To Kill a Mockingbird Class Agenda: September

To Kill a Mockingbird Class Agenda: September- October 2010
Monday 27 September (b)/ Tuesday 28 September (g)
Collect: Personal Narrative Essay Plan Sheets
Receive: To Kill a Mockingbird novel & study packet (study guide questions & vocabulary)
Read and Respond: Read TKAM Chapters 1-2 (pages 3-29) and answer Chapters 1-2 study
guide questions in packet
TKAM Web Quest: Computer lab to work on it. You will have more time in class next time to
finish your web quest.
HOMEWORK: Finish reading TKAM chapters 1-2 & answer study guide chapters 1-2 questions
Wednesday 29 September (b)/ Thursday 30 September (g)
Discuss: To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 1-2
Demonstrate: how to create an MLA heading and format your essays in MLA (see “Writing
Assignments” link on my school website for examples & directions); how to access “H”
student drive from home (see “Writing Assignments” link on my school website for
examples & directions)
TKAM Web Quest: Computer lab to finish. If you do not finish, you need to finish for
homework. Begin working on essay, time permitting
HOMEWORK: Read TKAM chapters 3-4 (pages 30-54) & answers study guide chapters 3-4
questions; Finish TKAM web quest if you did not finish in class; begin working on personal
narrative essay (due October 7 (b) and October 8 (g))
Friday 1 October (b)/ Monday 4 October (g)
Discuss & Collect: TKAM Web Quest if you did not turn it in last class
QUIZ: TKAM Chapters 1-4 (20 points)
Discuss: TKAM Chapters 3-4 & study guide questions
Vocabulary: Define first 10 words for TKAM, part 1 (contentious- auspicious). PowerPoint
available on website. Student write definitions and synonyms in packet.
Exercise: rating and improving opening sentences for a personal narrative essay
In class reading time or write vocabulary sentences
HOMEWORK: Read TKAM chapters 5-6 (pages 55-76); TKAM chapters 5-6 study guide
questions; write vocabulary sentences for first 10 vocabulary words in packet; work on
personal narrative essay due Thursday 7 October (b) and Friday 8 October (g)
Ms. Salona
To Kill a Mockingbird Class Agenda: September- October 2010
Tuesday 5 October (b)/ Wednesday 6 October (g)
QUIZ: TKAM Chapters 5-6 (15 points)
Discuss: TKAM Chapters 5-6 & study guide questions
Vocabulary: Define words for 11-18 for TKAM, part 1 (indigenous- irascible). PowerPoint
available on website. Student write definitions and synonyms in packet.
Discuss: Opening sentences for personal narrative essay from last class
Activity: Read and score on a rubric examples of personal narrative essays (essays will be
available on my website)
HOMEWORK: Make sure your personal narrative essay is typed and ready to turn in next class
(Thursday 7 October (b) and Friday 8 October (g)); Read TKAM chapters 7-8 (pages 77-98);
TKAM chapters 7-8 study guide questions; write vocabulary sentences for words 11-18
Thursday 7 October (b)/ Friday 8 October (g)
Discuss: TKAM Chapters 7-8 & study guide questions
Vocabulary: Define words for 19-25 for TKAM, part 1 (indigenous- irascible). PowerPoint
available on website. Student write definitions and synonyms in packet.
DUE: Personal narrative essay—I will check off your first drafts as you peer edit
Handout: Sentence Errors Worksheet (fragments, comma splice and run-ons)
Receive: Progress reports with 9 weeks grade
HOMEWORK: Read TKAM Chapter 9 (pages 99-117); TKAM study guide questions chapter 9;
write vocabulary sentences for words 19-25; sentence errors worksheet
------------------------------------------END OF FIRST 9 WEEKS----------------------------------------------Monday 11 October (b)/ Tuesday 12 October (g)
QUIZ: To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 7-9
Discuss: TKAM Chapter 9
Review: Answers to sentence errors worksheet you did for homework
How to Use TURNITIN.COM: Receive directions in handout form for how to submit your
final personal narrative essay to You also need to turn in a hard copy of your
final draft with your first draft next class.
Ms. Salona
To Kill a Mockingbird Class Agenda: September- October 2010
Receive: Graded quizzes & progress reports
Watch: The Scottsboro Boys Documentary and answer movie viewing questions as you
HOMEWORK: Read To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 10 (pages 118-131) & answer study guide
questions; Final personal narrative essay and first draft due next class; upload final essay to; vocabulary quiz over words 1-25 on Friday (b)/ Monday (g). Quia games for
Wednesday 13 October (b)
You have PLAN testing until 11:03 am today; therefore, you are only meeting with your
classes for 20 minutes in the afternoon.
DUE: Final draft and first draft of personal narrative essay
DUE: Submit your essay to if you have not done so.
HOMEWORK: Read To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 11-12 (pages 132-168) & answer study
guide questions
Thursday 14 October (g)
DUE: Final draft and first draft of personal narrative essay
DUE: Submit your essay to if you have not done so.
Watch/Finish: The Scottsboro Boys Documentary and answer movie viewing questions as
you watch
DUE: The Scottsboro Boys viewing guide
Activity: To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 10 graphic/ quotation assignment
HOMEWORK: Use if you have not done so. Read TKAM Chapters 11-12 (pages 132168) & answer study guide questions; vocabulary quiz postponed until Tues 19 Oct (b)/ Wed 20
Oct (g)
Friday 15 October (b)
QUIZ: To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 10-12
Watch: The Scottsboro Boys Documentary and answer movie viewing questions as you
Handout: Vocabulary review crossword
HOMEWORK: Use if you have not done so. Read TKAM Chapters 13-14 (pages 169192) & answer study guide questions; study for vocabulary quiz words 1-25 on Tuesday
Ms. Salona
To Kill a Mockingbird Class Agenda: September- October 2010
Monday 16 October (g)
QUIZ: To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 10-12
Handout: Vocabulary review crossword
Activity: TKAM Chapters 10-12 graphic images & quotations
Quia Games: Go to computer lab to play Quia vocabulary review games to study for
vocabulary quiz next class
HOMEWORK: Use if you have not done so; Read TKAM Chapters 13-14 (pages 169192) & answer study guide questions; study for vocabulary quiz words 1-25 on Wednesday
Tuesday 17 October (b)
Quia Games: Go to computer lab to play Quia vocabulary review games to study for
vocabulary quiz
QUIZ: TKAM Vocabulary Words 1-25 (matching & fill-in-the-blank with word bank)
Watch: Scottsboro Boys Documentary and fill out viewing guide
HOMEWORK: Use if you have not done so; Read TKAM Chapters 15-16 (pages 193221) & answer study guide questions; be prepared for reading quiz next class
Wednesday 18 October (g)
QUIZ: TKAM Vocabulary Words 1-25 (matching & fill-in-the-blank with word bank)
Activity: Finish TKAM Chapters 10-12 graphic images & quotations & turn in
Activity: TKAM Chapters 10-14 quotation analysis (handout)
HOMEWORK: Use if you have not done so; Read TKAM Chapters 15-16 (pages 193221) & answer study guide questions; be prepared for reading quiz next class; finish TKAM
Chapters 10-12 graphic images & quotations.
Ms. Salona
To Kill a Mockingbird Class Agenda: September- October 2010
Monday 25 October (b)
Finish watching “Scottsboro Boys” & turn in viewing guide questions.
Activity: TKAM Chapters 10-14 graphic images & quotations
Activity: TKAM Chapters 10-14 quotation analysis (handout)
HOMEWORK: Finish TKAM Chapters 10-14 images & quotation analysis; no reading assignment
(you should be caught up through Chpt. 16); prepare for TKAM Chapters 13-16 quiz Wednesday
Tuesday 26 October (g)
Collect: TKAM Chpts 10-12 images exercise
Activity: TKAM Chapters 13-14 images (handout) & Chpts 15-16 quotation analysis on back
of handout
Activity: TKAM Chapters 10-14 quotation analysis (handout)
Watch: First 28 minutes of Emmett Till documentary (connection to TKAM court case)
HOMEWORK: Finish TKAM Chpts 10-14 quotation analysis & Chpts 13-14 images/ Chpts 15-16
quotation analysis; no reading assignment (you should be caught up through Chpt. 16); prepare for
Chapters 13-16 quiz Thursday
Wednesday 27 Oct (b)/ Thursday 28 October(g)
Collect: TKAM images exercises & quotation analysis
PowerPoint: Discuss important quotations from TKAM chpts 14-16
Review: Study guide questions through Chapter 16
QUIZ: TKAM Chapters 13-16
Period G3: Watch Emmett Till documentary
HOMEWORK: Read TKAM Chapters 17-18 (pages 222-253); answer Chpts 17-18 study guide
Ms. Salona
To Kill a Mockingbird Class Agenda: September- October 2010
Friday 29 October (b)/ Monday 1 November (g)
Assignment: TKAM Part 2 vocabulary: create 3 PowerPoint slides for 3 vocabulary words in
computer lab. I will assign you the words.
Discuss: TKAM Chpts. 17-18
HOMEWORK: Read TKAM Chapters 19-20 (pages 254-275); answer Chpts 19-20 study guide
Ms. Salona