Break a Leg...or a Horn? - United Methodist Church of Webster

Tower Notes
“ To know Christ and make Him known”
UMC of Webster * 169 East Main Street, Webster, NY
Break a Leg...or a Horn?
We were able to keep it fairly quiet for most
of the fall. The Christmas drama was
approaching and I was cast in the role of Satan
or “General Satan” as it was written in the
script. Many of you didn’t find out until the
first lines were spoken at the performance.
It all started when Pastor Wendy found a play
that told the familiar Christmas story in a very
unique way. It imagined the demonic forces
that might have opposed Jesus’ birth and how
they would have tried to stop this historic
Before our first cast reading, Wendy asked me
to read the script and share my opinion. It
reminded me of the classic Christian novel The
Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. In his book,
Lewis imagines a demon named Screwtape
writing letters to his demon nephew with
advice on how to steer an ordinary man
towards Satan and away from God.
I told Wendy I liked the way the play mixed
the familiar story of Christmas with the
spiritual dimension of Screwtape and thought
this play was a cleverly written tribute to
Then she said cautiously, “I was picturing you
playing the part of Satan.”
Now normally one would think that’s not a
very complimentary thing to say to the pastor.
I mean, what exactly is it about my character
that makes you think I can play the ultimate
evil in the universe?
So, I replied, “Yeah, me too.”
And it was pretty much decided at that point.
We were still a little worried, but decided to
trust the audience to separate me from the
Well, I did my best to portray the Evil One
with an appropriate range of hatred and anger.
I was reminded of Mel Brooks’ approach to his
use of Hitler in his movies. Brooks, a Jewish
man, once told Mike Wallace, "You have to
bring him (Hitler) down with ridicule…if you
can make people laugh at him, then you're one
up on him. It's been one of my lifelong jobs to make the world laugh at Adolf Hitler.”
Likewise, I wanted the audience to laugh at
Satan, not with him, and thereby diminish him.
I hoped people would see him as less powerful
and notice how easy it can be to defeat him.
Which leads me to our final performance. We
had purchased plastic horns for my forehead
to help create the stereotypical look. But, the
horns were probably not made to withstand
frequent applications.
You know how they say, “Break a leg” to
actors? No one knows the origin of the
phrase. We do know that to say “good luck”
means “bad luck” in their superstitious world.
So, “break a leg” had the opposite effect of
meaning “good luck,” I guess. But, what about
“break a horn?” Where does that fit in?
Because near the end of the play, one of my
horns began to droop.
The problem wasn’t simply trying to remain
focused with a horn bobbing up and down in
front of my left eye, but was more when it
happened. My character had mostly trivial
lines. The presentation of the gospel and
retelling of God’s gift of Jesus came mostly
through the other actors – Mary, Joseph and
the angels. However, in this one scene my
lines pointed to the ultimate spiritual battle
that would lead to Jesus’ crucifixion and God’s
victory through the resurrection of Christ.
Wouldn’t it just be like Satan – the real Satan –
to find some way to cause the adhesive to fail
at just the right time, so the audience might
miss those important words? The Apostle
New Message Series…
“Greatest Hits of the Bible:
January series:
Jan. 8: “David & Goliath”
Jan. 15: “Daniel & the Lion’s Den”
Jan. 22 “Walking on Water”
Jan. 29 “Prodigal Son”
February Series:
“Greatest Hits of the Bible:
Feb. 5 Psalm 23— Comfort
Feb. 12 Jeremiah 29:11— Purpose
Feb. 19 Philippians 4:6— Worry
Feb. 26 Romans 12:2— Transformation this one scene my lines pointed to
the ultimate spiritual battle that would
lead to Jesus’ crucifixion and God’s
victory through the resurrection of Christ.
Paul tells us, “…our struggle is not against
flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against
the authorities, against the powers of this dark
world and against the spiritual forces of evil in
the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12)
So, in case there were some evil spiritual
forces at work, I cannot let them have the
last word. Here are those important lines
for all to see: “God, you are not going to
get away with this! You will not ruin things
for me, because one day I will be supreme
ruler over all creation. Mark my words! I
will find a way to kill your son!”
As we begin a new year together let us
remember that the devil thought that killing
God’s Son would give him victory, but he
was wrong. God used the crucifixion to
prove his power over sin and death and in
the resurrection Satan was defeated. Let
us celebrate the birth, life, death and
resurrection of Christ. It is the greatest
gift of all.
Oh, and my wish for all of you in the new
year…break a leg!
Inside this issue:
Karen’s Korner/ Bits & Pieces
Celebrations // Prayers
Anniversaries // News
Coming Events
JANUARY Calendar
Jan/Feb Serving, Birthdays
Looking Ahead // Reaching Out
Ongoing Ministries
Bits and Pieces / Karen’s Corner
Dear Reader,
Sunday Worship Services
*9:00 AM — Traditional Worship
10:00 AM—Fellowship time—Café
(outside sanctuary)
*10:30 AM — Contemporary
11:45 AM—Fellowship Time—Café
(outside sanctuary)
*Childcare available during
both services
Valentine Boxes for our Trade School
and College Students
In February the United Methodist Women will be
packing and sending small Valentine Boxes to our
1. We are asking for donations of:
money (for postage) & small wrapped goodies/
snacks (candies, snack bars, etc.). Please bring your
donations to the church office. Please be sure to
mark your donations—”Valentine Boxes”,
Deadline for receiving donations—Monday,
February 6th, by 2:00 pm.
2. Parents - please send us your student’s
MAILING address—ASAP, Deadline—Friday
February, 3rd. We do have to limit our giving to
immediate family members of folks who attend this
Welcome to our Newest
Church Members, who
joined on December 11,
9:00 AM – Dan & Andrea Fullerton,
with their children: Sarah and Samantha.
10:30 AM:
Jennifer Allison
DeLynn & Jason Ivy, with their children:
Olivia and Lilliana.
5:00 - 6:15 pm - on Monday evenings
11-week study of Book of James
Study booklets provided
January 23 - April 10
Following school calendar
Wednesday mornings—11-12:15 pm
11- week study of Book of James
January 25 - April 6
Sheets of scripture supplied to underline and
mark as we study.
January 18 - lunch at Pastor Karen’s at 12 pm
January 25 - April 6 - 11-12:15 pm on
Wednesday mornings
April 12 — lunch at Mama Lor's at 12 pm
This is the first year I did not have a live tree. My little yuletide evergreen will happily stay up for
January. Golden memories of Christmas past make room for silver linings in the New Year.
Our story is given by Sally Bauer, whom you see in ministry with the Women’s Retreat Team, UMC
Transportation, and Bible studies throughout the years. When we first met we would go out for
breakfast and pray about how we would be more involved in bringing women together at church,
and slowly our prayers were answered.
Sally began, “I grew up in Batavia, NY. My mother, Emma Netzen, was
Swedish and English, and my father, Lawson James Pontius (who lived to
be 102!) was French and Irish. I had one sister, Lois. My father grew up
Catholic and later became a Baptist, and I remember him saying his
prayers. My first memory of learning about Jesus was at home and in
Sunday School with flannel graphs! I was brought up with Jesus, but
when I really came to know Him was when I answered His call on my life
at LeTourneau Christian camp at the tabernacle at age 13. We were
singing and I went forward during an altar call. I can still feel my
response. It was something I couldn’t deny. When we have church at
night it brings it all back to me. I was changed. I was drawn close to
Him. Sometimes I get upset with him. He probably gets upset with me!
Sally Bauer
As a teen, my days were filled with my friends. We were in Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF) and
the choir, and we always had people around. On Sundays we’d go visiting our friends and family.
Dad would play piano and we’d dance and sing. I met my future husband, Gary, at LaTourneau
shortly after I gave my life to Christ. From a young age Gary was a born again believer. His mother
was active in the missionary Bible Clubs where people met in their homes. She attended Elim Bible
Institute that was connected to Houghton College. Sherri was our firstborn, and four years later
Shelley was born. We moved to Webster where Gary worked as an electronics technician at
Xerox. I received my LPN degree at St. Jerome’s Hospital in Batavia, and as the girls got older, I
worked for a group of OBGYN doctors for the next 30 years! I loved the people contact. I miss
making a difference in helping and caring for people. I don’t know what I want to do when I grow
up! Now I volunteer at the Lipson Cancer Center once a week. I’m ready for a change.
The hardest thing I’ve ever experienced is Gary’s death in 2003. When we first went to the cancer
center, we had hope. Gary could do anything. I never thought he would die. He’s going to beat
this. At age 62, Gary accepted it well. I hope I can be of such grace. He wasn’t an “easy” person -he wanted things done yesterday, and through the process of treatment, he learned patience in that.
But, I thought, “He can’t die.” Even when he was dying those thoughts occupied my mind.
Pastor Lee led a grief group at the time of Gary’s death, and I met new friends who to this day I
keep in contact with. Nancy and Charlie Dickes have been my friends since we were kids. I
couldn’t get through my grief without them, my parents, Gary’s mom and my aunts. I’ve had a lot of
support. I remember shortly after Gary died, I was driving home from a retirement party with one
of the girls from work, thinking, I bet when I get home he’ll be there.
I have peace, however, for there is more to the story. Gary was on hospice care at home. He was
talking until the night before his death. That morning the family was there. They called me into the
room. As I came in, Gary sat up and took his oxygen off, and he died. He didn’t need it any more.
Peace, perfect peace. He hadn’t opened his eyes until Jesus was there, and he followed his call to
take him home.”
Sally continued, “The church is huge, and look at the women we know! I met Jennifer and Jimmy
Anglum and kids in the GriefShare group. I’m content. I try to do things that will make Gary proud
of me. I ride the lawnmower, hire repairmen (Gary used to do everything), find comfort in reading
my Bible. I love Ecclesiastes 3: “A Time for Everything.” We went through seasons that were
difficult and some that were great. We rode the tides well, by God’s grace. Gary always said,
“You’ve got to go with the hand you’ve been dealt. No bitterness. When the Lord shows me,
sometimes I wrestle with it, but I am a firm believer that this is God’s plan. Not everyone who
comes into your life stays, but they leave a mark on your life. Aunts, parents, sister and
brother-in-law -- never forget people who have helped you. Even if you meet someone who caused
you grief, it is the same principle. Things happen for a reason.
My favorite grandchild is Melanie (Sherri’s daughter). Sherri and Bob Rood live in Jamestown.
Melanie is my only grandchild (married to Harry Gibbs). Melanie teaches in Webster. She and
Harry keep me young. Shelley and Andy Argona live in Niagara Falls, NY. All are my joy. I have to
be content. Although it isn’t the way I would have chosen my life, I have the peace that passes all
Thank you, Sally, for touching our lives with your story. You live by example that, “Thou wilt keep
him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Isaiah 26:3.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Karen
Individuals or Families lifted in Prayer During
Jan 01
Jan 08
Jan 15
Jan 22
Jan 29
Barb Condon
Cookinham Family (Nate, Lia, Ariana, Natalie, Joshua)
Cooney Family (Brian, Laura, Leah, Jakob)
Corretore Jr Family (Dan, Carolyn)
Rev. Dan Corretore, III
Corretore Family (David, Kelly)
Cummings Family (Kevin, Stephanie, Kyle, Meghan)
Daniels Family (Marc, Carolyn, Adam, Sarah)
Shelby Deets
Roger H. DeMott
DeMott Family (Roger L. Maria)
Ernest Depape
Matthew Derse
Derse Family (Peter, Kim)
DeWitte Family (Wendy, Douglas)
DeYoung Family (Dennis, Tori, Alec, Holly)
Dickes Family (Charles, Nancy)
Downs Family (Jeffrey, Jenna, Erica and Emory Towne, Norah)
Duffy Family (Sharon, Bryan, Tommy)
Dutcher Family (Laurie, Caitlin)
Eaton Family (Bill, Nancy)
Zip Eggleston
Ellison Family (Sarah, Patrick, Bryce. Avery, Adalyn)
Feathers Family (Ed, Mary Alice)
Linda Fedele
Evelyn Feil
Nancy Fenity
Norma Fisher
Flaherty Family (Carole, John)
Flammia Family ( Florence, Anthony)
Debra Flannery
Ruth Fletcher
Flores Family (Nolan, Katie)
Ford Family (Eric, Lori, Tyler, Emily)
Fortner Family (Cindy, Matt, Luke, Jack)
Continuing Health Concerns/Healing:
Mary Berry (healing, health concerns);
Carolee Blaisdell (health concerns);
Patrick Bleier (health recovery)
Fred Boehmer (health concerns);
Kelly Corretore (health concerns);
Zip Eggleston (regaining strength);
Irma Hallauer (healing);
Jack Hallauer (health concerns)
Betty & George Heissenberger (health concerns);
Betty Hess (healing);
Stephen Hockenberger (health concerns);
Sandi Hutchinson (healing);
Virginia Jacobs (health concerns);
Shawn Morse (healing);
Linda Sherman (healing);
Allura Streb (healing,);
Patricia Sutter (health concerns)
Lee Wager (health);
Harvey Wingate (healing) /Eleanor Wingate (health).
Fred Boehmer, Evelyn Feil, Sandy Hutchinson, Mary
Kilpatrick, Ron Sutorious, Pat Sutter, Harvey Wingate
For Continued Well-being:
Our Homebound/ Shut-ins Our College Students
 The Family and friends of Virginia Freeman, who died on
December 24, 2016.
 Brenda and Don Roof and Family as they grieve the death of
Brenda’s Grandmother, Catherine E. “Betty” Dubay, on
November 28, 2016
 Wendy & Doug DeWitte and Tracy & Bill Nowak as they grieve
the death of Wendy & Tracy’s mother, Pat Rounding on
November 16, 2016.
 Barbara J. Coleman and family as they grieve the death of Barb’s
mother, Dorothy Curtis on November 6, 2016.
SPECIAL PRAYERS for: Adam and Stephanie Baird
as they travel to China in January, to receive their adopted
son, Landon; for safety and good health.
Individuals or Families lifted in Prayer during
Feb 5
Feb 12
Feb 19
Feb 26
Fox Family (Roger, Michelle, Mitchell)
Freundschuh Family (Chrissy, Bill)
Friberg Family (Fred, Marlene)
Friberg Family (Ken, Nicole, Johnny, Brianna, Rae)
Friedler, Family (Mike, Pamela, Grant and Alexis Engelsen)
Fulkerson Family (Patrick, Ann Clark, Andrew)
Eugene Fuller
Fullerton Family (Dan, Andrea, Samantha, Sarah)
Joan Fyfe
Garman Family (Doug, Lori, Paul, Christopher)
Ava Gary
Susan Gates
Gerber Family (Bruce, Susan, Hannah)
Katy Gerber
Gerber Family (Norm, Nan)
Karen Gibson
Goodman Family (Jim, Susan)
Goppert Family (Kim, Al Bushnell)
Gramlich Family (Dylan, Danielle, Lucas)
Graziose Family (John, Jaime, Nick, Alex, Jonathan,
Grocki Family (Holly, Bob)
Hall family (Gail, Mark)
Hallauer Family (Jack, Irma)
Hamway Family (Joe, Jane, Alexa, Lochlan, Olivia)
Sue Happ
Harris Family ( Judy, James)
Haskins Family (George, Irene)
Hegedorn Family (Bruce, Mary)
Our Military Personnel
….please keep them in your prayers
Joshua Bartlett, Pvt. Chris Butusov, Bill Dunn; Lt. Col Dan Fletcher;
Jim Freundschuh; Peter Freundschuh, Cpl. Mike Freundschuh, Capt. Adam
Hill; Scott Humphrey, PFC Ian Merritt; Steven Micha; CW2 Jonathan Molik;
Cpt. Jay Ross, Casey Weldon (Air Force, 1st Class)
[Names in bold—these service people are currently stationed in either Afghanistan, or the Middle East or another war area and need our special prayers]
Prayer Chain
Anyone can call our prayer chains or the church to request special prayer for themselves or someone close to you., at any time. You may call our
prayer leader and she will send the prayer(s) throughout the chains. Please remember that your requests are kept confidential, unless you state that
you want someone listed in the bulletins.
The leader is: Barb Boehmer (585-787-9754) or [email protected].
Note: each week our prayer team and the members of the congregation pray for the people of the congregation...we work through our families alphabetically. During the week you or your family is being prayed for - feel free to call the church office if you have a specific concern that needs prayer.
Youth & Family Ministry News
Larry the Cucumber from the Veggie
working to shift our focus from a fabu-
We are filled with so much joy to be
Tales series offers this sage Christmas gift
lous appearance, to a more authentically
here in service. May you each experi-
-wrapping advice, “Gift bows can hide a
joyful heart. In striving to develop better
ence a year full of joy and a heart
multitude of mistakes.”
disciples, we will be less concerned with
bursting with gratitude.
I really admire people who can cut in a
straight line, properly fold the edges, find
the best coordinated ribbon, and create a
work of art with just scotch tape and
tissue paper. Sometimes, gifts are so
beautiful on the outside, you don’t want
to open them! The gifts I wrap however,
well, they come with a lot of bows.
accomplishments, and more concerned
about intentions and gratitude. One of
the ways we will be maintaining our focus is by using a Joy Jar. A Joy Jar is a
stack of post-it notes. Every time we
experience a joy from the Lord we will
jot it down and drop it in the jar. At the
beginning of 2018, we plan to empty our
jars and reflect on the ways the Lord has
lives much like a poorly-wrapped Christ-
blessed us through the year, or enabled
mas gift, if we’re not careful. We can cre-
us to bless someone else, despite our
ate little distractions from our imperfec-
mistakes and imperfections. We will
tions. We can try to make our messy
remember the ways Jesus has filled our
lives appear beautiful on the outside, hop-
hearts with joy! In participating in this
ing no one will take a closer look. We
discipline of mindfulness and gratitude
can stick a bow on it, cover up what we
we hope to better prepare our hearts
don’t want anyone else to see, and pre-
for Christ.
each year, we resolve to fix all of our
messes and do better in the future.
Upcoming Youth Events:
simple empty mason jar, kept close to a
We can be tempted to live our spiritual
tend all is well. And then, at the end of
Pastor Wendy
And, in a spirit of gratitude, the McVeigh
February 4th: Informed
to Transform at UMC Webster Service opportunity. Our youth group will be
preparing and serving lunch
at this event. See Pastor
Wendy if you are interested
in this service opportunity
February 5th: Souper
Bowl of Caring. We will be
collecting dollar donations
and non-perishable food for
Hope House.
family would like to extend our appreciation for the generous Christmas gift giv-
The problem is, no matter how many
en by our church family. We appreciate
bows we stick on our package, we can
the many ways you continue to bless our
never hide what’s inside when we give
family and offer your love and support.
Friday March 3rdSaturday March 4th: 30
Hour Famine Lock-In.
ourselves to Christ. The only gift that
our Savior seeks is the gift of our selves;
fully surrendered to His will. And, He
doesn’t care what condition the package
is in when it arrives. He is just concerned about what’s inside.
What’s inside is far more important than
the wrapping on the outside, no matter
how beautiful it appears; no matter how
many bows have been strategically placed.
In our Switch Youth Group we will be
You are Awesome!
The UMC of Webster Staff gives
a hearty and heart-felt thank you
to the UMC of Webster
congregation for their wonderful
Christmas Gifts to us all. We are
so blessed to be in ministry with
everyone and truly appreciate the
generosity of our church family.
Thank you and Happy New Year!
Confirmation Class 2017
Attention all 8th grade (or older)
students and their parents:
Confirmation classes are
beginning soon. Please contact
Pastor Wendy ASAP if you are
interested. Please note, not all
students who attend Confirmation
classes may choose to be confirmed
- and that's OK! The classes are a
great way to learn more about the
Christian faith and the teachings of
the United Methodist Church.
Jan. 2
We Celebrate with the following couples these
special JANUARY Anniversaries (5+)
Christy and Linn Hoover
35 yrs.
Jan. 8
Pam and Mike Friedler
23 yrs.
Jan. 11
Jill and Joe Bowman
15 yrs.
Jan. 17
Lauran and Bert Schwarz
30 yrs.
We Celebrate with the following couples these
special FEBRUARY Anniversaries (5+)
Feb. 11
Kim and Andy Aikens
27 yrs.
Feb. 18
Linda and Dave Woodward 28 yrs.
Feb. 23
Gloria and Roger Boehme
28 yrs.
The verb “to bless” in Hebrew means to bow the
knee, to show reverence or to esteem the person as
valuable. The dictionary defines “bless” as wishing a
person favor, wholeness, benefit, happiness or prosperity. The word occurs in the Bible several hundred
Online Offerings 2015
Offerings— you may give designated offerings online
… using this symbol with your smart phone, or on
our website:, click online
Easter Drama Dates
April 13 (Thursday) & 14 (Friday) at 7:00 pm
Yes, it’s already time to start work on the Easter Drama. All are
invited to participate...many spots open: as actors, set design/
construction, prompters, lighting, etc.
First Drama Meeting: Sunday, 1/22 @ 12 pm in the
Youth Room
Drama Rehearsals in the Sanctuary: Sundays 1-3
2/5 , 2/12, 2/19, 2/26
3/5 , 3/12 , 3/19, 3/26
* Set Build: Saturday, 4/1 @ 9am
Dress Rehearsal: Sunday, 4/9: 1-5
Dress Rehearsal: Wednesday, 4/12: 5-8
Presentations: Thursday 4/13 and Friday 4/14 at 7pm
Set Tear Down: Saturday 4/15 10am-3pm Sanctuary
The Women's Blessings Small Group will be meeting on
the first and third Thursday of each month from 5:006:15 in the Garden Room!
Basic format: gathering/snack/social time from 5:00-5:30, bible/
book study/discussion from 5:30-6:15. Our discussion book is “I
Want It All” by Gwen Smith.
Please join us! Contact Chris Uetz at 350-8468 or Nancy Eaton at
507-6653 with any questions.
Women of all ages who love the Lord are welcome!
Pledges for 2017 Giving
If you haven’t turned in your estimate of giving pledge for 2017 yet
… it’s not too late. Please turn yours in to the office, or mail in as
soon as you can. Thanks for your ministry support – we can’t do it
without you!
Offering Envelopes
For folks who asked for offering envelopes for 2017 – please pick
up your box – on table by coat rack area.
If anyone would like offering envelopes who has not previous requested them (whether you’ve made a pledge or not) – please contact Dave Olson – at church, or 585-670-0429.
Flood Buckets—We are still collecting!
*Responding to recent flooding, the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) depots in Louisiana and Alabama are
running low on cleaning buckets. Cleaning buckets enable people
to begin the overwhelming job of cleaning up after a flood or
The United Methodist Church of Webster is a collection point for area
UM churches to drop off “flood Buckets”, which will then be taken to a
central location to be given to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on
We want you to know that our church is also encouraging families, groups
and individuals to gather the specified supplies and put your own flood
buckets together to contribute to this effort. The lists of the supplies for
each flood bucket may be found in the communications center, on the
‘Outreach House/Community Ministries board”.
We do ask that whole kits be assembled, not just “parts of kits” donated.
Dinner for 5 – with Pastor Rick
Pastor Rick is having an ongoing opportunity for folks that would
like to have a Spaghetti Dinner with him, at the parsonage. You
are invited to SIGN-UP to join him for dinner. Sign–up for just
yourself, or with others (making up a maximum of 5 guests….Pastor
Rick makes “6”). No need to bring anything. You may sign up for
just 1 date.
A great chance to have a relaxed dinner and a time to enjoy
conversation with Pastor Rick!
Dates: Jan 6 (2 spots left) & 20, Feb. 24, 2017 @ 6:00 pm
[Location: 1305 Cardinal Lane, Webster]
Coming Events
Young at Heart Potluck Lunch & Program
We welcome all men and women who are ‘young at
heart’. Come and enjoy a potluck lunch and an interesting
program, meeting most months.
 On Tuesday, January 24th at 12:00 noon, we will
gather for our potluck luncheon. Afterwards, for our program we will have Steve Piper, a docent at the George
Eastman House to speak to us.
 Our February gathering will be on February 28th at
12 noon, for our luncheon. Afterwards our program will
be our very own Paul Krueger, playing his accordion.
We invite you to join us, open to all. Please be sure to
bring a dish to share for out potluck lunch together. and
your own place setting. Beverages are provided.
Questions: Shirley Vaden (585-749-9657)
Dining to Donate at UNO’s
Jan. 13, 2017 & Feb. 10
11:00 am—11:00 pm
The 2nd FRIDAY every month! Join us at UNO’s Chicago
Grill (Holt Rd). This is an opportunity to do a small amount
of fund raising — with NO work involved on our part.
By going out to eat at UNO’s Chicago Grill (Holt Rd.
location) on a particular day (2nd Friday each month) AND
bringing one of our church vouchers – which you turn in
when you pay your bill … this church will receive up to 15%
of your pre-tax bill benefitting the Outreach House Ministries.
Souper Bowl of Caring
Fundraiser / Food
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Informed to transform 2017
Genesee Valley District Leadership Training Event
OPEN to ALL Laity and Clergy
Saturday, February 4th
9:00 to 3:00 pm
(At UMC of Webster -169 E Main St. Webster)
Please join us for our District Training Event on
February 4, 2017 at the UMC of Webster.
Come spend time in Fellowship, worship, workshops,
and Prayer.
Registration opened on January 3rd with a
more detailed description of the day;
at for more information & to
register: (585) 340-9525 Cost: $20.00 per
Guest Speaker: Rev. Heather Heinzman
Lear, D.Min Topic: “Kingdom Leadership in the
21st Century”
Featured Workshops: Discipleship; Church Revitalization; Ministry Shares; Revs on Retreat; SPRC; Trustees; Pillow Prayers; Youth Ministry.
Rebekah Circle
(a United Methodist Women’s group)
Meeting: January 9th at 1:00 pm
– in the Garden room. This United Methodist Women’s Circle invites women to come and be a part of the Rebekah Circle.
The SwitchYouth Group will be collecting
donations of canned goods (soups, stews,
etc.) and monetary donations after the
services in observance of the national campaign to help alleviate hunger.
Youth Event: 30 Hour
Friday, Feb. 3 & Saturday,
Feb 4th.
All youth are asked to participate
in this annual “30 hour Famine”. For more details:
please contact Pastor Wendy McVeigh and/or go
to the SwitchYouth website:
Sunday Evening, February 12
7:00 pm, in the sanctuary
(Freewill offering accepted)
Serving in JANUARY 2017
9:00 AM - Dave Olson
10:30 AM - Charlie Urso, Lee Zukoski / Mike Friedler, Tim Ashley / Dick &
Betty Morrill/ Don Cedruly, Bruce Tobias / John Graziose, Tim Uetz
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
Nancy & Charles Dickes
Jude Zukoski
Barb Boehmer
Sue Happ
Sue & Carl Holland
Carol & Mike Brienza
Anne White
Childcare: (for babies to 2 yrs.) 8:45 AM thru 12:00 pm
no nursery care today
Linda Fedele
Linda Fedele
Linda Fedele
Linda Fedele
Linda Fedele
Linda Fedele
Linda Fedele
Linda Fedele
Lay Readers — 9:00 AM
Eric Mehserle
Becky VanNess
Alana Carrozo
Dave Whitlock
Barb Kahler
Coffee Hour Hosts: 9:00 AM &
10:30 AM
1 Kate Wilkes, Linda Sherman /
Joanna Tobias, Tracy Nowak
8 Sue & Carl Holland, Laurie Dutcher / Joanne Smith, Nancy Eaton
15 Barb Boehmer, Donna Spencer
/ Louise Andrews, An Nguyen
22 Kris Kopczynski, Kate Wilkes /
Faith Jones
29 Rene Brown, Linda Sherman
/ Joanna Tobias, Tracy Nowak
Are you considering ways to improve your marriage
relationship; or in need of pre-marital counseling?
PREPARE/ENRICH is the leading relationship inventory and
skill-building program used nationally and internationally; helping to
build stronger marriages and for pre-marital preparation. It is built on
a solid research foundation and significantly improves a couple's
relationship. PREPARE/ENRICH is custom tailored to a couple's
relationship and provides a couple’s workbook with Biblical references
to build their relationship skills. The UMC of Webster is offering this
opportunity to married couples.
What: A couple meets one-on-one with Pastor Karen, utilizing the
Prepare-Enrich workbook (not a group/support group setting). How:
please call church office (585-265-9720) to set a time to meet with
Pastor Karen. Time investment is typically 4 to 8 weeks.
Kim Derse, Eva Polito
Tina Breed, Grant Engelsen, Katie Keesom, Noah McKaig
Bruce Gerber
Susan Goodman
Linda Sherman
Elizabeth Newell, James Niles
Jonah Jobson, Sarah Piechota
Isabella Graziose, Barb Kahler
Bruce Anderson
Jasson Jobson
Faith Weldon
Mary Kilpatrick
Carol Vorhauer
Bobbi Olson
Barb Boehmer
Jeanette Altavela, Ruth Berg, George Haskins
Samantha Fullerton
Stephanie Cummings
Lucy Burdick, Betsy Reed
Roger L. DeMott, Sue Happ
Evelyn Feil, Jo Zimmerman
Jim Goodman
*** If you or an immediate family member would like to have
your birthday listed—please contact the church office. Names in
bold—celebrating a 90+ birthday.
Sherrie Welch
Marlene Friberg, Hank Kujawa
Joan Marra
Brenda Roof
Kevin Mooney
Wendy McVeigh
Bill Kelley
Dick Morrill
Carolee Blaisdell, Asa McKaig
Breanna Bowman
Bill Eaton, Hiep Nguyen, Harvey Wingate
Ryan Anglum
Sally Bauer, Eleanor Wingate
Susan Gerber
Ashely Abbett, Jocelyn Herrle, Olivia Ivy, Mary Beth Kelley,
Bernie Roof
Ellen Mack, Matt Roof
Helen Palmer
Gail Hall, Audrey Migdal
Charles Dickes, Alex Graziose
Tim Ashley, Florence Flammia
Arlene Starsmore
David Mooney
Chris Breed, Betty Morrill
Greg Knittel, Colton Mikels
*** If you or an immediate family member would like to have your birthday listed—please contact the church office. Names in bold—
celebrating a 90+ birthday.
We need you…
As a phone volunteer for Meals on Wheels!
Come enjoy a friendly, cheerful office environment. Volunteers are needed
Monday—Friday, from 11am to 1 pm (Webster location)
For more information:
Call meals on Wheels at 585-787-8326, or email: Julie at
[email protected]
Serving in FEBRUARY 2017
9:00 AM – Patrick Fulkerson, Glenn Wilkes, Jim Goodman, Carol
10:30 AM - Dick & Betty Morrill / Darryl Jones, Jay Baker / Charlie
Urso, Tim Ashley / Mike Friedler, Lee Zukoski
Greeters: 9:00 AM
10:30 AM
Jean Tranquill & Arlene Starsmore /
Shirley Bunten
Sue Happ
Dorothy Hinxman
Laurie Dutcher
Childcare: (for babies to 2 yrs) 8:45 AM thru 12:00 pm
Linda Fedele
Linda Fedele
Linda Fedele
Linda Fedele
Linda Fedele
Linda Fedele
10:00 AM - no childcare today
Lay Readers — 9:00 AM
Jay Baker
An Nguyen
Dave Corretore
Robin Locke
Coffee Hour Hosts: 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM
5 Barb Boehmer, Donna Spencer / Joanne Smith, Nancy Eaton
12 Kris Kopczynski, Kate Wilkes / Louise Andrews, An Nguyen
19 Laurie Dutcher, Linda Sherman / Faith Jones
26 René Brown, Sub
/ Joanna Tobias, Tracy Nowak
Of Interest / Opportunities to Serve
Food Cupboard Donations
The FIRST Sunday of each month we collect your donations of nonperishable foods and money donations (for fresh foods).
These donations are then distributed to one of 5 local
food cupboards (we rotate through a list). Please bring
your donations to the worship services (totes available
for the foods), envelopes for $ donations—in pew
pockets. The need continues to be great—even here in Webster!
Making a Difference in People’s Lives!
Embracing Options Center: Webster Update
What will God do in 2017? I am constantly amazed, and even surprised, at how God is in the business of providing for those He loves!
In December, with the birth of two clients’ babies, one possible early
delivery and a person who had taken a family into her home, the
center saw a lot of baby clothes and gear go out our doors. One
morning as I was “filling in” the executive director (really, worrying
out loud) I received a phone call of a family wanting to drop off
donations, she just had been up late feeling the need to get these
things out of the house. God had put it on her heart! I’m grateful for
those who listen as God leads- that can be you! Feel welcome to
stop by or call 545-4690 to find out more. Blessings this New Year!
Crystal Cutting-Webster Center Director
Louisiana Flood Recovery / Hurricane Matthew Recovery
Supporting the flood recovery efforts in Louisiana and the USA’s
eastern coastlines – we are still accepting donations. Please make
your checks to: UMC of Webster, in Memo: “Louisiana/Hurricane
Advance #901670”. Please put in envelop marked for “Flooding/
Hurricane” or use one of the envelopes on the prayer table marked
– Louisiana/Hurricane Recoveries. To help with Hurricane recovery
outside of United States – use #982450.
Through your recycling efforts we are able to collect and give:
Eyeglasses to the Lions Club. They deliver them to
regional Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centers (LERCs). LERC
volunteers clean, sort by prescription strength and package the
glasses. Most of the recycled glasses are distributed to people in
need in developing countries where they will have the greatest
Cell phones to “HOPE Line” from Verizon Wireless. This
ministry supports victims and survivors of Domestic abuse. Hope
Line provides ways for individuals to take action against domestic
violence by donating no-longer-used wireless phones and
accessories in any condition from any service provider. Verizon
turns these resources into support for domestic violence
organizations and programs nationwide.
Used toner & ink cartridges to the Webster Public Library.
They receive money for the used cartridges/toners.
Please note—aluminum pop tops—we are NOT accepting
these anymore. The group that use d to take them for dialysis isn’t
taking them. If you’ve been collecting them—please take them
yourself (less than 100 at a time) to any local McDonald’s restaurant—they accept them to help support the Ronald McDonald
Ongoing Community Groups meeting in this church:
Al–Anon—Wednesdays @ 1:00 PM (Rm 101D)
Food Addicts Recovery Anonymous—Mondays @ 9:30
Nar-Anon—Wednesdays @ 5:30 (Rm 103)
Pack 112—Thursdays @ 6:30 pm (school year)
Sea Scouts—Mondays @ 7:30 pm
Annual Mitten Tree Collection
The Faith in Action/Mission Team is collecting mittens, gloves,
hats, scarves and socks for all sizes and genders for our
annual Mitten Tree (in the Communications Center). Items
will be collected through January 8th and will be distributed to
Northwest Neighborhood Outreach Center, Eastern Service
Workers Association, and Asbury Storehouse in Rochester and
HOPE Ministries in Webster. In addition, we are also collecting
new or gently used cold-weather clothing (jackets, coats,
boots, etc.) to be distributed to these same agencies. Those
items may also be placed in the display in the Communications
United Methodist Human Relations Day Offering January 15, 2017
This offering is accepted to further the development of better human relations; offering funds to Community developers, Volunteer Services and Youth offender rehabilitation.
Envelopes are available for your giving, on the prayer table.
Haiti Mission Trip Supplies
We will soon post a list of supplies that people can donate for us
to bring to Haiti. Please be watching the weekly news for details.
Our sincere thanks…
On behalf of the volunteers at MEEK (Maplewood Edgerton
Emergency Kupboard), I would like to express our gratitude for your
generous contributions during this blessed season. You have made the
spirit of Christmas come alive in providing for the less fortunate. The
Kupboard has completed another successful year of operation,
marking 40 years of helping those in need. Once again, thanks for being
such an important part of our organization.
Charles J. Murrman, Director
Dear Friends in Mission,
Thank you for partnering with the United Methodist Committee on
Relief (UMCOR). Through your gifts, you are helping to provide
humanitarian relief when war, conflict, or natural disaster disrupt life
to such an extent that communities are unable to recover on their
own. Your gifts of $$291.00 & $195.00 for Disaster Response,
USA were gratefully received. As always, 100% of your gifts go to
supporting UMCOR’s response to disasters in the United States.
Reaching Out / Getting Involved:
Local Ministries:
 Food Cupboard Sunday—we collect non perishable food items the
1st Sunday of each month / and monetary donations any Sunday
(envelopes in pew pockets)
 Embracing Options - 35 Curtice Park (next to church) Free Pregnancy & STD testing. Volunteering opportunities.
 Open Door Missions—we post the current list of needs in the
communications center. You may deliver your donations directly to
Open Door Mission
 Donate Gently used Clothing: we deliver to HOPE House (Webster)
& Asbury Store House (Rochester)
National Ministries:
 Youth Summer Mission Trip // Adult Mission Trip// Cookson Hills,
Global Ministries:
 Haiti Medical Mission Trip—spring 2017
 Africa 360 // Project Chacocente:
Groups’ Information
Children/ Youth /Family Sunday Classes
Nursery: All Year long: infants 0 thru 4
years, during both church services (8:45 am
thru 11:45 AM). Our child care provider,
Linda Fedele will care for your child in our
downstairs nursery.
Family & Youth Sunday Class— in the
Fellowship Center at 9:00 Am with Pastor Wendy McVeigh. We begin altogether with a quick
breakfast, and then kids go to their classrooms,
youth & adult stay in the Fellowship Center—
discussing topics together.
KIDSChurch @ 10:30 AM
All are welcome! Classes for Pre
-K through 5th grade ... Games,
Stories, group Worship, Lessons
& Activities.
Young Adults Group (Y.A.M.S )
~ Meeting Thursday evenings ~
Please contact Katy Gerber for more
information: call or text - (585) 451-8068
Acolyte Ministry
The ‘acolytes’ light the altar candles.
If your child would like to be an acolyte for
the worship services at 9 am, Traditional
Sunday services—please contact Tina Breed
at: 315-524-6406.
Email Information:
Lead Pastor :
Rick LaDue
[email protected]
Youth & Family Pastor :
Wendy McVeigh
[email protected]
Pastoral Care/Visitation Pastor:
Karen Gibson
[email protected]
Worship Leader:
Lucas Smith
[email protected]
Lay Leader:
Brenda Roof
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant:
Faith Jones
[email protected]
Chancel Choir:
Peter Derse
[email protected]
Cindy Anderson
Bell Choir:
Kim Derse
[email protected]
Sound/Media Team: Larry Matthews
[email protected]
Youth Ministry
Youth group (Junior & Senior High), —see
website calendar)
Wednesdays— at 7:00 pm—8:30 pm; with
Youth Pastor Wendy McVeigh; Worship led by
leader Lucas Smith. Youth group is for all youth
grades 6 through 12th.
Please check the church website, or Check
out the youth group website at: Email
Wendy at [email protected]
Men’s Ministry ~ Bible Studies
Bibles Studies: Open to All Men!
1st Tuesdays—7:00 AM, meets at the
Nutcracker Restaurant, Webster
3rd Tuesdays—7:00 AM, meets at Goldenboy’s
Restaurant, Webster
Wednesday Nights ~
On Wednesdays at 6:45 pm – the youth group
will offer a simple Dinner (simple, family type entrees, salad and a drink).
Cost: youth & Adults - $4.00 each.
*Keep your Wednesday evenings stress-free – get a
quick dinner and then go to youth group, adult class
or choir.
Coffee Hour Teams...We want YOU!
Do you like welcoming people and making them feel
at home? This is an opportunity for you to be in
ministry on Sunday mornings after the services.
There’s nothing like being able to get a beverage and
snack and then chat with new friends or ones you’ve
known forever. This is a ministry that helps people
relax and enjoy the gathering with other people at
church - this makes up our Coffee Hour ministry!
We are looking for some more folks to be a part of
this team. We provide the beverages – you provide
the snacks (homemade or store bought). We have a
real need for more folks to step into this ministry (9
or 10:30 am services). Teams are on a rotating
schedule every 5to 6 weeks. Please contact Faith
Jones to join or for more info. 585265-9720. If you like meeting folks
and helping people feel welcome –
this is the team for you!
Flowers for the Altar
A special way to remember or honor loved
ones, or special people in your life!
You can order flowers for the altar area in the
sanctuary. It’s only on the Sundays that folks
order flowers that we have fresh flowers; otherwise we rotate through several silk arrangements.
You are invited to place one or more orders for
flowers to be in the sanctuary for a particular
Sunday—your choice (except Easter & Christmas). A regular flower arrangement is $20, although you can pay more for
larger arrangements. Our
beautiful arrangements are
created by Kittelberger’s Florist. To order— use the
flower book by the prayer
box, in Heritage Hall, outside the sanctuary.
Women’s Ministry
United Methodist Women’s Circles:
Call Bobbi Olson for more info: 585-670-0429
Bookworms—3rd Tuesday of month, 2:00
pm—Garden room
Koinonia—2nd Thursday of month, 11:30
AM—Garden room
Rebekah—2nd Monday of month, 1:00 pm—
Garden room
Women’s Bible Studies ~ open groups
Monday evenings, 5:00 pm, Garden room,
Women’s Blessing Grp—1st & 3rd Thursdays, at 5:00 Pm, in the Garden room
Wednesday Mornings, 11:00 am, Garden
Family/Adult Studies
Bible studies—September thru May
Sundays, 9:00 am - Families studying together,
Fellowship Center
10:30 am—Women & Men - 2 study options:
Adult bible study, using Cokesbury Curricula,
or bible video series “That the World Should
Know” by Ray Vander Laan.
7:00 pm—ReVive, men & women—Garden
room. Book study, group discussion, with Pastor Rick/ or Genesis
Study with Cherie Trabert
Change with Campbell Labels for Red Bird
Thank you for your continued support. The
Campbell UPC codes will not be accepted for the
program. We have sent off a smaller quantity
than normal. We wanted to get them to Kentucky before the deadline. The BOX 10c coupons
ARE STILL being accepted. So please keep saving
those for us. Hopefully, soon we will have a new
(and easier to read) list of participating products.
Nursery Care— in need of
some loving, caring helpers!
Linda Fedele is our child care
provider, but can always use a
helper, or a substitute when she is
on vacation. Please prayerfully consider if God is
calling you to help with this ministry. We are still
in need of volunteers either of the Sunday services. You can sign up in the Communications
Center, at the Sunday School table; or Please
Pastor Rick to volunteer:
[email protected] or 585-265-9720
[Complying with the Safe Sanctuaries Policy—all
volunteers go through a background check.]
Church Contact Info: Church Phone: 585-265-9720 //
Church Fax: 585-265-9721 // Admin. Assistant: Faith
Jones ([email protected])
Weekly Bulletin (Information) Deadlines: Thursdays,
12:00 pm.
Newsletter Article/Info Submission Deadlines: 15th
of each month (emails are great) // Receiving the Newsletter: by either email ( pdf format), or snail mail or both
email & mail
Address Changes: As soon as you know it! (Post Office
does NOT forward newsletters). We get charged .65
cents for each newsletter returned.
emails changes: just send an email using your new address.