University Master`s Degree in Arts and Cultural Management

University Master’s Degree
in Arts and Cultural
Official programme
Academic year 2015-2016
Aimed at
Work experience
Teaching staff
Barcelona campus
Admission process
Dal Verme Milano Theater - Francesco Ameli
Cultural Managers are multi-skilled and multi-disciplinary
professionals whose work is carried out right in the centre of
policies, institutions, and, above all, cultural projects. In fact, they
are key players in the inner workings of the cultural system.
Along with a rich cultural baggage and a special sensitivity
towards artistic creation, cultural managers have to have indepth knowledge about the work processes involved in the design,
production and dissemination of cultural products or services.
There are some elements shared between all of these, in other
words, certain procedures, systems and strategies which managers
use. These tools are key to the academic programme for this
Master’s course, since they set out the basic functions of cultural
managers in their professional environment. Further theoretical
material is added to this nucleus and the two pathways towards
specialisation- either visual arts and cultural heritage, or creative
cultural industries- provide a more in-depth look into the work
dynamic which is specific to each of these cultural sectors.
Centre responsible
Faculty of Humanities
Monday to Friday between 17:00 and 21:00
This Arts and Cultural Management study programme came into
existence in the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya in the year
2000 with the aim of providing students and professionals with
a comprehensive education in this field. This is based on three
key characteristics: a highly practical approach, an international
approach and a strong emphasis on entrepreneurship.
This programme is taught within the city of Barcelona, which has
a top class cultural provision and cultural projects which have an
impact at an international level. It is a cosmopolitan city in which
the cutting-edge, creativity and innovation coexist with a rich
artistic and cultural heritage, and this adds a unique character to
the city and its inhabitants.
Barcelona Campus
From October 2015 to July 2016
This Master’s programme is divided into two groups:
one group is taught in Spanish and the other is taught
exclusively in English.
This UIC’s Master’s Degree provides a comprehensive education in arts and cultural management. The objectives of the programme are set
out below:
1. To provide a theoretical reflection on culture in the 21st century as well as its social impact.
2. To raise awareness of those elements which make up cultural policy at local, national and international levels.
3. To teach students how to analyse the cultural fabric of a society and formulate diagnoses which identify both
needs and opportunities.
4. To teach students how to apply management tools to issues of finance and financial management, human
resources, marketing and communication, programming and cultural productions.
5.To promote personal skills in terms of entrepreneurship.
6.To raise awareness of the specific management of each cultural sector.
7.To teach students to evaluate cultural projects and programmes.
8.To help students become incorporated into professional practice.
9. To promote a sense of social responsibility and a commitment to ethics.
Aimed at
This Master’s course is aimed at university degree-holders (with or without work experience) who are interested in analysing the specific
problems involved in cultural management and receiving a comprehensive education which equips them to develop professionally within
the cultural sector. It is especially recommended for:
- Recent young graduates or those with little experience who would like to acquire specific knowledge about cultural management and
become incorporated into the labour market based on theoretical and practical training.
- Active professionals or those with various years of experience who would like to improve their education in some/any of the cultural
management fields, in terms of methodology and/or management processes.
This programme takes a highly practical approach. Theoretical presentations are combined with analysis and the discussion of practical
cases in the classroom. These classes are complemented with visits to cultural institutions and conference cycles given by experts in the
field. The content within the curriculum is taught by specialised lecturers/professors as well as professionals with experience in each of the
different areas of arts and cultural management.
The curriculum is divided into five modules: three of them correspond to the subjects providing the theoretical and practical framework of
the Master’s course and are divided into three terms, from October to July. In the third trimester students can choose between two different
pathways which correspond to two specialisations within the field of culture: Management of the visual arts and heritage (in Spanish) and
Management of creative cultural industries (in English).
The fourth and fifth modules are dedicated to professional work experience and the Master’s Final Project and will be undertaken throughout
the duration of the academic year.
Module 1: Theoretical-practical principles for the
cultural manager
First term (from October to December)
Module 2: Tools for cultural management
Second term (from January to March)
Society and culture in the 21st century
Funding for culture
Cultural institutions and policies
Cultural communication
Tools for managing culture
Cultural marketing
Legal aspects of arts management
Creation of cultural companies
Module 3: Analysis and management of cultural sectors · Third term (from April to July)
Pathway 1. Management of the visual arts and heritage
(in Spanish)
Pathway 2. Management of creative cultural industries
(in English)
Management of the visual arts
Publishing industry management
Management of cultural heritage
Audiovisual industry management
Management and curatorship of exhibitions
Performing arts management
Module 4
Module 5
Work placement in a cultural company or institution
Cultural project
Work experience programme
The work experience is one of the main cornerstones of the Master’s curriculum since it ensures that students are able to join cultural
companies or institutions, apply the knowledge they have acquired throughout the course, and develop professional competences which
are specific to cultural managers. There are currently more than 130 cultural entities collaborating on our work experience programme.
These work placements are awarded with a total of 12 credits which is equivalent to around 250 / 300 practical hours and they will be
carried out during the academic year or over the summer.
The cultural project involves creating a proposal for an innovative product, programme or cultural service which is viable and sustainable
to produce within the framework of today’s society. The project will be carried out throughout the duration of the academic year and
students will be advised by a team of tutors who are experts in designing and undertaking cultural projects.
Teaching staff
This Master’s course involves more than 20 lecturers and visiting lecturers/professors of many different nationalities (approximately 50%
of them are from abroad). The great majority of them are from different areas of public and private cultural management—heritage and
museum studies, performing arts and music etc.—, which means they are able to provide the tools necessary to carry out this profession
in highly diverse environments.
Oriol Aguilà (Spain)
Funding for culture
Mr Aguilà holds a MBA from ESADE.
He has been working in the Gran
Teatre del Liceu Foundation since
1996. Since 2005 he has been
the Director of Communication,
Marketing, Commercial Action and
Arts Patronage in this Foundation.
Between May 2009 and October 2010
he was the Director of Strategy and
Brands for the Catalan Corporation
of Audio-visual Media. Since October
2010 he has been the Director of the
Castell de Peralada Festival.
Mónica Amor (Spain)
Audiovisual industry management
Ms Amor has an MBA from the San
Pablo CEU University of Madrid, a
Master’s in Audiovisual Production
and a degree in Media Business
from the Complutense University of
Madrid. She is currently the Account
and Company Services Manager at
TV3, the Catalan TV network. Prior
to this she was Account Manager in
Activa Multimèdia Digital in charge of
various commercial projects.
Magda Anglès (Spain)
Cultural communication
Ms Anglès has a degree in
Humanities from Pompeu Fabra
University and has completed
additional courses at La Sorbonne
(Paris IV) and The London School of
Economics. After working as a copyeditor at Arquitectura Viva magazine,
she worked in the Publishing and
Communication Department at the
Joan Miró Foundation and at the
Centre for Contemporary Culture
of Barcelona, where she edited In
Favour of Public Space (CCCB &
Actar, 2010).
Jorge Bernárdez (Spain)
Performing arts management and
tutor of Cultural projects
MBA with a specialisation in
cultural organisations. He has
studied in Barcelona (Master’s
in Cultural Management, UB), in
London, (Music Management in
London City University) and also in
Montreal (Cultural Marketing in HEC
Montréal). More than 15 years of
experience in cultural organisations
(Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès, the
2004 Cultural Forum in Barcelona,
the Poble Espanyol).
Carme Cluselles (Spain)
Gestión y comisariado de
Ms Cluselles has a Bachelor’s degree
in Geography and History from the
Universitat de Barcelona. She also
has a Master’s degree in Cultural
Management from the Universitat de
Barcelona. She also holds a degree
in the Restoration and Conservation
of Cultural Property, from the School
of Arts&Crafts in the Diputación de
Barcelona. She is the Manager of the
Tomàs Balvey Museum-Archive, in
Cardedeu, Catalonia. Between 2008
and 2012, she was the Director of
Granollers Museum, in Catalonia.
Alba Colombo (Spain)
Cultural marketing
Dr Colombo is a lecturer at the
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and
at the Universidad Pompeu Fabra.
She is co-director of the ACCION
CULTURA editorial line and a lecturer
at various universities. Alba is an
expert in cultural marketing, cultural
industries, cultural economy and the
management of large events.
Diane Dodd (United Kingdom)
Cultural institutions and policies and
responsible for Cultural projects
Dr Diane Dodd is a researcher,
author, editor and consultant in the
field of international cultural policy.
She is currently employed by IFACCA
(International Federation of Arts
Councils and Cultural Agencies) as
their European Liaison Officer. She
also coordinates ConnectCP (an
international database on cultural
policy experts).
Jordi Durán (Spain)
Performing arts management
Mr Durán completed his education in
Art Direction and Dramaturgy in the
ESAD Theatre Institute in Barcelona
in 2003. Since then, he has worked as
a Production Assistant for workshops
in ESAD in 2001, as a Production
Office Coordinator for Espai Lliure.
He has been in charge of the Artistic
direction of the Dimitri Ialta theatre
company since 2008. He is currently
the Artistic Director of the Fira de
Teatre al Carrer in Tàrrega festival
Mohammed Elrazzaz (Egypt)
Tools for managing culture
Mr Elrazzaz (Cairo, Egypt) holds
a BA degree in Commerce /
Economics (Cairo University), a
diploma in Hispanic / Cultural
Studies (University of Granada) and
a Master’s in Cultural Management
(UIC, Barcelona). He has 10 years
of banking experience as Head of
International Investor Relations,
and 8 years of cultural promotion
experience. He is the founder and
mastermind of a cultural community.
He was awarded for his Cultural
Promotion work by UNESCO in 2008.
María Mut (Spain)
Legal aspects of arts management;
Dr Mut is a former scholar from the
Patronatge Català Pro Europa, and
is currently undertaking a PhD on
International Law at the UIC. She is
also a research fellow in the Institute
of Commonwealth Studies (University
of London) and a research assistant
in the Institut Carlemany - Institute
of European Studies (UIC).
Jordi Padró (Spain)
Patrimonio cultural
Mr Padró holds a BA in Geography
and History from the University de
Barcelona. He is a consultant in
heritage, museology and cultural
tourism. He is the founder and
director of STOA, propuestas
culturales y turísticas SL. He is
a lecturer on various courses,
undergraduate and graduate
seminars on culture and tourism
management and local development.
He has acted as a consultant for
various institutions on matters
related to cultural and tourism
policies, museum programming and
production, territorial revitalisation
projects and the interpretation of
cultural and natural resources.
Christoph Pasour (Germany)
Audiovisual industry management
Mr Pasour is a TV Producer who
holds a degree in Art History
and Media Studies from the Freie
Universität Berlin (Germany) and
also Edinburgh University (UK). He
was the project manager and curator
at the Museum for Cinematography
in Potsdam, Germany; commissioning
Editor in the film department of
the 3sat cultural television channel
He has acted as producer/author
of documentaries since 2005 for
production companies in Berlin,
Hamburg and Barcelona for
broadcasters such as ARTE, 3sat,
Antònia Maria Perelló (Spain)
Gestión de las artes visuales
Dr Perelló has a PhD in Art History
from the Universitat de Barcelona.
She is Chief Curator for the MACBA
collection. She has lectured on the
Master’s in Museology course at the
Universitat de Barcelona (1989-2006).
She has curated and authored books
and research articles in specialised
journals on art and architecture.
Alfons Puigarnau (Spain)
Society and culture in the 21st
Dr Puigarnau is graduated in
History of Art at the Universitat
de Barcelona with honors and got
his doctorate in 1999 with a thesis
on the analysis of the symbolism
in European culture. Since 2001
he is professor of Aesthetics at the
School of Architecture of Universitat
Internacional de Catalunya where
he runs the History of Culture
Department. His current research
is based on topics like the history of
city and urban culture in Western
societies, where globalisation is
rapidly changing identities, shapes
and scenographies. He is a member
of the International Federation for
Theatre Research as well as a scholar
of the International Society for
Neoplatonic Studies. Visiting scholar
at The Warburg Institute since 1995.
Currently publishes in academic
Journals and often lectures before
a wide range of audiences. Since
2011 he is the Editor in Chief of The
Vitrubusier Foundation Press, based
in the cities of Barcelona and New
Tomislav Rimac (Croatia)
Creation of cultural companies
Dr Rimac earned his Ph.D. in
Management from the IESE Business
School, University of Navarra, his
M.B.A. from the Joseph L. Rotman
School of Management, University of
Toronto, and his B.A.Sc. in electrical
engineering from the University
of Zagreb. His research focuses
on entrepreneurship directed at
social change. He has been a lead
researcher in Spain for two European
Commission financed FP7 framework
social entrepreneurship and social
innovation projects and has extensive
teaching experience, in English and
Spanish, at undergraduate, graduate
and EMBA levels at Autonomous
University of Barcelona, Pompeu
Fabra University and Stockholm
School of Economics. Prior to
entering academia, Tomislav held
managerial positions in Canadian
financial industry and IT and
engineering consulting sectors. Over
the years, he initiated a number of
social entrepreneurship initiatives
in Toronto where he co-founded
“All Through The House” a social
purpose enterprise initiative of the
“St. Christopher House” and “Rotman
Nexus” consulting, an M.B.A. studentrun consulting agency specializing in
not-for-profit and social enterprise
consulting at the University of
Carlos Rivadulla (Spain)
Legal aspects of arts management
Mr Rivadulla is a law graduate
from the UB. He holds a Master of
Laws (Intellectual Property) in the
Information Society (field of law)
from the UOC. He was formerly
an associate in Clifford Chance
in the department of Industrial
and Intellectual Property. He is
the elected spokesman for the
Intellectual Property and image
rights department in the Il·lustre
Col·legi d’Advocats de Barcelona
William Sinclair (United
Funding for culture
Mr Sinclair worked as an Arts Council
England supported Arts Development
Officer in the North of England
for 11 years. He attended the U.K.
National Arts Fundraising School.
He was the General Manager and
co-Artistic Director of a multi-media
performance company; he also
served on the board of Dance City
and as an adviser to the former Mime
Action Group and Northern Media’s
Independent Cinema Exhibition
Working Group.
Bianca Southwood (Australia)
Publishing industry management
Ms Southwood holds a BA (Hons)
in Applied Linguistics with French
and Russian from the University of
Brighton (UK) as well as Translation
and Interpreting and Machine
Translation at the London College
of Applied Linguistics. She has
worked as a freelance editor and
translator, collaborating with: Paidós
Ibérica, Destino, Columna, Grijalbo
Mondadori, NH Hotels (Premio Mario
Vargas Llosa NH de Relatos), TV3
(Sonygraf), FAD, the Teatre Nacional
de Catalunya and La Cubana.
Josep Torres (Spain)
Funding for culture
Dr Torres holds both a PhD and a
degree in Economics and Actuarial
Science. He has a Master’s in
Securities Markets and Derivatives.
He also holds a diploma in Business
Studies. Currently a lecturer
in management and finance in
universities and business schools,
he also acts as a financial and
business consultant and is a
member of advisory committees.
He has held management positions
in financial companies, insurance
companies, property agencies and
higher education institutions. He is
the correspondent academic at the
European Academy of Management
and Business Economics, a Board
member of the Instituto de Actuarios
Españoles (Institute of Spanish
Actuaries) and Secretary of the
Committee for the Evaluation of
Businesses in the Associació Catalana
de Comptabilitat i Direcció (Catalan
Association for Accounting and
Krzysztof Zanussi (Poland)
Audiovisual industry management
Mr Zanussi is a film, theatre and
opera producer and director. He
formerly held the post of vicepresident of the Association of Polish
Film-makers. He has been the
Director of the TOR Film Studio of
Warsaw since 1979. He is a member
of the Pontifical Council for Culture in
the Vatican.
Management team
Marta Crispí (Spain)
Director of the Master’s
Ms Crispi holds a degree in
Geography and History from
the UB. She has a PhD in
Art History from the UAB.
She has a Master’s degree
in Museum Studies from
the University of Alcalá de
Henares. She has taught in
the UAB, in the Universitat de
Girona and the UIC. She has
worked on various museum
and artistic heritage projects.
Consuela Dobrescu
Coordinator of the Master’s
Ms Dobrescu holds a degree
in Hispanic Studies and
English Studies from the
University of Bucharest
(Romania). She has a PhD
from the University of
Navarra. She has been the
Coordinator for the University
Master’s degree in Cultural
Management since October
2009, and coordinator of
Postgraduate studies in
Cultural Management in the
UIC since September 2010.
The Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC)
is a private non-profit institution promoted by
the Catalan Family Foundation.
The UIC has been serving society since 1997
by offering quality, comprehensive university
training and proamoting research based on the
principles of Christian humanism.
The UIC proposes a teaching model based on
academic excellence that is characterized by
teaching small classes and offering practical,
personalized instruction where the maximum
emphasis is on promoting key skills. The teaching
project has a strong international approach and
is implemented in close collaboration with the
professional world.
The university is equipped with the finest
technical resources and a large professional
team distributed on two campuses, one in
Barcelona (with two 13,000 m2 buildings in the
upper part of the city) and the other in Sant
Cugat (with more than 11,000 m2 of space at the
Hospital General de Catalunya), which means
that students are the leading players in every
day of university life. The UIC student body of
4,000 enjoys the following university services:
The UIC’s Barcelona Campus has two buildings
on Carrer Immaculada that hold the Rector’s
office, central services, the ESARQ School of
Architecture and the Faculties of Humanities,
Economic and Social Sciences, Communication
Sciences, and Legal and Political Sciences. The
campus also has two buildings on Carrer Terré
that hold the Faculty of Education.
Also on this campus is the Institute of
Advanced Family Studies (IESF) and the
Charlemagne Institute for European Studies
(ICEE). The campus boasts state-of-the-art
facilities for theory and practical classes.
There is also a main lecture hall with room
for 400 people, Digital Media Studios, which
has a television studio, a model workshop for
the ESARQ School of Architecture, a selfaccess language lab, computer rooms and
multipurpose work rooms.
• Accommodation and scholarships
• Sports
• International relations
• Library
• Languages
• Information technology
• Professional strategies
• Alumni Association
• University Dental Clinic
• Chaplaincy
• Solidarity
Admissions process, funding programmes, discounts and grants
Access routes
Admission procedure
Anyone who fulfils one of the following
requirements can apply for admission to
this Master’s programme:
1. Fill in the admission application form, which is available to download from the webpage
of this Master’s programme.
• That they are the holder of an official
Spanish university qualification or
another one issued by a higher education
institution in the European Higher
Education Area, which allows the holder
in the country of issue to gain entrance
to a Master’s Degree programme.
• That they are the holder of qualifications
from education systems outside the
European Higher Education Area but
will be able to gain admission without
requiring their qualification to be
officially recognised. This is possible
as long as the UIC is able to check that
they have a level of education which
is equivalent to the corresponding
official Spanish university qualifications
which would allow them to access
postgraduate studies in the country of
• Under no circumstances will admission
through this route include official
recognition of the prior qualifications of
the interested party, nor their recognition
for any purpose other than that of
gaining entrance to Master’s Degree
2. Admission will take place once you have provided/undertaken the following
• A copy of your university transcript/record.
• A letter of motivation.
• A copy of your CV (professional experience is not required, however it will be valued).
• The result of your written test.
• A personal interview.
3. Provide the Admissions and Information Service on the Barcelona campus with the
following documentation (see access routes and contact details):
Students with official Spanish qualifications
• An attested original copy of your university qualification or the document demonstrating
that the qualification has been officially recognised, or an original attested copy of the
receipt for payment of the fees for the issue of this qualification.
• An attested original copy of your academic transcript containing all the marks from the
university courses you completed.
Students with an official foreign university qualification
• A legally authenticated original photocopy of your university degree certificate.
• A legally authenticated original photocopy of your academic transcript including the
marks you have achieved from the university courses completed.
• A certificate issued by the university of origin which indicates that this qualification
entitles the holder to undertake postgraduate studies in the country in which it was
In all cases
• Two passport-sized photographs.
• A photocopy of your passport or National Identity Card.
• A recently updated copy of your CV.
• A letter of motivation.
• A legally authenticated photocopy of other university qualifications, including any
postgraduate studies.
• If the original language of the documentation is not Spanish, an original sworn
translation into Spanish of the degree certificate and transcript will be required.
We do everything we can do to attract the best talent
Course reservation and enrolment
The UIC has agreements with different financial institutions to
help students finance their studies under highly advantageous
conditions. A number of public and private organizations also
offer scholarships and study grants. Ask for information.
• Candidates accepted into this Master’s programme will be
contacted by email and by post.
• Your place in the programme can be effectively reserved by
depositing the stipulated amount for the programme no later
than five days after receipt of the letter informing you that you
have been admitted to the programme. The amount deposited
will be subtracted from the total amount due for the programme.
• Once the reservation fee has been paid, if the student does not
meet the course prerequisites as determined by state legislature
or autonomous regulations, does not hold the required degree or
does not effectively register, the UIC will refund the reservation
fee in full.
• If after paying the deposit the student should choose of his own
volition not to pursue the course of studies, the Universitat
Internacional de Catalunya shall become owner, with no
obligation to refund, of the entire amount received as a deposit
on the place as compensation for the damages caused.
• If the student does not pay the reservation fee within the time
period indicated, it will be understood that he or she is no longer
interested in accepting the place in the course, and the UIC will
cancel his or her spot, rendering the corresponding application
null and void.
The registration period will be communicated to the people
admitted who have reserved their place once all the anticipated
places in the programme have been assigned. After official
registration, you will have 10 calendar days to make a single
payment of the outstanding amount due.
Financial Aid and Discounts
The UIC has agreements with various banking institutions to
facilitate course financing under preferential conditions.
Members of the Alumni Association are entitled to a 5% discount.
More information
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Master 2.0
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Information and Admissions:
Campus Barcelona · Immaculada, 22
08017 Barcelona · Tel. (+34) 932 541 800
[email protected] ·
The data contained in this document are for the purpose of information. Their validity should be checked when registration is formalized.