Thoreau Live Deliberately Essay Contest

Thoreau Live Deliberately Essay Contest
2013 Essay Question
“I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability
of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.” - Henry David Thoreau,
How do you make a difference? In 500 words or fewer, consider your conscious
Submit your essay using this online form by Friday, November 15, 2013.
You might also be interested in reading essays from previous years. See past winners!
Contest Guidelines
Submission: Essays should be submitted using the online form only. Please do not email
or mail entries. Each student can enter only one essay for each contest deadline. Students
or their adult sponsor (see below) can submit the essay.
Deadline: Essays must be submitted by November 15, 2013. The teacher/sponsor of
student winners will be notified by email and/or phone.
Length: Essays should be no longer than 500 words.
Eligibility: The contest is open to students around the world. Any student enrolled in a
public or private school or college in the United States or another country may
participate. Home school students are also welcome. Students must be age 13 years or
older at the time of submission. Past winners are not eligible to participate.
Adult Sponsor: Each student must have a teacher, club advisor, parent, or other adult
sponsor. The sponsor will serve as the contact between World Wide Waldens and the
student. He or she should also review the student's essay before submission to ensure that
it meets essay guidelines.
Essays should be written in English and represent the student's original work. Students
are welcome to write the essay in their own language but it must be translated into
English for submission. The teacher/sponsor can provide pre-writing activities and
appropriate review, editing, and translation support. The ideas, content, structure and
style of the actual essay should come from the student alone.
Teachers interested in having a whole class or all classes participate are encouraged to
select and submit only the two best essays per class period.
Winners: A panel of reviewers selected by the Walden Woods Project will judge entries
and pick one winner each from three age categories: 13-15 yrs, 16-18 yrs, and 19-21
yrs. Winning essays will be featured on the World Wide Walden website along with a
profile and picture of the student. Winning students will also receive a special certificate
from The Walden Woods Project acknowledging their achievement and a
special autographed copy of Walden.
Evaluation Criteria: Essays will be evaluated using the following criteria:
1) Focus and Organization: The essay clearly addresses the contest question or topic
and is well-structured. Key points and ideas stand out.
2) Voice and Originality: The essay is compelling and uses a highly engaging and
personal style. The student finds fresh or interesting ways to convey ideas.
3) Evidence of Personal Reflection: The essay shows that the student has genuinely
explored the topic and how it relates to his or her own life, beliefs, and actions.
Tips & Suggestions
1. Make the essay personal. Make a personal statement or tell a story that provides insight
into your own experiences and views. Use the pronoun "I".
2. Use "talk it out" or "rapid free write" activities to spark ideas. Pretend a journalist or
interviewer has asked you to comment on the essay topic. Respond out loud, off the top
of your head. Record your response or have a friend take notes about what you said.
Alternatively, give yourself five minutes to write a response. Don't stop to edit yourself.
Just write. Analyze your response. What worked? What didn't? Were there any
particularly strong points or angles? Repeat the activity. This time, deliberately change
your approach (try to answer the question a different way).
3. Try an idea web or mapping brainstorm activity. Use a graphic organizer or make your
own. Draw a circle or bubble at the center of a piece of paper. Write 1-3 words that
capture the essay topic or theme inside the bubble. Think about words, ideas, memories
associated with the theme. Write each in other bubbles surrounding the one in the center.
4. Visit the Read Thoreau section of the World Wide Waldens site for inspiration. Read and
discuss excerpts from Thoreau's Walden.
5. Browse the This I Believe website for examples of great essays. This I Believe is wellknown essay program that presents amazing personal statements and stories written by a
wide variety of people, including students.