Ecology and Ecosystems Unit Activity 86 – Skyview`s Forest

 Ecology and Ecosystems Unit Name ______________ Activity 86 – Skyview’s Forest Ecosystem Field Study _______/120 pts Period_____ Part A – (24pts) PG _____________________ Purpose: I can Identify key abiotic (non living) factors influencing living (biotic) organisms in the Center Abiotic Factors: Abiotic factors are non living factors that influence the biotic (living) factors in the environment. Here are some examples of abiotic factors…. there are many more A few Abiotic Factors… there are many more! temperature (heat, cold) soil type (litter, topsoil, B, C ) cloud cover wind (exposed, sheltered etc) water (drought, flooding etc) altitude sunlight (direct, shade, none) nutrients space (crowding, open etc) fire Procedure: Each team will have two stations to visit. At each station the students will determine 3 abiotic factors and the observable physical evidence that these affect the biotic (living) organisms in that part of the Center’s ecosystem. Go to you first station, be quiet, don’t talk for a bit, and concentrate. Look around for evidence of abiotic affects in this area. What you see, hear and feel are important. After a couple minutes decide what you think are the most important, or key abiotic factors you observe or infer at this station. Then enter and justify your ideas. To meet standard, students must explain the observable physical evidence used to support the choice of each abiotic factor in such a way that thoroughly explains why you chose these factors. (12pts) Station _________ – Key Abiotic Factors at this station (Use additional paper if necessary) Abiotic Factor Observable Physical Evidence -­‐ Use evidence to justify why you chose this factor (12pts) Station _________ – Key Abiotic Factors at this station (Use additional paper if necessary) Abiotic Factor Observable Physical Evidence -­‐ Use evidence to justify why you chose this factor Part B Purpose: ( 60 pts) •
I can explain that an ecosystem is an area with populations of organisms, other living (biotic) factors & non living (abiotic) factors. I can also give local examples of ecosystems and describe their boundaries and contents. •
I can track the flows of matter and energy in a local ecosystem using a food chain and a food web Overview a. Figure 1 -­‐ Students identify and provide key information about plants and animals commonly found in the forest layers of Skyview’s Outdoor Environmental Center. b. Figure 2 – Students use Figure 1 information, and abiotic factors commonly found in the Center, and their knowledge to create a Food Web describing the Center’s ecosystem. Instructions for Figure 1: Forest Food Web -­‐ Plant and Animal Information A. For the Canopy, Understory, Shrub and Herb/Fern layers. 1. Identify and research one plant or one animal from each of the six forest Layers. This data will be used in Figure 2 later. Follow these layout guidelines for this part of Figure 1: 2. Title the layer 3. Draw and label a close up of at least two plant leaves, or the animal you are highlighting 4. Name: Tell both the common & scientific name for the organism 5. Niche: Tell the niche of the organism 6. Data: Describe at least two important facts, especially human uses, including native American uses, about the organisms Overall Layout: You can use the class template to save valuable layout time, or chose another. However, your figure should have at least 6 equal layers (excluding Title). Figure One: Forest Food Web -­‐ Plant and Animal Information Layer Name Common N ame: Scientific Name: Niche: Draw Plant close up here Layer Name Common NName ame: Common Scientific Name: Niche: Important Fact 1: Important Fact 1: Important Fact 2: Important Fact 2: Draw Animal close up here Example of Figure 1 header and the layout for one layer Part C – (36pts) Instructions for Figure 2 – Skyview’s Forest Ecosystem PURPOSE: • I can track the flows of matter and energy in a local ecosystem using a food chain and a food web. • I can analyze the inputs, outputs, boundaries, and flows within the OELC ecosystem. OVERVIEW: In this part of the field study, students will use Fig. 1’s information, and abiotic factors commonly found in the OELC, to create a food web describing the OELC’s ecosystem. INSTRUCTIONS: In this figure you will draw a food web for the Center ecosystem containing the following: 1. Include 12 organisms in Fig. 1 (biotic factors) with name and niche. 2. The Sun – (Almost all energy on Earth is derived from the sun!) 3. Show at least 4 abiotic factors that normally affect this food web. 4. Perform a system analysis of the ecosystem. OVERALL LAYOUT: To save time you should use the template supplied. Overview: In this figure you will draw a food web for the Center ecosystem containing: a. At least all 12 organisms in Figure 1 (biotic factors) with name and niche, b. the sun and c. show at least 4 abiotic factors that normally affect this food web d. Complete a System Analysis showing inputs, outputs, boundaries and flows of matter & energy Figure 2. Skyview’s Forest Ecosystem Field Study Green = Blue = Purple = Red = Orange = Yellow dashed = Yellow solid = Key Matter input Matter output Matter cycling Energy input Energy output Open system Closed system