Name: ______________________________________ Period: ____ 7 PRINCIPLES OF THE CONSTITUTION FINAL PRACTICE
DIRECTIONS: Analyze the quote or picture or symbol to identify which principle it shows and explain which how
you know in at least 1 complete sentence. Each principle will be used at least once, some may be used more.
INFORMATION: This information can be found on Pages 69, 70, and 72 in your journals.
Popular Sovereignty
Checks and Balances
Separation of Powers
Limited Government
Individual Rights
1. This picture shows __________________________
_____________. I think it represents ______________
____________________ because ________________
“In every free country, every power is
2. This quote is about __________________________
dangerous which is not bound up (limited) by _____________. I think it represents ______________
____________________ because ________________
general rules.”
-Thomas Jefferson ____________________________________________
Section 4 of Constitution: Guarantees to the States
The United States shall protect each state
against invasion; and on application of the
legislature, or of the executive (when the
legislature cannot be convened) against domestic
3. This quote is about ___________________________
_____________. I think it represents ______________
____________________ because ________________
4. This picture shows __________________________
_____________. I think it represents ______________
____________________ because ________________
5. This picture shows __________________________
_____________. I think it represents ______________
____________________ because ________________
If angels were to govern men, no controls on
government would be necessary. In framing a
government which is to be administered by men
over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must
first enable the government to control the governed;
6. According to the Madison, the difficulty in creating a
government is making it strong enough to control
_____________________ and second, it must be strong
enough to control __________________.
and in the next place oblige it [the government] to
control itself.
James Madison,
The Federalist Papers #51
(Administered: used
Governed: people/population
Oblige: force)
“The Union (United States) –may we all remember
that it can only be preserved by respecting the
rights of the states and distributing equally the
benefits and burdens of the Union.”
-John C. Calhoun
What principle makes sure the government stays within its
power (and doesn’t become a tyranny)?
___________________________________ 7. This quote is about ___________________________
_____________. I think it represents ______________
____________________ because ________________
8. This picture shows __________________________
_____________. I think it represents ______________
____________________ because ________________
VOTE VOTE VOTE ____________________________________________
What is the hint that always goes with this?
“The President announces that he will
veto the bill from Congress. Congress may
respond, however, with overriding the
presidential veto.”
9. This quote is about ___________________________
______________. I think it represents _______________
____________________ because __________________
10. This picture shows __________________________
_____________. I think it represents ______________
____________________ because ________________