 4:00pm (English) Hour of Reparation11:00pm (Spanish) 12:00am (Spanish) Friday, January 1, 8:00am (English) 11:00am (English) La fiesta de María, la Madre de Dios es el 1 de enero de 2016. Misa se dice de la siguiente manera: Jueves, 31 de diciembre, a las 4:00 pm (Inglés) Hora de Reparacion, 11:00pm (español) Viernes, 01 de enero, 8:15 am (Inglés) 11:00 am (Inglés) The Parish Office will be closed Friday, January 1 for the feast of the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. La Oficina Parroquial estara cerrada 1 de enero de 2016, por la fiesta de maria, la Madre de Dios. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena prayers are Tuesday evenings at 6:00pm. La Novena para Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro continúa cada martes por la tarde a las 6:00pm. Atención Padres de Familia: (Solo para las clases del domingo) A partir del dia 10 de enero comenzamos las clases de religion a las 10 de la mañana. Gracias por apoyar a nuestra catequesis. The St. Vincent DePaul Food Mission needs help replacing windows vandalized last month. To contribute, go to or call Amy Marcella at 265-0317. The Catholic Medical Association of Memphis will meet Tuesday, January 5 at St. Francis Hospital with Mass at 6:30pm, followed by supper. Judge Jennie Latta will discuss “The dignity of the human person: The Catholic perspective on its meaning for end of life issues.” Catholic health care professionals are invited. RSVP by Sunday, January 3 to Dr. Santiago Vera at svera@ Discipleship Workshop Saturday, January 9, 8:30am3:30pm at Our Lady Queen of Peace, presented by Fr. Michael Sweeney, OP. Insights on helping parishioners to active discipleship will be addressed. Register at,, (OLQP), 731-548-2500, or email debbie.voyles by January 5. SEEKERS’ Retreat for 20s/30s January 15-17 at Our Lady Queen of Peace Retreat Center. For more information, visit blog/young-adult-seekers-retreat-january-15-17/ or via email Samuel.Mauck@ “I LOVE Memphis” Trivia Friday, January 22, 7:00 – 10:0pm at Cathedral Marian Hall with Br. Ignatius Brown, FSC. Register at Make checks payable to IC and mail to parish office, 1695 Central Ave. Register at [email protected]. Operation Bare Necessities collects socks, underwear, hoodies, t-shirts and toiletries for homeless people served at St. Mary’s Church and coordinated by Catholic Charities. Wedding Anniversary Celebration Saturday, February 6, 10:00am at St. Louis Catholic Church for couples celebrating 25 years and 50 years or more of marriage. RSVP Pam Ray at pam.ray@cc. or at 373-1237. Fatima, Santiago de Compostela & Lourdes Pilgrimage April 5-15, 2016, with Fr Dexter Noblefranca. The price from Memphis with two daily meals is $3,790 plus $148 taxes. Itinerary is available on scheduledpilgrimages. $400 deposit holds your place. Contact Jeannie Presley at 335-4563 for more information.
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