VCR Lesson 3 Exercises.docx

Vocabulary from Classical Roots
Lesson 3 Exercises
Circle the letter of the best ANTONYM.
Circle the letter of the best SYNONYM.
1. their patronage of the arts
a. support for
b. opposition to
c. advertisement of
d. festival of
e. interest in
5. hatched in a high-protein matrix
a. environment
b. bottle
c. substitute
d. progeny
e. gas
2. to fraternize with the enemies
a. trade
b. talk
c. refuse to socialize
d. become brothers
e. make peace
6. the patriarch of the village
a. leader
b. progenitor
c. patriot
d. teacher
e. patron
3. the uxorious husband
a. overbearing
b. supportive
c. humane
d. monogamous
e. faithful
7. anticipated their matriculation
a. grades
b. suspension
c. awards
d. enrollment
e. arrival
4. a patronizing remark
a. familiar
b. flattering
c. scornful
d. charming
e. misanthropic
Circle the letter of the sentence in which the word in bold-faced type is used incorrectly.
a. Isabel Archer receives from an uncle a large patrimony that enables her to live and travel
b. After paying their father’s debts, no patrimony remained for the brothers.
c. The crew gave a patrimonial dinner to honor their retiring leader.
d. As the only heir, Eleanor of Aquitaine received a patrimony surpassing many kingdoms.
a. A precocious student, she matriculated at the university when she was fifteen.
b. Water can be purified by matriculation through a series of filters.
c. You cannot check out books from the college library until you have matriculated.
d. Because of his illness during the autumn, he postponed matriculating until the second
a. Although Elizabeth I of England had many suitors, she never married, and remained a
monogamist all her life.
b. Unlike the swan, who keeps one mate for life, most animals are not monogamous.
c. “Serial monogamy” is having several mates but one at a time.
d. Although divorce was easily and frequently obtained, ancient Roman society was
a. At Thanksgiving we all visit Grandma, the family matriarch.
b. I could imagine an energetic woman like her as a leader in the matriarchy.
c. Although men held the positions of leadership, the tribe was considered matriarchal.
d. Catherine the Great rode to her coronation in a gilded matriarch.
a. The familial tune reminded us of college football teams.
b. She shared with her brothers the familial trait of cheerfulness.
c. Although a demanding executive, in familial matters she is patient and accepting.
d. Few strangers are privileged to enter Spanish familial circles.
a. The bigamist was prosecuted when both his wives filed the suit against him.
b. In Tibet, bigamy is allowed only when a man marries his brother’s widow.
c. According to a new Marriage Law, bigamy was prohibited.
d. Before they stood upright, bigamists moved on four legs.
a. The crystals were found in a granite matrix.
b. The diverse cultural matrix of Constantinople, situated between Europe and Asia, gave rise to
a new architectural style that combined both influences.
c. Some anthropologists believe that the matrix of human evolution was East Africa.
d. Only a strong matrix like Aunt Martha could have held the family together.
a. Lavransdatter is a Norwegian patronymic that means “the daughter of Lavran.”
b. Names like Fitzpatrick and Fitzgerald are patronymics derived from the French word fils,
which means “son.”
c. She squandered her entire patronymic on the stock market.
d. Russian names include a first name, a patronymic, and a family name.
a. Fraternize yourself with the rules before you attempt to play chess.
b. The faculty seldom fraternized with the students.
c. During World War II the French underground gained military information by fraternizing
with German soldiers.
d. All the tourist’s efforts to fraternize with the villagers ended in rejection.
a. We seldom patronize this store because the clerks are very rude.
b. The seniors have a patronizing attitude toward all freshmen.
c. If you can’t patronize this candidate's views, don’t support her.
d. She never patronizes restaurants where smoking is permitted.
a. He was insulted by her patronage, especially her references to his “low origins.”
b. Public television stations depend financially on the patronage of the viewers.
c. Upon retirement, Dr. Wong sold both her office and patronage to the young dentist.
d. The patronage of the Mellon family has enabled the art museum to make major purchases.
a. He took an avuncular interest in the neighbor’s children.
b. An avuncular infection can cause deafness.
c. Avuncular affection led him to make his niece his heir.
d. Letting me stay up late and eat lots of chocolate were avuncular indulgences both my uncle
and I enjoyed.
Fill in each blank with the most appropriate word from Lesson 3. Use a word or any of its forms
only once.
1. Walter Mitty was so _________________________ that he couldn’t buy puppy biscuits without
consulting his wife.
2. Although they were not wealthy, her parents left her a rich _________________________ by giving
her a fine education.
3. Showing us photographs from her childhood, Grandmother pointed out the distinctive
_________________________ resemblance among her cousins.
4. After Uncle Nick died, I realized how much I depended on his _________________________
5. In the movie, the deceitful _________________________ maintained a wife, two children, and a dog
in two different cities.
6. Although permitted several wives by Chinese law, the emperor chose to remain
_________________________ out of devotion to his first wife.
7. Although unrelated, the foster brothers developed a strong _________________________ bond.