science 10 - School District No.5

Science 10 Lab Manual
Table of Contents:
Lab Station Materials
Common Laboratory Equipment
Lab Safety Rules
Lab Report Outline
Graph Outline
Handling in Lab Reports
Unit 1:
Sustaining Earth’s Ecosystems
 Lab 1.1
Analyzing Climatographs
 Lab 1.2
Predator – Prey Simulation
 Lab 2.3
Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification
Unit 2:
Chemical Reactions and Radioactivity
 Lab 4.3
Balancing Chemical Reactions
 Lab 5.1
Acid Versus Base
 Lab 7.2
Sweet Radioactive Decay
Unit 3:
 Lab 8.1
Slow Motion and Fast Motion Trials
 Lab 9.2
Unit 4:
Energy Transfer in Natural Systems
 Lab 10.1 Conduction and Convection
 Lab 12.1 Piecing Together Pangaea
DO NOT BORROW glassware from other stations
DO NOT use MASKING TAPE on glassware.
DO CHECK your station before every lab
12 test tubes
1 - 100 mL glass graduated cylinder
1 - 25 mL glass graduated cylinder
2 - 125 mL Erlenmeyer flasks
2 - 250 mL beakers
1 - 100 mL beaker
1 - 50 mL beaker
watch glass
stirring rod
test tube rack
1 test tube clamp
1 beaker tong
ring stand: base, rod, test tube clamp, ring clamp
eye dropper
2 - #2 rubber stoppers
Your lab here at Mount Baker need not be dangerous. Understanding how to use materials and equipment and follow
proper procedures to help you avoid accidents. The activities you will do in this lab have been tested and are safe, as
long as they are done with proper care. Take special note of the instructions accompanying the word “CAUTION”,
whenever it appears in an activity. Follow the safety rules listed below. Many times I will give you specific information
about other safety rules for certain labs. You will also be told about the location and proper use of all safety equipment.
Behave quietly in the lab. Never rush. Always be prepared to stop quickly.
No horseplay will be tolerated.
All students in a lab group are to remain at their own lab bench except for the
one student per group appointed to gather all materials for the experiment
being conducted.
Never perform an experiment without the permission of the teacher.
Many teenagers have been seriously hurt or killed while making explosive
mixtures such as gunpowder or rocket fuel at home. DO NOT perform these
dangerous experiments at home
Know the purpose of an experiment and read each step in the procedure
through to the end before you start.
Keep equipment away from the edge of the table. When leaving equipment,
push it towards the wall, away from the edge of the work bench.
Clean all the apparatus you use and return everything to its proper place when
you have completed the experiment and at the end of the class.
Do not eat or drink in the laboratory. Do not sit on the lab benches.
Never enter the storeroom unless the teacher has given you permission.
Do not taste materials in the laboratory unless told to do so by the teacher.
What looks harmless may in fact be very dangerous.
Report all injuries to the teacher regardless of how minor they are.
Always wash your hands after handling chemicals. Do not rub hands or
fingers in your eyes.
If any area of your body or clothing has been touched by acid or another
harmful chemical, flush it with lots of water. If your eye has been affected, wash
it continuously for ten minutes at the eye wash fountain.
Beware of drops that look like water on the laboratory benches. They may be
dangerous liquids. Dry these up with paper towel. Do not put our fingers in them.
Never carry hot equipment or dangerous chemicals through a crowd of students.
If your laboratory is equipped with face shields or goggles, wear this equipment
whenever you work with liquid chemicals or heat materials.
Never return unused chemicals to the original containers unless you are told to.
After emptying dissolved chemicals into the sink, flush the sink thoroughly with
water. Do not empty solid materials into the sink but place them in the
container provided. Poisonous chemicals should never be poured into the sink.
Report sharp edges on mirrors, metal plates, and glassware to your teacher.
Do not work with glass tubing that has jagged edges.
Place broken glassware in the container provided, not in the waste basket.
Be especially careful not to leave broken glass on benches or in sinks.
Burns, Fire, and Electricity
The most common injury received in the laboratory are burns. Burns are usually
caused by touching objects that have been heated. Hot and cold objects often
look the same. If you are in doubt, find out whether an object is hot by bringing
the back of your hand close to it.
When you heat a test tube containing a liquid, treat the test tube as if it were a
loaded gun. Never allow the open end of the tube to point at anyone.
Know the position of the nearest fire alarm and do not be afraid to use it if there
is a fire or if poisonous vapors are escaping in the room. Leave the building as
quickly as possible.
Know the location of the fire blanket. If any clothing catches fire, smother the fire
with the blanket.
When you are unplugging an electrical cord, pull the plug, not the cord. Report
frayed cords to your teacher. Bare electrical wires are extremely dangerous.
Mount Baker Secondary School
Science 10
Laboratory Reports
The following outline is a guide for correct preparation of lab reports.
Lab Number
Lab Title
Below the heading will be each of the following sections in the order
that they appear.
Problem: A statement of the investigation you will be involved in. The
problem answers the question of why the experiment is being done and what
you are expected to learn. First, look at the title of the lab. Second, read the
introductory information about the lab. The problem is sometimes referred
to as the purpose.
Hypothesis: A statement with a possible explanation for a set of
observations or possible answer to a scientific questions. (If … then …)
Apparatus and Materials: The equipment and materials that you will need
to complete the lab. A diagram may be included.
Procedure: The method that will be used in answering the problem. The
procedure answers the question of how the experiment will be done. This
is usually given in the lab handout.
(No writing will be required - See Lab Handout)
Observations: The observations and results follow from the procedures.
These results should cover what was done. Observations, data tables,
graphs, diagrams and assigned questions should be included.
All observations should be reported in complete sentences.
Diagrams: Should be done on unlined paper.
All labels should be placed to the right of the drawing.
All labels should line up in a vertical column.
Questions: Assigned at the end of the lab. Used to analyze your results.
Answer in complete sentences.
Conclusions: A statement about the lab. This answers the problem
or describes what was learned in the lab. This is the most important
part of the lab. Answer in complete sentences. Indicate whether your
hypothesis was correct or not and explain.
Graph Outline
A graph shows the relationship between two quantities. A graph is a kind of picture
of the data we have obtained. The most common type of graph used in science is the
line graph.
Follow these general guidelines when drawing graphs.
Every graph must have a
title printed in ink at the top of the graph paper. “Comparison of …” or
“Relationship between …” are good ways to start the title. Mention both
quantities you are comparing when you print the title.
Always label the
independent variable on the x-axis and the dependent variable on the y-axis
Label the axes with the
quantities involved. Print in ink. Turn the paper sideways to label the y-axis.
Put the units of each quantity in brackets or parentheses.
Study the data in the
chart and decide on a scale for the x- and y- axis. The scale will probably not
be the same for each axis. When choosing your scale, remember that the graph
should fit on one piece of graph paper and that it should be large enough to
fill most of the page. Your scale must increase by regular amounts for the
entire axis. (i.e. increase by twos, by fives, by tens, etc.) Your scale need not
start at zero if it is not suitable for your data.
Plot the points on the
graph using pencil. Use a dot for each point plotted on the graph, and then
circle it as shown. If you are plotting more than one set of data on the graph,
use different shapes or colors to surround the points.
Do not draw a straight
line from one point to the next. Doing this makes a broken line graph, which is
rarely used in “real” science. Draw a smooth line through the points, as close
to each point as you can. This is called a “line of best fit”. This type of line
shows the trend of the data. Graphs in science are used for showing
relationships and for making predictions. The “line of best fit” serves both
Handing in Lab Reports in Science 10
Every student is required to make their own individual copy of
the lab. Your name goes on the top right corner along with your
You may discuss answers/questions/conclusions with your lab
partners. This is why you have a lab group. Your group must
come to consensus on all the answers/questions/conclusions
for your lab report.
On the due date for your lab, you will be given time to look over
each other's lab report and sign your name below theirs.
(all labs will probably be the same anyway, just check to see if they are missing anything) Never
let anyone sign your name for you, sign your own name.
Place the labs on the desk ready for the teacher to choose one.
If a lab partner did not finish their lab, do not sign theirs and do not
let them sign yours. Let them get the mark they deserve as they
have to hand-in their own unfinished lab.
If a lab partner is not present on the due date, their name cannot be
included on the lab chosen because I do not have the option of
choosing the lab of the person who is absent. (For all I know, they
may not have finished the lab report unless they have previously left
their lab report with you)
If you wish to work on all questions and conclusions by yourself,
you cannot have the benefit of asking your lab partners for answers.
Even though you are performing the lab procedures with other
people, you will do all questions and conclusions by yourself.
Do not share/discuss or get answers from the lab group that you
performed the lab with. You will not sign anyone's lab nor will they
be allowed to sign your lab upon collection.
Never send your lab home with someone.
Lab 1-1
Analyzing Climatographs
How can you use the information in climatographs to infer which biomes are represented?
red and blue pencil
graph paper
Part 1: Analyze a Climatograph
1. Working with a partner, study Climatograph A below and then answer the following questions.
What information is represented on the left-handed vertical y-axis? (2)
What information is represented by the letters along the horizontal x-axis? (2)
What are the units of measurement for precipitation? (2)
What are the units of measurement for temperature? (2)
What is the total amount of precipitation in July? (2)
What is the average temperature in December? (2)
Part 2: Graph a Climatograph
2. Construct a climatograph for the following climate data.
Follow the directions in steps 3 to 7.
3. On the graph paper, mark 12 intervals on the horizontal axis. Label each interval with the first letter of the month,
starting with “J” for January.
4. On the left vertical axis, mark 12 intervals beginning at 0 and
extending to 600. Each interval has a value of 50. Label this axis “Average Precipitation (mm).
5. Draw a second vertical axis for temperature on the right. On this axis, mark 12 intervals beginning with -35˚C and
extending to 25˚C. Each interval has a value of 5 degrees. Label this axis "Average Temperature (˚C).
6. Present the data for each month's average precipitation as a bar graph. Use a blue pencil to shade in the bar
7. Enter the data for each month's average temperature in the middle of the space allocated for that month. Use a red
pencil to draw a curve between the points.
8. Add the title "Climatograph B". (11)
Part 3: Compare Climatographs and Make an Inference
9. Compare Climatograph A to Climatograph B. (Outline the similarities and the differences)
a) How do the monthly precipitation patterns in the two
climatographs compare? (3)
b) How do the monthly temperature patterns in each climatograph
compare? (3)
1. How would you describe the climate (precipitation and temperature) represented by Climatograph A? (3)
2. How would you describe the climate (precipitation and temperature) represented by Climatograph B? (3)
3. Which biome do you think is represented by Climatograph A and how do you know? (Use the biome information on
page 20-28 of your textbook) (3)
4. Which biome do you think is represented by Climatograph B and how do you know? (Use the biome information on
page 20-28 of your textbook) (3)
5. If temperatures above 5˚C are required for plant growth, which biome has the longer growing season: the biome
represented by Climatograph A or the biome represented by Climatograph B? Explain. (3)
One of the climatographs in this activity represents the climate of a city in British
Columbia and one represents a city from another province in Canada. Which cities do
you think are represented by these climatographs? (Use the biome information on page
20-28 in your textbook) (3)
Some scientists predict that, due to global warming, Earth's average monthly
temperatures will rise by 4˚C by 2100. What effect might this have on the growing
season in these two Canadian cities? (3)
Lab 1-2
Predator-Prey Simulation
You will simulate predator-prey relationships and graph your findings.
4 test dividers
data table
graph paper
colored pencils
200 small (2cm) cardboard squares (each represents a prey animal)
12 large (8cm) cardboard squares (each represents a predator)
1. Working in a group of three, decide who will control the prey animals, who will control the predators, and who will
be the data recorder. Your teacher will give you a data table.
2. Clear all other materials off your table. Construct a forest habitat as instructed by your teacher.
3. Read the following rules. You will need to refer back to them as you do the simulation.
Controllers of prey animals and predators must stand 0.5 m from the habitat
entrance when tossing the squares.
When one half or more of a prey animal square is covered by a predator square,
the prey animal had been captured and is removed from the habitat.
In each round, each predator that captures at least three prey animals survives.
If fewer than three prey animals are captured, the predator dies and is removed from the habitat.
In each round, each predator that captures at least three prey animals survives and reproduces (produces a
new generation). Therefore, one additional predator will be tossed into the habitat for every three prey animals
If all predators die, then a new predator is tossed into the habitat.
The prey population doubles each generation, so if 10 prey animals survive, the next generation (round) starts
with 20 prey animals.
The maximum carrying capacity of this forest habitat is 200 prey animals. (Carrying capacity is the ability of an
ecosystem to supply enough resources such as food, water, and shelter for continued survival.)
Begin the simulation. The prey animal controller tosses three prey animals into the
habitat. The predator controller then tosses one predator into the habitat at these
prey animals.
Continue the simulation for 20 generations or until all the prey animals are
captured. The data controller records all data for each generation in the data table
provided by your teacher. (7)
Construct a graph with two lines using the data from the "Total Prey Animals" and
"Total Predators" columns for each generation. Label the x-axis from generations
1 through 20. Label the y-axis "Population Numbers". Determine the intervals
you will use to plot the population numbers.
Use one color of pencil to plot the points for the total prey animals. Use another
color of pencil to plot the points for the total predators for each generation.
Connect the points to form the prey animals' graph line. Use another color of
pencil to connect the points for the predators' graph line.
Name the graph Number of Predator Animals and Prey Animals over 20
Generations. (9)
Describe the relationship between the prey and predator lines on your graph. (3)
Predict what the graph would look like after 12 generations if all the predators
were lost to a disease. Explain why.(3)
Predict what the graph would look like after 12 generations if all the prey animals
were lost to a disease. Explain why. (3)
Predict what would happen to the predator and prey populations if half of the prey
animals' habitat was destroyed by the construction of a shopping mall.
Explain why. (3)
Describe a predator-prey relationship and outline the factors that
bring about this relationship. (See page 47 of textbook) (7)
Lab 2.3
Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification Simulation
To learn how persistent organic pollutants, like a pesticide, can accumulate and be magnified in a marine ecosystem.
30 small sticky notes
15 students to represent krill
5 students to represent large fish
1 student to represent a killer whale
20 of these are contaminated
6 students to represent small fish
3 students to represent seals
creature tag and safety pin
Copy the following table.
Trophic Level
Top Carnivore
Killer whale
Big Fish
Small Fish
Number of pesticide
molecules per
Average number of
pollutant in the group
You will be selected or be assigned a role in an ocean ecosystem as a killer whale,
seal, big fish, small fish, or krill. Determine and record your role in the food chain
and what would you consume.
If you are a krill, you will simulate feeding on zooplankton and phytoplankton by
gathering the sticky notes that have been distributed in the classroom. Put your
collected sticky notes on your arm. You have 15 seconds to “feed”. At the end of
15 seconds you must stay where you are. Record the number of pesticide
molecules each krill had eaten in the data table. If any krill did not eat at least two
sticky notes, they are now dead.
Next the small fish can walk around the room and eat the krill by touching them
on the elbow and taking the food items, sticky notes, that they had collected. Stop
and record the number of contaminants now present in each of the small fish in
the data table. If any small fish did not eat at least two sticky notes, they are now
Repeat this step for the big fish, the seals and finally the killer whale.
Find the average number of pollutants at each level of the food chain in the data
Once the simulation has been completed please return your creature tag and
safety pin to your instructor.
What are POP’s and give the name of two examples. (3)
What effect did the pesticide have on the ecosystem? (3)
What effect would a pesticide have on an ecosystem if it remained in the
ecosystem for 50 years instead of degrading rapidly? (2)
What are persistent organic pollutants and why are they so bad for any ecosystem? (3)
Using our marine ecosystem simulation, describe bioaccumulation and
biomagnification. (3)
What are possible effects of both bioaccumulation and biomagnification in a marine
ecosystem. (3)
Lab 4.3
Balancing Chemical Reactions
Show that chemical equations that use chemical formulas for reactants and products can be written as chemical
Apparatus and Materials:
sodium sulfide solution
lead II nitrate solution
potassium sulfate solution
watch glass
safety goggles
cobalt II chloride solution
potassium iodide solution
barium chloride solution
Some of these chemicals are poisonous. Wear safety goggles. If any of these chemicals get on the skin or in the eyes,
rinse the areas immediately with water and inform the teacher!
Part 1: sodium sulfide and cobalt II chloride
Place a few drops of sodium sulfide into a watch glass.
Add a few drops of cobalt II chloride. Record observations. (2)
When a substance cannot dissolve in water, it is called insoluble.
An insoluble substance that is formed when solutions are mixed
is called a precipitate.
Part 2: potassium iodide and lead II nitrate
Place a few drops of potassium iodide into a watch glass.
Add a few drops of lead II nitrate. Record observations. (2)
Part 3: potassium sulfate and barium chloride
Place a few drops of potassium sulfate into a watch glass.
Add a few drops of barium chloride. Record observations. (2)
What evidence is there of a chemical reaction in each case? (2)
Write a balanced chemical reaction for each reaction. (6)
What is a precipitate? (2)
What evidence is there that a chemical reaction has occurred? (2)
What is meant by the products and the reactants? (3)
Lab 5.1
Acid Versus Base
How do you neutralize an acid-base reaction.
Apparatus and Materials:
evaporating dish
stirring rod
acid solution
base solution
hot plate
Measure 20 drops of base into an evaporating dish. Add a drop of phenolphthalein.
Note and record the color change. (2)
Add the acid solution, one drop at a time, stirring after each drop. Note and record
the effect of the acid on the color of the solution in the evaporating dish. Continue
to add acid, one drop at a time until the color change is complete. Record the
number of drops of acid needed. (2)
Place the evaporating dish on a hot plate and evaporate the solution. Examine the
solid residue. Describe and sketch the residue. (4)
Considering phenolphthalein's reaction with acids and bases, what kind of
substance is it? (2)
The reaction in this activity yields hydrogen from the acid (HCl) and hydroxide from
the base (NaOH). What is the probable formula for this compound? (2)
What is the name of this substance? (2) What is the state of this substance at room
temperature? (2)
What is the probable formula for the other compound formed? (2) What is the name
of this substance? (2) What is the state of this substance at room temperature? (2)
What kind of compound is the active ingredient in the neutralizer used by a
hair stylist? (2)
Give a possible equation to describe the neutralization of an acid. (4)
Lab 7.2
Sweet Radioactive Decay
Problem: To simulate the half-life of radioactive material.
Apparatus and Materials:
100 candies with a mark on one side (e.g. M&M’s)
paper cup large enough to hold all the candies
paper plate
graph paper
For this simulation, you will be using candies with a mark on one
side as your “Radioactive nuclei”. Create a table like the one below
using the same column headings. You will need enough rows in the
table for about 10 tosses. Create a second table on a scrap piece of
paper as we are going to pool and average the class result.
Count your candies and enter this number in the table next to 0 tosses.
Use the paper cup to toss all you “radioactive nuclei” into the paper plate.
The nuclei that have undergone radioactive decay are those with the mark
facing upwards. Remove these nuclei, and record the number of candies
removed (decayed nuclei) and then the number of candies that remain
(undecayed nuclei) in your table.
Continue with the next toss, removing the candies with the mark facing
upwards. Then record the number of nuclei remaining. Each toss
represents the passage of the same amount of time. Even if no candies
are removed, a toss still counts as a time interval. Continue tossing the
candies and recording the number of candies removed and the number
remaining until all the candies are gone.
Collect all the class data, average the data for each toss and complete the
table in your lab report. (22)
With the class data, create a half-life graph for your radioactive nuclei.
The vertical axis is the number of nuclei remaining.
The horizontal axis is the number of tosses. (10)
How many of the original radioactive nuclei were in the paper cup when
time was equal to zero? (2)
What happened to the number of these nuclei as time went on? (2)
In general, did the number of nuclei increase, decrease, or remain the
same as you proceeded with the experiment? (2)
Use your graph from procedure 6 to find:
a) At what time did the paper cup contain 50, or half, of the original nuclei? (2)
b) What was the time interval between when there were 50 of the original
nuclei in the paper cup and when there were 25.? (2)
c) How does the result you obtained in a) compare with the result you
found in b)? (2)
Why was the class data pooled before you created the graph? (2)
Write a description of how this activity represents the half-life of a radioactive isotope. You
should include the following terms in your description: half-life, radioactive nuclei, and decay. (4)
Lab 8.1
Slow Motion and Fast Motion Trials
How can you represent slow motion and fast motion on a position-time graph?
ticker tape
carbon disk
recording timer (60 Hz)
Part 1: Collecting Data
Copy the following tables into your lab write up.
Cut a piece of ticker tape approximately 1.5 m long. Insert the ticker tape into the
recording timer.
Have your partner hold the recording timer securely against the table top and turn
the timer on.
Pull the tape slowly with as steady a motion as you can until all the tape has been
pulled through the timer. Label this tape “slow”.
Repeat steps 2 to 4, this time pulling the tape steadily but approximately twice as
fast as the first tape. Label this tape “fast”.
Clean up and put away the equipment you have used.
Part 2: Graphing the Data
Marking the ticker tape.
The dots on the very beginning of your tapes may not be evenly spaced.
Locate the section of your tape where the dots become evenly spaced.
Draw a ling through the first dot that represents the even spacing and label
it t = 0.0 s.
Since your recording timer has a frequency of 60 Hz, every six dots represent a
time interval of 0.1 s. Starting from the t = 0.0 s line, count six dots and draw a
line through the sixth dot and label it t = 0.1 s.
Now from the t = 0.1 s line, count six dots and draw a line through the sixth dot
and label it t = 0.2 s. Continue marking your tape into six dot intervals until you
label t = 1.0 s.
10. Measure the distance from t = 0.0 to t = 0.1 s, t = 0.0 s to t = 0.2 s,
t = 0.0 s to t = 0.3 s, etc., for each tape. Record the data in the appropriate
position-time table.
11. On a single graph, draw a best-fit line for each set of data. Be sure to indicate
which line represents the slow motion trial and which line represents the fast
motion trial.
a) For which of the two motions, slow or fast, does the best-fit line most resemble
the plotted data?
b) Explain what this indicates.
The two trials produced graph lines with different slopes.
What is the relationship between the steepness of the graph line and how fast you
pulled the tape? (Describe both slow and fast motion)
Lab 9.2
How does a velocity-time graph show uniform acceleration?
dynamics cart ramp
ticker tape recording timer
masking tape
Part 1: Collecting Data
Copy a data table, like the one shown, into your lab write up. To have more room
place the table on the back of the sheet and turn it sideways.
Give your data table a title.
Place the dynamics cart at the top of the ramp. Cut a piece of ticker tape that is
about 30 cm shorter than the length of your ramp. Insert the ticker tape into the
recording timer and fasten the ticker tape to the cart with the masking tape.
Turn on the recording timer and release the cart. Be sure someone stops the cart at
the bottom of the ramp so that it does not fall off the table.
Clean up and put away the equipment you have used.
Part 2: Graphing the Data
Draw a line through the first dot on the tape and label it t = 0.0 s. Count six dots
from t = 0.0 s, and draw a line through the sixth dot. Label this line t = 0.1 s.
Measure the distance between these two lines, and record this value as the
displacement during time interval t = 0.0 to t = 0.1 s.
From the t = 0.1 s line, draw a line through the sixth dot. Label this line t = 0.2 s.
Measure the distance between the t = 0.1 s line and the t = 0.2 s line, and record
this value as the displacement during time interval t = 0.1 to t = 0.2 s.
Continue measuring and recording the displacements for each of the times until
you have completed your ticker tape. Depending on the length and incline of your
ramp, you may have more or less data than what is suggested in the example
data table. You can adjust your data table to include all your data.
Use the equation Vav= d
to calculate the average velocity for each of the 0.1 s time intervals.
Place the formula and show work, answer with units in your data table.
Plot a velocity-time graph for your data. The average velocity is most accurately
plotted as the velocity in the middle of the time interval. For example, the
displacement measured for the t = 0.0 to t = 0.10 time interval should be plotted
at t = 0.05 s on your graph.
Calculate the slope of your velocity-time graph. Be sure to include the correct
units. (Choose two points on your graph and form a triangle showing rise and run.)
What is the average acceleration of the cart down the ramp?
Was the cart’s acceleration perfectly constant? Explain your answer.
If you were to repeat your experiment with a steeper ramp, how would the slope of the
new motion compare with the original slope? Explain your answer.
Lab 10.1
Conduction and Convection
Review the Kinetic Molecular Theory. Explore the rate of conductivity through different metals? How is thermal energy
transferred in a fluid and in the air?
Apparatus and Materials:
10 mL of water
2 – 25 mL graduated cylinders
10 mL of lead shot
Bunsen burner
bimetallic strip
convection box
food coloring
10 mL of methanol
50 mL graduated cylinder
10 mL of sand
ring and ball apparatus
glass convection tube
Part 1: Kinetic Molecular Theory
Are there spaces between molecules in a liquid? (2)
Predict the volume of a solution when we add 10 mL of water into 10 mL of
methanol. (2)
Once the water is added to the methanol read the measurement on the graduated
cylinder. (Remember to read from the bottom of the meniscus).
State the reason for the observations that you made. (3)
Predict the volume of a mixture when we add 10 mL of sand into 10 mL of lead
shot. (2)
Once the sand is added to the lead shot read the measurement on the graduated
cylinder. State the reason for the observations that you made. (3)
Part 2: Thermal Expansion and the Conductivity of Metals
The instructor will demonstrate the behavior of a ring and ball apparatus before
heating. Record your observations. (2)
The instructor will then heat the ball for several minutes and then repeat the
demonstration from step 1. Record your observations. (2)
A bimetallic strip is a metallic strip with one metal on one side and another on the
other. The instructor will heat the bimetallic strip and you are to record your
observations and explain why you think the strip bends when heated. (3)
The conductor meter is prepared by dripping wax on to the end of each spoke.
The spokes are made up of different metals: nickel, brass, aluminum, copper,
stainless steel and iron. Predict which of these metals you think will be the best
conductor of heat. (2)
The instructor will then place the center of the conductor meter over the Bunsen
burner and the class will watch to see which of the metal in the apparatus has it’s
wax melt and drip off first. Record the order of the metals that loose their wax. (2)
Part 3: Convection in Fluids (Liquids/Gases)
The apparatus used to demonstrate the convection of gases is called a convection
box. The instructor will set up the apparatus and then demonstrate convection of
air. Record your observation. (3)
The apparatus used to demonstrate the convection of liquids is called a glass
convection tube. The instructor will set up the apparatus and then demonstrate
convection in a liquid. Record your observations. (2)
How does the Kinetic Molecular Theory describe a solid, a liquid and a gases? (6)
What occurs when a solid is heated? Explain using the Kinetic Molecular Theory
and the observations made with the ring and ball demonstration. (3)
a) Do all metals conduct heat equally well? (2)
b) If not, rate the metals in order from best to worst thermal conductor. (2)
Why did the smoke get drawn into the convection box. (2)
Why did the food coloring move around the glass tube? (2)
Using the Kinetic Molecular Theory to explain how thermal energy was transferred along the metal spokes. (2)
If you wanted to keep a drink cool, which of the six metals would you use to make a container? Explain your answer. (3)
Again, Use the Kinetic Molecular Theory to explain the movement of fluids, both liquid and gas. (2)
Compare the densities of cold and hot air. (2)
How might variations in the density of air lead to convection currents in the atmosphere? (2)
What visible evidence could you look for that would indicate that there were convection currents in air? (2)
Lab 12.1
Piecing Together Pangaea
To use a variety of evidence, theorized by Wegner, to reconstruct the supercontinent Pangaea.
Apparatus and Materials:
page printed with continent shapes
blank sheet of paper
1. Cut out each continent, trimming each one just to the edge of the lines. The
dotted lines represent the true continental edges, or continental shelves. Also cut
the legend from this sheet.
2. Piece together the continent shapes into the supercontinent Pangaea on a separate
piece of paper. Use the clues provided in the legend you cut out and the shapes of
the continents themselves to help with your reconstruction. This process is similar
to the one Alfred Wegener used to formulate his theory of continental drift.
Don’t glue anything down yet.
3. Once you have assembled your pieces, check with the teacher before gluing them
onto the blank sheet of paper, creating one supercontinent. (5)
4. Glue the legend on the bottom of the sheet once your continent is in place. (1)
1. Which continents were easiest to fit together? Explain why. (3)
2. Of the pieces of evidence you used to construct your supercontinent, which ones
offered the best support for showing the continents were once joined? Explain. (3)
3. Were there any pieces of the supercontinent that you found difficult to connect?
Explain why. (3)
In a few short sentences, summarize the steps you took to reconstruct the supercontinent in this activity, and write a
conclusion about the theory of continental drift. Hypothesize how the world might look different 200 million years
from now. (5)