The Great Gatsby (ANSWERS)

Learn vocabulary through movies The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby (ANSWERS)
Note: Definitions for the italic words/phrases are provided in the Glossary (p.3).
Task 1: Synopsis
Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
An aspiring writer falls under the spell of an 1.aloof millionaire with designs for
the young scribe's unhappily married cousin in director Baz Luhrmann's adaptation of F. Scott
Fitzgerald's celebrated novel.
It's the spring of 1922, and 2. wide-eyed Midwesterner Nick Carraway (Tobey Maguire) has just
moved to New York City in pursuit6 of the American Dream. Settling into a home next door to
wealthy Jay Gatsby (Leonardo DiCaprio), Carraway grows increasingly fascinated by the
3.elaborate parties held at his new neighbor's estate. Meanwhile, across the bay, Carraway's
cousin Daisy (Carey Mulligan) 4.flounders in her marriage to philandering7 aristocrat Tom
Buchanan (Joel Edgerton). Inspired by the 5.debauchery on display at Gatsby's wild parties and
the lives of the wealthy elite, Carraway begins putting pen to paper as it gradually becomes
clear that his cousin and the millionaire share a complicated romantic past that remains
Task 2: Listening
Watch the below clip from The Great Gastby.
- The Great Gatsby DVD at Language Learning Oasis (OEM707): 5’22’’ – 8’46’’
- YouTube:
Fill in the blanks as you listen to the clip.
Nick: When I think about it, the history of the summer really began......the night I drove over to
my cousin Daisy's for dinner. She lived across the bay in old 1.moneyed.....East Egg. Her
husband was heir8 to one of America's wealthiest families. His name was Tom Buchanan. When
we were at Yale together, he'd been a sporting star. But now his glory days were behind him
and he contented himself with9 other affairs.
Tom: I thought I told you not to call me here.
Nick: Boaz!
Tom: Shakespeare!
Nick: Tom! Oh! Ha-ha-ha!
Tom: How's the great American novel coming?
Nick: I'm selling 2.bonds with Walter Chase's outfit.
Tom: Let's say after dinner, you and I, we go into town.
1 Learn vocabulary through movies The Great Gatsby Nick: I can't.
Tom: Catch up with the old wolf pack.
Nick: Big day on the job tomorrow.
Tom: Nonsense! We're going. First team, all-American. You see? Baby, who am I today? Forest
Hills. Played the Prince of Wales. What a sissy. Life is something you 3.dominate. If you're any
good. Henri! Where are you? The doors. Close them.
Nick: Sorry. Thank you.
Daisy: Is that you, my lovely?
Nick: Daisy Buchanan, the golden girl. A breathless 4.warmth flowed from her. I promise that
there was no one else in the world she so wanted to see.
Daisy: Do they miss me in Chicago?
Nick: Yes. Um, at least a dozen people send their love.
Daisy: How gorgeous.
Nick: They're absolutely in 5.mourning. They're crying.
Daisy: No.
Nick: Yes.
Daisy: I don't believe you.
Nick: They’re wailing10.
Daisy: I don't believe you.
Nick: They're screaming. They’re shouting. "Daisy Buchanan, we can't, we can’t live without
Daisy: I'm paralyzed with happiness. Jordan Baker a very famous golfer.
Nick: She was the most frightening person I'd ever seen. Well, I've seen your face on the cover
of Sporting Life. Nick Carraway. But I enjoyed looking at her.
Jordan: I've been lying on that sofa for as long as I can remember.
Daisy: This summer I'll fling you two together. I'll push you into 6.linen closets and out to sea in
Jordan: I'm not listening to a word.
Tom: So, Nick. Daisy tells me that you're over in West Egg throwing your lot in with those
social-climbing11 7.primitive new-money12 types.
Nick: My little shack13's just a cardboard box at 80 a month.
Daisy: Your life is adorable.
Jordan: I know somebody in West Egg.
Nick: I don't know a single person that side of the bay.
Jordan: Oh, you must know Gatsby.
Daisy: Gatsby? What Gatsby?
Henri: Madame, the dinner is serving.
Task 3: Vocabulary In Use
Learn at least 5 words/phrases from the Glossary.
Go to online dictionaries (e.g.;; to see example
sentences. Then, write your own sentences below. You can make an appointment with our
Teaching Assistant at the Language Learning Oasis (OEM707) to check your work.
2 Learn vocabulary through movies The Great Gatsby ____________________________________________________________________________
Now, go to Language Learning Oasis at OEM 707 to watch the whole film.
aloof: (adj) not interested or involved , usually because you do not approve of what is
debauchery: (n) bad sexual behavior , drinking too much alcohol , taking drugs , etc .
elaborate: (adj) containing a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts
flounders: (v) to experience great difficulties or be completely unable to decide what to do
or say next
wide-eyed: (adj) too willing to believe and admire what you see or are told
pursuit: (n) The action of trying to achieve a plan , activity or situation , usually over a long
period of time
philandering: (adj) to describe a man who enjoys having sex with a lot of different women
without becoming emotionally involved with any of them
heir: (n) a person who will legally receive money , property or a title from another person ,
especially an older member of the same family , when that other person dies
content oneself with sth: (phrasal verb) to do something or have something although it is
not exactly what you want
wail: (v) to make a long , high cry , usually because of pain or sadness
social-climbing: (adj) to describe someone who tries to improve their social position by
being very friendly to people from a higher social class
new-money: (n) rich people who acquired their wealth within their own generation
shack: (n) a very simple and small building made from pieces of wood , metal or other