annual report - Arts Club Theatre Company

Our Mission
The Arts Club leads in developing
and producing live theatre in British
Columbia. We inspire and nurture
artists and audiences through
diverse cultural experiences that are
engaging, thought-provoking, and
artistically innovative.
Our Vision
We envision a community that, through
storytelling, is inspired to reflect on
who we are and who we can be.
Board of Directors
Bruce Flexman, FCA (Chair)
Ross Paul, CM, PhD (Immediate Past Chair)
Kerry Suffolk (Treasurer)
Richard Bell (Secretary)
Aleem Bandali*
Mike Black
Catherine Aczel Boivie, PhD, ICD.D
Michele Collins
John Dawson, FCPA, FCA
Teo Dechev
Anna Fung, QC
Carol Anne Humphrys*
James Kitamura
Eugen Klein
Joanne Klein
Bryan Mabee
Bonnie Mah
Dave Morton
Erika Tse
Council of Governors
Roberta Beiser
Philip Bernard
Donna Celle
Axel Conradi
Jamie Corbett
Christopher Gimpel
Stanley Hamilton, PhD
Catharine Herb-Kelly, QC
Bruce Milley, FCA
Morris Nord
Joan Pitman
Janet Rogers
Al C. Schultz
Lisa Seed
Jim Storie
John J. Sutherland
Ian Waddell, QC
Foundation Board
Christopher Gimpel (President)
Bruce Flexman (Treasurer)
Catharine Herb-Kelly, QC (Secretary)
Jamie Corbett
Eugen Klein
Bonnie Mah
Morris Nord
John J. Sutherland
Art Vertlieb, QC
Meg Roe and Alessandro Juliani in Onegin; photo by David Cooper
*partial term
Letter from the Chair
I n September 2015, we made the transition to a new theatre, the
Goldcorp Stage at the BMO Theatre Centre, as well as new office
and rehearsal spaces (shared with Bard on the Beach). We are
very grateful for the opportunity to grow our education programs
and new play development activities in this new home.
We are extremely proud of our new works staged during the
season, especially Onegin, which was developed over three years
as part of our Silver Commissions Project. Our patrons flocked to
see it, resulting in an extension of this show at our new Goldcorp
Stage and culminating in ten Jessie Awards for this musical. We
also saw success in two other new works: In a Blue Moon and The
Waiting Room.
We are so very thankful for the loyal support of our patrons who
purchase tickets and our donors who support us philanthropically.
More than 200,000 people attended Arts Club performances last
season. What a show of support! We are also particularly grateful
for the special support provided to Bard and ourselves for the BMO
Theatre Centre from the three levels of government, the corporate
community, and our generous patrons.
I look forward to sharing our love of theatre and the positive impact
that it creates.
Photo by Rob Trendiak, Transposition Films
Respectfully yours,
Bruce Flexman, Chair
Sereana Malani and Colleen Wheeler in Good People; photo by Emily Cooper
Praise for Good People
Superb. A significant reflection on the discrepancy of
circumstances for individuals living in today’s cities.
Letter from the Artistic Director
T he biggest highlight of our season was the opening of the
Goldcorp Stage at the BMO Theatre Centre. This intimate
space saw three productions in its first season, including
the premiere of our Silver Commission musical Onegin, by Amiel
Gladstone and Veda Hille.
Onegin was in itself a major triumph. This thrilling musical was
developed over three years, and the final production received
ten Jessie Richardson Theatre Awards. (Full details can be
found on page 7.)
Another highlight, and also a Silver Commission, was the premiere
of The Waiting Room, by Morris Panych and John Mann. This
deeply personal work featured Jonathon Young in the lead role,
with a startling set made of multiple floating chairs, designed by
Ken MacDonald.
Photo by Lucas Finlay Photography
I was particularly pleased to have several longtime colleagues
working with me this past season, including Janet Wright as
director of Disgraced, Valerie Easton as director and choreographer
of A Christmas Story, The Musical, Alison Green as set designer and
Marsha Sibthorpe as lighting designer for Pride and Prejudice, actor
Bernard Cuffling in It’s a Wonderful Life, and Ted Roberts as set
designer for Billy Elliot.
I could not do my job without the incredible support I receive
from Artist Liaison Stephanie Hargreaves, Production Manager
Stephan Baeuml, and our four Technical Directors: Eugenio Saenz
Flores, Craig Fulker, Jack Holmes, and Ace Martens; as well as
Executive Director Peter Cathie White and his team, and our Board
of Directors. Thank you all for your dedication to the Arts Club,
and thank you to our patrons—whose dedication to theatre in
Vancouver makes it possible for the show to go on.
Bill Millerd, Artistic Managing Director
Alessandro Juliani and Meg Roe in Onegin; photo by David Cooper
Praise for Onegin
I laughed. I cried. I spent the next few days reflecting on
my life. I cannot remember when I’ve had such a powerful
theatrical experience. From the beginning when the
audience gleefully toasted Love (in Russian) to the catchy
songs which are currently on repeat in my head (‘Let me
die… like we all must die’) to the heart-breaking climax
where I gasped aloud, and the thoughtful and unexpected
ending, I was enraptured. Thank you, Arts Club!
Letter from the Executive Director
W hat an incredibly successful 52nd season! We
commissioned, nurtured, and premiered The Waiting
Room and Onegin. We had incredible turnout to watch
the final showcase of our Musical Theatre Intensive program
this summer. We underwent an exciting expansion of our LEAP
youth playwriting program into the digital sphere so that we
can help youth in communities outside of Vancouver find their
creative voices. As well, we opened the brand-new Goldcorp Stage,
moved into our new offices at the BMO Theatre Centre, staged
16 brilliant shows, and toured three shows across the province—
we’ve been busy!
I’d like to thank our dedicated artists, volunteers, administrators,
and staff for their work this season. To our artistic and production
teams, who ensured that our stages were alive with the art of
theatre; to guest services, who ensured that you felt like a member
of this club; to administration and our selfless volunteers, all of
whom worked hard to make sure that we have a future to grow
into—thank you.
Thank you, as well, to our subscribers and donors for your
continual support. We would not exist without your outstanding
patronage of this inspiring art form. You were here, you sat
together in our theatres, and you embraced our performers and
our shows. We do it all for you, and your continued appreciation
means the world.
Photo by Mark Halliday
Peter Cathie White, Executive Director
Daniel Doheny and Robert Salvador in The Valley; photo by David Cooper
Praise for The Valley
Brilliant. Tour-de-force acting and an insightful look at the
struggles around mental illness. A much needed beginning
to a discussion around the subject. Highly recommend.
2015–2016 productions
Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage
Sep 17 – Oct 18
Nov 5 – Dec 27
Jan 28 – Feb 28
Mar 24 – Apr 24
Nov 19 – Dec 26
Jan 14 – Feb 13
Granville Island Stage
May 12 – Jul 10
Oct 1 – Oct 31
Goldcorp Stage at the BMO Theatre Centre
Apr 7 – May 7
Jun 16 – Jul 30
Nov 26 – Dec 27
Feb 4 – Feb 28
Jan 8 – Jan 30
Feb 13 – Mar 12
Arts Club On Tour
Mar 17 – Apr 17
Oct 14 – Nov 22
T he magnitude of this season’s impact on our patrons, critics, and fellow theatre artists was immense!
We are incredibly proud of our artists who continually push for excellence, consistently ensuring the
Arts Club is the trusted resource for great theatre in Vancouver.
Outstanding Production – Onegin
Outstanding Direction – Amiel Gladstone, Onegin
Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Lead Role – Alessandro Juliani, Onegin
Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Lead Role – Meg Roe, Onegin
Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role – Josh Epstein, Onegin
Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role – Colleen Wheeler, Peter and the Starcatcher
Outstanding Sound Design and Original Composition – Amiel Gladstone and Veda Hille, Onegin
Outstanding Lighting Design – John Webber, Onegin
Outstanding Set Design – Drew Facey, Onegin
Outstanding Costume Design – Jacqueline Firkins, Onegin
Significant Artistic Achievement – Veda Hille, Barry Mirochnick, Marina Hasselberg, Onegin
Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Lead Role: Daniel Doheny (The
Valley), Luc Roderique (In the Heights). Outstanding Performance by an
Actress in a Lead Role: Colleen Wheeler (Good People), Naomi Wright (Pride
and Prejudice). Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role:
Andrew McNee (Onegin), Robert Moloney (Disgraced), Sayer Roberts (Les
Misérables). Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role: Jenn
Griffin (Good People), Lauren Jackson (Onegin). Outstanding Lighting Design:
Alan Brodie (Godspell), Conor Moore (Peter and the Starcatcher), Gerald King
(The Waiting Room), Itai Erdal (The Valley). Outstanding Set Design: Amir
Ofek (The Valley), Lauchlin Johnston (Good People, Peter and the Starcatcher).
Outstanding Costume Design: Christine Reimer (Pride and Prejudice).
Outstanding Direction: David Mackay (Peter and the Starcatcher). Outstanding
Production: Good People, The Valley. Significant Artistic Achievement: Tracey
Power – Choreography (Onegin), Valerie Easton – Choreography (A Christmas
Story, The Musical), Wendy Gorling and Morris Panych – Choreography
(The Waiting Room).
Below: Matreya Scarrwener and Jonathon Young in The Waiting Room; photo by Emily Cooper
Above: Rachel Cairns and Benjamin Wardle in Peter and the Starcatcher; photo by Emily Cooper
Praise for The Waiting Room
This is a skillful, beautiful performance. For people who have gone
through cancer, like me, it is a validation of the journey of turmoil
and fear. For people who have not had cancer, it offers a glimpse
into the hard-hitting reality that the experience brings. The actors
are all wonderful, and most importantly, John Mann’s presence
and performance is extremely touching.
Spotlight on: Production Quality
C asting a musical can take over six months. For Billy Elliot, the creative team saw over 100 men, women, and
children over the course of approximately 30 hours in six individual casting sessions. Audition postings were
sent out to local dance schools, as well as to agents and other professional organizations. Those selected by
the team to audition were asked to learn a song from the show and later were taught a dance sequence by Valerie
Easton, the choreographer. This process was one of narrowing down our list of applicants. After the first audition
call, those who were successful were given a callback for a script reading, under the direction of Bill Millerd. One
final round of callbacks and we had our cast! It was tiring, exacting, but ultimately, very satisfying when we saw the
audience respond.
A Glimpse into what
it takes
$200 for one week of wig
maintenance for a production like Pride
and Prejudice
It can take up to
auditions to
cast just one of our shows!
production staff bring a
show to the stage an average of once
every two weeks
The Arts Club employs more than
creative staff each year. That’s more
artists than any other not-for-profit theatre
company in Canada!
Nolan Fahey and the cast in Billy Elliot; photo by David Cooper
Naomi Wright and Eric Craig in Pride and Prejudice; photo by David Cooper
Praise for Pride and Prejudice
What a terrific tribute to this fantastic book we all know
and loved reading. I couldn’t ask for anything more
in a live performance. Great cast and crew. Kudos to
everyone connected to this play. I hope it’s a sell-out every
performance for all of you as it should be. It’s that good. I
highly recommend everyone take the time out of their busy
lives to sit, relax, and have a laugh. It’s drama, comedy, and
everything else wrapped up in one fantastic performance.
The Art of Making a Production
T he dream ballet sequence from Billy Elliot is a key moment—but it wasn’t easy to get Billy off the ground!
The flying rig that would allow the performer to fly overhead, both gracefully and safely, cost $8,000 and took
hours of rehearsal time to perfect. First, we brought in a specialist to set up the apparatus and work with
choreographer Valerie Easton and the actors to make sure that each move was done safely. The rig was then tested
with weights and, lastly, the two Billys rehearsed with the apparatus. Combining the flying apparatus with Valerie’s
stunning choreography, the dancing talents of the cast, and $2,000 worth of liquid CO2 for the fog effects, we were
able to create a magical scene that our patrons won’t forget anytime soon!
RUNNING Billy Elliot
preparing Billy Elliot
4 carpenters
2 painters
2 props builders
7 costume staff
3,500 hours of labour—that’s
1.5 years of work!
weeks of set and costume building
1 week to set everything up at the Stanley
8 shows per week
2 fly operators
1 lighting technician
2 spotlight operators
1 sound technician
2 backstage crew members
3 dressers to help with costume changes
2 stage managers
6 members of the live orchestra
Matthew Cluff and Nolan Fahey in Billy Elliot; photo by David Cooper
Praise for Billy Elliot
Best play/musical I’ve ever seen! Great story. Great acting,
singing, dancing. Great set and costumes. Nuances of the
script brought out beautifully. Perfect in every way.
spotlight on: EDUCATION
Supported by the RBC Emerging Artists Program, the Y.P. Heung Foundation, Bonnie Mah
This was the 9th year of LEAP (Learning Early About Playwriting), with 14 students
participating in our donor-funded collaborative script writing course. The fourmonth intensive culminated at our three-day LEAP festival in late April, where over
370 audience members came to see the new works developed by our students.
Supported by the Telus Community Board
This program provides theatre education to rural areas of BC. Eight students from
Smithers participated in a virtual classroom and created scripts with the guidance
of LEAP instructor Shawn Macdonald. The students were able to watch their scripts
read by professional actors, live-streamed from the Goldcorp Stage in Vancouver to
their school auditorium in Smithers.
“The LEAP Playwriting Intensive has
made a tremendous impact on my
writing ability, providing me with new
skills and polishing old, and I’m so
grateful for the opportunity to have
been involved.”
—Ian Crane, LEAP student
“I never thought I’d be writing a script
and see it be read by actors and
brought to life. This experience has
been unreal and completely inspiring.
I hope I get to do it again.”
—Sarah Howard, Digital LEAP Outreach
This summer, we wrapped up our 15th year of the Musical Theatre Intensive
program. This year, MTI doubled the number of students developing their “triplethreat” skills of acting, singing, and dancing. Over 350 audience members took
in the MTI showcase at the Granville Island Stage, boosting the exposure for this
ever-growing program.
Supported by the Kinder Morgan Foundation
This season, we were able to provide almost 500 free tickets to under-privileged or
at-risk youth to enjoy the experience of live theatre. These youth were able to gain a
richer and more meaningful appreciation of the arts.
This program provides an immersive learning experience for students who attend
a performance. 330 youth came to the Arts Club for workshops led by professional
artists who highlight the themes and stylistic elements of the play, providing a
context for the students. Included in these workshops were tours of our production
shops and theatres.
Our Actor’s Intensive is a multi-week course that helps develop the mature
actor’s voice, movement, and acting, with training from working professionals.
This course culminates in a showcase of participants for invited directors.
Do you know a young person who would be interested in participating in our programs?
Contact Kevan Ellis, Education & Outreach Manager, at [email protected].
MTI class of 2015; photo by Mark Halliday
“The kids thoroughly enjoyed the workshop, tour, and show. I truly appreciate
all that you did to organize this. I think
it would be a very valuable experience
for any school group.”
—Amber Blount, teacher at D.W. Poppy
Secondary School
Spotlight on: Arts Club On Tour
O ur touring program started in 1990 with Same Time, Next Year, and has since expanded to include subscription series
in seven Metro Vancouver venues, as well as regular ventures to Vancouver Island and communities throughout the
province. Our tour continues to grow and remains a vital part of what we do at the Arts Club.
Last season, we toured three shows that illustrate the range of our work. We opened with the musical Red Rock Diner by Dean
Regan, we premiered a new play: In a Blue Moon by Lucia Frangione, and our final touring show was 4000 Miles by Amy Herzog.
This season, we had over 3,500 subscribers and more than 10,000 single ticket buyers. Thanks to such loyal patrons and dedicated
venue partners, we have been on the touring circuit for 27 seasons, with number 28 currently underway!
The 2015–2016 tour at a glance
18 actors
5 crew
13 communities
81 performances
7,355 kms travelled
25,474 attendees
Anita Wittenberg and Emma Tow in In a Blue Moon; photo by David Cooper
Valin Shinyei and Duff MacDonald in A Christmas Story, The Musical; photo by David Cooper
Praise for A Christmas Story, The Musical
It was so good that it made my cheeks hurt from smiling the whole
time! What a fabulous cast. The children’s big tap dance routine
was spectacular. The young talent—and their nurturing by the Arts
Club—is a guarantee that musical theatre in Vancouver is alive and
thriving and will continue in the future. Thank you and congratulations!
by Manulife Financial
V olunteers are an essential part of the Arts Club’s success.
From setting up special events to helping with administrative tasks,
our volunteers this season offered invaluable help. This year’s
Manulife Financial Volunteer of the Year was Nancy Ebert. She has
volunteered at our reception desk since 2012, and this year she was
recognized for her time and dedication.
“I love volunteering with the Arts Club because I feel like I am
contributing in a positive way to an organization I respect and
admire. I especially love the way the staff makes me feel like I’m a
valuable member of the team.”
Thank you, Nancy, and thanks to all of our volunteers for their hard
work this past season!
the arts club’s 2015–2016 Volunteer Power
150 volunteers
3,546 combined hours
Nancy Ebert (centre), Volunteer Coordinator Elizabeth Pope-Moore (left), and
Executive Director Peter Cathie White; photo by Mark Halliday
Volunteering at the Arts Club is an excellent way to become involved in the
local theatre community. Please contact Elizabeth Pope-Moore, Volunteer
Coordinator, at [email protected].
This year’s wine fairs were record breaking! Our California Wine Fair featured our most successful silent auction to date, while our
ChefmeetsBCGrape event marked 25 years of the BC VQA designation. Thank you to the California Wine Institute and the Wines
of British Columbia for being longstanding partners, and congratulations to this year’s winners of our ChefmeetsBCGrape Best
Pairing: LIFT Bar Grill View and Okanagan Crush Pad.
We hosted two wine dinners, which featured exquisitely paired multi-course meals from Siena and Tableau Bar Bistro. We also
held two fantastic raffles and continued the tradition of the Arts Club European Tour, expertly arranged by Geoff Clydesdale.
Thank you to everyone who attended and partnered with us!
California Wine Fair 2016
505 guests
542 wines
124 wineries
ChefmeetsBCGrape 2015
515 guests
292 wines
78 wineries
If you would like to donate to our silent auction or are looking to be notified when tickets for these events go on sale, please contact
[email protected].
Event sponsors
Spotlight on: New Play Development
N ew play development is a long process full of drafts, workshops, readings, feedback, and more. It doesn’t even end when
the script is in the hands of its very first director, but continues right through to opening night as adjustments are made
after the first audiences, making the final push a thrilling and emotional marathon. It’s a long process, and we’d like to
extend our sincere thanks to our UBC production dramaturgy interns, to literary assistant Veronique West, and to our generous
donors and dedicated staff, who help bring these new universes to life on stage. New plays bring new voices and perspectives to
our cultural landscape. It’s important work that helps define what matters to us as Canadians.
Me and You
By Melody Anderson
Forget About Tomorrow
By Jill Daum
In a Blue Moon
By Lucia Fragione
You Are It*
By Deborah Williams and Sherry Yoon
The Gathering
By Anosh Irani
Thanks for Giving*
By Kevin Loring
The Mysteries
By Ann Mortifee
In progress
The Men in White
By Anosh Irani
Starts Feb 9, 2017, at the Granville Island Stage
The Piano Teacher*
By Dorothy Dittrich
Starts Apr 20, 2017, at the Goldcorp Stage
By Amiel Gladstone and Veda Hille
The Waiting Room*
By John Mann and Morris Panych
*Silver Commissions
The Day Before Christmas
By Stacey Kaser and Alison Kelly
Starts Nov 24, 2016, at the Goldcorp Stage
Route 66
By Rick Antonson and Shawn Macdonald
Phil Ochs
By Zach Stevenson and TJ Dawe
Mom’s the Word 3: Nest ½ Empty
By the Mom’s the Word Collective
Starts Apr 6, 2017, at the Granville Island Stage
Digital LEAP Outreach. Photo by Mark Halliday
ReACT: Our annual festival in which playwrights see their scripts read aloud by professional actors in front of a live
audience. Playwrights get feedback from the artistic team and the audience, then make adjustments accordingly. Supported by
Taseko Mines Ltd
Silver Commissions: The Silver Commissions Project provides funding for a playwright to write the first draft of a new play
with the goal of producing it on one of our stages. It serves as an incubator of local talent. Supported by Stan and Kathy Hamilton
and Bonnie Mah
Workshops: Actors read scripts and, for musicals, sing songs. They work with the dramaturg to give feedback to the playwright,
who then makes adjustments to the script/songs. Over the course of multiple days, the script is edited and the new changes are
read out loud.
Corporate AND foundation Support
T he Arts Club is very grateful to the more than 40 corporate partners who recognize the importance of investing in the
performing arts. While we could tell a story about each and every company, we do want to specifically recognize BMO
Financial Group, who provided the funding for the external naming of our new BMO Theatre Centre as well as an annual
contribution as a Community Partner. BMO Financial Group first came on board as a Production Sponsor in 2006. Since that
time, they have grown steadily more involved, supporting our renovations at Granville Island and sponsoring our 50th Anniversary
Season, as well as returning each year as a Presenting Sponsor for one of our productions. Thank you to BMO Financial Group
and all of our corporate sponsors for your ongoing support!
Season Sponsors
Presenting Sponsors
Production Sponsors
Community Outreach Sponsors
Tour Production Sponsors
Event Sponsors
Technology Sponsors
Community Outreach Sponsors
Additional Sponsors
Anna’s Cake House
BMO Capital Markets
Business in Vnacouver
Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel
Open Road Auto Group
TELUS Vancouver Community Board
Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Michele Collins—Royal LePage Sussex
Secret Garden Tea Company
Sierra Systems
U.S. Consulate General Vancouver
Vancouver Trolley Company
Wesgroup Properties
UP TO $4,999
CIBC World Markets
Empire Life
Grosvenor Canada
HSBC Bank Canada
Investors Group
Mercury Launch & Tug Ltd.
Cool Air Rentals
Konet Systems
Marin Investments Limited
New Look Business Centre
Proscenium Architecture & Interiors
Siena Restaurant
Tap and Barrel Restaurant
Travel TST
TR Trades Reproduction
Vancouver Courier
Christopher Foundation
CIBC Children’s Foundation
Diamond Foundation
Hamber Foundation
Kaatza Foundation
Kinder Morgan Foundation
McCarthy Térault Foundation
RBC Foundation
River Foundation
The Simons Foundation
The Somerset Foundation
Vancouver Foundation
Want to learn more about how your business can partner with the Arts Club? Please contact Kathy MacKenzie, Director of Development, at
604.687.5315, ext. 252.
our Donors
O ur donors are devoted believers in the power of the arts. It is thanks to their generosity that we are able to produce theatre and
build a vibrant artistic community. Thank you!
Visionary $20,000+
Philip & Donna Bernard*
Grant D. Burnyeat*
Geoff Clydesdale*
Bonnie Mah*
Bill Millerd in memory of Helen & Frank Millerd*
Art Vertlieb & Bev Briscoe
Producer $10,000–$19,999
John & Cathy Windsor
Charles & Dale Young*
Champion $5,000–$9,999
Roberta Lando Beiser*
D. Bell & M. Sim
Lyrica Bradshaw*
Jamie & Margaret Corbett*
Dr. Kate Dahlstrom*
Ian & Frances Dowdeswell
Dale & Bruce Flexman
Christopher & Anya Gimpel*
George & Lee Grills*
Stan & Kathy Hamilton*
June Harrison & Luc Bergeron*
J. M. Hurst*
Irma & Marvin Lamoureux*
Pam & Jim McAdie*
Morris Nord & Fiona Macdonald*
Todd & Valerie Prodanuk*
Robert Sharman
John & Judy Taylor*
Benefactor $3,500–$4,999
Robert Bennett, in memory of Miriam*
Ruth Brodie
David & Edith Camm*
Drs. Doug & Kerstin Conn*
Bonnie & Terence Gordon*
Marilyn & Murray MacKenzie
Stephen Richards & Linda Loo
Alfred C. Schultz and Leona Kolla*
Bruce and Cindy Verchere
Paddy & Howard Young*
Play Patron $2,500–$3,499
Dena Alden & Ross Bailey*
Corinne Assayag,
Gordon & Cheri Bird
Mike and Maureen Black
Catherine & Stellan Boivie
Graham & Linda Brown
Brenda & Don Chapman
Dr. Jas on & Aria Conn
John & Carol Dawson
Patricia Mae Fulton*
Judy Garner*
Elaine Hunter & Bruce Watt*
James & Maureen Kitamura
Bill Koch & Margaret Kendrick
Bryan Mabee & TerriLynn Ray
Janet Rogers*
Anne Terriss & in memory of Ken Terriss*
Michael Walker
Maureen Zavislak*
Major Patron $1,500–$2,499
Byron Aceman*
In memory of Jim Babcock*
Aleem Bandali
Scott & Dorothy Bell*
Edwin Blewett, Counterpoint Consulting Inc*
Julia Blockberger*
Marc & Kelly Bourne*
Jim & Mary Clare Bovard*
M. & F. Bylsma*
Fred & Dawn Cadham*
Janet Campbell*
Marnie Carter*
Ken & Elaine Carty*
Peter Cathie White & Douglas Seifert
Jennifer Cloutier, in memory of Kenneth E. Mathews
Al Collins & Paul Blaney
Michele Collins
Axel & Millie Conradi*
Sherry Copeland*
Anne Crawford
Teo Dechev
Sarah Dugdale
Sandra & Bill Epplett*
Lindsay Bottomer & Phyllis Ferguson
Anna K. Fung
David F. Hardwick & Virginia J. Baldwin
David & Fay Harris
Catharine Herb-Kelly, QC*
John & Jo Lynne Hoegg*
Norm Hotson & Barbara Lindsay
Carol Anne Humphrys & Nick Smith
Rudy & Elizabeth Kerklaan
Carolyn M. Kirkwood
Joanne Klein
Lorna Klohn*
Leslie Lee and John Murphy
D. Wendy Lee
Cris Leonard & Katherine Locke*
Stephanie and Ed Lyszkiewicz
Kathy & John MacKenzie
Rob & Sarah McLeod*
David Morton & Debbie Mogensen
Ian & Louise Mummery*
Sayo Nickerson*
Donna & Chris Nicolls
Wendy & Chris Orvig
Ross Paul & Jane Brindley
Margaret & Paul Phang*
Glenn Powers & Melanie Wong Foundation Fund
Gary & Rosemary Prodanuk
Joanne Pugh*
F. Regan-Pollock*
D. Scott & K. Tieman*
Lisa Seed*
Curt Smecher
Eugen Klein
Ken Spencer & Judy Gale*
Peter & Karen Stephen
Jim Storie & Katie Fitzgerald*
Dr. Ian & Jane Strang*
Kerry & Scott Suffolk
D. Marion Thomas*
Erika Tse
Ian G. Waddell, QC
Adam Whitcombe
Terry Whitehead*
Mrs. Terry Wilkinson*
Terry Wolfe & Marlene Dixon*
Anonymous* x4
Anonymous x3
Legacy Gifts
Mrs. Timmie Marr
Estate of Louise Chen Uytengsu
Legacy Circle
Lyrica & Jack Bradshaw
Axel & Millie Conradi
Judi L. Curtiss
Dr. Kate Dahlstrom
Sam & Elizabeth Dunbar
George & Lee Grills
Bonnie Mah
Bill Millerd
Betty McGowan
Todd & Valerie Prodanuk
Robert Sharman & Sharon Bryan
Alfred Schultz & Leona Kolla
Jo-Ann Ternier
D. Marion Thomas
Ian G. Waddell, QC
Terry Whitehead
B. Wharton
Anonymous (x4)
“I believe that the arts constitute the best
part of the human spirit. Performing [is]
the most natural and enjoyable way to
learn about ourselves and others. This is
so needed at this moment in time. I like
the idea of giving a gift to the future. It’s
important to do what we can to ensure
that the show does go on.”
—Kate Dahlstrom, Artistic Director’s Circle
and Legacy Circle member
Kyra Zagorsky and Patrick Sabongui in Disgraced; photo by David Cooper
Praise for Disgraced
I was very pleased to see the Arts Club willing to take on a play like
Disgraced. It was multi-layered, at times difficult to watch, and took
on loaded and relevant issues. The script was excellent, the cast
skillful, and the show interwove many complex elements without
falling into the easy black and white arguments that are so common
today in the areas of culture and religion. Big issues were brought
down to the human element, with no simple, tidy outcomes. I
found this an excellent and important play. Kudos.
our Donors
Associate Director
Elizabeth Ball & Douglas Welch
C. J. Brooks*
Lynette Faris*
Joan Fowler*
Sarah and Michael Frost
Victoria I. Graham
Ruth & David Harris*
Dr. Judith Kalla*
Marylou Kirstein*
Anna & Martin Linsley*
Clint & Lynne Mahlman*
Bett and Robin McLean
Bruce & Lea Milley*
Susan Mueller
Dr. Allan Posthuma
Mrs. Wendy Robinson & Mr.
Jeff Robinson*
Andre & Brock Rowland
John Street
John J. Sutherland
Beverley Tamboline*
Eric Wilson*
Jane & Maurice Wong
Dr. Philip & Lori Barer*
David Gowe*
Bill & Barb Humen
A. Little*
Lisa & Brad Newby*
David & Heather Ashley
In memory of Adele Baeuml*
Ian Beardmore
Val & Dick Bradshaw
Elizabeth J. Burrell*
H. Campbell & K. Zaine
Ellen & Paul Challinor
Vince Chura
Dorothy M. Copp*
Chris & Lisa Dabrowski
Dhar Dhaliwal
Neil Duke & Candace Yip
Wilson Durward
Earl Ellett
evolve Nurturing Vitality (Dr.
Shamira Rahim)*
Mike & Lynda Fahrmann
Miss Heather Farrar*
Kathy Findlay
Pat & Lorne Fingarson
Susan & Barry Flynn
David Frankel
Charles & Donna Gauthier*
Geraldine Gibb*
Marianne & Verne Glover
Olga Godoroja
Ingrid Hagerlund
Earle & Mabel Hales*
Stephanie & John Halse*
Marilyn Harris
Joan & Trevor Heaver
Stan & Corky Hecker
Wilhelmina Helps*
Jack Holmes
Ann Howe
Donald & Patricia Hudson*
Al Hurwitz
Sharon Jeroski*
Anne Kober
Dick & Clara Kouwenhoven*
Mary MacDonald
Maureen L. MacDonald
Anne Mathisen
JoAn Maurer
Jane & Ian Mavety*
Harvey McKinnon
Martin & Mrs. Patricia Milewski*
Bruce Milton & Brenda Waechter
Tracy & Sandra Moore*
Mike Moretto*
Jane Mortifee
G. Murphy*
Terry & Barbara Myers
Marlie Oden & Ken Newbert
Ron Ogilvy*
In memory of Paul
Geoff Peters & Tony Ho in
memory of Beverly Louie
Louise C. Peters*
Elfriede & Peter Rohloff*
Deborah Rollins*
Gary Rombough
P.D. Ryan
Sonja Sanguinetti*
Kathie Schwaia*
Donia Sims*
Brian Angus & Dorothy Stauffer
Eileen B. Stewart*
Dr. Larry Stonesifer & Mr.
Ronald Angress*
Laurie Stovel*
Eve Szabo
In Memory of Joyce Thompson*
Michael & Judith Watson*
Christina & Bruce Wendel
Edward L. Wilson*
Iris Wilson
Daniel Worsley*
Anonymous* x 3
Anonymous x 4
Chris & Susan Adams
Robert & Enneke Allan*
Gail & Bryan Atkins
Jane K. Baker
Shirley Barnett
Larry & Nancy Behnsen
Dr. Vicki Bernstein
Debbie Berto & Dan Sanderson*
Sharon & John Bishop*
M. A. Boltezar*
Doru Botez
Julie Bournival & Rhys Clarke
Beverly & George Brazier
Sheila Brew
Priscilla Brown
Kate Burnard
Lawrence & Maggie Burr
Dr. Heather F. Clarke*
E.A. Clutchey
Joan Cosar
P. J. Curtis*
Valerie Dahl & Tony Traboulsee
Fred & Diane Dallyn*
Jane Durant*
In memory of Howard Eckman*
Sandra Fergusson
Mary & Ronald Fines
Shirley and Don Fraser*
In memory of Tom Fraser*
Robert Gauf
Karen Gilmore & Rob Van Nus
Marke Gilmore
James & Jane Gray
Dianne Haag/Accommodations
by Pillow Suites
“Our passion is live theatre. We have
been patrons and supporters of the Arts
Club for almost twenty years. We are
continually impressed by the shows and
talent presented by the Arts Club, ranging
from comedy to drama to musicals. We
look forward to each year.”
—Lee and George Grills, founding members
of the Artistic Director’s Circle
Poul & Judith Hansen
Dr. Evelyn J. Harden in memory
of John Wood*
Adrienne Harrison
Gerald & Patricia Haslam
Peter & Iris Hill
B & I Housego
Louise & Don Hutchinson
Robin Jackson
G. Jang
Ron Jobe
Mavis & Carl Jonsson*
Lynn Kelly & Brian Kett
Tony & Margie Knox
Florence Laniuk*
Dr. and Mrs. Ernie Ledgerwood*
Erica Levy & Alan Kingstone*
Linda Lowry*
Marian E. MacFarlane
Terry & Sandy McBride*
Bill & Beth McCracken
Linda McDonald & Victor Holysh
Robert & Gillian McIntyre*
Elizabeth & Jim Mah in memory
of Helen & Frank Millerd*
Ken & Irene Merrells*
Mary Millerd
Catherine Morgan &
Michael Jonker
Don Morrison
C. Rochelle Moss*
C.J. Newson*
Arlene Nolan
Laurie & Ron Osborne*
Nick & Hazel Parker-Jervis*
Marion Pearson & Jim Orr
Roberta & Scott Perrin
Ian & Carolyn Petrie
Courtney Pratt
Deborah Pound*
Carl Presland & Lei Li*
In Honour of Timmie Marr
Dr. Nicole Racette
Paul Rankin
Allan & Blaize Reich*
Lance & Sandra Rossington*
Charles Sale &
Margaret Charlton*
David Schreck*
Gail Screaton &
John Maclachlan*
Bob Shorthouse
Tricia Sirrs
Win & Hollie Stothert*
Peter Suedfeld & Phyllis Johnson*
TaLedi Distribution
Susan and Jim Thompson
Nicholas & Vaughan Thornton
Helen & Barry Thorson
Ms. Elizabeth Trask
Jacqui Tyler*
Tino Varelas
In memory of Amy Wallis from
the Little Ladies
Allan Webber*
Edward Wilson*
Peter & June Young Legacy Fund,
held at the Vancouver Foundation
Anonymous* x 3
Anonymous x 7
Thomas & Catherine Adair
Karen Adlington & Alan Turner
Janet Allwork*
Deb & Bill Alston
Bonny & Reynolds Amor
Sue Atherton
Mary & Sam Balden
Denise & Philip Barker
Diane Barnhill
Elizabeth Barr
Bartholomew & Thorstenson
George & Donna Battye Fund,
held at the Vancouver Foundation
Bill & Gladys Baxter*
The Baxter Family
Susan Bennett
Carolyn Bird
Brendan & Karly Black*
Mairi Blair
Marilyn Books
Jim & Nancy Boyle
Barbara & Carl Brandes
Carolyn & Steve Broady
Janice Brooke
Deborah Brown & Arthur Harpur
Kenneth & Marlene Brown
Sherry & Allan Buium*
Joan & Robert Burrows
Chuck & Diane Campbell
Doug & Lynn Campbell
Joan Campbell
In memory of Karen Chin
Nancy Chouinard & Lew Potts*
Robert Conconi
James Connor & Louisa Serne
Howard & Beth Coulter
David & Janet Courage*
Kenneth Ian Cron
Lee Cross
In memory of Dan, Tim & Bill
Bob Davidson
Audrey Davis
Ruth Davies
Eagle Spirit Gallery
Angela Edmonds
L. Eldridge
Anne Elliott
Beverly Epp*
Jean Excell*
Lynn & Rhys Eyton
Nina Ferentinos
Sharel Ferguson
Jane Flick & Robert Heidbreder*
Lori Fretwell
Deirdre Gernsbeck*
In memory of Dr. MCL Gerry
Carol Gibson*
David & Lilian Goodman
Dennis Goodman*
John & Julia Gosden*
Daryl Gouthro
Loree Gregg
Stephanie Griffith
Linda and Lawrence Haley
S. Hardin
Doug & Margaret Hatlelid
Roger Hayter
James & Elspeth Helmcken*
Arlene H. Henry, QC
Jane Heyman*
Margaret Hobson & Sheila Tynan
Aileen Hollifield*
Brenda & Phil Hooper
In memory of Alex Howatson
Brenda Hudson
Susan Hyam in memory
of Ann & Gerry
Marni Johnson
Steve Johnson
Bonnie Johnston
Linda Johnston*
Gloria Joller
Linda & Greg Jones*
Lesley Joy & Steve Sipos*
Betty Jung & David Chan
Stephen & Mary Ann Juras*
Mrs. Skylar Kamlade
Ron & Mari Kassell
Jacqueline Kelly &
Rowland McLeod
Kate Ker
Diane & Robert Kikkert
Bill & Judy Killam
Kathy Kinloch
Marie & Robert Kuhn*
Doug & Laurie Lakusta
Jacqueline & Don Lane
Judith Lange
Joan Larsen
Jim & Lynette Lattimer, in
memory of Amy Wallis
Julianne Lee & Scott Schlesier
Deborah Lendon*
Fay & Cornelius Lighthall*
Don Lindsay
Lorne & Audrey Lindsay*
Suzanne & Greg Lonsbrough
Kate Lucas
Greg & Katherine Luck
Kevin & Karin Lutz
Sheena MacIntyre
Lucile & Peter MacKay
Kenneth MacLeod &
Elizabeth Black
Arlene MacPhail
Florence Mann
Manthorpe Law Offices
Raymond McAllister
Sarah McAlpine
Todd McBain
Joan McCarthy
Marlene McDonald
M & E McGhee*
Geoff & Colleen Dean
Emmet & Linda McGrath
Mrs. Verna McNichol*
S. S. Moe
John Munro
P & J Mussenden
Barbara Naef
Debbi & Paul Noble
Barbara Norman
In memory of Cherie Nygard
K. L. O’Brien
June Ogden
Heather McDonald
and Jack Olsen
Orcas Construction Ltd.
Neil & Donna Ornstein*
Stephen & Pamela Ottridge*
Barb & Karl Pearson
John & Debbie Pel
Fred Pereira
Jean Pirie
Ray & Judy Pletcher*
Keith & Maureen Reid
Dave & Elaine Rickards*
Evelyn M. Riley
Barbara & John Roberts
Mark & Laura Roberts
Harley Rothstein &
Eleanor Boyle*
Mr. & Mrs. Real Rousseau*
Paul Ruben
W. Ruus*
Erika & Andrew Scott
Bob & Shawn Siak*
Dr. Cecil Sigal
Jenna Smith
Robert & Patricia Smith
Sandi Strate
Kathleen & Robert Strath*
Mary Strzelecki
Kumi & Gary Sutcliffe*
In memory of Arjan Taank
Patricia & Dean Taylor*
Mollie Thackeray*
Peter Thaler*
Graham & Elaine Thody
Silvia Thorne
Deborah Thorvaldson
Art Toft
Josephine Tortora
Patricia Tracy
John Vanderlee
J. Walsh
Ellen Wattam*
Nora M. Weaver
Lyn & John Webster*
June L. Witty*
Beverley Wong
Jane & John Wright
Caroline Underhill
Jennifer Yeung
Anonymous* x 7
Anonymous x 20
Carol Acton
Jonathon & Alisha Adams
Louise Adams*
Sherri-Lynne Adams
Dale Adamson & Bruce Sharpe
Mrs. Donna Aldous
Brenda & Christine Aldridge
Helen Alko
Melanie Allan
Neil Allan
D. Allen & B. Judge*
Sue Anderlini*
Penny Anderson
Theodore & Jean Andrew*
Mark Atunes & David Gabel
Rio Anuales
Norman & Sheila Archeck
Rae Archer*
Valerie Arlette*
Ken Armstrong
Trevor Armstrong &
Catrherine Kinahan
Neil & Diane Arnett
Simone Artaud
Robert & Cora Ashburner
Liz Atchley
Norman Au-Yeung*
Lhea Audia
Elizabeth and Sidney Austrom
Cheryl Axford
James Baird
Elaine Baldwin
Mrs. Sheila Barnett
Donna Baron
Janet & Charles Barstow
Allen & Noelle Baxter
Bill & Heather Beamish
Dr. Robert Bear Inc
Kathleen Beaton
Gillian Beattie
Anne Beaulieu
Shaviv & Susana Ben Neriah
Richard Benmore
Jonathan & Heather Berkowitz
Michael & Margaret Berthelsen
Nancy & Keith Bespflug*
Nomita and Manish Bharadwaj
William Bilecki &
Joan Kowalewich*
Beth Billson
Daniel Birch
Sylvia Bishop
Dr. D. Bland
Ken Blocka & Monica Hrynchak
Patricia Bond
Janice and John Boots
Corlin & Elizabeth Bordeaux
Paul Boutin
Eleanor & Jeff Bowcock*
Mr. William D. L. Bowen
Barbara Bowes
David & Nicki Boyd
Marcia Boyd
Dr. Chris Bozek & Dr. Donna Sue
Robert & Sue Bradley
Ronald C Brandolini
Robert Brebner
Eric & Bertha Brisco
Kenneth Broadway
Broadway Cosmetic
Surgery Centre
Anne & Mike Brody
Louise Brooks &
Frederick Hornby
Christine Brophy
Mike Bryden and Kathleen Heddle
Cicely Bryce
Brenda Buchanan
Aralee Buckland
Maureen Bulger
Marilyn Bullock
Mary Lee Burns &
Marc Herrmann
Michael Burpee & Carla McGhie
Lorelle & David Butler
Marilyn Buttle*
Karen Campbell & Warren Clare
Lawrence Campbell
Sandra Campbell
Candace & Bruce Caple*
Judith Carroll
Margaret Catley-Carlson
Jeff & Brenda Caughlin
Valentina Cesaratto
Linda Chamut & Terry Lindall*
Lorna Chan-Yan
Mrs. Donna Chan
Michelle Chang
Sheldon & Marilyn Chandler
Susan Chant*
Ross & Carol Jean Chevalier
David Chiang
Mr. Jack Chow & Mrs.
Pamela Chow*
Rhona & Valdy Chrobok
Clement Chung
Helen Clarke
Dawna Claxton
Sharl & Risa Cline
M. Clyne*
June Coe*
Judith Coffin*
Isobel Cole*
Michael & Ruth Coles
Carell & William Colvin*
S. Courtemanche
Eilis Courtney*
Blake Cowan
Bruce Cowie
Barbara Cox & Dan Aspinall
Claudia Craig
Barbara Creighton
David Critchley
Bill & Jean Crockett*
Bob & Cathy Crockett
Kathie Cronk
Sylvia Crooks
Kathleen Cunningham*
Karen Currie
Judi & Don Curtiss*
Wendy & Paul DaDalt
our Donors
Joan Davidson
Gloria Davies
Harriet Dean
Frances Degeer
Diana Del Negro
Richard Delaney
Mardi Denis*
Margaret & Gary Dekson
Erin & Giorgio D’Este
Mr. & Mrs. Devlin*
Allan Diamond
Carol & Sean Dingley
Allan Ditor and Linda Hunt
Sylvia Dixon
Hugh & Susan Dobbie*
Mary Elizabeth Campbell
Mr. D.H. Dollard*
Connie Dolphin
Marion & Sarah Donald
Pattie Donnelly
Brian Drummond
Marousa Dumaresq
William & Frances Dunn
Shannon Dutchyn
Penny Dyer*
Tatiana Easton
Janice Ebenstiner &
Paul Van Peenen
Lisa Edgett
Ryan & Ashley Edgington
Joan & Mike Eivemark
Rosemary and Chad Ekren
Joan & Bob Elliott
Sue Elliott
Irma Epp
Teresa & Robert Essler
Paul & Jaina Eviston
Charlotte Excell*
Dana Fabbro
Darleen & Bob Fairley
Dianne Farlinger
Leagh & Amaryllis Farrell
Catherine Fast*
Denis & Debora Faucher
Keltie & Dave Faynor
Suzanne Fehlauer
Nicole Ferreira
Kathy Fike
Carol Anne &
Grenville Finch-Noyes
Lance & Judy Finch
Dee Findlater
Jeffrey Fisher & Robert Spooner
Larry and Anne Fisher
Pauline & David Fitzgerald
Mrs. Barbara J. Fletcher
Stephen Forgacs & Pamela Lee
Judith Forsberg
Gavin and Sara Forsyth
Allen M. Fowlis
Sheila Francis and Terry Willies
Marlene Franks
Bill B Fraser
Jill Alexander & Brian Fraser
Janet Fraser
Susan French & John Lovatt
Tara Fung
Les & Barbara Garbutt
Nancy Garrett*
Myrna & Glen Geib
Sharon Gerbasi
Colleen & David Giddings
Shannon & Grant Gillin
Allan & Sharon Gjernes
Diane Gorton
Carmel Goulden
Cindy Goundrey
Ingrid & Colin Gour
George & Rita Gouraud
Kieron & Jennifer Grady
Anne Graham
Mary Ellen Graham in memory
of David Graham*
Jill Grant*
Sheilah & Fraser Grant*
Colin Gray & Liza Hutchison
Diana & Douglas Gray
Lorraine Green
Brienna & Graham Greenaway
Pam Grover*
Russell Groves &
Angie Parkinson
Pam & David Gurd
Cindy & Phil Gustin
Gordon & Karen Hait
Chris & Nicole Hall
Ione Halladay
Sharon Hamer
Lyle & Shannon Handfield
Vincent Hanemayer &
Margaret Shaw
Richard Hankin & Heather
Jones Hankin
Daniel Hanson
Sherry & David Hanson
In Memory of Olive Lane
Bruce Harris
Maria Harris
Linda Harrison
Marilyn Harrison*
Paul Hart & Pat Harrold
Theresa Hazelton
Stephen Heatley
Angelika & Rick Hedley
Gail Helmcken
Karen Henderson
Linda Lee Henriksen
Sybil Henteleff
Edith & Bob Hewitt
Linda Hodgson
Ingrid Holler
John & Mavis Holm
Dedeshya Holowenko
Anne Hope
Mark Hopkins
Trish Hopkins
Darlene & Denis Horgan
Joan & Robert Hornal
Arlene Howard
Patricia Howie and Jorg Stangl
Linlin Hsia
Leetty Huang
Donna Hynes
Jean Hynes
Susanne Indridson*
Jenniger Ingham
Doreen Ingram
Merion Innes
Lyle Isaak
Patrick Jackson
Sarah & Janna Jacobson
Joanna James
Nicola James
Teresa & Lewis James*
Frans Jansen
Ardis Janzen*
Carolyn Jay
Edwina & Rick Jeffrey
Roberta and Jim Jensen
William John
Patricia Johnson
Kim Johnston & John Botelho
Lois Johnston
Robert Johnstone*
Bryan & Toni Jones
Paul & Judith Joseph
Signe Jurcic
Mark Kahn
Merle Kamin & Rob Goldberg
Ameen & Bev Kanji*
In Memory of Leon Bibb
Robert & Raymonde Kendrick
Lynn Hembree
Nenia Kennedy in memory of
Goldie Semple
Deborah Kerr & Tom McCormick
Erika Kertesz
Janet Kett
Jennifer Keyes
Catherine Kierans
Sheena and Yggy King
Judith Klang
Michael Klein
Carol and Terry Kline
Theresa Ko
Michael Kobor & Janina Kon
M. Koenigsberg
Michael Koren
Joe Kovach
Peter and Gail Krivel-Zackes
Philippe & Sylvie Kruchten
Su-bin Kuah
Barbara Kuncewicz
Ellen Kurz
Carol Kuzyk
S. Kwarciany
Rob LaBelle
Keith & Lindsay Lambert
Andrea laPrairie
Gay Larsen
Cheryl & Tony Laurita
Donna Bishop
Kerry Lawson
Mary Lay
Robert Leader
Jeanette Lee
Linda Lee & Michael Mulhern
Sharon Lee
Max & Tiffany Yeong
Ted & Tracey Lee
Sandra Lee and David Kason
Mark & Linda Leffler
Jim Lepp
Esther Leung
Peter Li
Carlotta Liechti
Joan Lloyd
Thelma Lloyd*
Christine Lovatt
Sharon & Edward Lowe
Jennifer Ann MacDonald
Margaret E. MacDonald
Nancy M. Macdonald*
Ron MacGillivray
Jane & Ian MacGregor
Sharon MacKenzie*
Amy & Justin MacLeod
Jim Mactier
Harinder Mahli & Jamie Ghuman
Audrey Mak
Maryann Maloney
Rameshchandra Maniar
In honour of John Mann, Spirit
of the West, OBC
Linda Mann Zacks
Mary-Beth & David March
Les & Dorothy Marchant
Jennifer Mardock
Marisco Holdings Ltd.
Bruce Marks & Anne Whitmarsh
Maureen Martell
Christian & Aniela Martin
Gail Martin
Sheilagh Martin
Michael Martino
Deborah Matheson
Judy & Ralph May
Isabella McBride*
Beth & Scott McCaffrey
Mr. Scott McCloy
Dr. & Mrs. Tom McCusker*
Michael & Maria McDonald
Jack & Sheila McGivern*
Mary M.
Patrick McKerchar
Jane McLennan
Gordon McQueen &
Glenda Matthews
Kathryn & Grant McRadu
Mrs. Sara McTaggart*
Elnora & Raymond Meadowcroft
Deborah & Stephen Meehan
Victoria Mendes
S. Mercer
“As long-standing patrons and donors of
the Arts Club, we have enjoyed so many
of the productions over the years. There
is nothing like live theatre to draw you
into a time and space created by the
playwright, director, actors and sets. We
feel very lucky to have been entertained
and sometimes deeply affected by
productions such as Other Desert Cities
and Good People. We are happy to
contribute to keeping talented actors
and great theatre in Vancouver.”
—Neil Duke and Candace Yip, Friends Circle
Susan Mielke
Debra Millar & Wally Unger
Donnaleen Miller
Jayne Miller
Susan Milligan
Christine Mills
Patricia Mills & Keith Marriage
D.B. Minichiello
Catriona Misfeldt
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh &
Elonna Mitchell*
Glen & Christine Mitchell
Patrick Mitchell
Peter Moes
Rowena Moffett*
Bob Moir & Gail Bon Bernard
Elizabeth Montagliani
Lucidea Moore
Jean Morgan
Nancy Moriyama &
Filippe Rodrique
Donna Moroz
Vanessa & Steve Morrell
Brenda Morrison
Elizabeth & Paul Moxham
M. & M. Muckle
Eric Muir
Virginia & Stephen Mulhall
K. L. Murphy*
Doug & Nadia Murphy
Louise & James Nasmith
Sheinaz Nathoo
Evelyne & Boudewijn Neijens
Christine & Stuart Neil
Harold & Charlotte Nelson
Madeleine A. Nelson
Gaylene Newman
Karin Newton
Brenda Ng & Dennis Bidin
Carol Ng
Heather Nichini
Barbara Nider*
Janine and Henry Nierychlo
Janet & John Norman
Erica Northcott
Wayne O’Brien
Jean O’Byrne
Marti Oppenheimer
Andrew Orantt
Amber & Andrew Orchard
Jean Orr*
Stella Osen
Audrey & John Ostaf
The Dance Shop*
Nancy & Daniel Paget
Oscar & Olga Palacol
Jasmine Panthaky
Nicole Paris
Cheryl Neigbour & James Parker
Ms. Parliament
Laura Parry
Patricia and Mike Patton
Jacqueline & Jonathan Peacock
Elaine Peddie
Jenny & Bob Pedersen
Veronica Pellerine
Margaret E. Penner*
Vivian Pentecost
Evelyn & Edward Pentland
Barbara Jean Peters
Elaine & David Peterson
Harv Phandal
Neil Pinheiro
Bernard Pinsky & Daniella Givon
Angela Pirozzi
Jeff Plato & Cheryl Leia
Consumer-Response Marketing
Art & Myrna Poisson*
J.G. Poloway
Sylvia Polsky
Kathy Poon
Barbara Porco & Jacquie Bezo
Randall Pow
Rose Marie Preston
John & Bev Price
Adeline & John Primus
Carol Quinn
Agi Radcliffe
Mikki-Lee Ransome
Ruth & George Rapanos
Anneliese Rashed*
Esther Reid
Jackie Reid
Myrtle-Ann Rempel
Kevin Retief
Michael Reyes
William & Oksana Richards
Alison Richardson*
Wendy & Bill Rines
Heather Risk
Tammy Ritchie & Joe Sweeney
Stephanie J. Robb*
In memory of Evelyn Huberman
Mary Roberts
Sylvia Roberts
Janice Robinson
Lorna & David Robinson
Judy Rochette & Ian Caven
Chris Rogers & John Ash
Missy Rollins
Kathy Romses
Alaura Ross & Michael Redmond
Anne Rowles & Afton Cayford*
Leanne Roy
Rachel & Michael Roy
Johanna & Derek Rundell
Robert & Susan Ruttan
Michael Ryan
Elizabeth Sakiyama
Virginia Salter
Sarabjot Samra
Donald Sands
Peter & Ursula Schmelcher
Loretta Schmidt
Lynn Schouls & Marc Boileau
Barbara Schrodt
Nancy Schultz
Bernhardt Schulz
Beverley Scott
Ruth Scowcroft
Gillian Seager*
Aubrey Searle
Judith Sewell
Richard & Jane Shand
Joan Sharman
Brian & Jan Sharp
Kathryn Shaw*
Maryanna & Campbell Shields
Ellen & Cal Shumiatcher
Ailsa Siemens
Gregory Sifert
Thomas Sigurdson
Donna Sinclair*
Roslyn Slater
Mr. Olav Slaymaker*
Eleanor Sleath
Leslie Small & Neil Spajkowski
N. Smiley & P. Flucke
Barbara Smith
Diane Smith
Peter J. Smith
Robert & Sally Smith*
Robyn So
Nancy Spooner
Kerrie Sproule
Alexander & Carolyn Srdic
Kathleen and Ian St. Martin
Glen Stanger
Staples & Company*
Irene Sternitzke*
Lynn Stevens
Norman Stolberg
S & J Stonier
Vicky Strom
Susan Stromberg
K. & K. Stubbs
Gideon & Renate Stuhler*
Carole Sturgess
Gail Sumanik
Robyn Sussel in memory of
Evelyn Huberman
Helen Suttie
Mr. & Mrs. Sutton
Wendy Sutton
Sandra Swail
Richard Swann & Della Fuller
Robert & Lori Swift
Dean Tambellini & Sharon
Naomi Taussig & Keith Nuscart
Sandra Tavernier
Anne and Mitch Taylor
Gay Taylor
Rita Taylor
Adele & Hakan Telenius
Melanie Clare-Tellett
Lynn Temoin
Eve Teubert
Heather & Robert Thompson
Joanne Thorpe
Kerry & Harry Tomyn
Maureen Topley
Collen Tracy Torrison
Alain & Kim Touchette
Marie-Claude Tremblay
John & Linda Trueman
Cyril Tsou
Mary Tuck
Leslie Tulloch & Marita Merkel
Lorne Turcotte & Sheila Carrie
John & Jean Turnbull*
Linda Turnbull
Joy & Paul Tutsch
Brenda and George Tyc
Scott Ullrich
Norma Vallentgoed*
Debra & Chuck Van der Lee
Rosemary Verrall
Barrie & Margaret Vickers
Mary H. Vickers
Remy Villanueva
Kay Vinall and Tim Holmes
Dr. & Mrs. Wadge
Jane Wakefield
D.I. Walker*
Dianne Wallace
Sheila Wareing
Jennifer & Dymetry Warnyca
Louise Waters
Christine & David Watkins
Bonnie Watts
In memory of Amy Wallis
Dawn Wedman
Cynthia P. Wheten
Jacqueline White
Michael Whitmore
Pamela Whittall & Ed Beange
Loretta & Marvin Wideen
Twyla Will
Hon. Bryan & Mrs.
Audrey Williams
Carolyn Willick
Noreen Willingdon*
Mrs. F. Ruth Wilson
Marie Wingen
Tracy Wiseman
Sam Witherow & Evelyn O’Neill
Ted Wong
Grant Woo
Woolley Family
Marg Worthy*
Andrew & Ingrid Wray
Linda Wright
Deidre Wrightman
Ms. Wendy M. Wulff
Stephen Wurz
Wyckham Family
Carol Yacyshen
Cheryl Yarenmko & Kevin Clegg
Nancy and Samuel Yoshida
Graham & Alex Young
Natalie Zinetti
Ron Zohar
Anonymous* x 20
Anonymous x 72
*donors for 5 or more
consecutive years
T he financial statements of the Arts Club Group for the year ended August 28, 2016, have been audited by Grant Thornton LLP,
Chartered Professional Accountants. Complete financial statements are available upon request.
67% Earned revenue
17% Fundraising
9% Lounge
6% Public sector grants
69% Production
10% Premises, amortization & rentals
8% Administrative & Education
8% Bar operations
The cast of Rock of Ages; photo by David Cooper
Praise for Rock of Ages
Fantastic show—well done! The idea of replacing the front row
of seats with tables and chairs was wonderful—it made the
experience so much more personal for us front row lovers! I felt
as if I were part of the show. I was blown away by the quality of
singing and the show brought back amazing memories from my
younger days!
5% Fundraising
Bill Millerd Artistic Managing Director
Peter Cathie White Executive Director
Resident Designer Ted Roberts
Artist Liaison Stephanie Hargreaves
Literary Manager Rachel Ditor
Literary Assistant Veronique West
LEAP Leader Shawn Macdonald
LEAP Assistant Christine Quintana
Musical Theatre Intensive Director Peter
Actor’s Intensive Program Director Dean Paul
Actor’s Intensive Head Instructor Scott Bellis
Director of Production Stephan Baeuml
Technical Director, Stanley & Tours Eugenio
Saenz Flores
Technical Director, Granville Island &
Goldcorp Craig Fulker
Technical Director, Production Shop Ace
Assistant Technical Director Patsy Tomkins
Facilities Manager Jack Holmes
Rentals Manager Catherine Wilson
Stage Managers Angela Beaulieu, Rachel
Bland, Sandra Drag, Caryn Fehr, Claire Friderich*, Michelle Harrison, Ronaye Haynes, Jan
Hodgson, Pamela Jakobs, Peter Jotkus, Jenny
Kim*, Rebecca Mulvihill, Ashley Noyes*, Rick
Rinder, Tanya Schwaerzle* April Starr Land,
Allison Spearin, Ann Taylor, Yvonne Yip
*Apprentice Stage Manager
Production Secretary Dawn Padget
Production Assistant Robert Burns
Buildings Maintenance Kris Jankovic
Head Carpenter Joao Carlos d’Almeida
Lead Carpenters Lorraine West & Chris White
Head of Properties Michael Gall
Second Properties Robyn Volk
Head Scenic Artist Kristine Kavalec
Head of Costumes Kristen McGhie
Costume Assistant Tiffany Bishop
Cutter Sarah Marchant
Wardrobe Maintenance Mary Jane Cox, Sean
Malmas, Jan Murphy
Head Electrician, Stanley Shawn Watson
Head Electrician, Granville Island Darren
Goldcorp Stage Technician Garreth Lau
Tour Technician Alberto White
Head Sound Technician Philip Ronayne
Assistant Sound Technician Kate De Lorme,
James Perrella
Stanley Stage Carpenter Marcus Stusek
Granville Island Stage Carpenter Bret Roach
Asst. Stage Carpenter Alex Pauls
Fit-up Carpenter Lucas Hall
Head Dresser Oriana Camporese
Rentals Technicians Liz Kraft, Darren John
Production Intern Kate Condon
Director of Finance & Systems Valerie
Director of Education Natasha Klein (on leave)
Education Coordinator Kevan Ellis
Manager of Administration Teddy Forsyth
IT Manager Allan Kong
Manager of Database & Ticketing Systems Lou
Ann Mendoza
Accountant Igor Rozenberg
Accounting Assistant Eileen Craig
Receptionist Susanna Summers
Volunteer Coordinator Elizabeth Pope-Moore
Director of Sales & Marketing Bryan Woo
Publications & Communications Manager
Susan Cho
Marketing Manager Jaime Fletcher
Publicist Amy Lynn Strilchuk
Writer & Editor Angela Caravan
Graphic Designer Roger Allen
Group Concierge Adam Caddell, Jonathan
Tour Coordinator Christina Campbell, April
Marketing Coordinator, Loyalty Reena Taank,
Alva Tang
Marketing Coordinator, Digital April Green,
Gabriel Kirkley
Tour Intern Hillary Edison
Director of Development Kathy MacKenzie
Manager of Individual Giving Parmida
Manager of Corporate Sponsorships &
Foundations Annie Wu, Stephanie Cardwell
Manager of Special Events Gigi Wong,
Deighen Greene, Stephanie Roberts
Development Coordinator Hoori Barkh
Cultivation and Stewardship Coordinator Jen
Graphic Designer Peng Wei
Special Events Interns Kendall Papp, Carlyn
Bishop, Lucy Huang
Guest Services Manager Peter Chapek
Front of House Managers Laura Eveleigh, Max
Forsyth, Tanya Schwaerzle
Front of House Attendants Laura Accili,
Brendan Blanchard, Kaila Butler, Bonnie Dane,
Meredith Hambrock, Ronaye Haynes, Linda
Guthrie, Alexis Jones, Michelle Kaeser, Aaron
Lee, Shirley Lum, Kavin Ni, Kirsten Niedtner,
Devon Parkin, Sandy Peters, Mylyn Ramos, Veronica Rozenberg, Samein Shamsher, Nathan
Smith, Karen Worrod, Vanessa Yee
Ticket Operations Manager Megan Verhey
Sales Systems Manager Harpreet Kullar
Ticket Sales Supervisors Madeline Doig, Eric
Biskupski, Andrea Francom
Ticket Sales Agents Ria Antonopoulos, Jo B.,
Jean Choi, Elizabeth, Emery, Holly Emmett,
Brett Harris, Marianne Hoffard, Jacinta Jones,
Amanda Konkin, Nicholas Lee, Gwenda Lorenzetti, Jennifer Lynch, Tim Mahoney, Danny
Mak, Emma Middleton, Kirk Olson, Yvette Rizzo, Erin Schneider, Tulika Smith, Karl Ventura
Director of Food and Beverage Steve
Sheridan, Torrance Jestadt
Bar Managers Torrance Jestadt, Kelly Golby,
Blaine Anderson, Colin Speir, Chris Schonfeldt
Bar and Lounge Staff Edward Adams, Chari
Agellon, Cindy Alassadi, Eric Angerman, Mario
Basile, Anthony Catenaccio, Sam Clark, Paddy
Cole, Colin d’Astoli, Lucas Floody, Rafal Frej,
Mike Fydenlund, Rachel Hugesman, Mia
Ingimundson, Savanna Junjek, Robin K., Mike
Kucheran, Jordan Lee, Julia Litke, Rochelle
Martian, Ron Mill, Sarah McCusker, Gavin
Morrison, Ashley Nordick, Ruy Noya, Rene
Paul, Emilda Radjah, Anna Rasmussen, Dallas
Richards, Joey Robertson, Khalied Salem,
Dillan Simard, Jason Simmer, Thomas Sherlock, George Smith, Sunil Suvarna, Stephanie
Thompson, Michelle Towell, Paul Vigano,
Gavin Weddell, Linsay Willier, Katherine Wortley, Katarzyna Zacheja
Creating great theatre takes more than the artists you see on
stage. It takes the help of patrons like you. With your support,
we can continue to produce stellar theatre and build a vibrant
artistic community.
When you donate to us, a non-profit charity, your gift makes a
difference. Please consider supporting our efforts through your
company or as an individual. More information can be found at
Charitable Registration No. 11921 3551 RR0001
Arts Club Theatre Company
BMO Theatre Centre
203 - 162 West 1st Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Y 0H6
Cover: Matthew Cluff and Nolan Fahey in Billy Elliot; photo by David Cooper