File - Alexandra Primary School

Alexandra Primary School
Our purpose is to build a learning community that challenges and supports young minds to develop as independent
Our purpose is to build a learning community that challenges and supports young minds to develop as
and lifelong learners, continually striving for excellence in the 21st Century.
independent and lifelong learners, continually striving for excellence in the 21st Century.
Harper Williamson for her amazing ‘j’ handwriting this
week. You formed your letters beautifully and perfectly.
Well done for always trying your best at school. You are
one wicked learner Harper!
Xahlia Sutton-Stevenson for your awesome effort in
writing your story about a spooky haunted house! I
absolutely love your descriptive words and imagination.
Keep up the super start work Xahlia!
Marli Coller for showing terrific speaking and listening
skills in class. Marli listens carefully to her teacher and
peers when they are speaking and regularly contributes to
class discussions. Keep up the great job Marli!
George Sotiropoulos for doing outstanding spelling
homework every week! George completes many activities
and keeps his work extremely neat. Keep up the awesome
effort George!
Mitchell Rowntree for showing the school value of
Achieve at our House Athletics day on Monday. It was
fantastic to see you try your hardest at every event Mitch!
Jamison Doudney
Jamison displays our
school values
consistently and
is Respected by
both staff and
peers. She is a
quiet achiever
who always
tries her best
and acts with
Integrity at all
times. She is
supportive of others
around her and shows obvious
Care to her class mates. We are
proud that you are part of our
community Jamison.
You are a STAR!
Thursday 9th March 2017
Term 1 Week 6
Achievement Awards P.1
Principal’s Report P.2
School & Community News P.3 & 4
KEY DATES - Term 1
Kalan Lyttle in recognition of the Care and Respect you are
showing to the whole school community. You are a
reliable and thoughtful member of our school. Well done 12 Mar
13 Mar
Jazmin Collett for displaying incredible athletic ability, 20 Mar
Integrity, Respect and Care for her peers at the Athletic
Sports. We are so proud of you Jaz!
27 Mar
JAPANESE Jett Doudney for showing very strong learning skills to 31 Mar
read Japanese words.
Tel: 03 5772 1006
Locked Bag 2, Alexandra, 3714
APS Open Day 150th
Celebrations 10am - 4pm
Labour Day Holiday
School Photo envelopes
distributed (20 April photo day)
Cultural Visit—Beauty & The
Photo envelopes due back
Last Day Term 1— 2:30pm
Email: [email protected]
Principal: Vicky Draper
From Vicky & Naomi...
Looking forward and looking back!
On Sunday, Alexandra Primary School will join the town in celebrating
our 150th year!
This is a wonderful chance to get together with old friends and reminisce!
Do you have your old school uniform tucked away somewhere?
Do you have your report cards hidden from your children?
We have the contents of the time capsule from both 1983 and 1991 ready for viewing.
We also have some amazing photographs and other artefacts that we have sourced
from many generous and interested people, both students and teachers. Mr David Smith,
an ex-teacher has donated some amazing photographs and other information that will
interest many people. Sue Dundas and Mandie Westwood have also supplied us with
some beauties…the fashion just keeps getting better!
We have some fabulous photos from Michelle Jack (some people haven’t really changed
from the ‘80s!). Keep an eye on our Facebook page for our highlights of the display!
Harper W and Alice Holdsworth will plant our tree at 2pm. We also have a fabulous
selection of cakes and scones and tea and coffee available for a gold coin donation
with will go towards the renovation of our 5/6 playground. Please come along and enjoy
a day with old friends.
House Captains
I am thrilled to announce the House Captains for 2017 who have already done an
amazing job at the Athletics this week:
Rubicon: Casey C and Dylan J
Goulburn: Cooper G and Ryley G
Acheron: Sierra P and Charlotte M
This was a three part process which included a letter of application, an interview with us
and a speech to their houses. This culminated in a vote from the entire school.
Well done to everyone who applied, it takes courage to stand in front of peers (and the
Principal and Assistant Principal)! We are very proud of you all.
School Athletics
Monday was such a fantastic day as our Grade 3-6 students participated in our House
Athletics. There was plenty of House spirit as well as fun, fair competition. We couldn’t be
prouder of all of our students. Whether Athletics was their favourite thing or not, everyone
gave every activity their best go! The day ran extremely smoothly with thanks to Bec
Lyttle, Andrea Steiner and Naomi Davies organisation and our teaching staff who eagerly
supported the day. Of course the day couldn’t be run without the help of our parents
who gave up their time to run events, lead groups or record times. A huge thank you to
Michelle Jack, Bec Hoornweg, Mish Farkashazy, Al Collett, Dave Bowdern, Maxine Lopez,
Mick Sotiropoulos, Sally Patek, Brendan Flynn and Kerry McGahy. Cluster Athletics is on
Tuesday 21st March. Students who have been selected to go on to Cluster Aths will
receive a note with details about the event.
It was great to see parents pop down at various times in the day to see their children
competing. I know that some supporters came in their lunch breaks to cheer,
fantastic effort!
Have a great long weekend, see you on Sunday between
10.00am and 4.00pm (dress up if you like♥)!
Vicky and Naomi
Student Banking
is on every
Tuesday. Call in
to the Office if
you have any
Thank you
School and Community News …
Vicky and Naomi
CycleDindi is a family friendly event, conducted on the Rail Trail on 1st April i.e. first day of next
school holidays, as a fundraiser for the Community Boys Journey, in which boys enrolled at your
school participate. BBQ lunch at Molesworth is included in registration, as is Devonshire Tea and
working sheep dog demonstration at Nutfield ( between Cheviot tunnel and Molesworth).
Registration forms can be downloaded from Rotary Clubs of Yea ( and
Alexandra ( - hard copy also available at Cafe Alex.
If you have any questions please ring Melinda 0418 378 806 or Julie 0447 762 557.
Mrs Brown is looking for donations of:
Small boxes
Cotton Wool
Thank you for your help!
School & Community News...
Could you be a permanent care parent?
There are a number of children supported by the Department of Health & Human Services who require a family for
life as they are unable to live with their birth families. We
are seeking committed and motivated people who would be
interested in learning more about providing a permanent
family for a child.
Assistance payments are made to the Permanent Care
family to assist with the day to day expenses of caring for a
child/young person. Assistance payments are considered to
be a reimbursement for expenses and not an earned
We are also keen to speak with families who are particularly
interested in caring for children aged between 5 and 10 yrs.
Information sessions are being held on:
Tuesday 28th March 2017 at 6:00pm
Department of Health & Human Services
43-47 Rowan Street, Wangaratta
Thursday 30th March 2017 at 6:00pm
Department of Health & Human Services
163-167 Welsford Street, Shepparton
Bookings not essential. For further information please
contact: Adoption & Permanent Care Program
Growfood Network
Open Vegi Garden Weekend
March 18 and 19 2017
Town and country gardens open
to the public
Alexandra - Thornton - Marysville
Gardens Open from 10am - 4 pm
Only $3/pp per garden entry.
Children under 12 Free
Email: [email protected]
FB: Growfood Network inc
Phone: 5832 1500
Alexandra Football / Netball Club
Under 12 Football Training
When placing lunch orders, please ensure
your Child’s
Football training for all Under 12 Footballers will start
on Tuesday 14 March from 4.30pm.
All interested players are invited to attend.
Any queries please contact Corey Jack on 0427 721 325.
Under 10 Football Training
Under 10 Football training will commence on
Friday 24 March starting from 5:00pm.
Training Sessions will be for one hour. Any enquires in
regards to the Under 10 Age group can be directed to
Annette Sutcliffe on 0419 130 690
Both Training sessions will be held at the
Alexandra Football Grounds.
Information in regards to registrations will
be available on both nights.
‘Name’, ‘Class’ and ‘Lunch Order Details’
are on the front of the envelope.
Also could you please ensure that the
correct money is inside.
That would be a great help thank you!
Lunch Order lists are available at the
Office if you would like one.