Collectors and donors of Cinchona

Collectors and donors of Cinchona
Botanists and plant collectors
Burck, W. Dr
 Dutch botanist. At the Botanic Gardens, Buitenzorg, Java 1881-1902.
Dawe, Morley Thomas 1880-1943
 Agricultural adviser, Colombia 1915-20. Tropical botanist working for several
colonial agricultural services.
Elwes, Henry John 1846-1922
 Naturalist and traveller.
Gamble, James Sykes 1847-1925
 Indian Forest Service 1871-79; Director, Forestry School, Dehra Dun, 1890-99.
Hartweg, Carl Theodor 1812-71
 Plant collector in Latin America.
Hay, Dr Alfred 1866-1932
 Professor of Electrical Technology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 1908-23.
Amateur naturalist who built up small collection of Indian timbers.
Henderson, Dr George 1836-1929
 Director, Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta, 1872. MD, Aberdeen; Professor of
Surgery, Lahore University. Medical officer and botanist to Lahore-Yarkand
expedition 1870; plants sent to Kew.
Hermessen, JL
 Traveller in Ecuadorian Andes, 1917.
Holland, John Henry 1869-1950
 Kew gardener. Curator, Botanic Station, Old Calabar, Nigeria 1896-1901. Assistant,
Kew Museums, 1901-34.
Karsten, Hermann 1817-1908
 Botanist in Berlin and Vienna. Collected widely in south America, particularly
Colombia 1844-56.
King, Sir George 1840-1909
 MB Aberdeen 1865. Superintendent of the Calcutta Botanic Gardens and of the
Cinchona cultivation in Bengal 1871-1898. Director, Botanical Survey of India 189198.
Ledger, Charles 1818-1905
 Peru-based trader in cinchona bark. Collected Cinchona seeds from Mamani, his
assistant, in 1865.
Lehmann, Friedrich Carl 1850-1903
 Botanist collecting in Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Guatemala.
Markham, Sir Clements Robert 1830-1916
 Geographer and colonial official. At India Office 1854-1877; co-ordinated search for
cinchona plants.
Pavón JimÃnez, Josà Antonio
 1754-1840
 Spanish botanist and explorer; collected extensively in Peru with Hipólito Ruiz
Lopez 1778-88. Substantial parts of Ruiz & Pavon’s collections were sold by the
Restrepo, Josà Manuel
 1781-1863
 Probably the botanist in Colombia.
Ruiz Lopez, Hipólito
 1754-1815
 Spanish botanist and explorer; collected extensively in Peru with Josà Antonio
Pavón JimÃnez 1778-88. Substantial parts of Ruiz & Pavon’s collections were sold
by the collectors.
Rusby, Henry Hurd 1855-1940
 Collected plants in South America 1885-6, 1896. Professor of botany at New York
College of Pharmacy.
Spruce, Richard 1817-1893
 Plant collector in Latin America 1849-67. In 1859 he was commissioned by the India
Office to collect cinchona in Peru.
Thiselton-Dyer, Sir William Turner 1843-1928
 Assistant Director, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (1875-85); Director (1885-1905).
Trimen, Henry 1843-1896
 Director, Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya 1879-1895. Graduated MB London 1865.
Botanist, Natural History Museum 1869-79.
Vriese, Willem Hendrik de 1806-1862
 Travelled in Dutch East Indies 1858-1861. Physician, Professor of botany in
Amsterdam and Leiden.
Weddell, Hugh Algernon 1819-1877
 1819-1877. Physician and botanist, resident in France. Travelled in South America
1843-8; collected Cinchona in Bolivia 1853.
Importers, manufacturers, wholesalers
Amsterdam Sales
 Commercial sales in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Bergen, Heinrich von
 Droguerie-Makler (drug-broker) at Hamburg.
 Nottingham-based pharmaceutical manufacturer and retailer, established 1883.
British Drug Houses
 “Formed by the amalgamation of six British pharmaceutical companies in 1909;
absorbed into Glaxo in 1968.”
Burroughs Wellcome & Co
 Pharmaceutical manufacturer 1880-, merged with Glaxo 1995.
Castello, Edmund Frances
 Merchant? Resident in Bogota, then Paris.
Chantre C
 Merchant? Sent a letter to the Royal Geographical Society in 1876, on behalf of Geog.
Soc. of Lyons, on any information aiding a study of possibility of opening up
commercial route by rail or road from Algeria to Senegal. In view of the diversity of
material sent to Kew, probably a merchant.
Christy & Co. [Thomas Christy & Co.]
 Pharmaceutical Manuafacturer, London, 19th-20th centuries.
Cresswell, Messrs
 Possibly Cresswell Bros, importers, of 1 Red Lion Square
Davy Hill & Son
 Wholesale druggist, Southwark, London. Formed by the amalgamation of several
companies, taking this name in 1896. From 1909 part of British Drug Houses.
Drew & Co
Not traced. Merchant?
Ellis & Hale
 Drug & colonial brokers, London.
Godfrey & Cooke
 Pharmacy, London. Established 1680; purchased by Savory & Moore in 1916.
Harrison & Self
 Analytical chemist, London
Hearon, Squire and Francis
 Wholesale druggists, London, since 1650. From 1909 part of British Drug Houses.
Herrings’ & Co
 Wholesale druggist, London
 Possibly Hodgkinson, Clark & Ward, pharmaceutical manufacturer. From 1909 part
of British Drug Houses.
Isaac & Samuel, Messrs.
 Not traced. Merchant?
Jenkins & Phillips
 Not traced. Merchant?
Lewis & Peat
 Colonial broker, London.
London Docks
 Commercial sales in London.
London Sale
 Commercial sales in London.
Mackey, Mackey & Co
 Merchant, London.
Schrempft & Co
 General merchant, Liverpool.
Shand, Haldane & Co.
 Colonial merchant, London.
Southall & Co
 Probably Southall Bros. & Barclay, Pharmaceutical manufacturer, Birmingham.
Whiffen, Thomas
 Pharmaceutical manufacturer, London, 1819-1904.
Wright Layman & Umney
 Wholesale druggist & manufacturer; took this name from 1876. Made “Wright's Coal
Tar Soap”.
International exhibitions
Amsterdam Exhibition 1883 [Internationale Koloniale en Untvoerhandel Tentoonstellung]
 World’s Fair held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, May-November 1883.
Anderson, Major, Commissioner
 British Empire Exhibition, Tanganyika [now Tanzania] Court
 The Exhibition was held at Wembley, London, in 1924.
Colonial & Indian Exhibition
 The Exhibition was held at South Kensington, London, in 1886.
Colonial & Indian Exhibition, Ceylon Commission
Colonial & Indian Exhibition, Fiji Commission
Colonial & Indian Exhibition, West Indian Commission
Paris Exhibition 1878 [Exposition Universelle]
World’s Fair.
Paris Exhibition 1878, Java Department
Gardens and gardeners
Batcock, George c. 1838-?
 Kew gardener. Engaged as assistant to McIvor at Ootacamund, 1861.
Birschel, FW fl. 1850s
 Born Germany, died Liverpool. Kew gardener 1852-3; collected plants in Caracas
1854; Curator, Liverpool Botanic Garden 1858. Possibly the John W Birschel,
Liverpool gardener in the 1861 census, aged 30.
Botanic Gardens Victoria
 Now the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne, Australia. Established in 1846, directed
by Ferdinand von Mueller from 1857-1873.
Cross, Robert Mackenzie 1836-1911
 Kew gardener 1857; to Ecuador for Cinhona 1859; to Brazil for Hevea 1876.
Gammie, James Alexander 1839-1924
 Kew gardener 1861. Manager, Cinchona plantation, Sikkim 1865; Deputy
Superintendent, Cinchona Dept. to 1897. From 1879 working with Mr C.H. Wood on
extraction of alkaloids.
Glenlyon Estate
 Plantation in Sri Lanka. No further information.
Glenmorgan Plantation
 Tea plantation in Nilgiris, 25km NW of Ooty.
Henfold Estate
 Tea plantation near Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka.
Mayfield Estate
 Tea plantation in Nilgiris.
McIvor, William Graham c. 1825-1876
 Superintendent, Government Gardens, Ootacamund.
Morris, Sir Daniel 1844-1933
 Assistant Director, Botanic Gardens, Ceylon 1877; Director, Botanical Department,
Jamaica 1879-1886. Assistant Director, Kew, 1886-.
Ormidale Estate
 Maskelyia, Sri Lanka.
St. Andrew’s Estate
 Near Maskeliya, Sri Lanka.
Thomson, Robert 1840-1908
 Kew gardener 1862. Botanic Gardens, Castleton, Jamaica 1862-79.
Institutions and their staff
Amani Research Institute, Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyika)
 Founded by the German colonial government c. 1902; continued as agricultural
research centre under British Mandate 1918-1961. Now a nature reserve. Worked on
cultivation ofCinchona pubescens in First World War.
Anderson, Dr Thomas 1832-1870
 MD, Edinburgh University 1853; entered Bengal Medical Service 1854.
Superintendant, Calcutta Botanic Garden 1861-68 (acting, from 1860). Went to Java
in 1861 to collect plants and seeds of Cinchona calisaya (yellow bark tree) for
plantations in India; he established this species in Darjeeling. His early death may
have been as a result of malaria contracted during his work on cinchona: “He
managed the first cinchona plantations, but the results were disappointing and
his Reports tell how, step by step, success was won. He was often on horseback for
ten or twelve hours in the day, going from warm tropical valleys up to Darjeeling,
which he would reach chilled and exhausted.” (Curtis’s Botanical Magazine)
Department of Agriculture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyika)
Government Central Museum, Madras
 Major museum in Madras (modern day Chennai), founded 1851. Herbarium moved in
1957 to Botanical Survey of India, Southern Circle, at Tamil Nadu Agricultural
Imperial Institute
 Established in 1887 in South Kensington, London, carried out research into tropical
India Office
 London office for administration of India 1858-1947.
Jackson, John Reader
 1837-1920. Curator, then Keeper, Museum of Economic Botany, Kew 1858-1901.
Pharmacologists, quinologists and analytical chemists
Bentley, Prof. Robert 1821-1893
 Professor of Botany at King’s College London 1859-. Editor of the Pharmaceutical
Greenish, Henry George 1855-1933
 Professor of Pharmaceutics to the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.
Guibourt, Nicolas Jean Baptiste Guillaume 1790-1867
 Pharmacologist at Ecole de Pharmacie, Paris.
Hanbury, Daniel 1825-1875
 Pharmacologist, partner in the pharmacy of Allen and Hanbury’s, and active at the
Pharmaceutical Society.
Howard, David Lloyd 1866-1939
Howard, EM
Howard, John Eliot 1807-1883
 Quinologist, trained by his father Luke Howard in the laboratory of Howards and
Sons. From 1852 onwards published many analyses of cinchona barks, including
historical material (Ruiz & Pavon), wild cinchona from the London Docks, and barks
from experimental plantations in India. Also a keen botanist, who grew cinchona trees
in a greenhouse at his home in north London. A ’sleeping partner’ in Howards and
Howards & Sons
 Pharmaceutical manufacturer established 1797; Stratford factory operated 1805-1898,
then at Ilford until 1975. Manufactured quinine alkaloids on a large scale from 1823
Maton, William George
 1774-1835. Physician and naturalist.
Mialhe, Prof Louis
 1807-1886. Pharmacologist, Paris.
Pelletier, [Pierre] Joseph 1788-1842
 Pharmacist and chemist in Paris. Working with Caventou, isolated quinine and
cinchonine from cinchona bark in 1820. Pelletier then established a quinine extraction
factory in Paris.
Pereira, Jonathan
1804-1853. Pharmacologist, and physician at the London Hospital. Curator of the
museum of the Royal College of Physicians. In 1851 he presented his collection of
specimens to the Pharmaceutical Society.
Reichels, C.F.
 “Reichel, apothecary at Hohenstein, in Saxony, who himself possesses one of the
richest collections of Cinchona in Germany”
Vry, Johan Eliza de [also Vrij, Johan Eliza de] 1813-1898
 Pharmacologist and quinologist, Netherlands.
Not traced
Apothretric, H
Buchanan, TJ
Cox, Captain
Dickson, AW
Dobbins, Edward J
Downward, Miss MG
Hesse, C.
Hill, AS
Jervis, WR
Lopez, M.
Martiquic Algisticsi
Meek, H.G.
Paul, Dr
Rogers, F.M.
Rose, BJ