57 - Rosenberg Fund for Children

From the Executive Director
Published on Rosenberg Fund for Children (https://www.rfc.org)
From the Executive Director [1]
Jennifer Meeropol [2] is the granddaughter of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg
and the daughter of RFC Founder, Robert Meeropol. Jenn became the Executive Director of the RFC
on September 1, 2013. Prior posts on this page were written by Robert (unless otherwise noted),
and represent his opinions, which are not necessarily shared by the RFC.
"War on Terror" Morphs into Attack on Dissent [3]
Jun 30, 2009
I read a newspaper article (L.A. [4]
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Leonard Peltier [6]
Jun 24, 2009
The Rosenberg Fund for Children recently received a request from the Friends of Peltier, asking that
we support the release on parole of Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier and, in the event that parole
is denied, support freedom for Mr. Peltier in the form of Executive Clemency.
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The Final 5 Days of My Parents’ Lives: June 19th [8]
Jun 19, 2009
Friday June 19th, 1953 was a warm, sunny, slightly-humid day.
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The Final 5 Days of My Parents’ Lives: June 18th [10]
Jun 18, 2009
116 Pleasant St, Suite 348, Easthampton, MA 01027
[email protected] | Phone (413)529-0063 | Fax: (413)529-0802
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From the Executive Director
Published on Rosenberg Fund for Children (https://www.rfc.org)
Thursday, June 18th, was my parents’ 14th wedding anniversary, but I have no recollection of
knowing that fact as a six-year-old.
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The Final 5 Days of My Parents’ Lives: June 17 [12]
Jun 17, 2009
On Wednesday morning, June 17th, Justice Douglas announced he was staying the executions and
left for vacation. He did not rule on the merits of the new lawyers’ claim, but rather said that the
petition must be considered by the District Court and then the Court of Appeals.
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Copyright © 2008 Rosenberg Fund for Children, Inc.
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Source URL: https://www.rfc.org/blog?page=56
[1] https://www.rfc.org/blog
[2] http://www.rfc.org/jennifermeeropolbio
[3] https://www.rfc.org/attacksondissent
[4] http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-terror18-2009jun18,0,5232714.story
[5] https://www.rfc.org/comment/reply/6#comment-form
[6] https://www.rfc.org/peltier
[7] https://www.rfc.org/comment/reply/5#comment-form
[8] https://www.rfc.org/june19
[9] https://www.rfc.org/comment/reply/125#comment-form
116 Pleasant St, Suite 348, Easthampton, MA 01027
[email protected] | Phone (413)529-0063 | Fax: (413)529-0802
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From the Executive Director
Published on Rosenberg Fund for Children (https://www.rfc.org)
116 Pleasant St, Suite 348, Easthampton, MA 01027
[email protected] | Phone (413)529-0063 | Fax: (413)529-0802
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