Year 7 Microclimates assessment “A microclimate

Year 7 Microclimates assessment
“A microclimate is when the climate in a small area is different to the general surroundings”
Task: Produce an investigation at 8 different locations around the school site and analyse the various
factors responsible for creating a microclimate.
Factors affecting microclimates:
Shelter (both artificial and physical)
Aspect (the direction a place faces)
Surface (both colour and texture)
Buildings (as a provider of heat and an influencing factor on increasing/decreasing wind strength
and direction)
 Physical features (e.g. trees, hedges, ponds)
 Human actions (e.g. drainage ditches, grass cutting)
The following hypotheses must be investigated at 2 sites:
1. “The aspect of a location influences temperature”
2. “The type of surface found at a location influences temperature”
3. “Buildings have a significant impact in creating microclimates”
Work to hand in:
Your assessment should be completed on paper and written up like a science investigation. It will be about
2-3 pages long. You should look at the level descriptors on the reverse of this sheet to aim for the highest
possible level. Your work should cover the following:
A) Introduction
– What is the aim of the investigation? Which hypotheses were you testing?
B) Method
– What method did you follow to collect data?
- What equipment did you use?
- A map showing the 8 locations used for your investigation and why you selected them. Username: da27bb
Password: dilts50
C) Results
– A table of your results data
- You map your data using GIS to discover geographical patterns.
D) Analysis
– Conclusion: What do the results show you?
- Summarise reasons for your findings
E) Evaluation
– Explain why your data might be inaccurate? (Refer to your method)
- If you were to do the investigation again which improvements would you make to get more
accurate data?
- How could your data be different with different weather conditions ie. on a warm sunny
afternoon with light winds or a cloudy day with a strong cold wind from the North East?
Target level:.............
Level 1
o You describe the location of the sites.
You explain why each of the sites were
chosen (Top of Level 1).
Level for this work:..........................
Level 2
o You describe the location the sites and why they
were chosen and use a map to do this. You use
appropriate vocabulary.
You describe the method in detail (step-by-step).
You present your results graphically – using GIS
You describe and begin to explain
geographical patterns and physical and
human processes (Top of Level 1).
You present your findings in a coherent way and
reach conclusions that are consistent with the
You communicate your findings using
appropriate vocabulary.
You describe and explain a variety of human and
physical processes and recognise that these interact
to produce the distinctive characteristics of places.
(Top of Level 2).
You identify and explain problems with your data
collection method (Top of Level 2).
You explain how you would improve your method to
get more accurate data (Top of Level 2).
You describe the method.
A plausible conclusion is stated (Top of
Level 1).
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