Welcome to AP European History! I commend you for the
ambition and drive you have demostrated by signing up for this
course. AP Euro a rigorous, challenging course, but it is also
incredibly interesting and enriching. It will require a lot of hard
work and determination to suceed but in the end it will all be worth it. The AP Euro course is specifically
structured to provide students with an in-depth study of European history from the 15th century through the
modern day. In addition to course content, the course is specifically designed to enhance student analytical
reading and essay writing skills. The summer assignment below is designed to help us prepare for the
challenges of the class and help provide a solid background for the material we will be learning.
Machiavelli’s The Prince
The Prince, written by Niccolo Machiavelli, is one of the most influential works on political power in Western
From 1498-1512 Machiavelli worked as a diplomat for the Republic of Florence, one of the most powerful Italian
city states. Working within the context of the politically volatile era of the Italian Renaissance allowed him to
examine firsthand the vast variety of leadership styles of the most powerful families of the time. In his dealings
with the Sforzas in Milan, the Borgias in Rome, the Trastámaras of Aragon (Spain), and the Valois in France he
was directly involved in the shifting alliances and political intrigue that dominated Western Europe. After the
government of Republic of Florence was taken over by Lorenzo de Medici, Machiavelli was imprisoned, tortured
and forced to retire from public life. He devoted the rest of his life to writing. His most lasting contribution by far
was The Prince in which he instructed rulers on the best way to govern. He used his many diplomatic
experiences to help shape his ideas and advice.
For your summer assignment you will read The Prince in its entirety and answer the questions on the
next page. Then you will process the advice Machiavelli gives and apply it to the modern political
All answers must be NEATLY HANDWRITTEN on a separate sheet of paper.
Part 1
Chapter 1
-All governments of men and States have been ruled two ways. What are those 2 ways?
Chapter 2
-Define each and briefly explain the difference between a Hereditary state and a New State?
-Which is easier to govern- Hereditary states or New states? Explain why.
Chapter 3
-Why is a mixed Princedom so hard to maintain?
- What are 2 things a Prince must do to maintain a newly acquired mixed state?
-“Men are either to be kindly treated or utterly crushed, since they can avenge lighter injuries, but not graver…”
What does this quote mean?
-What were Louis XII’s 5 blunders involving his campaign in the Italian States?
Chapter 4
-Which is harder to obtain- Sole Princeship or a Princedom with Barons (Absolute Rule)? Why?
-Which is harder to retain- Sole Princeship or a Princedom with Barons (Absolute Rule)? Why?
Chapter 5
-What are the 3 methods whereby a Princedom previously free should be governed/dealt with?
Chapter 6
-Does merit of a prince and fortune go hand in hand? Explain.
-Which is better- to attempt and carry out change by force or by treaty? Why?
Chapter 7
-What are the 4 things a new prince should do to maintain hold of his state?
Chapter 8
-What are the 2 ways a man can become a prince aside from merit or fortune?
-Explain the meaning of the following quote: “Injuries should be inflicted all at once, that their ill savour being
less lasting may the less offend; Whereas, benefits should be conferred little by little that so they may be more
Chapter 9
-What would make a noble elect one of their own to a level of Prince?
-Which is easier to run- a princedom granted by nobles or one by citizens? Why?
Chapter 10
-What is the most important question a Prince must answer as it pertains to his “Strength”?
Chapter 11
-What is the biggest benefit of an Ecclesiastical Princedom?
-What were the 2 Rules ALL of the Italian states agreed upon prior to the invasion of Charles? Why?
Chapter 12
-What are the 2 foundations of all States?
-What type of “Arms” is the best for a Prince to have in his state and why?
Chapter 13
-What does the story of “David and Goliath” impart about arms and troops?
-What was the French mistake made by Louis XI and why did this prove disastrous?
-Why is a Princedom without a Pure National army always living in danger?
Chapter 14
-What is the only true care a Prince should have? Why?
Chapter 15
-Why is it dangerous for a Prince to be all good or Not Good?
Chapter 16
-Should a Prince behave the same with what is his and what he acquires through conquest? Explain.
Chapter 17
-How should a prince be thought of as it pertains to mercy and cruelty?
-What lessons must a Prince learn as to being loved or feared?
Chapter 18
-Is it best for a Prince to be a Lion or a Fox? Explain
-Is it best for a Prince to BE good or just APPEAR to be good? Why?
Chapter 19
-How should a Prince avoid being Despised or hated?
Chapter 20
-What advantage does a Prince have in creating hostility against himself in part of his kingdom?
Chapter 21
-If a fight breaks out between 2 other Princes, what should a Prince do? Why?
Chapter 22
-How are princes judged by the company that they keep?
-What is the role of a Secretary/Servant of a Prince?
Chapter 23
-Who should a Prince listen to for advice?
-When and why should a Prince listen to anyone for advice?
Chapter 24
-Why did the Italians of the early 16th century lose their lands?
Chapter 25
-What is the role of Free will in a Princes Fate?
Chapter 26
-Who does Machiavelli say should lead the Italian revival?
Part 2 – Written Responses
Machiavelli wrote “The Prince” to advise rulers of the time- now you will do the same. For this portion of the
assignment you will consider what advice Machiavelli would give to world leaders who came after his time. You
will be required to write TWO responses. Each response should be 1-2 pages, with specific details from The Prince,
as well as specific details about the leader you have chosen to advise.
-In your first response you will choose ONE leader from your knowledge of world history (any leader, from
any time period, from any region)
-In your second response you will write Machiavellian advice to President Obama today
Your responses must make specific references to “The Prince” and include the chapter from which the advice was
found. Be sure to include at least 1 or 2 specific issues the world leader dealt with as well 1-2 specific current issues
that President Obama must deal with and how Machiavelli would instruct them to respond. Your responses are to
be handwritten only.
Time Management Plan
Take your time reading the book. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE END OF THE SUMMER. I would suggest
spacing the reading throughout the summer, reading a chapter at a time and answering the questions
that go with each chapter. Set due dates for yourself for each part of the assignment.
Make sure that your work is exclusively your own. Any evidence of plagiarism on this assignment or any
other assignment in the course will result in a grade of ZERO and disciplinary action for academic
Due Date: This project in its entirety is due on Friday September 5, 2014. Please staple all parts
together when you hand them in. This project will be graded and will count toward your first marking
If you have any questions about the project or the course you can email me at [email protected]. Also,
follow me on Twitter - @Msdoylerules14 (or click on the link on my website) to find updates and information
throughout the summer. Have a great summer and I am looking forward to seeing you in class in September!
-Ms. Doyle