held on TUESDAY 15 MARCH 2011 at 7pm in the Guildhall
Cllrs Chapman, Conway, Miss Davey, Facks Martin, Gordon, J Harris, O Harris
Hogan, Keighley, O’Brien (Mayor), Sandercock, Tremain (Deputy Mayor), Mrs
Williams, Mrs Young.
In attendance: Town Clerk (Rita Skinner), Cornwall Cllr Alex Folkes, Rev Malcolm
Jones, members of the public (4).
The Rev Malcolm Jones led the meeting in prayer.
Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs Geach and Warne.
Declarations of Interest
Cllr Facks Martin declared a personal interest in the Woodland Trust.
To confirm the Minutes of the last meeting, previously circulated
It was unanimously resolved to confirm and sign the minutes of the Full Council
held on 16 January 2011.
To receive and adopt the minutes of committees and sub-committees,
previously circulated
It was unanimously resolved to receive and adopt the minutes of the following
committees and sub committees:
Meeting of the Council as the Burial Authority 16 February 2011 at 6pm
Planning Committee held on 17 February 2011 at 7pm
Staffing Committee held on 28 February at 10am
Lawrence House Museum Management Committee held on 28 February at 7pm
Finance & General Purposes Committee held on 2 March 2011 at 7pm
Properties Committee held on 4 March 2011 at 9.30am
Environment and Open Spaces Committee held on 7 March at 1115am
Cllr Facks Martin said he was disappointed that there was no affordable housing
proposed for the Hay Common development. A new primary school would be
provided instead. Initially this would be a four form school. Cllr Folkes said that
the Council should seek to agree terms whereby if the profit margin increased
then the developer contribution would increase and a small number of affordable
homes could be provided.
Public Representation Session
There were representations from residents of Woburn Road concerning Planning
Application 2011/00494, a proposal to build five residential units on land
currently used as informal amenity land. The application had not been received
by the Town Council but the concerns of the residents were noted and would be
taken to the Planning Committee. Cllr Facks Martin said that individuals should
write to Cornwall Council to express their opinions on the application.
Town Hall refurbishment and formal opening
The Town Mayor said that the visit by HRH The Duchess of Cornwall had gone
very well. It had been well organised, a good mix of formal and informal and
greatly assisted by the enthusiastic crowds of young people. The Mayor
expressed his gratitude to all those who had worked so hard. The Mayor said he
would write to all the schools to express the Council’s thanks.
Cllr Hogan said that there were still a number of outstanding items to be settled
with Pearce’s. The instruction manuals were needed and the final account was
not yet available. A retention sum was being kept aside.
Mayor Choosing
It was agreed that this agenda item could be taken next.
Cllr Gordon nominated Cllr Tremain to be Mayor for 2011/2012. This was
seconded by Cllr Chapman and carried unanimously.
Cllr Chapman nominated Cllr Gordon to be Deputy Mayor, seconded by Cllr
Sandercock. Cllr Hogan nominated Cllr Keighley, seconded by Cllr Mrs Williams.
A secret ballot was held, and Cllr Gordon was elected as Deputy Mayor by 8 votes
to 6.
Tourist Information Centre
The Town Clerk said that some work needed to be done to the new premises.
The electrical work would be undertaken by the landlord. Some minor
alterations to the interior were planned to make it more useable. A counter
would be built and new carpet installed.
The new TIC/Town Hall assistant had been appointed and would start work on 1
The Town Mayor reported on a meeting held on 1 March with representatives of
local organisations. There was a great deal of support for the Town Council in its
work with the TIC. A new tourism committee would be formed and it was agreed
that Cllr Gordon would represent the Council on it. U3A were asking members to
volunteer to help to staff the TIC. The TIC would be run as a business and would
work to promote the town.
Councillor Surgeries
The rotas for 19 March and 16 April were agreed.
Correspondence and Matters to Note
It was resolved to note the following:
a) A meal to support Uganda – 31 March (Cllr Mrs Young invited Councillors to
attend, also the concert on 25 March)
b) Launceston Spring Fashion Showcase in aid of the Precious Lives Appeal
c) Town and Parish newsletter February 2011
d) Letter from Mr Arscott re Castle Dyke
e) Report of the Internal Auditor (4 March 2011)
f) The Clerk and LCR magazines availability
g) One Stop Shop services to be based in Library premises
h) Census 2011 – opportunity to note Cornish identity
Reports from Cornwall Councillors
The Mayor thanked Cllr Folkes for his regular attendance at Town Council
meeting. Cllr Folkes said there were concerns about access to the Library for One
Stop Shop users. However he felt it was important for other services to be placed
there, as this would help to secure the Library’s future. The Cabinet of Cornwall
Council would be meeting on 16 March to consider the dualling of the A30 from
Temple. The Council was still supporting the scheme even though government
funding was not available. Cllr Folkes hoped that the Council would agree to
develop plans for a less expensive route, and that this would make fund raising
easier. Cllr Folkes said the new parking charges would be implemented in early
April. He hoped that a new surface would be provided for St Johns Road by the
end of April. No adoption had yet been agreed for Kensey Valley Meadow. Cllr
Folkes encouraged everyone to complete the consultation on waste collections
which had been circulated with information on council tax.
Reports and questions from Town Councillors
Cllr Mrs Williams wanted to know why councillors did not shop in the town. A
number of councillors responded that they did.
Cllr Conway said that the payment of business rates should be amended to
enable them to be paid at regular intervals throughout the year. Cllr Folkes said
he would follow this up.
Report from the Town Mayor
The Mayor’s monthly engagements report is appended to these minutes.
Report from the Town Clerk
The Town Clerk reported on the meeting of the National Executive Committee of
the Society of Local Council Clerks, held on 15 February. There was a proposal for
a partnership with the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) to
encourage professional development. She reported on incidents of councils
declaring clerks redundant and moves to get s112(5) of the Local Government Act
1972 repealed. Efforts were being made to counteract bullying of clerks, a
suggestion was to change the name from clerk to manager or something similar.
The Town Clerk reported on new legislation affecting local councils. It was
anticipated that a power of general competence would be given to ‘eligible’
councils. Community groups would have the right to buy, right to bid and right to
build. The Standards Board would be abolished. Greater data transparency
would be expected.
The Town Clerk said that the Annual Parish Meeting and the Grants Presentation
Evening would be held together on Thursday 7 April at 6.30pm
Urgent Items
There were no urgent items to report.
Review of Policy documents
The Statement of Internal Control, Investment Strategy and Financial Regulations
had been circulated with the agenda. It was resolved to approve all the
documents. Standing Orders had been revised in October 2010 and it was
therefore agreed that they did not need to be revised at this stage.
Exclusion of members of the press and public
It was resolved that under s1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act
1960 that the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following
items as they involved the likely disclosure of confidential information.
Award of Appreciation
Following the recent meeting of the Finance & General Purposes Committee it
was resolved to make a posthumous Award of Appreciation to Mr Phil Lewitt for
his great contribution to the town. The Award would be presented to his family
at Mayor Choosing.
Lease of Windmill Wood
The Town Clerk reported that Mr Chester of John Whiting Solicitors had
examined the terms of the lease and had advised that they were satisfactory. It
was therefore resolved that the Mayor and Town Clerk should sign the lease on
behalf of the Town Council.
Licence for Unit 5 Market Arcade (Tourist Information Centre)
The Town Clerk reported that Mr Chester of John Whiting Solicitors had
examined the terms of the licence and had advised that they were satisfactory. It
was therefore resolved that the Mayor and Town Clerk should sign the licence on
behalf of the Town Council.
Southgate Arch
The Town Clerk reported that Miller & Son had identified suitable tenants who
wished to open an art gallery. Satisfactory references had been received. It was
resolved to accept this recommendation and to proceed with a tenancy
agreement. The Town Clerk was asked to clarify who would be responsible for
the exterior steps and the safety of the public using them.
Registration Service
The Town Clerk reported that complications had arisen with the proposed move
of the Registration Service to the Town Hall. The service required more room
than had been originally stated, and the General Register Office had concerns
about a possible conflict of interest if the Town Hall was registered for weddings.
It was agreed that the Town Council wanted to be able to use the building as it
wished, and that weddings, particularly for local people, were a major part of
community access to the building. The Council wished to be supportive in the
matter of the relocation of the Registration Service but was not prepared to give
up both the conference rooms and its ability to host weddings. The Town Clerk
had a meeting with Head of Cornwall Registration Service arranged for 31 March
and would discuss these issues with her then.
Date of the next meeting
The next Full Council meeting would be held on Tuesday 19 April 2011 at 7pm in
the Guildhall.
The meeting ended at 9.10pm.
Signed ..................................................................................... Date .....................................