Week 4 checklist - The Unstandardized Standard

You will see that there is quite a bit of work this week, making it important that you break it down throughout the week, and don’t save it all until the last minute. You should plan to work for about 2 hours each day this week. Week 4 checklist: 1. Study new flashcards… I also recommend that you continue to go back over the previous flashcards. 2. Reading 3. Quiz: email me the essay questions: Due 9/14 ( 5 points each) 4. Look over your classmates powerpoint presentations, this a good review and way to get a different perspective on some the work. 5. Watch videos that are on the week 4 page. Some of the videos go along with this week’s reading, and some are review from previous weeks. 6. Do Self portrait assignment: due 9/14 ( 15 points) 7. Timed quiz on previous chapters. When you take the final AP exam, it will be timed, so throughout the course I will be giving you some timed test. To see the images that go along with the questions, you should refer to the PPT on the website. The quiz goes with images 1­10. You will find the quiz on the website. You have 55 minutes to complete the quiz, and must do it all at one time. When you have completed the test it should give you your results. In order to share these results with me you need to take a screen shot. If you have a PC you should see a button near the top… along with the f keys, that says prtscn… push this button and then paste it into an email that you send to me. If you have a mac…. you need to hold down command, shirt, 3 at the same time… this will save a screen shot to your desktop. Note: this is a new testing system that I”m trying out… if there are a lot of issues with how it grades, I will throw these grades out and try something different. 8. In this weeks ppt , you’ll find a series of images with questions. Many of these images are from previous weeks, so this will serve as somewhat of a review. This week you’re looking at Minoan art, Mycenaean Art and, Geometric and Orientalizing Periods. Choose one of these, and create your self portrait in their style. Write a description explaining why you made the choices that you did, and include page numbers in the book as references. Reading questions: Short answer essay question: Mycenaean civilization didn't last long…. 1100­900 BCE was a dark age… marked by political and economic instability and upheaval… and it produced little art… what kind of things need to be in place in order for a culture to produce art? 1. What is considered the first great work of Greek literature and the finest epic poem? a. Illad b. Song of Iphigenia c. Tale of Gilgamesh d. Orpheus 2. The cities of Troy, Mycenae and Tiryns were uncovered by ________. a. Frank Calvert b. Heinrich Schliemann c. Leonard Woolley d. Howard Carter 3. Scholars believe the city of Troy had been destroyed by fire in ________. a. 1500 BC b. tenth century BC c. 9000 BC d. thirteenth century BC 4. Schliemann based his archaeological excavations on a careful reading of ancient ________. a. maps b. archaeological charts c. literature d. star charts 5. The heyday of the ancient Aegean civilization occurred in the ________. a. fourth millennium BC b. first millennium BC c. second millennium BC d. third millennium BC 6. ________ was abundantly available on Naxos and Paros. a. Marble b. Cedar wood c. Gypsum d. Mahogany 7. The New Palace (Late Minoan) period began the ________ of Crete. a. Imperial Age b. Empire Period c. Silver Age d. Golden Age 8. The ________ is a recurring motif in the Minoan palace. a. double sword b. double ax c. double diamond d. double helix 9. The new palace at Knossos was carefully planned with the ________ as a major organizing element. a. treasury b. throne room c. king's bedroom d. court 10. Minoan columns are characterized by their ________ capitals. a. papyrus like b. cushion like c. flowerlike d. triangular 11. ________ adorn the walls of the palace at Knossos depicting many aspects of Minoan life. a. Tapestries b. Relief panels c.Mosaics d. Frescoes 12. The Minoans used the ________ fresco technique on their walls. a. secco or dry b. true or wet c. imported d. faux or false 13. In the Late Cycladic period Thera was artistically within the ________ orbit. a. Akkadian b. Minoan c. Assyrian d. Egyptian 14. Cretian potters introduced the ________. a. potters' strobe b. potters' wheel c. potters' dye d. potters' pick 15. ________ ceramists placed dark silhouettes on a light ground. a. Post Minoan b. Early Minoan c. Late Minoan d. Middle Minoan 16. By 1500 BC a distinctive ________ culture was flourishing on the Greek mainland. a. Middle Minoan b. Early Minoan c. Mycenaean d. Late Minoan 17. Mycenae was a large ________. a. temple b. ziggurat c. shrine d. citadel 18. The best­preserved and most impressive Mycenaean remains are the fortified palaces found at ________. a.Knossos b. Tiryns c. Phaistos d. Pylos 19. The most important element in the Mycenaean palace plan was the ________ or reception hall of the king. a. dromos b. megaron c. tholos d. vault Anwsers: 1. a 2.b 3. d 4. c 5. c 6.a 7. d 8. b 9. d 10. b 11. d 12. b 13. b 14. c 15. c 16. c 17. d 18. b 19. b Essay Questions: ( you will submit your answers to these questions to me for grading) When answering the question, please note what the pg number (s) in the book that you used for reference. 1. What geographic area encompasses Cycladic art? 2.Briefly describe the decline of Minoan civilization. 3. Describe the placement of Cycladic funerary sculpture. 4. Briefly describe Minoan palace layout. 5. What was Spyridon Marinatos's explanation for the demise of Minoan civilization? 6. How is Minoan fresco different from Egyptian fresco? 7. What is Cyclopean masonry? 8. Briefly describe Mycenaean tombs.