Easton Family YMCA Lead Camp Staff

Easton Family YMCA Lead Camp Staff
Ann Lee - Traditional Camp
Hi friends! My name is Ann, and I am a student at Towson University, as an Athletic Training student. This will be my fourth summer at Y Camp, and my second
year as lead staff for Traditional and Sports Camp. Working at YMCA camp has
truly been a blessing, and I can’t wait to continue to learn as much from the
campers as the campers can learn from me. I want the kids to have a safe, fun
summer that they will remember for the rest of their lives! I can’t wait to get to
know everyone!
Personal Character Quote- “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as
working for the Lord, not for human masters” Colossians 3:23
Megan Younker - Specialty Camp
Hey guys, my name is Megan and I am a student at Salisbury University, studying
Elementary Education with a minor in Creative Arts. This will be my second year as
lead staff for Specialty Camps. I love working at YMCA camp because of the opportunity to affect a child’s life in a positive way. Most importantly, I hope that
the kids will have a safe and fun environment where they can grow and meet new
friends. I can’t wait to meet everyone!
Personal Character Quote- “Hakuna Matata.”
Yaasmiyn Finlayson - Summer Learning
Hey all, my name is Yaasmiyn, and I currently work at the Easton Family YMCA
with the after school program. This will be my third summer with the YMCA camp,
and my second as lead staff for the Summer Learning Program. I initially wanted
to work at Y camp because I love working with kids. I hope the kids will be able to
have a stress-free summer by having tons of fun at camp! I look forward to meeting everyone!
Personal Character Quote- “Life isn’t measured by the amount of breaths you
take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
Mary Schriver - Little Steps
Hello everyone, my name is Mary Schriver, and I am currently a psychology major at
the Virginia Military Institute. I will be the Lead Staff for Little Steps this summer,
and couldn’t be more excited! This is my fifth summer as part of the YMCA camp
staff and I have loved every summer working with the campers. I want the campers
to have a great, safe summer filled with learning and fun! I look forward to meeting
Personal Character Quote- “It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be
Jamar Abner
Hi friends, my name is Jamar, but you can also call me Ja-mar-mar. I go to Morgan
State University and am studying Philosophy with a concentration in Pre-Law. I
think that by seeing a camper develop into a wonderful person and knowing I had a
small part in that is life-changing. I love working at YMCA camp because I enjoy
giving back to my community. I want campers to use camp as an opportunity to
continue their education in a different way/style than school! I cannot wait for another great year!
Personal Character Quote- “ It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile,
so always smile!”
Rayelle Ascher
Hello campers, my name is Rayelle, but I go by “Bear” or “Raye”. I’m a student at Clemson University and am majoring in Psychology. I want to work at the YMCA camp because I believe that it will a life-changing, experience building, fun, possibly
best summer of my life!! I hope that the campers will be as excited to go to camp as they are to go home at the end of the
day! Get ready for the best summer of your life!
Personal Character Quote- “Don’t worry, be happy.”
Katherine Bolainez
Hey everybody! My name is Kate and I am currently attending Easton High School.
I’m working at Y camp because working with kids is the most fun job there is! I also
want to be a role model for the kids and give them someone great to look up to. I
hope the kids have fun, and learn new things, and I am hope they are dying to come
back the next day! I can’t wait to meet all the campers!
Personal Character Quote- “A spunky character is all it takes”.
Allegra Brooks
Hello campers, my name is Allegra, and I am currently a student at Chesapeake
College. I want to work Y camp because I love kids, and one day I hope to run my
own daycare, so this is a great step towards that! I want the kids to just focus on
being a kid and having fun and no worries. See you soon!
Personal Character Quote- “Live, laugh, love”.
Michael Brown
Hey parents and campers, my name is Mike, and I will be a YMCA summer camp
counselor this summer! I am currently a student at Easton High School and I love
working with kids, and I want to make an impact on these kids and help them to
grow and learn new things over the summer. I want the kids to have the best time
of their lives, and learn things that will help them throughout the rest of their lives.
I can’t wait to get the summer started!
Personal Summer Camp Quote: “Life is what you make it, so live it to the fullest.
Make every day the best day of your life”.
Tyneika Brown
Hey all! My name is Tyneika, but Ty for short. I attend Morgan State University as
an Elementary Education student. I think this summer will be a great opportunity to
work with children and gain experience as a teacher. I want to create a safe environment for the kids to have fun and learn something new about themselves. I am
so excited for camp this summer!
Ja’Quan Cain
Hello everyone, my name is Ja’Quan, but you can call me JC. I am currently a student
at Easton High School. I want to work at YMCA camp so I can be a role model to the
campers. I want the kids to have a great time out of camp, and learn some positive
things that they can use outside of camp. I can’t wait to get to know all the campers!
Personal Character Quote- “Treat people they way you would like to be treated”.
Katya Castro
Hello friends, my name is Katya, but you can call me Kat. I am a student at Easton
High School. Working at the YMCA is the perfect combination of my love for working
with kids and passion for working within the community. I want the kids to have a
memorable summer and to say that the counselors had a positive impact on their
lives! Let the fun begin!
Personal Character Quote- “When the power of love overcomes the love of power,
the world will know peace.” –Jimi Hendrix
Caitlin Chance
Hey all, the name is Caitlin, but it’s Cait for short. I attend UMBC and am majoring
in Psychology. This summer I want to be able to influence a camper’s life in a positive way, and to make it a summer they will always remember. I hope that the kids
will have fun, meet new friends, and go home everyday with a smile on their face! I
can’t wait to meet all the campers!
Personal Character Quote- “I figure life’s a gift and I don’t intend on wasting it.
You learn to take life as it comes at you, to make each day count.” –Leonardo DiCaprio
James Dappert
Hello everybody, my name is James Dappert and I am a recent high school graduate
who will be attending Dickison College in the fall studying political Science and Latin. I love working with kids, playing sports and having fun! I think my love of those
things will help me make a positive impact on the kids I work with. I hope the kids
leave camp being more open to new ideas, friendly, outgoing, and kind! I can’t wait
to get started!
Personal Character Quote- “I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the
Kyle Dellamura
Hello everyone, the name’s Kyle! I attend Washington College and am majoring in
International Relations and Business Management. I believe that kids should be able
to come to the YMCA and have fun. I hope that by working here, I can make sure
the kids have a great time. I want the campers to be able to make friends and learn
the Y’s character values. Let the adventure begin!
Personal Character Quote- “Always achieve your dreams.”
Jordan DeTar
Hey campers, my name is Jordan and I am a student at Saints Peter and Paul High
School! I want to work at the YMCA camp because I hope to help children enjoy
their summer and to be a part of the YMCA community. I want the campers to make
friends and create great summer memories!
Personal Character Quote- “C’est la vie.”
Nicholas Everngam
Hey everyone, my name is Nicholas, Nick for short. I will be attending Salisbury
University in the fall as an Exercise Science Major. I wanted to work at YMCA camp
because working with kids is awesome! My hope for the kids is that they will have a
great time and make great memories this summer. I can’t wait to make this summer
even better than the last!
Personal Character Quote- “If you’re not first, you’re last.” –Ricky Bobby
Natalie Furey
Hey campers, my name is Natalie Furey, but you can call me Nat. I will be studying
criminal justice this coming fall at Virginia Wesleyan. I love working with kids, they
know how to have fun and always make me smile. I want them to be the little
brother or sister I never had. I want the kids to have fun, make new friends, and
want to come back to camp every day. I want them to never stop talking about how
much fun they had at camp that day! I look forward to the camp season.
Personal Character Quote- “Always keep trying and never give up”.
Raheem Greene
Hey guys, my name is Raheem and I am a student at Easton High School. I want to
work at YMCA camp because as a kid I enjoyed camp activities and want the same
for my campers. I want the campers to be able to have as much fun as they can in
the time we have together and to go home at the end of the day and be able to tell
their parents what a great time they had. It’s going to be an awesome summer!
Personal Character Quote- “Failure is no option.”
Shawn Gustafson
Hi all! My name is Shawn and I am currently a student at UMBC, majoring in Political Science. I wanted to work at YMCA camp because I enjoy working with kids and
helping them better prepare for their future. My hope for the kids is to have a lot
of fun and make sure they have a great week! I am looking forward to another
great year at camp!
Personal Character Quote- “In the end you should always do the right thing no
matter how difficult it is.”
Brooke Hallett
Hello campers, my name is Brooke. I am a student at Salisbury University and am
majoring in Nursing. At camp I hope to enrich the children’s lives and have loads of
fun doing so. I know I will learn so much! I want the kids to have an amazing and
memorable summer experience and can’t wait to have just as much fun as them! So
excited to meet everyone!
Personal Character Quote- “Feeling positive comes from being honest about yourself and accepting your personality, physical characteristics, and by supporting
your friends and family.”
Chastity Hopkins
Hey everybody, my name is Chastity, but I go by Chaz. I just finished my sophomore
year at Swarthmore College and am studying Biology and Education. I want to work
at YMCA camp because I love working with kids and hope to work with kids for a
living. I hope that the kids will have a summer they will remember for the rest of
their lives! Let’s get camp rolling!
Personal Character Quote- “You just need to believe in yourself.” – Rex from Toy
Sarah Kilmon
Hey everyone, my name is Sarah and I am currently attending Easton High School. I
want to work at Y camp this summer because I want to get the kids active, and interested in the world around them. I want the kids to learn morals, exercise, and
have so much fun that they crash and fall asleep when they get home. I want them
to step out of their comfort zone, and realize they can do anything. I am so excited
for camp to begin!
Personal Character Quote- “Do one thing everyday that scares you”. – Eleanor Roosevelt
Daniel King
Hey all! My name is Daniel, but you can call me “King”. I attend the University of
Pittsburgh and am majoring in Mathematics and Economics. I think that Y camp is a
great opportunity to work outdoors with children, while maintaining a safe, fun
environement. I want the kids to be able to develop social skills and responsibility
while interacting with fellow campers. I can’t wait for camp to start!
Personal Character Quote- “We get one opportunity in life to make whatever mark
you’re going to make, whatever legacy you’re going to leave. Leave your legacy.”
Lauren Lahman
Hey campers and parents, my name is Lauren and I am currently an accounting student at Salisbury University. I wanted to work at YMCA camp because I want to
take those tentative first day campers and make them want to come back everyday
for the rest of the summer! I want the kids to have an amazing summer full of fun
and camp memories. I look forward to the camp season!
Personal Character Quote- “If the whole world was blind, how many people would
you impress?”
Madeline Langfitt
Hello campers and parents, my name is Maddie and I am currently attending
Easton High School. I am so excited to be a part of a camp that provides an opportunity for kids to enjoy their summers. I want the kids to look forward to coming camp everyday knowing they are going to have an awesome experience. I can’t
Personal Character Quote- “Positive feelings come from being honest about yourself and accepting your personality”.
McKenna Mann
Hello everyone, my name is McKenna Mann and I am currently going to St. Peter
and Paul High School. I want to work Y camp because I LOVE KIDS!!! They brighten
my days and I hope that I can do the same for them. I hope that I can be a great
role model and friend to all the campers. I can’t wait to begin!
Amanda McLemore
Hi friends, my name is Amanda. I attend Towson University and am a Middle School
Education Major with a concentration in Math and Science. I wanted to work at the
YMCA camp to gain experience working with children and to give them a role model. I want the kids to be able to make new friends and memories to brighten their
childhood. I can’t wait to get the camp season started!
Personal Character Quote- “I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested!” –Sheldon
Nicole Mihalos
Hello parents! My name is Nicole, and I am currently a student at Kent Island High
School. I am excited to say I will be a YMCA camp counselor this summer! I wanted
to work at the YMCA because I feel I can help bring energy and joy to camp, participating in activities and getting the children involved in sports and becoming
more active. I want the kids to be able to find a comforting place where they can
have fun, make friends, and explore new things, such as sports, in an environment
where they feel safe. I am excited to get started!
Personal Summer Camp Quote: “One must always put forth 110% towards all
goals in life in order to achieve them".
Katherine Miles
Hi campers! My name is Katy, and I am a student at Towson University, majoring in
Exercise Science. This summer I want to give the kids a fun, active summer experience and to be a positive role model for them. My hope for the kids is for them to
build friendships, have positive experiences, and learn the Y values. Can’t wait to
see all the returning campers, as well as meet the new ones!
Personal Character Quotes- “Every human being is intended to have a character of
his own; to be what no others are, and to do what no others can do.” –William
Henry Channing
Ke’Asia Rowley
Hello everyone! My name is Ke’Asia, but you can call me Asia. I am currently a student at North Dorchester High School. I want to work at YMCA camp because I
love kids and I want kids to know that there are so many opportunities for them. I
want the kids to know that they can accomplish anything they want to if they put
their mind to it. I look forward to meeting everyone.
Personal Character Quote- “Be a voice!!! Not an Echo!!!”.
Conor Satchell
Hello parents and campers, my name is Conor. I am a student at Towson University,
majoring in Criminal Justice. I wanted to work at YMCA camp because I wanted to
be able to give back to the community while also providing a positive role model for
the kids. I hope that the campers will be able to gain new friendships, endure new
experiences, and learn many life skills throughout the summer. I’m so excited for
camp to begin!
Personal Character Quote- “…Whose deed follows his word; who thinks of the
rights and feelings of others, rather than his own.” –John Walter Wayland, from,
“The True Gentleman”
Oliver Schriver
Hi everybody! My name is Oliver, and I am from Easton, MD. I wanted to work at Y
camp because I think working with kids is fun, and I would love to help them have a
great summer and learn new things! I want the kids to have so much fun that they
will love camp and want to come back every summer! I can’t wait to meet everybody!
Christian Short
Hey guys, my name is Christian and I am a graduate of Easton High School. I want
to work at Y camp because I love working with kids! I want the kids to learn the
character values of the YMCA, while still having a fantastic time at camp! Looking
forward to an awesome summer!
Personal Character Quote- “Trust in the Lord.”
TeShayla Simmons
Hello campers and parents, my name is TeShayla, but you can call me Shay or
Shayla. I am a student at Morgan State University as a Computer Information Systems major. I think that the YMCA is a great place to continue to build my character and form great relationships. I would love for the kids to get a great experience
at camp filled with fun! I can’t to meet you!
Personal Character Quote- “Live, Love, Laugh.”
Abigail Smith
Hey campers! My name is Abby Smith and I am currently attending Towson University studying elementary education. I think YMCA camp is going to be a super fun
experience that will help me with my future career as a teacher. I want the kids to
have an awesome summer, and I want to be a counselor they can look up to and
joke around with. I can’t wait for camp to begin!
Personal Character Quote- “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its
ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid”. – Albert
Caitlyn Stampone
Hello campers and parents, my name is Caitlyn and I am going to be a student at
Alvernia College, majoring in Elementary Education. I want to work at YMCA camp
because it is a fun place to be with kids and build relationships with fellow staff
members. My hope is that the kids will have a great experience with lots of laughs
and smiles! Get ready for the best summer yet!
Alex Taylor
Hello parents! My name is Alex Taylor, and I am a recent graduate of Easton High
School. I wanted to work at Y camp because I have six other siblings and I love
seeing them have fun, and I want the campers to have fun. I want the kids to have
fun, be safe, make new friends, and enjoy all the different camp activities. I’m so
excited to be at camp again this summer!
Personal Character Quote- “I want the kids to have just as much fun at YMCA camp
as I did when I went” – Alex Taylor
Brooks Thacker
Hello campers and parents, my name is Brooks Thacker, but you can call me Brooksie. I am currently attending school at Newcastle University, and studying Environmental and Petroleum Geochemistry. I went to camp every summer as a kid, and the
experiences I had were amazing, and I want the campers at this camp to have that
same experience. I want them to have a summer they won’t forget. Let’s get camp
Personal Character Quote- “Be obscure easily” –E.B White
Allison Thomas
Hey everybody, my name is Allison, but you can call me Ally. I am a recent graduate
of Lynchburg College, with a degree in Music Education with an instrumental emphasis. I wanted to work at Y camp because I love working outdoors, and love
working with children of all ages. I want the kids to experience good social interaction, and an overall great summer! I can’t wait to give the campers the best summer ever!
Personal Character Quote- “It’s never too late to be a rock star”.
Chris Thompson
Hello campers and parents! My name is Chris, and I am a teacher at Saints Peter
and Paul. I am looking forward to working at Y camp this summer because I enjoy
working with kids and making them laugh. I believe that camp will be a great opportunity to interact and learn from others. I want the campers to enjoy participating in activities that they would not be normally involved in. Looking forward to
a fun-filled summer!
Personal Character Quote- “Don’t gibe up, don’t ever give up.” –Jim Valvano, former NC State Basketball Coach
Bryanna Ulrich
Hello everybody, my name is Bryanna, but everyone calls me Bree. I am currently a
student at Easton High School. I want to encourage kids to have fun without electronics, and to get outside more. I want the kids to have fun, make new friends,
and learn about themselves and the world around them. I am so excited for camp!
Personal Character Quote- “The greatness of a man is not how much wealth he
acquires, but in his integrity and ability to affect those around him positively”. –
Bob Marley
Maggie Vogelsang
Hi everybody, my name is Maggie, and I am a student at Liberty University majoring in English. This summer I want to help kids have fun in a safe, positive, healthy
learning-environment where they can have a great time! I hope that the campers
will learn new things about themselves, make friends, laugh a lot, and create many
great memories. Get ready for the best summer of your life!
Personal Character Quote- “Life isn’t a matter of generous gestures- life is a mandate
to leave the world better than it was before we came into it.”
Molly Wilson
Hey everybody, my name is Molly, but you can call me Molls. I am currently a student at UMBC studying political science. I love working with kids, and gaining fun
new experiences with them. I want kids to get their own unique summer experience
at camp. I want camp to be something for them to share with their friends when
school starts. I cannot wait to get started!
Personal Character Quote- “Don’t worry about what a child will be tomorrow, remember s(he) is someone today”.