2014-2015 Health SLO Pre-Test ANSWER KEY Unit 1 Questions 1

2014-2015 Health SLO Pre-Test ANSWER KEY
Unit 1 Questions
1. Verbal and nonverbal communication, active listening skills, refusal skills, and conflictresolution skills are all elements of what? interpersonal communication, goal-setting, social
health, advocacy
2. Which of the following is not an example of self-management? Knowing first aid, wearing
your seatbelt, riding a bicycle without a helmet, practicing food-safety skills
3. What is one of the seven health skills that will help you achieve, maintain, and protect your
physical health? advocacy, debate, dieting, academic achievement
4. Influences are factors that affect someone or something, either positively or negatively. An
influence can be either ________ or ________. strong; weak, interesting; boring, internal;
external, personal; professional
5. Which of the following is an example of an internal influence? your cultural background,
how you feel about yourself, your family, friends, peers, teachers and role models, the
community or environment where you live
6. Which of the following is an example of an external influence? your heredity, your
experiences, your likes/dislikes, your lifestyle
Unit 2 Questions
7. How might you describe "sense of self" to one of your classmates? what others think of you,
your idea of who you are, a feeling of self-respect, a feeling you can handle life
8. Responsibility is an example of which of the following? attitudes, environment, values, selfconfidence
9. Acting in accordance with your own values, respecting yourself, and taking responsibility for
your actions and your health is a sign that you _______. are book smart, are self-confident,
have a high IQ, have a high grade point average
10. If you delay a decision by changing the subject or pretending not to hear, which skill are you
practicing? Constructive feedback, interpersonal communication, refusal, active listener
11. An event or situation that causes a strain on your body or mind is called a(n) _____.
eustress, stressor, personal critic, fight or flight response
Unit 3 Questions
12. Essential nutrients include Fat, vitamins, minerals, water, carbohydrates and _____.
macronutrients, protein, spices, all of the above
13. An almost perfect source of protein is _____. milk, almonds, cashews, eggs
14. How do vitamins help to keep the body healthy? help cells and organs do their jobs, boost
immune system and help heal wounds, convert food into energy, all of the above
15. Although usually diagnosed in adults, which of the following diseases is now being
diagnosed in young people? Leukemia, Fatty Liver Disease, Type 2 Diabetes, Lung Cancer
16. When cleaning cutting boards, dishes, utensils, and countertops, you should use _____.
rubbing alcohol, bleach, tap water, hot soapy water
17. Which is not an example of a low-carb vegetable? mushrooms, asparagus, potatoes, brussel
18. Marcus wants to eat fresh in-season fruits and vegetables. Which one of these choices is the
best place for Marcus to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables? grocery store near his house,
wholesale warehouse club, local farmer’s market, all of the above
19. Which food has the least amount of protein? baked chicken, salmon, almonds, sweet
20. What would you most likely find at a CSA farm (Community Sustainable Agriculture?) flour,
grits and other grains, fruits and vegetables, bottled water, animals to purchase
21. Seeds that have been alternated in a laboratory setting and are no longer the original seed
are known as ______. GMO seeds (genetically modified organisms), FDA seeds (Food and
Drug Administration), WHO seeds (World Health Organization), all of the above
22. _____________ is not allowed in the organic food growing industry. GMO seeds, synthetic
pesticides, chemical fertilizers, all of the above
23. Jace is trying to eat foods with a lot of fiber because it helps with his intestinal health. Out
of these choices, which snack would give Jace the most amount of fiber? potato chips and
dip, raspberries and sunflower seed kernels, peanut butter and crackers, candy bar and
carbonated drink
Unit 4 Questions
24. The heart rate that you should maintain during exercise to obtain fitness and health
benefits is called your _____ heart rate. aerobic, normal, target, anaerobic
25. Which of the following are good warm-up activities? brisk walking and stretching, running
and stretching, lifting weights and hopping, dancing and running
26. _________has mental, emotional, and social health benefits. Playing solo games on the
computer, Physical activity, Excessive use of social media
27. The ability of your muscles to do their job over a period of time without becoming tired is
called muscle _____. agility, endurance, strength, overuse
28. Which is not an example of a physical activity that will help your body stay flexible?
weightlifting, Yoga, Pilates, dance
Unit 5 Questions
29. Which of the following is a measure of the amount of alcohol in a person's blood? BAL,
Proof, BAC, Percent
30. Most states consider a BAC of _____, or greater, legal intoxication. This number is actually
much lower for teenagers. 5 percent, 10 percent, .5 percent, .08 percent
31. The definition of binge drinking is ____or more drinks in a row for women or ____ drinks in
a row for a man. 3, 3; 3, 4; 4, 4; 4, 5
32. Nicotine is a major addictive ingredient in _____. tobacco, alcoholic drinks, carbonated
drinks, Tylenol
33. Smoking kills more people than alcohol, AIDS, car accidents, illegal drugs, murders, and
suicides combined. True
34. Your _____ weighs about three pounds, feels like soft butter, and is the command center of
your body. brain, pituitary gland, heart, liver
35. What is the street name for the stimulant class of drugs? weed, opiate, coke, Special K
Unit 6 Questions
36. What is the number-one cause of teen fatalities? binge drinking, suicide, drug overdoses,
motor vehicle crashes
37. Disregarding safety laws, drinking, smoking, drug use, gang activity, and ignoring sound
health rules are examples of which of the following? injury prevention, unhealthy risktaking, being a responsible teenager, experimenting in safe activities
38. Teens who engage in fights are more at risk than teens who fought 20 years ago because
their opponents are more likely to: be stronger and meaner, be better trained in combat
techniques, carry weapons, none of the above
39. When should the RICE procedure be used? Second-degree burns, muscle strains, bone
fractures, choking
40. When should the Heimlich maneuver be used? arm fracture, heart attack, choking, cardiac