COMMERCEUVA M c I n t i r e S c h o ol of C om m e r c e at the U n i v e r s i t y of Vi r g i n i a Inside: INVESTORS’ REPORT page 29 McIntire Makes History New Buildings, New Programs, New Alumni Initiatives Fa l l 2 0 0 8 From the Dean This letter comes to you in the midst of two historic events: (1) a worldwide recession that may rival the Great Depression and (2) the transition to our first African-American President of the United States. With the exception of the 9/11 attacks, the impact of these events are penetrating the University cocoon more than anything perhaps since the Vietnam War and Civil Rights era. In both cases, I am struck by how well-positioned the Comm School is to help our students and the broader community analyze and learn important lessons from these events. First, the challenging economic environment and its impact on markets, businesses, our students, and society are constant topics of discussion at the School. As my colleagues and I taught this semester, we started many classes with a discussion of the events of the previous day, complete with bank failures, record losses in major industries, and volatile stock markets. We sponsored significant events that addressed the issues in different ways. For example, McIntire’s Fall Forum, “Investment Strategies in Turbulent Times,” provided a nuanced, insightful conversation about the remarkable complexities of the current situation. Julian Robertson and four outstanding alumni (Rick Gerson, John Griffin, Chris Shumway, and Paul Touradji) took time to participate in the forum, and more than 1,000 McIntire alumni, students, faculty, and friends showed up at Old Cabell Hall to hear from our expert panel. In addition, our Career Services Office implemented a new series of evening presentations, “Careers in Finance 101,” involving faculty, alumni, and friends. These packed sessions focused on the job market and the options for our finance concentrators. As always, dedicated alumni and friends participated in individual classes and met with students and faculty in many venues. A common theme of these activities is the deep engagement of McIntire alumni. This issue of CommerceUVA is filled with similar stories of alumni commitment and the tremendous impact it has on the continued success and well-being of the entire McIntire community. Our cover story, “Reaching out to Alumni,” is packed with examples of alumni staying engaged with the School: giving back through recruiting, engaging with students and alumni, providing financial support, serving on boards, fundraising, providing advice, and participating in the classroom and in our centers. In “Conversation,” three outstanding alumni who recently brought their professional expertise into the classroom discuss the interesting challenges and tremendous rewards of coming back to teach at McIntire. Second, whether you supported Barack Obama or not, I have not witnessed a world leader inspire so many young people since the 1960s, and as a country, we certainly passed a historic milestone with respect to race. In addition to his obvious charisma, the President-elect was successful because he effectively engaged the intellect of many students, asking them to grapple with fundamental issues and questions involving the war, the economy, race, and leadership itself. Once again, the Commerce School is able to participate in helping our students understand the critical dimensions of leadership through our pan-University leadership program. In “Reflections,” Professor Tom Bateman talks about reaching out to the larger University community, creating a new leadership minor designed to teach students how to create positive change in today’s complex world. Given the challenges that we continue to face, we need more great UVA leaders in business and society. As we look forward, I know that we can count on the enduring commitment of the entire McIntire community, which has, for nearly 90 years, made so much possible for the School. Our students are building the capabilities to achieve success and become leaders with integrity, and despite the turmoil, our recruiting even appears to be holding its own as we enter November! The benefits of a highquality McIntire education have never been more obvious. — Dean Carl Zeithaml Contents M c I n t i r e S c h o o l of C o m m e r c e at the U n i v e r s i t y of Vi r g i n i a 2 Conversation 6 School News 8 McIntire People 10 Sustainable Stewardship 12 McIntire’s Most Historic Day 14 Reaching out to Alumni Fa l l 2 0 0 8 Three alumni—Nicole Iden (M.S. in MIT ’07), Don King (McIntire ’62), and Greg Ledford (McIntire ’79)—talk about what it’s like to come back and teach at McIntire. Katie Jones (McIntire ’01) and Scott Kelley (McIntire ’83). At Rouss and Robertson Halls, state-of-the-art technology combines with sustainable environmental practices. Page 12 For the McIntire School, April 25, 2008, was a day of big events and big ideas. McIntire offers a wealth of opportunities across the country for alumni of all ages and interests to engage with the School and with one another. 18 Tech Detective 20 Faculty Updates 22 Alumni News 28 Reflections Professor Peter Gray wants to understand what makes people and technology click. Professor Tom Bateman, Director of U.Va.’s new undergraduate minor in leadership, discusses how the program helps students gain the tools they need to create positive change in a complex word. 29 Investors’ Report 2007-2008 Page 18 Dean: Carl Zeithaml Communications Director and Editor: Jim Travisano Associate Editors: Dana Tackett, Mary Summers Whittle Graphic Design/Digital Artwork: Gibson Design Associates Photography: Dan Addison, Philip Beaurline, Keith Donnelly, Dan Grogan, Jack Looney, Jim Travisano Imaging: Gibson Design Associates, Dana Tackett, Jim Travisano Printer: Franklin Communications CommerceUVa is published by the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia. We welcome your letters and comments. Please write to Communications Director, McIntire School of Commerce, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 400173, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4173; call 434-924-7005; or e-mail [email protected]. McIntire CONVERSATION Three alumni —Nicole Iden, Don King, and Greg Ledford—talk about what it’s like to come back and teach at McIntire Three alumni discuss returning to McIntire as teachers. Nicole Iden (M.S. in MIT ’07), Manager of Partner Technology at the Grameen Foundation, spoke to students in the M.S. in MIT Program. Don King (McIntire ’62), recently retired Global Head of Real Estate for Deutsche Asset Management, co-teaches a course on real estate valuation. Greg Ledford (McIntire ’79), Managing Director at The Carlyle Group, co-teaches a course on private equity. There’s an old saying that “to teach is to learn.” Did you find that to be true? Iden: I learned that teaching is really challenging! I think I always knew that, but I definitely gained more respect for my professors, who do this day in and day out for hours. You’re up there on display for everyone, and no matter how much you know a subject, even if it’s something you’ve been doing for years, students Don King (McIntire ’62) 2 • C o m m e r c e U Va will always surprise you. You think, “Oh, I could do this with my eyes closed”—but then you get one question out of the blue that really opens your eyes to a new perspective. It’s challenging, but I think it’s fantastic. There’s another thing, too: Getting in front of people and explaining what you do, and how you’ve taken what you’ve learned and applied it practically, really forces you to get rid of the background noise and figure out what’s critical. It really helps to crystallize your thinking. Ledford: For me, teaching really did offer an opportunity to learn. I had to be able to discuss how private equity interacts with the overall industry both domestically and internationally, and I don’t have as much experience in international private equity. So I had to really think about how private equity fits in with other asset classes, and I also had to do some research to get up-to-date on various facts, figures, and trends. I wanted to make sure I was teaching and not just telling war stories. It was a little bit of a shakedown going into it, but in the end I think it was pretty successful. Nicole Iden (M.S. in MIT ’07) King: Teaching with George Overstreet was great—it was George the academic and me the practitioner coming at the students from two different points of view. In class, we gave each other permission to disagree pretty strongly with one another. I might take George on over the practical application of knowledge; then he’d turn around and scold me for not being rigorous enough with the academic part. I think students come away with a respect for the theory, but also see that often the way things get done in the market is different from the way they’re taught in the academy. But one thing I really learned is Greg Ledford (McIntire ’79) the relevance of some of the theoretical stuff that I used to poohpooh a bit. Frankly, getting down and working through those theories taught me some things. But some of the best lessons come from the students—the amount of studying and work they put in, and hearing how they look at the world. I also learned that the students have a very strong moral sense, which I think comes from their four years with the honor system. I think we’re training people to go out into business and government and be stand-up, moral people. I like that—and it’s another reason for doing what I’m doing. None of you are teachers by profession. Were you at all nervous about teaching? to teach a specific topic. To be honest, I was a little scared after agreeing to it: A two-and-a-half-hour class once a week requires a lot of talking and preparation. I wanted to be sure that I didn’t bore the students to tears. I got a lot of support from Professors Marston and Wilhelm, as well as from other alumni. I think there might be only one other private equity class in the world taught to undergraduates—so we really didn’t have a model, and of course, there’s no textbook. It was week by week, writing PowerPoint presentations or case studies or whatever we needed to do to present the subjects and topics. So, it was a little daunting. It’s one thing to know a topic; it’s another to teach it. I wanted to make sure that I could convey what I wanted to the students. Ledford: I worked with Professors Marston and Wilhelm on the syllabus, but I was in charge of all the content, and it was my responsibility to teach or to use my Rolodex to bring someone in King: I wasn’t intimidated by getting in front of a group of students because I’ve been working in this area for so long. But I think the intimidating part was—after I’d been teaching for a Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 3 McIntire CONVERSATION “Some of the best lessons come from the students.” —Don King IT we tend to think, “Well, after this degree I’ll go work on Wall Street or in an IT development shop or as an investment banker.” But after the class, I had a line of people who wanted to learn about my organization and some of the work we do. I ran out of time because I had to catch a flight to Ghana. For me, that interest was definitely the highlight of the day. Ledford: I don’t know if I would say I was while—saying to myself, “Am I doing as good a job as I could be?” I really wanted to create sparks in the students’ minds. I also wished we had more time. We had to skip over some things, and I thought that might be daunting for the kids. But they pick up so much. When you look at the final exam, you realize that they’ve learned an awful lot in 14 classes. It’s a great feeling. What did you find most surprising about teaching? Iden: I was totally blown away by how interested the class was in the industry I’m working in. (The Grameen Foundation supports microfinance institutions around the world, helping the poor to lift themselves out of poverty.) Often in subjects like business or 4 • C o m m e r c e U Va surprised, but I was relieved by the students’ phenomenal energy level and desire to learn. There were some Monday nights when I really wasn’t looking forward to driving three hours to Charlottesville, teaching for two and a half hours, then driving three hours back. But as soon as I walked in the classroom, I was refreshed and energized. Many classes, except for the one before the North Carolina basketball game, ran over the two and a half hours because the students just had more questions. The interaction was so great—I thought they’d be looking at their watches, ready to run out of there at 6 p.m. What you see in teaching at McIntire is that it’s very difficult to get into the University, and then into the Comm School. So you’re getting the cream of the crop. It’s not just how smart they are; it’s how hard they’re willing to work. That was very evident. King: I was also impressed by the students’ preparation and the great questions they asked. We used real-world examples— investment committee books, disguised slightly, that my company used to make $30, $40, $50 million investments on behalf of our clients. The students were put in the position of either the acquisition person or an investment committee member. They basically had to say why they thought a property should be approved by an investment committee, and then those on the committee had to weigh those factors and decide whether the proposed investment passed the test. We did this by the case method, trying to get as much active student participation as we could. I wasn’t sure how well that would work in an undergraduate setting. But I was very pleased. After the first couple of sessions, everyone really came forward and participated, and I think they got a lot out of it. Some of them even told me that if they’d known the real estate world was out there, they’d have tried to get a job in it, which is always gratifying for me to hear. with a Thai student, who first came to talk to me about the kind of job he wanted. Then he got an offer, and now he wants to talk to me about what he should be doing next. He asked me what advice I would give him if he were my son—so I told him what I’d told my own kids they should do. I think the idea of getting a phone call at 8 a.m. from someone coming home from dinner in Bangkok is remarkable. McIntire is a magical place for those kinds of experiences, I’ll say that. What did you find most rewarding about your teaching experience? Ledford: The students really seemed to appreciate the class. Most of them had already interned and were going into investment banking or private equity. By that point, they really enjoyed having practitioners come in and talk to them. They’d heard the theory, and it was obvious from their understanding of markets that they’d been taught well. But there’s the theoretical and analytical, and then there’s your gut and what you have to do in different situations that you really can’t learn from textbooks. So I was able to share my experience with the students, which was great. Obviously, it takes time—but I would highly recommend it. It’s very rewarding. Iden: For me, the networking piece was the best part. I men- Faculty Perspective “I love having speakers in the classroom,” says Management Professor Elizabeth Thurston. “It’s especially great when they’re alums who’ve taken the class because they’re able to say to the students, ‘I was in your tioned that people were very interested in the Grameen Foundation; some of them I still talk to regularly. One of them even has a daughter who now comes in as a volunteer. We’re looking to figure out how we can engage the M.S. in MIT community because the community has such a wealth of knowledge, and we’re always looking for ways to funnel that into the developing world. When I was in the M.S. in MIT Program myself, 50 percent of what was so great about it was your classmates—and it’s the same when you come back. It’s a whole new crop of great people with different perspectives, from different industries, with different experiences. There’s such an opportunity to learn from the students. shoes—and here’s how what King: George is a master at getting the students to sit down and guest-speaking isn’t just sharing war stories with the class. “It’s talk to him. He’s such a great teacher, and it’s obvious that he really loves helping and mentoring. I’ve learned a lot from him, and through him I’ve gotten to do more of that sort of thing, which is some of the most rewarding part of the job. I’m still in contact you’re learning works in practice.’ ” Thurston, who teaches Elizabeth Thurston courses in consulting and entrepreneurship, says that hearing from seasoned professionals challenges students to think conceptually and analytically and offers them the chance to learn important lessons through engaging stories. In addition, she says, bringing alumni into the classroom offers “invaluable” opportunities for networking. Thurston warns, however, that a lot of work,” she says. “Guest-speaking sessions must be designed very carefully so that at the end of the session, students have received the lessons they need.” Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 5 School NEWS McIntire School Posts Annual Fund Record The McIntire School set a new Annual Fund record in 2007-2008, raising $2,276,569 and surpassing its goal ($2.1 million) for the seventh straight year. Gifts during the fiscal year came from 3,600 donors, and eclipsed the previous record of $2,026,948, set a year earlier. Katie Whittier, Assistant Dean for Alumni Development, said that alumni support through the Annual Fund is essential to the School’s success. “When alumni support McIntire’s Annual Fund, they’re investing in today’s students,” she said. “Year to year, the life of the School depends on annual unrestricted funds. We are extremely grateful to our alumni and friends for their extraordinary ongoing generosity.” McIntire Dean Carl Zeithaml added, “The Annual Fund enables the School to enhance student learning experiences, expand technological capabilities, recruit and retain the best faculty, and take advantage of a wide range of new opportunities. Without the help of our loyal alumni and friends, we could not create and maintain the world’s best business programs. The students, faculty, and staff offer our sincere appreciation.” M.S. in Management of IT Lands McIntire School among Computerworld’s 10 “IT Schools to Watch” Computerworld magazine has recognized McIntire’s M.S. in MIT Program in an article on America’s “IT Schools to Watch.” Stating that “the real-world curriculum has drawn raves,” Computerworld rated the program with an overall grade of “A,” as well as graded the program “A” in all measured categories, including value, positive career impact, and relevance to actual career activities. The grades were based on survey responses from 222 program graduates. The magazine also stressed that “[a] focus on strategic IT issues draws senior executives.” The M.S. in MIT Program, designed for experienced professionals who want to take their careers to the next level, helps business and technology professionals develop the competencies needed to lead and produce greater business value within complex, technology-enabled business environments. The graduate program is taught by top McIntire faculty members who are highly adept at creating a learning environment that provides academic rigor while taking advantage of the students’ depth of professional experience and expertise. “It is exciting to have students who are able to immediately translate classroom knowledge into action,” Associate Professor Barbara Wixom said, “especially when COMPUTERWORLD IT SCHOOLS TO Watch 2008 6 • C o m m e r c e U Va those actions may be creating new revenue streams for a company or saving a government agency millions of dollars. Many of these students are really using their knowledge to transform how their organizations use and benefit from IT.” Associate Professor Barbara Wixom These leading-edge graduate schools are moving at the pace of the IT workplace, delivering coursework that’s relevant to today’s IT professionals. Profiles of 10 innovative schools, plus listings of 56 top IT schools from across the country. Incoming students in McIntire’s new M.S. in Commerce Program McIntire Welcomes First M.S. in Commerce Students to “Rich Learning Environment” The McIntire School launched its new M.S. in Commerce Program in September 2008, welcoming 46 recent graduates from U.Va. and other top colleges and universities around the country. “We’re proud to welcome such a high-caliber group of students, and we’re delighted to add this innovative new program to McIntire’s portfolio of outstanding offerings,” said Program Director Ira Harris. The M.S. in Commerce is a one-year, 36-credit-hour program designed to help recent graduates of liberal arts, science, and engineering programs turn their intellectual and academic skill sets into focused business expertise. Student Lauren Schmidt, a U.Va. history and foreign affairs double major (A&S ’08), said the program is helping her to do precisely that. “As an undergraduate, my focus was really on things like critical thinking, looking for patterns over time, understanding cause and effect, and logical thinking,” Schmidt said. “I’m finding that those analytical skills translate very neatly into business.” Schmidt added that she is benefiting from the program’s Integrated Core Experience (ICE) curriculum, which she said is providing her with a comprehensive understanding of business fundamentals in an active and engaging way. “I’m really enjoying the ICE setup,” Schmidt said. “It involves lectures, discussions, and group work, and the focus is really on teamwork and integrating ideas.” Harris noted that an incredible diversity of student backgrounds makes the M.S. in Commerce classroom experience unique. “The class boasts students from nine different undergraduate schools and with 21 different majors,” he said. “The perspective and insight that these students bring create a very rich learning environment.” M.S. in Commerce Program Receives Generous Gift to Establish the Franklin Family Endowment Fund for International Awards Students in McIntire’s new M.S. in Commerce Program got a helping hand from Dr. Laurence “Larry” Franklin and his wife, Mrs. Wei-ching “Mei” Franklin. M.S. in Commerce students traveling to Asia to study business at McIntire’s partner school, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, will now be able to apply for funding to help cover travel-related expenses. “Globalization is fundamentally altering not only the opportunities, but also the challenges and responsibilities, of businesses throughout the world,” said McIntire Dean Carl Zeithaml. “We see our overseas programs as vital to our students’ success, and we are deeply grateful to the Franklins for their generous support of this key initiative.” The Franklins were impressed with McIntire’s commitment to providing its students with a global education. They said they wanted to help students with airfare, passport fees and photos, vaccinations, and other “special expenses.” In anticipation of the launch of the M.S. in Commerce Program, the Franklins made a gift of $50,000 to McIntire in May 2008, which was matched by the School to create the new $100,000 Franklin Family Endowment Fund for International Awards. Professor Larry Franklin teaches M.B.A. and E.M.B.A. students at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and has taught courses since 2002 at the Darden Graduate School of Business and the University of Virginia School of Law. The fund was established in part to honor Dr. Carl M. Franklin (Law ’48), Larry’s father. Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 7 MCINTIRE People Katie Jones: Building on a strong foundation My job was to travel the world, having adventures. —Katie Jones F “ or about a year, my job was to travel around the country and the world, having adventures,” says Katie Jones (McIntire ’01). “I rode horses on dude ranches, went to Alaska, toured London and Paris, and hiked through the Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks. I even drove clear across Wyoming to visit Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.” Jones’ year of living dangerously was all part of her job in Disney’s New Business Initiatives group. “We already had theme parks and cruise ships,” Jones says, “so our role was to figure out ‘What’s the next big vacation idea?’ We started looking at a new opportunity: Adventures by Disney.” Jones’ eight years (and counting) at Disney seem to have been one long adventure. “One of the great things about Disney is that you can find a completely different role without having to leave,” says Jones, who’s just settling into her fourth job within the Disney Corporation. Jones started off as an internal consultant, looking for new financial and strategic opportunities under the auspices of the CFO. From there, she moved into the role of professional adventure-seeker. When “Adventures by Disney” moved headquarters, Jones transitioned into Disney’s Photo Imaging division, where she worked on digitalizing the company’s photography services. In June 2008, she joined Disney’s Cruise Line, where she seeks out new business opportunities and acts as the single point of contact for all the outside companies that provide services on Disney’s ships. “It’s hard to imagine being in a business without the guest satisfaction element,” Jones says. “On any given day, I can 8 • C o m m e r c e U Va walk into a theme park and see people laughing and smiling and having a good time. Whether it’s theme parks or cruise ships, it’s great to see people responding so positively to our products.” What’s the secret to Jones’ success in such a diverse array of jobs? “I was part of the very first ICE group, and I’m so thankful for it,” Jones says. (ICE, the Integrated Core Experience, is the School’s continuously evolving third-year curriculum, designed to integrate analytical, strategic, and behavioral skills that address real-world business problems.) “The benefit is that it really teaches you how to think. It’s not the specifics of the case that matter. It’s learning how to think through its parts that is the real lesson.” Jones also says that McIntire provided her with the fundamentals for success. “When I came to U.Va., I felt that McIntire would provide me with the foundation to do so many things,” she says. “I couldn’t think of any opportunities that wouldn’t be open to me with a McIntire education.” Scott Kelley: You must have a global perspective T hese days, most stories about real estate don’t have a happy ending. Not so in the case of Scott Kelley (McIntire ’83), CEO of Aetos Capital’s real estate business. “For the past several years, we’ve been intentionally not investing in the United States and Western Europe,” Kelley says. “Since 2002, we’ve bought more than $9 billion in real estate assets and companies in Japan, China, and Korea. We thought there were better growth prospects in Asia and a much more compelling value proposition investing there, and I think we turned out to be right.” For Kelley, success—both in business and in life—requires taking the big-picture view of things. “As a businessman and as an investor, you must have a global perspective,” Kelley says. “The real estate capital markets are becoming increasingly globalized, and sophisticated investors want managers to identify the best opportunities wherever they happen to be.” Moreover, Kelley says, investing in real estate overseas is far more complicated than investing domestically; in addition to understanding the real estate dynamics in a foreign country, you must also have a point of view on that country’s macro-economic, legal, regulatory, and tax outlook. Indeed, Kelley says, “you have to check your uniquely American perspectives at the door, and realize that other countries don’t necessarily think about doing things the way we do.” Kelley also takes the long view when it comes to the current economic climate. “I graduated in ’83, which means I was interviewing in ’82, which was another tough job market,” he says. “It’s a tough market now, but you have to remember that these things run in cycles—it’s important not to despair.” Moreover, he says, challenging circumstances teach valuable lessons, so starting out during tough times may ultimately prove to be an advantage. Kelley, who is also a McIntire School Foundation Board Trustee, says his years at U.Va. and McIntire taught him to start thinking about things in a comprehensive way. “The Comm School provides you with the technical skills to do the analytics,” he says. “The analytical tools you get at McIntire are a great basis for an investment career.” But beyond the technical skills, Kelley says, “you have to develop a larger world view. Being in the College for two years, and then in the Comm School, helps lay a great foundation for the development of this perspective.” Kelley’s advice for today’s graduates? “Spend time abroad, and read about what’s going on in the world.” But most important of all, he says, “find out what you enjoy doing, and do it—that’s how you’ll be successful. Remember that your career is a marathon, not a sprint.” You have to check your uniquely American perspectives at the door. —Scott Kelley Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 9 At Rouss & Robertson Halls, state-of-the-art technology combines with sustainable environmental practices Step out onto the Rouss Hall terrace, windows; and high-performance, long-life fluorescent see what appears to be a lush garden growing on Robertson energy efficiency and long-term financial savings,” she says. look across the courtyard, and you might be surprised to Hall’s rooftop. The real surprise, though, is that the rooftop garden isn’t actually a garden at all. It’s a “green roof ” that serves several environmentally friendly purposes. “The roof membrane is planted with sedum, a low- lighting. “Taken together, these investments all contribute to Moreover, Lawson says, “McIntire’s efforts also fit in with an evolving effort on the part of the University at large.” Many Measures, Big Results growing garden plant that needs very little maintenance,” Lawson points out, for instance, that McIntire is connected Starsia. “The sedum provides natural insulation in both heating and cooling systems. “These systems offer signifi- says McIntire’s Associate Dean for Administration Gerry summer and winter, reducing heating and cooling costs. In addition, the green roof holds water from rainfall, and then releases it gradually into the atmosphere, helping to prevent flooding, erosion, and storm water pollution.” As a bonus, Starsia says, the sedum adds to the roof ’s longevity, protecting it against the damaging effects of the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Integrated Whole-Building Strategy Although innovative, important, and highly visible, the green roof is just one of many initiatives designed to reduce energy consumption and environmental damage, says McIntire’s Director of Operations Elizabeth “Jo” Lawson. “The green roof is the first of its kind at U.Va., and we’re very excited about it,” she says. “However, from day one, the Commerce School developed an integrated ‘whole-building’ strategy that embraces sustainability from many vantage points.” Some of these whole-building strategies include the installation of state-of-the-art insulation; double-glazed 10 • C o m m e r c e U Va to the University’s newly improved, highly efficient central cant economic, operating, and maintenance advantages over individual building systems,” she says. “Both the Comm School and the University of Virginia have capitalized on these advantages. The investment in these systems makes economic sense while also reducing our carbon footprint and making us a better neighbor to the community.” McIntire is working to be a good neighbor and wise en- vironmental steward on numerous other dimensions. Some of these include: Comprehensive Guidelines • Green cleaning. McIntire uses environmentally How do you transform “sustainability” from a buzzword to safe cleansers and disinfectants. a viable strategy? There’s no simple answer, of course, but • Recycling. Recycling containers for paper, as well as for aluminum and plastic, are accessible, prominent, and the McIntire School of Commerce is committed to meet- Halls. in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). Developed the many students, faculty, and staff who commute by is a widely accepted set of standards for ensuring that properly maintained throughout Rouss & Robertson ing the standards of the U.S. Green Council’s Leadership • Bicycle racks. The Comm School accommodates by a nonprofit group of business industry leaders, LEED bike with bicycle racks at convenient locations near construction is environmentally responsible and eco- Rouss & Robertson Halls. nomically sound. • Pathways and access to Central Grounds. One of U.Va.’s long-term goals is the “These guidelines provide comprehensive bench- marks across a wide spectrum of categories that include creation of a stronger sense of the University as a single everything from efficient energy use, to providing clean entity through the development of increased access to indoor environments, to the proper storage and collec- Grounds for pedestrians, bicycles, and buses. “We have tion of recyclables,” says Starsia. “Although we are not helped to realize this goal,” Lawson says, “through the seeking LEED certification at this time, we are applying creation of significantly improved east-west pedestrian significant resources to ensuring that Rouss & Robertson paths and by access to Grounds via Rouss & Robertson Halls are LEED-compliant.” Halls themselves.” From Rooftops to Reservoirs One of the less obvious, but vitally important aspects of environmental stewardship is, literally, an underground effort—one that contains storm water runoff, which occurs when precipitation from rain or snowmelt flows over the ground. Impervious surfaces like driveways, sidewalks, and streets prevent storm water from soaking into the soil. As water flows over these surfaces, it picks up debris, chemicals, dirt, and other pollutants—which, after traveling through storm sewers, ultimately end up in lakes, streams, rivers, wetlands, or coastal water. Although the green roof helps to mitigate some of the potential pollution caused by storm water runoff, Rouss & Robertson Halls combine to create an impervious footprint of more than an acre. To capture and contain the water that falls onto this footprint, the buildings’ planners developed an ingenious system of underground pipes and holding tanks. “This approach reduces storm water pollution in the streams, rivers, and ultimately the bay,” says Starsia. “We can treat water at the collection point, allowing the ground itself to work as a filter. It really is true that from the rooftop to the soil, and throughout every classroom, office, and hallway, we are working very hard to provide the kind of steward- ship that is both environmentally sound and economically viable.” Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 11 McIntire’s Most Historic Day • April 25, 2008 For the McIntire School of Commerce, Friday, April 25, 2008, was a day of big events and big ideas that included the dedication of the Comm School’s state-of-the-art new home in Rouss & Robertson Halls, a major symposium, a hedge fund tournament using worldclass trading technology, and a gala celebration. Principal building donor John A. Griffin (McIntire ’85) speaks about his friend and mentor, legendary financier Julian Robertson (far left), for whom Robertson Hall was named. People gather in the courtyard of Rouss & Robertson Halls to celebrate the dedication. Students struggle to master global markets during the annual McIntire Hedge Fund Tournament. 12 • C o m m e r c e U Va The perfect end to a perfect day. Management Professor Rob Cross talks about the hidden power of social networks during the Eighth Annual Spring Symposium, “Leading in a Connected World.” In full swing, the celebration moves to the Lawn. Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 13 Reaching out to Alumni Old Cabell Hall Auditorium is filled to capacity with alumni and friends during the 2008 Fall Forum, “Investment Strategies in Turbulent Times.” 14 • C o m m e r c e U Va O n Oct. 3, 2008, more than 1,000 McIntire alumni, postings and career resources, and she is organizing podcasts students, and friends turned out for one of the and monthly web chats with faculty and expert alumni. “I most timely and thought-provoking events in want our alumni to understand that their relationship with the Comm School history. The annual Fall Forum, School doesn’t stop when they graduate.” titled “Investment Strategies in Turbulent Times,” was led by John A. Griffin (McIntire ’85), President and Founder of Blue cessful City Circles dinners, reaching out to alumni in metropoli- Ridge Capital, and featured Richard M. Gerson (McIntire ’97), tan areas including San Francisco, Boston, New York, and Wash- Managing Director of Blue Ridge Capital LLC; Julian H. Robert- ington, D.C. City Circles dinners involve gathering 15-20 young son, longtime friend to the McIntire School and Co-Founder of alumni with a handful of seasoned professionals for informal legendary hedge fund Tiger Management; Chris W. Shumway discussion of a particular topic or industry. (Past topics include (McIntire ’88), Founding Partner of Shumway Capital Partners; investment banking, real estate, marketing and advertising, and and Paul Touradji (McIntire ’93), President and Chief Investment career transitions.) “City Circles provide the perfect opportunity Officer of Touradji Capital Management. for young alumni to develop relationships with senior-level “We were very pleased to host such a phenomenal group of McIntire alumni and friends to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the financial world today,” says McIntire Dean Carl Zeithaml. “We are equally delighted To this end, Welch has continued the School’s highly suc- professionals,” Welch says. Young alum Garrett Bockenek (McIntire ’05), who recently hosted a City Circles dinner in Boston, agrees. Events such as City Circles, he says, benefit graduates of all ages. “A strong that so many members of the McIntire community were able to join us for such an important and timely discussion.” Although the Fall Forum was particularly noteworthy and dramatic, McIntire offers a wealth of opportunities across the country for alumni of all ages and interests to engage with the School and with one another. Zeithaml says it highlights only one of many ways in which alumni are making a difference at McIntire. “The value of alumni contributions, in terms of recruiting, providing financial support, engaging alumni community serves as the foundation for the establishment of important professional relationships,” Bockenek says. “It also allows motivated individuals with diverse skills and back- with students and recent alums, serving on boards, fundraising, grounds to share knowledge and build lifelong friendships.” providing advice, and participating in the classroom and in our centers, really cannot be overstated,” Zeithaml says. Young Alumni Council (MYAC) are open to all young McIntire Welch points out that the events organized by the McIntire alumni. MYAC, Welch says, “serves as a liaison between the Youthful Vitality School and our young alumni community.” Assistant Director of Development Laine Welch is particularly interested in reaching out to McIntire’s young and women alumni. High Society For young alumni, this effort means more opportunities to con- Welch is also working to enhance the activities of the Ivy nect with both their peers and well-established McIntire alums. Society, an initiative to promote networking, mentoring, and Welch says that her efforts are designed to support alumni philanthropy among women students, alumnae, and friends and to strengthen their ties to the School. “Alumni programs of the McIntire School. With the help of dedicated alumnae and events offer great opportunities for networking, learning, volunteers, the Ivy Society arranges events such as dinners, golf and connecting with the McIntire community,” she says. Welch outings, discussion forums, and networking receptions. is working on a new, enhanced alumni Web site featuring job “To me, it’s really important to help the next generation of Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 15 graduates—especially women— make the transition into the leader in the Alumni Trustee Program, Shapiro says, “I want to working world,” says Ivy Society volunteer Christy Chattleton ensure that the students who follow me at McIntire have the (McIntire ’00). Chattleton says she’s particularly interested in same opportunities that I had.” bolstering the group’s mentorship activities and is helping organize the Ivy Society’s annual reception in New York this January. Graduate Degrees, Alumni Connections “I really care about the future of McIntire,” she says. A great sense of community, close connections with faculty, and a superb student experience aren’t exclusive to McIntire’s McIntire Alumni Trustees undergraduate program. They are also characteristic of McIn- One way alumni can help to ensure McIntire’s continued tire’s four graduate programs: the M.S. in Accounting Program; excellence is by participating in the McIntire Alumni Trustee the M.S. in the Management of Information Technology (M.S. Program, a peer-to-peer solicitation program designed to help in MIT) Program; the Ernst & Young Your Master Plan M.S. in Ac- alumni reconnect with one another and with the School. counting Program; and the new M.S. in Commerce Program. Some 170 alumni from 18 classes serve as Alumni Trustees, Nicole Fitzwater, the School’s first Director of Gradu- reaching out to more than 3,000 of their classmates annually. ate Alumni Development, is working hard to develop—from “Keeping alumni connected to each other and the School is a scratch— a robust and compelling graduate alumni outreach Director of Graduate Alumni Development Nicole Fitzwater (left) strategizes with M.S. in MIT Advisory Board members. priority for the program that will bring value to alumni and keep them mean- Alumni Relations ingfully engaged with the School. “It’s really important that our team,” says Nola outreach efforts are successful and that we build a relationship Miller, Director with our graduate alumni,” Fitzwater says. of Development. Through the connected with one another and with McIntire, as well as creat- Alumni Trustee ing lifelong learning opportunities and organizing a diverse and Program, volun- valuable set of alumni activities. Last summer, Fitzwater orga- teers reach out to nized alumni family picnics, lunches, wine tastings, golf clinics, their classmates and happy hours, as well as an outing to a Nationals game. Fall annually for the activities include a football tailgate and corporate golf outing, dual purpose of and graduate alumni events will soon occur regularly in Char- keeping class- lottesville, Richmond, Northern Virginia, and Washington. mates engaged In addition, she says, graduate alumni should look for future with the School events in Atlanta, Boston, New York, and Charlotte. Doing so, she says, means helping graduate alumni stay and encouraging support of the McIntire Annual Fund at any level. “Our Alumni Trustees are an invaluable resource for the learning is critically important for McIntire graduate alumni. As School as we strive to grow the alumni participation rate (the a result, she is working with McIntire faculty to send monthly percentage of alumni who make a donation to McIntire each emails containing current course readings to M.S. in MIT and year). We are extremely grateful to our Trustee volunteers.” M.S. in Accounting alumni. The readings are posted in a blog format, allowing alumni to discuss what they are reading. Alumni Trustee Nick Shapiro (McIntire ’05) says he’s happy In addition to social activities, Fitzwater knows that lifelong to help. “I think the strong sense of community among stu- Fitzwater says that the School is also developing cutting-edge dents, faculty, staff, and alumni distinguishes McIntire from educational opportunities for alumni, such as the annual Inter- other schools,” Shapiro says. “These connections contributed national Executive Program. This one-week immersion program not only to my undergraduate experience, but were also impor- provides participants with an intense learning and networking tant throughout the recruiting process—and they continue to experience in the world’s most innovative regions. Alumni in make a difference post-graduation.” Through his role as a class this program traveled to Copenhagen, Denmark, for the past 16 • C o m m e r c e U Va two years, and M.S. in MIT faculty members are currently scop- Many Ways to ing out other possible locations. In addition, the School hosted Give Back a “Knowledge Continuum” Nov. 6-8, 2008, designed to allow Cocke’s dedication to the alumni to update their knowledge in such core areas as strat- School is matched by egy, architecture, project and enterprise management, leader- that of Bill Tyson (McIn- ship, and innovation. tire ’84), Chairman of the McIntire Advisory Board. Come One, Come All Asked why he feels it’s “The power of the McIntire network is really very strong,” says important to stay en- Assistant Dean for Development Katie Whittier. “I’m not sure if gaged with the School, everyone realizes the great potential of the McIntire network.” Tyson comments that he For Jason Rascoe (McIntire ’03), however, the strength of the “deeply indentifies” with McIntire network is very apparent. A McIntire alum, for instance, McIntire’s commitment helped him get his first job as an investment banker. Rascoe to excellence, integrity, also says that he benefited tremendously from taking John and innovation. “McIntire Griffin’s (McIntire ’85) investment course and that he continues is really unusual in the to make key connections through the McIntire network. “The category of innovation,” alumni network is probably one of McIntire’s greatest strengths,” Tyson says. “There’s a says Rascoe, an active MYAC member (and City Circles co-host, thoughtful, deliberate attitude toward change and evolution with Bockenek). “I’ve benefited enormously from my involve- that I think is a huge advantage for the School.” ment with McIntire both as a student and as an alumnus—and I hope to give back at least a fraction of what I received.” School is an indication of his deep appreciation of all that he gained from both U.Va. and McIntire. By staying active in McIn- A major reason that the McIntire network is so robust, Elena Groh (McIntire ’03) talks to more than 80 McIntire students during the Ivy Society’s “Dress Your Best” event. Tyson also says that his continued involvement with the Whittier says, is the School’s loyal board members. “Alumni tire’s affairs, Tyson says, “I can help other people, at least from an engagement initiatives wouldn’t be nearly as successful without educational standpoint, in the journey through their lives.” But the contributions of our board members,” she says. “All across Tyson says he also gains from his involvement with the School. the country, we’ve been able to call on them to help build the “When I come back to McIntire, I keep learning—from the pro- McIntire network.” fessors, from students, from other board members. You come back, you give back, you make time, and you continue to learn.” Meet You at the Corner One such dedicated McIntire board member is Charles Cocke in many ways—by attending McIntire events; hosting or at- (McIntire ’65), a longtime Cornerstone Society Board member. tending alumni events; spending time with students in the Cocke’s ties to the University and to McIntire run deep: His three classroom; recruiting students; and providing financial support sons, Byron, Chas, and John, all graduated from the McIntire for the School’s outstanding faculty, programs, and initiatives. School (in ’98, ’00, and ’03 [M.S. in Accounting ’04], respectively), “There are all sorts of ways for alumni to participate,” Tyson says. and he lives next door to Comm School buddy Pat Vaughan “McIntire makes it so easy for people to get involved.” Tyson points out that alumni can give back to the School (McIntire ’65, Law ’68). Moreover, he says, the U.Va. network proved crucial as he built his accounting firm, Reston, Va.-based You Can Make a Difference Cocke, Szpanka, & Taylor. As a member of the Cornerstone board, Want to find out more about how you can get involved? Con- Cocke helps to steer planned gifts to the School. “My Commerce tact Katie Whittier at 434-924-3394 or [email protected]. School education created my life’s opportunities,” Cocke says. “I She will be happy to help you make the most of your McIntire want to be sure that we maintain it for the next generation.” connection. Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 17 Tech Detective Professor Peter Gray wants to understand what makes people and technology click Why do some new technologies performance impacts?” Gray says his goal is to develop revolutionize the way people and best-practice approaches that can help IT managers coach companies work, while others, and guide business unit managers and supervisors who though equally nifty, never get want to see these new technologies permeate their work off the ground? “The common forces. denominator across many documented failures is not a lack of Looking for Answers technical features,” says McIntire In a recent study of employees’ adoption and use of Professor of Information Technology Peter Gray. “Instead, a corporate knowledge repository, for instance, Gray the individuals for whom a new system is built, and who found that an employee’s propensity to adopt the new would benefit from its use, simply do not use the system.” system was most affected by whether peers and those who worked for him/her had used the technology—not High Technology, Age-Old Questions whether the employee’s superiors had. “Traditionally, The question of why individuals choose to use new top-down leadership has been crucial when rolling out technologies intrigues Gray. He is particularly interested new systems,” Gray says. “But with these new technolo- in technologies designed to expand people’s options for gies, bottom-up leadership is much more effective.” When communicating and sharing knowledge—everything it comes to adopting these kinds of “social” technologies, from more established “knowledge management” sys- Gray says, “seeing someone who works for or with you de- tems such as knowledge repositories, online communities, rive value by using these technologies may be the crucial and virtual teams, to newer Web 2.0 technologies such factor.” as blogs, wikis, and social bookmarking. “Whether or not In a study of online communities, Gray wanted to employees adopt these new technologies is often as- better understand why some new community members sumed to be the responsibility of IT managers,” Gray says. soon quit while others stayed. “When you create an online “But the key challenges often have less to do with the community,” he says, “the goal is to grow. So how do we technologies themselves and more to do with underlying get people who show up to commit for the long term?” aspects of human nature.” In particular, Gray wondered if it mattered whether or not To really understand the adoption of “social” technologies, Gray says, “I focus on the intersection of cognition and technology use. How do people’s beliefs, attitudes, new members were referred to the community by another member. The answer, he found, was a resounding “yes.” People and dispositions affect their use of technology? And why who joined online communities as a result of referral were are some people more likely than others to see positive more likely to stick around, and they were also more active 18 • C o m m e r c e U Va participants—and for a deeply human set of reasons. Recommenders had likely already considered whether or not the person in question would be a good fit for the community. But beyond this filtering effect, the act of referring someone also gave recommenders the oppor tunity to shape the recommendees’ expectations, reduc- and social bookmarking gave them new channels that ing their learning curve and increasing their engagement enhanced creativity in ways that older communications as soon as they first arrived. In addition, recommenders technologies that focused more on question-and-answer provided a role model for recommendees, who often exchanges did not. “Companies that view knowledge mimicked the participation habits of their recommenders transfer as something that simply enhances efficiency from the outset. through the re-use of proven solutions often have a hard In a third study, Gray chose to question his own question, examining whether what mattered most to time understanding the innovation-related benefits of these newer technologies,” Gray says. the success of a new technology was the sheer quantity of use it received, or the way in which the technology What It’s All About was used. Gray’s study produced a number of interesting Where is all of this research leading? “Given what we results. First, he found that, when it came to using these see in the communication patterns of today’s youth, new technologies, the quantity of use ultimately did not the arrival of these new social technologies in organiza- matter. Instead, he found that the people with whom tions is inevitable,” Gray says. “But the ability to connect an individual used the technology to connect was the in these new ways for business purposes is so new—we important factor. really don’t understand what the best practices are, what In particular, Gray found strong evidence that indi- the managerial implications are, or how these new tech viduals who used social technologies to connect with nologies will generate business value.” It’s these ques- disparate groups of coworkers were seen by their manag- tions, Gray says, that really drive his work. “Underpinning ers as having more creative ideas. “Brokering ideas across my research is a belief that the management of infor unconnected groups is a known method of generating mation technology can be a source of competitive ad- creative insight,” Gray says. “Our evidence points to the vantage for organizations,” he says. “I hope to make solid value of using new kinds of technologies to accomplish research contributions—but I also want to help managers this kind of brokerage in a way that really enhances inno- enhance the effectiveness and competitiveness of their vative performance.” Newer technologies such as blogs organizations.” Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 19 Faculty UPDATES McIntire Welcomes New Faculty Monica Banyi (Ph.D., Accounting, University of Arizona) joins the McIntire School as an Assistant Professor in the Accounting Area. She specializes in accounting regulation and financial reporting. Her research uses archival market information to examine the impact of accounting information on the incremental financing decisions made by firms. Banyi has taught intermediate accounting and financial analysis at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Natasha Foutz (Ph.D., Marketing, Cornell University) is an Assistant Professor in the Marketing Area. She is interested in entertainment marketing, media and advertising, new product design, and demand forecasting. Foutz’s research has been published in scholarly journals such as Journal of Marketing Research. The recipient of several teaching awards, Foutz has taught marketing and econometric modeling at the M.B.A. and Ph.D. levels. She teaches entertainment marketing and in the ICE program at McIntire. Drew Hess (Ph.D., Strategic Management, Georgia Institute of Technology), an Assistant Professor in the Management Area, researches a number of issues concerning organizational innovation. Hess’ research has appeared in Organization Science, and he was recently awarded the 2008 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s Industry Studies Award for the best 20 • C o m m e r c e U Va paper. While working toward his Ph.D., Hess was also awarded a Kauffman Foundation Dissertation Fellowship. He teaches strategy in the ICE program. Sue Porter (Ph.D., University of Washington) joins the Accounting Area as an Associate Professor. Her research examines issues related to the federal income taxation of individuals, corporations, and their shareholders. Porter has published numerous articles on tax and accounting topics in scholarly journals, including Journal of Accounting and Economics; Contemporary Accounting Research; and Journal of the American Taxation Association. She is on the editorial board of Journal of the American Taxation Association and of Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation. Andrea Roberts (Ph.D., Accountancy, The George Washington University) is an Assistant Professor in the Accounting Area, specializing in issues related to nonprofit financial reporting. Her research interests focus on how and why nonprofits report financial information and the impact of this information on nonprofit stakeholders. Roberts has published articles in scholarly journals, including The Accounting Review and Accounting Horizons. She teaches courses in cost and financial accounting at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Mac Lathan Retires Associate Professor Mac Lathan retired from the McIntire School in May 2008 after 25 years of service. He specialized in auditing and assurance services. Before joining the McIntire School faculty in 1983, Lathan served on the faculties of The University of Georgia and Duke University. He was also an adjunct faculty member at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Before attending graduate school, Lathan was employed with Ernst & Ernst (now Ernst & Young LLP) and Goodman & Company, CPAs. He also was Director of Internal Auditing at Durham Life Insurance Company. Lathan, a CPA, is a member of the American Accounting Association, the American Institute of CPAs, The Institute of Internal Auditors, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, the Virginia Society of CPAs, the North Carolina Association of CPAs, and the Harley Owners Group. He is also currently Vice Chair and a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Virginia Society of CPAs and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Society of CPAs PAC. Lathan earned his Ph.D. in accounting, as well as his bachelor’s degree, from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He earned an M.B.A. from Duke University. He and his wife, Linda, have relocated to Wilson, N.C., where their children and grandchildren live. Professor David Mick among Most Frequently Published Marketing Researchers McIntire Professor David Mick was recently cited as one of the 10 most frequently published researchers in Journal of Consumer Research over a 25year span, beginning in 1977 and ending in 2002. The study, titled “A Backward Glance of Who and What Marketing Scholars Have Been Researching, 19772002,” was presented at the 2008 annual conference of the Academy of Marketing Science. “This represents phenomenal output and reflects an enormous dedication to consumer research on behalf of Professor Mick as well as the high standards and saliency of his work,” said University of Birmingham (U.K.) Professor Douglas West, who was the lead author of the article. “The Journal of Consumer Research has always received an enormous number of papers from hopeful authors, and my current understanding is that it receives around 700 papers a year, which demonstrates the immense achievement this represents.” McIntire’s Business Law Specialty Earns Top Honors from BusinessWeek In its first-ever ranking of undergraduate specialty programs, BusinessWeek has crowned McIntire’s business law specialty tops in the nation. The School took the No. 2, 3, and 4 spots in corporate strategy, marketing, and financial management, respectively, as well as the No. 8 spot in accounting. McIntire Professor John Wheeler, the sole proprietor of the business law specialty, said he views himself as a storyteller with a full-time job. “Every rule I cover,” Wheeler said, “is associated with a story. The law is such an abstract subject; by using stories, I give students something concrete that their brains can latch on to.” Wheeler said he works hard to try to cover legal topics that students are likely to encounter in their own lives and careers. “The law is a vast topic,” Wheeler said. “You can’t possibly cover it all.” Based on his own experience as a lawyer, though, and by constantly reading practitioners’ journals, Wheeler said he’s able to cover the rules that come up most in the real world. Said Wheeler, “It’s not necessarily what’s most interesting to me—it’s what the students are likely to encounter.” The law is such an abstract subject; by using stories, I give students something concrete that their brains can latch on to. —John Wheeler Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 21 ALUMNI News 1940s 1970s John J. Boles ’47 (A&S ’49) received a commendation from John E. Baldacci, governor of Maine, for his lifelong service to the community, particularly his role as a founder of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, which has helped thousands of children and their families receive free medical services that they would not otherwise receive. Gov. Baldacci also commended Mr. Boles for his active role in the ongoing development of St. Joseph’s Health and Retirement Center in Ojai, Calif. Mr. Boles also received a commendation from Richard C. Shadyac, CEO of ALSAC, the fundraising arm of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, for his involvement in helping pioneer the organization and working with ALSAC. Mr. Shadyac recommended Mr. Boles to be received into the Knights of Malta. 1950s Ron Szpatura ’70 is celebrating his 20th year of publishing with his Annapolis, Md.-based company, Landmark Marketing Inc. Landmarks provides quality destination information to travelers, with the best in dining, shopping, attractions, and more in 13 mid-Atlantic markets. Since Ron founded the company in 1988, the distribution has grown, reaching over 25 million guests annually through in-room hardbound publications, in-room visitor channels, specialty key card booklets, and a Web site (http://www.visitlandmarks. com). Landmarks recently developed a partnership with Jordan Publishing Inc. for Exclusively publications in many of the Landmarks markets. Ron and his staff at Landmarks currently work with over 2,000 businesses and look forward to celebrating more markets, more products, and more success stories for their clients in the future. Doug Eitel ’51 is a licensed Florida nursing home administrator and has served as a preceptor/interim administrator for the past 17 years. Mr. Eitel is President of Synergy Health Management, and his article, “The Director of Nursing May Be the Best Choice to Be the Facility’s Next Administrator,” was published in the winter 2008 issue of FADONA Focus, from the Florida Association Directors of Nursing Administration. Michael A. Wellman ’75 (Darden ’79) has joined Diversified Search Ray & Berndtson as a Managing Director and Practice Leader, Private Equity/Venture Capital, based in the New York office. Before joining Diversified Search Ray & 22 • C o m m e r c e U Va Berndtson, Wellman was a Senior Managing Partner of two global retained executive search firms and founded his own firm, Jefferson Partners. Earlier, he spent eight years as a Senior Client Partner with Korn/Ferry International, where he served as President of Global Specialty Practices; he was elected to KFY’s board of directors (NYSE) and was Region Managing Partner for the Northeast Region and Office Managing Partner for New York. Wellman has also worked as Chief Talent Officer for Comstellar Technologies Inc., a private equity/venture capital investor in advanced communications and microelectronic technology. Before entering executive search, he worked for Bain & Company, Chemical Bank, and a private textile manufacturer, Wellman Inc. (now NYSE). 1980s Robert L. “Larry” Tucker ’80 received the Ohio State Bar Association’s Friend of Legal Education Award for 2008. The award is given annually to the member of the Ohio bar who has contributed the most to legal education. Mr. Tucker is one of the founding partners in the law firm of Hanna, Campbell & Powell in Akron, Ohio. He also holds an appointment as an adjunct professor, teaching insurance law at the University of Akron School of Law. Cheryl R. Moore ’85 joined Genworth Financial at the company’s headquarters in Richmond, Va., as the Vice President for Corporate Communications. Moore’s son Tucker is a fourth-year Engineering student at U.Va. Her middle son, Logan, is a sophomore at “the other Virginia university.” Moore currently holds board/leadership positions with the Chesterfield Education Foundation, the Greater Richmond United Way, New Visions New Ventures, and the Greater Richmond Chamber of Commerce. Classmates can reach Moore at [email protected]. Gary Wallace ’85 (M.S. in Accounting ’86) has joined The Riverstone Group LLC as CFO. The Riverstone Group is a diversified holding company based in Richmond, Va. Its holdings include The Jefferson Hotel, Kiawah Island Golf Resort, The Sea Pines Resort, and CCA Financial. Gary was previously a Partner with KPMG in Richmond. Steve Morales ’88 is an Executive Producer at Franklin Springs Family Media. He is responsible for the funding and distribution of a growing catalog of films and documentaries that encourage a restoration of family-centered homes. Mr. Morales and his wife, Alicia Kleckley Morales (A&S ’88), homeschool their seven children, ages 1 to 13, and live in Charlottesville, Va. Julie M. Siegel ’88 and her husband, Neil, welcomed their second child, Riley Alyse, born Jan. 4, 2008. Riley joins a sister, Emily, 9. Ms. Siegel is the Controller for Geologic Resource Partners, an investment advisory firm in Boston. The family resides in Sun Valley, Idaho. Amy M. Quinn ’89 has joined Marietta, Ga.based accounting firm Moore Colson as a Senior Manager in its real estate practice. Quinn, a CPA, has 19 years’ experience in real estate investments, due diligence, finance, and financial reporting, with an in-depth knowledge of commercial real estate equities and mortgages. Before joining Moore Colson’s real estate practice, she was the Portfolio Asset Manager for Songy Partners in Atlanta. 1990s David Lee Moss ’91 is a Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Atlanta. He has three children—Hannah, Theo, and Nate—with his wife, Jane. Ben Peltzer III ’92 recently completed his Beechcraft Premier 1A jet type rating, his fourth type rating as a Senior Demonstration Captain for Hawker Beechcraft Corporation, based in Wichita, Kan. Ben operates aircraft worldwide in support of sales for Hawker Beechcraft, where he has been employed for the last two years. Ashley Wallace Borders ’93 and her husband, Keith, welcomed their first child, Colin Campbell, born Nov. 18, 2007. The family resides in the Richmond, Va., area. Hal Omar Archer ’94 and Gena Rhone Archer (A&S ’94) welcomed their first child, Brandon Omar, born Jan. 4, 2008. Jason D. Bass ’94 and his wife, Gina, welcomed a daughter, Virginia Frazier, born Feb. 5, 2008. Virginia joins a brother, Yates, 2. The family lives in Richmond, Va. Phillip Hirschel ’94 and his wife, Amy, welcomed their first child, Beatrice Kate, and one minute later, Beatrice’s twin brother, Dylan Miles, born June 17, 2008. Mr. Hirschel and his family live in Tampa, Fla., where he is a Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Valerie Jean Hawrylko ’95 (Darden ’00) married Lawrence Anthony Camillo July 7, 2007. Ms. Hawrylko is a Senior Associate in Organization and Strategy at Booz Allen Hamilton. The couple resides in Alexandria, Va. Salman Tajuddin ’95 has joined the Washington, D.C., office of FTI Consulting as a Director in the restructuring and turnaround division, specializing in Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 23 ALUMNI News communications, media, and entertainment engagements. Previously he was a Vice President and Co-Founder of MCG Capital Corporation, a financing and investment firm in Arlington, Va. Christopher Frieden ’96 and Ashley Phillips Frieden (A&S ’97) welcomed their second child, Colby Catherine, born Dec. 27, 2007. Colby joins sister Carter Elizabeth, 3. The family resides in Atlanta, where Mr. Frieden is a Partner at Alston & Bird and Ms. Frieden is a Senior Associate at King & Spalding. Kevin F. Hull ’96 is a Partner at the law firm of Hunton & Williams in its McLean, Va., office. His practice focuses on commercial and real estate lending and transactional work for financial institutions. Ignatius David (“Nate”), born July 2, 2008. Nate joins brother Xavier Vincent, 2. The Lipani family resides in Chicago. Tiki Barber ’97, former NFL football star, visited Charlottesville’s Boys and Girls Club March 15, 2008, to talk about academics and athletics. ( asp?S=8022070&nav=menu496_2_5) Dave Barberot ’97 (Darden ’03) and Christina C. Barberot (A&S ’97) announce the birth of their son, Reid Soniat, born April 2, 2008. Reid joins a sister, Kenley Anne, 2. The Barberots reside in Charlotte, N.C. Scotti (Vaughn) Teschke ’97 and her husband, Kyle, welcomed their first child, Madison Scott, born March 4, 2008. The family resides in High Point, N.C. Jennifer Zittrain Tippit ’97 and her husband, Alan, welcomed their first child, Noah Richardson, born Jan. 18, 2008. The family resides in Wylie, Texas. Damian Lipani ’96 and wife, Christen, announce the birth of their second son, 24 • C o m m e r c e U Va Benjamin Tisdell ’97 is an Investment Banker with the restructuring advisory practice of Lazard Freres & Co. He previously practiced bankruptcy/restructur- ing law for four years with Davis Polk & Wardwell. Robert Cooley ’98 married Amber Obremskey June 14, 2003. They welcomed their first son, Pierce Harrison, born April 26, 2008. The family resides in Atlanta, where Mr. Cooley works in finance for The Home Depot. He received an M.B.A. from Georgetown University in 2003. Elaine Fields Naglic ’98 and Robert Naglic (A&S ’98) welcomed their second daughter, Genevieve Margaret, born April 2, 2008. Genevieve joins sister Cecilia, 3. The family resides in Mechanicsville, Va. Michele Martell Pehrkon ’98 and her husband, Stephen, welcomed their daughter, Paige Marie, born Sept. 21, 2007. Paige joins a brother, Reid Theodore, 2. The family resides in Vienna, Va. Renee Guanlao Reese ’98 (M.S. in Accounting ’99) and Will Reese welcomed their first child, Dylan Chloe, born April 21, 2008. Dylan is the niece of Leah Guanlao (Education ’00), Elizabeth Ammann Guanlao (Engineering ’02), and Dante Guanlao (Engineering ’02). Michael Schreiber ’98 is Vice President of Sales Business Development at NBC Universal. He is responsible for leading the execution of new distribution deals for content with Internet, wireless, and emerg- ing technology partners. Mr. Schreiber previously worked in business development for the NBC stations’ ad sales group and the CNBC international team within the NBC Strategic Partnership Group. Pamela Gohlke Buskirk ’99 is an Associate with the law firm of Odin, Feldman, Pittleman in its trust, estate, and tax planning practice group, focusing her practice on wills, trusts, and the gift and estate tax. Meera Puri Dunleavey ’99 and her husband, Steve, welcomed their first child, Jake Preston, born Jan. 31, 2008. The family resides in Fairfax, Va. Jeffrey Richman ’99 and Mary McCann Richman ’00 welcomed their first child, Noa Anne, born Feb. 13, 2008. The family resides in Boston. Jennifer Mahone Thibodeau ’99 and her husband, Joe Thibodeau ’00 (Darden ’08), celebrated the birth of their third child, Tyler John, born June 1, 2008. Tyler joins his sister, Kyrie, 4, and brother, Joseph, 2. The family lives in Lorton, Va. Jen works as a Consultant for CACI; Joe works in mergers and acquisitions for AOL. 2001 Brian Vahaly ’01 has retired from professional tennis and in early 2008 started a position in private wealth management at UBS Financial Services. (http://www. ratcliffe_on/article/ratcliffe_on_vahaly_re tires_on_his_own_terms/7784/) 2002 Hans P. Riede ’02 is an Associate with the law firm of Odin, Feldman, Pittleman in the firm’s litigation and domestic relations practice group, focusing his practice on civil litigation, commercial litigation, and all areas of family law. Mr. Riede is an active member of the Fairfax County Bar Association and American Bar Association. 2003 Olivia, born March 5, 2008. Graycn joins her big brother, Colin Emery, 2. The family resides in Charleston, S.C. Paul Hudson ’03 published a travel memoir, Prelude to Tomorrow, with iUniverse, an affiliate of Barnes & Noble. Mr. Hudson was accepted into the Authors@Google program and spoke about his book at the Google offices in New York in August 2008. The talk was Webcast to Google’s U.S. offices and will be available on YouTube. Kate D. Leonard ’03 is an Associate with the law firm of Odin, Feldman, Pittleman, in its litigation practice group. Her practice focuses on commercial litigation, and she is an active member of the American Bar Association. 2004 Gina McCabe (M.S. in MIT ’04) has joined American Systems as Vice President of Client Services within the Enterprise Consulting Group. She has also written a memoir titled What If I Tell (March 2008) in an effort to raise awareness, help other survivors, and stop the stigma and silence surrounding child sexual abuse. ( Stephanie (Rhoads) Fruchter ’03 and her husband, Shawn, recently celebrated the birth of their second child, Graycn Stephanie Santoso ’04, who with her mother operates healthful baked goods company Cupoladua Oven (http://www.; formerly Amandari Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 25 ALUMNI News Co), traveled to New York City in June 2008 to exhibit their Cupola Cookies and Cupola Clouds at the National Association for the Specialty Food Trade’s 54th Summer Fancy Food Show. Their Parmesan Pink Peppercorn Cupola Clouds were featured on NBC’s “Weekend Today” show June 29, 2008. (http://www.msnbc.msn. com/id/21134540/vp/25439662#25439662) Santoso also announces the launch of the company’s online store and its participation in Share Our Strength’s Great American Bake Sale, a national campaign that mobilizes Americans to end childhood hunger by holding bake sales in their communities. Kenny Vaughn ’04 and Molly Buchanan (A&S ’06) married Sept. 15, 2007. The couple resides in Oak Harbor, Wash., where Mr. Vaughn is stationed as a Pilot in the U.S. Navy. Brandon Walsh ’04, who started Hosted Wine Tasting LLC, toured the Sonoma and Napa Valley regions of California in August 2008, looking for the next “big wines” for use in his upcoming wine-tasting events. While in Napa Valley, Walsh attended another course at the Culinary Institute of America, focusing on the great wine regions of Europe. 2005 Apurva Desai (M.S. in MIT ’05) has joined Pivotal Insight (http://pivotal- 26 • C o m m e r c e U Va, a leader in management strategies and expert consulting services for government. He joins M.S. in MIT alumni David Bergert (M.S. in MIT ’05), Rob Cimperman (M.S. in MIT ’05), and Lisa Kane Gardner ’97 (M.S. in MIT ’06). Pivotal’s core domains are acquisition strategy, program and project management, human capital management, and cyber security. Tim Hendrickson (M.S. in MIT ’05) moved into a new job in January 2007. He is now the Deputy Director of the National Ground Intelligence Center’s Enterprise Services. In addition, his daughter, Lauren, has been accepted into the University as a transfer student from Piedmont Virginia Community College. 2006 Phil Cherbaka (M.S. in MIT ’06) and his wife, Lissa, announce the birth of their daughter, Abigail Paige, born Aug. 1, 2008. She weighed 5 pounds, 15 ounces and measured 18.5 inches long. Photos and updating news are at Scott Day (M.S. in MIT ’06) is CTO of The Motley Fool. He previously was Vice President for Application Software and Analytics for In-Q-Tel, a governmentsponsored organization that acts as a venture capital firm for the U.S. intelligence community, and is currently a member of McIntire’s M.S. in MIT Advisory Board. 2007 Chip Miller ’07 and Lindsay Jones ’08 were united in marriage May 31, 2008, at Yule Farm in Charlottesville, Va. The couple exchanged vows and held a garden reception overlooking the Shenandoah Mountains. The Millers reside in San Francisco, where Lindsay will begin her career with Navigant Consulting and Chip will continue as General Manager of SlimGap Software. For further details, pictures, and a song written for the couple, visit Nicole Iden (M.S. in MIT ’07) is the Manager of Partner Technology with Grameen Foundation, in Washington, D.C. The foundation is a nonprofit that supports microfinance institutions (MFIs) across the world by providing them financing, operational and technical support, and technology development. Iden’s team provides counseling and support to Grameen Foundation’s MFI partners on information technology automation and business process management. She recently returned from two trips overseas to Nigeria and Ethiopia, where she conducted three-day business process management workshops for several MFI partners. In Memoriam Littleton W. Parks ’35 of Virginia Beach, Va., died Dec. 23, 2007. A veteran of World War II, Mr. Parks served in the U.S. Coast Guard, retiring as a Lieutenant Commander. He was an independent insurance agent and retired from the Walke Parks Insurance Agency in the 1980s. Survivors include a son, Rufus Parks II ’77. William B. Lawson Jr. ’48 (Law ’51) of Arlington, Va., died Nov. 21, 2007. Mr. Lawson was in the U.S. Navy’s V-12 program and served as a Communications Officer on an aircraft carrier during World War II. He worked in the law firm of Adams, Porter and Radigan and then was a Lawyer and Partner with Harold, Campbell and Lawson. Mr. Lawson served as Director of First Virginia Bank and Old Dominion Bank for 37 years until retiring in 1988. Joseph E. Godridge Jr. ’49 of Chevy Chase, Md., died April 26, 2008. The beloved husband of Barbara K. “Bobbie” Godridge was a securities broker and well-known lecturer on finance in the Washington area. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; daughter, Victoria Anne Godridge Warner (A&S ’82); and grandchildren, Victoria Abigail Warner, Joseph Pierpont Warner, and Madeline Godridge Warner. He is predeceased by a son, Joseph Edward Godridge III. Deets retired from the U.S. Navy Reserve in 1966. He worked in the law firm of Michie, Camblos and Taylor until opening the practice Deets and Martin in Charlottesville in the 1960s. Mr. Deets served as president of many civic organizations, including the Charlottesville-Albemarle Jaycees, the Charlottesville Navy League, the Library Board, and the United WayThomas Jefferson Area. Joseph G. Hyman ’49 of Charlottesville, Va., died Nov. 30, 2007. Mr. Hyman served as an officer in the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II and opened Eljo’s Clothing Store on the Corner with his brother, Elliot, in 1950. Attentive to the lives of his customers as well as a strong believer in U.Va.’s honor system, Mr. Hyman provided financial and personal assistance to students in need, using a handshake or the student’s word to seal the agreement. Alfred D. Alvarez ’79 of Rahway, N.J., died Jan. 12, 2008. Mr. Alvarez was a member of the U.Va. football team. He was an Attorney for the Sansone Auto Group in Avenel, N.J., for 15 years. William A. Morton ’49 (Law ’52) of Charleston, W.Va., died Nov. 26, 2007. Mr. Morton was a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. An Attorney with Morton & Morton, he specialized in oil and gas law. He was a member of several bar associations, including the West Virginia State Bar, which honored him for his 50 years of membership. Mr. Morton was a former committee chairman of Boy Scout Troop 5. Edward H. Deets Jr. ’51 (Law ’53) of Charlottesville, Va., died Nov. 18, 2007. An air navigator in the U.S. Navy in 1944, Mr. Maresa Burris Arrington ’79 of Washington, D.C., died Nov. 10, 2007. She was an Auditor in the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Defense. She was a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority. She co-founded a gospel choir at her church and sang in many other church choirs. She volunteered at five elementary schools and at Laurel Regional Hospital. David Brian Lavine ’89 of New York City died Jan. 7, 2008. Mr. Lavine worked for various consulting firms and helped found Viant, an Internet firm. He also started a financial venture in Santiago, Chile, with a childhood friend, fulfilling his dream of living in a Spanish-speaking country. After almost four years in Chile, he and his family returned to New York in 2007. Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 27 REFLECTIONS Professor Tom Bateman, Director of U.Va.’s new undergraduate minor in leadership, discusses how the program helps students gain the tools they need in a complex world The Comm School has a long and successful history of helping McIntire students learn the essentials of leadership. It’s a key part of our core curriculum and a key element to classes in all of our concentrations. In the past, however, there were relatively few options at U.Va. for non-Commerce students to really dig in and explore the nature of leadership in a focused way. That, however, is changing. The McIntire School has established an academic home for the study of leadership through a new undergraduate minor open to students across Grounds. The program grew out of a course for second-year students that I’ve offered for the past three years called “Leadership across Disciplines.” The course looks at leadership as more than managing people in a job setting. Rather, our aim is to help students develop the ability to work with other people to create positive change. By looking at leadership in this way, we believe students from any discipline can apply —Tom Bateman leadership principles, whether they serve as a nurse, a teacher, or an engineer, or in any other activity in the public, private, or nonprofit sectors. The course includes guest speakers from different University departments, as well as leader-practitioners from many walks of life. Throughout the course, we consider three primary questions: “The course looks at leadership as more than managing people in a job setting.” • Where are the opportunities for leadership? • How do leaders think? • What do the best leaders do? “Leadership across Disciplines” is a core component (the introductory course) of the leadership curriculum. The minor involves 12 additional credit hours in which students can choose six hours of electives from various courses around Grounds, including ethics, project management, and communication skills. However, all students are required to take a case-based course titled “Learning to Lead.” During that course, we examine how 28 • C o m m e r c e U Va leaders both fail and succeed. We study, for example, the 1996 disaster on Mount Everest, when eight people died ascending the mountain. Students then grapple with many questions: What role did the trip leaders play? Are such tragedies inevitable when facing extreme challenges? What are the lessons for leaders in more “normal” circumstances? More positively, students read and explore cases in which people succeed as change agents, become stars at work, or solve tough problems. Ultimately, “Learning to Lead” sets the stage for a leadership practicum in which students develop (with the help of advisers) their own hands-on field-based leadership projects. As we gear up to start the program, students are showing tremendous enthusiasm. They seem every bit as excited as I am. M c I n t i r e S c h o o l of C o m m e r c e at the U n i v e r s i t y of Vi r g i n i a Investors’ Report 2007 – 2008 CONTENTS McIntire School Financial Report ....................................................................... 30 Annual Fund Campaigns......................................................................................... 31 McIntire Dean’s Society........................................................................................... 31 McIntire Cornerstone Society............................................................................... 32 Undergraduate Alumni Gifts . .............................................................................. 34 Graduate Alumni Gifts . .......................................................................................... 43 Parents, Friends, Faculty, and Staff Gifts .......................................................... 45 Corporations, Foundations, Firms, and Matching-Gift Companies . ...... 46 Corporate Partners .................................................................................................. 46 Centers of Excellence............................................................................................... 47 Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 29 McIntire School of Commerce Financial Report 2007-2008 REVENUE State/University Funding Graduate & Special Programs Transfers from Foundation Investment & Gift Income EXPENSES Salaries & Benefits Operating Expenses Return to Endowment $8,763,459 7,005,144 1,791,996 2,233,189 44.28% 35.39% 9.05% 11.28% $19,793,788 100.00% $15,546,689 3,733,670 513,429 78.55% 18.86% 2.59% $19,793,788 100.00% R E V E N U E Investment & Gift Income 11.28 % Transfers from Foundation 9.05 % Graduate & Special Programs 35.39 % State/University Funding 44.28 % McIntire Foundation Financial Report 2007-2008 REVENUE Centers, Executive Education, & Other Unrestricted Gifts Restricted Gifts & Other EXPENSES Centers & Executive Education Transfers to McIntire Operating Other Return to Endowment $1,852,549 3,168,536 1,869,791 26.88% 45.99% 27.13% $6,890,876 100.00% $903,099 1,791,996 2,902,125 1,293,656 13.10% 26.01% 42.12% 18.77% $6,890,876 100.00% E X P E N S E S Operating Expenses 18.86 % Salaries & Benefits 78.55 % Other Capital Project Gifts Realized Planned Gifts Restricted Gifts 30 • C o m m e r c e U Va $2,632,701 596,949 1,218,767 $4,448,417 Fiscal Year 7-1-07 to 6-30-08 Return to Endowment 2.59 % Annual Fund Campaigns McIntire thanks our committed investors who participate in the Back to the Lawn Fund, the Dome Campaign, the Colonnade Campaign, and the Serpentine Campaign. These campaigns help the School secure long-term annual operating funds as we continue to build the world’s best business programs. Back to the Lawn Fund Investors $125,000 total ($25,000 a year for 5 years, commitments made before July 1, 2005) Eric Coble ❖ Kenneth F. Cooper ❖ Joseph R. Daniel & Linda Daniel ❖ Henry A. Dudley Jr. & Ann M. Dudley ❖ Richard L. Fisher & Dorothy D. Fisher ❖ Donald E. Flow & Robbin Bartlett Flow ❖ Robert B. Harman James G. Harris & Martha M. Harris ❖ Michael T. Jackson ❖ Gregory S. Ledford ❖ Edward D. McCrady & Pattie S. McCrady ❖ Nicholas A. Merrick & Leslie M. Merrick ❖ Paul K. Meyer & Amy S. Meyer ❖ John T. O’Connell & Anita D. O’Connell ❖ Dara Brunelli O’Hara & Timothy P. O’Hara ❖ Charles Wesley Peebles Jr. ❖ Sonja Hoel Perkins ❖ Curtis W. Schade ❖ Richard D. Tadler & Donna Graff Tadler ❖ Steven M. Tadler & Joyce E. Tadler ❖ Laurie Kasselman Turner & Charles H. (Cary) Turner ❖ Bruce D. Wardinski ❖ Michael A. Wildish Dome Campaign Investors $125,000 total ($25,000 a year for 5 years, commitments made after July 1, 2005) Scott M. Kelley ❖ Edward D. McCrady & Pattie S. McCrady ❖ Richard J. Nadeau & Stacey Nadeau ❖ John T. Shippee & Christine Shippee ❖ James E. Toups ❖ Donald K. Truslow & Beverly L. Truslow Colonnade Campaign Investors $50,000 total ($10,000 a year for 5 years) Anonymous Roger L. Calvert & Barbara C. Calvert ❖ Kevin A. Carson Brian P. Cohane Mitchell R. Cohen & Susan Oberhelman Cohen ❖ Gardner Courson ❖ Thomas A. DePasquale Kevin J. Driscoll Richard M. Gerson ❖ Philip B. Hager Andrew Hee & Rachel Erickson Hee ❖ Glen T. Kacher P. Jeffrey Leck & Genevieve Leck ❖ William W. McCarten & Sheila A. McCarten ❖ Lilian Shackelford Murray & Daniel B. Murray ❖ Edgar L. Parrish & Katherine M. Parrish Christopher D. Ray Robert M. Rubino Steven G. Schneider J. Scott Sinclair ❖ Bradley E. Singer Linda Gill Sink John G. Stathis Chad L. Strean James W. Todd & Sharon K. Todd ❖ Earl E. Webb & Susan R. Webb Serpentine Campaign Investors $25,000 total ($5,000 a year for 5 years) Gordon Bernhardt Kevin J. Dell Bruce B. Durkee & Juliet S. Durkee Timothy C. Ford Jaye S. Gamble III Gregg I. Goldenberg Johnna Duncan Green & Jeffrey B. Green Ross D. Heller A. Gibboney Huske ❖ R. Christian Johnsen S. Sean Kelleher John Kuchinski David MacFarlane & Annesley R. MacFarlane Victoria O’Brien MacMillan Tia Brunelli Mahaffy & Michael Mahaffy George L. Maloomian P. Kent McCammon Marlene Clark Mizell & Robert F. Mizell Cynthia Herring Olinger & Donald D. Olinger Stephen C. Peacher Jeffrey R. Pennington Mark A. Victor Pinho Philip B. Pool Jr. ❖ Jeffrey A. Raich Scott A. Reed Arnold C. Schneider III & Mary M. Schneider ❖ Eric S. Stange Kenneth D. Tremain Scott W. Vallar N. Robbert Vorhoff & Jennifer Rigamer Vorhoff Richard D. Wood Jr. Thomas C. Wylly II & Pam Wylly McIntire 2007–2008 Honor Roll We are pleased to recognize the following donors, all of whom made gifts to the McIntire School of Commerce during the period July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008. It is their dedication and generosity that ensure the School’s continued success by allowing us to maintain the highest quality students, programs, and faculty. We gratefully acknowledge the following donors for their investment in McIntire. McIntire Dean’s Society McIntire Lawn Society $100,000+ Donors Clarence T. Callahan+ ❖ Laura Farish Chadwick & John H. Chadwick ❖ Mitchell R. Cohen & Susan Oberhelman Cohen ❖ John P. Connaughton & Stephanie F. Connaughton ❖ Gardner G. Courson & Haidee Courson ❖ Henry A. Dudley Jr. & Ann M. Dudley ❖ William S. Farish III ❖ Donald E. Flow & Robbin Bartlett Flow ❖ John A. Griffin & Amy Mitchell Griffin ❖ Gregory S. Ledford & Nancy C. Ledford ❖ E. Morgan Massey & Joan Massey ❖ ❖ UVA LAWN SOCIETY MEMBER William B. Massey Jr. ❖ William B. Massey Sr. ❖ William E. Massey Jr. & Rebecca C. Massey ❖ John B. Sommi Jr. ❖ Mary de Butts Strother ❖ James W. Todd & Sharon K. Todd ❖ Jeffrey C. Walker & Family ❖ McIntire Dome Level $25,000–$99,999 Donors Anonymous ❖ Ronde Barber & Claudia Barber Tiki Barber & Virginia Cha Barber ❖ Larry & Sterling Franklin, Trustees, Morris S. Smith Foundation ❖ Mark E. Galant & Cynthia T. Galant ❖ Paul C. Gannon & Patricia S. Gannon ❖ Richard M. Gerson ❖ Andrew C. Hee & Rachel E. Hee ❖ David R. Hilty ❖ Patrick D. Hogan & Sharon H. Hogan ❖ Joseph G. Hyman+ Michael F. T. Jackson & Pepper Jackson ❖ J. Fredrick Kelly Jr. & Judith L. Kelly Donald A. King Jr. & Janemarie D. King ❖ R. Stribling Koster Jonathan D. Mariner & Mildred C. Mariner ❖ Steven A. Marks & Alexandra C. Marks ❖ Edward D. McCrady & Pattie S. McCrady ❖ Nicholas A. Merrick & Leslie T. Merrick ❖ Richard J. Nadeau & Stacey Nadeau ❖ Jeffrey T. Neal ❖ John T. O’Connell & Anita D. O’Connell ❖ Maria Pappas & Christopher J. Pappas ❖ Sonja Hoel Perkins & Jonathan C. Perkins ❖ Christopher D. Ray John T. Shippee & Christine Shippee ❖ Steven M. Tadler & Joyce B. Tadler ❖ Barbara Martin Taylor & Frederick H. Taylor Schuyler M. Tilney & Elizabeth A. Tilney ❖ James E. Toups & Victoria Y. Toups ❖ Laurie Kasselman Turner & Charles H. (Cary) Turner ❖ Robert Understein & Sue Understein Bruce D. Wardinski ❖ Robert M. White Jr. John H. Wright III & Trula L. Wright ❖ McIntire Colonnade Level 10,000–$24,999 Donors Anonymous Francis C. Armstrong III David B. Barr & Cynthia Y. Barr Howard L. Baucom & Barbara Baucom Richard Bello Michael D. Bills & S. Sonjia Smith ❖ Robert Willis Bissell Richard Blumenthal Helen T. Brownfield Doris Buffett ❖ + Deceased Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 31 McIntire Cornerstone Society Honor Roll The McIntire Cornerstone Society recognizes alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends who make planned gifts to the McIntire School. These gifts include bequests, living and testamentary trusts, gifts from retirement plans, gifts of real estate and other assets, and life insurance designations. They also encompass various life income arrangements (to the donor and spouse or others) such as gift annuities and charitable trusts. We invite you to join the McIntire Cornerstone Society by providing for the School in your financial and estate plans. Call our Planned Giving Office toll free at 1-888-302-6207 for more information or to let us know you have included the McIntire School in your estate plans. Please also visit our Web site at for more information. We have made every attempt to make sure the listing is correct; we appreciate your call if you note any errors or omissions. 1925 Harold N. Armstrong+ & Mary P. Armstrong+ 1926 Irving H. Wainwright+ 1928 W. Scott Macgill Jr. (A&S)+ Frank D. Meade+ 1929 Joseph N. Shumate+ 1932 H. Brice Graves+ John Rustel Thomasson+ & Margaret Smith Thomasson+ 1933 Louis Klaff+ Henry N. Obear+ 1934 F.W. Gerhart (A&S)+ & Elanore H. Gerhart+ Edmund F. MacDonald+ & Catherine W. MacDonald (A&S ’33)+ Bernard W. Recknagel+ 1935 Raymond C. Aylor William L. Montague+ & Mildred M. Montague 1936 Thomas H. Wiss III+ 1937 Robert E. Goldsten+ George W. Mapp Jr. (A&S)+ 1938 James Conway Davis+ John B. Sadtler+ 1939 Harold S. Parrott 1940 Thornton W. Burnet+ & Mary Elizabeth C. Burnet+ CAPT Edward C. Oldfield Jr. USN (Ret.) & Lucy Garnett Jordan Oldfield COL Richard A. Raichlen USA (Ret.)+ Jack R. Riggs+ 1941 Anonymous + Clarence T. Callahan+ & Violet Callahan+ MAJ Calvin C. Crum USMC (Ret.) Romaine S. Scott Jr. 1942 CDR William K. Dove USN (Ret.) & Mary Dove C. William Huntsberry+ 1943 Roger D. Fraley John Brandt Macaulay+ & Helen Booth Macaulay+ 1944 Frederick C. Davidson Jr. 1947 William B. N. Brookes+ Samuel A. Derieux William B. Robinson Lois Jean Brown Teter 1948 James O. Green Barnard F. Jennings Thomas B. Stanley Jr.+ & Ruth Stanley Gilbert J. Sullivan & Ann Sullivan Paul P. Wisman 1949 COL James M. Baylor USMCR (Ret.)+ A. Boyd Claytor III Thomas M. Craig Thomas G. DeShazo & Dorothy Hawkins DeShazo George T. Glenn Joseph E. Godridge Jr.+ & Barbara K. Godridge John B. Hemmings & Anne P. Hemmings (Nursing ’47)+ Joseph G. Hyman+ & Dorothea J. Hyman Jack P. Jeffries Warwick D. Johnston+ Douglas M. Joyner Sr. & Peggy A. Joyner Charles G. Nusbaum & Blanche B. Nusbaum Harry F. Thompson+ 1950 Edwin G. Adair Jr.+ 1951 Edward T. Caton 1952 Don-Michael Bird+ & Audrey Bird Milton S. Bolton & Barbara Bolton Lawrence Davis Jr. George W. Fix Jr. & Joan S. Fix Richard L. Laird 1965 James E. Allison Howard L. Baucom Lawrence L. McKnight & Mary Jane McKnight Caleb N. Stowe & Lynn Stowe 1982 Elissa Buie Eric Coble Rosa Perez McGonigal & Arthur H. McGonigal Jr. (A&S) Jim Roddy 1954 Leigh N. Bortner James E. Dunn 1966 Joseph R. Daniel Mrs. Mary de Butts Strother (Grad. A&S) 1983 Georgia Willis Fauber Perrie H. May 1956 Kenneth W. Morrison Roy G. Parks Martin J. Patsel Jr.+ Richey Smith & Sandra Smith 1967 Okla Basil Meade Jr. & Elizabeth Meade C. Stanley Peikin 1985 David B. Barr & Cynthia Y. Barr (A&S) Timothy C. Ford 1968 Bruce G. Gabler Marshall R. Solomon & Carol Solomon 1986 Mary Metzler Hoobler 1957 Robert S. Bersch & Martha R. Bersch Robert C. Duval & Kate Duval 1958 Richard L. Cooper & Nancy L. Cooper James M. French & Mary Jane French Alan J. Malester 1959 Charles W. Brooks Jr. Oakley W. Cheney Jr. G. Bernard Hamilton & Laura Hamilton Robert D. Mudd Jr.+ 1960 Robert G. Stern James W. Todd & Sharon K. Todd 1961 Anonymous William G. Baddeley Hugh A. Burrell Leslie H. Friedman Charles H. Henderson III & Mary M. Henderson John H. Wright III (A&S) & Trula Leventis Wright 1962 Gordon H. Watkins & Kay McDonald Watkins Kenneth S. White John C. Williams & Norma Williams 1963 Roy B. Harrill & Lynda Thorne Harrill 1964 H. Alexander Holmes Herbert Jonkers & Merry Carol Jonkers Richard W. Young Sr. & Margaret Mapp Young 1969 Dan Patrick Collins CAPT Robert C. Simmons III+ (A&S) Gary J. R. Singer 1991 Tina Cote Alison Webb Lawrence Jennifer McNeil Tarry & Samuel L. Tarry (A&S) 1970 Gardner G. Courson & Haidee Courson 1992 Ann Lawrence Grasty 1971 Allan T. Hirsh III & Lisa S. Hirsh William F. Richmond & Joyce Richmond John E. Vey 2004 Howard Webb (M.S. in MIT) 1973 David S. Brown (A&S)+ Alexander G. Fisher William C. Lucas Niles C. Overly 1974 Jon H. Hammond 1975 Herbert R. Martens Jr. Larry J. Rose & Deborah A. Rose Steven R. Shapiro 1976 Richard L. Fisher & Dorothy D. Fisher Jonathan D. Mariner & Mildred C. Mariner 1977 Thomas L. Andrews III 1979 Keith A. Walder Parents & Friends Josephine T. Burman+ Linda Byers Kerry D. Favro & Sandra Favro Mark W. Germain+ Lynda Thorne Harrill Ruth G. Houser Greenhow Johnston Jr.+ & Maria Johnston P.G. McIntire+ Catherine Wright McLaughlin John H. Wright IV Faculty & Staff O. Whitfield Broome Jr. William K. Carter & Imelda S. Carter Judy C. Cash Bonnie Guiton Hill Ray C. Hunt Jr.+ & Roberta Hunt Robert S. Kemp Jr. & Pam Kemp William F. O’Dell William G. “Bill” Shenkir & Missy Shenkir David W. Thompson Ellen Whitener+ 1980 Max Jaffe Michael A. Turner ❖ UVA LAWN SOCIETY MEMBER 32 • C o m m e r c e U Va + Deceased McIntire Dean’s Society Kevin A. Carson Thomas A. Carver ❖ Eric Coble ❖ Brian P. Cohane Peter B. Daneker Joseph R. Daniel & Linda Daniel ❖ Robert W. Davis Richard J. Diemer Jr. & Adele Hoffmeyer John L. Dinos & Sam Dinos Kevin J. Driscoll Peter J. Dunne ❖ James F. Egan & Marianne P. Egan ❖ Timothy C. Ford James P. Fox James D. Francis Margaret R. Freeman ❖ Roger E. George & Hanna C. George Alice T. Goodwin & William H. Goodwin Jr. ❖ David M. Greenhouse & Lucia Greenhouse Philip B. Hager & Kimberley Hager James G. Harris & Martha M. Harris ❖ Roger R. Hill & Deborah E. Hill Glen T. Kacher & Amy Wardwell Kacher Scott M. Kelley ❖ Marcia K. Krause Harry M. Lane III Bryan D. Long & Dominique N. Long Anthony E. Malkin & Shelly Malkin Peter L. Malkin Scott D. Malkin George L. Maloomian Lewis K. McKee Jr. & Leslie R. McKee Meyer Family, San Francisco ❖ Peter Minan & Bianca Minan ❖ Marlene Clark Mizell & Robert F. Mizell ❖ James K. Murray Jr. & Sandra H. Murray ❖ Lilian Shackelford Murray & Daniel B. Murray ❖ Christopher J. Nassetta William K. Perrin & Susan M. Perrin ❖ Jeffrey Alan Raich David L. Reynolds Albert L. Richey III P. Carter Rise & Louise L. Rise Joseph H. M. Roddy & Carol Roberts Roddy Frederick L. Russell Jr. & Susan C. Russell Steven G. Schneider Chris W. Shumway & Carrie Shumway ❖ Bradley E. Singer & Alexandra Singer John G. Stathis & Diane R. Stathis Chad L. Strean Richard D. Tadler & Donna Graff Tadler ❖ Charles A. Veatch II Dana F. Walker Earl E. Webb & Susan Rollings Webb ❖ Debra L. Wetherby Richard T. Wheeler Jr. & Mary-Elliott Wheeler ❖ Michael A. Wildish ❖ Paul P. Wisman & Carolyn Wisman ❖ Meryl B. Witmer Celeste Browning Zuch & Kurt Zuch McIntire Serpentine Level $5,000–$9,999 Donors Anonymous Tiffany B. Armstrong & Kelly B. Armstrong ❖ Thomas J. Baltimore Jr. Ford S. Bartholow & Cynthia L. Bartholow Jeffrey D. Bartlett & Denise Weir Bartlett ❖ Thomas R. Bean & Mary Louise Blake Bean Robin M. Bergen Gordon J. Bernhardt Bruce R. Bilger & Carole J. Bilger Milton S. Bolton & Barbara S. Bolton ❖ M. Stuart Bolton Jr. & Linda L. Bolton Shelby W. Bonnie & Carol Bonnie ❖ Raymond B. Bottom Jr. Roger L. Calvert & Barbara C. Calvert ❖ Jeffrey E. Carleton & Kristine T. Carleton ❖ Patricia M. Cary Trevor J. Chaplick Bradley C. Coleman William J. Coleman & Arlette Coleman Richard T. Conner William Couper Edward S. Croft IV & Robin W. Croft Kevin J. Dell & Elizabeth C. Dell Henry P. Doggrell & Beverly Doggrell Michael A. Eck & Tracy Eck Peter E. Engel Douglas S. Favre ❖ Garland S. Flippen James W. Freeman James M. French & Mary Jane French Brian J. Fullerton & Karen Mackiewicz Fullerton Jaye S. Gamble III Gregg I. Goldenberg Jeffrey B. Green & Johnna D. Green Foster M. Grose III & Kelly Grose Robert G. Harper IV L. Peyton Humphrey William R. Hurt A. Gibboney Huske ❖ Rolf C. Johnsen Chris P. Kallos Adelaide W. King & R. Ruffin King IV Robert D. Kipps & Pamela B. Kipps John Kuchinski August W. Lentz III & Nina P. Lentz Jeffrey R. Lindsey David B. MacFarlane & Annesley R. MacFarlane Victoria O’Brien MacMillan & James P. Macmillan Michael C. Magee & Lisa S. Magee Tia B. Mahaffy David M. Maloney & Eleanor P. Maloney Martin G. Mand & Shelly Mand P. Kent McCammon Richard T. McKinless & Kathy McKinless Kevin A. McNerney & Ann D. McNerney ❖ Thomas D. McQuade & Susan F. McQuade ❖ Mary Martin Middleton & Steven A. Middleton ❖ Robert H. Miles & Jane Calfee Miles C. Bradley Miller Marc B. Moyers Cynthia Herring Olinger & Donald D. Olinger Pakistan American Society of Central Virginia Edgar L. Parrish & Katherine M. Parrish Joshua D. Paulson Stephen Peacher & Anne Peacher Janice P. Peischel & James A. Peischel Jr. Mark A. Victor Pinho Wiliam T. Powers Scott A. Reed & Kelly M. Reed Angus Robertson & Nancy Scott Robertson John H. Robinson & Suzanne Robinson Patricia Hughes Ryan & Edwin S. Ryan Jr. Stephen A. Sacks Thomas S. Saunders Curtis W. Schade ❖ Arnold C. Schneider III & Mary M. Schneider ❖ George L. Scott & Deborah Isaac Scott Robert N. H. Sener & Marisela Sener William T. Sherman & Helen H. Sherman Linda Gill Sink Brian P. Smoluch Eric S. Stange Suzanne L. H. Stanton & Doug Stanton Robert G. Stern ❖ Raffi C. Tokatlian Kenneth D. Tremain Elizabeth A. Twohy & Kevin V. Michaels ❖ William L. Tyson & Elizabeth McCabe Tyson ❖ Scott W. Vallar & Harriette Vallar N. Robbert Vorhoff & Jennifer Rigamer Vorhoff Craig S. Wagner & Barbara C. Wagner ❖ George B. Wilkes III Gerald B. Wilson & Vonnie Wilson Thomas M. Wilson Joseph R. Witt & Kathleen A. Witt D. Jean Wu & Jeffrey Shane ❖ Thomas C. Wylly II & Pamela Wylly Carl P. Zeithaml & Charlotte C. Zeithaml McIntire Pavilion Level $2,500–$4,999 Donors Stephen C. Adams & Nancy Bagley Adams Kenneth C. Ageloff William Alesio Jr. David F. Apple III & Virginia Apple Thomas H. Bacon David C. Bell & Stacy B. Bell Lynn Hopkins Bell & William B. Bell Anna M. Bellinghausen William F. Blue & Katherine B. Blue ❖ Paul M. Bosse Philip C. Bowers & Suzanne K. Bowers Raymond E. Brann Jr. William R. Bridges III & Lisa S. Bridges Martin L. Brill ❖ Leslie Simmons Brille Elizabeth L. Brockelman Mary E. Caiazzo Rita L. Carlile & Roger D. Carlile Rakesh Chawla & Cathleen H. Chawla Richard R. Cheatham & Beverly P. Cheatham ❖ Christopher L. Corish James E. Crocker & Merrilee Crocker ❖ Debi E. Crockett Jason L. Dandridge & Allison S. Dandridge H. Lowell Davis Samuel A. Derieux ❖ Larry G. Dillon & Renaye Day Dillon Walter B. Doggett III Melanie F. Dolan Jeff Elgin Gary L. England & Elspeth G. England Jason S. English Thomas N. Felker & Barbara R. Felker Stephen E. Finke & Danielle F. Finke Richard L. Fisher & Dorothy D. Fisher ❖ Charles M. Fiveash Stephen J. Frantz & Helene Gray Frantz Louis Gallo Lisa A. Genova Moylan F. Gomila Jr. & Gwathmey F. Gomila ❖ Dan Gropper & Tammy Allen Charles W. Grubbs & Stephanie B. Grubbs Jayne M. Hammond & T. Kent Hammond Robert L. Harris III & Sian H. Harris John C. Hawks Jeanne-Marie Zavertnik Holden & Bret W. Holden H. Alexander Holmes & Charlotte M. Holmes ❖ Kirk M. Hudson & Sandra P. Hudson Sheila D. Hunsucker Annette M. Imbrogno & Edward P. Imbrogno ❖ Robert A. Innamorati & Margaret Innamorati Kristen W. Jaros Gregg E. Johnson & Sharon Johnson Paul B. Kamke Christopher C. Kearney & Heather A. Young Thomas M. Keifer & Mary L. Keifer David A. Kelley Pamela J. Kepple Warren Dana Knapp III Scott L. Lebovitz & Fran Lebovitz P. Jeffrey Leck & Genevieve M. Leck ❖ Gail P. Lykes The Estate of Helen Booth Macaulay Thomas J. Maguire IV Colleen M. Martin & Chapin E. Wilson III Scott G. Martin & Karen L. Martin Roger C. Matthews & Elena A. Matthews Leadership Annual Giving through the McIntire Dean’s Society The Dean’s Society recognizes those who have demonstrated leadership by contributing $2,500 or more to the McIntire School of Commerce during the period July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008. Members of the following gift societies are gratefully acknowledged as Dean’s Society members: McIntire Lawn Society, McIntire Dome Level, McIntire Colonnade Level, McIntire Serpentine Level, McIntire Pavilion Level, and McIntire Comm Club. Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 33 McIntire Undergraduate Alumni Gifts 1933 Henry Norwood Obear+ 1935 Littleton W. Parks+ 1939 Milton H. Kaplan Harold S. Parrott 33.3% 1940 35.7% Thomas H. Bacon Herbert M. Katzenberg Frederick W. Pennoyer III USN (Ret.) John M. Sherwood Wallace D. Trevillian 1941 31.6% Leonard Bernstein Robert C. Caldwell & Patricia C. Caldwell Clarence T. Callahan+ ❖ Margaret Barnes Carey Maj. Calvin C. Crum Frederic L. Hall David Rothschild II Hugh M. Steinberger McIntire Dean’s Society Kevin R. McCarey & Kate McCarey James A. McClurg & Melody A. McClurg Frank P. Miniotas & Marie H. Miniotas Eric M. Modell Gerald Modell & Paula Modell Timothy G. Morgan David J. Nadeau John C. Nagy Nancy W. O’Neill & John J. O’Neill Martin H. Otto & Kathleen C. Otto Sagendorf K. Patsel ❖ Michael L. Peduzzi David S. Rainey Thomas N. Rose Peter A. Ryan & Kimberley H. Ryan Laura Nottingham Savage & G. Jacob Savage III Andrew J. Schoonover Curt W. Shelmire Sarita L. Soldz David Stadlin & Patti Stadlin Troy L. Stanfield & Kimberly Patterson Stanfield Laurie S. Stettinius & Wallace G. Stettinius Anne L. Stone & Philip E. Stone Jr. Donald Street Jr. James B. Towe Steven Tricarico & Kathleen Tricarico Andrew M. Vest & Suzanna M. Vest Andrew D. Wagner Gary G. Wallace & Sara W. Wallace Cary C. Williams & Colin B. Williams David B. Wright McIntire Comm Club Anonymous Rexford C. Alexander James M. Babski & Abby Mockovak Babski Kevin J. Barner Devin Battiston Kevin A. Carson Elizabeth H. Clarkson Debi E. Crockett Ron Evans & Courtney Evans Colette H. Featherly & Timothy C. Featherly Eric B. Flow Robert G. Harper IV Daniel J. Holohan III & Catherine Holohan Adriana Hultkrans Lisa C. Jeffreys Matthew E. Kidd & Sheena Kidd Sarah E. King Kenneth R. Knapp Warren Dana Knapp III Lindsay R. Larsen Julie A. Lau Karl J. Maschino & Anne C. W. Maschino David A. Meredith Derek J. Nisco Tim Christian Oeljeschlager Dietrich Oelschlager Amanda H. Richardson & Randall L. Fletcher James C. Sanne Michael B. Schafer Andrew J. Schoonover Deborah Woods Searcy & Christian D. Searcy Jr. Raffi C. Tokatlian Mehul P. Vora & Angela M. Koloszar N. Robbert Vorhoff & Jennifer Rigamer Vorhoff Allyn Dabkowski Waid & J. Bricker Waid Dillon K. Walker Mallary Congleton Walker & Jonathan Walker Steven J. Weiskircher & Caroline M. Anderson John M. Wells Cary C. Williams & Colin B. Williams David B. Wright 1942 William K. Dove & Mary W. Dove 6.7% 1943 Roger D. Fraley & Irene Foust Fraley Leo F. Waterman 14.3% 1944 William M. Timberlake Joseph A. Weinberg & Charlotte B. Weinberg 28.6% 1946 Frank W. Mobley Jr. 20% 1947 Samuel A. Derieux ❖ Robert H. Schade Maury L. Strauss Jerrold G. Weinberg 16% 1948 11.5% Morton Goldmeier & Elaine Goldmeier Alvin R. Harris & Joan B. Harris Barnard F. Jennings Robert S. McKee Bertram S. Nusbaum Jr. & Lois S. Nusbaum Thomas S. Seay Paul P. Wisman & Carolyn Wisman ❖ 1949 9.1% Warren W. Caskie & Kathryn R. Caskie W. Irvin Cousins Claude R. Davenport Jr. & Mary M. Davenport ❖ Thomas G. DeShazo & Dorothy H. DeShazo Joseph E. Godridge Jr.+ Harold G. Hollifield Joseph G. Hyman+ Woodrow S. Rooklin Wade P. Thomas 1950 14.4% Robert L. Buchanan Jr. & Marie L. Buchanan George P. Buckey Peyton F. Carter Stuart W. Connock & Gwendolyn R. Connock George W. Curran II John F. Daley Jr. William H. Deter C. Flippo Hicks Stanley L. Holzsweig Robert T. Lamkin August W. Lentz III & Nina P. Lentz Preston L. Prevatt Francis K. Williams & Elizabeth Williams 1951 15.9% Houston V. Blair Henry W. Calhoun George F. Davis Joseph H. DeNoon Russell G. Fergusson Jr. & Mary Waller Fergusson Glenwood F. Fischer & Jessie E. Fischer Daniel Z. Graves Richard Van E. Hantzmon William G. Hupfeldt+ William A. James James R. Keller Arland T. Kline John W. Scruggs Ernest F. Sommer & Jacqueline Savard Sommer 1952 16.7% William H. Albrecht Jr. & Lorraine Bowers Albrecht ❖ Milton S. Bolton & Barbara S. Bolton ❖ James A. Canter Roby R. Craft David A. Kelley William B. Massey Sr. ❖ Charles B. Molster Jr. J. William Via Jr. McIntire Comm Club The Comm Club recognizes leadership gifts from new alumni. McIntire undergraduate and graduate alumni from the nine most recent graduating classes who donate $1,000 or above annually are recognized as Dean’s Society members at the Comm Club level. 1953 7.4% H. Lowell Davis Hunter P. Tapscott & Frances F. Tapscott 1954 10.3% Robert E. Blanchard & Clare N. Blanchard Charles C. Carroll Jr. & Ruby D. Carroll W. H. Thomas Dell & Elizabeth F. Dell Ronald A. Lear & Olive L. Lear 1955 13.8% John T. Bazzarre & Gail D. Bazzarre A. Eugene Crotty Hugh M. Mitchell Jr. Charles L. Reed Jr. & Ann Reed 1956 10.8% Carroll M. Berndt Jr. & Margaret C. Berndt William F. Blue & Katherine B. Blue ❖ Frederick H. Eley Martin J. Greenstein W. Leroy Hill Edward O. Simpson & Marion H. Simpson George C. Stuckey 1957 16.4% Edward J. Bidwell & Margaret C. Bidwell James E. Crocker & Merrilee Crocker ❖ G. Warthen Downs Donald L. Kovach & Betty J. Kovach James A. Pettit Jr. & Elizabeth Pettit Ray G. Register Jr. & Rose Mary Rich Register Robert N. H. Sener & Marisela Sener Gerald Smith Stuart J. Turille Justus P. White 1958 36.2% Raymond B. Bottom Jr. Ward J. Campbell Richard L. Cooper & Nancy L. Cooper James M. Daniel & Sarah B. Daniel Louis C. Einwick Jr. Robert A. Fliegel Garland S. Flippen James M. French & Mary Jane French Frederick L. Glaize III Waller S. Hairston Frank B. Holloway & Paula Surratt Holloway Wayne R. Jones Allan J. Malester & Pamela L. Malester Martin G. Mand & Shelly Mand George N. Markos Robert H. Mincer John R. Morrissette & Sandra E. Morrissette Thomas J. Runaldue Richard J. Smolian Howard P. Walker George B. Wilkes III 1959 16.7% Creed F. Alderson Jr. & Nicola L. Alderson C. Jordan Ball Jr. & Patricia Goshorn Ball Charles W. Brooks Jr. & Carolyn Brooks Peter G. Fetzer George M. Gill Jr. Robert E. Milward Drewry E. Moore II James D. Rosson Jr. & Ruth M. Rosson John C. Siewers II & Mary L. Siewers ❖ ❖ UVA LAWN SOCIETY MEMBER 34 • C o m m e r c e U Va + Deceased 1960 16.7% Thomas M. Arrasmith III & Christine Arrasmith Leroy R. Hamlett Jr. & Patricia Bromm Hamlett W. Edward Hudgins Jr. William L. Hudgins Jr. Robert R. Lowe Robert G. Stern ❖ James W. Todd & Sharon K. Todd ❖ Peter D. Wolff 1961 22.8% William G. Baddeley & Cornelia M. Baddeley Thomas H. Baker Donald R. Baldwin William R. Cooper Donald M. Dale & Mary Beth Patterson Dale Leslie H. Friedman James L. Jenkins William W. King Robert O. Lord John K. Marlow & Joyce Marlow ❖ Harry A. Morris Jr. Waller R. Staples III & Beverly Staples John R. Wooldridge Jr. 1962 23.6% David R. Almond Robert F. Baldwin Jr. & Anne G. Baldwin John R. Bigelow Jr. Raymond E. Brann Jr. Moncure G. Crowder Donald A. King Jr. & Janemarie D. King ❖ Thomas W. McKelvey Philip M. Morton & Martha T. Morton John W. Rader Sr. & Gale B. Rader ❖ Edward W. Riley III & Mary Riley Charles A. Sinclair James H. Staton & Allison M. Staton Gordon H. Watkins & Kay M. Watkins ❖ Van I. Zeiler Jr. 1963 32.1% James G. Aldige III & Carolyn R. Aldige Stewart H. Brown Jr. ❖ Foster M. Grose III & Kelly Grose Roy B. Harrill & Lynda Thorne Harrill ❖ Edward J. Head Edmond A. Joran H. Warfield Leeke Jr. Floyd M. McGraw Richard H. Owen IV & Eby J. Owen Thomas A. Penson William K. Perrin & Susan M. Perrin ❖ Gary W. Rembacki & Judy A. Rembacki Bruce H. Rinehart Malcolm E. Ritsch Jr. & Nan Ellen W. Ritsch Ronald D. Roberts ❖ Michael J. Timbers Robert Understein & Sue Understein Thomas R. Yane 1964 Michael C. Anderson George J. Arnold Lawrence H. Berger Lawrence W. Everett Stuart Frear Hawkins II & Carolyn H. Hawkins 28.1% H. Alexander Holmes & Charlotte M. Holmes ❖ Henry L. Hoppler David E. Houseman Jr. L. Peyton Humphrey Michael F. T. Jackson & Pepper Jackson ❖ Herbert Jonkers & Merry Carol Jonkers Stephen A. Miller Charles H. Morse IV & Alexandra Morse ❖ P. Bradley Nott Jr. & Jane Trevillian Nott ❖ Charles A. Veatch II Richard W. Young & Margaret Mapp Young ❖ 1965 20.3% Anonymous Howard H. Anderson John B. Banks Jr. Howard L. Baucom & Barbara Baucom Cameron W. Cantwell Richard R. Cheatham & Beverly P. Cheatham ❖ Yuille Holt III & Sandra A. Holt Amos N. Latham III Leary R. Leith Lawrence L. McKnight & Mary Jane McKnight George A. Ragland & Susan C. Ragland Edmund G. Simpson & Virginia A. Simpson William George Taylor III Patrick J. Vaughan John R. Watson Jr. & Sheryl B. Watson Charles L. Weatherhead L. Randolph Williams 1966 22.4% Joseph R. Daniel & Linda Daniel ❖ Norman D. Everett & Betty L. Everett Brian T. Forbes Albert D. Frazer Jr. Robert P. Hanks Lewis D. Hirschler Jr. William R. Keller Jr. & Joan M. Keller John H. Long Jr. Charles S. Lorber Thomas R. McLeod & Anne L. McLeod James W. Meighen Larry B. Olinger William B. Rucker Michael W. Rushing & Mary H. Rushing James L. Stone Robert H. Waldruff George M. Whitley Jr. 1967 14.7% C. Nicholas Colleran Jr. David H. Davis Ronald W. Fuchs Gerald S. Hulsizer Alastair S. Macdonald Robert H. Miles & Jane Calfee Miles Samuel P. Moore Jr. Barry L. Reisig Samuel R. Sacco Hunter W. Sims Jr. Joseph N. Weller 1968 Charles F. Bost William Couper Thomas P. Duke ❖ 30.3% Michael H. Freehill Bruce G. Gabler & Ann L. Gabler George H. Gromel Jr. Charlene MacDowell Hanbury & David R. Hanbury Donald W. Hicks Barry D. Koval & Patricia Gleason Koval ❖ Spalding K. Manson III Jerry H. Mathews Walter F. Melvin Robert N. Mumaw David I. Ramsey Louis D. Revak Thomas R. Scanniello & Carolyn S. Scanniello Stephen T. Schachte George L. Scott & Deborah Isaac Scott Marshall R. Solomon & Carol Solomon Russell D. Wilson 1969 22.7% Lynn Hopkins Bell & William B. Bell Robert Willis Bissell Robert T. Brady & Sharon Brady James F. Campbell Norman C. Creech Dwight B. Ferguson Jr. Robert H. Hunsberger Robert A. Innamorati & Margaret Innamorati Charles E. Johnson Alan G. Loring Jonathan B. Macdonald David M. Morse F. Heath Myers Jr. Anne L. Stone & Philip E. Stone Jr. Ralston B. Vanzant II & Sharon S. Vanzant Richard T. Wheeler Jr. & Mary-Elliott Wheeler ❖ Julien H. Williams & Lucy Williams 1970 22.7% Lorie Ferel Allen Beverly W. Barksdale Robert B. Barrett Gardner G. Courson & Haidee Courson ❖ Henry P. Doggrell & Beverly Doggrell Henry A. Dudley Jr. & Ann M. Dudley ❖ James D. Francis Ronald J. Gilbert Malcolm H. Hathaway Jerry Hendrick Jr. Wellman W. Hoff Jr. Charles H. Hudson Lewis K. McKee Jr. & Leslie R. McKee John R. Moore & Lucy W. Moore James B. Page Edgar L. Parrish & Katherine M. Parrish John S. Philips & Sallie Philips Ronald F. Seay John E. Woltz Jr. James J. Zok & Carolyn R. Zok 1971 Mary McFadden Atwell & Charles G. Atwell ❖ Richard S. Burke Walter L. Fauntleroy Allan T. Hirsh III & Lisa S. Hirsh Margaret H. Huckabee Robert L. Jaworski David W. Kudravetz & McCrea S. Kudravetz 18.4% Mike Moose Robert A. Nigro Gary M. Nuckols & Alice G. Nuckols Albert L. Richey III Derek J.R. Smith & Pamela Smith Steven G. Walther William A. Young Jr. & Cynthia Meyer Young 1972 23.1% Jeffrey A. Barksdale Alan C. Botsford Jr. & Susan Perkins Botsford Jon C. Butler Roger L. Calvert & Barbara C. Calvert ❖ Howard B. Clark Paul M. Connolly Allen G. Dorin Jr. Douglas S. Favre ❖ Richard R. Freeman Gregory W. Griffith Leroy A. Keller Jr. Thomas F. Kelley & Phyllis E. Kelley Alan M. Kessler James D. Kudravetz Kenneth A. Leoni James A. McCormick James H. McKenzie & Mary Ann McKenzie Leonard E. Paulson Jr. & Jean E. Paulson Louis Pavia Jr. Joseph K. Ranney Bretta MacVeigh Reinhard David B. Shea Franklin E. Souers Robert A. Wilson III & Elizabeth C. McConnell 1973 23.1% Stephen C. Adams & Nancy Bagley Adams Richard C. Barrickman G. Martin Bass William L. Chorey Dennis A. Diersen & Virginia Diersen R. Helm Dobbins & Leslie M. Dobbins Alex. G. Fisher William L. Gregg Frederick E. Haeberle II Eugene W. Johnson Jr. William C. Lucas William A. Matthews III & Mary Anne Matthews Edward C. McKeown & Meredith A. McKeown G. William Morton IV Niles C. Overly Richard A. Roberts Peter F. Schlegel Winston D. Schwartz Mark N. Stempler & Ellen Newman Stempler F. Edward Thomas Craig S. Wagner & Barbara C. Wagner ❖ Tracy B. Wiest William C. Witt Jr. & Kathleen A. DePonte Curtis M. Worrell David H. Worrell Jr. 1974 25.5% Conway C. Allen & Bernadine W. Allen Peter M. Bernardino & Theresa Reilly Bernardino Patricia A. Bevis James H. Biggart Jr. Vincent G. Blessing Fred D. Boothe George W. Boyer Martin L. Brill ❖ Theodore L. Chandler Jr. & Laura Lee H. Chandler ❖ Mark T. Creighton & Ann Kenney Creighton Jane Wright Cummings & Gerald C. Cummings Larry G. Dillon & Renaye Day Dillon Alvaro Garcia-Tunon & Sandra J. Garcia-Tunon Barton R. Groh & Lily Levy Groh John M. Heffelfinger Daniel E. Hinchman Jr. James E. Holland Jr. Thomas C. Humphrey George L. Maloomian Douglas W. Mann Sr. Lawrence J. Martin & Lynn W. Martin William B. Mason III & Ann Arey Mason Ellsworth M. Maxwell III James A. McClurg & Melody A. McClurg Richard K. McNairy Gordon C. Milbourn III A. Curtis Monk Jeffrey I. Newman John S. Payne Michael W. Powell & Deborah L. Powell ❖ Michael Quinlivan Ben A. Scarbrough Jr. Donald P. Shiflett & Sherryelle Shiflett Phillip W. Shiflett & Jane Anne Shiflett Scott W. Stolldorf & Sue Daly Stolldorf Kenneth C. Thompson Arthur K. Thorn Jr. Elizabeth A. Twohy & Kevin V. Michaels ❖ Benjamin N. Wafle Thomas K. Warren & Saundra M. Warren Daniel N. Worsham Jr. Joseph H. Young 1975 28.8% George R. Beard Kenneth M. Blicharski M. Stuart Bolton Jr. & Linda L. Bolton Richard E. Braun Elizabeth L. Brockelman Mary Barker Brown & Robert A. Brown John B. Crostic Jr. & Lynn Stenger Crostic Harry D. Dickinson & Doris Dickinson Otis R. Doss & Mary A. Doss David Ecker & Janet Brockmiller Ecker Charles A. Foster Mark S. Frey & Lou Ann Frey Garry E. Friedman Karen A. Geno Arthur D. Gilbert & Martha H. Gilbert James W. Hammersley Henry B. Harris III & Linda Spofford Harris David B. Hawkins & Audrey A. Hawkins William E. Hunt Jr. & Archer Gurkin Hunt ❖ Gregg E. Johnson & Sharon Johnson Raymond H. Johnson Branch P. Lawson Robert H. Levy Michael J. Lewis William F. Lindlaw Gregory D. Manweiler Andrea P. McKinney Lawrence I. Moore & Margaret Keller Moore Susan Nottingham Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 35 McIntire Undergraduate Alumni Gifts John S. Pickler & Rita Pickler Lynn Keith Pierce & Charlotte W. Pierce James W. Poats Robert L. Poff Dennis B. Rabinovitz & Maureen Delanty Rabinovitz Elizabeth Withers Robertson & Gregory B. Robertson Stephen A. Sacks Thomas S. Saunders Michael J. Schaefer John N. Scott John P. Smith & Teresa L. Smith ❖ Michael E. Spicer & Elaine P. Hay Spicer Donald Street Jr. John C. Thomas Jr. 1976 19.7% James A. Biermann Richard W. Brugh & Rose E. Brugh Charles R. Casassa Jr. Martin L. Coffee Dennis S. Dellinger & Mary J. Dellinger John L. Dinos & Sam Dinos Susan E. Dodge Timothy G. Ebright & Robbin A. Ebright Donna Baker Feeney & Francis X. Feeney Jr. Ernest W. Fergusson Jr. Richard L. Fisher & Dorothy D. Fisher ❖ Thomas M. Freshwater & Elizabeth G. Freshwater John J. Haffey III & Linda D. Haffey Virginia M. Hagan Hugh T. Harrison II & Nancy M. Harrison William S. Haywood III Mernie G. Huttman Robert M. Kelly Jr. & Anne Kelly Carl B. Lehmann III David W. Lipchak & Rebecca Lipchak Jonathan D. Mariner & Mildred C. Mariner ❖ Gene T. McKnight Jr. & Vita McKnight Cynthia French Mullen & W. Grigg Mullen Jr. Brian J. Mulreany Richard J. Nadeau & Stacey Nadeau ❖ Lorna W. Nichols James A. Pflasterer Philip B. Pool Jr. & Joan Barnes Pool ❖ Jack L. Rubin & Jamie N. Rubin Kevin E. Sachs & Deborah C. Sachs Kenneth L. Schnitzer Jr. William T. Sherman & Helen H. Sherman Richard L. Strasburger Stephen M. Sykes Stuart D. Thayer David B. Vaughan Donna R. Wilson Thomas C. Wylly II & Pamela Wylly 1977 21.3% Craig D. Anderson Harry J. Andrews Jr. & Cora M. Ingrim Thomas L. Andrews III Marcia Y. Armstrong & L. Bradford Armstrong Nancy J. Belton Richard O. Bunce Jr. & Linda F. Bunce Steven E. Burke Donald G. Burnette Jr. & Susan D. Burnette Christine H. Cahn Barbara C. Cassidy Molly Chapman Jack R. Cohen Nancy R. Cole Katharine K. Coles Wellington W. Cottrell III & Rebecca Gordon Cottrell Dave Dobel Kel-Ann Sheldon Eyler & James W. Eyler Donald E. Flow & Robbin Bartlett Flow ❖ Charles R. Gauntt Kenneth W. Harris Jr. John Jeffrey Hickok & Melissa S. Hickok Cindy R. Hook Jeffrey M. Hucek Nicholas B. Jalowski & Nancy S. Jalowski Frank E. Key Jr. Elizabeth D. Koppelman Stuart A. Kruger Michael J. Madden & Catherine P. Madden William B. Massey Jr. ❖ Thomas D. McQuade & Susan F. McQuade ❖ Benjamin L. Miller & Carolyn Miller Thomas J. Minneman & Deborah L. Robinson-Minneman Marc B. Moyers Steve Peters Hartwell Philips & Cynthia Pripeton Philips Thomas Carlyle Roberts Mindy Lenett Russell & Gary J. Russell William G. Scherer Janet C. Schultz Randolph Shapiro & Shauna O. Shapiro Jane Lucas Smith Kerry Anderson Smith Janet C. Spotswood & J. Randall Spotswood Barbara Martin Taylor & Frederick H. Taylor Van Chenault Thompson Thomas E. Venker Jr. & Sharon McNerney Venker Jeffrey C. Walker & Family ❖ 1978 18.4% Charles Alan Atkins Joi L. Baumgardner Thomas R. Bean & Mary Louise Blake Bean Kevin J. Dell & Elizabeth C. Dell Andrew J. Downing & Cheryl O’Donnell Downing ❖ Cyntia B. Frentz Celeste C. Gunter Gary M. Hartnett Scott C. Hesaltine & Betty S. Hesaltine David S. Hinchman & Melissa D. Hinchman Richard A. Hord III Peter J. Hunt Debra Losner Kahn Susan H. Karn & Michael W. Karn Deborah J. Kladivko & Robert A. Wiesner Sandra C. Luck & Robert M. Luck Jr. Charles R. Lundelius Jr. Marlene Clark Mizell & Robert F. Mizell ❖ Timothy G. Morgan Warren E. Nowlin Wanda Brown Roszak & William J. Roszak Dean P. Salpini Sidney G. Simmonds & Barbara J. Simmonds Lisa Jeuick Slack & Paul M. Slack Jefferson S. Strider Richard D. Tadler & Donna Graff Tadler ❖ Schuyler M. Tilney & Elizabeth A. Tilney ❖ Joseph L. Turner Jr. & Debra D. Turner Nancy Ould Tyrone & James C. Tyrone Russel E. Viehman John B. Walker & Anne O. Walker Earl E. Webb & Susan Rollings Webb ❖ William S. Wheeler III James A. Whitham Horace P. Whitworth II & Teresa R. Whitworth Michael G. Wilds Lauren V. Wolcott Ann F. Wyker & Robert T. Wyker 1979 30.7% Halvor N. Adams III Jill E. Anderson David M. Andreae & Linda H. Andreae Donna R. Arehart & Gary Chovan Richard H. Baldwin Katherine S. Banks Paul M. Bosse Philip C. Bowers & Suzanne K. Bowers Thomas S. M. Brannock & Lorraine M. Brannock Helen T. Brownfield Bernard Y. Calvert III Judith Pearce Calvert & Robert A. Calvert Julie G. Cervilla Thomas C. Champlin & Erin D. Champlin Caroline T. Cookingham & Jay H. Cookingham Barbara L. Craig Dale L. Craig Susan R. Devine & Scott Devine John R. Dick Lisa Kellerman Edeleanu & John A. Edeleanu Jeffrey S. Edell & Elaine Hastings Edell Susan C. Edwards W. Michael Fagan & Lisa B. Fagan Joel D. Fivis James W. Freeman Paul C. Gannon & Patricia S. Gannon ❖ John J. Gillooly Jr. Michael H. Gladstone Linda N. Good & R. Douglas Good Susan E. Green Theresa W. Harley Robert J. Herbert Roger R. Hill & Deborah E. Hill Randolph F. Holland Dorothy E. Hoyland William C. Huntington Jr. Christopher J. Inglese Florence Griffin Kingston John Kuchinski Edgar S. Lanham II Gregory S. Ledford & Nancy C. Ledford ❖ Todd J. Marsteller Alan A. McClure & Jennifer T. McClure Mary C. McIntyre Richard T. McKinless & Kathy McKinless Paul K. Meyer & Amy S. Meyer ❖ Neil F. Meyers Mary Martin Middleton & Steven A. Middleton ❖ Susan Schmid Minarcik & Thomas J. Minarcik Mary Vandergrift Mitchell & Tom E. Mitchell Katherine L. Moore & John T. Moore Jr. Alan B. Munro Jr. Mary Gambel Murray & Lawrence N. Murray II John T. O’Connell & Anita D. O’Connell ❖ Todd W. Orr & Melinda Merrell Orr Carla P. Palmore George R. Parrish Andrea B. Perotti Jeffrey B. Pizitz Alvin M. Quint Jr. Robin E. Riedel & Mary M. Riedel Robert G. Rose III Thomas N. Rose Andrew D. Rudin & Barbara J. Rudin Harry P. Sakellaris Laura Nottingham Savage & G. Jacob Savage III Katrina F. Sherrerd-Smith & David G. Smith Jill B. Sobotor Sharon M. Southard Thomas H. Tullidge Jr. & Cathryn B. Tullidge Laurie Kasselman Turner & Charles H. (Cary) Turner ❖ Andrew D. Wagner Keith A. Walder ❖ James K. Walker & Kimberly J. Walker Wayne Wallshein & Corinne C. Wallshein Benjamin H. Ward & Brenda Ward Steven E. Watts Robert N. Wiles Patricia B. Williamson Joseph F. Wilson Jr. & Marcia W. Read Peter T. Young & Deborah Young Stanford T. Young 1980 27.8% Desiree Anderson Charlotte E. Blaney Richard R. Bonaventura & Ellen F. Bonaventura ❖ William R. Bridges III & Lisa S. Bridges Walter R. Calvert Patricia M. Cary Tod S. Christie Anthony C. Ciriaco & Martha H. Ciriaco N. Kent Covington Charles R. Daniel III Robert W. Davis Richard J. Diemer Jr. & Adele Hoffmeyer Peter J. Dunne ❖ James F. Egan & Marianne P. Egan ❖ Martin A. Einhorn Lawrence J. Farrell James R. Fayen Thomas N. Felker & Barbara R. Felker James P. Fox Mark E. Galant & Cynthia T. Galant ❖ Karen W. Greb Lynn M. Gumowski Elisabeth W. Gustafson Jayne M. Hammond & T. Kent Hammond Julie S. Hammond & Albin B. Hammond III James G. Harris & Martha M. Harris ❖ Lesley W. Hatch Jean Ann Hellering & Richard B. Verner ❖ UVA LAWN SOCIETY MEMBER 36 • C o m m e r c e U Va + Deceased Corinne A. Heyning Michael L. Hoover & Kathryn L. Hoover Christopher C. Kearney & Heather A. Young Clement F. King & Susie A. King Marcia K. Krause Cherie M. Kurland Mary McDaniel Lewis Milum D. Livesay Jr. Michael C. Magee & Lisa S. Magee Meg Marion Michael N. McGinty & Elizabeth McGinty Gregory S. McMasters & Sherri L. McMasters Kevin A. McNerney & Ann D. McNerney ❖ Elizabeth H. Micklem David P. Morris Joyce R. Morris Thomas C. Morris Jr. Lee M. Mrosek Lilian Shackelford Murray & Daniel B. Murray ❖ David J. Nadeau Geoffrey A. Peters & Susan B. Peters Patricia Walker Pick Moira K. Pollard & Michael A. Pollard Alan P. Prest Harry R. Purkey Jr. & Victoria T. Purkey William R. Renfro James G. Rose Jr. & Margaret W. Rose Bonnie O’Day Roth & Richard J. Roth Donna S. Sauey Curtis W. Schade ❖ Anita von Bredow Sowers & William F. Sowers Jr. Eric S. Stange John G. Stathis & Diane R. Stathis Laura S. Sullivan Michael E. Sumner & Leah F. Sumner Michael E. Taylor James E. Toups & Victoria Y. Toups ❖ Robert L. Tucker Michael A. Turner & Juanita L. Turner ❖ Vera H. Twigg Allen W. Urban & Barbara B. Urban Henry M. Walker Jr. Debra L. Wetherby Gilbert B. Wilson Wayne M. Zell Marcia Haberstroh Zettler & John F. Zettler 1981 21.6% Catherine C. Adams Hughes R. Bakewell Jr. & Allyson Wells Bakewell James C. Barden Jr. & Amanda Barden Marshall T. Bohannon III Beth E. Buckman Christopher J. Churchill Gail C. Cohen Jayne D. Cole & Robert A. Cole Carol B. Conklin George R. Connolly & Margaret F. Connolly Thomas H. Cook Jr. Lynne B. Dolan Gary L. England & Elspeth G. England Susan D. Flynn & Peter Flynn Jaye S. Gamble III David W. Garnitz Terrence C. Gates Charles L. Gibson & Lisa A. Gibson Scott R. Gorelick Samuel P. Grier Robert L. Harris III & Sian H. Harris Annette M. Imbrogno & Edward P. Imbrogno ❖ Paul B. Kamke John R. Kennedy & Kathryn W. Kennedy Susan Simpson Kortier & John B. Kortier Jeffrey D. Levin & Karen M. Levin Elizabeth Rossi Lillie Michael E. Mahoney Martha P. Meyer Elizabeth Hargroves Munford & John D. Munford III Lee Nunn & Sarah H. Nunn Cynthia Herring Olinger & Donald D. Olinger Nancy W. O’Neill & John J. O’Neill Patricia C. Patton Patricia N. Prewitt & Kerry C. Prewitt Robert Ricci Patricia Hughes Ryan & Edwin S. Ryan Jr. James A. Schoenadel Caroline T. Shogry & Mark Shogry Michael R. Silver & Ann Silver Anne D. Smith Russell P. Smith & Louann J. Smith Susan P. Stark John E. Stoddard Leslie Jean Burnett Swope Steven M. Tadler & Joyce B. Tadler ❖ Jonathan G. Train Charles B. Tuck Jr. & Cheryl S. Tuck Valerie G. Underhill Mary Welby von Thelen Robert N. Weidenmuller & Teresa P. Weidenmuller John G. White Joseph W. White Martha Robinson Williamson & Mark D. Williamson Thomas M. Wilson Joyce L. Yorty Pamela K. Zambrotta 1982 30.9% Glenda H. Anderson & John E. Anderson Gary W. Angell Julia Kruger Badlato & Charles Badlato Shirley A. Baldwin Ford S. Bartholow & Cynthia L. Bartholow John R. Bode Maura G. Boilard Christopher A. Brown James K. Brown & Barbara Spencer Brown Margaret Hutchinson Brown Lisa M. Buchanan Elissa Buie Ann Marie Burris Holly W. Caporale Jeffrey E. Carleton & Kristine T. Carleton ❖ Eric Coble ❖ Steven B. Cohen & Nissen R. Cohen Linda S. Collier David L. Dallas Jr. & Susan W. Dallas Mary-Daire C. Delouche & Marcus R. Delouche Thomas A. DePasquale Melanie F. Dolan Andrew D. Ellen & Diana S. Ellen Ragan P. Folan & McDara P. Folan III ❖ David A. Foster & Elizabeth Phillips Foster William G. Fry Patrick J. Garrett Lisa A. Genova David M. Greenhouse & Lucia Greenhouse Richard L. Habel Camille C. Hatter & Gary C. Hatter Barbara A. Heubner Douglas N. Jackson & Barbara W. Jackson Catherine N. Janowski & Christopher A. Janowski Rolf C. Johnsen James P. Karides & Guzin N. Karides Howard Michael Kerbel & Elizabeth J. Fuqua John F. Kipps Mary B. Line Karen C. Lucas Gail P. Lykes Victoria O’Brien MacMillan & James P. Macmillan Kevin R. McCarey & Kate McCarey Rosa Perez McGonigal & Arthur H. McGonigal Jr. Sara D. McKeon Mary E. Moore & Daniel C. Moore Cynthia W. Moorer Kathleen Kelly Oberg Francis F. O’Connor Jr. Robert C. Ogden Sagendorf K. Patsel ❖ Ione S.V. Permison James S. Pershing Peter B. Polonsky & Sherry J. Polonsky Mauren D. Quattrocki Janice E. Ranger Owen K. Rankin Rita E. Reilly Pamela H. Richardson Erika F. Rimson & David Bernstein P. Carter Rise & Louise L. Rise Joseph H. M. Roddy & Carol Roberts Roddy Robert M. Rose Frederick L. Russell Jr. & Susan C. Russell Cynthia S. Schmitz Gary A. Shankman James F. Smith William M. Smith Walter H. Solomon John R. Stafford III Paul J. Stajduhar Julia B. Strickland & Clark Strickland Stephanie Kowalski Thomas & Bradley Thomas Timothy A. Towery Scott W. Vallar & Harriette Vallar Dana F. Walker Bruce D. Wardinski ❖ Ellen R. Wayland & Robert J. Wayland Joye Clarke Wells & James D. Wells III Michael A. Wildish ❖ Mary Karen Merkel Wills James W. Wilvert & Cynthia E. R. Wilvert Joseph R. Witt & Kathleen A. Witt R. Michael Witt & Prince D. Witt D. Jean Wu & Jeffrey Shane ❖ 1983 26% Anonymous ❖ Tony A. Anzilotti & Jane H. Anzilotti Sarah L. Armstrong & J. Mark Armstrong Jeffrey D. Bartlett & Denise Weir Bartlett ❖ Nancy E. Basel ❖ John A. Baugh Craig M. Bibb Amy G. Broughman Carter E. Buxbaum Britt C. Byrne & Karen B. Byrne Tina Stephens Cardenas & Jose R. Cardenas Brian P. Cohane Melanie A. Connellee Peter A. Constandy Karyn K. Cortez & Fabio Cortez Thomas J. Cricchi & Bonnie W. Cricchi Martha J. Dunn Linda R. Elkin & Jeffrey R. Elkin William A. Evanow & Allison K. Evanow Laura R. Fifer & Stephen B. Fifer Donna E. Garban & Wil Hinds William B. Garrett & Sandra W. Garrett Helene Venti Gillespie Pamela J. Gilmer Ralph H. Harrison III Kathryn W. Higginbotham & Kent C. Higginbotham Andrew M. Hutcher & Gayle Kenigsberg-Hutcher Mark C. Hyer Cathy Stephenson Johnson Scott M. Kelley ❖ Frank X. Kelly & Mary Meyer Kelly Pamela J. Kepple Jill S. Klein Anne F. Knight Daniel S. Komitor R. Stribling Koster Harry M. Lane III Pamela E. Lowman Scott N. MacLellan & Deborah MacLellan Gerald P. Marcus & Elizabeth Marcus Colleen M. Martin & Chapin E. Wilson III Susan McGrath & Edgar O. Woodson Jill L. McKone Marc S. Meltzer David B. Meurer C. Bradley Miller Peter Minan & Bianca Minan ❖ Catherine J. Mooney-Doyle & Timothy J. Doyle Richard D. Moore Dennis N. Muse Karen G. Nelson & Stuart E. Nelson Johanna L. Noia & Stephen C. Mace Katherine H. O’Connor & Jerry O’Connor Thomas L. Purdy William C. Riesenberg Jr. Mary K. Russ Frederick M. Ruthling Arnold C. Schneider III & Mary M. Schneider ❖ Arthur M. Schneider Peter Seidler Kyle A. Shaw Jr. Laura W. Shiflett & Gary D. Shiflett Stephen H. Shoemaker Leslie D. Sorkin Frederic A. Staley & Catharine G. Staley Suzanne L. H. Stanton & Doug Stanton Laurie S. Stettinius & Wallace G. Stettinius Andrew M. Vest & Suzanna M. Vest Tuyet T. Vu Nancy N. Wight Harold J. Williams III & Suzanne Y. Williams Caryn L. Wiseman Meryl B. Witmer Victoria K. Wolf & Craig K. Wolf 1984 23.2% Kenneth C. Ageloff William Alesio Jr. Mark C. Allen & Kristen S. Allen Laura Misner Baker Lloyd L. Barber Eugene R. Barrett & Cheryl A. Barrett Cynthia L. Birsinger Ruth H. Bollinger Lisa M. Bowers Mary E. Caiazzo Caley S. Cantrell Richard T. Conner Christopher L. Corish Cathy S. Costa Kevin J. Driscoll Laura D. Durback Michael A. Eck & Tracy Eck Barbour T. Farinholt & Ida V. Farinholt ❖ Kimberly H. Flanagan John P. Frith & Barbara R. Frith Brian J. Fullerton & Karen Mackiewicz Fullerton Lynn W. Griswold & Kirk B. Griswold Susan V. Gummeson Henry F. Gurley III Dennis W. Hammack Jr. & Kathryn C. Hammack Jeanne-Marie Zavertnik Holden & Bret W. Holden John E. Hopkinson Phyllis S. Huffman Kellye C. Jennings & Robert B. Jennings Chip Jordan Thomas M. Keifer & Mary L. Keifer Jacquelyn B. Kittredge & Ben W. Kittredge IV Olivia M. Lai Eric A. Lawrence Dirk W. Leasure & Patricia M. Leasure Jeffrey R. Lindsey David B. MacFarlane & Annesley R. MacFarlane Karen P. Milvaney Janene Smith Mitchell & Thomas W. Mitchell Mark H. Moore Christine W. Morrow Mark T. Nash Christopher J. Nassetta Amanda Clark Nelson Jeneanne M. Rae Mark S. Reese & Jacqueline Reese David L. Reynolds Peter A. Ryan & Kimberley H. Ryan Lee H. Self Bradley D. Smith Chip Spraggins Jean P. Stouse Linda B. Taylor & J. Scott Taylor William L. Tyson & Elizabeth McCabe Tyson ❖ James E. Velten Edward F. Vigezzi & Kathy Vigezzi Steven G. Vittorio & Laurie A. Vittorio Wendy A. Vocelka Doug J. Wallace James B. Weaver III Patrick G. Weaver John B. Weber Hollie Book Wiedman Diane Lee Wiley Arthur S. Williams Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 37 McIntire Undergraduate Alumni Gifts Julie R. Wilson Helena Yu 1985 19.6% Thomas J. Baltimore Jr. David B. Barr & Cynthia Y. Barr Michael A. Bell Gordon J. Bernhardt Janet L. Brocklehurst Christina Hosp Burrow & Charles W. Burrow Jr. Darrell A. Carlisle Dorothy J. Carroll Trevor J. Chaplick John W. Coffey Cameron N. Cosby & Michele A. Cosby Stanley D. Cover & Grace Capps Cover Katie S. Cox & Capt. Warren E. Cox Jeff Elgin Susan Mattwell Fiacco Timothy C. Ford Thomas A. Foster John A. Griffin & Amy Mitchell Griffin ❖ Constance R. Harris Scott M. Helmus & Jacqueline F. Helmus Joy C. Heuer Elena L. Howard Sherry Chaplin Hunt & Toney Hunt Susan A. Kinnecome John S. Klein Douglas G. Kott Dale S. Lam & Gwendolyn Bowers Lam P. Jeffrey Leck & Genevieve M. Leck ❖ Theresa M. Lynch & Richard B. Lynch Melanie Sheip Mace & Richard R. Mace Jr. James M. Mattimoe & Elisabeth P. Mattimoe Edward D. McCrady & Pattie S. McCrady ❖ Tracy A. McGuinness Nicholas A. Merrick & Leslie T. Merrick ❖ Mark A. Mincer & Tara S. Mincer Cheryl Reever Moore & Scott C. Moore William C. Morse Jr. & Gwendolyn M. Morse Jeffrey T. Neal ❖ Jeffrey M. Nicklas Robert W. O’Hern Martin H. Otto & Kathleen C. Otto Mark J. Rebein Edward J. Sanz & Terri Edwards Sanz Steven G. Schneider John T. Shippee & Christine Shippee ❖ Shari Bierman Singer Linda Gill Sink Herbert M. Smith Karen Nelson Trebach Diane P. Ungerleider Gary G. Wallace & Sara W. Wallace Stephen J. Werner & Janet Hall Werner Pendleton G. Whisnant Paddi Dean White & Michael A. White 1986 18.9% Michael L. Allen Scott R. Anderson & Elizabeth V. Anderson Thad L. Anderson & Annette Chiang Anderson Susan Pendergast Armentrout Lorraine M. Arnold Shelby W. Bonnie & Carol Bonnie ❖ Bruce W. Brooks & Yvette Hernandez-Brooks Denise Cullum Burkard & Michael R. Burkard John T. Carrico & Sheri M. Carrico Ann K. Cheetham Mitchell R. Cohen & Susan Oberhelman Cohen ❖ Scott J. Daitzman James R. Dalkin Susan B. Derdeyn & Colin P. Derdeyn Laura M. Dromerick Mary E. Dunkenberger Thomas M. Dunkenberger Jr. John D. Edwards Jeffery W. Fender & Sara E. Fender Thomas M. Finke Steven T. Flammey Stephen J. Frantz & Helene Gray Frantz Lauren Muller Gibbs & Eric P. Gibbs Joseph V. Graupensperger Gerald A. Hahne Ann Herwig-Manion Mary M. Huck Sheila D. Hunsucker Elizabeth G. Johnson Thomas L. Kelly Jake Knight Christine Dillon Lenderman & Mark D. Lenderman Amy Wells Mackay & James C. Mackay III Scott G. Martin & Karen L. Martin Mark T. Massey & Elizabeth Massey ❖ Tracy P. Matteo Roger S. Matthews Jr. & Martha F. Matthews Diane Reiff Mayer & Peter C. Mayer Laura Borzilleri McCoy Stephen E. Milo Susan Ann Grimm Morabito Mary H. Mundy Paul G. Murphy Richard P. Nicklas & Alexandra E. Nicklas Joseph D. O’Brien III & Thayer O’Brien Stephen Peacher & Anne Peacher Polly A. Pickering Sean R. Prendergast Kathleen J. Quintarelli David S. Rainey Kelly S. Ralston Donna L. Roberts Larry W. Rosenberger Jr. John M. G. Schmohl Jr. Eric T. Smith & Cynthia Goodrich Smith Henry W. Smith Susan Rader Snow & Gregg W. Snow David Stadlin & Patti Stadlin Kenneth D. Tremain Barbara Nelson Videira 1987 17.8% Janet Gessner Alford & Duncan E. Alford Julia Marie Wellons Allred Barbara Stephenson Ayers & David R. Ayers Yvette S. Butler Kristin Carey Deborah R. Clark John P. Connaughton & Stephanie F. Connaughton ❖ Robert F. DeLong Ellen S. DiStefano Walter B. Doggett III Lisa C. Dundervill & Robert F. Dundervill III Kimberly A. Enders & John H. Enders Mark George Anton Filpi Sean P. Folan Stephen P. Gibson & Laurie C. Gibson Constance M. Gulley & Steven E. Gulley Dewey T. Hamilton & Julia Ward Hamilton Wendy Hamilton Sharyn C. Handelsman Mitchell J. Koval Dean J. Landsman Kirsten Lynch Alyson McGurty McCauley Patricia Horger McDaniel & Charles W. McDaniel ❖ Katherine N. McFaden Nisha Gupta McGreevy & John J. McGreevy Karen Jones McPherson Deborah C. Muller & John B. Muller Patricia Meyer Pile & Christopher W. Pile Leslie S. Pitcher & John S. Pitcher John K. Plemmons Bret D. Quigley & Rachel R. Quigley Deirdre O’Connor Quinn & Patrick T. Quinn Mihran T. Renjilian & Leslie Coleman Renjilian Brian G. Sadler Karen Steinmetz Sambursky Kristen G. Schlim & Joseph A. Schlim Marcia M. Smith & Thomas W. Smith III Neil W. Smith & Julie Smith Sarita L. Soldz Donna S. Sprague Kimberly Hall Summerville Elizabeth J. S. Tabor & Owen B. Tabor Jr. Joanne G. Thigpen Brooke Garrett Tiller & Michael W. Tiller Robert M. White Jr. Janice E. Winstead Charles P. Wise Jr. Timothy G. Woodall John A. Young & Rebecca A. Young Linda M. Zercoe & Douglas M. Zercoe 1988 22% Jay S. Adams & Monique S. Adams Jean E. Ballard Winnie T. Beach Meredith M. Bolon & Todd R. Bolon Kingsley H. Brinkley John A. Caldwell & Julie Caldwell Jacqueline Ernst Carsanaro Trace H. Carson & Kelly Carson Domenic B. Castellane Alan B. Clark Susan D. Conniff Diane C. DeMember Andrew B. Drumheller Karen Joyner Dunlap Katherine M. Earls Lisa M. Ebert Peter E. Engel Roger E. George & Hanna C. George Stacey Landry Gimbert Douglas J. Glenn Rebecca Ralston Gormley Jeffrey B. Green & Johnna D. Green Katherine M. Harmon Laura M. Harrington Page E. Hartzell Ross D. Heller Craig M. Herron Suzanne E. Ibbeken & Curt K. Burmeister Blythe Jeffers & John P. Hodgson Scott H. Jones & Julianne Fortune Barrett B. Kollme & Astri H. Kollme Bruce I. Lavine & Lisa Lavine Deborah J. Lawson Alfred L. Layne Jr. & Vanessa R. Layne Dariush P. Maanavi & Jennifer V. Maanavi Jennifer J. Mead Edward M. Meisner Lori J. Overholt Craig W. Packer Krystn D. Paternostro Janice P. Peischel & James A. Peischel Jr. Sonja Hoel Perkins & Jonathan C. Perkins ❖ Christina L. Porter Joan M. Perry Regina Nancy Byington Rhodes Brendan R. Richardson Eric L. Ruff Henry J. Schumann Jr. Timothy J. Seitter Chris W. Shumway & Carrie Shumway ❖ Bradley E. Singer & Alexandra Singer Lewis Smith IV & Susan H. Smith Pamela Grant Smith Avron R. Stoloff Thomas H. Swann Lawrence E. Tanner Jr. Thomas J. Vann Linda C. Walton Joseph H. Wasserman Peggie T. Williamson & LTC Steven C. Williamson Elizabeth Y. Wolfe Todd K. Wooten & Kris S. Wooten Sarah Porter Wright Linda J. Yoon & Paul Yoon 1989 21% Catherine L. Anderson Lisa F. Armour & Robert C. G. Armour Cristian G. Balbontin & Jill E. Balbontin Geoffrey T. Blythe Albert W. Bremser Donald W. Bryce Catherine King Buckenmaier Thomas A. Carver ❖ Jennifer M. Smyth Church & Clinton S. Church DeAnna L. Colglazier Stacy Dempsey Scott R. Ehrlich Greer A. Ezrine & Jon W. Ezrine Stephen E. Finke & Danielle F. Finke James H. Forson Caroline B. Freeman Dwight J. Gibbs Ward P. Gill Diane Bowles Giusto Melissa Golden Gregg I. Goldenberg Georgia Sullivan Haggerty Kevin B. Harrison & Kathleen Harrison Tamara Henson Hilary Hinds Bridgette J. Hodges Ted S. Hollifield Christina D. Howard & Russell W. Howard Chris A. Howe & Joseph M. Zuber IV Amy E. Isaacs Dorothy Agnew Johns & Terrance P. Johns Robert A. Justus Chris P. Kallos Stephen D. Keogh & Marnie D. Keogh Robert D. Kipps & Pamela B. Kipps Gregory S. Kuykendall David M. Locala Aileen Hernando Lopez-Pugh & J. Greg Pugh P. Kent McCammon Stephen C. Metzger Deborah A. Mogan & Kenneth A. Knowles III Anthony W. Neal & Christine Neal ❖ UVA LAWN SOCIETY MEMBER 38 • C o m m e r c e U Va + Deceased Darci M. Niestroy John M. Nusbaum & Alexandra Nusbaum Christopher H. Oberkfell Tania Odabashian & Edmund P. Scharpf Karen H. Owens Wilhelmina J. Pizzini Andrew W. Proctor & Elizabeth Jenkins Proctor Jeffrey Alan Raich Timothy J. Ranzetta Charles W. Reardon & Deborah Dotson Reardon Colleen H. Redler & Michael R. Redler Mark A. Roberts Susan L. Sloan Karen Padgett Smith Timothy J. Spillane & Anne G. Spillane Edward C. Suhler & Stephanie L. Suhler Hayward F. Taylor IV & Melissa S. Taylor Trudy R. Turner George A. Veth & Debra J. Veth Mark R. Warden & Carolyn M. Warden Julie Setash Weston John M. Wilhelm Jr. Sandra Lineberger Wolk & Michael E. Wolk Erik P. Young & Melissa B. Young 1990 16.1% Shawn D. Adler & Cynthia L. Adler David F. Apple III & Virginia Apple Tiffany B. Armstrong & Kelly B. Armstrong ❖ Melissa D. Bacon-Aki & David M. Aki Heidi L. Baer & George L. Baer Lauren Fornasar Barrett & Raymond Barrett Walter C. Beggerow Bruno R. Binkley David L. Bishop & Jennifer H. Bishop Jennifer L. Bittmann & Alan D. Bittmann Leslie A. Braun Rita L. Carlile & Roger D. Carlile Todd M. Davis Elisabeth Hankins Dillon & Edward J. Dillon Jeffrey C. Edwards John W. Fiege Lesley A. Field James W. Gilkeson & Elisa S. Gilkeson Charles W. Grubbs & Stephanie B. Grubbs Gregory Felton Hagood Tara Yancey Harrison & Michael J. Harrison David R. Hilty ❖ F. Lee Hodge Lori S. Jessey Samuel G. Jones & Anne M. Jones John G. Jordan III & Nancy Caravati Jordan Robert C. Juelke Karen A. Karrasch Abby H. Kech Kendra D. Latorre Joseph D. Lazewski & Kristin L. Lazewski Yi-Mei Lu Lisa Wilsher Malie Amy S. Marchiando William R. McDaniel Kristin K. Mehigan Chris Nagler John C. Nagy Martha G. O’Day Shanti A. Parikh L. Joy Putnam Heather D. Scanlon & John G. Scanlon Curt W. Shelmire Charles M. Smith Timothy A. Smith & Jennifer Smith Melissa C. Snelson Gregory J. Studdard Bryan Suthard & Holly R. Suthard Cheryl M. Trzcinski James R. White John P. Wilhelm II 1991 18.5% David A. Abel Robert M. Bayston & Elizabeth C. Bayston Robin M. Bergen Michelle F. Bone & John W. Bone Lisa A. Brenner Brian E. Broadway Erin P. Cole Edward S. Croft IV & Robin W. Croft Nadia B. Daniel & Matthew S. Daniel Katherine J. Duncan Lena (Mah) Eagon Scott W. Edwards Celia T. Fleischaker Tasos A. Galiotos & Jennifer Galiotos Lisa Parks Galloway Teresa S. Gendron Kimberly Johnson Glenn Moylan F. Gomila Jr. & Gwathmey F. Gomila ❖ Alec W. Granger Anna Lee Delashmutt Grinder Yolanda R. Gruendel Richard B. Harris II Lee C. Herbert Leigh P. Holley Lisa M. Hopp Deborah A. Howe & Benjamin R. Howe Cheryl DeMong Hubbard & Tom Hubbard Peter D. Hunt A. Gibboney Huske ❖ Kristen W. Jaros James M. Johnston & Alison Johnston Rebecca A. Kong Keith J. Kulesa Betty Chih-Yim Leu Steven H. Lindquist Kathleen E. Mallas & Kyle H. Mallas Gregory S. Mand John L. Marshall Jr. Roger C. Matthews & Elena A. Matthews Sarah E. McLeod & Alexander W. McLeod Hillary R. McTigue Nathaniel Myer Lisa M. Padden Andrew Steven Peskin ❖ Michael C. Phalen & Kirsten B. Phalen Pamela D. Poldiak & Michael Poldiak Darren G. Pratt & Jill M. Pratt Kimberley Shiflet Rousseau Kimberly A. Silinskie Jennifer McNeil Tarry & Samuel L. Tarry Jr. Jennifer Bradbury Tear & Harry R. Tear III Natalie B. Veljovich & Dan S. Veljovich Christine Robinson Verfurth & Francis T. Verfurth Angela C. Viscuso & Marco B. Viscuso John F. Vrana II Sarah H. Whittemore Celeste Browning Zuch & Kurt Zuch 1992 Keith B. Artin 22.5% Monica L. Banyi Michael J. Barrett Anna M. Bellinghausen Paul Betz Patricia E. Black Kelly R. S. Blosser Anne McCorry Bolduc & James R. Bolduc Leslie Simmons Brille Thea M. Campbell & Jason E. Campbell Cynthia W. Caruso Tom K. Chin Min C. Cho Daniel W. Conner Antonio Correa & Stephanie Shank-Correa Robert D. Daley Gregory L. Davis Tammy Fridley DeRosier & C. Scott DeRosier Kimberly A. Desmond Helen S. Dwyer & Jeffrey W. Dwyer Heather L. Ellett & Frank R. Ellett Robert P. Fisher Matthew S. Fox & Melissa M. Fox Andrea Garka & Scott Garka Catherine L. Garrett Ann L. Grasty Richard P. Hawks & Sarah Hawks Andrew C. Hee & Rachel E. Hee ❖ Kimberly M. Hockstein & Kenneth Hockstein Trent F. Hodges & Shannon H. Hodges Scott A. Holmes Yuille Holt IV Katherine L. Johnke Allison McGee Johnson & James T. Johnson Jennifer H. Jones Jeffrey T. Karras Angela E. Kochuba Dean W. Krehmeyer & Diane D. Krehmeyer Steven G. Kulynych & Sandra H. Kulynych David K. Lavinsky Michael E. Mand Steven A. Marks & Alexandra C. Marks ❖ Nicole H. Mehlbrech Julie A. Meyer William A. Mitchell III Michelle L. Moody Shannon K. Nash Andrew W. Pang Lorianne M. Pannozzo Aaron D. Peck & Melissa R. Peck Diane S. Preston Christopher D. Ray Scott A. Reed & Kelly M. Reed John P. Reilly & Kristen A. Reilly Laura M. Ritter Sandi B. Rothman & Karl G. Rothman Jorge J. Santana Christina H. Saunders & Will F. Saunders Margaret B. Schmid Ashley J. Smith & Kimberly E. Smith Brendan C. Smith Pamela C. Smith Michelle C. Snyder & Jeffrey S. Snyder Jack D. Steinhilber Jr. & Alicia D. Steinhilber Steven Tricarico & Kathleen Tricarico Rene S. Wakefield 1993 David C. Bell Sonya S. Benavides James R. Burnett Jr. James A. Catlin Jr. Peggy H. Christman & Mark D. Christman Shari Ciapka Jason E. Clark Marci B. Comeau Kara Davis Cosby & Scott F. Cosby Vaughan G. Crawley Jason L. Dandridge & Allison S. Dandridge Susan Easley & Christian S. Easley Charles M. Fiveash Ernest M. Freedman Christine Dalton Godlewski Dan Gropper & Tammy Allen Staci L. Henshaw Aaron M. Hill Laura P. Horn Joel L. Houser & Alison S. Houser Shawna L. Johnson Stacey R. Just Glen T. Kacher & Amy Wardwell Kacher Yosup Kwak Stephen D. Leasure Todd L. Leigh & Julie O. Leigh Jennifer C. Liner Phillip B. Lopez David N. Lowenstein Julie T. McMichael Kathryn M. Meredith & Adam L. Cummins Key G. Michel Carrie P. Smith Nee & Timothy B. Nee Marissa C. Ochave Hong P. Paterson Steve B. Pawl Deanna M. Pifer John E. Robinson Kristy S. Rumbaugh Robert N. Schipper & Lora C. Schipper Cassandra A. Sermons James J. Shannon Judith E. Sherman Jean W. Shiau Heather H. Sibley Walker C. Simmons & Elizabeth J. Simmons Indu N. Spugnardi Robert William Tharpe II Todd S. Thompson Patrick A. Torrey & Stacia G. Torrey Steven J. Vainder Karen Vinh Lisa Hayward Wadlin & Jeffrey F. Wadlin Caroline D. Walkley & T. Michael Walkley Heather A. Wilson & Robert C. Wilson IV Farhad Zaman 1994 18.5% Michael L. Alpert Hal O. Archer & Gena R. Archer Vasilios W. Bakopanos Michael Boyd David S. Collins Jr. Brett W. Crawford Stephanie J. Deem Lyle H. Deitch Tuyen Van Do Sharon M. Donohue Benjamin M. Doyle & Suzanne W. Doyle Lawrence S. Eiben Michael Escobar & Mary C. Escobar Jennifer T. Farrar Chaz A. Felix Thomas M. Frederick & Cheryl B. Frederick Lewanda S. Gallimore Philip B. Hager & Kimberley Hager J. Rexford Hampton Stephen C. Hanlin Robert A. Heimann Jr. Phillip G. Hirschel Rodney J. Hobbs J. Scott Holsinger Julie K. Hornung Adrian L. Hudgins Horace L. Johnson & Landra B. Johnson 19.2% Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 39 McIntire Undergraduate Alumni Gifts Thad M. Jones & Anne J. Jones Petra K. Juulsgaard Aydin D. Keskiner Kristin M. Kipp Edward M. Kuo Brian D. Kush & Mary Elizabeth Young Kush Michael S. Lavery Rodney J. Leger & Megan Leger Thomas J. Maguire IV Vincent J. Maria Jonathan M. Meyer Philip G. Oefelein Tina S. Paikeday & M. J. Tony Paikeday Michael L. Peduzzi Shannon B. Pettit Kathleen M. Piller Scott R. Poole Massie E. Rea III & Kathleen M. Rea Brian P. Smoluch Alison M. Staeger Troy L. Stanfield & Kimberly Patterson Stanfield Chad L. Strean Monica Suarez Lauren T. Walsh Allison E. Watkins & Bradford L. Watkins Jill W. Weeter & Aaron K. Weeter Bryan Welch & Shannon A. Welch Thomas P. Williams & Christine N. Williams Kent D. Wood 1995 20.1% Amber Ahmad Andres R. Anker Carolyne S. Beaty Elisabeth D. Beller David L. Birckhead Panos Boudouvas Jeffrey S. Boyd Lazetta R. Braxton & Brad R. Braxton Frank H. Briggs III Christopher R. Brogan & Elizabeth A. Brogan Christopher C. Brubaker Gabriel A. Buddenbrock Erin C. Casey John B. Chun William R. Cogswell Christina P. Cragg Nicholas R. Douthit & Jill Douthit Emmeline M. Edwards Stuart T. Evans & Tricia Evans Michael S. Feinberg Andrew C. Fligel Brad Garrett Christopher D. Hagen & Diane R. Hagen Temperance D. Hutter Lisa B. Kelly & Robert M. Kelly Sung H. Kim Stacie Clemmons Kinder & Gary W. Kinder Priya S. Koul & Sharat Koul Regina T. Lascano Jennifer A. Lawn M. Brian Lineweaver Bryan D. Long & Dominique N. Long Jason M. Love & Candice Wagner Love Chad Lucien Tia B. Mahaffy Edward C. Martin & Elizabeth R. Martin Valerie Y. McFaddin Edward S. McGowan Gina M. McGuinness Margaret C. McLean Claire W. McPherson Tyler U. Nguyen Catherine B. Niehaus Jill R. Pascua John O. Peterson Kristin M. Plym & Jack Plym Gail P. Rand Alisa D. Ricks & Eric S. Ricks Gerard J. Rosales Carolyn M. Rosenblum Ryan Russo Gary M. Rygh Carrie N. Saint Louis & Marc A. Saint Louis Mac Wilson Laing Selbe Adam Shnaider Kyle T. Smith Justin C. Sullivan Bryan C. Timko Steven J. Volchko Alexander C. Waddey Alfred H. Wells III Emily T. Whitt 1996 17.3% Anonymous Miho D. Anderson & John C. Anderson Alison A. Arnott & Keith A. Arnott Drew N. Behmer & Kerri A. Behmer Parham M. Behrooz Stacy B. Bell Eric Y. Boucher Stacey S. Bradley Ryan B. Buchanan Laura K. Caldwell Amy E. Chanana Rakesh Chawla & Cathleen H. Chawla Stanley R. Chiu & Kathryn E. Stallings Lanier C. Coles & Charlton Yu David S. Davick Melissa T. Dollins Sara W. Dunton Courtney H. DuPaul & Christopher W. DuPaul Jennifer L. Ertler Bryan L. Garnett & Claudia A. Garnett Erin Ready Garrett Kara J. Gerardi Sonya Hand & Leroy C. Hand IV John C. Hawks Justin A. Hoover Michelle Howell Laura K. Inra Margaret M. Lauck & David R. Lauck Anton J. Levy Damian X. Lipani Jason Mann Curtis T. Montgomery III & Lesley Cahill Montgomery Ross E. Mopsick Kristin R. Oakes & Michael A. Oakes Patrick J. O’Connor & Sherri K. O’Connor Timothy E. Parker Kathryn Mayer Parks John M. Pietras Jr. Lee W. Purcell Mark C. Reynolds Marjorie C. Saine Scott A. Saunders Kirsten C. Schaefer Creighton J. Schenkel Kendal A. Sibley & George P. Sibley III Therese S. Spaid Brett J. Taylor Laura B. Terry & Michael S. Terry Garth T. Troxell & Leslie Troxell Sandra L. Vaughan & Christopher D. Vaughan Martin A. Wick III Eliza Wong 1997 18.8% Cara Baker Ronde Barber & Claudia Barber Tiki Barber & Virginia Cha Barber ❖ Neil J. Barr Elizabeth C. Barton Kaveesh Bawa Paul M. Bergson Jamie S. Bishop Liza Borches & Peter Borches Jason S. Bornfreund & Amy P. Wong Maura L. Brooks Patricia M. Canney Michelle T. Carman Kathryn S. Cattano & John P. Cattano Kendall K. Collins Kent M. Couling & Kari H. Couling Christopher P. Dailey Sandra L. Eikner Carlos E. Fernandez-Touzon & Amy L. Savitsky Sybil E. Freedman Robert J. Fulton Lisa M. Gardner Richard M. Gerson ❖ Kevin R. Greene Kristin O’Connell Hampton Robert A. Holland Tien-tsin Huang K. Allison Jamison Kimberlee D. Jernigan George Kim Sheryl O. Klauer James J. Labus & Jacquelyn Labus Robert H. Lanier Scott L. Lebovitz & Fran Lebovitz Kerrie Lineweaver John M. Logan Michael A. Matera Brandon I. Miles & Morenike K. Miles Eric M. Modell Mary Lee H. Morris & Randall W. Morris Eric C. Osberg & Christina Osberg Soonah Park Carrie S. Perzanowski & Matthew S. Perzanowski Katie M. Peterson Benjamin B. Pierce & Shannon Pierce Kelley J. Reynolds Sarah C. Risdal Stevie N. Rodgers Evan D. Rothschild Elizabeth Sehgal Jeffrey L. Stephens Joyce A. Sweeney William L. Wallis II William M. Weimer II Clayton C. Williams & Carla M. Williams Richard T. Young 1998 15.4% William T. Adkerson Peter C. Almond & Amber A. Almond Daniel W. Biolsi & Karen Biolsi Michael F. Brown & Tiffany J. Brown William E. Canoles Jr. Peter Chao Robert V. Cooley II Christopher F. Crowder Cindy W. Dodge Jason S. English Joy S. Eure Tara Z. Fisher Dana Duckett Fox & Weston A. Fox Matt Giordano & Alison Abrams-Giordano Tania J. Grant Jason Greene David L. Haas & Nachama Sternlicht-Haas Dana Hamerschlag & Kevin DeTurris David R. Hang & Ingrid B. Hang Kenneth J. Harris Chris B. Heckman Eddie Karoliussen Christopher P. Kelly Robert J. Knebel Stephen A. Lovett Laura B. Marshall & James B. Marshall IV Scott M. Merkle Christopher K. Mitchell Christine A. O’Brien Daniel R. Odio-Paez Matthew P. Preece & Renee V. Preece Lisa M. Quale Renee M. L. G. Reese Scott E. Rothman Christina C. Schumacher & Jimi Taylor Andrew Shernoff & Jennifer Kline Shernoff Eric P. Steinhoff Stephanie F. Stumpf Natalie C. Torres Brian M. Vollmer Ramey Watkins Sharon L. Weaver Darrin R. Witt & Heather Witt Andrew L. Zulauf & Suzanne E. Zulauf 1999 15.4% Casey Bartok Julie S. Betts Elizabeth A. Boyle Meredith L. Childers Bradley C. Coleman Allison M. Crevello Brian J. Deitz & Courtney J. Deitz Alexandra A. Early William B. Farinholt Gigi Gurtis Florin & Richard M. Florin William B. Gabler Carter W. Griffith Alison B. Harbrecht Susan C. Herzog Alison C. Hillhouse Cara D. Hinshaw Lori R. Hughes Samuel F. Jacobs & Erica U. Jacobs Akhil Jain April C. Johnson Emily Gosse Kallaur Kristina A. Kern & Charles D. Kern Thomas A. King Alexander P. Kuczkowski & Margaret McHale Kuczkowski Julie L. Macklowe & William S. Macklowe Daniel P. Mattock Katie M. McAllister & Andrew K. McAllister Peter T. McElwain & Sarah E. Baltimore Casey D. Merolla & Mark A. Merolla Elizabeth C. O’Connor Matthew W. O’Neill Glenn Pappalardo Jennifer R. Park Joshua D. Paulson Dwight P. Pettay Mark A. Victor Pinho Jeffrey S. Richman & Mary M. Richman Austin G. Root James B. Sharpe Jr. & Ashley B. Sharpe Andrew M. Sheehan Matthew J. Sinarski Amy C. Smoragiewicz Emily Stuart Lara M. Theriault & Rene J. Theriault III Demetria A. Wade J. Bricker Waid Lindsay B. Weirich Carrie G. Wood & Alfred R. Wood Jr. Buckner Woodford V 2000 23.9% Jacey L. Anderson Kirby Armentrout Daniel E. Austin Andrew M. Axelrod & Kimberly R. Axelrod James M. Babski & Abby Mockovak Babski Rebecca L. Bergson Kristine Whitehead Bourque & Jamieson M. Bourque Jennifer D. Brandely David C. Chattleton & Christen Johnson Chattleton Andrew Chen Michael S. Christopher Sabrina W. J. Clark & David C. Clark Elizabeth H. Clarkson Eric S. Cooper Ashley C. Cullum & Ashton C. Cullum Kevin J. Cunningham & Stacy F. Cunningham Peter Curtin Devon D. Day Marissa W. Dent Colin T. Dove Jeremy A. Ebrahim & Alexandra E. Ebrahim Charles M. Ford Casey C. Franko Corinne L. Good David J. Gulick & Erin Becker Christopher Hamby & Emily Lam Hamby Robert G. Harper IV Jeffrey D. Henderson Christa L. Hilt Ashley M. Hinchman Elizabeth M. Hodermarsky Elizabeth S. Hook Lauren E. Hunt Megan M. Ireland Michelle McQuality Kelly & Stephen E. Kelly Min H. Kim Daniel M. Langley Antje H. Lemoine John W. Loy Matthew R. McCourt Dietrich Oelschlager Mary M. Owen Paul A. Owings Erika L. Pearson Anne E. Petersen Eugene Peysakh Robert W. Porter Joel G. Ramin Katherine E. Raymond ❖ UVA LAWN SOCIETY MEMBER 40 • C o m m e r c e U Va + Deceased Benjamin T. Reynolds Julie A. Rosson Karen C. Salmeri Daphne Selzer Ju H. Seo & Hwa C. Lee Martha Spadafore Nina G. Sprinkle Scott D. Steuber Deborah M. Sutton Steven M. Tinkey J. Kenneth Tucker Tuandat C. Vu LaVar Wagner Usman Waheed Allyn Dabkowski Waid Mallary Congleton Walker & Jonathan Walker Terra L. Weirich Brian A. Weiss Kristina W. Wills McLean T. Wilson & Elisabeth Y. Wilson Brian J. Woodall Karen M. Zee 2001 19.8% Margaret C. Alexander Leah N. Alfonso Virginia J. Atwood & Paul C. Atwood Victoria S. Benoit Holly M. Bounds Tiffany M. Butcher Michael S. Cannady Angela M. Catanach Matthew D. Cerimele Andrea N. Clarke Karen Combs Anne A. Croker M. Alex Dashiell Jeffrey P. Dunn & Dawn M. Dunn Robert M. Farinholt & Georgia A. Hunter Colette H. Featherly & Timothy C. Featherly Tara B. Fisher Nicole Fitzwater Carola A. Garay-Ortega Michael A. Glynn Daron W. Greene Jeremiah T. Hamm & Christine B. Hamm Adele S. Hapworth & Huntington T. Hapworth Richard D. Hathaway Frank V. Hopkins Christina Jenkins Dinesh D. Kalwani Stephanie M. Krebs Lindsay R. Larsen Julie A. Lau John D. Massengill James B. McDonough Jason H. Navon Marc G. Olsen Christi C. Pack Sara E. Penarczyk R. Kennon Poteat III Samuel F. Reid III Amanda H. Richardson & Randall L. Fletcher Alison G. Richmond Brian Rule Andrew J. Schoonover Virginius R. Shackelford IV Jeffrey R. Shauer Scott M. Sherman Kelly T. Short Brandon K. Smith & Sarah R. Smith Christopher W. Smith & Caroline A. Smith Kristy L. Sott Raffi C. Tokatlian Nesrin Umur Brian P. Vahaly N. Robbert Vorhoff & Jennifer Rigamer Vorhoff Elliott H. Walker John M. Wells Jeffrey L. White Cary C. Williams & Colin B. Williams Sandra M. Wood & William M. Wood Karen E. Zacharias Anna Zuckerman 2002 14.4% Tara P. Austin Ian B. Barber David P. Bloovman Douglas V. Brandely Gordon W. Braxton Kevin A. Carson Elizabeth K. Cassano Carrie G. Chapman & Kyle Chapman Jonathan Chou Carolyn M. Crooks & Mark W. Crooks Jeffrey W. Diamond Eric T. Do Amy M. Endemann Carey A. Haglund Charles S. Hale II Lisa C. Jeffreys Shelly Ryan Johnson Daniil V. Kleyman Quincy A. Kolb Gretchen A. Kurhajetz Emmanuel M. Lambros Jyh-yuan Lee Michael Leffler Jr. Meredith R. Lufkin Linda T. Nguyen Jason L. Noggoh Timur N. Otunchiev Scott Perry & Lillian J. Tollkuhn Katherine C. Pilcher Jonathan M. Prober Amber L. Reed Matthew Rice Jennifer M. Rosen & Michael S. Rosen Jonathan M. Rosenthal Michael B. Schafer Deborah Woods Searcy & Christian D. Searcy Jr. Heather Welles Terry Rick Phuoc Tan Tran Virginia E. Turner Bao Ngoc Vuong & Sarah L. Vuong Rena Ozyildirim Wamsley Barrett Wheeler Jason M. Williams Caitlin Wills & Portman H. S. Wills Leslie Evans Wood 2003 21.5% James Abruzzino Lindsay M. Ahrens Amanda E. Betsold Marjorie A. Beyer William S. Boland Molly S. Brunjes Joshua S. Caplan David Joon Woo Choi Priyanka Chopra Lisa A. Christensen & Eric A. Christensen Anthony Cignarella III John Hartwell Cocke Edward M. Collie Jennifer W. D’Agostino Nicole M. DePaolis H. Blair Diamond Laura M. Farah & Michael F. Farah John B. Femino Louisa Jacoba Garrett H. Travis Goad & Sarah Goad Andrew Goldman Justin L. Goldsmith Erin E. Gottenborg Richard S. Greeder Ilan D. Hausner Gregard K. Heje Rachel N. Hill Renee L. Howell Resa L. Hoye Paul L. Hudson III Adriana Hultkrans Kunal M. Jogani Matthew E. Kidd & Sheena Kidd Ann W. Kim Brandon G. Krapf & Jasmin A. Archer Julia E. Kremer Shawn R. Landenwitch William F. Lane Sarah E. Lantz Cynthia A. Marian Kenneth M. McBride Jason D. McDougall & Juliana M. Stein Amy U. Minton James Mitchell Jody K. Moore Felix C. Moy Zain Nathani Rod J. Nazemi Eric A. Nintzel Justin B. Nixon & Hadley Drake Nixon Tim Christian Oeljeschlager Ashley Ohlschlager Andrew J. Patrick Andrew M. Radford Abby P. Ramirez Jason C. Rascoe & Lauren E. Rascoe Stephen A. Reis & Carli H. Reis Whitney Eck Riley & Jonathan S. Riley James G. Rosenberger III & Courtney A. Prior Tanaz Shahrzad Amanda Lee Singer James L. W. Smith Kwesi D. Smith Charles A. Smithgall IV Brent G. Spiller Stephen C. Sweet Amy R. Young Betty Nien-Hua Yu 2004 Mera L. Adamovich Kathryn Rooney Agnew Felise L. Agranoff Ashley Agular Angelico & Blaise M. Angelico Erin E. Bailey Jaime L. Baran Kevin J. Barner Sarah Ann Bruss Michael T. Burgess 23.5% Joanna Davidson Calabrese Barrett Campbell John M. Canorro Vivien Wei Chang Tiffany Fung-Yee Chen Sau-Lam Cheung Peter W. Chidyllo Mark L. Christensen & Andrea C. Christensen Scott R. Cohen Stephen D. Colangelo Ashley E. Deihr H. David deLaureal Shreyas S. Dharap Stephen C. Dutton Anna Jessica Edwards Hilary M. Farrar Jacqueline M. Ferris Kathryn A. Floyd Daniel E. Garcia Frank R. Gough III Robert D. Holeman Curtis W. Jones S. Shaw Joseph William T. Kallop Katherine A. Keogh Sung-Hyun Kim Yoonji Kim & Jorge A. Torrico Sarah E. King Betsey Lin Shannon M. Marsh April McCollum Firoozeh Mofakhami Logan A. Moncrief Kristen Moore Ion A. Nemerenco Caroline Cardon Nolan & Casey L. Nolan Pramit J. Patel Devon A. Pearce Ashley E. Peters Ian F. A. Pihl III Benjamin D. Port Susan C. Raffel Allyson L. Reed Yani D. Rehorn & Christopher E. Rehorn Patrice D. Robinson Matthew D. Rubin Stephanie M. Santoso Rachael A. Schaffner Adam K. Schulman Jung Yeon Shin Hansell H. Shook Phil Spradlin Michael B. Standiford Katherine A. Stanton Jeffrey C. Steinke Christopher R. Stewart Peter J. Stone Julia C. Thies David M. Tompkins Alex Triplett Bradley W. Turner Emily J. Wang Jordan E. Wenger Lytle A. Wurtzel Howard H. Yuan Yuriy B. Zelikovich 2005 Jordan J. Agee Rexford C. Alexander Marianne F. Alf James W. Atchison William C. Baldwin Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 41 34.1% McIntire Undergraduate Alumni Gifts G. Calvert Thomas Meredith M. Tierney Jamie C. Todd Gavin W. Todes Jimmy Bon-Jay Tseng Robert M. Vineyard Dillon K. Walker Omar M. Wardak Mary K. Weisskopf Jacob S. Werner Jordan T. White Ivy Oi-Wing Wong Pauline Wu Edward S. Yocum Kelly M. Barber Carl F. Barcoma James F. Barter Jr. Jason M. Bello Anne E. Betts Bruce R. Bilger Jr. James M. Billingsley Garrett B. Bockenek Sarina Bolla Blake O. Briddell Megan L. Brinsfield Susan E. Buckner Andrea L. Call Kok-Lik Chan Matthew P. Cook Craig D. Cook-Stevenson Elizabeth L. Crocker Beatriz P. Dacunha Michael E. Dawson Katherine S. Delaney Stuart E. Dowling Rafael L. Eboli Katelyn L. Eisele Solomon N. Eskinazi Cassandra R. Estep Virginia A. Francis Edward C. Fuqua Philip A. Giampietro Samuel L. Glasgow Alex Ragan Gross Gorkem Guler David A. Gutmann David A. Hale Benjamin J. Hicks Sarah R. Hiller Kyle W. Houff Shin Im Andrea M. Jacobs Jason M. Jennings Frank J. Johnson III Summer S. Kassir Michael B. Kimpel Walton W. Kingsbery IV Bethanie C. Kintzer Warren Dana Knapp III Bryant E. Knight Ryan Marie Kokemor & Jeremy D. Kokemor Erin L. Korte Kimberly A. Krizanovic John M. Lauro Robert W. Law Angela Y. Lee Anthony P. Lichiello Miguel A. Luina Jr. Michael P. Lynch Lawrence Lai Mun Mah Debarshi K. Mandal Gillian L. Marcott James A. W. Marshall & Sara C. Marshall Joanna M. Marten April McCollum Amy R. Meyer Jeffrey F. Miller Gregory D. Morneault Gregory J. Mullan Justin P. Nance Francisco Navarro Diane E. Oh Brian M. Pavlock Bobby Petersen Chaitenya Razdan Kyle J. Redinger William W. Rodman Katherine M. Rohyans Philip D. Roussis Laura Warrick Sanchez Antika Sansaneeyakiat Alexandrina A. Sapunova Michael J. Schmidt Maureen G. Scully Nicholas R. Shapiro Brian M. Shea Benjamin R. Slater IV Kristin Beahm Steen Kendall A. Stevenson & Jonathan Wolfson Matthew M. Stone Christopher T. Storey Haseeb Tahir James T. Taylor Joel M. Taylor Charles Calvert Thomas 2006 Jennifer Averbook Devin Battiston Laura M. Berman Michael R. Bilger Jessica L. Boffa Leslie A. Brooks Casandra A. Bruce Stephen E. Burgess Elizabeth M. Carroll Shuck-Il Cho Raheem Choudhry Bradley A. Christmann Kenzie J. Cooper Nicole E. Cowing Spencer M. Cummings Stephen C. Daimler Grace Deng Megan E. Fanale Margaret C. Firebaugh Brandon M. Furlong Kyle S. Fuschetti Michelle M. Geis Noah J. Goldenberg Rebecca L. Gordner Stephanie Granger Joseph Griesbeck III Gretchen H. Haughey Nidhi Hegde J. David Hobbs Luke T. Holman Christopher A. Hoshi Brandon Huffman Maria C. Jarvis Michael C. Jeanblanc Elizabeth K. Jetton Eunji Ju Shiloka V. Kachabe Ashley A. Kazlauskas Darcey C. Kennedy Amy E. Keswick Dayna R. Koeninger Andrew L. Krowne Caroline Le Feuvre Arman Mahoozi Michael H. Malloy Sarah A. Marchetti Sapna Mehra Matthew R. Miller Matthew T. Moore Emmett Nelms Erika L. Pearson Wesley A. Petticrew Michelle C. Polo Alexander S. Pugatch Stephen H. Rhyne Tripp H. Rice Daneton R. Rivera Clifton T. Roberts 22% William M. Rogers Richard A. Ross Susana P. Salazar Pablo Sanint Ipek Soylu Kelly A. Sparks Catherine A. Sposato Eric M. Stangarone Jason Chian-Chih Su Jeremy B. Tatge Rong Wang James R. Watson Eric P. Weiss Alison L. Wischusen Bill C. Zhang 2007 Anonymous Samuel A. Adams Ashley E. Albers Irene R. Alcorn Neema Ardalan Charles S. G. Baldwin Arthur M. Barrett Jeffrey R. Barry Garrett Berger Dori L. Bloom Peter R. Booth Leslie M. Breen Mia N. Brennan Curtis A. Browning Theresa H. Bui Laura R. Caputo Siobhan L. Cleary Michael M. Cloud Lindsay K. Conrad William L. Dowden III Daniel C. Ferrari Abraham J. Gogel Marshall P. Goldsmith Jennifer L. Groome David A. Hale Angad S. Hira Genevieve E. Hovde Lauren M. Hovland Reuben I. Hunter Brian W. Ichord Jared B. Ireland Pooja R. Jatwani Janet M. Joyce Andrea J. Keller Nicole J. Kiffe Evan R. Kwiatkowski Michael P. Langman Bryan M. Leach Jin-Kyung Lee 23.9% Elizabeth J. Lodge Jacqueline K. Loken Andrew K. Lowry Sean P. Mahard Natasha Malik Catherine L. Mandigo Sean T. McVey Anjali D. Merchant Kelley N. Mulfinger Chi Mai Nguyen Hang Phan Nguyen Clayton D. O’Toole Andrew F. Paradis Andrew K. Park Cole Patterson Courtney A. Patterson Christie A. Pugnetti Kyle W. Quearry Peter M. Reinsel Harrison W. Reishman Lindsay R. Robinson Samuel I. Rosen Thomas P. Ross Jr. Michael D. Ryan Jason A. Sacks Matthew C. Shernit Amanda B. Shimshock Sally L. Shonk Jonathon D. Stanley Alexander G. von Fricken Titiphan A. Vutiprichar Tyler G. Walk Helen Wang Alicia J. Wlodinguer Sarah Wood Chin Chee Yap Toby Tao Zhang 2008 Anonymous Dmitri Adler Wilson P. Andrews III Amanda M. Aune Jimmy H. Bae Andrew F. Baker Owen M. Basham Brett E. Baucum Christopher T. Belyea Alison M. Biggar Charles C. Blundon Kurt P. Boehringer Michael T. Boles Lauren R. Brown Haruko K. Bunyak Katelynn P. Byers Theresa M. C. Canosa Errors or Omissions Every attempt has been made to create an accurate list of donors. Should there be an error or omission, please bring it to our attention. Sarah Ritzer Assistant Director of Donor Relations McIntire School of Commerce University of Virginia PO Box 400173 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4173 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 434-243-8368 ❖ UVA LAWN SOCIETY MEMBER 42 • C o m m e r c e U Va 50.9% + Deceased Richard A. Carrington V Jonathan L. Carter Katherine L. Chapin Sihyun Choi Wing Y. Choi Richard Cleary Jennifer R. Clifton Brittany A. Collier Caitlin A. Coogle McLean P. Copus Laura C. Crockett Walker H. Dales Jennifer M. Davey Meera Deepak Cordell A. Delapena III Jessica R. Dolan Kirk N. Du Plessis Timothy A. Eckard Brian D. Edwards James F. Egan Jr. Emily G. Ehrnschwender Paul D. Emery David Elder Jinzi Feng Eric B. Flow John R. French Kathryn A. Fritts Michelle L. Fung Aarti K. Gala Juan D. Garcia Ryan C. Gardner James G. Garner Brian M. Gavron Matthew D. Good Mark S. Goodrich Robert A. Gordon Gordon F. Green John B. Grenier Jr. Madison M. Gross Dami Han Keith J. Hanauer Patrick J. Harding Kelly L. Harris William S. Hasley Sara W. H. Hathaway Chris B. Heather Hilary E. Heincer Stephanie E. Hobart Charles B. Holder Brian W. Hollingsworth Yoonju Hong Charles J. Hornberger Michael D. Horvath Mitchell S. Houff Rebecca D. Hough Chu-Ting Huang William D. Hurt Sara E. Hutter Paresh Jain Angela K. Johnson Landy E. Johnson Isabeau Kammeyer Leyla D. Karakas Naseh M. Kausar Jeffrey G. Kidd Erin J. Kim Mary G. Kingdon Mikaela R. Kingsley Matthew J. Kinn Jessica M. Koeppel Ari M. Koteles Sagari Kunzru Leonard J. Lee Miji Lee Rachel B. Link Sarah K. Lunsford Karen E. Martin Gabriel J. Martinez Virginia S. McCormack Meredith A. McCormick Joseph A. McDonald David M. McFarland Kathryn E. McIntosh Vineet Mehta Jason S. Mercer Grant A. Miller Jamie L. Miller Lindsay J. Miller Monica I. Miro Molly G. Mockovak Erfaan Mojgani Taylor B. Morris Blake D. Motley Rana S. Movahed David L. Myers Daniel E. Neal Matthew P. Neitzke Jessica L. Nelson Bryce A. Neumann Dan M. Nicholas II Benjamin C. Nowak Mary Leigh J. Nugent Stephen D. Oklesson Mana K. Ota Douglas J. Peck Mindy M. Peng Carrie L. Petersik Elizabeth B. Phillips Michael A. Phillips Anne-Perry Pope Dylan J. Pradas Lindsey M. Preuss Mary A. Ramsey Christiaan G. Rasmussen Christopher L. Ring Ileana F. Riva Courtney F. Roberts Gabriel J. Robleto Taylor C. Russo Erin E. Ryan Hwa-Jung Ryu Shefali Saldanha Kristine N. Salm Valerie E. Schultz William E. Searcy Jonathan T. Segal Alexander H. Shapiro Anisha Shetty Jungyoon Shin Jonathan C. So Alexander C. Spotswood Pamela L. Strong Jeffrey A. Sullenberger Amanda H. Switzer Edward T. Taylor III Matthew A. Towerman Degelis E. Tufts Brian T. Tunney Katie L. Tyson Vicky P. Ukritnukun George G. Underwood William J. Van Devender Jr. Kimberly A. Wagner Susan T. Wallace Nitesh Yadav Cameron S. Zaboji Amy Zhang Ran Zhang McIntire Graduate Alumni Gifts 1974 100% Stephen C. Adams & Nancy Bagley Adams Robert B. Barrett G. Edward McClammy Jr. Peter L. Munger & Joan M. Munger Leonard W. Sandridge & Jerry S. Sandridge 1982 Harriett Hyatt Breihan & Robert W. Breihan Patrice A. Pollock Nancy P. Tower 1976 20% Harry D. Dickinson & Doris Dickinson 1984 27.3% Cathy Stephenson Johnson Arthur M. Schneider Andrew M. Vest & Suzanna M. Vest 1977 55.6% Donna Baker Feeney & Francis X. Feeney Jr. Richard L. Fisher & Dorothy D. Fisher ❖ Richard J. Nadeau & Stacey Nadeau ❖ Timothy A. Peterson Keith D. VanDerbeek & Pamela VanDerbeek 1979 Louise R. Poltrack 33.3% 1980 Catherine Elizabeth Blair Julie G. Cervilla 33.3% 1981 Mary Martin Middleton & Steven A. Middleton ❖ Donna H. Rudderow Sidney G. Simmonds & Barbara J. Simmonds 18.8% 1983 Bennett I. Lewis 23.5% 6.3% 1985 26.3% Carol A. Atchison & Michael D Atchison Jorge A. Dabul & Lori B. Dabul Horace Edward Jordan Jr. Douglas K. Schneider Diane Lee Wiley 1986 8.3% Darrell A. Carlisle Gary G. Wallace & Sara W. Wallace 1987 Laura D. Durback Ellen Wachs Kaufman & Andrew G. Kaufman 14.3% 1988 22.7% Charles A. Beckum Mark George Anton Filpi Fiona Marissa & Keith H. Strohecker Thomas D. Newman Janice E. Winstead 1989 Sharon L. Beasley Jayne M. Brittle & James A. Jokl Karen Joyner Dunlap Kellam W. Griffin Katherine N. McFaden 25% 1990 18.6% Carrie N. Chupp Dwight J. Gibbs Gary M. Hartnett Ted S. Hollifield Amy E. Isaacs Darci M. Niestroy Robert B. Sherrill & Meredith K. Sherrill John M. Wilhelm Jr. 1991 Heidi L. Baer & George L. Baer Holly H. Graham Gregory S. Kuykendall Martha G. O’Day 7.5% 1992 Donald F. Cook Lena (Mah) Eagon Jeffrey C. Edwards Lisa Parks Galloway Robert A. Justus Christine Robinson Verfurth & Francis T. Verfurth 12.8% Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 43 McIntire Graduate Alumni Gifts 2001 6.5% Jennifer D. Brandely Matthew R. Creedon Erik M. Cribbs Corinne L. Good Rebecca B. Hotze Douglas E. Keating & Patty B. Keating Mark S. Molnar Anne E. Petersen Mary Welby von Thelen Allyn Dabkowski Waid & J. Bricker Waid 2002 7.5% Yidan Chui & Xiao Zhang Thomas J. Hahn Frederick C. Hanson Maureen A. McKay Preston E. Morris Jr. Jason H. Navon Karen C. Salmeri Donald M. Taylor & Susan W. Taylor Rhian V. Thompson Robin A. Tomlin Steven J. Weiskircher & Caroline M. Anderson 1993 14.8% Monica L. Banyi Cynthia W. Caruso Heather L. Ellett & Frank R. Ellett Anna Lee Delashmutt Grinder Dean W. Krehmeyer & Diane D. Krehmeyer Hillary R. McTigue Cynthia Ramirez Miller & David J. Miller Natalie B. Veljovich & Dan S. Veljovich 1994 18.5% Matthew D. Dupree Lori Friedman Amy A. Gilliland Richard P. Hawks & Sarah Hawks Marissa C. Ochave Judith E. Sherman Jean W. Shiau Bryan Suthard & Holly R. Suthard Robert William Tharpe II Lisa Hayward Wadlin & Jeffrey F. Wadlin 1995 14.6% Jason E. Clark Julie K. Hornung Rodney J. Leger & Megan Leger Darren G. Pratt & Jill M. Pratt John F. Vrana II Linda C. Walton Bryan Welch & Shannon A. Welch 1996 17.9% Amber Ahmad David L. Birckhead Christopher C. Brubaker Daniel W. Conner Stuart T. Evans & Tricia Evans Eric E. Meier & Joanne H. Meier Mac Wilson Laing Selbe Ashley J. Smith & Kimberly E. Smith James B. Towe 1997 David S. Davick Michael H. Manning Karen R. Miller Alexandro Solorzano Therese S. Spaid 11.1% 1998 14.3% Elizabeth C. Barton Sandra L. Eikner Joyce H. Evans & Arnold B. Evans George Kim Hamid R. Moinamin Diane S. Preston Joyce A. Sweeney 1999 13% Michael F. Brown & Tiffany J. Brown Joy S. Eure Tara Z. Fisher Kenneth J. Harris Christopher K. Mitchell Renee M. L. G. Reese Stephanie F. Stumpf 2000 14.6% Jeffrey Y. Bae & Kristen Hae-won Bae Elizabeth A. Boyle Henry S. Bragg & Laurence Bragg Sybil E. Freedman Deborah R. Harvey & Gary E. Wood Lori R. Hughes Elizabeth Flippo Hutchins & William M. Hutchins April C. Johnson Peter T. McElwain & Sarah E. Baltimore Kristen L. Milner Elizabeth C. O’Connor C. Ware Palmer Lara M. Theriault & Rene J. Theriault III Demetria A. Wade Kristen S. Young 2003 7.4% Crystal F. Boodoo Michael Costa Robert D. Dallen Jr. Donald Dietz Jeff Elgin Anne Forster Charles Henry Nicholas E. Kershner Gretchen A. Kurhajetz Amanda L. Mason David A. Meredith Mark R. Messersmith Jill E. Munz-Mitchell Derek J. Nisco Jonathan M. Prober Beth M. Richardson & Peter A. Johnson 2004 Forrest W. Barnes III Haliday Casey John Hartwell Cocke Taylor W. Early Diane Enroughty Ron Evans & Courtney Evans Susan Gerock Elena L. Howard Judith A. Johnson Timothy M. Kelly Dennis R. King Kenneth R. Knapp Bryan R. Lewis & Sarah T. Lewis Jason Manstof Chad Massie John E. McDonald III William J. McSorley III & Jeanne M. McSorley Deanna M. Pifer Rajesh Radhakrishnan Edward T. Sawyer Amanda B. Schwab Scott C. Stoll Jingyang Tao Brian W. Tighe 14.2% 2005 Jonathan J. Alboum 18.8% Jeffrey S. Baker Debi E. Crockett Richard R. Day Jr. Ashley E. Deihr Paul Giles Daniel J. Holohan III & Catherine Holohan Winston G. Howard Titus Jeffries & Valerie S. Jeffries Raymond Katona Joseph E. Kraenzle Joseph Lahr Christine Liang Paul M. Matthews & Lynn F. Matthews Laura Merrell & David C. Merrell Jahan Moghadam Joseph Moore III Jamie Newell Mark Novey Andrew D. Rudin & Barbara J. Rudin James C. Sanne Stuart O. Shibaro Jung Yeon Shin Earl Spillman David L. Starmer Justin Swartz Katherine Tallis Mehul P. Vora & Angela M. Koloszar Edwin Wilson James Witherspoon & Heather Witherspoon David B. Wright 2006 11.6% Mark A. Bienz Scott Day Teresa Duvall Lisa M. Gardner Dania Gonzalez Susan Goubeaux Craig B. Haverback John C. Hill Peter Hraba Gordon Jett Lisa Long Karl J. Maschino & Anne C. W. Maschino Amyn Meruani Nicholas Meyer Bradley Nix Jeffrey R. Shauer Boyd Vor Broker Andrew Vozzolo 2008 46.4% Ashley E. Albers Jeffrey Baker Jeffrey R. Barry Garrett Berger Stacy Bergert & David Bergert Kristin A. Blomstrom Mary B. Bulfin Melinda Hinson Cardell Jina K. Choi Bryan D. Defino Peimin Hua Reuben I. Hunter Fizza Husain Wushen Jiao Shakenya S. Johnson Andrea J. Keller Alexander P. Kuczkowski & Margaret McHale Kuczkowski Evan R. Kwiatkowski Michael P. Langman Raza S. Latif Jason R. Lee Mallory C. Lobisser Natasha Malik Catherine L. Mandigo Janmeet S. Pahwa Jeffrey Prober Christie A. Pugnetti Kyle W. Quearry Troy C. Raines & Alison Kaplan Raines Gurpartap Randhawa Wen Ren Christina M. Rissetto Damien D. Seale Xiaohong Shi Jim Siegl Katherine E. Sims Heather N. Stanley Erwen L. Tang Bac Huu Tran Asheley P. Walker Helen Wang Alicia J. Wlodinguer Min-I Wu Quinn C. Wu Yuan Xue Chin Chee Yap Jen-Hsin Yu 2007 7.4% Deborah M. Brumitt Stephen E. Burgess Shuck-Il Cho Subhash K. Gupta Paul Handly Gayl B. Hann Bradley D. Harrison & Pipi Harrison Danny C. Hickman Alicia A. Kacsmar Faisal S. Kiani Samuel K. Kim Brian Lamprecht Ken Lukasewicz II Sarah A. Marchetti Tracy L. McNeil Heather S. Ness John Mike O’Brien Daneton R. Rivera Kay M. Robinson Randall C. Sagara Pramesh Trivedi ❖ UVA LAWN SOCIETY MEMBER 44 • C o m m e r c e U Va + Deceased Parents, Friends, Faculty, and Staff Gifts Anonymous Susan Ackley George P. Alexa & Cynthia L. Alexa David E. Alexander & Sandra W. Alexander John R. Alford Jr. Susan B. Allen & Bradley J. Allen Wilson P. Andrews Jr. & Julianne F. Andrews Alireza Ardalan & Roya K. Ardalan Allan C. Armstrong & Diane R. Armstrong Francis C. Armstrong III Michael D Atchison & Carol A. Atchison Gerald J. Babski & Sandra R. Babski Gregory H. Baker Jeffrey S. Baker Gary A. Ballinger Christina J. Banks & Jason S. Beverage Anne Larrobino Barter & James F. Barter Carol M. Basham & Owen D. Basham Lucien L. Bass III & Mary B. Bass ❖ Alex L. M. Bellanton Richard Bello Bruce R. Bilger & Carole J. Bilger Michael D. Bills & S. Sonjia Smith ❖ Richard Blumenthal George T. Boggs Karin B. Bonding Sarah Brooks O. Whitfield Broome Jr. & Julia R. Broome Martin T. Brown & Sandra C. Brown Robert S. Brown Jr. & Daryl Lynn Brown Doris Buffett ❖ Patrick Butler Clifford D. Caldwell & Louise P. Caldwell Sandra Carder & Patrick Carder Susan Alford Carrington ❖ Judy C. Cash & George H. Cash Jr. Cavalier Road Runners Laura Farish Chadwick & John H. Chadwick ❖ Barbara M. Chapman & H. Edward Chapman Kearby D. Chen S. K. Chopra Marc W. Christman & Deirdre A. Christman William G. Cloud William J. Coleman & Arlette Coleman Laurie Jean Collins Kenneth Lee Coogle & Linda R. Coogle Morris Dawes Cooke Jr. Arthur V. Corr Brian R. Cory & Christie F. Cory Amanda Cowen-Russell Amanda M. Crisp Cliff H. Dales & Lesley D. Dales Peter B. Daneker Catherine Jennings Davis & Will Davis III Rebecca L. Davis Mark C. Davisson Richard F. DeMong & Linda Krongaard DeMong Joseph H. DiNunzio & Deborah B. Dinunzio Ryan R. Dougherty Karen Har Druffel & John E. Druffel Dominick Dunnigan James F. Egan & Marianne P. Egan Peggy A. Ehrenberg Lee M. Emery & Beth Emery Afework Erdachew Eshetu Maureen Karlin Eskinazi Stuart T. Evans & Tricia Evans William S. Farish III ❖ Charles R. Ferrer & Elizabeth A. Ferrer Karen Davis Field & Thomas H. Field C. Thomas Fitch Nicole Fitzwater Donald E. Flow & Robbin Bartlett Flow Michael W. Foroobar & Rosalyn Foroobar Norman R. Forson & Nancy M. Forson Anne Jones Fowler & Byron T. Fowler Larry & Sterling Franklin, Trustees, Morris S. Smith Foundation ❖ Mildred Y. Freeberg Margaret R. Freeman ❖ Sherwood C. Frey Jr. & Marietta K. Frey Charles H. Fritts & Allyn M. Fritts Nathan J. Gabig Louis Gallo Cynthia F. Gasman John Gilmore Preston J. Gisch Barbara L. Godridge Elizabeth Whitener Goode Seddon Goode Jr. & Jane Nisbet Goode Harry L. Goodrich & Valerie S. Goodrich Matthew T. Goodwin & Kirsti W. Goodwin Alice T. Goodwin & William H. Goodwin Jr. ❖ Insiah Goralnik Peter H. Gray & Julaine Gray K. Finnie Green Martha Nash Smith Green Virginia Grinaker Raymond M. Haas & Mary E. Haas Lynn A. Hamilton Ira C. Harris & Denise Harris Linda Dee Hartline & Philipp E. Hartline Jacob Lee Hedrick Carrie M. Heilman & Bradley J. Heilman Verano M. Hermida & Blanca Morea Hermida Patrick D. Hogan & Sharon H. Hogan ❖ William D. Houff & Meredith K. Houff Cynthia N. Huddleston Kirk M. Hudson & Sandra P. Hudson William R. Hurt Jacquelin Quesenbery Jeutter & Gerald A. Jeutter Brian T. Johnson & Audra M. Johnson Fred D. Johnson Jr. Gregg E. Johnson & Sharon Johnson David E. Karr & Malka S. Karr William J. Kehoe J. Fredrick Kelly Jr. & Judith L. Kelly Robert S. Kemp Jr. & Pamela M. Kemp Hugh D. Keogh & Margaret J. Keogh Michele L. Kessler & Barry P. Day Mary Rouse Ketcham & John C. Ketcham Lisa J. Kijewski Faith C. Kim Adelaide W. King & R. Ruffin King IV Adam Koch Lawrence E. Kochard & Jennifer J. Kochard Keith J. Korte & Elizabeth N. Korte Mark D. Kotwas Barbara J. Krasnicki Justin K. Kratz & Darlene Kratz Gary L. Krebs & Kaye M. Krebs Barry A. Krissoff Joseph O. Kuebel III Frederick C. Kurtz Jr. Mark J. Lacour James S. Lamb & Martha Lamb J. Sherman Larkins Jr. & Gloria J. Walker-Larkins William E. Law Jr. & Michelle G. Law Peter R. Lehrman Arthur J. Lesher Jennifer A. Leslie Bryan R. Lewis & Sarah T. Lewis David B. Lorber Candace Hoffman Lowry & Philip A. Lowry D. Taylor Lucas & Allison Lucas Perry L. Lucas The Estate of Helen Booth Macaulay Peter A. Maillet & Holly Maillet Surinder Malik & Swarn Malik Anthony E. Malkin & Shelly Malkin Peter L. Malkin Scott D. Malkin David M. Maloney & Eleanor P. Maloney Roger D. Martin & Lisa H. Martin A. Ruben J. Martinez & Rowena J. Martinez E. Morgan Massey & Joan Massey ❖ William E. Massey Jr. & Rebecca C. Massey ❖ Gannon S. McCaffery Christine E. McCarthy Stephen McIntyre Sarah B. McKee Roger N. McLeod & Susan Palmer McLeod Eric E. Meier & Joanne H. Meier Abdul J. Miah David G. Mick & Cynthia L. Mick Cathryn R. Miller Dianne R. Miller Matthew J. Miller Nola Falletta Miller & Joseph D. Miller III Frank E. Miniotas Frank P. Miniotas & Marie H. Miniotas Michael G. Miniotas Barry Misbin & Amy Misbin William P. Mockovak & Suzann E. Mockovak Gerald Modell & Paula Modell Charles J. Monroe & Faye W. Monroe Lawrence I. Moore & Margaret K. Moore Bernard A. Morin & Barbara Wagner Morin Michael G. Morris James K. Murray Jr. & Sandra H. Murray ❖ Robert M. Naglic & Elaine Fields Naglic Bonnie Neal R. Ryan Nelson & Joelle M. Nelson Joseph R. Newell Jr. Tuan Huu Nguyen Marian M. Nisbet & W. Olin Nisbet III Margaret Norfleet Ann Gray Norris Thaddeus J. Nowak & Connie M. Nowak Stephanie K. Nunn The Estate of Henry N. Obear Bryan D. O’Malley & Lanvi V. O’Malley Order of the Claw & Dagger George A. Overstreet & Susan Overstreet Pakistan American Society of Central Virginia Justin A. Pan Maria Pappas & Christopher J. Pappas ❖ Mark R. Patterson Shelly L. Pellish Libby Pemberton Bengt Persson & Birgitta Persson Peter R. Pettit & Corrine Rogers Pettit J. Peyton Phillips & Linda S. Phillips John W. Pickering & Jacqueline B. Pickering John Polenta & Roseann M. Polenta Timothy S. Pollock William T. Powers Thomas S. Pugatch & Lorraine Rice Pugatch Gregory E. Pugnetti & Rose A. Pugnetti Lauren R. Radow Alison Bennett Ragde & Martin J. Ragde Edward F. Randolph Jr. Dennis L. Roberts & Susan L. Roberts Angus Robertson & Nancy Scott Robertson John H. Robinson & Suzanne Robinson John C. Rowlingson & Karen W. Rowlingson Andrew C. Ruppel & Imogene Ruppel Daniel W. Schear Neal E. Schear & Kathy W. Schear William H. Schultz & Wendy W. Schultz Gregory Segal & Desere Segal Naveen T. Shaikh Andrew C. Shillinglaw & Rebecca R. Shillinglaw Alice G. Shin Sharon E. Sieber & Robert E. Copps Robert C. Simmons III+ Maffeo Pui Lun Sin & Bang To Huynh-Sin Karen Skole Downing L. Smith III R. Curtis Smith & Suzanne Smith Marshall S. Solomon & Maria L. Solomon John B. Sommi Jr. ❖ Joan Sparks & John J. Sparks Jr. Mark R. Spradling & Liz Spradling Janet Chisholm Spotswood & J. Randall Spotswood Gerald D. Starsia & Marianne F. Starsia Michael W. Stephens & Linda B. Stephens Kathleen Stilwell & Joseph W. Stilwell III Don Stoller Mary de Butts Strother ❖ Ryan Phillip Tamburello Edward T. Taylor II & Ruth Stewart Taylor George F. Taylor III & Beth A. Taylor Robert Testerman Howard E. Trent III & Nina Stafford Trent Kenneth B. Trousdell Jr. William R. Tyson & Lisa A. Tyson Charles B. Vaughn Maria Victor-Smith & David B. Smith James J. Wagner & Claudia Hauck Wagner Tracey S. Wagner & Mark D. Wagner Steven B. Walk & Dorothy B. Walk Danny K. Walker Arthur E. Walters D. Gibson Walton & Martha S. Walton Robert I. Webb & Mary E. Webb Laine N. Welch Thomas L. Wheelen Mark A. White & Susan D. White Elizabeth G. Whitener Catherine K. Whittier Bradford J. Willett Langbourne N. Williams Linda Williams & Mark D. Williams Susan P. Williams & Thomas H. Williams Gerald B. Wilson & Vonnie Wilson Betsy H. Wilton L. Mark Wine Barbara H. Wixom John H. Wright III & Trula L. Wright ❖ Carl P. Zeithaml & Charlotte C. Zeithaml Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 45 Corporations, Foundations, Firms, and Matching-Gift Companies Anonymous Accenture Foundation Aetna Foundation Albemarle Corporation Alcoa Inc. Alliance One International Inc. Altria Group Inc. American Electric Power Co. Inc. American Express Company American International Group Inc. Amgen Inc. Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Arcapita Inc. Arlette & William J. Coleman Family Foundation Inc. Ashland Inc. AstraZeneca LP Austin Community Foundation AutoZone Matching Gifts Program AYCO Charitable Foundation Bams Foundation Inc. Bank of America Corporation Bank of America Foundation Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd. Barclays Capital Baupost Group L.L.C. BEA Systems Beers & Cutler PLLC Bergen County United Way Birmingham Jewish Foundation Black & Decker Corporation Blackrock Financial Management Boeing Company Booz Allen Hamilton BP America Inc. Capital Concrete Inc. Capital One CarMax Foundation Cavalier Capital ChevronTexaco Chorey & Associates Realty Ltd. Circuit City Stores Inc. C.I.T. Group Inc. Citi Citi Global Impact Funding Trust Citigroup Foundation Citizens & Farmers Bank Clark Construction Group LLC Clorox Company Coca-Cola Company COMCAST Corporation Commonwealth Foundations G.P. Community Foundation of Greater Memphis Community Foundation of New Jersey Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Sciences Corporation comScore Inc. ConAgra Inc. ConocoPhillips Inc. Corning Incorporated Foundation Cotton Hall Asset Management LP Cruller Technologies Inc. Dartmouth College David J. Nadeau Trust Dell Inc. Dell USA LLC Deloitte Deloitte & Touche Foundation Deloitte Consulting Group Deutsche Bank AG Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Dominion Dominion Foundation East Coast Fire Protection Inc. E. B. R. Foundation Energen Corporation Equifax Inc. Ernst & Young Foundation Ernst & Young LLP ExxonMobil Foundation Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Foundation Ferguson Enterprises Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fidelity Foundation Figgie Family Charitable Foundation Flow Foundation Inc. Four M Consulting Inc. Fox News Network Franklin Communications LLC Franklin Federal Foundation Franklin Templeton Investments Freddie Mac Frederick L. Russell Jr. Revocable Trust Gap Inc. GE Foundation General Atlantic Service Corp. Genworth Financial Inc. GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Global Impact Goldman, Sachs & Co. Goodman & Company GrayCo Inc. Greater Houston Community Foundation Guardian Life Insurance Co. of America Hantzmon Wiebel LLP Heidrick & Struggles Foundation Heidrick & Struggles Inc. Hewitt Associates Honeywell Hometown Solutions Houseman & Associates Inc. HSBC Bank USA IBM Integrity Applications Incorporated Intel Corporation International Paper Company Investor Solutions Inc. Jackson National Life Jefferson Scholars John & Amy Griffin Foundation John & Carolyn Maness Family Foundation John Hancock Financial Services John K. Marlow Investments Johnson & Johnson Jones Lang LaSalle Inc. J. P. Morgan J.P. Yancey Foundation JustGive J. William Scruggs Revocable Trust Kelly Family Foundation Key Foundation Kirkland & Ellis Foundation KPMG Foundation KPMG LLP Kraft Foods Inc. Kurt Salmon Associates LandAmerica Financial Group Inc. 46 • C o m m e r c e U Va Lehman Brothers Inc. LexisNexis Lockheed Martin Corporation Lone Pine Foundation Inc. Lumina Foundation for Education Macy’s Macy’s East Macy’s Foundation Madhu Chopra Memorial Foundation Marin Community Foundation Marjorie Merriweather Post Foundation Markel Corporation Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc. Massey Family Foundation Massey Foundation McCann Erickson Medco Health Solutions Charitable Match Fund Merck Company Foundation Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation Inc. Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Mincer’s Modell Financial Inc. Monarch Pearls Morgan Stanley National Financial Services LLC National Philanthropic Trust Navigant Consulting Inc. Nigro Family Foundation Norfolk Southern Corporation North Carolina Baptist Foundation Inc. Northwestern Mutual Financial Northwestern Mutual Foundation Office Depot Inc. Olin Corporation Oracle Corporation Outside Technologies Inc. Pfizer Inc. Philip Morris USA Pier 1 Imports Inc. Pioneer Group Inc. Pitney Bowes Inc. Plym Family Foundation PNC Foundation Pomoco Development Inc. Portfolio Recovery Assoc. Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Procter & Gamble Procter & Gamble Fund Prudential Foundation Quest Diagnostics Inc. Regions Financial Corporation Richey Industries Inc. Rivanna Realty/Mincer’s Mgmt. Acct. Rolls-Royce North America Inc. SAFECO Corporation Inc. San Francisco Foundation Schaefer Family Foundation Schear & Schear Schluderberg Foundation Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Science Applications International Corporation Scott and Dana Gorelick Family Sealed Air Corporation Shell Companies Foundation Inc. Shentel Sigety Family Foundation SNL Financial Soros Fund Charitable Foundation Southern Company Services Inc. Sprint Foundation State Farm State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Sunshine Lady Foundation Inc. SunTrust Bank, Atlanta Foundation SunTrust Banks Inc. SunTrust Mid-Atlantic Foundation T C Group T. Rowe Price Associates Inc. Teagle Foundation Teleflex Foundation Tenet Healthcare Corporation Texas Instruments Inc. Textron Inc. The Alson Foundation The Boston Foundation The Brink’s Company The Carlyle Group The Charles Schwab Corporation The Community Foundation The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee The Gap Foundation The Greater New Orleans Foundation The Home Depot The IAC Foundation Inc. The Jefferson Trust The Kibler Foundation The Malkin Fund Inc. The Morris S. Smith Foundation The New York Community Trust The Reveas Foundation The Ripple Foundation The Vanguard Group The Walt Disney Company The Wardinski Family Foundation The William Stamps Farish Fund Thomson Financial Thomson Tax & Accounting TIAA-CREF Time Warner Inc. Trans Union LLC UBS AG UBS Financial Services Inc. UBS Investment Bank UBS Securities Inc. Union Bank of California United Way of America United Way of Central New Mexico United Way of New York City United Way of Orange County United Way Services Universal Leaf Foundation Universal Leaf Tobacco Co. Inc. University of Virginia Foundation UnumProvident Corporation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Veris Consulting LLC Verizon Foundation Virginia CLE Wachovia Wachovia Foundation Inc. Warburg Pincus Foundation Washington Mutual Foundation Wellpoint Foundation Wellpoint Inc. Wells Fargo & Company Wells Fargo Foundation Westinghouse Air Brake Company Winston-Salem Foundation Xerox Foundation XTO Energy Inc. McIntire Corporate Partners The McIntire Corporate Partners program creates strong, mutually beneficial relationships between partner corporations/firms and McIntire faculty and students. This program provides resources and opportunities that increase a Partner’s competitive advantage; enhance recruiting effectiveness; and produce benefits such as case studies, research relationships, and internships. Corporate Partners receive a unique resource—a faculty liaison, who develops a thorough understanding of the Partner’s firm and industry and helps to educate students about available opportunities. Faculty liaisons work to increase visibility among students and strengthen the Partner’s involvement with the School. Even greater visibility and access to students are available to McIntire Corporate Sponsors and Investors, who enjoy all the benefits of the Corporate Partners program, as well as enhanced involvement with the School by sponsoring an annual School event, activity, or class. This sponsorship expands the Partner’s role in the School and increases the publicity associated with Partner support. We thank and recognize the 2007–2008 McIntire Corporate Investors, Sponsors, Partners, and Friends: Corporate Investors ($25,000 and above) comScore Inc. Dell Inc. Dominion Ernst & Young LLP Macy’s Philip Morris USA Rolls-Royce North America Inc. Corporate Sponsors ($15,000–$24,999) Alcoa Inc. Citi KPMG LLP Kurt Salmon Associates Navigant Consulting Inc. Sunshine Lady Foundation Inc. UBS Investment Bank Wachovia Corporate Partners ($7,500–$14,999) Bank of America Corporation Barclays Capital Beers & Cutler PLLC Booz Allen Hamilton Capital One Clark Construction Group LLC Deloitte Ferguson Enterprises Goldman, Sachs & Co. Hantzmon Wiebel J. P. Morgan LexisNexis Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc. Pier 1 Imports Inc. Procter & Gamble Corporate Friends (<$7,500) SNL Financial State Farm Veris Consulting Centers of Excellence Visionary, innovative, dynamic—these words describe McIntire’s efforts to build and expand its research and teaching centers. McIntire centers are helping the School build intellectual capital, create cutting-edge programs, and achieve global preeminence. PricewaterhouseCoopers Center for Innovation in Professional Services The PricewaterhouseCoopers Center for Innovation in Professional Services aims to advance the collective knowledge of professional services in three related ways: • By sponsoring small, faculty-driven, studentcentric programs throughout the academic year that are integrated into appropriate parts of the McIntire curriculum, required for students, and open to all University members • By actively engaging students, faculty, and targeted professionals interested in sharing ideas on best practices within professional services through these student-centric programs • By creating a Web infrastructure that disseminates program outcomes and other relevant content to a broader, professional services audience The Center was endowed by the PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation, PricewaterhouseCoopers partners, and McIntire alumni working for the firm. Center for Growth Enterprises The Center for Growth Enterprises serves to advance the understanding of growth companies and to create a world-class program focused on the strategic, finance, and management issues associated with growth enterprises and the factors that drive wealth-creating organizations and economic expansion. With The McIntire Center for Financial Innovation, the Center for Growth Enterprises co-sponsors two speaker series: “Money Talks” and “Conversations on the Lawn.” The Center also supports the School’s annual symposium. Jeffrey C. Walker (McIntire ’77) has supported the Center’s commitment to build intellectual capital through the establishment of the Walker Professorship in Growth Enterprises. George Overstreet is the current Walker Professor. The Center for Growth Enterprises was endowed by Crestar Bank and F. Evans Farwell (McIntire ’29) of Milliken & Farwell. It also receives funds for faculty research in real estate from the King Endowment and funds to support case development from the Dinos Endowment. One of the major initiatives under development within the Center for Growth Enterprises is The Real Estate Institute at the University of Virginia. The Institute will be the driving force behind a planned comprehensive real estate program that will include: • A dynamic curriculum that emphasizes active learning in both graduate coursework and a focused, interdisciplinary minor for undergraduate students. • World-class research and case development that will create intellectual capital on important issues in the real estate industry. • A forum for professional involvement and interaction with students and scholars. • The Distinguished Professorship in Real Estate to provide program leadership; James W. Todd (McIntire ’60, Darden ’64) committed the first $1 million in funding for this professorship. • The Real Estate Institute Advisory Council to realize consistent alumni input and involvement. Initial funding for the Institute is provided by an outstanding group of founding fellows: • G. David Cheek (Darden ’79), Meridian Group • Allen de Olazarra (A&S ’81), America’s Capital Partners • Scott M. Kelley (McIntire ’83), Aetos Capital LLC • Donald A. King Jr. (McIntire ’62) • George L. Maloomian (McIntire ’74), Cambridge Properties Inc. • John B. Mears (McIntire ’86, Darden ’92), Rivers Residential LLC • Christopher J. Nassetta (McIntire ’84), Hilton Hotels Corp. • Timothy J. Naughton (A&S ’83), Avalon Bay Communities Inc. • Jeffrey T. Neal (McIntire ’85), GVA Advantis • James W. Todd (McIntire ’60, Darden ’64), The Peterson Companies • Charles A. Veatch II (McIntire ’64), Veatch Commercial Real Estate • Bruce D. Wardinski (McIntire ’82), The Wardinski Family Foundation • Earl E. Webb (McIntire ’78), Jones Lang LaSalle • Robert M. White Jr. (McIntire ’87), Real Capital Analytics • The Fidelity Charitable Fund The McIntire Center for Financial Innovation The McIntire Center for Financial Innovation advances our understanding of finance through research and programs focused on corporate finance and capital markets. It encourages the development of high-quality research and education that can ultimately benefit finance practitioners and students. The Center also seeks to promote the collaboration of faculty and executives, including alumni, both in and out of the classroom. In the process, world-class scholars and practitioners team up to pursue and communicate new insights into the workings of financial markets. The Center was endowed by John A. Griffin (McIntire ’85) and previously received significant annual funding from Mr. and Mrs. William H. Goodwin Jr. (Darden ’66). The Center received support in 20072008 from the John & Amy Griffin Foundation and from Gregory H. Baker. Center for the Management of Information Technology The Center for the Management of Information Technology is a membership-driven organization with a mission to promote research and education in areas relating to the management of information technology through a program of interdisciplinary cooperation. 2007-2008 Members Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts American Trucking Associations Inc. AOL Capital One Services Inc. CapTech Ventures CFA Institute Crutchfield Corporation Dominion Dominion Digital Inc. Infinitive Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight The Network Roundtable The Network Roundtable consists of a group of member organizations that, by applying network analysis to business imperatives such as innovation, revenue growth, cost containment, and talent management, demonstrate how a relational view of work can improve organizational and individual performance. The Roundtable’s primary objectives are building member capability to apply network analysis and conducting research that drives measurable business results. 2007-2008 Members 3M Accenture Acquisition Solutions Inc. American Cancer Society American Heart Association Amylin Pharmaceuticals Inc. Babson College BAE Systems BP International Ltd CIA Citi Colella & Associates Community Analytics Conservation International Constellation Energy Group Deloitte Services LP EDA Networks Inc. Ernst & Young ETS Fannie Mae Granite Construction Herman Miller Inc. Hewlett-Packard Hill & Knowlton Host Hotels & Resorts Inc. Humana Inc. IBM International Finance Corporation (a member of the World Bank Group) Katzenbach Partners LLC Ketchum KPMG Lehman Brothers Maritz Inc. McKinsey & Company MedImmune Merck & Co. Inc. Microsoft Corporation Monsanto Company MWH Global NASA Navy Federal Credit Union Noblis National Radio Astronomy Observatory Perkins School for the Blind Procter & Gamble Raytheon Company Rivermark LLC SelectMinds Singer Consulting Stanford University Sun Microsystems The Boston Consulting Group T. Rowe Price Truman Company UOP LLC U.S. Army Logistics Innovation Agency U.S. Coast Guard Virginia Department of Transportation Whirlpool Fa l l 2 0 0 8 • 47 Administration Nondiscrimination Policy Carl P. Zeithaml Michael G. Morris Dean F.S. Cornell Professor in Free Enterprise Associate Dean for Graduate Programs Richard G. Netemeyer Senior Associate Dean Associate Dean for Research and Centers Walker Professor in Growth Enterprises Michael D Atchison Peter Maillet Associate Dean for the B.S. in Commerce Program Professor of Commerce Associate Dean for Global Initiatives Cynthia N. Huddleston Associate Dean for Administration George A. Overstreet Jr. Associate Dean for Corporate Relations and Programs Gerald D. Starsia Michael P. Clarke Executive Director of the McIntire School of Commerce Foundation Rebecca L. Leonard Associate Dean for Student Services McIntire School of Commerce Foundation Board of Trustees President John A. Griffin ’85 Executive Vice President Gregory S. Ledford ’79 Michael P. Clarke, A&S ’84 Eric Coble ’82 John P. Connaughton ’87 Joseph R. Daniel ’66 Henry A. Dudley Jr. ’70 Thomas F. Farrell II, A&S ’76, Law ’79 James G. Harris ’80 H. Alexander Holmes ’64, Law ’67 Scott M. Kelley ’83 Donald A. King Jr. ’62 P. Jeffrey Leck ’85 Jonathan D. Mariner ’76 Jeffrey T. Neal ’85 Richard G. Netemeyer George A. Overstreet Jr. Sonja Hoel Perkins ’88 Chris W. Shumway ’88 Gerald D. Starsia Richard D. Tadler ’78 James W. Todd ’60, Darden ’64 Charles H. (Cary) Turner ’79 William L. Tyson ’84 Jeffrey C. Walker ’77 Earl E. Webb ’78 Susan Perry Williams Carl P. Zeithaml McIntire School of Commerce Advisory Board Chair William L. Tyson ’84 Vice Chair B. Kemp Dolliver ‘83, Darden ’87 S. Sean Kelleher ’83 Kevin A. McNerney ’80 Donald D. Olinger ’81 Joshua D. Paulson ’99 Barbara M. Taylor ’77 Thomas M. Wilson ’81 Stephen C. Adams ’73, MS ’74 Michael L. Alpert ’94 David B. Barr ’85 Ford S. Bartholow ’82 Thomas R. Bean ’78 Robert W. Bissell ’69 Shelby W. Bonnie ’86 H. Tracey Brownfield ’79 Roger L. Calvert ’72 Mitchell R. Cohen ’86 Susan Durbin Conniff ’88 William Couper ’68 Gardner G. Courson ’70 E. Stockton Croft IV ’91 Robert D. Daley ‘92 Robert W. Davis ’80 John N. Deal ’86 Kevin J. Dell ’78 John L. Dinos ’76 Walter B. Doggett III ’87 Andrew J. Downing ’78 Thomas P. Duke ’68 Peter J. Dunne ’80 Peter E. Engel ’88 Richard L. Fisher ’76, MS ’77 Donald E. Flow ’77 Timothy C. Ford ’85 Mark E. Galant ’80 Roger E. George ’88, Law ’92 Richard M. Gerson ’97 Andrew C. Hee ’92 David R. Hilty ’90 Patrick D. Hogan Cynthia N. Huddleston William E. Hunt Jr. ’75 William R. Hurt, A&S ’76 Robert A. Innamorati ’69, Darden ’79 R. Christian Johnsen ’82 Chip Jordan ’84, MS ’85 Chris P. Kallos ’89 J. Fredrick Kelly Jr., A&S ’72 Eric H. Keshin ’80 Robert D. Kipps ’89 R. Stribling Koster Jr. ’83 48 • C o m m e r c e U Va Marcia K. Krause ’80 Dale S. Lam ’85 Julie Lerner Macklowe ’99 Tia Brunelli Mahaffy ’95 Steven A. Marks ’92 Edward D. McCrady ’85 John B. Mears ’86, Darden ’92 Nicholas A. Merrick ’85 Paul K. Meyer ’79 Robert H. Miles ’67 C. Bradley Miller ’83 Nola Falletta Miller, A&S ’99, Education ’04 Peter F. Minan ’83 Michael K. Mulhern ’82, Darden ’88 James K. Murray III ’85, MS ’86 Michael S. Murray ’88 Richard J. Nadeau ’76, MS ’77 Christopher J. Nassetta ’84 Richard G. Netemeyer Edgar L. Parrish ’70 William K. Perrin ’63 Peter B. Polonsky ’82 Sherry J. Polonsky ’83 William T. Powers Jeffrey A. Raich ’89 Christopher D. Ray ’92, Law ’95 Charles W. Reardon ’89 Scott A. Reed, A&S ‘90, ‘92 Ronald D. Roberts ’63 Angus Robertson Joseph H. Roddy ’82 Curtis W. Schade ’80 Phillip S. Schaeffer ’77 Steven G. Schneider ’85 Bradley E. Singer ’88 Suzanne H. Stanton ’83 John G. Stathis ’80 Chad L. Strean ’94 William G. Taylor III ’65 Schuyler M. Tilney ’78 James E. Toups ’80 Steven J. Tricarico ’92 Gregory A. Trojan ’81 Don Truslow ’80 Laurie Kasselman Turner ’79 Robert S. Understein ’63 Craig S. Wagner ’73 Katie Whittier Elaine M. Ratigan Wilde, A&S ’76 Michael A. Wildish ’82 Matthew J. Wilkinson ’92 Mary Karen Wills ‘82 Joseph R. Witt ’82 Carl P. Zeithaml The University of Virginia is committed to equal employment opportunity and affirmative action. To fulfill this commitment, the University administers its programs, procedures, and practices without regard to age, color, disability, marital status, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or veteran status, and operates both affirmative action and equal opportunity programs, consistent with resolutions of the Board of Visitors and with federal and state requirements, including the Governor’s Executive Order on Equal Opportunity. The University’s policies on “Preventing and Addressing Discrimination and Harassment” and “Preventing and Addressing Retaliation” implement this statement. The Office of Equal Opportunity Programs has complaint procedures available to address alleged violations of these policies. The Equal Opportunity Programs (EOP) Complaint Procedures can be found on EOP’s Web site: The University’s Section 504 and Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator is Brad K. Holland, University Ombudsman/ADA Coordinator, (434) 924-7819, and the University’s Title IX Coordinator is Darlene Scott-Scurry, Director, Office of Equal Opportunity Programs, (434) 9243200. The mailing address for both is Washington Hall, East Range, P.O. Box 400219, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904. McIntire Cornerstone Society Board McIntire Young Alumni Council Chair H. Alexander Holmes ’64, Law ’67 Co-Chair Jennifer M. Rosen ’02 N. Robbert Vorhoff ’01 A. Scott Andrews, A&S ’80 Howard L. Baucom ’65 Gordon J. Bernhardt ’85 William F. Blue ’56, Law ’60 Milton S. Bolton ’52 O. Whitfield Broome Jr. Elissa Buie ’82 Judy C. Cash Charles P. Cocke ’65 Richard L. Cooper ’58 Tina Cote ’91 Maj. Calvin C. Crum ’41 Sam Derieux ’47 Cmdr. William K. Dove ’42, A&S ’52 Robert C. Duval ’57 Georgia Willis Fauber ’83 Michael S. Feinberg ’95 James D. Francis ’70 Kenneth B. Fulp ’78 Bruce G. Gabler ’68 Roy B. Harrill ’63, Law ’66 John B. Hemmings ’49, Law ’54 Herbert Jonkers ’64 Robert S. Kemp David M. Maloney Bernard A. Morin Kyle T. Smith ’95 Marshall R. Solomon ’68 Robert G. Stern ’60 Patrick J. Vaughan ’65, Law ’68 Keith A. Walder ’79 Gordon H. Watkins ’62, Darden ’66 John H. Wright III, A&S ’61, Darden ’63 Richard W. Young ’64, Law ’67 Carl P. Zeithaml Jacey L. Anderson ’00 Devin Battiston ’06 Garrett B. Bockenek ’05 David C. Chattleton ’00 Anthony Cignarella III ’03 Meera Deepak ’08 Brian M. Gavron ’08 Brett C. Gibson ’02 Michael A. Glynn ’01 Gordon F. Green ’08 J. David Hobbs ’06 Luke T. Holman ’06 Lisa C. Jeffreys ’02 S. Shaw Joseph ’04 Joanna M. Marten ’05 Logan A. Moncrief ’04 Jody K. Moore ’03 Hang Phan Nguyen ’07 Andrew F. Paradis ’07 Courtney A. Patterson ’07 Devon A. Pearce ’04 Erika L. Pearson ’06 Joel G. Ramin ’00 Jason C. Rascoe ’03 Chaitenya Razdan ’05 Kyle Redinger ’05 Stephen A. Reis ’03 Amanda H. Richardson ’01 Katherine M. Rohyans ’05 Andrew J. Schoonover ’01 Julia C. Thies ’04 Meredith M. Tierney ’05 Matthew A. Towerman ’08 Laine Welch, A&S ’04 Lytle A. Wurtzel ’04 Toby T. Zhang ’07 McIntire School M.S. in the Management of Information Technology Advisory Board Jonathan J. Alboum, Engineering ’95, MS ’05 Jeffrey S. Baker, MS ’05 Forrest W. Barnes III, MS ’04 Debi E. Crockett, MS ’05 Robert D. Dallen Jr., MS ’03 Scott Day, MS ’06 Teresa Duvall, MS ’06 Jeffrey D. Elgin ’85, MS ’03 Ruben D. Espinoza, MS ’04 Nicole Fitzwater ’01 Anne Forster, MS ’03 Ian K. Gordon, MS ’01 Susan Goubeaux, MS ’06 Stefano Grazioli Paul Handly, MS ’07 Charles Henry, MS ’03 Daniel J. Holohan III, MS ’05 Gerald Howard, A&S ’96, MS ’05 Cynthia N. Huddleston Elizabeth Flippo Hutchins, A&S ’92, MS ’00 Nicole B. Iden, MS ’07 Douglas E. Keating, A&S ’90, MS ’01 Kenneth R. Knapp, MS ’04 Robert C. Lukehart, MS ’97, MS ’99 Karl J. Maschino, MS ’06 John E. McDonald III, MS ’04 David A. Meredith, MS ’03 Laura Merrell, MS ’05 Mark R. Messersmith, MS ’03 Jahan Moghadam, MS ’05 Michael G. Morris R. Ryan Nelson Derek J. Nisco, MS ’03 John Mike O’Brien, MS ’07 Kay M. Robinson, MS ’07 James C. Sanne, A&S ’93, MS ’05 David L. Starmer, MS ’05 Rhian Verity Thompson, MS ’02 Mehul P. Vora, Darden ’04, MS ’05 Andrew Vozzolo, MS ’06 Steven J. Weiskircher, MS ’02 April Wiggs, MS ’08 Barbara H. Wixom David B. Wright, MS ’05 Carl P. Zeithaml Alumni Trustees Support that Makes a Difference McIntire thanks all of our Alumni Trustees for building bonds with class members, the School, and the University of Virginia. 1980 Patricia Cary Peter Dunne* Marty Einhorn Greg French Cherie Kurland Mike McGinty Kevin McNerney* Betsy Hill Micklem Moira Keating Pollard* Curt Schade Don Truslow Anne Gilbert Spillane Tim Spillane 1985 1992 David Barr* Trevor Chaplick Jeff Elgin* Tim Ford Elena Howard Jeff Neal* Kathleen Cunningham Otto Martin Otto Pendle Gray Whisnant 1986 Denise Cullum Burkard John Deal Laura Dromerick Lauren Muller Gibbs* Amy Wells Mackay Stephen Milo* Mary Ames Yarbrough 1987 Janet Gessner Alford Walter Doggett* Neal Elkin Carl Kime Debbie Chevion Muller* Leslie Storey Pitcher* Tim Renjilian Gerry Sequeira Sarita Soldz Charlie Wise 1989 Cathy Long Anderson Tom Carver Stephen Finke* David Greenwald Bob Kipps Karen Hancke Owens Chuck Reardon* Debbie Dotson Reardon* *Trustee Leader 1991 Tina Cote* Cheryl DeMong Hubbard Peter Hunt Gibboney Huske* Kristen Wilcox Jaros Jack Marshall* Sarah Echols McLeod Darren Pratt Anna Suarez Bellinghausen Jeff Gordon Rick Hawks Kimberly Mazier Hockstein* Aaron Peck* Christopher Ray Steve Tricarico* 1993 Anoop Dhakad Ernie Freedman Matt Jennings Stacey Just Phillip Lopez Kathy Oneto* Deanna Pifer Heather Hamill Sibley* Rob Tharpe* Lisa Hayward Wadlin 1994 Michael Alpert* Rex Hampton Scott Poole* Mauro Souza Monica Suarez Rebecca Hicks Sweda 1995 Elisabeth Dexter Beller* Panos Boudouvas Brad Garrett* Mia Koo Brian Lineweaver Jason Love* Jill Mitchell Pratt Ashley Armstrong Skatoff David Skatoff Sal Tajuddin 1996 Matt Campbell Rakesh Chawla Sean Ivusic* Justin Jacobs David Lauck* Lori Legaspi* 1997 Jason Bornfreund Sybil Freedman Tien-tsin Huang Kerrie Stevenson Lineweaver Ben Pierce* Shannon Mayhugh Pierce* Kelley Joyner Reynolds* Stevie Newsome Rodgers Karl Shin Amy Wong 1999 Julie Betts Meredith Lloyd Childers William Bartlett Gabler Alison Harbrecht Susan Herzog Josh Paulson* Patrick Pettay Mark Pinho* Austin Root* Jim Sharpe Amy Mitchell Smoragiewicz Lindsay Weirich 2000 Andrew Axelrod Rebecca Lee Bergson* Christy Johnson Chattleton Dave Chattleton* Mike Christopher Macon Hubard Clarkson Marissa Dent Kajal Gupta Antje Hoepner Lemoine Mary Owen* 2005 Jordan Agee* Garrett Bockenek Blake Briddell Philip Giampietro Ben Hicks Summer Kassir Brian Pennington Nick Shapiro* Jamie Sisley Kristin Beahm Steen 2006 Devin Battiston* Dominique Genest Gretchen Haughey* Luke Holman Elizabeth Jetton* Caroline Le Feuvre Sarah Marchetti Michelle Polo Alex Pugatch 2007 Garrett Berger Leslie Breen Chris Brigleb Theresa Holly Bui Laura Caputo* Siobhan Cleary Genevieve Hovde Lauren Hovland Matt Klopfer* Hang Nguyen Cecelia Cole Patterson Wade Reishman Sami Siddiqui Sarah Wood* 2008 Brittany Collier Kelly Collins Walker Dales Meera Deepak Eric Flow Brian Gavron Will Hasley Stephanie Hobart Ryan Huttar Izzy Kammeyer Esther Kim Miji Lee Gabe Martinez Molly Mockovak Anne-Perry Pope Degelis Tufts William Van Devender List current as of Oct. 30, 2008 Are you up for a challenge? Tiki Barber (McIntire ’97) Ronde Barber (McIntire ’97) We support U.Va. with annual gifts to show our appreciation for the University we love. We invite you to join us. Even small gifts, when there are enough of them, combine to make big things possible. Make a gift or renew a gift. Today. To learn how your annual gift will trigger a half-million dollar challenge gift from Ronde and Tiki Barber, visit or call barberchallenge 800-688-9882 Non-Profit Org US Postage PAID Miami, FL Permit #4987 P.O. Box 400173 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4173 Change Service Requested
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