Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests Test 2

Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 2
1. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.
1 I had … the snake as it slept in the sun and it was very angry.
A gripped
B disturbed
C survived
D struggled
2 I used to have a … when I was little; my mother always complained that it looked like a snake
with legs.
A turtle
B salmon
C frog
D lizard
3 Much of the panda’s natural … was destroyed in the terrible fire.
A marsh
B drought
C habitat
D reserve
4 I’d been bitten on the hand by a … and it began to itch.
A leopard
B turtle
C mosquito
D parrot
5 A tiger had escaped from its cage so I quickly … my rifle and went after it.
A gripped
B disturbed
C grabbed
D struggled
6 The man picked up his instrument, played a few notes and the … began to dance.
A seal
Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas
Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 2
B cobra
C panda
D frog
7 When I was young, I saw a black and white … eating bamboo when I visited a zoo in Thailand.
A panda
B turtle
C mosquito
D parrot
8 I used to think that the … was the fastest animal in the world, but it’s actually the cheetah.
A leopard
B salmon
C panda
D lizard
9 The man had bought the … from a shop and over the years he’d taught it to talk.
A seal
B parrot
C turtle
D leopard
10 When a …, like a lion, spots a smaller animal, it hunts it down and kills it.
A predator
B prey
C species
D wildlife
11 Once he had caught the … in the river, he took it home, cleaned it and cooked it for supper.
A salmon
B parrot
C mosquito
D leopard
Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas
Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 2
12 The zoo keeper tried to … the slippery fish more tightly but it managed to get away.
A survive
B grab
C grip
D struggle
Marks / 12
2. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
1 After the bear had seen that I was all alone, it went for/back me.
2 The seal came for/up to me, took the fish from my hand and dived back into the pool.
3 We had come back/across an old cave in the woods and we decided to explore it.
4 After we had kept the leopard for about a year it went back/for to the wild.
5 The zoo keeper told us that it had all come about/from because some foolish person had been
throwing rocks at the animals.
6 After I’d been living at home for a month, I decided to come across/back and live in Africa forever.
7 Pandas come across/from China, but we bought these two and had them shipped here last year.
8 We’ve run out of/in to food for the lizards; we’d better buy some more.
9 Don’t throw away/off all that apple peel; the pigs will eat it.
10 The zoo keepers spent two days looking for the missing lizard, but finally they had to give out/up
and go back to the zoo.
Marks / 10
Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas
Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 2
3. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in capitals.
1 A giant …………….. wave washed away all the beachfront houses. TIDE
2 You should avoid driving in …………….. weather if possible.
3 A …………….. eruption destroyed the fields and villages for miles around. VOLCANO
4 …………….. warming is causing the polar ice caps to melt. GLOBE
5 The WWF works to save …………….. species from extinction.
6 Many animals face a struggle for …………….. as their natural habitats are destroyed by man.
7 On the …………….. reserve we were able to see deer, squirrels and lots of different kinds of birds.
8 The …………….. of its natural habitat is what is causing the disappearance of this rare bird.
Marks / 8
4. Complete the sentences with words to do with natural phenomena. All the letters
are given, but they are mixed up.
We sat in the garden enjoying the lovely .……………. while the
children laughed and played .
Our dog used to be afraid of the sound of .……………., but he
seems to have got over his fear now.
The .……………. happened very suddenly and so it was lucky that
none of the skiers was killed.
Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas
Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 2
As the.……………. entered its eighth month the animals began to
die and people had to walk for miles to get water.
.……………. change.
A lightning .……………. struck the old tree and set fire to it.
The .……………. measured 6.4 on the Richter scale.
Heavy rains and .……………. have destroyed hundreds of homes in
The trees were uprooted by a terrific autumn .……………. .
Weather forecasters are predicting a .……………. this weekend so
get you swimming things out!
Marks / 10
Total Marks / 40
Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas