Contagion {youtube}4sYSyuuLk5g{/youtube} (Running time: 108 Minutes) Rated PG-13 Starring Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslet, Marion Cotillard This all-too-plausible thriller about a deadly new virus running rampant in the world is a well-done and scary film. With a phenomenal cast lending credibility to the concept…a virus starts in Hong Kong and spreads across the world in about three weeks, killing a few people then rapidly escalating to killing thousands. The movie focuses on the CDC (Center for Disease Control)’s efforts to stop the virus, find a cure and create a vaccine all at the same time. The movie highlights one family who loses the wife and one child, several doctors and their search of the key to the virus and precautions taken to stop the spread and those who wish to capitalize on the ensuing panic. The movie is very realistic, portraying the frenzy unleashed as people scramble for survival. Looting, hysteria, mobs out of control fill the screen as the virus travels. One journalist claims to have found a cure, bilking people out of millions of dollars. This is a fascinating movie but definitely not for younger children. Watching the process of finding a cure, including listening carefully to the scientific language riveted me to the screen. Watching people go out of control is frightening as we have seen before on the news. I don’t want to spoil the movie so I’m going to stop. This is an excellent serious movie to see with teens, 13 and up. There is some violence, no sex and no bad language. Contagion can cause something in your house, perhaps a discussion about whether this could actually happen and what you would do if it did. User Reviews for Contagion 1/2 Contagion There are no user reviews at this time. Want to submit your own? Submit your review 2/2
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