Reading – 20 Marks

Summative Assessment – I, 2011
English Communicative
Class - IX
Maximum Marks: 90
Time : 3 hours
The question paper is divided into four sections.
Section A:
Section B:
Section C:
Section D:
20 marks
25 marks
20 marks
25 marks
Section A
(Reading – 20 Marks)
Read the following passage carefully:
(10 marks)
Long before the Chrysler or the Empire State Buildings glinted in the Sun, and
even before the Statue of Liberty was unveiled, a marvel of modern engineering
became Big Apple‟s most enduring and appealing landmark, The Brooklyn
The Brooklyn Bridge, the oldest and longest suspension bridge in the world and
along with its two Stately 275-foot stone towers, is often dubbed as the „Eighth
Wonder of the World‟. It is a 1,825 meters steel-wire engineering marvel that
links Manhattan with Brooklyn. On it, on an average 145,000 people drive, walk
or bike everyday. For long it has been one of the city‟s most popular,
recognizable and photogenic sights. And yet, it is more than just a national
At a time when American women were still struggling for voting rights, equality
etc., and when everywhere they were asked „to do more and talk less‟, a spirited
Ms. Emily Warren Roebling did exactly what pleased her in the full glare of
public gaze. She was, „wife, mother, lecturer, student, world traveller and club
woman‟ who, by chance, became „the first woman field engineer‟ and pioneering
example of independence.
Emily‟s brilliant engineer father-in-law, John Augustus Roebling designed the
bridge. But during the construction, a series of mishaps occurred including his
death due to tetanus. Emily‟s husband, Col. Washington, who was familiar with
his father‟s bridge construction projects, took over. However, while working on
the giant granite anchorages that were being built in caissons or watertight
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chambers, he was hit by a debilitating disease that paralysed him.
With that the onus fell on Emily to complete the bridge. The intelligent lady was
familiar with the nuances of “strength of materials, stress anylysis, cable
construction and in calculating catenary cruves”--- things she learnt from her
father- in-law, brother and husband. Then with Washington directing her, often
with “spyglass” trained out of the window, Emily communicated with the project
team, and with the regulatory authorities, to bring the project to completion.
When the bridge finally opened in the spring of 1883, it saw the most „exuberant
public celebration of era‟. As thousands of citizens noisily cheered and
paparazzi were out in full force with their new fangled photography half-tone
engraving process, US President Chester Arthur along with demure Emily
grandly led the first ceremonial ride across the bridge.
Today, as a symbol of the Roebling‟s legacy and honour to this amazing woman,
the bridge proudly credits her on a plaque:, “Back of every great work we can
find the self sacrificing devotion of a woman.”
Source - THE HINDU
On the basis of your reading complete the sentences given below:(a)
The Brooklyn Bridge has been ____________
It was designed by _______________
Colonel Washington was not able to continue with the work
started by his father because ___________
Emily Roebling had learnt from her father-in-law, husband and
brother _________
The first ceremonial ride across the bridge was led by __________
Give very short answers:(f)
When was the bridge opened for public?
How was Emily honoured for her accomplishment?
Why is the passage titled „Bridge Across Eras‟?
Find the synonyms of the words given below, from the passage :(i)
responsibility (para5)
weakening (para 4)
Read the following passage carefully:
(5 marks)
What is bonsai ? It is not as is commonly believed, a tree turned dwarf.
Bonsai is an art worked with plants in a hollow pot to capture the moods of
nature in a surprisingly limited space. It is designed to express the beauty
of nature by all kinds of phenomena imaginable. It may also suggest the
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struggle of a tree against the vagaries of nature which is rarely to be found
among trees growing naturally in fields. In a sense bonsai can be compared
with the Japanese Haiku, miniature poem of seventeen syllables.
Haiku expresses with a minimum of words a vast wealth of poetic creation.
In this sense both bonsai and Haiku have something in common: a method
of embracing much in little.
There are four important sections in a bonsai as in all plants. The trunk
constitutes the very basis of a tree. It is, therefore, the most important part
of a bonsai. It should taper gradually towards the top. Bonsai requires a
careful pruning of the branches from time to time so that the trees looks
beautiful from all sides.
The colour of the leaves indicates the health of a tree. It is, therefore,
important to expose them to sunlight and open air. They are normally
hardy plants and as a rule kept outdoors round the year and occasionally
brought indoors for decoration and appreciation. A well shaped rootage
lends a special charm to bonsai, suggesting stability and age.
It is an art that demands not only scientific observation but also much care
and affection. It is almost a miracle that a miniature copy of a towering
giant can be kept alive literally for centuries in a small pot.
Complete the statements by choosing the correct options :
Bonsai is an art dealing with :
Bonsai and Haiku are similar as both :
express a lot in less
use limited space
express a wealth
are miniatures
To make bonsai tree look beautiful the branches must be :
shaped well
tied properly
trimmed well
decorated well
(d) A bonsai is generally kept outside as it :
is a tough plant
not appreciated
cannot tolerate cold
is a rule
The word „vagaries‟ means __________.
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unpredictable changes
Read the following poem carefully:
A Poem by Tennyson
(5 marks)
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
The flying cloud, the frosty light:
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.
Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
Ring out the grief that saps the mind,
For those that here we see no more;
Ring out the feud of rich and poor,
Ring in redress to all mankind.
Ring out a slowly dying cause,
And ancient forms of party strife;
Ring in the nobler modes of life,
With sweeter manners, purer laws.
Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate
options from the ones given below :
(1) The occassion associated with these lines is:
New Year
(2) The poet wants the New year to bring _______.
happiness and joy
sweet manners and purer laws
all of the above
(3) Feud is ________.
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an ongoing quarrel with bad feelings on each side
a game that creates feelings of comfort
a waterway that is similar to a deep river
a home with separate living quarters for servants
(4) “Redress” in the poem means _____.
to get dressed again, to change clothes
clothing worn by an older person
making up for a wrong or injustice
playing holiday music
(5) The word which means the opposite of “modern” is ________.
Section B
(Writing – 25 Marks)
You have seen a school boy being kidnapped on the way to his school. A gang of
four youngsters was trying to push him into a car. You were standing very close
to them with your friend. Understanding the situation you both pounced upon
them and rescued the boy. Also handed over the kidnappers to the police. Write
a diary in about 50 words, on your experience in this regard.
(4 marks)
Given below is a profile of Dr. Abdul Kalam. Write a short Bio-sketch of Dr.
Abdul Kalam taking help from the clues given below:
( 6 marks)
First Scientist – President of India
Birth – middle class family, Rameshwaram Tamil Nadu
Interest – fascination for aeronautics
Teaching : aeronautics
Study : aeronautical engineering
Air Force – applied, not selected
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Worked – government scientist, held many positions
Full name – Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam
Write an e-mail to your elder brother who has gone to America for higher studies.
Also make an enquiry about his health. You should not exceed 120 words. The
format of the e-mail is given below.
(7 marks)
Format of an email :
From :
Subject :
Your school has decided to become completely a „No plastics‟ campus. Prepare a
speech to be delivered during the morning assembly in your school encouraging
the children to actively support the cause highlighting the dangers in using
(8 marks)
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Section C
(Grammar – 20 Marks)
Choose the best word from the options given to complete the following
(4 marks)
Television (a)__________ a great addiction amongst all. We miss our classes and
lose our household charms but love to watch the TV. The cable TV has become
very popular (b)__________ all because it provides fun, frolic and entertainment .
Cable TV works (c)__________ disc antenna and the video cassette (d)__________
from the place of the cable TV operator (e)__________ this liking kills our time.
(f)__________ children, household women and elders generally (g)__________
viewing the TV. This (h)__________ their work, eyesight and behaviour.
has become
have become
had become
has been becoming
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was relayed
has been relayed
is relayed
had relayed
went on
go on
has been going on
had been going on
is affecting
was affecting
has been affecting
Complete the following paragraph using suitable option from the ones
given below :
(4 marks)
A young man was apprenticed to a quack. Surgery (a) ________ by almost
anyone. Crude methods of treatment (b) ______. Many deaths (c) _______
thus. Now, those crude methods (d) ______ due to progress in surgery.
(a) (i) practised
(ii) is practised
(iii)was being practised
(iv)was practised
(b) (i) is adopted
(ii) were adopted
(iii)are adopting
(iv)were adopt
(c) (i) were caused
(ii) were causing
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(iii)is caused
(iv)was caused
(d) (i) has been discarded
(ii) are discarding
(iii)is discarding
(iv)have been discarded
Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences.
Write your answers neatly in your answer sheet.
without/ is a/ reading/ of time/ wastage/ understanding
problems/while reading/face/you can
dictionary/you should/for/ words/consult/difficult
(4 marks)
enjoy/sometime/you will/reading/after
The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the
nine lines. Write the correct word and the correction as given in the
example against the correct blank number. Also under line the correct word
you have supplied.
(4 marks)
I want the Indian‟s to
rise so that the hole
should benefitt. I do not want
India to rise the ruin of
other nations. If India is strong
and able she would send on to
the word their
their treasures of art
and health - giving spice.
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Read the following conversation carefully and complete the following
passage by choosing the most appropriate options.
Ruby :
Raj, how is your knee today ? Is it still giving trouble ?
No. It feels a lot better today. I went to the doctor , and he
told me it was only a pulled ligament. I should be fine for
Saturday‟s game.
Ruby :
(4 marks)
Great. But why don‟t you take it easy today ? May be just
practice throwing. Don‟t do any running.
Ruby asked Raj
and if it was still giving him trouble . Raj replied that
. He told him that he had gone to the doctor, who
that it was
only a pulled ligament. He
for Saturday‟s game. Ruby then suggested
to him to take it easy that day and just practice throwing and not to any running.
Section D
(Literature – 25 Marks)
A. Read the extract and answer the following questions by choosing the most
appropriate options.
By thirty hills I hurry down
Or slip between the ridges
By twenty thorpes, a little town
And half a hundred bridges
The movement of the brook is ______________.
(iii) swift
What do‟ the words thirty hills‟ and „twenty thorpes‟ suggest ?
vast expanse of brook journey
signify brook‟s long journey
(iii) suggest brook‟s final destination
(iv) suggest brook‟s continuous journey.
What poetic device does the poet use in the first line ?
(iii) personification
(iv) simile
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B. Read the given extract and answer the following questions.
„For a good cause if you are determined, you can overcome any obstacle. I will
work harder than anybody but I will do it. For learning there is no age bar.
What is the good cause the speaker is talking about ?
What does hard work refer to ?
What was the cause of this determination ?
C. Read the given extract and answer the following questions.
To start off with, why isn‟t the price marked on the signboard? You French
people have a cute way of doing business :
Who is the speaker of the above lines ?
What does the speaker complain about ?
Answer any four of the following questions in 30 - 40 words each.
Why was „Kashi Yatre‟ the grandmother‟s favourite novel ?
Wordsworth did not understand the words of the song sung by the
reaper. However, he raises a few possibilities - what are these ?
Why does Lord Ullin‟s wrath change into wailing on seeing his
daughter ?
What made Hooper a favoured man in the year 1953 ?
What is the attitude of the speaker to the French people ?
(2X4=8 marks)
How is the Brook a symbol of life ? Give two examples.
Answer any one of the following questions.
The narrator is awestruck by her grandmother‟s narration of the story after
reading the novel. She writes a letter to her cousin about the grandmother‟s
willingness, determination to learn and the narrator‟s experience of teaching her
Imagine that you are Lord Ullin. You are really grieved at the tragic loss of your
lovely daughter and hold yourself responsible for her death. Express your
anguish in a diary entry written on the day you lost your daughter.
(about 150 words)
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