LaRouche Prosecutor Links to Satanic `Murder, Inc.` Confirmed

Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 16, Number 24, June 9, 1989
The John Markham Dossier
LaRouche prosecutor links to
Satanic 'Murder, Inc.' confirmed
Assistant U.S.Attorney John Markham,the prosecutor in
both the Boston and Alexandria railroad trials of Lyndon
LaRouche and a score of associates,was intimately tied into
the Process Church of the Final Judgment,a suspected Satan­
ic killer cult,for at least the seven-year period immediately
before he went to work for the Department of Justice.Doc­
uments obtained by EIR confirm that John Markham,while
an attorney with prestigious law firms in both New York City
and San Francisco from 1974-80,was listed in Process Church
literature as a close collaborator of the church.
One citation,from the March 1974 issue of the magazine
The Processian, reports on Markham's involvement with a
Process Church "thrift shop" in Greenwich Village: " The
new Disciples' Thrift Shop at 181 West 4th Street in New
York's Greenwich Village is now really underway. The stock
has been built up entirely from charitable donations,some of
which have come from as far afield as California.... The
shop,which has already become part of the scene on busy
West 4th Street is a cooperative venture run by Disciples
Robert Lynn, Erica Bulman and Joanne Palacino. John
Markham and Joshua Schonhaut are also very much in­
volved." (page 22)
As reported in last week's EIR, John Markham is the
attorney of record for the Process Church in court papers on
file with the State of New York dated both January and May
1974.At the time,Markham was an attorney with Shearman
and Sterling,a major Wall Street law firm. In June 1976,
Markham left New York City and moved to San Francisco
where he joined the law firm of Lillick,McHose and Charles.
Shortly after his arrival,the firm was listed with the Califor­
nia Secretary of State's office as the legal address of the
Foundation Faith of the Millennium.In May 1974,Markham
had filed court papers back in New York that changed the
name of the Process Church to the Foundation Faith. The
name change was ostensibly linked to a split in the Church
brought about when the DeGrimstons filed for a divorce (they
were the founders). The actual motives behind the change
may be more ominous.According to West Coast news ac­
counts, by 1970, California police were investigating the
group for a series of murders of members of the Church of
According to author Maury Terry,Markham's member­
ship in the Process Church certainly overlapped that of Sa-
June 9,1989
tanic mass murderer,David Berkowitz,who is now serving
a life sentence in New York state prison for the infamous Son
of Sam killings. Terry's exhaustive investigation into the Son
of Sam murders established beyond doubt that the killings
were the work of a dozen individuals-including Berkow­
itz-who were all members of a Westchester County-based
cult that was part of the nationwide Process Church.Accord­
ing to Berkowitz,a piece of property in the northeast corner
of Westchester County owned by Christopher A.Fripp,was
the East Coast headquarters of the killer cult to which he
In January 1974,John Markham listed the same Chris­
topher A.Fripp as one 'of three trustees of the Process Church
in the papers he filed with the State of New York.
By the time that John Markham, in a highly unusual
career move,left a lucrative private law practice to go to
work for the Justice Department as an Assistant U.S.Attor­
ney, the District Attorney of Queens County, New York,
John Santucci,had officially reopened the Son of Sam inves­
tigation on the basis of new evidence suggesting that Berkow­
itz was merely one member of a Satanic killer cult involved
in ritualistic murders in New York,North Dakota,and Cali­
fornia.Under those circumstances,it is impossible to con­
ceive that officials of Department of Justice did not know of
Markham's Process ties at the time that he was hired.
The Manson Family dons black robes
Another writer who deeply probed the Process Church,
Ed Sanders,linked Process to yet another Satanic killer cult,
this one in California.According to Sanders's 1971 book The
Family, by no later than July 1969, Charles Manson had
become an enthusiastic convert to Process:
One of Manson's summer 1969 raps was about
how groovy fear was, is. "Getting the Fear," as he
called it, was an exquisite physical experience. It's
actually an old L SD phenomenon-conquering a pe­
riod of intense fear.But Manson decided that the entire
substance of expanded consciousness was fear-the
"infinite plain of fear unto infinity....
It seemed strange that all of a sudden they got into
wearing black capes....Black capes,black clothes,
getting the fear.Just like the Process. Because guess
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what the Process was doing in the summer of 1969?
They were preparing the "Fear" issue of the Process
magazine, issue number 5, which has to be seen to
be believed.... The "fear" issue is like a plane wreck.
Page after page babbles about fear. There is a page
devoted to quotes from members of the Hell's Angels
motorcycle club, an article called " Satan is Fear," a
grim photo of all twenty-four Process Alsatian dogs
lined up in a hostile row,and so on and so forth. The
centerfold, so to speak, of the magazine,is a collage
honoring the Lamb of Christ and the Goat of Satan.
The gibberish of the centerfold ends: " The Lamb and
the Goat must come together-pure Love descended
from the pinnacle of Heaven,united with pure hatred
raised from the depths of Hell....
One of the things the Process was doing in the
summer of 1969 was recruiting in the Los Angeles
area on the sly. They were going around to various
extant cults and seeking membership. There is also
indication that they had their own secret Process com­
mune out in the San Fernando Valley. Tex Watson
has said that Manson raved and ranted about the Pro­
cess in his lectures. Bruce Davis was involved with
them in England. The family knew about the Process
group in Santa Barbara. But when asked about the
Process, most family members merely dealt out that
blank hostile stare they are famous for.Manson may
have visited New York City during July of 1969, using
the name Chuck Summers-his "Hollywood name."
For instance,in July 1969,a man named Chuck Sum­
mers bought a book in a Scientology bookstore in New
York.Robert and Mary Anne DeGrimston-Moor,the
founding couple of the Process,are thought to have
been in New York in July 1969. There are ominous
rumors that Manson may have "hooked up" with Rob­
ert DeGrimston,the co-founder of the Process Church
of Final Judgment.... When asked about the pos­
sibility that he knew DeGrimston, Manson replied, "I
am DeGrimston...." Since the trial, Manson has
been visited by Process members through the kind
offices of his attorney.Manson has written an article
for the so-called "Death Issue" of the Process mag­
azine, issue number 6.... The Process symbol is a
sort of inverted swastika.And why has Manson,since
he has been found guilty of murder,carved an inverted
swastika that looks remarkably like the Process symbol
into his forehead? (pages 224-226)
In a recent interview,John Markham openly acknowl­
edged that he had ties to the Process Church during the mid1970s in Bronx, New York. He also strongly urged the
interviewer to establish contact with Charles Manson.The
comment was suggestive that Markham may have, himself,
visited Manson in prison in California.
Drugs, murder, and perversion
More than a common link to the nationwide Process
Church ties the Manson Family to the Son of Sam cult in
Westchester County.Both groups were heavily involved in
drug trafficking and pornography,including "snuff films" in
which animals and human beings are murdered in front of the
camera in Satanic "sex magik" rituals. Charles Manson is
purported to have been the "author" of the term "snuff films."
His involvement in selling the hallucinogens peyote and L SD
up and down the West Coast is notorious.Likewise, the Son
of Sam coven in Westchester was largely financed through
drug dealing, according to Maury Terry's The Ultimate Evil.
Terry linked the Berkowitz-Son of Sam group to a Long
Island-based lodge of the original Aleister Crowley O.T.O.
Satanic secret society.Among the individuals whom Terry
suspected of being overlapping members of the Process
Church and O.T.O.were the late Broadway mogul Roy Ra­
The Radin saga sheds further light on the Process Church.
On Friday, May 13, 1983,Roy Radin was murdered in
Los Angeles.He was apparently driven to a desolate location
and then shot in the back and in the head 13 times.It was not
until last year that four individuals were arrested and charged
with the murder. The accused trigger man in the killing of
Radin is William Malony Mentzer, a professional killer and
a suspected member of the Process Church.According to The
Ultimate Evil, Mentzer was an early member of the Manson
Family.In 1976, he participated in at least one of the Queens,
New York, Son of Sam murders, and probably also was the
murderer of a young woman from North Dakota who was
raped and killed in the chapel of Stanford University during
the same time frame as the Son of Sam murders.At the time
of the Radin murder, Mentzer was employed as a bodyguard
for porno publisher Larry flynt.
According to an account in the New York Daily News in
May, another prime suspect and unindicted co-conspirator in
the Radin murder would be Hollywood producer Robert Ev­
ans.Evans is also suspected of being a member of the Process
Church, as well as a bigtime cocaine user and trafficker.
Evans allegedly had a falling out with Radin over an invest­
ment in a big Hollywood movie.
The Evans-Radin-Mentzer affair demonstrates that the
Satanic murder spree of a coast-to-coast underground of Pro­
cess Church members and fellow travelers continued well
into the 1980s. The fact that the full extent of this Satanic
Murder, Inc.has been largely covered up over a period of
more than a decade raises some important questions that bring
us full circle to the case of John Markham: Has the Satanic
underground,with its deep involvement in ritualistic mur­
ders, drug trafficking,international child pornography, etc.,
consciously deployed into key institutions of the govern­
ment, particularly the judiciary apparatus? Has there been a
" Satanic March through the Institutions?" How many more
John Markhams are there inside the judicial establishment?
June 9, 1989